Get gifts on VKontakte. Why do you need to buy gifts on VK and how to do it. Manual promotion of free gifts

The social network VKontakte, in addition to many other opportunities, allows its users to send emoticons, stickers and give gifts. Of course, these gifts are virtual; they are simply a picture, which, after receiving, is displayed on the user’s page in the special “gifts” section. Sending such a gift can show your friend that you do not forget about him and want to please him. Paid gifts can also say that you are not stingy in spending money on this person, even if it is very small. Gifts in VK are bought for votes. Voices are a virtual currency in VK, which is usually used to buy paid gifts. Votes, in turn, can be bought. But now we'll talk about free gifts.

Free gifts in VK also exist. They usually appear before the holidays and are active throughout the holidays and several days after the holiday. If you want to give a person a free gift, then you need to act in exactly the same way as when giving a paid gift.

How to give gifts on VK for free using the full version of the site:

The gift appears in your friend’s messages, he presses the “accept” button, and the gift is moved to the “gifts” section.

Usually, any person visiting a user’s page can see what gifts this person received and from whom, and what message was sent. But sometimes there is a situation when a person does not want the authorship of his gift to be known. For example, this is true if the girl to whom he sends a gift has a jealous friend or very strict parents.

In this case, the question arises of how to send a gift to VK anonymously. VC provides for this possibility. Below the gift image there is the inscription “Show text and my name only to the recipient.” You need to put a mark next to it.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to send a gift so that even the recipient does not know your name from his page. You can, of course, make a second page using another phone under someone else’s name, but it’s hardly worth doing this for the sake of an anonymous gift.

How to make a gift in VK for free from the mobile version?

In general, the actions for sending free and paid gifts from the full version and from the mobile version are not much different. If you use a phone or tablet, you need to do the following:

How to give a gift in VK for free not on a holiday?

Usually free gifts appear on VK only on holidays. Several gifts are themed around the upcoming celebration, and users are given the opportunity to give them to their friends for free. On other days they are not available. What to do if the holiday is still far away, but you want to please your friend now?

There are two ways out here. Or simply give a paid gift (the amount of 21 rubles cannot be called significant), or if, for example, a schoolchild who does not yet have his own money wants to give a gift, instead of a gift you can send simply beautiful funny pictures to your friends. There are a huge number of sites with such pictures. The only difference is that such pictures cannot be moved to the gifts section.

Also, sites periodically appear on the Internet that offer to download some kind of program that allows you to give free gifts in VK all year round.

You should not succumb to such provocations, because as soon as you download this “miracle” by entering all your personal data on the site, including the password for the VK page, your account will immediately be hacked.

Ransomware is what you will most likely download instead of a “VK hacker or unwinder” or free stickers, audio and video, VK gifts

How to send a gift to yourself on VK?

First of all, you need to figure out why this is necessary and whether it is necessary at all. If you are absolutely sure that you need a gift from yourself, then you can do the following:

  1. Go to the mobile version of the site, for which you need to add the Latin letter “m” before the address,
  2. Go to your page
  3. Open the "Other" section
  4. Select "More"
  5. In the following list, select “gifts” and “send a gift”,
  6. Choose any friend and replace his ID with yours.
  7. Press enter
  8. The username will change to yours,
  9. Then choose the gift you need and send it.

How to send a gift for 10 years VK

When you visit the “Ten Years of VKontakte” page, the VKontakte administration gives you a set of stickers as a gift for visiting it. For free. You can give this set of stickers to any of your friends. However, it is worth recalling that the promotion took place throughout the social network, and most likely, your friend already has such a set of free stickers.

How to get gifts on VK for free?

However, instead of thinking about how to give a gift to yourself on VK, it is much cooler to receive these gifts from real users who will be added to your friends. But what to do if the page has been registered for a long time, you post interesting posts regularly, but the number of friends does not increase, and no one sends gifts?

In this case, perhaps you yourself should be more active - send an invitation to friends, subscribe to interesting groups, where you can express your opinion in the comments, respond in detail and in a timely manner to messages from those friends who already exist.

List of gifts

Unfortunately, this is not always possible. Studying and working take up a huge amount of time, but I also want to go for a walk. Then you can use a special, secure, free program to promote your page. For example, right on our website you can download Brobot at any time, even without registration. He will find interesting friends for you, precisely according to the parameters you set him up for, and will briefly respond to the message while you are busy, and will put likes on your friends’ posts. And you won’t have to think about how to get gifts in VK, you will have more than enough of them, because your friends, in response to your attention, will also want to do something nice for you.

We all love gifts, even if they are not real, but virtual. Moreover, we love not only to give them, but also to receive them. Almost every social network has such an opportunity, and the VKontakte platform was no exception. Free promotion of VK gifts makes it possible to receive thousands of gifts online. The goals of promotion are different: raising the image, self-esteem and popularity on the Internet. Everyone usually looks at the differences of a person online and his achievements.

Today, VK users strive to gain greater popularity, and gifts are one of the ways to do this. In today's article we will tell you how to wind them up.

Why might you need to buy gifts in VK - the purpose?

A large number of gifts indicates the popularity of the user.

Agree, having not 1-2 gifts on your page, but hundreds and even thousands is much more pleasant. Of course, it is much better to receive them from real people, but if this does not happen, what should you do? There is an exit. , both for money and for free.

You can cheat not only on your page, but also on the page of any user by specifying it as an object. Thus, you can do something nice for one of your loved ones.

For example, congratulate you on your birthday or some other holiday. And sometimes it’s just, for no reason, to please your loved ones.

Plus, gifts are a great tool for marketers. With their help, you can attract the attention of potential buyers by adding relevant text to the description. This is a relatively recent method of advertising and people have not yet become tired of it.

When do we spin?

So, when you need to buy gifts in VK:

  • If you want to stand out from the rest;
  • If you want to increase the popularity of your profile;
  • When you want to please your family and friends;
  • If you are a marketer and this is a way for you to attract attention to a company/product/service.

How to get gifts?

If you need a lot of VKontakte gifts, use safe ways to receive them.

Many interested users are looking for ways to get gifts on VKontakte. And today we will tell you about some of them.

Cheating is carried out using third-party services. Among them there are both paid and free.

This project specializes in automatic promotion of social networks. VKontakte is one of them. The service is able to sell not only gifts, but also various other activities. It's paid. The cost of one gift is 1.47 rubles. Agree, this is not that much money.

How to use:

Ready. After placing an order, the service will begin promotion.

The only free service on our list. This project is a service for the mutual exchange of activity. With its help, you can buy gifts and other activities without any financial investment. All you need to do is:

Now your task will be available to users. You just have to wait until it is completed.

Another online project where you will be offered to buy gifts at a low cost. Or to be more precise, leave a pre-order to receive free gifts. Cost of one piece. is 1 ruble. This service has a database of accounts from which donations are made.

Using the service is extremely simple:

After the completed actions, the corresponding amount will be debited from your balance. As soon as it becomes possible to give free gifts on VKontakte, the service will begin its work.

Manual promotion of free gifts

If for some reason you cannot use the services described above, then you can resort to the following cheating method.

Having not one, but several pages on VKontakte, you can send free gifts to your main account. If necessary, this can be done anonymously.

You can even buy new accounts. They cost around 40 rubles. Yes, translated into rubles, one gift costs much less (about 21 rubles). But it is worth remembering that the account can be used more than once. For example, give several times or give for every holiday. Therefore, some users resort to this method of selling gifts.

Advantages and disadvantages

Cheating gifts on VKontakte, just like cheating any other activity, has its advantages and disadvantages.

The advantages include the following:

  • You can buy a large number of gifts at once;
  • High speed of obtaining results;
  • Possibility of free promotion;
  • Low cost of promotion using third-party software.

The disadvantages include:

  • A small number of services providing this service;
  • The VK website administration has a negative attitude towards third-party services that boost any activity. In connection with this, you can get a ban if you are suspected of using them.

Bottom line

In today's article we touched on the topic of selling gifts on the VKontakte social network. We told you in what situations you can resort to using it and with the help of which services. Your main task is to use cheating in moderation so as not to arouse suspicion from the VK administration.

Over the past 10 years, the social network VKontakte has become the most popular website in the Russian-language segment of the Internet. To attract a new audience, the VK administration is expanding the functionality of the project by introducing various features. One of the relatively recent, but extremely successful innovations is gifts. In order to increase its popularity and authority, it is usually used for free.. Everyone has used this technique at least once.

If you want to please your friends, then use free gifts on the VKontakte social network.

For every significant holiday, the VK administration replenishes the store with new gifts.

Thanks to this, you can please your friend or colleague on his birthday, New Year, February 23 or March 8.

Most of the available gifts are paid and are available for votes (internal currency VK).

But despite this, very often special promotions are held that allow you to give them for free. Such events are held during the celebration of major and significant events for the country.

A striking example of the use of this function on VKontakte can be congratulating friends and relatives on their birthday. The choice is very large and every user can find a gift to their taste without any problems.

How to earn free VK gifts will be discussed below.

By giving such a colorful “sticker” to your friend on VK, you can significantly improve his mood, since this is a more original way than a classic text greeting.

How to get gifts on VKontakte

In the classical sense, it is impossible to get gifts on VKontakte. But this does not mean that there are no workarounds to solve the problem. One of these ways is to get free votes to buy gifts you like.


One of the most popular services on the market. Currently, the number of active users of the service exceeds 3 million participants and is approaching 4 million. The principle of operation for receiving votes is extremely simple - complete tasks of other site participants and receive internal points for this, which can later be exchanged for votes.

When working with Roboliker, you don’t have to worry about the security of your accounts, since you don’t need to enter your login and password for the pages to perform basic actions.


Another extremely popular service that allows you to work with VK. The basic principle of operation is similar to similar projects: add a work account to the site, complete tasks of other users to earn internal currency. The main difference from competitors is the ability to buy gifts without the need to exchange points for votes, since the service provides the ability to perform this action directly from your personal account.


A popular exchange that works with all major social networks, including VKontakte. To work with the site, you need to log in to the project through your social account. networks and start completing tasks. This is how you earn money within the service. All earned coins can be exchanged for the internal currency VK, thanks to which you can buy a gift without spending a penny of your personal funds.

Social Gainer

A service for free promotion on VK with an audience of more than 3 million people. Thanks to this site, you can earn money by completing tasks for other users. Earned funds can be exchanged for votes.

Using this service, you can rest assured that your pages are secure.


With this service you can earn money by completing simple tasks within the project. Exchange your earnings for votes on VK. This way you will have the opportunity to buy gifts for yourself or other social users. networks without any financial investment.

Now, from free ways to cheat, let’s move on to services that allow you to receive gifts for a fee. The advantage of this method is that it saves time. All you need to do is simply pay for the selected service on the selected website.


An extremely popular service with a user-friendly interface. There are three options available to work with:

  1. Start - provides the opportunity for cheap promotion for only 1.99 rubles per 1 piece. The task execution speed is floating.
  2. Standard - reduces the risk that the administration of social services. the network will remove gifts due to cheating. The cost of the service is 2.49 rubles per 1 piece.
  3. Premium – minimal risk of debiting, all actions are performed from live accounts. High speed of task completion. Price – 3.99 rubles per 1 piece.


The site offers a function for buying gifts in large quantities. The cost of one action is 0.9 rubles. Minimum order – 100 pieces.


An extremely popular store. In order to use the services of the service, you must register on the site. Orders are fulfilled quickly and efficiently at low prices. If necessary, you can cancel the task or contact technical support if problems arise.

To cheat, you need to select the number of gifts for your profile or a friend’s account. The cost of one piece is 6 rubles. The risk of getting your profile blocked is minimal, since the work is done using “live” accounts.

The cost of performing one action using the site is 1 ruble. To get started, you need to specify the required quantity, VK page and set the delay. The higher the latency, the lower the chance of getting blocked.

Pros and cons of cheating VK gifts

Now let's take a closer look at the main advantages and disadvantages of selling gift stickers on VK.

  • the opportunity to receive a large number of gifts;
  • automation of the process without your personal participation.
  • there is a risk of getting your personal page blocked on VKontakte.

Possible problems

Most users encounter various kinds of difficulties when buying gifts. For this reason, you should consider possible problems in order to avoid them in the future:

  1. Freeze page. To avoid blocking by the administration, you do not need to roll up a large number of gift stickers at the same time.
  2. Stopping tasks. When working with some services, the execution of tasks may stop. If this problem occurs, you must promptly contact the site's technical support to resume operation or return money for the service.

Bottom line

Using the methods described in this article, you can easily add gifts to a friend’s personal page or profile on the VKontakte social network, both using paid methods and without any financial investment.

Virtually all social networks sooner or later introduce the ability to give gifts. First of all, this is a way for the creators of a social platform to make money, but for us, it’s an opportunity to please our loved ones. It’s quite possible to get gifts on VKontakte, thanks to special mutual exchange services. As we all know, each gift has its own value, which is expressed in votes (the internal currency of the site). Cheating gifts on VKontakte for free is real thanks to third-party users who are ready to send you or your friends gifts without any financial costs!

The service offers the exchange of both free and paid gifts. You can choose who you want to receive gifts from (girls or guys) and in what quantity. You can make surprises not only for yourself but also for your friends.

Independently wrapping VKontakte gifts on your personal page is an impossible task. You can only receive a surprise from other users of the social network. For each gift you need to pay several votes, but do not forget that the administration of the social network allows you to make several free gifts on holidays. It is these days that selling gifts on VK becomes more relevant than ever! New Year, Valentine's Day, March 8th are just some of the holidays on which you have the opportunity to receive gifts for free.

Who needs to buy gifts on VK?

  • A gift is not only a way to make someone feel good in the virtual world, but also one of the methods of promoting your own business. You can add text to each gift that can serve as an advertisement for a website or online community.
  • If you want to stand out on a social network, then getting VKontakte gifts for free will be a great start. Young people constantly follow the updates of their friends and believe me, many will be surprised by the huge number of gifts on your page.
  • Do something nice for your loved ones. Cheating gifts on VK is available for free not only for a personal page, but also for third-party pages that do not participate in the exchange system. If you want to congratulate a person on the holiday, order several dozen gifts to his account, and in the text indicate who all these surprises are from. The person will be very pleased!

Cheating VKontakte gifts is a unique service that popular services are in no hurry to implement into their functionality, as they may be afraid that it will not be in demand. All the services that you can find on our website have been time-tested, so you can safely work with them now! Good luck!

Now I will tell you a way to send several gifts at the same time (i.e. you send one, three arrive (before the fix, I could send up to 300 gifts in one)). For this we need:

☺Subscribe to free gifts
☺Mouse macro\clicker program (to quickly press the mouse1 button)
well that's all)
Take the linkХХХХХХХХХ?act=send&gift=***. Instead of XXX we insert your digital ID, instead of *** we insert the gift code.

You can find out the gift ID
Follow this link and send a gift (we repeat this combination several times (10 times and quickly (without waiting a minute)), so that at the top left it says “You have 10 unpaid gifts, Pay now.” Next, go to the full version of VK and put the clicker on the inscription “Pay now” and wait(let's go have tea) until all the gifts have been sent. In principle, that’s it, I got 1,700 gifts in 2 hours this way))) (but it was fixed). Still, I think this method (2-3 gifts per one) will be needed by someone)
Good luck!