Adaptation of young children to the conditions of a preschool institution. The process of adaptation of young children to the conditions of a preschool institution Conditions for the adaptation of young children

With the admission of a child of three or four years of age to a preschool institution, many changes take place in his life: a strict daily routine, the absence of parents for nine or more hours, new behavioral requirements, constant contact with peers, a new room, fraught with a lot of unknown, and therefore dangerous, a different style of communication. All these changes hit the child at the same time, creating a stressful situation for him, which, without special organization, can lead to neurotic reactions, such as whims, fears, refusal to eat, frequent illnesses, etc. These difficulties arise due to the fact that the baby moves from a familiar and usual family environment to the environment of a preschool institution.

The child must adapt to new conditions, i.e. adapt. The term "adaptation" means adaptation.

The complexity of adapting the body to new conditions and new activities and the high price paid by the child's body for the successes achieved determine the need to take into account all the factors that contribute to the adaptation of the child to the preschool institution or, on the contrary, slow it down, preventing adequate adaptation.

Adaptation is inevitable in situations where there is a contradiction between our capabilities and the requirements of the environment.

There are three styles by which a person can adapt to the environment:

a) creative style, when a person tries to actively change the conditions of the environment, adapting it to himself, and thus adapts himself;

b) conformal style, when a person simply gets used to, passively accepting all the requirements and circumstances of the environment;

c) avoidant style, when a person tries to ignore the requirements of the environment, does not want or cannot adapt to them.

The most optimal is the creative style, the least optimal is the avoiding one.

How are adaptive abilities developed in children? The very birth of a child is a vivid manifestation of biological adaptation. The transition from intrauterine to extrauterine existence requires a radical restructuring in the activities of all the main body systems - blood circulation, respiration, digestion. By the time of birth, these systems must be able to carry out a functional restructuring, i.e. there must be an appropriate innate level of readiness for these adaptation mechanisms. A healthy newborn has this level of readiness and quickly adapts to existence in external conditions.

Like other functional systems, the system of adaptive mechanisms continues its maturation and improvement over a number of years of postnatal ontogenesis. Within the framework of this system, already after birth, the child develops the opportunity for social adaptation as the child masters the social environment around him. This occurs simultaneously with the formation of the entire system of higher nervous activity.

Nevertheless, these changes fall on the child at the same time, creating a stressful situation for him, which, without special organization, can lead to neurotic reactions.

So, in order to avoid stressful situations, it is necessary to competently approach one of the problems of a preschool institution - the problem of adaptation of children. The common task of educators and parents is to help the child, as painlessly as possible, enter the life of the kindergarten. This requires preparatory work in the family. The development of uniform requirements for the behavior of the child, the coordination of influences on him at home and in kindergarten is the most important condition that facilitates his adaptation.

Age features, the capabilities of children, indicators that determine, you need to know. But the individual characteristics of the child should also be taken into account.

Often the reason for the unbalanced behavior of children is the incorrect organization of the child's activity: when his physical activity is not satisfied, the child does not receive enough impressions, he experiences a deficit in communication with adults. Disruptions in the behavior of children can also occur as a result of the fact that his organic needs are not satisfied in a timely manner - inconvenience in clothing, the child is not fed in time, has not slept. Therefore, the regime of the day, careful hygienic care, methodically correct conduct of all routine processes - sleep, feeding, toilet, timely organization of independent activities of children, classes, implementation of the correct educational approaches to them is the key to the formation of the correct behavior of the child, creating a balanced mood in him.

As a rule, weakened children are more difficult to adapt to new conditions. They get sick more often, it is more difficult to experience separation from loved ones. It happens that the child does not cry, does not express outwardly negative manifestations, but loses weight, does not play, is depressed. His condition should worry the educators no less than those children who cry, the names of their parents.

Also, special attention is required for children with a weak type of nervous system. These children are painfully endure any changes in their lives. At the slightest trouble, their emotional state is disturbed, although they do not violently express their feelings. They are afraid of everything new and it is given with great difficulty. In their movements and actions with objects, they are not confident, slow. Such children should be accustomed to kindergarten gradually, and people close to them should be involved in this. The educator should encourage, encourage and help them.

Ignoring by the educator the characteristics of the types of the child's nervous system during the period of adaptation to a preschool institution can lead to complications in his behavior. For example, strictness towards children who are not confident, uncommunicative causes tears in them, unwillingness to be in kindergarten. The sharp tone of the appeal causes excessive excitement and disobedience in easily excitable children.

In different situations, the same baby can behave differently, especially during the adaptation period. It happens that even a calm and sociable child, when parting with loved ones, begins to cry and ask to go home, it is not easy to get used to new requirements.

The behavior of the child under the influence of established habits also acquires an individual character. If he does not know how to eat on his own, then in kindergarten he refuses to eat, waiting to be fed. Also, if he does not know how to wash his hands in a new environment, he immediately cries; if he does not know where to get a toy, he also cries; not used to sleeping without motion sickness - crying, etc. therefore it is very important to know the habits of the child, to reckon with them.

Ignorance of the habits of the child greatly complicates the work of the educator. His pedagogical influences become spontaneous, unfocused and often do not give the desired result. It is difficult to immediately recognize all the habits and skills of each newly admitted child, and they do not always manifest themselves in new conditions. The educator needs to remember that a young child who has the necessary skills cannot always transfer them to a new environment, he needs the help of an adult.

At home, the child gets used to the nature of the applied pedagogical influences, expressed not only in a calm, even tone, but also in a tone of strict exactingness. However, the strict tone of the caregiver or nanny can cause fear. Conversely, a child who is accustomed to loud, irritated instructions will not always follow the quiet, calm instructions of the teacher.

Despite the fact that the daily routines for children of different ages recommended by the Kindergarten Education Program are scientifically substantiated, nevertheless, the so-called age-specific daily routine of individual children needs to be changed. An indicator of this is the behavior and well-being of the baby.

As already mentioned, the individual characteristics of children in the field of communication are of particular importance during the period of adaptation. There are children who confidently and with dignity enter the new kindergarten environment for them: they turn to the teacher, to the assistant teacher, to find out about something. Others shy away from other people's adults, are shy, lower their eyes. And there are also children who are afraid of communication with the teacher. Such a child tries to retire, turns his face to the wall, so as not to see strangers with whom he does not know how to make contact.

The experience of a child's communication with others, received by him before coming to kindergarten, determines the nature of his adaptation to the conditions of kindergarten. Therefore, it is precisely the knowledge of the content of the child's needs in communication that is the key with which you can determine the nature of pedagogical influences on him in the adaptation period.

Direct emotional contact between a child and an adult is established from the end of the first - the beginning of the second month of life.

Those parents who, already in the first year of a child's life, do not limit his communication in a narrow circle of the family, do the right thing.

Observing the necessary hygiene requirements, it is advisable already at this age to expand the child's social circle. For example, you can allow a new person for him to hold him in his arms for a while, or even leave them alone.

The teacher must establish contact with the child on the first day. But if the child has not formed the experience of communicating with strangers, he reacts negatively to all the actions of the educator: he cries, breaks out of his hands, seeks to move away, and not get closer to the educator. He needs a longer time to get used to, to stop being afraid of the teacher. Nervousness, tears prevent him from correctly and quickly perceive the interested, kind attitude of the educator.

In this case, it is advisable to allow the mother to stay in the group. In her presence, the child calms down, the fear of an unfamiliar adult disappears, the child begins to show interest in toys. The mother should encourage him to turn to the teacher, ask for a toy, say what a good, kind aunt, how she loves children, plays with them, feeds them. The teacher confirms this with his actions: affectionately addresses the baby, gives a toy, praises his costume, shows something interesting in the group, etc. .

Consequently, the nature of the child's addiction to the conditions of a preschool institution is influenced by a number of factors: the age of the child, the state of health, the formation of communication experience, and the degree of parental care.

From the experience of a preschool teacher: Project: "Adaptation of young children to the conditions of a kindergarten"

Project author: Varlashova Maria Leonidovna, educator MBOU NSh/DS No. 24 p. Chkalovskoe.
Project type: Information and creative; practice-oriented; group; short.
Location of the project: early age group MBOU NSh / DS No. 24 p. Chkalovskoe.
Project participants: teachers, children and parents of the group.
Project implementation timeline: June - September 2013.
Relevance: Adaptation to a preschool institution is a difficult period for both children and adults: parents, teachers. Difficulties in adaptation and their causes were studied by domestic and foreign researchers (N. M. Aksarina, R. V. Tonkova-Yampolskaya, E. Schmidt-Kolmer, V. Manova-Tomova).
The admission of a child to a preschool educational institution is accompanied by a change in his environment, daily routine, nature of nutrition, leads to the need to establish social ties, adapt to new living conditions.
How the child gets used to the new depends on his physical and mental development, helps to prevent or reduce morbidity, as well as further well-being, existence in kindergarten and family.
Objective of the project: Systematization of work on creating favorable conditions for the social adaptation of children in a preschool institution.
Project objectives:
Study innovative experience;
Establish a system of interaction between project participants;
Create an emotionally comfortable subject-developing environment;
To cause a positive attitude towards kindergarten in children and their parents;
To develop in children the ability to communicate with adults and peers;
Form a system of interaction with parents to improve their pedagogical competence;
Systematize the content of the work in the adaptation period.
Hypothesis: If you use a systematic approach to organizing adaptation, which is based on a set of measures aimed at creating optimal conditions for young children, this will make it much easier for children to endure this period.
Expected results:
They will easily enter a new environment for them and adapt to its conditions with positive results;
Develop communication skills with adults and peers.
There will be an emotionally positive attitude towards kindergarten;
The desire of parents to cooperate.
Close cooperation will be established in solving problems of adaptation;
The level of competence of educators in organizing the adaptation period will increase.

Project program:
Stage I: Organizational and preparatory - June;
Stage II: Main - August - September;
Stage III: Final - September.

Stage I: Organizational and preparatory stage:
# Study of methodological literature;
# Increasing the level of pedagogical competence;
# Selection of diagnostic material, questionnaires for parents;
# Compilation of diagnostic tools;
# Drawing up plans for working with children, parents;
# Creation of a system in planning;
# Registration and updating of the subject-developing environment;
# Creation of emotional comfort;
# Compilation and selection of information material for parents;
# Increasing the pedagogical competence of parents;
# Questioning of parents;
# Study of children's social skills;
# Revealing the features of family education;
# Forecast of the likely degree of adaptation of children.

Stage II: Main:
Work principles:
# Gradual filling of the group (receiving 2-3 babies per week);
# Flexible mode of stay of the child in kindergarten (partial stay of the child in the initial period of adaptation, additional days off);
# Accounting for the individual characteristics of the child.
# Daily monitoring of the state of health, emotions, appetite, sleep of the child in the first month (for this purpose, the so-called "adaptation sheet" is filled out for each child).
Work with children:

Activity Date Result
Acquaintance and observation June
Diagnosing children, predicting results June
Accounting for household habits, interests August-September
Individual approach to the child August-September
Games-occupations August-September
Formation of a children's team, emotionally positive contact with adults August-September
Exercise Games August-September
Drama games August-September
Use of folklore August-September
Surprise moments August-September
Productive activity August-September
Elements of tempering events August-September
Preservation and promotion of children's health August-September
Optimal motor mode August-September
Working with parents August-September

Recommendations "Adaptation period in kindergarten"
Activity Date Result
Emotionally positive attitude to the adaptation period
Release of the booklet “Together it is easier for us to walk”. June
Conversation "Acquaintance of parents with the living conditions of children in kindergarten."
Parent meeting “Age characteristics of children 2 years of age. The main tasks of education.
Increasing the pedagogical competence of parents: August
Conversation "Hygienic requirements for clothes of a child."
Conversation "Nutrition is the key to health."
Release of the information sheet "Our health is in our hands"
Consultation "Whims and their prevention"
Recommendations "The influence of the game on the mental and personal development of the child."
Folder-slider "We inculcate cultural and hygienic skills from early childhood"
Increasing the pedagogical competence of parents: September
Consultation "Education of independence and self-service in children of early age".

Stage III: Final:
Activity Date Result
Observation September
Diagnosis of children
Analysis of the degree of adaptation of each child (according to adaptation sheets)
Parent survey
Studying the effectiveness of activities
Analysis of the results
Summing up the work
Comparison of existing results with predicted ones
Identification of weaknesses
Adjustment of work plans with children and parents
Elimination of defects

Results Submission Form
Project presentation
Methodological developments

Approximate long-term planning of classes for the prevention of maladaptation of children

No. Topic of the lesson Materials
LADYBUG toy ladybug, large and small cars, nesting dolls, dolls, cubes, etc.; black finger paint or gouache mixed with toothpaste; sheet with the image of a ladybug (for each child).
large umbrella; a tape recorder, a cassette with a recording of rain noise, a cassette with a recording of slow, calm music; two maple leaves (for each child); yellow, red, green gouache; a sheet with an image of an autumn landscape and a brush (for each child).
BALL big ball; a cloth bag, a small plastic ball and a plastic cube (commensurate in size).
painting or photograph "Autumn Forest"; toy hedgehog; toys (bibabo dolls): fox, wolf, bear; red, yellow and green maple leaves (for each child); red, yellow and green baskets
Merry parsley
toy (bibabo doll) "Parsley"; a toy train with a long ribbon tied to it;
blue clothespin (for each boy); yellow clothespin (for each girl); a hoop with yellow and blue ribbons tied to it; soft toy or doll (for each child).
NEW YEAR toy Santa Claus; Christmas tree; plastic bottles with cold, warm and hot water; finger paints or gouache mixed with toothpaste; a sheet with the image of a Christmas tree (for each child); a cloth bag with identical gifts for children (“Chupa Chups”, “Kinder Surprises”, small toys, etc.).
BALLS big red ball and small blue ball; medium-sized balls (for each pair of children); a tape recorder, a cassette with a recording of calm music and a rhythmic smooth melody;
a sheet of paper and crayons or a large red circle and a small blue circle (for each child).
8. BUNNY soft toys: hare and fox; a tape recorder, a cassette with a recording of cheerful dance music; cloth bag with a set of plastic vegetables.
9. SOAP BUBBLES set for blowing soap bubbles; tape recorder, cassette with a smooth melody recording; balls;
hop balls (hops).
10. MUSICIANS screen; toys: hare, bear (elephant, cat and doll); toy musical instruments: drum, harp, trumpet, harmonica, piano.
11. MOTHER'S DAY doll and teddy bear (for each child); headwear (shawls, scarves, scarves) and jewelry (hairpins, ribbons, bracelets, beads, etc.); screen; bell.
12. BEAR teddy bear; tape recorder, cassette with a recording of birds singing; yellow gouache, a sheet with the image of a jar 0 (for each child, a brush (foam rubber swab).
13. Naughty mice toy mouse; pink and black cosmetic pencils; large toy clock;
tape recorder, cassette with a recording of dance music.
14. KOLOBOK bibabo dolls (characters of the fairy tale "The Adventures of Kolobok"); cloth bag; fruit and vegetable; plasticine ball (for each child); didactic set "Bowls"; wooden toys: fungus, ball, cube (commensurate in size); sports equipment: tracks with different textures, balance beams, gymnastics. bench, hoop.
15. KITTENS tape recorder, cassette "Voices of animals and birds"; yellow, red, blue, green butterflies the size of a child's palm (according to the number of children); toys or subject pictures of yellow, red, blue and green colors.

Informational resources:
Belkina L. V. "Adaptation of young children to the conditions of the preschool educational institution" Voronezh, 2004
Vetrova V. V. "What to play with a child under 3 years old" M., 2008
Davydova O.I., Mayer A.A. "Adaptation groups in the preschool educational institution Methodological guide" M, 2005
Lykova I. A. “Fine activity in kindergarten. Early age "M., 2009
E. V. Polozova "Productive activity with young children" Voronezh, 2007
"The development of young children in the conditions of variable preschool education" / Pod. ed. T. N. Doronova, T. I. Erofeeva M., 2010
Teplyuk S. N. "Classes on a walk with the kids" M., 2001
Khalezova N. B. "Modeling in kindergarten" M., 2008
Khomyakova E. E. "Complex developmental activities with young children" M., 2009
Yanushko E. A. "Application with young children" M., 2007

“Childhood is the most important period of human life, not a preparation for a future life, but a real, bright, original, unique life. And from the one who led the child by the hand in his childhood, what entered his mind and heart from the world around him - this decisively depends on what kind of person today's baby will become.

V.A. Sukhomlinsky

The problem of a kindergarten - whether it is good or bad, to give a child or not - sooner or later arises in every family. The urgency of the problem almost does not depend on the level of well-being of the family and on the employment of parents, each of whom has his own experience and his personal opinion about the advantages and disadvantages of preschool institutions.

Adaptation- this is an adaptation of the body to a new environment, and for a child, a kindergarten is undoubtedly a new, still unknown space, with a new environment and new relationships. The relevance is due because adaptation period- a serious test for young children: from a familiar family environment, he finds himself in new conditions for him, which inevitably leads to a change in the child's behavioral reactions, sleep and appetite disorders.

The topic of adaptation of young children to preschool education is relevant, since the problem of adaptation of children of 2-3 years of age to the conditions of a kindergarten is of great importance. When children enter a preschool institution, stereotypes are broken: from a familiar home environment, the child enters the unusual environment of a kindergarten. Compliance with the daily routine, new requirements, constant contact with peers, a completely different environment, communication style - become a source of stressful situations for the baby.

The problem of adaptation of a young child remains practically undeveloped. Until now, it has not been specifically studied how a small child is included in a new reality, what psychological difficulties he experiences in the process of adaptation, how to assess his emotional state during this period, what are the psychological criteria for the adaptive capabilities of a young child and what are the ways to establish adult contact . Today, the number of children with behavioral deviations (aggressiveness, anxiety, hyperactivity, etc.), neurotic disorders continues to grow. It is more difficult for such children to adapt to new social conditions.

The task of the educator is to create maximum conditions for the child to painlessly go through all the stages of getting used to terms of the DOW. In order for the process of getting used to kindergarten not delayed, the following is necessary.

1.Creating an emotionally favorable atmosphere in the group.

It is important to form a positive attitude in the child, the desire to go to kindergarten. It depends primarily on the skill and efforts of the educator. If a child feels this warmth from the first days, his worries and fears will disappear, adaptation will be much easier. To make it pleasant for the child to come to kindergarten, you need to “domesticate” the group. It is necessary in every possible way to satisfy the extremely acute need of children in emotional contact with an adult during the period of adaptation.

Affectionate treatment of the child, the periodic stay of the baby in the arms of an adult give him a sense of security, help to adapt faster.

2. Formation of a child's sense of confidence.

One of the tasks of the adaptation period is to help the child get used to the new situation as quickly and painlessly as possible, to feel more confident, the master of the situation. To develop a sense of confidence in the environment, it is necessary:

acquaintance, rapprochement of children among themselves;

Acquaintance with educators, establishing open, trusting relationships between educators and children;

Acquaintance with the group (game, bedroom, etc. rooms);

acquaintance with the kindergarten (music room, medical room, etc.);

Getting to know kindergarten teachers and staff.

3. Proper organization during the adaptation period of game activity.

Game activity is aimed at the formation of emotional contacts "child - adult" and "child - child" and necessarily includes games and exercises. The main task of the games during this period - the formation of emotional contact, children's trust in the teacher. The child should see in the teacher a kind, always ready to help person (like a mother) and an interesting partner in the game. Emotional communication arises on the basis of joint actions, accompanied by a smile, affectionate intonation, and a manifestation of care for each baby. The first games should be frontal so that no child feels left out. The initiator of games is always an adult. Games are selected taking into account the capabilities of children, the venue.

4.Working with parents.

Interaction with parents is desirable to begin even before the child enters kindergarten. A necessary condition for successful adaptation is the coordination of the actions of parents and educators, the convergence of approaches to the individual characteristics of the child in the family and kindergarten.

It is advisable to recommend to parents in the early days to bring the child only for a walk - this way it is easier for him to get to know the teachers and other children. In the early days, it is worth bringing the child to the group later than 8 o'clock so that he does not witness the tears and negative emotions of other children when parting with their mothers. The task of the educator is to calm adults first of all: invite them to inspect the group rooms, show the locker, bed, toys, tell what the child will do, what to play, introduce the daily routine, and discuss together how to facilitate the adaptation period. In turn, parents should carefully listen to the advice of the teacher, take into account his advice, observations and wishes. If a child sees good, friendly relations between his parents and caregivers, he will adapt much faster to a new environment. The work with parents was structured as follows: :

parent meetings,




visits to families of students

individual consultations (according to the results of diagnostics and requests of parents),

Designing information boards for parents

The adaptation period is considered completed, if the child eats with appetite, quickly falls asleep and wakes up in a cheerful mood, plays with peers. The duration of adaptation depends on the level of development of the child.

Very important, so that parents during this period treat the child very carefully and attentively, strive to help him survive this difficult moment of life, and not persist in their educational plans, do not fight whims. The period of adaptation of young children is conditionally divided into three levels:

1 level- the period of adaptation to a preschool institution, children show anxiety, anxiety. At home, they have a pronounced negative, negative attitude towards the educator and peers, they have little experience of communication, they are in the care of all their relatives in turn, so they are not used to occupying themselves for a minute on their own. They require constant attention from the educator, do not notice their peers, besides, due to their age, peers cannot clearly demonstrate their positive attitude towards them, the level of playing skills is not high, the level of self-development is low. During the day, the emotional state practically does not change (inactivity, crying, require consolation, sit indifferently, do not come into contact with children ). Severe level of adaptation (from 2 to 6 months).

2 level- children of this level are characterized by getting used to kindergarten, adequate behavior: they observe the actions of adults and peers, avoid them, subsequently imitate them, cry in the first days, remember their parents after they leave, and during the day they play with peers, communicate with adults. Such children have developed self-service skills, they are looking for contacts with peers, they are calm, they actively play. Average level of adaptation (20-40 days).

3 level- when getting acquainted with the environment, it is easily included in the subject, independent activity or game. The game can be played both independently and with peers. Quickly establish contact with adults. They can occupy themselves with a meaningful game without feeling helpless, as they are independent, self-service skills are formed. During the day they laugh, rejoice, sing, joyfully run towards their peers, educators. Easy adaptation level (10-15 days).

Indicators of the end of the adaptation period:

calm, cheerful, cheerful mood of the child at the time of separation and meetings with parents;

Balanced mood throughout the day

Adequate attitude to the proposals of adults;

communication with them on their own initiative;

the ability to communicate with peers, not to conflict;

The desire to eat on their own, eat up the prescribed norm to the end;

Quiet daytime sleep in the group before the appointed time.



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Topic: "KINDERGARTEN FOR CHILDREN" (adaptation of young children to the conditions of the preschool educational institution)

“Childhood is the most important period of human life, not a preparation for a future life, but a real, bright, original, unique life. And from the one who led the child by the hand in his childhood, what entered his mind and heart from the world around him - this decisively depends on what kind of person today's baby will become. V.A. Sukhomlinsky

The relevance is due to the fact that the adaptation period is a serious test for young children: from a familiar family environment, he finds himself in new conditions for him, which inevitably leads to a change in the child's behavioral reactions, sleep and appetite disorders. Today, the number of children with behavioral deviations (aggressiveness, anxiety, hyperactivity, etc.) continues to grow. It is more difficult for such children to adapt to new social conditions. Children with different degrees of social readiness upon entering kindergarten initially have different starting opportunities. Therefore, it is the adaptation period that allows to eliminate this problem.

Adaptation is the process of developing adaptive reactions of the body in response to new conditions for it. Adaptation should be based on knowledge of the mental, age and individual characteristics of the child. The task of the educator is to create maximum conditions for the child to painlessly go through all the stages of getting used to the conditions of the preschool educational institution.

The process of a child's transition from a family to a preschool institution is difficult for both the child and the parents. There is a need to overcome psychological barriers. Three most significant problems have been identified. The first problem is that children entering kindergarten have a rather low level of neuropsychic development. This is due both to the peculiarities of upbringing in the family, and to biological factors (the course of pregnancy, childbirth). The greatest delay is manifested in the skills of active speech, in sensory development, which negatively affects the further development of a small person. The second problem is related to various deviations in the behavior of children. It concerns sleep, appetite of babies, hyperexcitable or low-emotional, non-contact children, children with manifestations of fears, enuresis, tics, etc. Therefore, it is important to get to know each child, to find out his developmental and behavioral features.

The correct organization of a child's life in a preschool institution allows him to form a positive attitude towards kindergarten. To organize the successful adaptation of young children, it is necessary to properly organize the educational process, where, along with playing sessions and entertaining activities, various other forms of work are used: entertainment, didactic and outdoor games that are interesting for children, acquaintance with fiction.

Factors determining the success of adaptation of young children to preschool education: the state of health and the level of development of the child; the age at which the baby enters the child care facility; the degree of formation of the child's communication with others and subject-play activity.

frequent illnesses of the mother during pregnancy; inconsistency of the home mode with the preschool mode; low cultural and educational level of the family; parental alcohol abuse conflict relations between parents; child's lag in neuropsychic development; the presence of chronic diseases. Adaptation Difficulty Factors

Organization of conditions for the adaptation of young children. 1. Creating an emotionally favorable atmosphere in the group. 3. Formation of a child's sense of confidence. 4. Working with parents. 2. Proper organization during the adaptation period of game activity.

Preliminary familiarization of parents with the working conditions of the preschool educational institution. Individual approach to the child Flexible mode Singing lullabies when putting children to bed Creating a subject-developing environment Encouraging the child to communicate with adults and peers Games with the teacher and peers Monitoring the physical condition of the child Preservation (in the first 2-3 weeks) habits Elements of bodily therapy Fairytale catarapy

For emotionally tense children, it is good to use games and exercises aimed at emotional relaxation. They contribute to a closer acquaintance of children and an adult with each other, the emergence of positive emotions in children and unity of the group.

And games should be frontal, so that not one child feels deprived of attention. They should not be too long (it is better to play with children several times a day, but little by little). Games should use copies of real objects, not their substitutes. In seven children are offered the same items. The initiator of the game is always an adult. Game Requirements

The main task of games during this period is the formation of emotional contact, children's trust in the teacher. The child should see in the teacher a kind, always ready to help person (like a mother) and an interesting partner in the game. Emotional communication arises on the basis of joint actions, accompanied by a smile, affectionate intonation, a manifestation of care and attention to each baby.

Five Rules for Mitigating a Child's Stress Rule 1. The first and most important rule is that participation in the game is voluntary. Rule 2. An adult must become a direct participant in the game. Rule 3. Multiple repetition of games, which is a necessary condition for the developmental effect. Rule 4. Visual material (certain toys, various objects, etc.) must be protected, it cannot be turned into ordinary, always available. Rule 5. An adult should not evaluate the actions of a child. Give the child the opportunity to show, express himself, do not drive him into your own, even the best, framework.

Desktop-printed (“Whose house”, “Who hid”, “Collect a picture”, “From what fairy tale”, etc.) Role-playing (“Hospital”, “Let's take my daughter to kindergarten”, etc.) Adaptive (“Look to my window”, “We walked, walked, walked and found something”, etc.) Musical (“Guess what’s ringing”,.) Outdoor games (“Sun and rain”, “Clumsy bear”, “I’ll catch up you ", etc.) Round dance ("Bubble", "Loaf", "Carousel", etc.) Finger ("This finger", "Magpie - white-sided", etc.) Verbal ("Who has what kind of mother-pets" , “What do we do in the morning, afternoon and evening in kindergarten”, etc.) Game activities: children's games

It is very important that parents during the adaptation period treat the child very carefully and attentively, strive to help him survive this difficult moment of life, and not persist in their educational plans, do not fight whims. The most important thing is a positive attitude towards kindergarten, if parents believe that a kindergarten is the best place on earth for a child, the child will also think the same, albeit at the level of internal sensations.

The work with parents was structured as follows: Parent meetings Consultations and conversations Questionnaires and tests Visiting the families of pupils Individual consultations (at the request of parents), Formation of information stands ; 2. determination of the main content of work with parents; 3. informing parents about the successes and achievements of the child; 4. finding ways to solve problems. Purposeful preparation of parents gives positive results in adaptation and makes it easier for the child to get used to new conditions.

Adaptation levels

During the period of adaptation to a preschool institution, children show anxiety and anxiety. At home, they have a pronounced negative, negative attitude towards the teacher and peers. They require constant attention from the educator, they do not notice their peers, the level of playing skills is not high, the level of self-development is low. During the day, the emotional state practically does not change (inactivity, crying, require consolation, sit indifferently, do not come into contact with children). First level: Severe (from 2 to 6 months)

Children of this level are characterized by getting used to kindergarten, adequate behavior: they observe the actions of adults and peers, avoid them, then imitate them, cry in the first days, remember their parents after they leave, and during the day they play with peers, communicate with adults. Such children have developed self-service skills, they are looking for contacts with peers, they are calm, they play actively. Second level: Medium (20-40 days)

When getting acquainted with the environment, it is easily included in the objective, independent activity or game. The game can be played both independently and with peers. Quickly establish contact with adults. They can occupy themselves with a meaningful game without feeling helpless, as they are independent, self-service skills are formed. During the day they laugh, rejoice, sing, joyfully run towards their peers, educators. Third level: Easy (10-15 days)

calm, cheerful, cheerful mood of the child at the time of separation and meetings with parents; balanced mood during the day; the ability to communicate with peers, not to conflict; the desire to eat on their own, to eat up the prescribed norm to the end; calm daytime sleep in the group before the appointed time according to the regimen; good appetite, desire to eat food on their own, adequate attitude towards adults, communication with them on their own initiative. Indicators of the end of the adaptation period were

If the kid is happy and talks a lot about kindergarten, if he is in a hurry to go there, if he has friends there and a bunch of urgent things, we can assume that the adaptation period is over. Purposeful training of parents and educators gives its positive results, even with severe adaptation, it facilitates the child's getting used to new conditions.

Adaptation of the child should be based on knowledge of mental, age and individual characteristics.

In Russian pedagogy and developmental psychology, the process of early development of a child from birth to 3 years is divided into two main periods: infancy (from birth to 12 months) and pre-preschool childhood (from 12 to 36 months).

At an early age, intensive mental development occurs, the main components of which are:

Subject activity and business communication with an adult;

active speech;

Arbitrary behavior;

Formation of the need for communication with peers;

The beginning of the symbolic game;

Self-awareness and independence.

Early age has great opportunities for forming the foundations of a future adult personality, especially its intellectual development. At this time, there is such an intensive development of the brain, which will not be in any of the subsequent periods of life. By 7 months the brain of a child increases by 2 times, by 1.5 years - by 3 times, and by the 3rd it is already 3/4 of the mass of the brain of an adult.

It is in this sensitive period that the foundations of intellect, thinking, and high mental activity are laid. Underestimation of the possibilities of early age leads to the fact that many of its reserves remain undiscovered, and subsequently the lag is compensated with difficulty and not completely.

At an early age, there is a very special attitude of the child to reality, this feature is usually called situationality. Situation is the dependence of the child's behavior and psyche on the perceived situation. Perception and feeling are not yet separated from each other and represent an inseparable unity that causes direct action in a situation. Things have a special attraction for the child. The child perceives the thing directly here and now, without bringing into the situation his own intention and knowledge about

The age of 1-3 years is a period of significant changes in the life of a small child. First of all, the child begins to walk. Having received the opportunity to move independently, he masters the far space, independently comes into contact with a mass of objects, many of which previously remained inaccessible to him.

By the end of the second year of life, children's coordination of movements improves, they master more and more complex sets of actions. A child of this age knows how to wash, climb onto a chair to get a toy, loves to climb, jump, and overcome obstacles. He feels the rhythm of the movements well. Communication between children and adults at an early age is an indispensable condition for the development of objective activity, the leading activity of children of this age.

A child of the second year of life actively learns actions with such tool objects as a cup, spoon, scoop, etc. At the first stage of mastering the tool action, he uses tools as an extension of his hand, and therefore this action was called manual (for example, a baby uses a spatula to get a ball that has rolled under a cabinet). At the next stage, the child learns to correlate tools with the object to which the action is directed (sand, snow, earth are collected with a spatula, water with a bucket).

Thus, it adapts to the properties of the tool. The mastery of object-tools leads to the assimilation by the child of the social way of using things and has a decisive influence on the development of the initial forms of thinking.

As a result of such a “liberation” of the child, a decrease in his dependence on an adult, cognitive activity and objective actions are rapidly developing. In the second year of life, the child develops objective actions; in the third year of life, objective activity becomes the leading one. By the age of three, the leading hand is determined in him and the coordination of the actions of both hands begins to form.

With the emergence of objective activity based on the assimilation of precisely those modes of action with an object that ensure its intended use, the child's attitude to surrounding objects changes, the type of orientation in the objective world changes. Instead of asking "what is this?" - when confronted with a new object, the child has a question: “what can be done with this?” (R.Ya. Lekhtman-Abramovich, D.B. Elkonin).

At the same time, this interest is expanding enormously. So, with a free choice of objects and toys, he seeks to get to know as many of them as possible, involving objects in his activity.

In close connection with the development of objective actions, the child’s perception develops, since in the process of actions with objects, the child gets acquainted not only with the ways of using them, but also with their properties - shape, size, color, mass, material, etc.

The practical objective activity of children is an important stage in the transition from practical mediation to mental mediation; it creates conditions for the subsequent development of conceptual, verbal thinking. In the process of performing actions with objects and designating actions with words, the child's thought processes are formed. The most important among them at an early age is generalization. Children develop simple forms of visual-active thinking, the most primary generalizations, directly related to the selection of certain external and internal features of objects.

At the beginning of early childhood, the perception of the child is still extremely poorly developed, although in everyday life the child looks quite oriented. Orientation occurs rather on the basis of recognition of objects than on the basis of true perception. Recognition itself is associated with the selection of random, conspicuous landmarks.

The transition to a more complete and comprehensive perception occurs in the child in connection with the mastery of objective activity, especially instrumental and correlative actions, during which he is forced to focus on different properties of objects (size, shape, color) and brings them into line according to a given attribute. First, the correlation of objects and their properties occurs practically. This practical correlation then leads to perceptual correlations. The development of perceptual actions begins.

The formation of perceptual actions in relation to different content and different conditions in which this content is embodied does not occur simultaneously. In relation to more difficult tasks, a young child may remain at the level of chaotic actions, without any regard for the properties of the objects with which he acts, at the level of actions with the use of force, which do not lead him to a positive result. In relation to tasks that are more accessible in content and closer to the child's experience, he can move on to practical orientation - to problems that in some cases can provide a positive result of his activity. In a number of tasks, he moves on to a proper perceptual orientation.

Although a child at this age rarely uses visual correlation, but uses extended "trying on", however, it provides a better account of the properties and relations of objects, provides more opportunities for a positive solution to the problem. Mastering "trying on" and visual correlation allows young children not only to differentiate the properties of objects at the "signal" level, i.e. to search, detect, distinguish and identify objects, but also to display the properties of objects, their true perception based on the image. This finds its expression in the ability to make choices according to a model.

The close connection between the development of perception and activity is manifested in the fact that the child begins to make a choice according to the model in relation to form and size, i.e. in relation to the properties that must be taken into account in practical action, and only then - in relation to color (L.A. Venger, V.S. Mukhina).

The development of speech during this period is especially intensive. Mastering speech is one of the main achievements of a child of the second or third year of life. If by the age of 1 year the child comes almost completely without speech, having 10-20 babble words in the dictionary, then by the age of 3 his dictionary has more than 400 words. Throughout the early years, speech becomes increasingly important for the entire mental development of the child. It becomes the most important means of transferring social experience to the child. Naturally, adults, guiding the perception of the child, actively use the name of the properties of objects.

By the end of the second year, the child begins to use two-word sentences in his speech. The fact of intensive assimilation of speech by him is explained by the fact that babies like to pronounce the same word repeatedly. They kind of play with it. As a result, the child learns to correctly understand and pronounce words, as well as build sentences. This is the period of his increased susceptibility to the speech of others. Therefore, this period is called sensitive (favorable for the development of the child's speech).

The formation of speech at this age is the basis of all mental development. If for some reason (illness, lack of communication) the baby's speech capabilities are not used to a sufficient extent, then his further general development begins to be delayed. At the end of the first and beginning of the second year of life, some rudiments of play activity are observed. Children perform with objects the actions of adults they observe (imitate adults). At this age, they prefer a real object to a toy: a bowl, a cup, a spoon, etc., since it is still difficult for them to use substitute objects due to insufficient development of their imagination.

The emergence of speech is closely related to the activity of communication, it appears for the purposes of communication and develops in its context. The need for communication is formed with the active influence of an adult on a child. A change in the forms of communication also occurs with the initiative influence of an adult on a child.

In infancy, the manifestation of one child's interest in another is dictated by the need for new impressions, interest in a living object. At an early age, a peer acts as an interaction partner. The development of the need to communicate with peers goes through a number of stages:

Attention and interest in peers (second year of life);

The desire to attract the attention of a peer and demonstrate their success (end of the second year of life);

The emergence of sensitivity to the attitude of a peer and his influences (third year of life).

Children's communication with each other at an early age has the form of emotional and practical influence, the characteristic features of which are immediacy, lack of subject content, irregularity, mirror reflection of the partner's actions and movements. Through a peer, the child distinguishes himself, realizes his individual characteristics. At the same time, adults play a decisive role in organizing interaction between children.

The child of the second year is very emotional. But throughout early childhood, children's emotions are unstable.

At an early age, the beginnings of moral feelings begin to form. This happens if adults teach the baby to reckon with other people. “Don’t make noise, dad is tired, he is sleeping”, “Give grandfather shoes”, etc. In the second year of life, the child has positive feelings for the comrades with whom he plays. Forms of expression of sympathy are becoming more diverse. This is a smile, and an affectionate word, and sympathy, and a manifestation of attention to other people, and, finally, the desire to share joy with another person. If in the first year the feeling of sympathy is still involuntary, unconscious, unstable, then in the second year it becomes more conscious.

In the process of communicating with adults in the second year of life, a child develops an emotional reaction to praise (R.Kh. Shakurov). The emergence of an emotional reaction to praise creates internal conditions for the development of self-esteem, self-love, for the formation of a stable positive-emotional attitude of the baby to himself and to his qualities.

The study of the individual characteristics of children requires considerable time and systematic observations. To this end, the teacher needs to keep a diary, recording in it the peculiarities of the behavior of the pupils, making periodically brief generalizations of the results of the observation.

The individual characteristics of the child are also associated with the type of his nervous activity, which is hereditary. I.P. Pavlov in his doctrine of higher nervous activity revealed the main properties of nervous processes:

The strength of arousal and imbalance;

Balance and imbalance of these processes;

their mobility.

Based on the study of the course of these processes, he identified 4 types of higher nervous activity:

Strong, unbalanced, characterized by strong excitation and less strong inhibition, corresponds to the choleric temperament. For a child of choleric temperament, increased excitability, activity, and distractibility are characteristic. He takes care of everything with passion. Not measuring his strength, he often loses interest in the work he has begun, does not bring it to the end. This can lead to frivolity, quarrelsomeness. Therefore, in such a child it is necessary to strengthen the processes of inhibition, and the activity that goes beyond the limits should be switched to useful and feasible activity. It is necessary to control the execution of tasks, to demand to bring the work begun to the end. In the classroom, you need to direct such children to comprehend the material, set them more complex tasks, skillfully rely on their interests.

Strong balanced (the process of excitation is balanced by the process of inhibition), mobile, corresponds to the sanguine temperament. Children of sanguine temperament are active, sociable, easily adapt to changing conditions. The characteristics of children of this type of higher nervous activity are clearly manifested when they enter kindergarten: they are cheerful, immediately find comrades for themselves, delve into all aspects of the life of the group, with great interest and actively participate in classes and games.

Strong, balanced, inert, (corresponds to phlegmatic temperament). Phlegmatic children are calm, patient, they bring a solid matter to an end, they treat others evenly. The disadvantage of the phlegmatic is his inertia, his inactivity, he cannot immediately concentrate, direct attention. In general, these children do not cause trouble.

Of course, such traits as restraint, prudence are positive, but they can be confused with indifference, apathy, lack of initiative, laziness. It is necessary to carefully study these features of the child in various situations, in various activities, not to be hasty in their conclusions, to check and compare the results of their observations with the observations of colleagues and family members of the child.

Weak, characterized by weakness of both excitation and inhibition with increased inhibition or low mobility (corresponds to melancholic temperament). Children of a melancholy temperament are unsociable, withdrawn, very impressionable and touchy. When entering a kindergarten, school for a long time they can not get used to the new environment, the team of children yearn, feel sad. In some cases, experiences respond even to the physical condition of the child: he loses weight, his appetite and sleep are disturbed. Not only teachers, but also medical staff and families should pay special attention to such children, take care of creating conditions that cause them as many positive emotions as possible.

The property of the nervous system of each person does not fit into any one "pure" type of higher nervous activity. As a rule, the individual psyche reflects a mixture of types or manifests itself as an intermediate type (for example, between a sanguine person and a phlegmatic person, between a melancholic person and a phlegmatic person, between a choleric person and a melancholic person).

When taking into account the age-related characteristics of the development of children, the teacher largely relies on the generalized data of pedagogy and developmental psychology. As for the individual differences and peculiarities of the upbringing of individual children, here he has to rely only on this material, which he receives in the process of personal study of the pupils.

Thus, early age covers the period from 1 year to 3 years. During this period, the social situation of the child's development changes. By the beginning of an early age, the child, acquiring a desire for independence and independence from an adult, remains connected with an adult, because he needs his practical help, evaluation and attention. This contradiction is resolved in the new social situation of the child's development, which is the cooperation or joint activity of the child and the adult.

The leading activity of the child also changes. If the infant does not yet single out the method of action with the object and its purpose, then already in the second year of life, the content of the child's objective cooperation with the adult becomes the assimilation of socially developed methods of using objects. The adult not only puts an object into the child's hands, but together with the object "transmits" the mode of action with it.

In such cooperation, communication ceases to be a leading activity, it becomes a means of mastering social ways of using objects.

In early childhood, one can note the rapid development of the following mental spheres: communication, speech, cognitive (perception, thinking), motor and emotional-volitional spheres. In the speech development of a young child, the main thing is to stimulate his active speech. This is achieved by enriching the vocabulary, intensive work to improve the articulatory apparatus, as well as expanding the zone of communication with adults.

Sections: Working with preschoolers

Kindergarten is a new, important period in the life of every child. Unfortunately, for any child, the beginning of kindergarten is a real stress. He finds himself in a completely new, unusual environment for him - a huge unfamiliar room, where there is no mother who is always ready to help, where there are no his favorite toys, where he is surrounded by strange adults who must be obeyed.

With the arrival of a child in a preschool institution, his life changes significantly: a strict daily routine, the absence of parents or other close relatives, new requirements for behavior, constant contact with peers, a different style of communication. All this creates a stressful situation that can lead to neurotic reactions (fear, whims, tantrums, refusal to eat, frequent illnesses, mental regression).

The older the child, the faster he can adapt to new conditions. Therefore, the problem of adaptation is especially acute with young children. Children of this age are the most vulnerable, they are less adapted to separation from the family.

Adaptation is the adaptation of the body to a new environment, and for a child, a kindergarten is undoubtedly a new, unfamiliar space for him. Despite the difficulties in adapting, I still believe that it is at an early age that parents should send their child to kindergarten.

It is at this age that the development of mental processes and personality traits is most intensive. Significant changes occur in the motor activity of the child. New types of movement appear - running, climbing, jumping from a place, playing with the ball. Speech develops - the child learns to pronounce words correctly, his vocabulary increases. Great changes are also taking place in social development. The child strives to be good, to meet the requirements of adults, to receive their approval. According to some observations of psychologists, a child under the age of three acquires from 60% to 70% of information about the world around him, and for the rest of his life 30% - 40%. It is very important in this age period to build a child's life so that he can make the most of the opportunities of this age. This task falls, of course, on kindergarten.

To make the process of getting used to kindergarten as painless as possible depends largely on us, educators. It is necessary to accustom the child to kindergarten gradually. In the first days, the child's stay in the group should be minimal (maximum two hours). It is advisable that the child has breakfast at home, because many children refuse to eat at first. The residence time should be increased gradually. If the child gets used hard, you can advise parents in the first days to come only for a walk. Only after two or three weeks, given the desire of the baby, you can leave him for the whole day.

Taking into account the research of scientists, the Institute of Pediatrics has developed criteria by which one can judge the severity of the adaptation period:

  • sleep disturbance,
  • malnutrition,
  • manifestation of negative emotions in communication,
  • fear of space
  • frequent illnesses,
  • weight loss.

The transition of a child from a family to a preschool institution is difficult not only for the child, but also for the parents. Therefore, parents must prepare both themselves and the baby for the first day of visiting kindergarten. It is necessary to create in advance at home for the child a day regimen (sleep, games, walks, meals), as close as possible to the preschool regimen. Parents should tell their child about what kindergarten is, why it is needed and why they want to take him there (it is good, interesting, there are many other children, toys with which to play, etc.). You can also play the game "Kindergarten" at home, beat situations that may arise in kindergarten.

Every time, after coming from kindergarten, parents need to ask the child about how his day went, what he did, what was interesting. It is imperative to focus on positive aspects, since parents with such short remarks are able to form a positive attitude towards a preschool institution.

The teacher should warn parents about the peculiarities of children's adaptation to new conditions and ask them to tell them about how the child behaves at home. If the child was accustomed in advance to the daily routine that awaits him in kindergarten, if he knows how to ask to go to the toilet, knows how to hold a spoon himself, play with toys, is interested in them, is capable of at least short-term contact with other children, trusts educators, then most of the problems associated with the adaptation period can be avoided.

Young children are characterized by increased emotionality. The emotional state of the child has a special impact on the speed and severity of the adaptation process. Therefore, from the first days of a child's stay in a preschool educational institution, it is necessary to provide psychological and physical comfort for him, which will help mitigate the unpleasant moments that arise in the process of transition from a home lifestyle to a public one.

The duration of getting used to new social conditions, as well as the nature of the behavior of children in the first days of their stay in a preschool institution, depend on individual characteristics. Children of the same age behave differently: some cry on the first day, do not want to eat, refuse toys, do not make contact with children and adults, but after a few days they follow the children's play with interest, eat well and fall asleep peacefully. Others, on the contrary, are outwardly calm on the first day, follow all the instructions of the educators, and the next day they part with their mother crying, eat poorly in the following days, do not take part in the game, and show negative emotions in communication. Most children react to kindergarten by crying. Some go easily in the morning, but cry at home in the evening, others agree to go to kindergarten in the morning, but before entering the group they begin to act up and cry.

Psychologists and doctors distinguish three degrees of passage of the adaptation period:

Easy adaptation- by the 20th day of stay in a children's institution, sleep normalizes, the child eats normally, makes contact with peers and adults. The incidence is not more than once, without complications. Weight unchanged.

Moderate adaptation- behavioral responses are restored by the 30th day. Neuropsychic development slows down somewhat (slowdown of speech activity). Incidence up to two times for a period of not more than 10 days, without complications. Weight has not changed or slightly decreased.

Severe adaptation- is characterized, firstly, by a significant duration (from 2 to 6 months or more) and the severity of all manifestations (the child often gets sick, loses already acquired skills, both physical and mental exhaustion of the body can occur).

It is well known that the main type of children's activity is the game. During the adaptation period, the game becomes the main relaxing tool for preschoolers. Her main task during this period is to establish trusting relationships with each child, an attempt to evoke a positive attitude towards kindergarten in children, to help remember the names of other children and educators. There are special games aimed at getting to know each other, remembering names. For example, the game "Engine", children are wagons, and everyone has their own name. “The first trailer is Vanya, the second trailer is attached to it - Zhenya, followed by the third trailer - Ksyusha. And now we will have a train - Kira. Constant repetition helps children quickly remember who's name is, and games contribute to the emergence of first contacts, physical and playful.

The game helps to create a good mood in children, cause joy: the child rejoices that he has learned something new, rejoices at his achievement, the ability to pronounce a word, do something, achieve results, rejoices at the first joint actions and experiences with other children. This joy is the key to the successful development of children at an early age and is of great importance for further education.

In my practice, I use games from the book by A.S. Ronzhina "Classes of a psychologist with children 2-4 years old in the period of adaptation to a preschool". Here, games and exercises are selected that will help the child successfully adapt to the conditions of the preschool educational institution, help relieve psycho-emotional stress, reduce impulsivity, anxiety and aggression, improve communication, gaming and motor skills, develop cognitive processes, optimize parent-child relationships.

By joint efforts, educators and parents should organize the life of the child so that adaptation to the preschool institution is most painless, so that the child develops a positive attitude towards the preschool institution, communication skills with adults and children, which is necessary for further life in society.

The objective indicators of the adaptation period are:

  • deep, restful sleep
  • a good appetite,
  • emotionally balanced state
  • active behavior,
  • full restoration of existing skills,
  • age-appropriate weight gain


  1. Belkina L.V. Adaptation of young children to the conditions of the preschool educational institution. Voronezh. TC Uchitel, 2004
  2. Novoselova S.L. Didactic games and activities with young children. - M .: Education, 1985
  3. Ronzhina A.S. Psychologist's classes with children 2-4 years old in the period of adaptation to a preschool institution. - M .: Book lover, 2003