Care products for sensitive skin. Morning cleansing and toning. Sensitive skin care

Suitable cosmetic products can be counted on the fingers? Is the slightest touch to the skin surface accompanied by discomfort? Does the skin peel off, rashes bother you, do you often feel burning and itching? Perhaps you have a sensitive skin type. Do not be upset, choosing the right care for sensitive skin of the face, many unpleasant phenomena can be avoided. But first the basics...

How to recognize the problem?

Any skin type can be sensitive. The special susceptibility of the skin surface to irritants often accompanies a person all his life, but sometimes it manifests itself only at certain intervals. Signs of pathology:

  • Excessively whitish shade of the skin (due to a thin layer of skin and a lack of pigment).
  • A tightening sensation after performing hygiene procedures.
  • Irritations that occur "out of the blue" (rashes, redness, blisters, etc.).
  • Tendency to form pigment spots.
  • Burning, swelling, tingling, redness and itching are felt after almost every touch of the skin.
  • Strong peeling.
  • Susceptibility to ultraviolet rays (leads to burns).

The situation is typical for people with blond or red hair and light eyes. The reaction can be observed on a certain part of the body (hands, face, scalp, etc.) or on the entire surface of the skin at once. If signs of sensitive facial skin are only partially present, a simple test will help determine more accurately.


Draw a strip on the cheek or inner surface of the forearm with a non-sharp object (a cap from a ballpoint pen will do). The action provoked the appearance of a reddish line on the skin, mark the period of time required for the restoration of normal color. An interval of more than 2 minutes indicates increased sensitivity.

Factors that provoke changes in the dermis

Very sensitive skin can react to any external and internal influences:

  • Climate change (a sharp gust of wind, frost, sunshine, dryness or high humidity, heat, etc.).
  • Medications (for oral and external intake).
  • Cosmetics and salon procedures (peelings, exposure to radio frequency or laser radiation, ultrasound).
  • Changes in the hormonal background (change of phases of menstruation, menopause, pregnancy, pathology of the endocrine system).
  • Clothing material.
  • Synthetic detergents (powder, rinse aid, bleach).
  • Respiratory infections, a period of weakening the body's immune forces.

The causes of skin reactions may vary, in order to normalize the situation, it is desirable to know which irritant sensitive skin reacts to and eliminate its effect completely.

How to distinguish a sensitivity reaction from an allergy

Allergies and skin sensitivity are often present in a complex, but it is necessary to distinguish them, this affects approaches to care and treatment procedures.

  1. Allergy is detected in a specialized study of venous blood (immunogram).
  2. In the anamnesis of a patient with allergies, other manifestations of the reaction are often found: Quincke's edema, intolerance to food, medicines, contact dermatitis, and the like.
  3. An allergic reaction develops several hours after exposure (use of cosmetics, food intake), sensitive skin reacts immediately or after 10-30 minutes maximum.

Nuances of care

With sensitive skin, the water temperature for hygiene procedures should be in the range of 34-35 degrees. It is advisable to douse yourself with a cool stream of water after washing (not icy and not too cold!). Excessive enthusiasm for cleansing procedures leads to a complete washing off of the lipid barrier of the skin (sebum), which leads to an even greater severity of the problem. After each hygiene procedure, you should immediately apply a special soothing and moisturizing agent.

You should follow a balanced diet, exclude the following foods:

  • Coffee, caffeinated drinks.
  • Carbonated sweetened drinks and sparkling mineral water.
  • Unconventional spices.
  • Alcohol.
  • Highly allergenic foods (honey, cocoa, bright berries and fruits, citrus fruits, eggs, etc.).

It is mandatory to make an appointment with an endocrinologist or a female gynecologist-endocrinologist. The doctor will assess the hormonal balance of the body and help restore it if necessary. In addition to hormonal drugs, vasoconstrictors can be prescribed. Smoking is contraindicated for people with sensitive skin.


How to take care of sensitive skin? A number of rules are known to help avoid hypersensitivity reactions and reduce discomfort.

  1. Cosmetics for sensitive skin should have special designations and correspond to the type of skin, it is better to choose products labeled "hypoallergenic".
  2. Lotions responsible for cleansing the skin are chosen without alcohol.
  3. Soap in care is not used.
  4. You should wash your face with melt water or ordinary mineral water, there is too much chlorine in the tap water.
  5. If you want to remove makeup, it is advisable to do this with ordinary vegetable oils: sunflower, olive or almond.
  6. The peeling procedure is carried out without acid peels, large abrasive particles, the products should not contain retinoids or glycolic acid.
  7. Aromatic additives (perfumes) provoke a violent reaction of the skin; preparations with a large amount of them in the composition should be discarded.
  8. Before using any remedy, it is necessary to conduct a sensitivity test (apply a small amount to the skin, evaluate the result in a day).
  9. Every day, be sure to protect the skin surface from ultraviolet radiation, choose creams, lotions, milk, etc. with a maximum SPF filter. Preference is given to cosmetics with zinc oxide or titanium dioxide - they create a physical barrier to ultraviolet radiation.
  10. Apply cosmetics in small portions strictly along the massage lines of the face, the movements should be patting (the pads of the ring fingers have the most minimal effect on the surface).
  11. When going to a steam room, bath or sauna, the face must be covered with a thick towel.
  12. You should drastically reduce the time spent in the heat, cold, under the direct rays of the sun.
  13. A sensitivity reaction can begin not only to products applied directly to the skin, but also to vapors in the air. Therefore, aromatherapy falls into the stop list.
  14. Solarium is prohibited.

Dry and sensitive facial skin needs a constant supply of necessary substances. Night care products should be nourishing, and daytime care products should be moisturizing (preferably one cosmetic series). Oily sensitive facial skin also causes a lot of trouble. Care should be dominated by products with a light texture (gel-creams or gels) with a moisturizing effect. This applies to both daytime and nighttime products. Combination skin requires careful selection of products:

  • in the case of a combination of dry and normal, care is carried out as for dry;
  • in the case of a combination of oily and normal - the funds should be for the oily type of skin;
  • if a combination of oily and dry skin is observed (it is quite rare), it is better to act on different areas with various means: on areas of increased fat content - with light moisturizing cosmetics, on dry ones - with fatty nutrients.


Sensitive skin of the body does not tolerate soap, alcohol-containing cosmetics, rough cleansing and similar procedures. Preference should be given to shower gels with a neutral level of acidity and soft sponges. Intensive rubbing can mechanically affect the skin, so those with sensitive skin should lightly blot the body with a soft towel.

Ordinary water can also cause great harm (the chlorine contained in it adversely affects the epidermis). There is only one way out - immediately after water procedures, lubricate the surface of the body with specialized oils or moisturizers. Baby oils for babies cope well with the task, their composition contains the maximum amount of natural ingredients and perfectly restores the lipid barrier. To avoid leaving greasy marks on garments, wait until completely absorbed before dressing.


What to do with sensitive scalp? Choosing the right shampoos Ideally, you should find a hair cleanser that contains soap tree root instead of sodium lauryl sulfate and its derivatives as a surfactant. In practice, to meet such shampoos on the shelves is a rarity. If the cherished jar is still found, then it costs, as a rule, not cheap. There is a little trick, look in the department of children's cosmetics and purchase shampoo for babies. Almost every label mentions that the product is used in infants and adults with sensitive scalp dermis. The scalp responds better to children's shampoos, but expect long hair to be difficult to detangle (a detangling baby conditioner in spray form will help in this situation).

Before washing your hair, it is good to apply vegetable oils to the root area and roots. Under a warming cap, you need to withstand such a mask for at least an hour or more (some sources recommend leaving the oil on all night). Oils that are suitable for masks:

  • almond;
  • grape seeds;
  • avocado;
  • jojoba;
  • burdock;
  • evening primrose;
  • borago;
  • olive.

In extreme cases, regular sunflower oil will do. The components can be mixed, but only one ingredient should be added each time (to avoid an allergic reaction). Oil extracts of plants enrich the skin with fatty acids, restore the lipid barrier, help to soothe the scalp and prevent dandruff.

Nutrition for sensitive skin

A specialized diet can significantly affect the quality of the skin.

  1. Include vegetable oils in your diet. They should be added to salads and consumed in a non-thermally processed form.
  2. Use all possible vitamins in vegetables and fruits, for this, consume at least half a kilogram of fresh natural gifts every day.
  3. Fiber cleanses the body of toxins, it acts like a brush from the inside. It is rich in whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables.
  4. Lean meat is a supplier of valuable vitamins and minerals.
  5. Fish is a storehouse of omega-3 fatty acids.

If you feel that nutrition is far from ideal, take a course of complex vitamin and mineral supplements for food.

Professional beauty treatments

Some salon procedures can affect the condition of sensitive skin and slightly adapt it to the external effects of aggressive factors.

Caring for sensitive skin is rightfully considered one of the leading cosmetic problems of our time. It is not surprising: the poor ecology of the urban space, unbalanced nutrition with an abundance of chemical additives and the fruits of genetic engineering, a high degree of nervous tension and the familiarity of stressful situations - the familiar features of the 21st century inevitably affect the state of the human body, all its organs and systems. And the skin of the face is no exception. In response to prolonged exposure to negative factors, it loses its natural ability to self-regulate and restore, becomes vulnerable and defenseless against the influences of the external environment. In other words, the skin becomes sensitive and begins to respond inappropriately to even the mildest stimuli. In this article, we will tell you how to care for sensitive dry skin at home.


Symptoms of skin sensitivity are very unpleasant: redness (solid or uneven spots) and severe tightness, small cracks and peeling, burning and itching. And all this manifests itself with noticeable constancy and regularity at the slightest hypothermia or overheating, contact with solar ultraviolet radiation and a walk in windy weather, applying cosmetics (both decorative and medicinal) and even simply washing with tap water. The list of provoking factors is huge, although it has some individual characteristics. By the way, it is in the increased response to everything and everything that the main difference between sensitive skin and normal skin, but prone to allergies to any one chemical or biological element of the environment (allergen), is.

It is important to note that the considered cosmetic disorders are not congenital, but are acquired. In addition to the mentioned environmental and emotional issues, their development may be due to past dermatological diseases, the use of cheap make-up products, smoking and excessive drinking, as well as acute and chronic diseases of the internal organs, disruptions in the endocrine system. Thus, a full-fledged care for sensitive facial skin must certainly be accompanied by the identification and elimination of the root cause. In the meantime, let's get acquainted with the basic rules that allow you to remove the symptoms of sensitivity, or at least make it less pronounced.

Rules for every day

So, if you are the owner of sensitive, easily irritated skin, learn how to take care of its beauty and health every day.

Rule #1 - Gentle Cleansing

Almost all fashionable procedures of beauty salons and many techniques of home cosmetology are contraindicated for your face, in particular, various peeling options. You will have to clean the skin without the help of special products, since even ordinary soap, not to mention scrubs and peeling masks, can be harmful.

The best solution is to wash your face every morning with warm boiled or heated spring water, you can use warm filtered water. During the day, wet the face as little as possible, especially avoid moisture before going outside in windy or frosty weather. In the evening, wipe the skin with a cotton swab dipped in natural rose or lavender water (sold in pharmacies and aromatherapy stores) or in an infusion of the flowers of these medicinal plants. This will cleanse the pores of impurities and gently tone the skin, besides, both rose and lavender have an excellent anti-inflammatory effect.

Rule #2 - Careful Protection

Hypersensitivity is characteristic mainly of people with a dry skin type, suffering from a lack of sebum, as well as very fair-skinned people with a low level of pigmentation. But it is fats and pigments that provide a natural barrier that protects our face from negative environmental influences. Their lack must be compensated by using a day cream that combines the properties of nutrition and protection. Apply it every morning, 20-30 minutes after washing your face.

Please note that it is better to take care of sensitive facial skin using hypoallergenic creams. An appropriate label on the package will reduce the likelihood of redness and discomfort. Creams containing allantoin are well suited - the substance gives an anti-inflammatory effect and protects the skin not only from harmful weather factors, but, noteworthy, from the aggressive effects of other components of the cosmetic preparation. If irritation still arises, then this is not your remedy and you should look for another.

Rule #3 - Healing Recovery

Sensitive skin needs regular restoration of damaged areas, healing of microcracks, deep softening and moisturizing. A good night face cream will help to achieve these goals, the components of which, in addition to allantoin, are panthenol, cavatin, vitamins A and E. When applied to the skin, such a composition will relieve irritation and redness, moisturize, enhance protective functions and start regeneration processes.

Despite the typical difficulties associated with the selection of preparations for sensitive skin - you never know how a person will react to a particular substance - it is quite possible to find your own cream that is right for you. Just remember the psychological factor: do not start using a new remedy when you are in a stressful, excited state, conduct a test during a period of emotional calm and a benevolent mood.

Unfortunately, the ideal makeup for sensitive skin is its complete absence. If you can’t do without decorative cosmetics, consider the following points:

  • set the background tone of the face with powder, not foundation - it contains fewer chemical elements that provoke irritation;
  • give preference to shades of light shades containing a minimum of dyes;
  • forget about liquid eyeliners - they contain highly allergenic latex, in your case a regular pencil will be much safer.
  • use a simple, non-waterproof mascara that is easy to wash off without the use of special solutions, which are very aggressive in their properties;
  • Remove makeup only with milk intended for sensitive skin, otherwise redness and itching are provided to you.

Rules for the use of face masks

Summing up, we will touch on another important issue - cosmetic masks for sensitive skin care. You can use them, but you must be extremely careful, guided by the principle of "do no harm." Cottage cheese and milk, oatmeal and potatoes, cabbage and cucumbers are the main ingredients for such procedures at home. It is better to apply them separately, without mixing, that is, to make a mask from any one product of your choice. In this case, it is recommended to first check the effect on a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin, and then lubricate the entire face. The latter, we note, is also relevant when testing new products in medical and decorative cosmetics.

Take care of your sensitive skin, be attentive and patient to its needs - and the result will be on your face!

Dry sensitive facial skin requires special care. In cosmetology, it is distinguished into a separate category and a special care system is made for it. It can cause a lot of problems and discomfort, but you can fight it. Even in a short time, many manage to significantly improve the condition and appearance of the face.

Signs of sensitive skin

The type of facial skin can change with age, under the influence of external factors or due to internal changes in the body. Each type of skin can create certain problems for its owners. Both oily and dry skin needs special care. Too tender and sensitive skin can bother a person all his life or start to deliver discomfort only at some stage.

Owners of dry sensitive facial skin face such troubles as:

  • peeling;
  • burning for no apparent reason;
  • frequent sunburn and difficulty with a full tan;
  • the appearance of a reaction to most types of cosmetics;
  • severe irritation;
  • feeling of tightness, especially after washing;
  • the appearance of age spots of unknown origin;
  • redness;
  • frequent occurrence of irritation;
  • pallor;
  • a thin layer of sebum;
  • thin skin.

To accurately determine that a person has sensitive skin, a special test will help. Run the blunt end of a pencil or pen across your cheek and see how long the red line lasts. For those with sensitive skin, this reaction lasts 2 minutes or even longer.

Most often, dry skin with high sensitivity occurs in blondes and redheads. However, sensitivity can be inherent in other people. Proper and competent skin care will help to get rid of constant irritations and peeling that appear for any reason.

Basic rules of care

Special care is required for a sensitive dry face due to the fact that it regularly reacts to the slightest irritants. People who are familiar with this problem may develop peeling on the face due to heat, spots after applying cosmetics, inflammation due to food allergies.

To bring the face back to normal, it is desirable to determine which negative factor the skin reacted to. Its impact must be eliminated in order to restore a healthy look to the face. However, this is not always possible. Observance of a special care system developed by cosmetologists will help get rid of unpleasant manifestations.

The following rules must be observed:

  1. Any aggressive impact must be excluded or, if this is not possible, at least minimized. Aggressive factors include sunlight, steam, temperature changes, hard peeling, mechanical facial cleansing and similar cosmetic procedures.
  2. It is necessary to abandon cosmetics, which include alcohol, glycolic acid or retinoids. These components can be found in soaps, tonics, lotions, scrubs and masks.
  3. Don't resort to aromatherapy.
  4. Any products that are applied to the skin must be of the highest quality. It is recommended to use a minimum of cosmetics (both decorative and skin care).
  5. You can use creams with SPF before each exit to the street. It is advisable to use products that contain physical filters: titanium dioxide, zinc oxide, etc.
  6. Avoid excessive exposure to ultraviolet light. Visits to solariums must be completely abandoned. You can sunbathe only during the period when the sun gives indirect rays.
  7. The diet must necessarily be built so that products that are harmful to the skin condition are excluded from it. Strong tea and coffee, alcohol, too hot, cold or spicy food, allergen foods, which include eggs, citrus fruits, chocolate, etc., are prohibited. The emphasis in nutrition should be on vegetable oils (olive, sunflower, grape, linseed). Be sure to consume enough fiber. It is also very important to drink clean water in sufficient quantities.
  8. Smoking must be excluded.
  9. After consulting a doctor, you can take vasoconstrictor drugs to eliminate redness.
  10. Get examined by a gynecologist and endocrinologist to identify possible hormonal disorders and get rid of them.
  11. Use a nourishing cream, preferably after consultation with a beautician.
  12. The intake of complexes of vitamins and minerals, which improve the condition of the vascular system and the whole organism as a whole, helps to cope with the problem.

By following all the basic rules of care and by revising the lifestyle, noticeable improvements in the condition of the skin of the face can be achieved very quickly. Some salon procedures will help speed up the effect and significantly improve the appearance.

What procedures can be performed in the salon?

Dry and sensitive skin will regain its freshness and attractiveness after some procedures that numerous beauty salons offer their clients.

Not all procedures in the arsenal of cosmetologists can be carried out by owners of dry and sensitive skin. However, some of them are recommended for those problems that create excessive sensitivity and dryness.

Treatments for dry and sensitive skin include:

  1. Microcurrent therapy. This procedure has an anti-inflammatory effect, strengthens blood vessels, increases local immunity.
  2. Phototherapy. With the help of a diode laser, redness of the skin can be removed.
  3. Biorevitalization. The additional use of hyaluronic acid will provide a rejuvenating effect, relieve inflammation, improve microcirculation and strengthen the walls of blood vessels.
  4. Mesotherapy. Eliminates wrinkles and flaking, therefore it is recommended for mature dry skin with hypersensitivity.

Some salon procedures for such problematic skin are prohibited. Contraindicated procedures include:

  • chemical and glycol peels;
  • laser resurfacing;
  • almost all types of massages.

An experienced cosmetologist will be able to choose the optimal course of procedures that will positively affect the condition of dry sensitive skin. The cosmetic effect will be supplemented by products that can be used independently at home.

Home care products

From the products available to everyone at home, you can prepare effective and safe face care products. Regular use of such products contributes to a significant improvement in the condition of dry and sensitive skin.

An excellent mask for sensitive skin can be prepared from cottage cheese. If you add a little warmed low-fat milk and cucumber pulp to low-fat cottage cheese, you get an excellent remedy that needs to be applied to your face for 15 minutes. It is recommended to use the mask once a week.

As a tonic, you can use a mixture of boiled birch sap with honey. Wipe the skin with this composition in the morning and evening. You can also wipe the skin with cosmetic oils. Burdock, lemon, rose, sea buckthorn oils are well suited.

Cream for daily use can also be made at home. To do this, you need to heat 30 g of base oil on a steam bath, add 2 ml of stearic acid, wait until the emulsifier dissolves, pour in 60 ml of green tea. All this time the mixture must be heated. You can remove the composition from the heat when its consistency becomes creamy. The cream must be constantly stirred. When its temperature drops to 35 ° C, you need to add 7 ml of chamomile extract and 5 drops of essential verbena oil. All components for the cream can be purchased at the pharmacy. You can use it 1 time per day.

Thus, the problem of sensitive and dry skin can occur in a person at any age and for various reasons.

You can get rid of unpleasant manifestations of sensitivity and excessive dryness of the skin of the face if you follow some general rules, use special products for home care and visit a beautician for special procedures.

Cosmetology knows several types of skin: dry, oily, normal, combination and sensitive. This article will focus on the latter subspecies. You will learn how to take care of sensitive skin. Also find out what features this type has. We will also mention what products for sensitive facial skin are offered by modern manufacturers.

Skin on the face

Despite the fact that cosmetology singles out a sensitive type among the types of skin, it can be combined with the rest. So, there is a dry face, oily and combined. Moreover, each of these subspecies has its own characteristics and characteristics. Consider separately each type of skin.

Dry sensitive skin on the face

This type is most often possessed by white-skinned ladies belonging to the winter color type. So, they have a thin prone to peeling and the appearance of a rash. In the winter season, dry sensitive skin is prone to chapping and redness.

During this period, she needs some protective care. Be sure to use nourishing masks. Some of them can be prepared independently or purchased at cosmetic outlets. In addition, it is important to apply a protective cream or oil for sensitive facial skin. Such funds should be used a few hours before going out. Only in this case you will be able to avoid weathering and the appearance of spots.

Oily sensitive skin

This type of skin is very common among teenagers. So, in adolescence, girls and boys begin hormonal changes. As a result, sensitive skin on the face can become covered with acne and red spots.

How to take care of sensitive skin in this case? Beauticians strongly recommend the use of various soothing and cleansing masks. Be sure to wash daily. If necessary, you can use a scrub for sensitive skin.

Despite the fact that oily skin releases a lot of oil, it needs to be moisturized and nourished. To do this, you should choose the appropriate ones or cook them yourself.

Combination or normal (sensitive) facial skin

Very sensitive facial skin can be combined. In this case, a woman has a mixed type: the skin of the forehead, nose and chin may be prone to the appearance of oily sheen and acne. Cheeks, cheekbones and the area around the mouth will be dry at this time.

How to care for sensitive combination skin? It can be quite difficult for the owner of such a cover to find the right remedy. However, preference should be given to products designed specifically for this type of skin.

General features of sensitive skin

Regardless of the type of sensitive facial skin, the signs are the same. Dry or oily, she reacts strongly to external factors and the lifestyle of her mistress.

So, if a woman uses a cosmetic product that is not suitable for her, she may experience an allergic reaction. With the wrong lifestyle, problems with appearance also often arise. Fatty and salty foods with a lot of spices can cause rashes and spots. Often there is swelling in the eyelid area and

Sensitive skin also reacts strongly to changes in the weather. In summer, women with such a cover are forced to hide from the sun's rays under wide-brimmed hats or a layer of protective cream. Otherwise, a severe burn and the appearance of pigmentation may occur.

In some cases, the skin may react to certain medications. Sensitive skin changes greatly during the course of antibiotic therapy, after anesthesia, and so on. In such situations, it will have to be restored with the help of appropriate drugs.

How to take care of sensitive skin?

The daily complex for the care of this type of skin should include several items. Only if you follow all the rules, you can achieve beautiful and smooth skin that will radiate radiance and health. Consider the main points that should be included in the program for the care of sensitive skin.

First step: washing

Sensitive skin needs daily cleansing. Even if the dermis peels off and dries, it needs to be cleaned. Choose the appropriate cosmetic gels or foams.

For oily skin, the composition should include extracts of cucumber, aloe and celandine. If the cover is dry, then give preference to soft foams containing decoctions of chamomile, succession and other herbs. Some women like to wash themselves with ordinary soap, but this is not entirely correct. Such cleansing can lead to overdrying of the skin. Cleansers are especially detrimental to the dermis. The only exception to the rule is Dove soap. It gently cleanses the face without removing excess fat.

Dove soap should not be used by women who are allergic to honey and milk. Some types of this product contain exactly these ingredients.

You need to wash very carefully. Wet your face with clean water and apply a small amount of gel or foam on it. Massage into skin avoiding lips and eyes. After that, rinse your face with clean water.

Second step: toning

All the fair sex who want to look good should use a tonic. For sensitive skin, you need to choose a special tool.

Owners of dry or combined sensitive dermis should give preference to a tonic that has a softening and soothing effect. If your skin is prone to oily sheen and acne, then you need to choose a lotion that has healing and cleansing properties.

Apply tonic only on previously cleansed skin. Immediately after washing, blot your face with a clean cloth and wipe it with a sponge dipped in a suitable solution. Tonic or lotion does not need to be washed off. Wait for the moment when it is absorbed and proceed to the next step.

Third step: moisturizing

No matter what type your sensitive skin is, it needs hydration. Many women mistakenly believe that oily dermis cannot be lubricated with creams. Thus, they only exacerbate the aging process of the skin.

After the lotion or tonic has dried, apply a cream. For dry skin, nourishing formulations should be used, which are divided into night and day. If you have oily skin, then give preference to gel-like substances that are quickly absorbed and give a matte finish.

Additional care products for sensitive skin

In addition to the basic complex of daily care, there are products that need to be used once or twice a week. These include masks and scrubs. Also, some women use peeling and gommage.

Dry and combination skin needs nourishing and softening fortified masks. Apply them only on well-cleansed skin. Always follow the instructions for use of such products. Also, dry and combination sensitive skin requires deep cleansing. It should be done no more than once a week. Otherwise, you may get irritation. Give preference to soft peeling. For very sensitive skin, gommage is worth choosing.

There are also masks for oily sensitive skin, but they are not aimed at nourishing the dermis, but at cleansing it and narrowing the pores. Quite often you can find film substances for oily dermis. They are applied to the skin and dry in a few minutes. After that, they must be carefully removed by pulling the edges.

Oily sensitive skin should be cleaned regularly, as the sebaceous glands in this case work with increased stress. That is why give preference to scrubs or peels with deep action.

Brand Names

If you have never used cosmetics for sensitive skin, then take a closer look at the products of the Chistaya Liniya brand. The manufacturer uses only natural decoctions and herbs for the preparation of skin care products.

The company "Green Mama" is also very popular. She produces a special line of cleansing and moisturizing products for sensitive and allergy-prone skin.

It is impossible not to mention the familiar soap and cream Dove. These products cleanse, soften and nourish sensitive, allergy-prone skin.

Among the decorative cosmetics, one can single out such firms as Maxfactor and Lumine. Their products are hypoallergenic and suitable for all skin types.

Do-it-yourself products for sensitive skin

Many women believe that making their own skin care products is always better. And indeed it is. However, such products can be stored for a rather short time and only in the refrigerator. Be sure to consider the possibility of an allergic reaction.

For washing, you can use decoctions of chamomile or string. They soften and soothe the sensitive dermis. To cleanse and whiten the skin, use lemon juice and a slice of cucumber.

To moisturize, you can use natural orange and others.

If you are the owner of sensitive skin, then you need to remember a few important rules. Adhering to them, you can always maintain your beauty at the right level.

  • Choose hypoallergenic make-up. When buying foundation, powder or other products, give preference only to well-known manufacturers who guarantee the absence of allergies.
  • Do not use someone else's cosmetics. Never borrow cream or mascara from your girlfriends and relatives. Otherwise, you can get not only an allergic reaction, but also become infected with some diseases.
  • Always wash off your makeup. After a long day, be sure to cleanse your face. Do not be lazy and carry out the whole complex of procedures. Only then go to bed.
  • Do not use masks and oils before bed. If you decide to please your skin with a mask or oil, then this should be done no later than a few hours before going to bed. Otherwise, you may encounter such an unpleasant phenomenon as swelling in the morning.
  • Use natural remedies. Of course, in our time it is very convenient to purchase caring compositions in beautiful jars. However, do not forget about old grandmother's recipes. Treat your skin with natural masks and decoctions.
  • Visit a beautician regularly. If you have sensitive skin that is prone to frequent irritation, then you should be familiar with an experienced beautician. Do not try to squeeze out a pimple or whiten a pigment spot on your own. Trust an expert in this matter.


Now you know what features sensitive skin has. Be sure to follow all the rules above and you will always be beautiful. If you still have not figured out what type your face belongs to, then contact the beauty parlor. The specialist will examine you and tell you what features your type of dermis has. Take care of yourself and always be healthy and beautiful!

In cosmetology, sensitive skin of the face is distinguished into a separate type, due to the need for special gentle complex care. It instantly reacts to any irritants, giving its owner a lot of problems. They are constantly manifested by peeling and redness, vascular networks and new wrinkles. It is possible to normalize the condition, reduce increased sensitivity, thanks to folk remedies and the achievements of aesthetic medicine.

Types of skin sensitivity

Three main types - oily, dry and combination are at risk of becoming very sensitive skin. This can be triggered by lifestyle, diet, adverse environmental conditions and improperly selected cosmetics.

  1. The oily epidermis is characterized by an unhealthy complexion, with redness in different areas, the relief of the face may be accompanied by bumps, the pores are enlarged, blockage of the ducts in the form of comedones is noticeable.
  2. Dry sensitive skin is very thin, prone to peeling, irritation, the formation of premature wrinkles and sagging. The complexion is pale in some areas, vascular networks may appear.
  3. Combination skin combines the main problems of the previous two. Wide pores are visible in the T-region, increased sebum secretion provokes shine and infection. On the cheeks, the integument is noticeably thinner, prone to rosacea and dryness.

You can determine by the following factors:

  • Unhealthy pallor;
  • Instantly reacts to touch, changing color;
  • Normal washing provokes a feeling of tightened dermis;
  • Regular irritations and allergic reactions;
  • The occurrence of injuries during massage;
  • Ignition leads to burns;
  • Contact with fresh grass is fraught with a change in pigmentation;
  • Cold or heat causes unpleasant, and even painful sensations.

Sensitive skin care tips

A very thin epidermis constantly reacts to any irritants. To reduce possible negative reactions, it is worth following a number of simple recommendations. Together with cosmetics, proper care will help to quickly bring the skin back to normal.

Interesting video: Sensitive skin care at home

Important advice from the editor

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, you should pay special attention to the shampoos you use. A frightening figure - in 97% of shampoos of famous brands there are substances that poison our body. The main components, because of which all the troubles on the labels are indicated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemicals destroy the structure of the curls, the hair becomes brittle, loses elasticity and strength, and the color fades. But the worst thing is that this muck gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in the organs and can cause cancer. We advise you to refrain from using products containing these substances. Recently, the experts of our editorial staff conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where the first place was taken by funds from the company Mulsan Сosmetic. The only manufacturer of completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.

Oily sensitive skin care

  1. Cleanse the skin with mild means, the content of alcohol, alkali, and other aggressive ingredients is excluded;
  2. On pimples and acne, apply therapeutic ointments in minimal amounts;
  3. For scrubbing, use products with soft particles that prevent vascular injury, irritation;
  4. Choose decorative cosmetics marked - anticomedone;
  5. Do not forget about regular moisturizing, nourishing masks, creams, if you enrich finished products, the amount of vegetable oils should not exceed 10%;
  6. Normalize nutrition, avoid sweets, snacks, smoked meats, spices that provoke purulent formations.

Care for dry sensitive skin

  1. Wash only with warm water, forget about steaming, or procedures with ice;
  2. Protect the face from exposure to ultraviolet radiation, select the factor depending on the season, pay attention to the presence of filters with titanium dioxide or zinc oxide;
  3. To moisturize, use tested creams or replace with vegetable oils;
  4. Do not use esters, acids, sorbents that scratch and injure the integument;
  5. In the cold season, it is worth using creams and emulsions with a cold protection effect;
  6. During the day, thermal water will help to refresh and moisturize the face.

Salon treatments for sensitive skin

In cosmetology, effective methods have long been practiced to adapt the thin epidermis to the environment.

The most popular and effective for sensitive skin care are:

  1. Phototherapy- with the help of a laser, rosacea stars are removed, the complexion is restored, microcirculation improves, there is no rehabilitation period and side effects;
  2. Biorevitalization- thanks to the introduction of injections with hyaluronic acid, not only the improvement of turgor and elasticity occurs, but also the normalization of all metabolic processes, inflammation and irritation disappear, facial vessels are strengthened;
  3. Mesotherapy- all the same beauty shots, only the composition can include plant extracts, vitamins, minerals, natural stimulants, this method allows you to deliver useful components to the deep layers of the dermis, which is difficult to achieve with traditional cream application.

You will have to give up various types of peelings, polishing, corrective and rejuvenating massages. The best homemade skin care products can always be tested for allergies, and natural ingredients are safe and will not cause harm.

Home remedies for sensitive skin

Folk methods allow you to take care of the most sensitive skin, restoring its immune properties. In nature, it is easy to find all the means for the full care of the delicate dermis. They cleanse and soothe, nourish and moisturize, keeping the skin fresh and elastic. Only individual intolerance can become contraindications.

Oils for sensitive skin

It is difficult to find more perfect products in terms of their chemical composition. Rich in vitamins and acids, saturate the dermis with essential substances, keeping youth and elasticity. It is also recommended for sensitive eye skin, they do not cause irritation, cope with mimic wrinkles, overhanging eyelids and swelling.

List of the best oils:

  • Olive - softens and nourishes, strengthens the facial vessels, smoothes the network of wrinkles, is used in the off-season and winter, when the epidermis is especially prone to dryness and irritation;
  • Almond - does not clog the sebaceous ducts, has a lifting effect, you can add a few drops to finished cosmetics or apply, replacing moisturizing serum;
  • Jojoba - due to its high content of tocopherol, it is considered one of the best agents for rejuvenation and sun protection, it is effective in acne treatment formulations to soothe inflammation, and used in its pure form;
  • Grape - is used to moisturize the problematic dermis, with enlarged pores and regular rashes, light oil is perfectly perceived by the age-related dermis, it softens and nourishes, refreshes the integument.
  • Shea - a dense structure often repels owners of oily sensitive skin, but this natural product is effective for absolutely all types, it can be used to speed up the processes of regeneration, healing of wounds and cracks, in winter it provides reliable protection against temperature extremes, maintaining moisture levels without clogging pores.

As a result: care products should protect the dermis as much as possible from adverse environmental factors. For daily nutrition and hydration, restoring the pH balance and saturating the skin with vitamins and acids, it is worth preparing a natural cosmetic product.


  • 10 ml peach oil;
  • 5 gr. shea butter;
  • 3 drops of bergamot ether.

Production and method of application: after melting the wax in a water bath, add vegetable oils, remove from heat and pour into a prepared cosmetic jar, add drops of ether. Apply a thin layer on the cleansed face, following the massage lines.

Application: for daily use in the morning and evening, in the presence of wounds and cracks, do not include essential oil in the composition.

Tonic for sensitive skin

Masks for sensitive skin at home

Capricious and fickle sensitive dermis needs comprehensive care. Cleansing, toning and nutrition, mandatory procedures necessary for her youth and health. But all prepared formulations must be checked for a possible reaction so as not to harm thin covers.


As a result: at home, you can gently remove dead skin cells, remove toxins and oxidants, refresh color and narrow pores.


  • 10 gr. oatmeal;
  • 5 gr. plantain;
  • 5 gr. chamomile.

Production and method of application: grind herbs together with flakes in a coffee grinder to a state of powder. Dilute with mineral water and distribute on the epidermis. Eight / ten minutes is enough, after you can wash your face.


As a result: thin skin has a rather weak immunity, is often prone to infections, rashes, cracks. To restore the natural properties, it is enough to periodically replenish the deficiency of vitamins and fatty acids.


  • 10 gr. cottage cheese;
  • 2 yolks;
  • 5 gr. cream.

Production and method of application: yolks, mixed with cottage cheese, add cream, too thick mass can be diluted with warm green tea. Wipe the surface with micellar liquid, then distribute the finished nutrient mass. Finish your facial after twenty-five minutes.


As a result: natural cosmetics will help soothe the skin, get rid of redness, irritation and rash.


  • 10 gr. rice flour;
  • 20 ml of milk;
  • 3 drops of sandalwood ether.

Production and method of application: mix rice powder with warm milk, add wood drops. Distribute the product along the lines of massage, leave to act for twenty minutes. Remove leftovers in the usual way.

For dry skin

As a result: moisturize the integument, get rid of peeling easily, thanks to the recipes of nature. Cells are saturated with the necessary moisture and useful substances, which increases the firmness and elasticity of the dermis.


  • banana;
  • 15 gr. starch;
  • 10 gr. coconut oil.

Production and application method: combine banana puree with corn starch and nutritious dense oil. Apply the plastic mass on the face, pressing firmly to the surface. After resting thirty / thirty-five minutes, remove the remnants.

from a pumpkin

As a result: helps to avoid beriberi, strengthens facial vessels, improves lymph outflow. Effectively used for puffiness and swelling, as well as for the prevention of premature wrinkles.


  • 20 gr. pumpkins;
  • 15 gr. yogurt;
  • 6 drops of retinol.

Production and method of application: bake the vegetable, grind on a grater and combine with natural yogurt, add liquid vitamin. Spread with a spatula on prepared covers, cleaned of decorative cosmetics, apply to all areas of the face, without exception. After fifteen minutes, remove the remains with a damp disk.

From chocolate

Bottom line: home remedies are effective against wrinkles, age-related flabbiness and loss of firmness. Use a restorative procedure at least twice a month.


  • 15 gr. bitter chocolate;
  • 10 gr. shea butter.

Production and method of application: after melting the dessert in a water bath, add African oil. Distribute the finished composition, cooled down a little, with a spatula, enjoy spa care for a quarter of an hour. After carefully remove the remnants of the mask.

From kelp

As a result: acts against wrinkles, deeply moisturizes and refreshes the color. For a lasting lifting effect, carry out five / seven cosmetic sessions.


  • 20 gr. kelp;
  • 15 drops of grape oil.

Production and method of application: pour dry, crushed algae with mineral water, leave for ten minutes, then add oil. Apply with a brush or sponge, as if smoothing out the covers. After forty minutes, finish in the usual way.

From honey

As a result: to whiten pigmentation and improve the relief of oily sensitive dermis, it is worth using folk recipes. Strengthens blood vessels, improves microcirculation and oxygen respiration.


  • 15 gr. honey;
  • protein;
  • 5 ml strawberry juice.

Production and application method: squeeze juice from fresh berries, beat with honey and protein with a whisk. Distribute after washing with a brush in several layers. The mask is valid for fifteen / eighteen minutes.

From sour cream

As a result: for whitening and nourishing the epidermis, smoothing out static wrinkles, it is worth using dairy ingredients. Proteins are perfectly perceived by cells, do not cause allergic reactions.


  • 10 gr. sour cream;
  • 5 gr. aloe juice.

Production and method of application: combine sour cream with vegetable juice, apply a mass similar to an emulsion in the evening, before going to bed, wipe the skin with thermal water in the morning.

from cucumber

As a result: restores the balance of moisture, vitamins and minerals, refreshes and relieves puffiness. An effective mask to restore elasticity and firmness.


  • cucumber;
  • half an avocado;
  • 10 gr. wheat flour.

Production and method of application: after removing the skin from vegetables, grind on a grater, add cereal powder to the mass. Distribute in a dense layer on the surface of the face, after protecting the eyelids with cotton pads. Rest for about forty minutes, then remove the composition with a napkin.

From potatoes

As a result: for age-related, problematic dermis, prone to dryness and peeling, it is worth holding a home caring session. The procedure also prepares the skin for adverse weather conditions, dry air, frost, or the exhausting high temperatures of summer.


  • 2 potatoes;
  • 10 gr. cream;
  • yolk.

Production and method of application: in a blender, make a homogeneous mass from raw vegetables, add milk cream and egg yolk. Distribute the composition in a dense layer, including on the delicate area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eyelids. You will have to wait about twenty-five minutes, after washing.

Video recipe: Mask for inflamed and sensitive skin at home

from cabbage

As a result: relieves inflammation, possible purulent formations, removes toxins. Suitable for all types of dermis, even if there are wounds or cracks.


  • 20 gr. cabbage;
  • 5 ml plantain juice.

Production and method of application: crush the cabbage leaf in a meat grinder, combine the finished paste-like mass with the juice of a medicinal plant. Apply the composition to the cleaned covers, hold for about half an hour.

From oatmeal

As a result: for regular cleansing, normalization of the sebaceous glands, acceleration of renewal processes, it is worth using natural ingredients.


  • 10 gr. flakes;
  • 8 drops of calendula oil.

Production and method of application: steam the flakes with green tea, add sour milk and marigold oil to the cooled gruel. Distribute the product in a circular motion, after ten minutes you can complete the caring manipulations.


As a result: an effective procedure will help against acne, inflammation and pigmentation.


  • 10 gr. clay;
  • 5 gr. chamomile;
  • 15 drops of jojoba oil.

Production and method of application: grind the flowers in a coffee grinder, combine with clay and oil, dilute the composition with mineral water. Treat the surface, avoiding contact with the eyelids and lips, rinse off after half an hour.

Interesting video: Care for inflamed sensitive skin