What you need to know about a kiss and how to learn how to kiss on the lips, with the tongue, passionately? How to kiss on the lips with different types of kisses: French, Italian, without tongue, sucking

A kiss allows you to understand how deep the feelings between lovers are, so special attention should be paid to it. There are many techniques on how to kiss a guy or a girl correctly. Kisses can be with or without tongue, sometimes they differ depending on the situation and further intentions. At the same time, almost any romantic kiss can be divided into two stages: what precedes it, and the process itself, which can cause a storm of emotions.

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Kissing Options

There are many types of kisses - from greetings, when people just smack each other on the cheek when they meet, to long and hot ones, which are possible only between lovers. The most common types of kissing during a romantic relationship include:

  • Romantic. Happens at the onset of feelings. First, they affect the earlobes, neck, cheeks, and only then they move to the lips themselves. They begin with uncertain and timid movements without a tongue. Kisses are gentle and beautiful, short, without smacking.
  • Passionate. This category includes the popular French kiss, lip biting, and tongue dancing.
  • Body kisses. A person begins to “explore” with his lips the sensitive zones of a partner: the bends of the legs, arms, neck, chest, stomach.

Execution technique

The kiss execution scheme for both sexes is the same. It is required to take care of the condition of the lips: do a peeling or apply a balm. Even guys need to soften their lips with lip balm. You need to act relaxed and open: look into your eyes, do not cross your arms over your chest, do not cover your face, keep a smile.

Technique for kissing with a suction tongue:

  1. 1. Gently look into your partner's eyes, lightly touch his lips. For a couple of seconds, perform light squeezing and pinching with your lips.
  2. 2. Then moisten the lips by running the tip of the tongue over the partner's lips. If he opened his mouth, then it is definitely worth continuing.
  3. 3. Penetrate your tongue into your mouth, but do it without pressure so that the kiss is not hard, but rather gentle. Start moving your tongue in different directions: left-right, up-down. You can close your eyes to immerse yourself in the process with your head. It is necessary to monitor salivation, slobbery kisses do not cause much delight in anyone.
  4. 4. Finally, touch your foreheads and look directly into your partner's eyes.

Without a tongue, they kiss in the same way, only the third paragraph is excluded. You need to grab and squeeze your lips with your lips, bite them, suck. The order of actions is arbitrary. At the same time, you can kiss passionately without a tongue, focusing on caresses with your lips. You can hug your partner with your hands, touch the skin, slide over the body. It is better for a girl to wipe off her lipstick before such a kiss.

When French kissing, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. 1. A French kiss is not complete without hugs. You can run your fingers into your partner's hair - this helps to get closer.
  2. 2. With the gradual approach of the heads, it is required to look into the partner's eyes.
  3. 3. When closing the lips, they choke with the nose. Start with licking lips and light kisses. Smoothly transition to a kiss with the tongue.

Learning how to kiss well is pretty easy. Everything happens unexpectedly, because a person acts on an intuitive level. You just need to completely surrender to the process, be relaxed, especially if the kiss is desired. Then there will be no problems, and only positive impressions will remain from this type of caress.

You should not quickly move on to kissing with the tongue if there is no confidence in feelings. First you need to learn how to kiss correctly, learn kissing techniques. It can even be done without a partner. There are many instructions on how to hone your skills, for example, on a tomato. To do this, resort to the following actions in stages:

  1. 1. Stand in front of a mirror and take a tomato or an apple.
  2. 2. Slowly touch the fetus with the mouth slightly open.
  3. 3. Lips gently suck on an apple, lightly capturing it with their lips.
  4. 4. They represent in front of them not the fetus, but the partner's lips.
  5. 5. Gently move their lips over the fetus, close their eyes and tilt their head either to the right or to the left.

Similarly, you can train on your own hand.

How to start kissing

The atmosphere, the general mood and feelings for the second half are important here. A man should invite a girl on a romantic date. If both have "butterflies in the stomach", then you can already proceed to action. It is necessary to monitor the reaction of the partner. Response movements, burning eyes, stroking - all this will tell you whether it is possible to start acting.

Before deep kisses, you need to think about oral hygiene. To do this, they brush their teeth in the morning and in the evening, remove plaque not only from the teeth, but also from the tongue, on which a huge number of bacteria settle. After eating, you need to rinse your mouth or use dental floss. Holes in the enamel, the presence of caries, yellowness - this kills self-confidence in a person. As a result, during the kiss, he is nervous, makes mistakes.

A kiss with the tongue is considered a real exquisite pleasure for a couple immediately before and during sex. But the technique of kissing with the tongue, especially when such experience is absent, remains a real problem for most. Especially when it comes to French kissing.

Meanwhile, if we talk about the technique of such a kiss, it completely eliminates uncertainty and embarrassment. Most importantly, try it for the first time. After that, you will no longer be able to do without it, caressing your beloved. How to learn the technique of such kisses, we will talk with you today.

Some preliminary advice for men

Remember, in order to conquer, conquer a girl, you need to be patient and learn to restrain yourself. All this fully applies to kisses. Don't try to immediately bite into her lips. First, take her hands in yours, look into her eyes.

Such an attitude will calm her down, give a sense of reliability, trust. She must understand that there is nothing to be afraid of, and you can be trusted. Now you can gently kiss her. Most importantly, do not be afraid that she will not like it. There is no such thing as a "wrong kiss". The main thing is to choose the right and right moment. To do this, follow the girl's reaction, then you will accurately determine the ideal time to start a kiss.

tongue kissing technique

So, if you see that your beloved is already melting in your hands and is ready to accept your kiss, discard shyness and proceed to decisive action.

Psychologists say that every person has a zone of intimate contact. This is the distance from the body of one to the body of another person, which is from 0 to 50 cm.

Therefore, you need to get as close to her as possible. First, hug your shoulders, pull to you. Take her hands and kiss them, then move on to the neck and face. You should not immediately apply the technique of kissing with the tongue. It might scare her. Therefore, approach the matter gradually.

To begin with, lightly, very gently touch your lips to her lips. If you do everything right, she will answer you with the same touch. If this happens, you can go directly to the French kiss:

Now with your lips slightly open her mouth and penetrate it with your tongue. Just don't do it abruptly. Everything must be done calmly and gently. Remember that not everyone likes to have something moving in their mouth. Therefore, your movements should be smooth, not sharp.

Gently stroke the palate and surface of her tongue with the tip of your tongue. Most likely she will like it. Most of the fair sex love such touches.

If the girl herself is active when kissing, you can tease her a little. For example, tickle her with your tongue. That's what French kissing is all about. It can also be gentle and relaxing. He can be playful, or passionate, inciting sexual passion. The main thing is to watch her reaction. And if the beloved is already relaxed, her cheeks are burning, and her mouth is ajar in anticipation of the touch of her lips, you can proceed to more passionate movements of the tongue.

No wonder the French call such kisses "reunion of souls." They have long been considered the most popular among lovers around the world.

Types of French kiss

It must be said that kisses with the tongue are divided into several types. Here, for example, is how the famous Kama Sutra defines them:

Stinging- with him, a girl or a guy gently sucks his partner's lips, and then sharply, but only for a moment, presses his tongue into his mouth.

Mill- a guy or girl gently inserts his tongue into his partner's mouth and rotates it there, caressing the sky and cheeks with the tip.

exquisite- this technique involves the complete penetration of the tongue into the mouth of the partner and the caress of the palate.

Royal- the tongue is inserted into the mouth, its tip caresses the gums and teeth, after which it is inserted behind the cheek.

Using any technique, you need to not only drive and stroke your partner's mouth with your tongue inside. Great pleasure is also delivered by light pressure, biting the lips and tongue, sucking. But in everything you need to observe the measure and caution.

Do you need to close your eyes?

According to statistics, more than half of people try to close their eyes when kissing. This is easily explained. The fact is that when a person kisses, a large amount of hormones are produced in his body, from which the pupils dilate. The light begins to interfere with the eyes, and they reflexively close.

Of course, another, psychological reason is also important. It lies in the desire to get as much pleasure as possible. To do this, with a kiss, a person seeks to escape from reality and more acutely feel the tastes, smells, feel the heartbeat.

People kiss differently, sensually, passionately, sometimes aggressively, sometimes very timidly. But in fact, if people love each other, the technique itself does not have any serious meaning. Just kiss each other. Do it spontaneously, as feelings and sensations suggest. Your own technique, individuality, will give the kiss charm and exclusivity.

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The first kiss is one of the most exciting moments in a nascent love relationship, when people reveal their sexual nature and temperament to each other. There are different types of kisses, but the most sensual and exciting, of course, is French, which is known for its use of language. How to kiss with the tongue and how to make the first such contact make an unforgettable impression on both?

Kissing is a very natural process, which implies, rather, the ability to relax, trust and enjoy, than the possession of a special technique. Despite this, many people are afraid to make a mistake, to show inexperience at the first contacts of this kind. Because of this, there is excitement, insecurity, fear of opening up to a partner. In this state, a person, naturally, can perform awkward actions and instead of pleasure and a feeling of rapprochement, feel only disappointment. The most important point is the internal state: the first kiss is not an exam for experience, but the first close contact with a loved one, which should not bring anything but joy and pleasure.

Getting ready for sweet kisses!

Of considerable importance in finding a comfortable psychological and emotional state is the environment and atmosphere around: smells, sounds, lighting. In order to relax and let go of emotions as much as possible, it is best if the first kiss takes place in a pleasant romantic setting, where both the guy and the girl will feel easy and calm.

  • A beautiful place in nature is ideal for this event. But, if the weather or other circumstances do not allow, you can create a very pleasant atmosphere at home. It can be a romantic dinner or just a tea party in a cozy atmosphere.
  • Lighting should be soft, unobtrusive: live fire is great for this: candles, aroma lamp, fireplace.
  • Music will also help create a comfortable and cozy atmosphere. You can choose absolutely any music, the main thing is that both the guy and the girl like it.
  • Smells play a special role in the emotional state. The fact is that in addition to an attractive appearance, the partner - both subconsciously and consciously - receives a large amount of information about his boyfriend / girlfriend through smell. A stale smell from the skin or from the mouth can spoil the impression and make the kiss unpleasant and even repulsive. Too sharp and saturated smell of toilet water, deodorant or perfume also creates a not very pleasant impression, even if the aroma itself is pleasant. In addition, a rich smell completely interrupts the natural smell of the body, which is the most attractive from the point of view of the partner's sexual perception. The most suitable option is light fresh or spicy smells that are noticeable only at close range.
  • Girls should not use a large amount of cosmetics: a thick layer of foundation, powder, oily lipstick. With a kiss, the makeup will definitely deteriorate, and the partner will only worry about how she looks. And a guy is unlikely to enjoy the taste of cosmetics in his mouth.
  • Tactile sensations also play an important role: soft, smooth, clean skin will be incredibly attractive to a partner. But chapped dry lips and stiff bristles can cause discomfort during a kiss.

How to kiss the first time with the tongue?

First of all, although it is possible that your partner really likes surprises, it is better to kiss him at the moment when he is ready for it. The question "Can I kiss you?" can sometimes be confusing. Therefore, it is better to trust your intuition and try to read your partner’s body language, “calculate” when his gaze, facial expressions, movements indicate that he is pleased with your close presence, and he wants closer contact.

Secondly, the kissing process itself must be accompanied by hugs, gentle touches, stroking the face, hair, back - in this case, the contact of the lips will bring maximum pleasure.

And now more specifically about how to properly kiss with the tongue.

  • Touch your relaxed lips very gently to the lips of your boyfriend / girlfriend, kiss the upper or lower lip. You can make light suction movements.
  • Gently run the tip of your tongue over your partner's lips, penetrating inside.
  • You should not penetrate too deeply at the first kiss: the second party may not like it. It is enough to find the partner's tongue with the tip of your tongue and gently stroke it: in circular motions around the tip or along the side and along the surface.
  • You can gently run your tongue over the palate and teeth of your partner.
  • Alternate these movements with light sucking movements of the lips.
  • The lips and tongue should be soft, relaxed, but not too loose.
  • Try alternating light and gentle tongue movements with more intense ones.
  • The first kiss shouldn't be too long (unless you feel like your partner really doesn't want to leave you).
  • Do not open your eyes during a kiss and monitor the reaction of your partner. It is better to relax, give in to your feelings and just enjoy the moment - this way it is much more likely that the kiss will please both of you.
  • Breathe freely through your nose during contact, do not hold your breath.
  • The head should be at a slight angle, so that the nose does not interfere.
  • If necessary, swallow saliva periodically to keep your lips from getting too wet.

Subsequently, when you begin to feel what exactly your partner likes, you can experiment: make the kiss faster, passionate and active, or, conversely, more gentle, slow and sensual, make light, fluttering tongue movements or more persistent and deep. The main thing is that all this should be like a pleasant game in which you get to know each other, and not a set of learned movements in which you mentally analyze all your actions.

How to kiss with a tongue with a girl? There is no particular difference between the actions of a guy and a girl during a kiss. But still, the nature of the kiss may differ: a girl, as a rule, expects more active actions from a guy. As already mentioned, during a kiss, people subconsciously read information about their partner from his actions. So, if a guy kisses too languidly, slowly and timidly, this can give the impression of him as an indecisive and incapable of leading a person - and this is exactly what girls are often afraid to find in a boyfriend. At the same time, if the kiss is too rough and persistent, the girl may take it as an indicator that the guy only needs a relationship of a sexual nature, and he does not have any romantic feelings at all. In this sense, a kiss can be compared to a dance, when a man must be soft and romantic, but be able to lead his partner. It is very important that “in the process” the girl feels gentle touches, hugs, hears gentle words in her ear before and after the kiss, and sees the admiring glance of the man.

How to kiss a guy with a tongue? Just as in the case of a guy, on the part of a girl, a kiss should not be too sluggish and inactive. Otherwise, it will give the impression that the contact does not give her any pleasure. It is important for a guy to feel that his actions are pleasing to the other side. This, of course, does not apply to the case when the girl is not ready for a kiss and does not want it at all. At the same time, it is quite natural if the girl's first kiss is a little uncertain, as if tasting. She should not be afraid of this and try in every possible way to show that she is experienced in the ability to kiss. On the contrary, a little timidity and excitement on her part can be exciting and intriguing for a guy.

1. Prepare your lips for the kiss. Lips should be smooth and pleasing, not dry, chapped and tight. Tips for preparing lips for a kiss will help both men and women to make lips attractive and seductive. Here are some basic principles:

* Exfoliate your lips using sugar. After that they will become very soft.
* Moisturize lips to retain moisture.
* Relax your lips slightly by opening your mouth.

Don't forget your breath. Stale breath can discourage a girl from kissing. If you have not had time to brush your teeth, chewing gum, an apple, a few sprigs of parsley or a cup of tea will come to your aid.

2. Try to look seductive and friendly. You yourself may not realize that you are saying “I don’t want to kiss” with your whole look, so take advantage of the tips on how to look friendly. Do not cross your arms over your chest, do not touch your face with your hands, look into your eyes and smile sincerely sweetly. Try to catch your partner's body language as well - does this person like you? Or is he uncomfortable?

3. Regarding the environment If possible, make the environment intimate and romantic. It is necessary to overcome the so-called "touch barrier". Lightly touch your partner's arm or shoulder when talking. Do it quickly, as if "accidentally", and do not attach much importance to it. Another great way to overcome the “touch barrier” is to hold hands.

4. Your emotions: do not be shy, control your excitement, the fact that you, perhaps, have never had to kiss yet, does not mean anything. Believe me, the fact that your head is spinning, your knees are trembling and your palms are suddenly sweaty are just signs that you are really in love. This is nothing compared to the emotional and physical pleasure you get from the first kiss.

During the kiss

1. Start learning by kissing the fingers of your beloved's hand. Try gently touching your lips and lightly touching each finger with your tongue. Look for places that are most responsive to touch: creases between fingers, pads, fingers on the side, on the back of the hand. Feel every cell of her skin. From time to time bring her hand to your mouth. With all this, you kind of encourage the girl to kiss your hands. And then the two will be pleased.

2. Look at your partner's lips. Maintain eye contact and then look at your lips. After that, look into your eyes again and smile slightly. All this must be done discreetly. Many people understand hints, especially if they also read articles that such actions can be perceived as an intention to kiss.

3. During the kiss, do not freeze in one position. Gently run your hand through your partner's hair, touch his ears, stroke his shoulders, back. Do not be silent. If you are kissing, this does not mean that you should be silent like a fish. Tell your loved one (or beloved) something gentle and pleasant.

4. Move on: kiss the forearms, move towards the neck, find, mark and remember the most sensitive places. A kiss can be a light touch, or it can be a slight pull on the skin. But try not to leave bruises from hickeys.

5. Move from chin to lips, try rubbing lips against lips, then sucking her lips with yours and vice versa, when it is not clear where whose, they are so intertwined. There are small tubercles under the tongue, if you begin to irritate them, and the girl, in turn, does the same, the kiss will acquire a special taste, it will turn out to be long and sweet.

6. Don't tense up, be relaxed. Tight lips can, on the contrary, push your partner away, or he will think that he is causing you any inconvenience.

7. Kiss slowly and with pleasure. Try not to stop abruptly during the kiss, gently look the girl in the eyes, then on the lips and after a few seconds continue the kiss (your look is very important).

A kiss will not be good if your head is occupied with something else. Try not to think about “how do I look today” during the kiss. or “what is he/she thinking about?” or something along those lines. Do not engage in introspection, and in general, try not to think about anything while kissing. Instead, focus on the feel of your partner's lips on yours and the pleasure.

Remember that not everyone likes it when a partner is too active. People who met recently do not often want to immediately kiss with the tongue. Watch your partner's gestures. If he keeps interrupting the kiss when you try to French kiss him, he may just not like French kissing.

Don't use your tongue too much, especially on the first kiss. Never stick your tongue into your partner's mouth if you don't know each other well. Many people find it unpleasant when there is "too much tongue" in a kiss.

Kissing be more natural, do not freeze like a statue, tensing up and remembering what you read about the kissing technique, nature itself will tell you how to behave in this situation. Also, do not stop there, any partner will love it if you thank him for the lessons, and tell him that you enjoy kissing him.

Don't forget about your partner. This is when you kiss just for your own pleasure, absolutely not paying attention to whether your actions are pleasant to your partner. It is necessary to take into account the tastes and feelings of the girl and feel them.

How to be perfect in a kiss
Practice and more practice. In any free minute, morning, afternoon, evening, night, at every meeting, after eating, before going to bed, and after waking up. All comes with experience. The best way to learn how to kiss is your own imagination and, of course, feelings for your partner. Your fantasy can sometimes do such that you do not even immediately realize that these passionate kisses are not an amazing reality, but just your imagination.

So, sit back and relax. Imagine the object of your adoration in front of you. Imagine how you approach her, run your hand through her hair, how you begin to kiss gently. The main thing is to put more emotions and feelings into such fantasizing. The brighter the picture is, the better for you, all it costs is to approach your beloved, hug her tightly from behind, throw back her hair and kiss gently. When a girl feels hot male breath on her neck, strong hugs, his biting and kissing - She's just ready to melt in your arms!

There are many facts about kissing. One of them says that 50% of people by the age of 14 have already tried. But just imagine that the remaining 50% still dream of the first kiss with the tongue. And many of them need advice on how to kiss with the tongue. This article will tell you all about tongue kissing.

Why kiss with tongue

People kiss to express their emotions, as a sign of love. When we really like a person of the opposite sex, we want to get closer to him, to touch his lips with our lips. But why do you need a tongue in kisses? The French would say that a tongue kiss is a closer, more intimate kiss that connects the souls of the lovers. Also, a kiss with the tongue allows you to diversify ordinary kisses. You can fantasize with the movements of the tongue, you can play with the lips with the tongue. If you kiss with the tongue with a guy, you can really provoke him and turn him on. Kissing with the tongue is very exciting. They provoke sexual fantasies. After all, they say that a kiss with a passionate tongue can hint at a person's preferences in sex.

Although how many people, so many opinions. Some people prefer kissing without a tongue. Be considerate of your partner. If you want to kiss with your tongue, check if your partner is ready for this, if he likes such kisses. You can carefully find out by gently caressing his lips with your tongue, trying to touch the tip of his tongue. See how your loved one will answer you, whether he will reach out to meet you.

What to do with your tongue when you kiss

A kiss with a sucking tongue is not as difficult as it might seem.

There are an incredible variety of types of kisses with the tongue! Lovers themselves often give names to their kisses. For example, a lick kiss is to gently lick the lips of a loved one. Or an edible kiss - you need to smear each other's lips with something tasty, and then lick it off them with your tongue. You still need to start a kiss with the tongue with a kiss on the lips. If you immediately passionately pounce on your loved one without going through the so-called prelude, then this will not always look adequate. Assess the situation first. If this is going to be a moment filled with romance, then you should start with simple kisses. Next, try licking your partner's lips, you will feel his reaction and understand if you can act more actively. If yes, then slowly move your tongue into your partner's mouth and look for the tip of his tongue. Go over it with your tongue, it will be like their first acquaintance or greeting. Only then can you move the tongue a little deeper and gently hold it over the partner's tongue. Now use not only the tips of the tongue, but a wider part of it. Fumbling your tongue around your partner's mouth is not the best option. Deep penetration can also cause irritation and physical dislike. You will succeed if you play with each other's tongues, closing and opening your lips. The tongue during the kiss should not be hard and tense. Relax it, the soft tongue excites the imagination.

How to kiss with a pierced tongue

Nowadays, it is not surprising to see young people with a pierced tongue. Will piercings interfere with a kiss with a sucking tongue? So, the healing time of a tongue piercing ranges from a week to two weeks. And the rule says that French kissing (that is, kissing with the tongue) must be stopped until the wound is completely healed so as not to bring the infection there. As far as sensations are concerned, opinions here differ greatly. A lot of people say that there is no difference in kissing - with or without piercings. Others share incredible cool new sensations of kissing with a pierced tongue. This feeling can arise from the fact that you have diversified your games in kissing, and that's great! And for some it is very unpleasant to kiss a person whose tongue is pierced. I think this is due to a personal attitude to tongue piercings, and it is unpleasant for them to even look at this sight. We conclude that if you are dating someone and want to experiment with piercings, get the opinion of your partner, and then make the final decision.