All the most important about milk peeling in the salon and at home. Lactic acid peeling is an effective procedure for the health of your skin

Every girl must have heard about Cleopatra's milk baths: after using milk and honey, the skin became soft and more elastic. Now it is difficult to find a beauty who uses such skin care methods, but the milk peeling procedure, like the Cleopatra bath, helps to get rid of imperfections.

What it is?

Milk peeling, like any similar process, cleanses the skin - it rids the upper layers of tissues of impurities, sebum and dead cells. The product contains lactic acid. The gentle action of the acid allows the use of peeling at home. In a beauty salon, this procedure is not considered a rarity - clients often apply for the provision of such a service.

Cosmetologists advise to carry out the procedure for women under 40 years old. The drug has a lifting effect, makes the skin elastic, but it does not get rid of deep age wrinkles, flabbiness and scars. Milk peeling perfectly copes with other skin imperfections, such as age spots, acne, peeling.

Lactic acid is obtained from the breakdown of glucose. In industry, the substance is obtained through a fermentation reaction - the oxidation of glucose. In nature, lactic acid is present in sour dairy products, fermented alcohol.

Many tissues in our body regularly produce lactic acid, and the connective tissue of the skin and skeletal muscles constantly use and process lactate to replace fluid loss. Lactic acid, which is the basis of milk peeling, consists of small molecules - due to this, it easily penetrates into cells. The substance neutralizes protein compounds, thereby clearing the cover of dead cells.

As a result of the action, lactates accelerate metabolic processes: oxygen begins to enter the cleansed pores, and the production of collagen and elastin is accelerated. Collagen is responsible for tone, and elastin affects the elasticity of the skin.


Milk peeling refers to superficial chemical peels. The active ingredients of chemical peeling accelerate metabolic processes and activate the recovery process. Mechanical peeling cleans with scrubbing particles: sugar, olive and apricot kernels, jojoba seeds.

The gentle action of peeling allows you to use it on almost the entire surface of the body. A complex of procedures will help to cope with shallow scars, stretch marks and age spots.

Of course, more often peeling is applied to the face and décolleté, but cosmetologists and dermatologists often advise using lactate to eliminate imperfections throughout the body. The composition of peeling for the body and face is practically the same, but for the body, manufacturers use more concentrated lactic acid.


  • Dehydration of the skin (dehydration). Dry, dehydrated skin ages faster. The active influence of sunlight and the wrong selection of cosmetics lead to such a problem that needs to be urgently eliminated. Lactic acid eliminates dryness, moisturizing and nourishing tissues.
  • Acne. Lactate gently removes excess sebum from the skin, which provoke the appearance of black spots, acne.
  • Dark spots. Milk peeling helps to get rid of age spots on young skin. Fruit acid (lactic refers to fruit acids) contributes to the uniform distribution of melanin molecules and slows down the production of tyrosinase - it is this enzyme (enzyme) that is responsible for the manifestation of the pigment. As a result, the skin acquires a lighter and more even tone. For age spots, it is necessary to use deep peels in combination with other means.
  • Stretch marks on the body and face. It is very difficult to get rid of deep stretch marks - in such cases, dermatologists and cosmetologists recommend turning to surgical cosmetology. If stretch marks are not wide and have appeared recently, then peeling with lactic acid will solve the problem of band-like atrophoderma.

  • Mild forms of hyperkeratosis. Hyperkeratosis is a skin disease in which the cells of the stratum corneum divide too quickly. As a result, the skin becomes uneven, bumpy. Lactic acid normalizes the processes of regeneration and desquamation (the natural process of flaking and exfoliation of the epithelium).
  • Excess sebum. Usually this problem is typical for oily skin, but in summer, girls with perfect skin also suffer from increased oiliness of the skin. Acid normalizes the processes of sebum secretion without overdrying the epidermis and dermis.
  • Sensitive skin. Milk peeling has a non-aggressive effect on tissues, therefore it is suitable for skin care prone to allergic reactions.
  • Loose and sagging skin. Due to additional hydration, the production of collagen and elastin is accelerated.
  • Gray skin color. Due to the action of lactate, the skin is updated faster, respectively, the external complexion changes for the better.
  • Low pain threshold. Peeling is a painless process that causes slight burning and tingling.

Milk peeling is often used before other procedures, such as sugaring and depilation. This is done in order to avoid the appearance of ingrown hairs.

Cosmetologists often carry out the milk peeling procedure as a preparatory stage before various masks - in this way, nutrients penetrate the cells of the dermis and epidermis faster.

This procedure allows the client not to drop out of social activity - slight peeling disappears after 2-4 days.

Harm and contraindications

The following are contraindications for the use of milk peeling:

  • intolerance to the drugs included in the composition;
  • herpes;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • acute inflammatory diseases;
  • wounds on the body and face: in places where the procedure is planned;
  • drug photosensitivity (skin reaction in the form of a rash, redness and inflammation of the skin in the light due to the use of drugs);
  • cold;
  • diabetes;
  • oncological diseases;
  • spider veins and rosacea (vascular network on the face).

You can not start milk peeling immediately after shugaring and depilation - during these procedures, the protective layer of the skin is damaged, and the additional use of lactate can adversely affect the condition of the epidermis and dermis.

For at least a week, you can not clean the skin with peeling after laser resurfacing and dermabrasion. When grinding with a special laser, dead skin cells are removed. In the process of dermabrasion, the damaged skin layer is scraped off - this method gets rid of post-acne, deep scars and age spots. Both procedures have a deep effect and injure tissues, so it is necessary to exclude milk peeling from your care for the first time after their implementation.

Peeling cosmetologists forbid to do in the summer - the sun's rays can severely damage the delicate cleansed skin.


The effect after milk peeling is noticeable after the first procedure. Experts advise to carry out a set of procedures for complete renewal and healing of the skin - it is necessary to repeat the peeling procedure at least 5 times.

As a result of the action of lactates, the skin will change for the better:

  • the skin will be renewed;
  • small wrinkles will disappear;
  • age spots and freckles will become less active;
  • skin tone will acquire a healthy shade;
  • the skin will become hydrated, peeling will stop;
  • sebum production will decrease;
  • the elasticity and elasticity of tissues will return;
  • acne and black spots will gradually disappear, inflammation will become much less.

In general, reviews of milk peeling are positive. During the procedure, an unpleasant burning sensation may occur, which causes discomfort. After peeling, peeling usually appears, but this is a normal skin reaction. Of course, at first it is not recommended to spend a lot of time on the street in order to save the renewed skin from dust and sunlight.

Photos of people before and after the process allow you to evaluate the result. Indeed, freckles and age spots have almost disappeared, rashes have also decreased.

How to do?

Milk peeling can be done at home and in the salon.

To do the procedure at home, you need to purchase lactic acid (from 30 to 40%), you will also need medical alcohol (95%), cotton pads, face lotion.

  • The first step is to remove make-up and cleanse the skin. Be sure to wipe the skin with lotion.
  • Then you should treat your face with alcohol, avoiding the area around the eyes and lips.
  • After that, you need to apply lactic acid on your face with a cotton pad. You can mix a small amount of water with acid. This recipe is very simple, and at the same time it will help to avoid chemical burns. It is necessary to start with the forehead, then - the nose, cheeks and chin.
  • Be sure to time it right away. If this is the first use of lactate, then you need to keep the acid for no longer than two minutes. With each subsequent procedure, the time should be increased.
  • During the procedure, a burning sensation appears - such a skin reaction is considered normal. But if the burning sensation is too strong, then it is urgent to wash off the product.
  • Peeling should be washed off with cool water - hot water should not be used, as a burning sensation may appear from the high temperature of the water.

Before peeling, it is necessary to carry out a test: lactic acid should be applied to the inside of the forearm. If there is a tolerable burning sensation and slight tingling, then the remedy can be used for the face.

2 weeks before peeling, you do not need to sunbathe in the sun and visit the solarium. Before going outside, apply cosmetics with an SPF of at least 15.

Sometimes delicate skin needs pre-peel preparation. Cosmetologists advise to apply lactic acid (2%) daily two weeks before the procedure.

The process of milk peeling procedure in the salon is similar to the procedure at home. Often, manufacturers add hydroquinone to the product for a stronger whitening effect. Indeed, this chemical compound perfectly removes traces of pigmentation. But it is toxic, and for this reason it is banned in Japan, Western Europe and some Central Asian countries.

After using creams, masks, peels with hydroquinone, dermatitis, ochronosis (a disease in which the skin color darkens or becomes gray-blue) appears. In addition, the substance destroys collagen and elastin fibers. Before peeling, it is necessary to consult with a specialist who will carry out the procedure and find out the composition of the product.

Specialists can use not only lactic acid, but also various vitamins and supplements. Substances will help the skin to recover faster.

After acid peels, beauticians always use a neutralizing gel to stop the action of the acid - after the procedure, they moisturize the skin, apply oils and concentrates, such as hyaluronic acid, to it.

Do not exfoliate too often - this process should be done with an interval of 2 weeks. The course of procedures is set depending on the problem to be fixed. The course usually includes 5-10 procedures.

Redness and peeling after visiting the salon will appear for a few more days. But in rare cases, inflamed skin can take weeks to heal. Usually this happens due to improper concentration. In this case, you need to use vegetable oils and panthenol - they accelerate the healing process of chemical burns.

Home peeling with lactic acid gently, without injuring the skin, will help cleanse the epidermis of impurities, keratinized particles, at the same time nourish and moisturize it, increasing elasticity and tone. This peeling procedure is a good way to prolong youth, beauty and freshness of the skin.

  1. It has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects.
  2. Cleanses, moisturizes, whitens, tightens the skin.
  3. Smoothes wrinkles, improves skin elasticity, rejuvenates.
  4. Fights acne (acne), blackheads, regulates the pH of the skin.
  5. Regulates the work of the sebaceous glands.
  6. Stimulates the production of collagen.

Masks with sour cream, cottage cheese, yogurt, yogurt can be considered a “simple” milk peeling at home. Such procedures are popular among women and have a good effect on the condition of the skin, moreover, they are absolutely harmless, since the content of lactic acid in them is minimal. For peeling carried out in the salon, lactic acid is used in various concentrations (30-80%). In each case, depending on the condition of the skin and individual characteristics, the specialist prescribes a certain concentration of acid for application, the frequency of the peeling procedure, as well as its need.

The effect of milk peeling

  1. The skin is hydrated, filled with natural radiance, there are no age spots.
  2. The relief of the skin is leveled, spots after acne disappear.
  3. Wrinkles are smoothed out.
  4. Eliminates inflammation and redness.
  5. Eliminates oily sheen.

Remember, lactic acid peeling at home can improve skin condition, but it is not able to get rid of deep wrinkles, scars and scars.

Indications for peeling

  1. Unhealthy or dull complexion.
  2. Hyperpigmentation.
  3. Flaccid skin and loss of tone.
  4. Inflammatory processes and irritations on the skin.
  5. Enlarged pores.
  6. Blackheads, acne, excessively oily, greasy skin.

Milk peeling can be used after 25 years, but before it is carried out, it is advisable to consult a doctor for contraindications, which are many.

Contraindications for milk peeling

  1. Pustular open wounds on the face, skin lesions, severe inflammation, swelling.
  2. Herpes in the acute stage.
  3. Individual intolerance.
  4. Pigmented nevus.
  5. Increased sensitivity of the skin of the face.
  6. With spider veins on the face, the concentration of acid used should be minimal.
  7. Skin after sunburn, depilation, solarium.
  8. The presence of a tendency to form scar tissue.
  9. Neoplasms of the skin of a malignant nature.
  10. Age up to 18 years.
  11. The period of pregnancy and lactation.

For home peeling, you must purchase a solution of lactic acid and strictly follow the recommendations below. The peeling procedure is quite simple, does not require a long recovery. A visible result will be noticeable after several peeling procedures.

Video: Home peeling of facial skin with lactic acid.

Peeling with lactic acid, stages of behavior at home

For peeling, you will need: lactic acid directly, cotton pads (it is better to take cotton swabs for the first procedure), a cleanser (lotion, gel, foam), a tonic with fruit or lactic acid, or alcohol (90%). Peeling is carried out in several stages:

Stage 1. Preparation for peeling.

  1. 10-14 days before the peeling, you need to stop using sunscreen, avoid tanning beds and tanning in the open sun.
  2. In case of herpetic eruptions, take antiviral agents for two weeks of preparation.
  3. During this period, use cosmetics containing low concentrations of lactic acid in the composition (cream with fruit acids, tonics, etc.) to allow the skin to get used to the effects of the substance and eliminate the consequences of its aggressive influence.

Stage 2. Purification.

Immediately prior to skin treatment, clean the face of make-up and other impurities with a regular cleanser. Next, the skin needs to be degreased, for which use a tonic with fruit acids (can be replaced with alcohol), moistening a cotton pad and wiping the skin. We do not touch the skin around the eyes and the nasolabial area! To secure the area around the eyes and the skin of the lips, lubricate with petroleum jelly.

Stage 3. Sensitivity test.

Before the peeling procedure, it is important to conduct a sensitivity test. To do this, use a weak solution of lactic acid. Apply the solution to the skin of the wrist and wait a few minutes. If negative reactions occur (severe itching, unbearable burning sensation, etc.), rinse the solution with cool water and do not use on the face.

Stage 4. Treatment of the skin with a solution or peeling directly.

Cosmetologists in salons use a solution of lactic acid with a concentration of 30-80% for peeling and keep it for 5-20 minutes, taking into account the condition and type of skin. At home, it is better to start with low concentrations of the active substance (25%) with a minimum exposure time (30 seconds-1 minute depending on the type of skin, with oily skin you can keep up to one minute), gradually increasing them to 30% and 2-3 minutes. To obtain a solution of lactic acid of the desired concentration, it is mixed with purified water in the ratio indicated in the instructions for the drug. It is convenient to apply the peeling composition with a brush, but cotton pads are also suitable. When applying acid to the skin, it is important to remember that the cotton pads should not be too saturated with it, they should not leak. When applying, care should be taken so that the substance does not get on the mucous membranes. Application starts from the forehead and cheeks, moving along the massage lines. With a strong feeling of discomfort, burning, you can direct a stream of cool air from a fan or hair dryer onto your face.

Stage 5. Completion of the procedure.

At the end of the exposure time of the solution, wash with plenty of cool (not warm!) Water. Wipe your face with blotting movements with a soft towel. Immediately after this, apply a mask with an intense moisturizing and soothing effect, hold for 15 minutes, rinse with cool water. At the end, lubricate the skin with a nourishing cream with oils and aloe.

Recommendations for skin care after lactic acid peeling

In the first few days after peeling, moisturizers should be used, and creams containing retinoids and fruit acids should be excluded for a while. Do not go out in the sun for two weeks. It is forbidden to touch the face for 2 days.

Peeling with lactic acid with a minimum concentration of 25% is best done constantly every seven days, observing the skin reaction. The results of peeling will be noticeable after about the fourth procedure for owners of combination and normal skin, with oily type, the peeling effect may appear after 8-10 procedures. In case of any negative manifestations, the procedure should be stopped, the solution should be washed off with plenty of cool water.

Lactic acid peeling will help to rejuvenate and refresh the skin of the face without injuring it. It works so gently that it can be used even on very sensitive skin when other products are not suitable.

The principle of action of milk peeling

Lactic acid acts on the top layer of the skin - the epidermis. At the same time, dead skin cells exfoliate, collagen and elastin are actively produced - substances on which its elasticity and tone depend.

As a result, the face becomes smoother and more hydrated, the color evens out, fine wrinkles disappear, redness and dryness disappear.

You can feel the changes immediately, but for a visible effect, the peeling will have to be repeated. 3-5 times with a break of 10-15 days.

How to make a milk peel

For peeling with lactic acid at home you will need:

Stages of the procedure:

  1. Start with preparation. Wash your face with cleanser and pat your face dry with a towel. Then degrease the skin: with a cotton pad dipped in alcohol, wipe the face, starting from the forehead and moving towards the neck.
  2. Apply the solution generously lactic acid on a cotton pad, but do not overdo it so that the product does not drip. Apply to the face, also starting from the top, try not to get on the skin around the lips and eyes. You can protect these areas with petroleum jelly or a greasy cream.
  3. Record the time. The duration of the first procedure is no more than 1-2 minutes. If you feel a burning or tingling sensation, use a hair dryer - just direct a jet of cool air to your face, this will help reduce discomfort. However, if the burning sensation becomes unbearable, the procedure should be stopped in order to avoid a chemical burn.
  4. Wash with cool water after time (warm or hot water can cause severe redness and irritation). You can apply a moisturizer that you are used to using.

Video instruction

As you go through the process, listen to your feelings. If there is a feeling of addiction to the product, you can increase the concentration of lactic acid and the duration of the peeling.

A very simple option for peeling with lactic acid at home is the use of masks with products containing lactic acid (kefir, sour cream, cottage cheese, whey).

You can wash with milk in the morning.

Face mask with sour cream -.

With prolonged use, these manipulations will also give a good effect.


The procedure is suitable for you if you have the following skin problems:

  • High sensitivity or allergy to other types of chemical peels,
  • There is acne, black spots on the face, increased sebum secretion,
  • There is hyperpigmentation, freckles,
  • Mimic wrinkles appear, elasticity is lost,
  • Unhealthy, dull complexion.

Before and After the procedure - photo

Who can't?

Contraindications for lactic acid peeling include:

  • Oncological diseases,
  • Pregnancy and lactation period,
  • Diabetes,
  • skin diseases,
  • Open wounds, ulcers, pustules,
  • The period of exacerbation of herpes.

Mousse brand Premium for milk peeling

For peeling at home, you can use professional care formulations, for example, Milk Mousse peeling with lactic acid of the Russian Premium brand.

The mousse has a pleasant aroma and soft texture and is particularly gentle on the skin. Unlike a pharmacy solution, you need to apply mousse for 10 minutes.

As a result of the procedure, the complexion looks whiter and more even, the skin becomes fresh and hydrated.

When used once a week, the product is enough for more than a year, which fully justifies its cost.

In modern cosmetology, milk peeling has established itself as an effective, but delicate procedure that improves the appearance of the skin. The main component used in this process, lactic acid, helps restore elasticity and freshness to the face, restore normal moisture levels, and get rid of unwanted pigmentation. The named chemical reagent has hypoallergenic properties, which makes peeling with lactic acid the most gentle method of influencing the skin.

Like any cosmetic manipulation, lactic acid peeling has indications and contraindications. Therefore, if you decide to try the effectiveness of the procedure on yourself for the first time, it is better to contact an experienced specialist. Only a cosmetologist can correctly choose the concentration and time of exposure of the drug, taking into account the characteristics of the patient. If the first peeling course in the specialist's office was successful without adverse reactions, you can successfully repeat it at home.

This procedure was most effective in young women under the age of 35 with shallow wrinkles, pigmentation and acne. But even women of the older age group note a noticeable positive effect from the course with the use of lactacid.

The healing properties of milk have been known to man since ancient times, while exfoliation is a modern manipulation. When you saw this service in the price list of a beauty salon, you probably wondered: what is it and what does milk peeling look like?

In fact, the exfoliation of the epidermis is not carried out by milk, but by the product of its fermentation. The mixture used during the procedure contains lactic acid as the main active ingredient. In addition to this ingredient, the composition of the mixture includes salicylic and glycolic acids. Depending on the concentration of lactacid, the effect may be superficial or directed to the deeper layers of the dermis.

Attention! The composition used for lactic acid exfoliation may contain glycerin. This component can lead to dehydration and dry skin. Even more dangerous is hydroquinone, which can provoke an endocrine disruption. Therefore, always check the composition of the mixture with a specialist before he starts peeling the face with lactic acid. This will save you from negative consequences and adverse reactions from the procedure.

During the application of the composition, the patient sometimes experiences a burning sensation on the face. These manifestations of the reaction of the body are eliminated by neutralizing the acid with a special composition and washing with plenty of cool water. Negative effects from lactic acid exfoliation may appear as slight redness or irritation. Dryness and peeling of the dermis may also be observed. The skin becomes especially sensitive and can react even to the smallest irritant.

The positive effect on the skin that milk face peeling has is directly due to the properties of the main active substance. Due to its high biological reactivity and the ability to easily penetrate into the cells of the dermis, this reagent acts as follows:

  • Rids the epidermis of dead cells and renews the basal layer. The level of pigmentation is noticeably reduced, the structure of the skin improves;
  • The acid, which is part of the milk peeling, extracts moisture from the environment and retains it in the epidermis. The elasticity of the skin increases, the epidermis is renewed, the deep layers become more hydrated;
  • Stimulates dermal cells to divide and produce collagen, elastin and fibronectin molecules. As a result, wrinkles are smoothed out, the skin becomes more dense, toned and elastic;
  • Increases the synthesis of the natural lubrication of the epidermis, eliminates its dryness and peeling;
  • Evenly distributes melanin in cells. The complexion becomes even, pigmentation is eliminated;
  • Forms a protective barrier on the skin. On the surface of the epidermis, the growth and reproduction of fungi and bacteria is blocked, inflammation is reduced. In this regard, the procedure is especially effective for young skin with seborrhea and acne problems;
  • Inhibits the formation of free radicals. Cells better resist negative environmental factors.

An illustration of how lactate works in the lactic acid peel process can be seen in the photo. The result is noticeable already after the first procedure, however, the greatest efficiency is achieved after the course, the duration of which is appointed by the beautician individually.

The procedure of lactate exfoliation or milk peeling is recommended for the following skin conditions:

  • Dryness and dehydration of the epidermis;
  • Dull complexion;
  • The presence of manifestations of acne and the consequences of acne;
  • The manifestation of age-related changes: shallow wrinkles, flabbiness, reduced tone;
  • Irregularities of the surface of the dermis;
  • Increased skin sensitivity, redness.

After the summer season, when the sun is at its most active, milk peeling is also indicated for photoaging. Exfoliation with lactacid eliminates flaking and smoothes fine wrinkles on the face.

At the same time, milk peeling of the face is the most gentle in cosmetology, which is confirmed by such photos. They show that immediately after the procedure there are no noticeable redness, peeling on the skin. If the concentration of the drug and the duration of exposure was chosen correctly, then side effects do not occur.

Like any cosmetic procedure, lactate exfoliation has its limitations. Contraindications to milk peeling is a violation of the integrity of the skin due to various reasons: inflammatory diseases, the active stage of herpes, a freshly acquired tan, recent epilation, as well as mechanical or chemical damage to the dermis. In this case, even a burn with lactic acid peeling can occur, as in the photo.

Negative consequences from milk peeling can also occur in people with diabetes mellitus, rosacea, the presence of malignant and benign formations. It is not recommended to resort to this cosmetic procedure also for pregnant and lactating women. Lactate exfoliation should not be used by people with elevated body temperature. Also, the peeling procedure is not recommended for use when taking antibiotics.

One of the frequently asked questions to cosmetologists: “How often can milk peeling be done?” Since this type of procedure is the most delicate, it can be repeated up to two times a year. The best period for lactate exfoliation is from September to March, when solar activity is at its lowest. The procedure is performed in courses of 4-8 sessions, the interval between which should be at least two weeks.

Important! Before performing this manipulation, the specialist must necessarily perform a small test on the patient's skin. A small dose of the drug with a low concentration of the active substance is applied to the skin area and the reaction is observed for 15-20 minutes. If no allergic reaction is detected, then peeling can be performed without fear.

The essence of the procedure is the use of special products based on lactacid and consists of the following steps:

  • Make-up removal of the face with gentle means;
  • Degreasing the surface of the skin with alcohol;
  • Applying a lactic acid composition to the skin. If milk peeling of the face is carried out, then the mixture is applied first to the forehead, then from the temples to the cheeks, then distributed over the décolleté and up the neck to the chin. Lastly, the chin, the skin on the nose and around the eyes are covered with the composition;
  • The applied composition is maintained for a certain time (up to 20 minutes);
  • Neutralization with a special solution in the reverse order of applying the acid;
  • Washing the reagents off the face with plenty of cool water;
  • When the skin dries, it is moisturized with a special mask (preferably based on algae).

Attention! Lactic acid should not be washed off with hot water, as in this case a reaction occurs and skin irritation may occur. Remove the acidic component from the face only with clean running cool water.

What to do after cleaning?

After milk peeling, the skin needs a little rehabilitation, so it is recommended to adhere to the following rules:

  • Do not mechanically injure the treated areas of the skin (do not comb or touch, avoid depilation);
  • During the first day, do not apply cosmetics;
  • Do not use aggressive cleansers (the first three days);
  • Use high protection sunscreen and avoid direct sun exposure.

Remember that the action of lactic acid causes increased skin sensitivity, so be careful especially in the first days after the procedure.

Photos after milk peeling will help you evaluate the effectiveness of the cosmetic procedure. As you can see, lactate exfoliation does have a nice visual effect. Wrinkles are smoothed, pigmentation marks from acne become less pronounced, oily sheen is eliminated, the face becomes fresh, the skin is hydrated and more dense.

Due to the availability of ingredients and a simple procedure, milk facial peeling in cosmetology is an affordable service. The price for one procedure ranges from 700-2500 rubles (salons in Moscow and St. Petersburg). The cost depends on the level of the beauty salon and the quality of the acid preparation. If the first criterion is negotiable, then the second one is definitely not worth saving: a more expensive drug has the highest degree of purity, which reduces the risk of adverse reactions and increases the effectiveness of the procedure.


Chemical peeling with lactic acid is quite effective for both young and mature skin. Since lactic acid is a component of natural origin, the procedure is gentle. The effect of lactic acid exfoliation is noticeable almost after the first session. In addition, rehabilitation after the procedure is not so painful due to the delicate effect on the skin. If exfoliation using a lactic acid mixture was performed by an experienced specialist using a high-quality preparation, then the procedure will delight you with an excellent result without side effects.

Milk peeling is becoming more and more popular every day due to its more gentle action compared to other types of deep chemical peeling. At the same time, it is one of the most effective cosmetic procedures.

Lactic acid has a fairly wide application in cosmetology and hygiene. The substance obtained from fermented milk is added to creams, cleansing masks and intimate hygiene products.

What is milk peeling and how is it done

Peeling with lactic acid is carried out using a product based on lactic acid. This type of superficial chemical peel is considered one of the most gentle and painless, and at the same time remains one of the most effective.

On sale there are means for peeling at home, however, the concentration of lactic acid in them is very small, or rather, safe for non-professional use. They are certainly not bad, but you should not expect the same effect as after the salon. A professional will make milk peeling with a concentration of 80-90%, this is a completely different level and different results.

How does milk peeling work? After application, lactic acid penetrates the skin and gently destroys dead cells, which are exfoliated within a week after the procedure. In addition to the ability to remove dead cells, peeling stimulates the production of collagen. This is a kind of shock for the skin, after which it begins to self-heal, this is how the result is a new, smooth and beautiful skin without visible defects.

How is peeling performed?

Peeling preparation. Since this is a procedure that is traumatic in a sense, pre-peeling preparation, and indeed any precautions in general, are always appropriate. Here are some rules that are better to follow, because we are talking about our beloved face:

  • Do not sunbathe for 2 weeks before peeling;
  • Use sunscreen even if it's cloudy outside. Ultraviolet passes through clouds with ease;
  • Some cosmetologists recommend applying a product with a lactic acid content of 1-2% every day during this period so that the skin gets used to it a little.

Stages of the peeling procedure:

  • Cleansing. Gels, foams for washing, then degreasing agents are used. The main thing is that not a drop of sebum is left on the skin.
  • Pre-peeling. Often, especially when the procedure is done for the first time, the cosmetologist applies a composition with a lower concentration of lactic acid to the skin in order to firstly make sure that there are no negative reactions, and secondly, to prepare the skin.
  • Peeling. The specialist applies the composition to the face with a special brush, 1 or 2 layers of acid.
  • Neutralization. After 2-10 minutes (the duration depends on the indications), an acid neutralizer is applied over the peeling, and only then the face is washed with plenty of cold water.
  • Skin hydration. After everything has been washed off the face, a regenerating cream or mask must be applied. This is something like an ambulance - the skin needs to calm down and begin recovery.
  • Post-peel care. Serums and good moisturizers are a must at this stage. During the day, always apply a cream with an SPF factor of at least 30. Cosmetologists recommend buying a whole range of care products, which often cost more than the peel itself.

It is important to follow all the recommendations of the cosmetologist exactly, or rather, do not touch your face with your hands, do not use decorative cosmetics after peeling for a week, do not epilate and avoid direct sunlight on the treated areas.

What to expect after one procedure and after the whole course:

  • The skin is renewed, becomes more even, a blush appears;
  • The advantage of milk peeling is that in addition to exfoliation, it also moisturizes very well and not only on the surface, but just very deeply, which helps to heal the skin and increase elasticity.
  • The lifting effect, although not very pronounced, is present. The production of collagen and elastin is stimulated, yes, but if there are already deep wrinkles, then this peeling will not get rid of them. Try better almond, yellow or.
  • Adjustment of sebum secretion, narrowed pores.
  • Milk peeling eliminates traces after acne and acne itself.
  • Whitening action. The skin becomes lighter, that's a fact.
  • Anti-inflammatory effect.

How often do they do it?

Usually, cosmetologists recommend doing 3 to 6 procedures with an interval of 2 weeks approximately once a year. The number of procedures depends on the condition of the skin and the problem that the patient wants to get rid of with this peeling.

Indications and contraindications

First of all, milk peeling is recommended for those who:

  • Dry, dehydrated, flaky skin;
  • Dark spots;
  • aging skin;
  • Fresh small stretch marks;
  • Thickening of the stratum corneum of the epidermis;
  • Small wrinkles;
  • Enlarged pores;
  • Sensitive skin.


  • Individual intolerance to the components
  • Skin diseases, dermatitis, herpes;
  • Pregnancy and lactation;
  • Diabetes;
  • Oncological diseases;
  • Cracks, scratches, wounds on the skin;
  • The tan is fresh.

Risks and possible complications

Chemical peeling is a shock and injury to the skin, but it remains one of the safest ways to rejuvenate, treat skin problems, when compared with injection methods, mesothreads or plastic surgery.

However, this does not mean that there are no risks. They exist, and are primarily due to unprofessionalism and non-compliance with the rules of pre- and post-peeling care.

Since milk peeling is superficial, the risks of side effects are minimal, but you should still be aware of them:

  • If you do not check the composition for allergic reactions in advance, then you risk getting not the most beautiful face after the procedure.
  • It is very important that the peeling agent is of high quality, otherwise burns are possible.
  • Skin hypersensitivity. Often, especially if the skin is thin, after a course of procedures it becomes very sensitive.
  • The appearance of pigment spots. Yes, these spots are removed with the help of milk peeling, but if you do not follow the rules of care after it, then there will be even more of them.

And of course, always choose a good specialist, consult with your friends so that there are no side effects, the procedure should be done by a professional.

Results. Photos before and after chemical milk peeling

Peeling with lactic acid at home

At home, light milk peeling is done using the means available to us:

  • Low concentration lactic acid. In some online stores you can find a solution with 10% or 24% acid. This is a safe concentration, and if you follow the basic rules for peeling, then as a result the skin becomes a little lighter, more elastic and supple.
  • Peeling hilak forte. This is a rather unusual peel, but the product contains lactic acid and is suitable for home use. Judging by the reviews, the effects are very good, and the main plus is that the cost of one procedure is incomparably more affordable than salon peeling.

An interesting and very informative video on how to make milk peeling at home:

Peeling with lactic acid, of course, can be done at home, but for this you need to have knowledge and all the arsenals of products that beauty salons have. Even if you bought a peeling product with a low acid content, you still need to follow the precautions exactly.