We do erotic massage correctly. After the masseur's hands touch the body several times in the right places, the women who came to the erotic massage session themselves ask to undress them

Erotic massage helps to get rid of psychological and physical fatigue. Touching different parts of the body allows you to relax and enjoy. Intimate massage to the wife is a great opportunity to show tenderness to the second half and strengthen close relationships between partners. If the spouses have cooled off towards each other, then erotic massage is an effective way to kindle passion and sexual appetite.

What is erotic massage?

Classical massaging includes rubbing, pressing, kneading various parts of the body with your hands. Erotic or intimate massage is complemented by gentle stroking of the partner's whole body and kisses. This technique came to us from the East. So, for example, in China, the duration of sexual intercourse was controlled by stimulating certain points, and in India, exciting touches were accompanied by the application of aromatic oils.

Massage for wife at home is a pleasant surprise from a man who wants to strengthen emotional contact and awaken the sexual energy of a woman. The intimate nature of caresses will bring physical and emotional pleasure to the partner. Stroking various parts of the body will help to better determine the erogenous zones. Intimate massage at home has no clear rules, the main thing is to help your wife relax, switch attention from everyday problems and awaken sensuality.

How to give your wife a massage?

In order for the conceived erotic surprise to be pleasant and exciting, it is necessary to create an appropriate environment. For this you will need:

  • muffled light,
  • aroma candles,
  • pleasant music.

The surface on which you want to lay your wife should not be soft. The room should be warm, because during the massage the partners are naked, and the procedure lasts from half an hour to an hour.

A prerequisite is the application of oil or a special cream on the hands of a man and the body of a woman. If you are confident in the aromatic preferences of your partner, feel free to use the oil with her favorite scent.

Common options for creating an intimate setting:

  • jasmine,
  • ylang ylang,
  • vanilla,
  • orange,
  • patchouli.

Relaxation is facilitated by a warm bath, you can start an erotic massage from it. Before touching, be sure to warm up your hands and lubricate them with cream. This will make the skin of the palms softer, the fingers will gently glide over the body of your beloved.

Essential oils have a powerful effect on the psychological state of a woman. They make you completely relax or, conversely, awaken sexual desire. But if your partner is prone to allergies, use a hypoallergenic lotion.

The body of a woman is full of mysteries, making an erotic massage, you need to monitor her reaction, this will reveal new erogenous zones.

Sexual massage for the wife: technique

  • It is worth starting the procedure with the limbs - feet or hands. To do this, lay your beloved on your stomach. To make your wife comfortable, place a towel roll under her feet.

Gently knead each toe, foot, and between the toes. There are many nerve endings on the feet, and stimulating them will give your partner a lot of pleasure. From stroking, they move on to kneading with the edge of the palm or phalanges of the fingers. With the hands, follow the same pattern - first, gentle stroking, then more intense kneading.

  • From your feet, slowly work your way up to your calves, thighs, and buttocks. Movements are performed with fingertips or with the whole palm. To add intimacy will touch the lips and tongue.

Erotic massage of the buttocks or thighs in terms of the intensity of physical impact differs significantly from the procedure with hands or feet. These places are less sensitive, so they can be pinched and lightly patted. The inner thigh is very sensitive to touch. An energetic impact will make the partner aroused, but she should be calmed down with gentle strokes.

The peculiarity of erotic massage is the gradual increase in stimulating effect, which will end with passionate sex.

  • When starting to work on the back, remember that there is an erogenous zone between the shoulder blades, which should be given special attention.

Erotic massage takes place at a different pace. Their effect depends on the intensity of actions - gentle slow strokes relax the partner, and fast strokes stimulate. In this intimate moment, keep talking to a minimum, or rather be silent. Hands will speak for you, expressing love with the language of gentle strokes and touches.

  • Do not leave your neck and shoulders without a massage. This area is stressed and tight after a hard day's work. Pressing and rubbing will help the girl relax, relieve fatigue. A woman is unlikely to decide on an erotic massage session in the salon, but at home with her beloved man she will be able to get unforgettable pleasure.

Massage of the abdomen and chest of the wife

  • If you want to make the erotic massage of the chest and abdomen especially pleasant, generously lubricate your hands with oil.
  • The impact on the stomach should be especially delicate, it is enough to stroke the area around the navel in a clockwise circular motion. Touches of hands are complemented by kisses.
  • Next, pay attention to the waist, moving your hands up and down, slightly pulling the skin.
  • So that erotic massage does not seem like a hint of vulgarity, you should not crush a woman's breasts or twist her nipples. It is enough to gently draw along the perimeter of the roundness, it is easy to play with the most sensitive parts.
  • Do not disregard the neck, because many women have erogenous zones here. Careful touches of fingers, tongue and lips will make her tremble with pleasure.
  • The ears are no less sensitive organ, they are massaged with two fingers - thumb and forefinger. Gently knead the surface, especially the lobes.

Intimate organs massage

  • Having reached the most secret place, try to be extremely careful and gentle;
  • The intimate parts of the body are very sensitive, so touch with relaxed fingers, massaging with gentle but teasing movements;
  • The impact of lips and tongue will be very appropriate;
  • During the massage, mark areas that are especially responsive to touch, and be sure to return to them;
  • If you do not set goals to bring your wife to orgasm, then control the intensity of caresses;
  • When performing an intimate massage for a wife at home, not only theoretical knowledge is important, but also the fantasy of partners.

The most effective ancient way of foreplay before penetrating contact is massage for a woman sensual thoughts and fantasies. It is known that a girl’s desire manifests itself more slowly than a man’s, and stroking and gently touching the right areas will allow him to wake up faster. There are certain effective methods aimed at speedy arousal that will spur your girlfriend to achieve the required lift.

Liberating environment

The environment in which you will do the relaxing massage procedure should be appropriate.

  1. Choose a warm room for these purposes.
  2. For more relaxed movements, use a wide bed.
  3. Turn on a pleasant quiet musical composition as a background.
  4. The cream used for massage should include all kinds of aromatic oils.

This will allow the partner to relax more quickly and begin to show passionate activity.

Note to women - V-tonus - gel for narrowing moisture @ face. Recommended for real pleasure for women.

Massage basics

The main techniques that should be used during the period of bringing a woman to a relaxed state are the following:

  • stroking,
  • Trituration,
  • Kneading.

Act gently, gently, putting all your love into this sensual procedure. Remember the main erogenous zones that you should pay attention to, they are shown in the table:

Please note that for different women these zones are different, depending on individual preferences. Therefore, you should get to know your beloved and understand what excites her more specifically.

Massage oil

To increase the appearance of the reaction you need when making massage movements, the use of various aromatic essential oils will allow. However, not everyone may like the smell of cinnamon, musk or vanilla. So, first find out this moment.

When choosing a fragrance for foreplay, you need to find out the preferences of your partner. Some people may be allergic to certain smells.

How to do an exciting massage at home

You can learn how to do an emotional massage for a woman by watching a video on the Internet, but we will tell you the basic rules of massage.

Start by gently massaging areas of lesser sensitivity with warm hands. Your partner should be lying on his stomach. Alternate light tapping of the back and sides of your beloved with rubbing these areas. These are relaxing techniques that allow you to switch your attention to the ongoing procedure, reflexively excite and push your lady of the heart to the necessary sensory impact.

Basic Rules:

  • At the very beginning, pay attention to areas of less sensitivity.
  • Do not rush to quickly figure out what will achieve the desired result.
  • Act gradually. Since the location of the zones is quite individual, not all touches can bring pleasure. It is worth agreeing in advance on the signals given by your beloved when she is pleased.

If your meeting is the first, then a light massage will allow you to get acquainted with all parts of the body of your beloved. The exact observance of the actions performed is very desirable, as this awakens desire, and the gradual introduction of variety into movements excites the maximum.

The sequence of exciting touches:

  • Stroking and rubbing the back,
  • Circular movements on the buttocks and legs,
  • Massaging the legs and inner thighs (the position of the partner is on the back),
  • Gentle strokes on the neck, chest and abdomen,
  • Touching the nipples and genitals (if the girl does not mind).

The cranio-sacral areas are used by some specialists in penetrating massage to quickly bring to a state of arousal. To do this, gently act on the back of the neck, then switch to the sacrum. First, perform alternating actions, and then - simultaneously with the help of two hands. It is believed that this technique allows you to excite a woman quickly enough - within one to two minutes.

Any signs of attention rendered by men are capable of tuning in a sensual way, but touches have a more powerful influence. It is up to everyone to decide whether to quickly or slowly bring their beloved to the peak of arousal, and which technique is better to use. If you want sensual pleasures to bring the maximum possible pleasure, then watch the behavior of your lady during the massage. And you will understand what and how best to do over time.

How to translate a simple massage into an exciting one

A very important role in obtaining a positive end result from the massage performed belongs to the environment. The most favorable conditions are listed in the table.

Rendez Vous - Female exciter with fast effect

Doctors and psychologists recommend the use of a unique female pathogen based on vitamins, adaptogens and extracts of powerful aphrodisiacs. This is a really powerful stimulant drug that allows a woman to be completely liberated during intimate relationships. This drug will allow you to fully reveal the desire of your partner.

What not to do during a liberating massage

An exciting massage for a woman suggests that you will stroke, rub, knead the body of your beloved, adding some vibrations and light taps.

Alternate the actions performed, carefully and slowly, in order to prevent overload of the lymphatic system. Well, your girlfriend may not like the extra rush.

Alternating the parts of the body that you massage, cover each one alternately with a towel to prevent cooling. In this case, your efforts will not be meaningless.

What is the difference between simple and exciting massage. During the latter, a special psycho-emotional component hovers in the atmosphere, which intertwines male and female energy.

Preferred and undesirable places of massaging

The technique of conducting exciting massage involves light stroking and squeezing the outer surface of the thighs, pelvis and ankles. You should not touch the genitals - this is its main difference from the sensual. Choose not only the position lying on your stomach, but also on your back. Massage gently, slightly warming up the emerging desire, stroke to add a little note of excitement, pinch a little, gradually exciting.

Be sure to consider areas that are not recommended to be touched, so as not to spoil the situation. Sufficiently important are presented in the table.

Forbidden areas of the body during massage

Movements and methods of conducting an exciting massage

The surrounding conditions are very important when massaging the body of a loved one. Make sure that the process itself is continuous. Smoothness and ease of touch will add the use of feathers, fingertips, fur products. Creams will help reduce painful friction, relax and warm up. As an additional aphrodisiac, use a few drops of jasmine or sandalwood essential oil.

How to excite a girl during a massage

On the body of a woman there is a large accumulation of zones of increased sensitivity and energy. The main task of the performer of an exciting massage is to, having found them, bring his beloved to a state of maximum excitement and spread this energy to all the most intimate corners. Determining these points is not difficult at all. If the touches are unpleasant, then the hand will feel tension, as the nervous system is stretched at this moment, bad memories arise. Complete relaxation will allow you to feel your body in a new way, since the excitement that appears is longer than during the act. In what case will it be clear that the girl has relaxed enough and can we move on to more decisive actions?

The effects that can be achieved as a result of the actions taken are varied. This is bliss, euphoria, tears, even sleep (with this outcome, it is better not to disturb your beloved).

With the help of massage, which can excite, you can solve a number of problems.

Women's problems with refusal of intimacy:

  • Lack of desire for intimacy
  • negative emotions,
  • Stiffness in sensual intimacy,
  • An urgent need for a foreplay.

If you notice that your girlfriend has relaxed shoulders, goosebumps appeared on her body, breathing has become more frequent, then these are the first signs of her positive reaction. In this case, you can move on to more decisive actions - heartfelt caresses or intimacy itself. This is what distinguishes a husband from a massage therapist - the opportunity to show all his passion, giving sensual pleasure. If the procedure is carried out with sufficient quality, then there is a possibility of intercepting the initiative by the woman herself.

What should a man do to increase his partner's arousal?

The procedure for conducting exciting massage movements is already clear. So how do you turn her towards intimacy and not change the mood? The main thing is that you, with your smooth and gradual actions, carefully achieve the transfer of attention to the desired zone. It is very important to put all your affection and care into touching.

Please note that stroking the body is carried out in a complex, without stopping at any one part of it. Forget about everyday affairs, fully focus on how to please a woman. With your own arousal increasing, do not lose your composure by making the transition to sensual games. Close contact should also become pleasant and sensual.

Thus, an exciting massage for a woman is an excellent occasion to get closer, achieve the maximum possible mutual understanding and get to know all the sensual notes of each other.

The information is intended for persons over 18 years of age!

Description of the massage

Briefly describe the procedure of erotic massage for women, then this is a three-phase massage, the first part of which is aimed at maximum relaxation - all fears, doubts, worries are removed, the girl is distracted from everyday problems; in the second part, the search and disclosure of erogenous zones is performed (the girl may not even be aware of some of them), resulting in maximum excitement; the third part of the massage is designed to bring the girl to orgasm by manual stimulation of the external and internal erogenous zones - the number of orgasms and their types are limited only by the time of the procedure and the girl's capabilities.

Feel free to order an intimate massage! With masseurs you can be frank and talk about your desires, because they constantly perform this massage, communicate with girls and couples. For them, it's a daily job. Of course, there will be some constraint, this is normal, but it should not deprive you of pleasure! You don't have to worry about your safety. One of the rules of being a professional massage therapist is to never do anything that hasn't been asked for or paid for.

Additional information about massage

Additional techniques may be attached to erotic massage for women. Here are the most common ones:

  1. “Sakura branch” is a very exciting massage technique, performed with hot and cold breath, kisses and light bites all over the body (except for the intimate area).
  2. “Body massage” - not only the hands are included in the work, but also the forearms, shoulders, and torso. At the request of the client and availability, body massage can be performed with the whole body.
  3. “Aqua-foam massage” – the master will kindly and gently help you take a shower before or after the procedure.
  4. The presence of the spouse during the massage.

All the massage therapists presented on the site have been tested for professional suitability, some of them have been trained in erotic massage according to the method of S. Ivanov. All characteristics of the masters (experience, education, height, weight, age, etc.), their description and real photos, as well as contact details, are placed in the questionnaires. You can choose the massage therapist you like by clicking on the link in. All photos are real!

An appointment for a massage is carried out directly according to the contact details of a particular master, which you can find in the specialist's profile. Links to profiles of massage therapists are below, on this page, or in.

Husbands order an intimate massage for their wife in order to experience new sensations, diversify their intimate life, reach that level of excitement that has long been forgotten. Masseur for the wife is one of the most common searches for which this site is found. Usually a man calls a massage therapist for his wife, and he watches what is happening from the side. In addition, the spouse can preliminarily coordinate with the massage therapist an individual program, which he will observe or participate in. Contrary to popular belief, quite a large number of men order a massage for their wife.

Massage cost

The table shows the minimum cost of a massage program. The exact cost of services must be discussed with the specific master you choose.

Masseurs who can perform this massage

Massage Reviews


I really liked the cozy and closed atmosphere of the office. You feel protected. And next to Sergey, the feeling of safety is 100%. The massage experience is the best. Sergey perfectly relaxes, excites and relaxes again. Very sensitive and tactful person. Supported, gave a sense of confidence. Sergey, thank you very much! Strength to you mental and physical ....


Roman is beautiful 🙂 firstly, he is a mountain of muscles, with large palms, which is incredible coolness in itself, and secondly, a very technical massage, relaxation, search for erogenous zones and all that. Satisfied, this is exactly what was lacking lately 🙂


Nellie! A professional in her field, very polite, gentle, neat, I am delighted with the massage, thanks again I will contact again and thanks to the organizer of this site!


For the first time in my life, I signed up for an erotic massage. And I am very happy that I got into such strong, at the same time gentle and sensual hands of Sergey! He awakened every cell of my body, several times during the session he brought me to squirt. I experienced incredible sensations, emotions overwhelmed me. Sergey is amazing!!! He made an unforgettable impression! No words!!! It was fantastic!!! Just fireworks!!! I recommend to all girls, Sergey, as an experienced, skillful and sexy masseur! Thank you very much, Sergey! You helped me a lot!


My review is absolutely real. It was the first experience and it turned out to be very positive). Sergey is a tactful and handsome young man! The massage was pleasant, relaxing and exciting, my husband was present during the massage, it added a sense of novelty to our relationship, thanks to Sergey).


It was the first time for such a massage. Didn't decide for a long time. After meeting with Sergey, I understand that in vain) I was depriving myself of such pleasure. Very sensitive and sensual massage. From the first minutes I realized that I was in the hands of a professional. And then it turned out that he is a very pleasant person. I recommend to everyone. Especially for those who doubt for a long time how I am) and the mood and attitude and self-esteem are all changing. Thanks, Sergey! You gave me 2 hours of happiness!


Without a doubt, our health dough is connected with the sexual sphere. And if there are no problems there, then we enjoy life to the fullest, do not lose hope of obtaining the highest satisfaction. It is important to take into account that, doing the right erotic massage, it is necessary to act on all corners of the body where there are sensitive points. For example, if you slowly press your palms on the skin, use slow rubbing, then this will help your partner relax and feel your care, and if you use a faster pace and strong pressure, the massage will become stimulating, targeted to ensure that your lover as soon as possible was ready to interact.

Consider the main types of erotic massage and learn how to do it correctly:

Help you relax quickly and rubbing will help to forget about pressing matters. This method is also useful for circulatory problems. Internal processes will all come into tone. Erotic massage will turn into wellness.

Stroking at the beginning of the massage and at the end- an integral part of any massage. Don't forget about it. And yet - in no case do not confuse which types of movements to use for the back and legs, and which for more sensitive points, otherwise you will get the opposite effect and the partner will regret that he agreed to such a session.

It is also worth noting such a positive feature of erotic massage - that this is a process in which you can slowly get to know each other's bodies, identify those features that you did not notice before when the lights were off. Don't be ashamed of your build, even if your body isn't quite perfect. Your partner will not pay attention to this if you yourself do not direct him to this thought.

When we just touch fingers to the partner's body, thousands of goosebumps run through him, if at that moment he is naked, then millions. Therefore, such movements as stroking, sliding techniques will give more sensuality. Invest your soul, love and passion from the very beginning and control the pressing force, angle tilt your hands. You should not constantly look at your partner's face in anticipation of what he will say. Let him rest and enjoy the process. You can only occasionally glance at his expression to know if he has fallen asleep. Otherwise, it will be a shame that you started doing erotic massage for one purpose, and in the end you put your partner to sleep.

- Light tapping will occasionally bring the partner into tone, so to speak, the massage seemed to him not boring and even a little fun. You can perform this action not only directly on his skin, but also by placing your palm on his back. That is, you tap on your palm, and he receives light echoes inside himself. It's also helpful.

- Alternating movements. The "carrot and stick" method. You can add interest to the massage if you first slowly run your palms over the body, and then finish with tapping. Proper erotic massage does not have a strict sequence of movements, so everything will depend on you.

Now let's talk about how to move correctly from one part of the partner's body to another.

There are 3 main rules here:

- No harshness.

- All the means that you decide to apply to the massage should be nearby, and not in another room, or not be at all.

- Talk less with the person you are doing the massage, let him relax and completely transfer to the pinnacle of bliss.

Let's talk a little more about each of these points.

  1. If suddenly you begin to recklessly change position. To start massaging another part of the body, you can accidentally “drop in” with your elbow in the nose or hit the rib with your heel. So approach everything wisely, remembering the rules.
  2. When you work with dry hands, it will bring joy, but not the kind that a fragrant cream or gel can provide you.
  3. When you want to relax, you try to avoid extraneous sounds. So the one who is currently busy receiving pleasure would not want to have a “radio” next to him. Therefore, give moments of silence.

Many girls have a question about how to start a massage.

A guy who has returned from work is not always able to adequately behave with a girl who is standing almost naked. He can pass by, or he can fall asleep right in the hallway. So, if you do not want your Romeo to leave you without attention, take the initiative. Approach him, slowly run your palm over his cheek and lips, kiss him. Next, whisper in your ear that you have been waiting for him for a long time and now there will be a surprise. Next, take him by the shirt collar and lead him into the room where the massage will be performed. Just prepare everything in advance so that he understands that it will be an erotic massage, and not just another adult with toys.

Begin to massage by undoing the buttons on his shirt, slowly taking off his trousers. And you can wait for him to get out of the shower and just as well conduct an erotic massage session.

During the massage, you can make teasing movements. For example: reach for a tube of gel without removing your palms from your chest, reach through it, arching back. Stroke yourself. Pull his hair down his back and draw with the ends of the strands.

Make an ordinary erotic massage unforgettable!

Now you know how to do an erotic massage correctly.

Before embarking on an erotic massage, you need to create the most suitable atmosphere for this. Firstly, the atmosphere should be relaxing: if necessary, dim the lights, decorate the room, arrange candles, turn on quiet music. Secondly, put your partner not on a soft, but on a hard surface - the body should level out. On soft, it bends too much and takes on an unnatural shape, and any unsuccessful pressure can cause discomfort. Therefore, before doing an erotic massage, it is advisable to find a suitable place for this. In extreme cases, it is allowed to spread a blanket on the floor, if it is not too cold. If the person is lying on their stomach, place a thin, rolled-up blanket or towel under their ankles. This will help preserve the natural circulation process, which is so important for massage. If the room is cool enough, cover with something those parts of the body that are not being massaged at the moment.

Creams, lotions, massage oils

You can massage both wet and dry skin, but it will be nice to take a shower. To moisturize the skin during the massage, use special lotions. The hands of the massage therapist should be soft and warm - warm them up and grease them with cream. According to its properties, it is in no way inferior to special lotions. An important role is given to the smell of the oils used: some of them relax, while others, on the contrary, excite the nervous system. In order to do an erotic massage correctly every time, you need to choose them well. For example, orange, jasmine, vanilla and rose oils are good for creating a romantic atmosphere. You should not apply them on the body: they have too thick a concentration, and can easily clog all the pores on the skin, which is fraught with inflammation. For a spicy aroma, it is recommended to add a drop of oil to a cream or rubbing lotion.

In general, such oils are specially made for essential lamps. To conduct an erotic massage in a relaxing and relaxed atmosphere, you can purchase one of them by placing it in a remote corner of the room and adding a little oil to it. It is not worth placing it directly next to the person being massaged, because the head will ache from the pungent smell. If you, your partner or partner is allergic to essential oils, use a regular hypoallergenic cream. Moreover, an ordinary baby cream, designed for delicate skin, is also suitable for both a girl and a guy. Place the container with it in warm, but not too hot, water.

In general, the video on how to do erotic massage is posted on the network in the public domain, it can really serve as a good educational material. However, in addition to practice, you need to know the theory. Many methods and techniques of erotic massage were borrowed from therapeutic massage, and therefore aimed at the prevention of various diseases. Do not use sharp and rough movements, they are exclusively for professionals. Massage everything, down to the fingers and toes, do not put any limits: the massage should become erotic.

warm up

First, the skin must be warmed up. It is very simple to do this: you need to wipe the places that you plan to massage with light touches of warm, soft hands. It is correct to start with the limbs - arms and legs. If you are massaging a girl, pay the most attention to her hands, as they are one of the erogenous zones of women. The limbs must be stroked from the fingers in the direction of the body: this stimulates the work of the lymph nodes, and, in addition to pleasant sensations, the person being massaged will also receive good health. The same is true if you need to do an erotic massage to a man or a young man. From stroking, gradually move on to slow, gentle kneading. It is allowed to rub the limbs with the edge of the palm, pads or phalanges of the fingers.

Back massage

If the partner lies on his stomach, then proceed to a back massage. The skin on it should be pinched, pulled back and lightly stroked. Women have a so-called "cat's place" - an erogenous zone located between the shoulder blades. It is recommended to touch it very carefully, as this is a very sensitive place. Otherwise, while kneading the back muscles, alternate strong pressures with weak ones, diversifying your movements. Then move on to the buttocks. In both sexes, the gluteal muscles are protected by a thick layer of skin, so in this area of ​​​​the body the sensitivity is slightly dulled. Feel free to pinch your buttocks and lightly spank them to improve blood flow, most importantly, do not overdo it.

Massage of the abdomen and chest

Before you do an erotic massage to a girl lying on her back, you need to learn the rule that pressing on the stomach is contraindicated. It is better to gently stroke and kiss him, you can run your fingertips along the body and back. When massaging the breast, do not twist its nipples, but gently run your fingers from the very base of the mammary gland to its center. Women, in turn, must remember that men's breasts are also quite sensitive, so rubbing with pressure will not work here. If desired, run a small piece of silk or fluffy fur over your partner's chest and stomach. Lightly biting his skin, touch it with your tongue. In men, one of the erogenous zones is the neck, so it also needs to be paid attention, the same applies to the eyelids and lips. Women need to massage the lobes and the area around their ears.

Genital massage

Of course, during an erotic massage, one should not forget about the most delicate parts of the body. In both men and women, the skin of the genitals is very delicate, so try not to harm it. For example, a woman should do erotic massage with caution: to massage the vulva and labia, relax your fingers. It is desirable that the touches be very affectionate. If you want, in addition to traditional kisses, move your member around her intimate area. Girls should also be careful when massaging the genitals of their lover. Since his skin is incredibly thin and delicate, it will be enough to run his hand over it several times.

It is likely that your partner or your partner, being in a relaxing environment, will get excited and will not endure until the end of the massage. However, all the same, the work begun should be completed, delivering pleasure to the massaged. Perhaps you even invite your soulmate to start reciprocal caresses: this will add zest to your sex life and diversify it significantly. In any case, the massage should smoothly develop into sex.

In general terms, erotic massage is only partly aimed at healing a person, after all, its main task is to excite a partner. Despite this, he still adopted some elements of therapeutic massage. You can watch how to do erotic massage on videos from the worldwide network. In fact, not everyone succeeds in performing this procedure flawlessly the first time, so training videos will be a good help. On the other hand, the beloved or beloved will understand everything, so there is nothing to worry about a possible fiasco.