Facial peeling milk. Approximate prices for the procedure of peeling with lactic acid. How is the procedure

Milk is one of the healthiest foods for the body. It contains a set of microelements, proteins, fats and carbohydrates necessary for growth, development and restoration. The use of dairy products in cosmetology has been known since time immemorial. Mentions of this are found in chronicles, legends, frescoes, clay tablets. IN modern world to replace the old methods - masks of sour cream and kefir, came new method- peeling with lactic acid.

What is milk peeling for the face?

Milk peeling for the face is simple and effective method cleansing, restoring, moisturizing, renewing and whitening the skin. It is known for its gentle action, which makes it available for use in people with hypersensitivity and a tendency to allergic reactions, unlike other types of peeling:,.

How does lactic acid chemical peel work on the skin?

Lactic acid, obtained by the complex enzymatic breakdown of glucose, is an organic acid well tolerated by the body. Despite the fact that the active substance penetrates deep enough, no adverse reactions are noted.

This acid is natural, unlike other synthetic products. In the human body, it is involved in carbohydrate metabolism and is part of the moisturizing factor. The influence on the microflora of the body is carried out due to acidification, it is especially effective for combating anaerobic bacteria and yeast fungi.

Lactic acid allows you to lighten the skin by reducing the synthesis of melanin and redistributing its granules in the cells of the surface layer. It exfoliates and gently removes dead skin cells, stimulates the synthesis of collagen and elastin by skin fibroblasts, has a weak antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect, improves facial skin microcirculation, and improves its tone.

What are the indications for milk peeling?

Milk peeling for the face is carried out in the following cases:

  1. Increased dryness of the skin, peeling. This method allows you to eliminate dead cells of the epidermis, start the processes of skin renewal and restoration, as well as moisturize the skin due to the oxidative ability of lactic acid, which normalizes metabolic processes in the dermis and retain moisture.
  2. Acne (acne). A noticeable effect is achieved due to the mild antiseptic and anti-inflammatory action of the components. In addition, lactic acid gently affects skin cells, reducing the production of sebum, opens the excretory ducts. sebaceous glands, expands the pores. However, if acne appears constantly or there is an extensive acne, it is necessary to consult a dermatologist before the procedure.
  3. Freckles, increased pigmentation. The method allows you to lighten the skin, reducing the synthesis of excess melanin, evenly distributes its granules in the skin cells. In some cases, to get desired result it is necessary to repeat the procedure several times.
  4. Wrinkles, skin laxity. Especially effective is the use of milk peeling for women under 40 years old. This is due to the fact that small mimic wrinkles are easily smoothed due to increased production of elastin and collagen by fibroblasts, activated by exposure to lactic acid.
  5. Signs of fatigue, dehydration. The method allows you to restore skin tone, gives well-groomed appearance due to the fact that lactic acid is one of the components natural factor moisture.
  6. Photoaging. excessive ultraviolet radiation negatively affects the skin of open surfaces of the body, creates ideal conditions for development early wrinkles. Milk peeling allows you to refresh the skin, activate antioxidant defense mechanisms, and resist premature aging.
  7. As a preparation for more serious cosmetic procedures as an element of complex therapy.

Important! Milk peeling does not eliminate gross changes, old scars, deep wrinkles, extensive pigmentary disorders. Does not affect the size and shape birthmarks. This cosmetic procedure can be applied to persons with dark skin, hyperpigmentation after peeling in this case is not observed.

This peeling can be done on almost all skin types, while glycolic-milk peeling is not recommended for people with a tendency to allergic reactions.

8 cases when milk peeling is contraindicated

As with any procedure, there are contraindications to milk peeling. These include:

  1. Neoplasms of the skin of the face. Papillomas, moles or any tumor processes are the main contraindications for peeling, since even a slight impact can lead to malignant degeneration of cells or be the cause of the spread and growth of a neoplasm.
  2. Herpetic eruptions. You should wait for a full recovery before carrying out the procedure, as herpes tends to progress, affecting areas of healthy skin.
  3. Pregnancy. The use of milk peeling during pregnancy is not recommended. It is not necessary to carry out this procedure during lactation, as there is a high risk of penetration of the active substance into mother's milk.
  4. Diabetes mellitus, diseases of the blood system. Increased fragility of capillaries, clotting disorders, a tendency to the appearance of extensive hemorrhages can cause the formation of subcutaneous hematomas and long-term non-healing wounds in the area of ​​cosmetic interventions.
  5. Wounds, abrasions, integrity violations skin. Exposure to lactic acid can provoke the development of inflammatory reactions in the areas of damage, which leads to the absence of active primary epithelialization and the formation of scars in the future.
  6. Application of some medicines(antibiotics, retinoids) with side effect in the form of a change in the photosensitivity of the skin.
  7. Acute respiratory viral infection. Colds are also a contraindication to peeling, since a weakened body can respond to any exposure with an atypical reaction.
  8. Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug (both to the active substance and to the auxiliary), manifested by severe dermatitis, allergic reactions.

Persons with a fresh tan should only peel after two to three weeks, when the amount of melanin in the surface layers of the dermis decreases. Usually by this time the tan begins to fade, and holding cosmetic procedures becomes the most efficient. In addition, the exfoliated layer opens the skin overdried by ultraviolet rays, which has a beneficial effect on lactic acid, restoring its elasticity and additional moisture.

How is lactic acid peeling performed in cosmetology?

Peeling with lactic acid is carried out in courses several times a year. The number of sessions is determined individually, their duration ranges from 20 to 35 minutes on average. pain during and after the procedure is practically not observed. The protocol of the procedure in almost all beauty salons the same:

  1. The cosmetologist carefully washes and processes his hands.
  2. On the skin of a woman's face, with the exception of the eye area, a special composition is applied that cleanses the skin, make-up removal is carried out. Excess is removed with napkins.
  3. Then a special product containing lactic acid is used (milk peeling is performed).
  4. At the end, use compositions that stimulate the restoration and regeneration of the skin, special creams. Carrying out this stage is mandatory, since, regardless of the type of skin and the depth of exposure, small imperceptible violations of the integrity of the skin can form.

Important! The percentage of the active substance in the composition cosmetic product can reach 30-35%. The higher the proportion of lactic acid in the product, the less time this step takes.

Can lactic acid peeling be done at home?

Despite the fact that there are most funds that can be bought already in ready-made, and the recipe that allows you to prepare the composition is simple enough to make it at home, you should remember about high risk development of a chemical burn, therefore, a qualified cosmetologist should still carry out the procedure.

Important! If you decide to perform milk peeling at home on your own, then the proportion of the active ingredient in the product that you are going to use should not exceed 15%. The appearance of any unwanted effects(redness, peeling, itching, swelling, blistering, wounds, rashes) after peeling is a reason to immediately contact a dermatologist.

Is it possible to do milk peeling in summer?

The procedure can be carried out at any time of the year. If peeling is carried out in the summer, increased skin peeling often occurs, which is eliminated with special cosmetic creams. In addition, it is necessary for a week or two to give up beaches, walks under the sun. As additional funds a light layer of sunscreen should be applied.

Milk peeling for the face: real reviews

Recently I did a salon peeling with lactic acid. The master took a large dose of acid concentration (90%) - this is the maximum. She explained this by the fact that I have strong pigmentation and the first mimic wrinkles, as well as traces of acne. For maximum effect recommended to do the procedure once a month, each time reducing the concentration.

To evaluate the effectiveness of the procedure, I will attach my photos before and after milk peeling:

In principle, I see the result after the first procedure. The first two days after peeling there was a slight tingling sensation, then it disappeared. But it's worth it! I will definitely go again in a month.

Milk facial peeling refers to chemical methods of skin cleansing. The exfoliant is based on concentrated lactic acid. Unlike other acids, the milk ingredient is already present in a small amount in the human body, therefore it is perceived by it as a natural and natural substance, without causing complications and unpleasant consequences. A sufficient portion of the acid is found in fermented milk products, with their help you can perform a simple milk peeling at home.

Lactic acid in cosmetology

Modern cosmetology offers clients a wide range of cosmetic procedures to improve skin quality and appearance. Facial peeling with lactic acid occupies a separate niche in this assortment. The fact is that the exfoliant used is partially present in the human body, therefore it does not cause rejection and unpleasant consequences, like other acids.

It is worth noting, along with the safety of peeling, its effectiveness. The procedure allows you to eliminate significant skin problems in several sessions, normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, accelerate the processes of the epidermis at the cellular level and positively affect the synthesis of your own collagen. A course of peelings will restore strength and energy to the skin to fight aging processes, smooth out existing imperfections and provide intense hydration covers.

The optimal age for milk peeling is 35 years. The course of procedures, their frequency is determined only by a specialist, based on the condition of the patient's skin.

Milk peeling mainly affects the superficial layers of the skin; in rare cases, a high concentration of acid (up to 90%) is used to medium peeling. IN adulthood, after 50, it is recommended to combine exfoliation with lactic acid in combination with other cosmetic procedures. This will increase the effectiveness of cleansing and help solve skin problems.

About acid and its properties

Lactic or lactanoic acid is an organic substance that is formed during the breakdown of glucose. She belongs to the group fruit acids. Lactic acid is necessary for the human body: it is involved in the metabolism of carbohydrates, fills the cells with moisture and belongs to the natural moisturizing factor of the skin.

The peculiarity of lactanoic acid is its small size. This allows it to easily penetrate into the deep layers of the epidermis and act on the problem from the inside. The use of lactic acid for peeling guarantees a uniform effect over the entire treated surface.

The properties and naturalness of the exfoliant, the relationship with the processes in the human body allow peeling, regardless of the type and structure of the skin. It is suitable even for skin with hypersensitivity or excessive dryness.

The method for obtaining lactic acid is based on the lactic acid fermentation of glucose. During the enzymatic reaction, the useful ingredient is extracted, which is then used in cosmetology. Lactanoic acid is found in household products in sour milk, sauerkraut and pickles, in cheese, as well as in the fermentation products of beer and wine. Such an extensive presence of a substance in nature makes it easy to make lactic acid peels at home, using natural products.

Pros of the procedure

Milk peeling for the face is a charge of energy, moisture and nutritional components, which together have an antioxidant, exfoliating, bactericidal, moisturizing and rejuvenating effect.

The technique of cleansing the skin has many advantages, we highlight the main ones among them:

  • does not cause allergies, redness or irritation;
  • refers to gentle cleansing procedures;
  • does not dry the skin, but, on the contrary, intensively moisturizes them;
  • there is no pronounced peeling, a feeling of tightness during the recovery of the epidermis;
  • the procedure is carried out at any time of the year, when it is convenient for you;
  • there is no rehabilitation period as such;
  • used to cleanse the face and body.

What results to expect

Chemical peeling with lactic acid guarantees quick and delicate elimination of the first signs of skin aging. After exfoliation, a noticeable improvement in skin condition awaits you.

What effect can be expected from lactic acid therapy?

  1. High-quality cleansing of the skin and pores. The acidic agent breaks down lipid bonds between cells, facilitating their gentle removal. With the surface layer, dead, weakened cells, dirt particles and sebaceous deposits leave the integument.
  2. Rejuvenating effect. Removal of the surface layer of the epidermis activates skin regeneration, synthesis of building proteins (collagen, elastin). As a result of the renewal, the surface becomes smoother, without visible wrinkles and irregularities on the face. The improvement in the quality of fabrics is also noticeable, they become elastic and more elastic.
  3. Intensive hydration. Lactic acid is a natural skin moisturizer. The size of the exfoliant molecules allows the product to easily penetrate the membranes of the epidermal cells, ensuring their uniform filling with moisture and nutrients. After cleansing, the face looks refreshed and radiant with health.
  4. Raises protective properties lipid barrier. Lactic acid activates the production of ceramides containing linoleate. They enhance the protection of epidermal cells against the attack of infections and harmful bacteria. After exfoliation, the frequency of acne and the occurrence of acne is noticeably reduced.
  5. Excellent antioxidant. Acidic agent inhibits the production of free radicals, thereby reducing aggressive impact factors environment(ultraviolet, bad ecology, etc.).

Milk peels are hypoallergenic cleansing methods. They do not cause allergies and irritation of the integument, the rehabilitation of the integument proceeds without complications and pain. No restrictions in habitual way life and duration of procedures.

Indications for peeling

Facial peeling with lactic acid is recommended for the following indications:

  • increased dryness of the skin, peeling;
  • signs of dehydration of the integument, unusual dullness and pallor;
  • acne, post-acne;
  • small wrinkles, scars, stretch marks and any irregularities in the skin relief;
  • clogged pores, comedones;
  • high sensitivity of the epidermis;
  • signs of photoaging;
  • decreased tone and elasticity of soft tissues;
  • problematic and oily skin;
  • uneven skin tone, freckles.

You can perform exfoliation in the presence of visible defects, in order to prevent early aging or as a preparation for complex cosmetic procedures.


Despite the slight susceptibility of the epidermal cells to the main acid ingredient, the cleansing technique has its own contraindications:

  • exacerbation of herpes;
  • fever and acute stage of an infectious disease;
  • oncological formations;
  • diabetes;
  • taking certain medications, in particular antibiotics;
  • wounds, abrasions in the peeling area;
  • the presence of ulcers, purulent formations and inflammation;
  • fresh tan;
  • recent depilation on the face;
  • skin diseases, swelling;
  • pregnancy;
  • breast-feeding.

Stages of the procedure

Peeling with lactic acid does not require special preparation. Before cleansing, carefully study the contraindications, neglecting them can cause discomfort when applied acid agent and dangerous health complications.

Exfoliation based on lactic acid is short, cleansing will take 15-30 minutes.

In a beauty salon, milk peeling is performed in the following order:

  1. The cosmetologist analyzes the condition of the integument and selects the composition for peeling. The concentration of the main ingredient can vary from 30 to 90 percent, depending on the required depth of exposure.
  2. With the help of a special lotion, milk or gel, make-up removal and preliminary cleaning of the covers from dust, dirt and grease particles are performed.
  3. The next step is degreasing the epidermis. For this, an alcohol tonic is used.
  4. The most important stage of exfoliation is the application of an acid agent. The cosmetologist performs skin treatment with the composition in strict order: from the middle of the forehead - to the temples, cheeks, from the decollete - to the neck, then the chin, nose and periorbital area.
  5. The exposure of the exfoliant lasts 2-20 minutes. The duration of exposure is determined by the cosmetologist, taking into account the characteristics of the patient's skin, his age and the stage of the problem.
  6. Neutralizing the peeling agent with water. To warn chemical reaction water with acid and the appearance of irritation on the face, cosmetologists pay attention that the liquid should only be cold, not hot.
  7. Additional hydration and nourishment of the skin with special mask. Before applying the mask with the addition seaweed, the surface must be blotted with a napkin. The peculiarity of the mask is that it does not need to be washed off, as well as in a cooling, soothing effect on the integument.
  8. Sunscreen is applied to the face before going outside.

A positive effect in solving skin problems is noticeable after the first peeling. However, in order to achieve maximum results, it is recommended to complete a course of procedures. Plus, it's important to add daily care supporting and restoring cosmetics.

Skin care after peeling

Milk peeling is characterized by a soft effect on the skin, so beware of persistent erythema and severe peeling won't have to. After the procedure, cosmetologists note a slight reddening of the skin, which can last up to 2 days. A slight peeling of the integument is also possible, it will disappear without complications in 2-4 days.

To ensure trouble-free restoration of integuments after exfoliation, it is important to follow the following rules:

  • regularly apply a moisturizer to the integument;
  • do not use scrubs and aggressive facial products;
  • do not touch damaged skin, in no case should you comb your face and peel off peeling;
  • do not use decorative cosmetics on the first day;
  • postpone epilation until full recovery epidermis;
  • beware of direct sun rays, use sunscreen.

At the slightest deviation from the norm, the appearance severe itching, burning, irritation, acne and other problems on the face, contact a specialist immediately. It is forbidden to take measures to eliminate unpleasant consequences on your own.

Recipes for homemade milk peeling

Peeling with lactic acid at home is also possible. For this, natural products or lactic acid concentrate from a pharmacy kiosk are used. To do this, we offer several popular recipes.

Recipe 1

The easiest facial peeling recipe involves the use of fermented milk products. To prepare the cleaning composition you will need:

  • 1 st. l. homemade sour cream;
  • 2 tbsp. l. fat cream;
  • 1 tsp salt class "Extra".
  1. Mix the ingredients together.
  2. Massaging movements distribute the product on a clean and pre-steamed face.
  3. Rinse with water after 5-10 minutes.
  4. Moisturize with additional face cream.

Recipe 2

An equally popular recipe for milk peeling is based on ready-made lactic acid.

Peeling Ingredients:

  • 50 ml fresh, natural yogurt;
  • 1 st. l. fatty homemade sour cream;
  • 1 ml of lactic acid concentrate (not more than 30%).
  1. Connect the ingredients together.
  2. Spread the mixture evenly over the surface. Before this, the skin is cleaned of dust and makeup, and also degreased. alcohol lotion.
  3. The recipe for such a peeling suggests for the first session to be limited to 10-15 minutes of exposure to the product. After that, the action of the acid must be neutralized with clean and cold water.

Before using the recipe, carefully study the contraindications and test for an allergic reaction.

Milk peeling in last years gaining great popularity. It does not irritate the covers and suits the owners of over sensitive skin. In addition, after the procedure, there are no complications and persistent side defects. And for stay-at-homes, homemade milk peeling will be useful. Choose your favorite recipe from the indicated ones - and always look great!

In this material, we will tell you about the beneficial properties and method of using milk peeling for facial skin. Many women have long appreciated the beneficial properties of dairy products, which can be used to prepare homemade masks, softening scrub bases and other facial skin care products. But it is not always possible to achieve the desired result in improving the condition of the skin, using at home traditional means from natural ingredients and popular beauty products.

For a more thorough cleansing and complex exfoliation of the epidermis, apply chemical peeling, which, in turn, can be superficial, median and deep. Median or deep peeling for serious correction problematic skin performed by experienced specialists in a beauty parlor, since any procedure with a sufficiently high concentration of acid must be performed according to strict rules so that a chemical burn does not appear on the skin of the face. Even superficial peeling using such popular fruit acids as mandelic or glycolic acid, as well as procedures using salicylic or retinoic (yellow peeling) acid, it is advisable to perform together with an experienced specialist (at least one full course).

Milk peeling refers to superficial and many women successfully use lactic acid at home for high-quality exfoliation of the stratum corneum from dead cells, as well as to eliminate small cosmetic defects skin cover. Exfoliation with lactic acid can be attributed to the most delicate and safe procedure for facial skin, as well as peeling with calcium chloride. However, before the procedure it is necessary to consult a dermatologist and make sure that you do not have an allergic reaction to the drug and that your skin is not too thin and not very sensitive to acid irritation. In any case, even if there are no contraindications, do 2-3 milk peeling procedures at a beautician or with an experienced person at home. In no case can you save on health!

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Exfoliation of the upper layers of the epidermis with dead cells, with toxins removed. Lactic acid has a keratolytic effect, due to which the skin is cleansed of keratinized particles, and the basal layer is actively renewed, regeneration improves;

Improves the condition of problematic oily or combination skin. mouth hair follicle are cleared, as a result, comedones (black dots) disappear and milia (whiteheads). In addition, the secretion of sebum (sebum) decreases and the complexion improves, the greasy shine disappears;

It has anti-inflammatory and bacteriostatic effects. The acidifying effect is unfavourable conditions for the reproduction of pathological microflora. Normalization of sebum production (solution to the problem of increased dryness or excessive oiliness of the skin of the face) improves the condition of problem skin, prevents the appearance of acne, pimples and other inflammatory processes;


One of the ways to rejuvenate and moisturize the skin, improve complexion is peeling. It is after its use that you can achieve a smooth surface, smoothness, stimulate cell renewal by exfoliating dead particles of the epidermis. The beauty salon promises to save its clients from minor cosmetic defects: age spots, scars, scars, well, hated wrinkles.

There are several other types deep cleansing: scrub, gommage, film mask. All of them differ in degree (superficial, median and deep) and the method of exposure, they are selected individually for a certain age group skin type and condition. It will always be useful to ask and clarify with which particular drug and composition the specialist intends to work.

What problem are we solving?

So, for example, for young girls up to 20 years of age, cosmetic facial cleansing procedures, especially chemical ones, should be carried out after consultation with a dermatologist. From 25 to 40 years, peels are used to combat hyperpigmentation, the first signs of aging and skin fading, in some cases with consequences. acne. Older women need more aggressive methods of influence. In adulthood, all layers of the skin become thinner, wrinkles are deeper, the amount of estrogen is less. In addition, for dry, problematic, oily and sensitive skin, their types of peels are suitable.

Often, after the implementation of these manipulations, an instant effect can be observed, which, as happens in such cases, is not very long. Therefore, for a permanent result, regularity and systematicity are necessary.

Lactic acid will give the face a healthy look

One of the most popular among the female audience of the World Wide Web is the superficial about which is downright impressive. Why? Gentle effect, hydrated and rejuvenated skin, ease of use, few contraindications, lifting effect and amazing results.

The main component, as the name implies, is lactic, or, as it is also called, lactic acid, which is a natural biological component of natural skin hydration, and it is also formed in muscles during physical activity. Its high penetrating ability provides a fairly deep, but delicate interaction with the epidermis, stimulates the production of the necessary hyaluronic acid, whitens the face and eliminates dead cells, normalizes acidity, inhibits the growth of bacteria. Moreover, which is produced when widely used in cosmetology and is added to everyday products for use at home. It is found in many unsweetened fruits, green vegetables, kefir, yogurt and other dairy products.

Thanks to their enough soft properties lactic acid peeling is suitable for both sensitive and thin skin and for dry, oily and combination. It can be applied to the décolleté and neck. This is a superficial cleansing method that doctors do not recommend using in the summer when the sun is at its strongest. Such cosmetic procedures are best done before the age of 40, without waiting for serious age-related changes.

Benefits and indications

Tissue regeneration due to the effect on the cell.

Increases elasticity and firmness of the skin.

Short recovery period after the procedure, or not at all.

Improves blood circulation, eliminates peeling and dryness.

It activates the synthesis of ceramides, increasing the protective function of the lipid barrier.

Pronounced whitening and moisturizing effect.

These types of peels are suitable for dark, thin and sensitive skin, even prone to allergic reactions.

Eliminates acne, freckles, pigmentation, earthy color face, blackheads, enlarged pores, seborrhea.

Improves the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

It has a bactericidal effect, relieves inflammation and irritation.

Eliminates not very deep stretch marks and wrinkles on the face and body.

Preparatory stage

It should be noted right away that milk peeling should not be carried out in the salon, if available. inflammatory process, violation of the integrity of the skin, burns, defects and injuries, herpetic eruptions, allergies to any component. It is also better to abstain during breastfeeding and pregnancy, with acute respiratory infections accompanied by fever, with diseases of the skin and blood, diabetes, oncology.

To reduce the production of pigment, the beauty salon uses special preparations as a preparation. For the same purpose, visits to solariums and other types of tanning are prohibited a month before and after the cleansing course. Throughout the entire period, and this is a course of 3 to 12 procedures with week break between them, you should apply a cream with an SPF factor, and after that too, or hide your face under a hat with wide brim. Then, to maintain the achieved result, peeling with lactic acid is prescribed once a month, and the entire course can be repeated after six months or a year.

With all the subtleties preparatory phase the result will not keep you waiting. The skin will become smooth, velvety, tender and even, it will acquire a healthier and younger look.

What to expect after a milk peel?

But since this is still a procedure that acts chemically, you need to be prepared for other nuances. Redness may appear, which you should not be afraid of, as they pass over time, otherwise it is better to consult a doctor to rule out allergic reactions.

It is also acceptable if it feels warm, but not burning, which may even cause blisters. Facilitate similar condition"Panthenol". To avoid unwanted complications health care necessary.

On the second or third day, the process of light peeling of the skin starts. If it did not come immediately after the first procedure, then you should simply continue the prescribed course. Perhaps the surface method immediately affected only the upper layers of the epidermis, and the way dead cells are washed off is simply imperceptible. IN further result will be more effective.

Generally in rehabilitation period if you have any questions or suspicions, it is better to immediately seek help from a specialist, not hoping for a chance.

No need to evaluate the result at an intermediate stage. After the first manipulations, exacerbations of rashes are possible. By the end of the course, everything is back to normal.

Do not touch or comb freshly treated areas after milk peeling. For a day, refuse any decorative cosmetics, cleaning and detergents. And also you can not do depilation in these places and, of course, avoid contact with direct sunlight.

The main rules of the rehabilitation period


Reduce inflammation.

Prevent pigmentation.

However, it is worth noting for those who decide to carry out milk peeling on their own: reviews and advice from a friend are, of course, good and even useful, but the lion's share A successful outcome depends on the actions "after" and competent qualified care.

The most charming and attractive without leaving home

dairy is worthy alternative expensive salon sessions. It activates metabolic processes and prepares the skin for other, more serious and aggressive cosmetic procedures. Since in the salon all manipulations are controlled by a specialist, more concentrated solutions (30-90%) are used there. You can independently use 4-10% acid, which is freely sold in a pharmacy, diluted with water in the appropriate proportion.

Also available ready-made professional tools- it is easier, more convenient, safer, but also a little more expensive. These are various mousses with which it is possible to carry out milk peeling. Reviews, by the way, confirm that they act more gently, you can not wash them off for up to 10 minutes.

Brief instruction

As in the salon or in the doctor's office, there must be a protocol, i.e. a certain sequence of actions. For the first time, it is better not to delay the exposure time of the composition, the optimal duration of peeling with a pharmacy solution is 3 minutes at a 4% concentration of lactic acid. If discomfort is felt, then a stream of cool air, a fan, a hair dryer with a cold air function, a fan will help.

Before starting, you should clean your face with any cosmetic or alcohol lotion to remove excess sebum. The composition for peeling should not flow and fall on the area around the lips and eyes, pre-treat these places with something greasy, and also take care of the mucous membranes. After the acid is washed off, apply any easy moisturizing nutritious cream or a mask.

Then repeat all the steps 3-5 times with a break between them of 7-10 days. And the result, as they say, on the face.

Milk salicylic peeling

For oily, problematic and combination skin prone to acne and acne, alcohol is also used. They have a more bactericidal and antiseptic effect - perhaps the most significant trump card compared to others. This substance perfectly dissolves fats and breaks down sebum, normalizes its selection.

Due to the deeper opening of the pores, the dermis is better cleansed, and the neutralization of bacteria leads to the elimination of acne. Once in childhood, we cauterized them pointwise with salicylic acid, but if you dilute the acid or alcohol correctly (15% - superficial), then you can act on the entire face, getting rid of hated acne for a long time.

This method of cleansing the dermis more productively removes scars, scars - in this case, the concentration must be increased from 20 to 30% (median).


Milk peeling - reviews confirm this - it is quite suitable for dry skin, but salicylic is contraindicated sensitive face. In addition, people prone to allergic reactions, be sure to check the effect of the substance on small area skin.

There are both mono-acid and multi-acid professional preparations for self-use. They include grape, lactic, citric, malic, mandelic, glycolic acids.

A chemical peel is a kind of burn under the control of a beautician, and the degree of damage to the skin, i.e. the depth of the procedure, gives different visual results.

You can use this method not only on the face, but also on other parts of the body (stomach, hips, neck and décolleté, hands). However, remember to be careful. If you are not sure that you can carry out the procedure correctly, trust the experts.

Since ancient times, women have used dairy products as a means to care for their skin and fight the signs of aging. Many have heard about the famous procedure called "Cleopatra's bath". Over time, the adoption of milk baths was replaced by the use of special exfoliating mixtures and solutions - peelings. Today, milk peeling is famous for its popularity, the main active ingredient of which is lactic or lactonic acid. Due to the fact that the human body is able to produce this compound on its own, it does not cause an immune reaction, so the exfoliation process is completely painless.

The procedure of milk peeling of the face is recognized as the most gentle and less traumatic, unlike all other chemical peels. She happens to be ideal option For dry, hypersensitive skin prone to irritation. Lactic acid (lactate), contained in dairy products, has a beneficial effect on skin cells without causing allergic reactions.

Lactic acid or lactate is α-hydroxypropionic acid, the formation of which occurs as a result of the breakdown of glucose. This organic product is safe, as it actively participates in the process of carbohydrate metabolism in human body. Lactate is a type of fruit acid and a component of the skin's natural moisturizing factor (NMF).

Lactonic acid - the main active substance of peeling - promotes the renewal of dermal cells, improves microcirculation, as well as the accelerated formation of lycosaminoglycans or mucopolysaccharides in it and the basis of connective tissue - collagen. The acid moisturizes the skin well, enhances the protective function of its lipid barrier, increasing the synthesis of lipid molecules.

Lactate has the property of soft destruction of dead skin cells, intercellular bonds, which initiates a gradual exfoliation and cleansing of the skin. Lactic acid has a beneficial effect on the deep layers of the epidermis, activating the production of elastin, thanks to which the skin of the face remains elastic and smooth.

Stages of the procedure

Like many other procedures, milk peeling begins with the preparation of the working area for subsequent actions. With the help of special lotions or creams, the surface of the skin of the face cleanse removing dirt and grease. Milk peeling is often used as the first step before more serious and deep procedures.

Pre-peeling! If the procedure is performed for the first time, professional beautician always apply a solution with a lower percentage of lactic acid in order to check for any negative reactions and prepare the skin first.

After preparatory manipulations, the skin of the face cover peeling agent. The concentration of the drug, as well as the duration of its contact with the skin, is determined and established by a specialist, depending on the problems being solved.

At the end of the solution delete from the face and neutralize action of lactic acid special means, which provides rapid restoration of the skin, its regeneration, while eliminating irritation and preventing inflammatory processes.

Post-peeling! After removal from the face acid mixture it is necessary to apply a cream or mask with regenerating properties. It serves as a kind of first aid for slightly damaged skin, soothing it and helping to recover.

During the rehabilitation period, serums and high-quality moisturizers are a must. At this stage, daily use a cream with SPF-30 and above. Sometimes to achieve best result you have to buy a whole series of products designed for facial skin care after peeling.

The effect of the milk peeling procedure

A moderate effect of lactic acid on the skin contributes to its transformation. After peeling, many visible positive changes are observed.
The initial effect after milk peeling is visible after the first procedure: the complexion evens out, the skin becomes smoother and velvety.

  • The renewed surface of the skin of the face becomes smoother, painted with a blush.
  • Deeply hydrated and cleansed skin looks healthy and supple.
  • There is a lifting effect - small wrinkles are smoothed out. In the dermis, increased production of collagen and elastin occurs.
  • The secretion of fat is regulated, the pores are narrowed.
  • Milk peeling eliminates acne marks and prevents their reappearance.
  • Skin color becomes lighter.

Contraindications for milk peeling

Despite its effectiveness and popularity, the procedure for cleansing and rejuvenating with lactic acid is not suitable for everyone. There are both indications for its implementation, and a number of contraindications that should be paid attention to. So, milk peeling is undesirable for:

  • individual intolerance to the components of the peeling mixture.
  • exacerbation of the herpes virus;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • acute inflammation of various origins;
  • damage to the skin;
  • photosensitivity of the skin associated with taking certain medications;
  • skin irritations after recent hair removal or sunburn;
  • oncological diseases, diabetes;
  • acute respiratory infections and colds;
  • vascular diseases (telangiectasia and rosacea).

In conclusion, I would like to remind you that milk peeling is cosmetic procedure using high concentration lactic acid. Therefore, in order to avoid adverse effects, the dosage and preparation of the solution should be carried out by an experienced specialist. Beauticians recommend to carry out the procedure once a year (3-6 sessions with a break of 2 weeks). The number of procedures is determined by the condition of the skin and the problems that the patient wants to solve in this way.