Divine essence of Jesus. Krivoshein Vasily, archbishop, “Creative essence” and “Divine essence” in the spiritual theology of St. Simeon the New Theologian

Poet. Born in 1985 in N. Ovosibirsk. Graduate of the Literary Institute named after. A. M. Gorky. Published in “Youth”, “Literary Lounge”, “Day of Literature”, “Khreshchatyk”, “Istoki”, “Growth”, a collection of poems “And again, as if according to the laws of magic, poems are born...”. Author and performer of songs, author of poetic translations from Italian language. Lives in St. Petersburg.

Divine essence

This year Joseph Alexandrovich Brodsky would have turned 75 years old. The poet's fate is unique, as is his work. This is partly why I would like to turn to the theme of God in Brodsky’s poetry, to the poet’s attitude to the Divine principle and to religion, to the poet’s perception of God and to the talent of the poet, who in many of his poems acts as a guide of faith.
Even without taking into account Brodsky’s answer at his trial in 1964, based only on his works, we can conclude that the writer was a believer. If we take into account what he said at the trial, then Brodsky not only believed, he knew that higher power exist, and he considered God to be the very power under the guidance and through which he fulfills his calling, that is, writes.
In his work, in his discussions about God, Brodsky is quite simple, but he is also confident in the use of religious terms. Through most of his work, the poet carries philosophical reflections on everything that the Almighty could touch.
The poet not only speaks directly about the Divine presence already in his early poems, but also speaks about it quite often, speaks with love and reverence.

That temple surrounded them like a frozen forest.
From the eyes of people and from the eyes of heaven
the peaks were hidden, having managed to spread out,
that morning Mary, the prophetess, the elder.

(“Candlemas”, March 1972)

Brodsky sees the Divine essence in all people, obviously hinting that each of us is, at a minimum, a mediator, a guide in the fulfillment of the plans of the Universe. Everyone decides his own life and thereby is like God. This point of view is nothing new for us now. But the individuality and innovation of Brodsky’s language makes the well-known postulates sound literary and poetic in a new way, and this language does not spare harshness and directness in presenting the main knowledge gained by the poet.

Everyone is naked before God,
pathetic, naked and wretched.
In every music there is Bach.
There is God in each of us.

(“Poems under an epigraph”, 1958)

Until a person’s actions begin to correspond to the norms of spiritual values, a person will not become complete and self-sufficient, he will not be at the proper level of development, and accordingly, he will not be able to constantly be in a state of joy, but will carry within himself a feeling of shame and his own insignificance. And therefore faith is not just necessary - it is necessary for everyone sent into the material world. And it is faith - main criterion decency.

...and we ourselves are hardly gods in miniature.
That's why we are happy because we are insignificant. Dali,
heights and so on disdain the smoothness of the skin.
The body is back to space, no matter how you twist the pedal.
And we are unhappy, apparently, for the same reason.

("Roman Elegies", 1981)

The poet will carry the idea that everything that exists is filled with God throughout his entire creative life. Drawing and rhyming the signs of time, merging with this time, going into a poetic frenzy from his own inspiration, Brodsky accepts all life circumstances offered. He is able to dissolve in them in order to merge with God, in order to become even more devoted to him and thereby earn godlikeness.

And like a shaman circling around the room,
I reel in like a ball
take on its emptiness so that the soul
knew something that God knows.

(“How long have I been trampling, you can see from the heel…”, 1980–1987)

God is not only inside every person, but also inside everything that surrounds a person: God is inside every thing, inside every event, every natural phenomenon, inside every sound - he permeates and nourishes everything.

In the village God does not live in corners,
as scoffers think, but everywhere.

The village here is a place where, by definition, there is more open and clean space, inhabited by people who alone have consciousness and intelligence, through which they have the opportunity to evaluate and thank the given.
The village space itself and its inhabitants are much less spoiled than city dwellers by modern civilization, information, and other attributes of the growing world progress. And therefore everyone in the village is much closer to God. God's holiness touches everything that a person is surrounded by and encounters. God is honest and just. And everyone is equal to him and equally loved.

He sanctifies the roof and dishes
and honestly divides the doors in half.

Brodsky does not attribute anything new to God, but with his poems he emphasizes the significance and power of faith, he strengthens this faith and, even if not on purpose, spreads it.
Brodsky confronts atheism with the fact of the existence of God, no matter what name is ascribed to God by religions. Be it even just the laws of physics, energy and its reversibility.
For Brodsky, living in the real, tangible world, using material values, capable of contemplating and, moreover, enjoying, first of all, natural natural phenomena, the primordial beauty of being, a person, no matter what religion or religious movement he may be, cannot deny some common principle, the original power of all this.

The opportunity to observe all this,
listening to the autumn whistle,
the only, in general, grace,
available in the village to an atheist.

(“In the village God does not live in corners...”, 1964)

Speaking about God in general, Brodsky still relies precisely on the Christian worldview.

During the cold season, in areas
rather accustomed to the heat,
than to the cold, to a flat surface,
more than to the mountain,
a baby was born in a cave to save the world;
It's as shallow as it can be in the desert in winter.

But religious specification does not change the essence of Brodsky’s attitude, understanding and presentation of faith. God for him is everything that is around, this is the entire infinite world with all its components and cause-and-effect relationships. God is not only in everything you can think of. God is all this.
IN different years Brodsky wrote several Christmas poems. As the poet himself said, he loved to treat himself to writing poems on Christmas time dedicated to the great holiday.

The smoke was like a candle. The fire curled like a hook.
And the shadows became shorter,
then suddenly longer. No one around knew
that the count of life will begin from this night.

("Christmas", January 1964)

In some lines with this theme, there is openly considerable irony, sharp and special author’s humor, which may seem inappropriate to a believer, but, on the other hand, if these poetic characteristics carry a bright mockery, it is precisely at those who do not understand , misunderstands or is not sincere in relation to faith, to one’s religious views, to Christian symbols, to the concept sin and to true knowledge of sinfulness.

It's snowing; they don't smoke, but they blow
roof pipes. All faces are like spots.
Herod drinks. The women are hiding the boys.
No one knows who is coming:
we don't know the signs and hearts
They may suddenly not recognize the alien.

The theme of God and man and their comparison serves as the leitmotif of many of Brodsky’s works, not only specifically touching on the Almighty or religion. The very language of the poet’s poems is initially directed somewhere into eternity, and this language a priori contains the depth and significance of everything that happens.
Often Brodsky absolutely consciously agrees to suffering, as if he likes to intensify his experiences and pain by writing poetry, where he sincerely rejoices in the present moment, perhaps because he knows that it can be even worse, even harder, or, no matter how trite it sounds , I am sure that all changes are only for the better.

But until my mouth is filled with clay,
only gratitude will be heard from it.

Humility, which cannot be called anything other than Christian, is heard repeatedly in Brodsky’s poetry. Accept the events of life, see spiritual experience in everything, allow the Lord to command and thank Him...

Lean over, I'll whisper something in your ear: I
grateful for everything...

("Roman Elegies", 1981)

Brodsky treated poetry as God's providence. It is through a person endowed with speech abilities that God brings truth to the world, to this “deaf-mute Universe.”

Page and fire, grain and millstones,
poleaxe point and truncated hair -
God preserves everything; especially - words
forgiveness and love, like your own voice.

And it is in the mouth of the poet that this truth finds its perfect form in beauty, artistry and spirituality. Poems have a beating heart, pulsating nerves, a bright and untainted soul - through language, through poetic speech, they allow the Universe and man to enter into dialogue, to know, understand and find each other.

Because there is only one life, they are from mortal lips
sound more clearly than from supermundane cotton wool.

(“On the centenary of Anna Akhmatova”, July 1989)

Revelation and real confession in the spirit of Brodsky is his poem “Conversation with a Celestial” (1970). This is the main and reasoned proof of the unconditional faith of the poet, who through poetry finds meaning in mental anguish. This is the faith of a poet tormented by his mastery, the self-development of which he is unable to stop or drown out, but which ultimately created a poetic world of a new intellectual level. This is a poet who, involuntarily and freely, acts at one with the Lord, no matter what questions and no matter what wounds remain open.
The poet repents of his sins on earth and, exhausted by his inexorable gift, except for which he knew nothing about himself, turns to the Almighty with a request to take this gift back.

...this is your gift
I return - I didn’t bury it, I didn’t drink it away;
and if the soul had a profile,
you would have seen
so does she
just a cast of a sorrowful gift,
that she had nothing more,
that together with him it is addressed to you.

(“Conversation with a Celestial,” March-April 1970)

In this poem, faith constantly tests itself. Here she does not find a dialogue with God, does not hear his answers, rushes from one extreme to another, but still does not question the existence of God and his power.
Neither exile, nor persecution, nor sadness, nor bitterness, nor loneliness, nor the feeling of abandonment by God gave rise to doubts in Brodsky that God exists. And faith in him turns out to be higher for Brodsky than confessional rituals and higher than the reality that dominates consciousness.
The poet does not curry favor with God, he is merciless in the formulation of his thoughts, but, so often raising the topic of the inevitability of death in his poetry, he retains the knowledge that everything is controlled from above, and after leaving the earthly incarnation, the “kingdom of God” awaits everyone.

And my shadow, blocking the light,
there, behind his back, he goes into the kingdom of God.

(“My candle, casting a dim light...”, 1965)

Repenting of his sinfulness, convicting himself of despondency, reproaching himself for it, Brodsky sees exclusively the Lord as the measure of everything. He sees him in the day, in the night, in fire, in snow, in pain, in dreams, in spring... But he just can’t reach him, can’t talk to him - he doesn’t have the right to do this because of his imperfection, which is incurable. He loves his God, although he is tormented by his helplessness.

…And already
nor to a high syllable,
neither to space nor to God
not to break through to the soul.

("March", 1965)

The poet also touches on the issue of the loneliness of God. The Lord appears to Brodsky as a wanderer in the Universe, in eternity, in timelessness. And this wanderer is looking for earthly shelter in human form. This wanderer needs love and understanding of his neighbor, as every person needs it. And how painful it must be for this wanderer from the awareness and feeling of general loneliness, caused, perhaps, simply by the reluctance to find each other.

Imagine the Lord in the Son of Man
recognizes himself for the first time on a huge
distance in the dark: homeless in homeless.

(“Imagine, striking a match, that evening in the cave...”, 1989)

This is why Brodsky apologizes. This is what he feels guilty about. His loneliness and melancholy turned out to be insurmountable neither by reality, nor by society, nor by poetry. But for this he only blames himself. He simply did not find a way to find complete happiness in the gift of life... And, buried after death by force of circumstances in the Protestant part of the Venetian cemetery, still very young, Brodsky talks with God, as is customary in the evangelical religion, asking for forgiveness, without intermediaries and - alone one…

…V auricle God
closed to the noise of the day,
whisper just four syllables:
- I'm sorry.

(“Lithuanian Divertissement”, Tomas Venclova, 1971)

Man is a Divine Multidimensional Essence

212 = Light is the living Spirit = Name of the Word – Thought (41:Hermes) = New understanding of the Word = Direction – joy = Bring light to the brain = Seven robes of light =

"Numeric codes".

Book 2. Kryon Hierarchy

I Am That I Am!

I Am El Morya! Greetings to You, Lord!

Svetlana, you are right, every person as a Divine Essence has a program for the development of his Soul, and has a curator - the head of the program - the Heavenly Archangel or the Lord of the Ray, according to which he came into incarnation and receives Life Energies this Ray. But there is not one Beam, there may be several Beams; as the Soul development program progresses, the Beams change and the curators change. The Soul's mentors at different levels are different, each level has its own Teachers, you know this. The soul is transferred to different levels of learning, like a student from class to class, similarly.

Svetlana, what did Archangel Gabriel mean in his dictation to Natalya Kotelnikova: – “The Messengers of the Ray do not fulfill the task”, that people in Duality have forgotten that they are Spiritual Beings, and are too lazy to remember, think about the Eternal. In a dream, a person’s Soul is taught by Angels, and in the Physical Dual World, a person forgets that he has a Soul. Therefore, we need books, films, programs that will tell a person, remind a person that he is not just a physical body and the mind of this body, but he is Triune - Body + Soul + Spirit - the Holistic Divine Essence, and that the task of every Person in incarnation is to remember about this, and develop your Soul. The developed Soul unites with the Spirit of the One Creator of the World of Worlds.

Why were so many Temples built, but so that they serve as a reminder to people that GOD EXISTS! And a person who has come to God through religion, in the end, begins to understand his Soul, to understand that God lives in his Heart, in every Cell of his, that the Body is a Living Temple of God, that the Planet is a Living Divine Essence - God’s Creation , and that ALL CREATION IS GOD IN MANIFESTATION – LIVING LIFE!

Svetlana, we explain Life in a very accessible, simple, understandable language, remind ourselves how you and I figured out who we are, why we are, and what we do in Life - we manifest through ourselves the Idea of ​​God about us, which means we are the Manifested Idea of ​​God - His Creation. And what kind of creation you are, figure out for yourself, in God you are Ideal, and if you are not yet Ideal, then you have every chance of becoming so, because the Creative Energy of God - Thought - works in you and can create everything you need. Create - consciously manage your Thought, learn to track and be responsible for every Thought in you, knowing that each of your Thoughts creates Reality, what you create with a Thought, you will survive!

The games of the unconscious person are over, from the Dual Consciousness of Good - Evil, Light - Darkness, we go out into the Light - the Knowledge that you are a Human Divine Multidimensional Essence. Everyone knows himself as a Microcosm, knows himself as a Unit of Creation, takes responsibility for his Thoughts, because they create Reality, they are Living Substance - Living Energy and Consciousness.

With our Thoughts we create Collective Reality. Human Consciousness will unite with the United Ocean of Consciousness of All That Exists and Paradise on the Planet will be Manifested! The planet will rise and return to the Path of Development of the Spiritual Planets participating in the Creator’s Plan for the Development of the Universe.

We are One and Inseparable, Creator and Creation!

The task of this Time Zone is to bring Man, as a conscious Divine Essence, into the United Ocean of Consciousness of the Creator of the World of Worlds.

Having realized this task, Man will certainly begin to develop his divine qualities, which were laid down in him by the Creator’s program for his development. The God gene in a person will tell you the correctness of actions. Let's swim, let's learn to “swim” in the United Ocean of Consciousness of the Creator of the World of Worlds!

Love you!

El Morya! Lord of the Sixth Race!

Thank you, Lord! I love! Svetlana.

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Multidimensional model of man Man is also a multidimensional entity that reflects the principle of the multidimensional pyramid of the Universe and consists of seven bodies of different vibration frequencies. Our physical body is the base of the pyramid. The etheric body or etheric double

Who is this man? In my understanding, this is God! Yes Yes! Not less! It is a form, a vessel. The divine essence is contained in the essence of every man and woman and manifests itself as self-development and personal evolution. What is a woman? This is a substance that constantly changes its state. This is energy. When a vessel is filled with a substance, it acquires a form and a certain state, and a third is born - some kind of materialization. The woman receives protection (she is IN, inside, “in the house”, she has a “roof”, “patron”, protector, safe space). Her state is smooth, calm, relaxed, accepting. It does not disturb the territory where it resides, but on the contrary strengthens it, strengthens it, like the binding solution of a fortress wall.

The divine essence of a man lies in the physical realization, as well as the protection and security of his woman. When a woman (energy) is inside a form (god), a reaction, a movement, occurs. Something new is born (materialized), each time a unique, amazing creation. This new fills them both and gives a new burst of energy, more powerful, of higher quality, which means the creation becomes more perfect and more amazing every time. The divine essence of a man manifests itself when he provides for a woman and returns something material to her in return for energy. He is a breadwinner. He is a magician who transforms energy into dense matter. He is GOD!

When energy fills the vessel, a magical transformation occurs - the acquisition of form, this is a new state of two components. A woman takes on shape and status. The man receives an impetus for further development. And all this together gives birth to Harmony, Love, Prosperity.

BUT this all happens when the vessel and energy are equal in potential. If there is a lot of energy, it will simply destroy a small vessel; if the vessel is large, then no impulse to move will occur. There will be no magical reaction, and nothing new will be born. Any distortion will lead to destruction. It is important to understand and realize WHAT vessel to fill and WHAT.

If a woman is strong, powerful, filled with energy, she, of course, will make a king out of a swineherd... But... How long and how well will such a king rule? Most likely, he will be blown to pieces... He is not ready for that amount of energy. Or, if a man with huge potential, large capacity, and next to him is a woman with a small amount of energy, or de-energized... Such a man will quickly dry up, like a plant in the heat without water.

In my opinion, divine essence men and women lies in joint Harmony, Happiness, Grace. A man must become a vessel that fills a Woman with energy. He shows it to the World, provides and protects it. And she nourishes him like soil nourishes a beautiful flower.

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« P Since Nathanael and Thomas fully shared Rodan's views on the gospel of the kingdom, there was only one question left to discuss - the doctrine of the divinity of Jesus, only recently proclaimed openly. Nathanael and Thomas jointly expounded their views on the divine nature of the Master, and the following is an abbreviated and systematic summary of their teaching:

1. Jesus acknowledged his divinity and we believe him. Many of the wonderful things that happened in connection with his ministry we can only understand through faith that he is both the Son of God and the Son of Man.

2. His life, lived with us, serves as an ideal of human friendship; only a divine being can be such a friend to people. We do not know another person who would be as truly unselfish as he. He is a friend even to sinners; he is not afraid to love his enemies. He is completely devoted to us. Although he does not hesitate to criticize us, it is clear to everyone that he truly loves us. The better you get to know him, the more you begin to love him. His unwavering devotion is endearing. Throughout all these years we did not understand his mission, but he remained true friend. Without resorting to flattery, he really treats each of us equally cordially; he remains invariably sensitive and responsive. He always lived the same life with us and shared everything. We live in a happy community; We have everything in common. We do not believe that such an impeccable life can be lived in such difficult conditions, being only human.

3. We are confident in the divinity of Jesus because he always does the right thing; he doesn't make mistakes. His wisdom is extraordinary; his piety is sublime. Day after day he lives in perfect harmony with the will of the Father. He never repents of evil deeds, for he does not violate any of the Father's laws. He prays for us and with us, but he never asks us to pray for him. We believe in his absolute sinlessness. We do not think that anyone, being only human, could lead such a life. He claims to live perfect life, and we admit that this is true. Our piety comes from repentance, but his comes from righteousness. He even claims to forgive sins and he actually heals people. No one, being only a man, would in his right mind claim the forgiveness of sins, for this is a divine prerogative. And it seems to us that Jesus is so perfect and righteous from the moment we first meet him. We grow in grace and the knowledge of truth, but our Master demonstrates the maturity of righteousness from the very beginning. All people - good and evil - see in Jesus these attributes of virtue. Yet his piety is never forced or ostentatious. He is as meek as he is fearless. It seems to us that he approves of our belief in his divinity. Either he is what he claims to be, or he is the greatest hypocrite and deceiver the world has ever seen. We are convinced that he is who he says he is.

4. The uniqueness of his character and perfect control of his own emotions convince us that he combines the human and the divine. Scenes of human need always resonate in his heart; suffering never leaves him indifferent. Physical suffering, mental torment or spiritual torment alike awakens compassion in him. He immediately sees and generously acknowledges the presence of faith or any other grace in his human fellows. He is so fair and honest - and at the same time so merciful and sympathetic. He is saddened by the spiritual stubbornness of people and rejoices when they agree to see the light of truth.

5. It seems to us that he knows the thoughts of people and understands the desires of their hearts. And he always sympathizes with our troubled spirit. It seems to us that he has everything human emotions, however, these emotions delight in their greatness. He has a great love for virtue and an equally strong hatred for sin. He has a superhuman consciousness of the presence of the Divine. He prays like a man, but behaves like God. It seems to us that he knows everything in advance. Even now he is not afraid to talk about his death - a mysterious hint at his future glory. Being kind, he at the same time has courage and bravery. He always does his duty without hesitation.

6. We are constantly amazed by his phenomenal superhuman knowledge. Almost every day there is some event that... Once again confirms: The teacher is aware of what is happening outside his immediate presence. Apparently he also knows what his comrades are thinking. He undoubtedly communicates with celestial persons; he undoubtedly lives on the highest spiritual level, far superior to the rest of us. Everything seems to be within his unique understanding. He asks us questions to provoke conversation, not to get information.

7. B Lately The teacher does not hesitate to assert his superhuman origins. From the day we were ordained as apostles, he never denied that he came from the heavenly Father. He speaks with the confidence of a divine teacher. He decisively refutes modern religious teachings and proclaims a new gospel, confident in his authority. He is distinguished by persuasiveness, confidence and indisputability. John the Baptist, hearing Jesus, also declared that he was the Son of God. He seems self-sufficient. He does not seek support from the people; he doesn't care about people's opinions. He is brave - and at the same time completely devoid of pride.

8. He constantly speaks of God as a constant companion in everything he does. He does good everywhere, because it seems to us that God is in him. He claims absolutely amazing things about himself and his mission on earth; such claims would be absurd if he were not a divine being. He once declared, “Before Abraham was, I am.” He declared his divinity quite definitely; he claims to act in concert with God. He practically exhausts the possibilities of language, repeating his statements about the intimate connection with the heavenly Father. He even has the courage to claim that he and the Father are of the same essence. He says that everyone who saw him saw the Father. And he says and does all these grandiose things with purely childlike spontaneity. He speaks of his connection with the Father in the same way as he speaks of his connection with us. It seems to us that he knows God perfectly; he talks about his relationship in a completely matter-of-fact manner.

9. It seems to us that in his prayers he communicates directly with his Father. We have heard only a few of his prayers, but the little that we have heard indicates that he speaks with God as if face to face. He seems to know both the future and the past.

10. He simply could not be all this and do all these extraordinary things if he were just a man. We know that he is a man, we are sure of it, but we are almost as sure of his divinity. We believe in his divinity. We are convinced that he is the Son of Man and the Son of God.

Having completed their conversations with Rodan, Nathanael and Thomas hurried to Jerusalem to join the rest of the apostles, arriving there on Friday of the same week. This meeting played important role in the lives of all three believers, and the rest of the apostles learned a lot when Nathanael and Thomas told them about their impressions.

Rodan returned to Alexandria, where for many years he taught philosophy at Meganta's school. Subsequently, he became an outstanding figure in the kingdom. Until the end of his days he remained a staunch believer and, at the height of persecution, died in Greece along with others.”

HumanDivine Essence and Manifestations New Energy

It is wonderful that people think and try to understand the essence of God. There is truth in all the comments on this topic in my previous blog. All of you are old souls who have gone through more than one incarnation on this planet and therefore have a very clear idea of ​​​​both the Earth and what is hidden behind the “scenes”. All of you have a very developed intuition and energy of experience from past incarnations, recorded in crystals on Earth and which is in your DNA. Your knowledge or someone else’s guesses is proof that you are not here for the first time, that that knowledge and your gift of healing or clairvoyance did not come from somewhere else, which means you are connected with someone or something. Until now, people have not been given the opportunity to know much; only by drawing from their human experience, established foundations, often imposed by religion and politics, have people developed a certain worldview. And this arrangement was appropriate until today! People continue to receive information that is relevant to them only. Everything that could interfere with their development is hidden from them and secrets are not revealed (even now!). But still, a lot of information has already penetrated the planet, since the entire Universe wants, and most importantly, people are ready for all of us and the planet to move to another energy level. All prophecies were accurate and fulfilled until last year. Everything that was predicted by the most famous prophets of the world took place on planet Earth. And only one thing did not happen! It wasn't the end of the world! It has to do with New Energy! The New Energy had already manifested itself before, since the Earth’s magnetic grid had been prepared for more than 20 years, but it reached its full working state just a couple of years ago. And we wanted this ourselves! We want to develop further and move towards enlightenment. And enlightenment does not mean understanding everything and knowing everything. No, enlightenment is a conscious way of life. Where a person is harmonious with himself and with the Universe. Where he understands and feels his intuition, his heart. And it never deceives. So what is happening now in the New Energy period? Hundreds, thousands of people are waking up. If before you had to be a balanced person, with developed chakras, in order for the 7th chakra to open. Now, for many, the 7th chakra opens without their participation or effort. What happens to a person if all other chakras are unbalanced, but the 7th has opened? A person begins to search. He is confused and wants to know the world, many become insatiable for knowledge. On this moment Old souls are awakening, who in previous incarnations were subject to expulsions and executions for their “non-standard” worldview. Often these souls do not accept the new trend, and not because they do not want to, but simply because the “old” experience tells them, the fear of punishment for a radical opinion paralyzes them. Being hit again by society prevents many from thinking about what is happening on the planet. What happens then? A person is in search, he intuitively feels and reaches out to knowledge, but cannot master it, since the third eye and other chakras are not sufficiently developed and human consciousness does not allow one to turn off the human brain and trust God and his manifestation in all spheres and energies on the planet . It has been proven that there have never been so many suicides as in the last 20-10 years, and depression is a disease of the 21st century! It is a fact! And this is understandable!

So who is a person, how does he come here to the planet and why? This information is already available to people. Everything is very simple. Life is a game certain rules, knowledge or ignorance of which does not relieve one from responsibility. One of the most important rules was, until recently, ignorance of our origins. And if many people are now thinking and saying, then if this is one of the most important rules, why violate it and announce our origin?! We have been given permission! To us people! And it’s not just me who is announcing it, I’m not alone! There are already many people like me on the planet! Many are still small, so it is not in vain that they say “through the mouth of a child the truth speaks!” And so it is! Ask your children, many remember everything, and many came with a similar goal: NOT TO CONVERSE, NOT TO PROVE, BUT TO PROMPT them to look at the same situation from a different angle, approach it from a different angle, expand their consciousness and trust in the Divinity of the Universe! Indeed, this is so, there are certain things over which a person does not always have influence. But even they can and should be controlled if you are in harmony with the Universe. We are part of the divine plan, we are part of God. In the process of birth, a person is formed, which consists of the divine principle (this is the divine DNA, which can be activated at high vibration) and duality. Divinity is inherent in us by our VYa, a part of our Higher Divine Self is in us from birth! All our positive emotions, kindness, love, mercy, respect, deep faith, trust, etc. are associated with this part. At birth, we, the Supreme Beings, descending from the Divine Supreme Beings, are given the second side of the coin - this is our duality, humanity. All our negative qualities, our dark side, which pushes us towards anger, deception, dissatisfaction, irritation and other not very pleasant feelings. With this alignment, plus certain karmic dependencies, we begin to live on earth. With all this, in the process of birth, our knowledge of our superiority, our Divinity, is annulled! The rule of the game is that the Divine Essence is born in a limited body, with seemingly limited abilities, our body is not eternal, like the true us, our mind is limited in perception, not like our true one, we seemingly do not have telepathy, not like our true me!!! Our human consciousness should not know anything about our divinity. But our subconscious dictates and has always dictated to us the opposite. Intuitively we feel our potential, but we see and feel only limitation and fading! Therefore, almost all people do not unconditionally love themselves, they torment and hate themselves for their complexes and shortcomings. Because of this situation, a person with early childhood unhappy with his situation. Since the early childhood human feelings can take over and then only intense work on oneself can return that purity and love that came at birth and comes from our VY, with which we always keep a connection. This is exactly what the game is, the goal of the game is to accept your humanity, to balance humanity and divinity, to be able to control your human qualities. In initial ignorance and subsequent knowledge, a person goes through many lessons, sending energy at different levels. Humanity and the feelings associated with it are inherent in a person; a person vibrates on low levels. A person knows how to control his human feelings, brings light, positivity and love to his inner and surrounding world, surpasses Divinity and the vibrations are already different, higher and purer! Such a person is closer to his truth, closer to his origin, to his Divinity! The Universe and its inhabitants need processed energy by man, as it serves as an engine for development!

Therefore, there is no right or wrong opinion, there is a pattern and consequences!

May there be light and love in your life!

Natalia Licht

Source: ESPAVO

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