Quotes about non-random meetings. Meeting statuses

On a date, the girl was in a hurry
In high heels
And in the crowd accidentally hooked
Walking towards the old man.

She turned around: "Grandpa, I'm sorry!"
He raised his weary eyes.
"Honey, where are you in such a hurry?"
"Waiting for me, you can't be late."

"It's good when someone is waiting for you somewhere,
And they meet with joy on their faces,
And my love found shelter
Where I can take my time."

The girl looked at the bouquet
And in the eyes froze regret ...
He continued: "For seven years now
I wear chamomile for her birthday.

She especially loved them
I wove it into my hair and into a wreath.
Even on the day we met, I remember it was
Dress on her in such a flower.

For many years we were married to her,
But the magic ardor of love has not been extinguished.
From the first meeting to the last date,
I have idolized her all my life."

He smiled, squeezed the bouquet tighter,
And walked slowly to the stop ...
And she looked after him
As if flying down without insurance ...

He's waiting at a table in a cafe
Angry, because they only have the evening ...
Checkmarked in the column
Between training and an important meeting.

Yes, he initially did not hide,
Who is what kind of car "steers".
After the meetings, she called a taxi,
And she hoped that she loved ...

Smiling, she hung up the call.
Number deleted into obscurity.
I knew everything that he could answer,
She just doesn't care anymore.

We need someone who will understand
And love and cherish the feeling.
We need a house in which they will wait ...
And a bouquet of daisies ... from the heart.

Do you believe in God? I did not see him…
How can you believe in something you haven't seen?
I'm sorry that I offended you
After all, you did not expect such an answer ...
I believe in money, I saw them for sure ...
I believe in a plan, in a forecast, in career growth ...
I believe in a house that was built strong...
Of course… Your answer is quite simple…
Do you believe in happiness? You didn't see him...
But your soul saw him ...
I'm sorry, I must have offended you...
Then we have one - one ... Draw ...
Do you believe in love, friendship? How about vision???
It's all at the level of the soul...
And sincerity bright moments?
Don't rush to see everything with your eyes...
Do you remember how then you hurried to a meeting,
But traffic jams… missed the plane?!
Your plane exploded that same evening
You drank and cried all day long ...
And at the moment when the wife gave birth,
And the doctor said: "I'm sorry, there is no chance ...",
Do you remember life flashed like slides
And it's like the light faded forever
But someone shouted: "Oh, God, a miracle ..."
And the cry was heard loud baby ...
You whispered: "I will believe in God"
And the soul smiled sincerely ...
There is something that the eyes cannot see
But the heart sees more clearly and clearly ...
When the soul fell in love without falsehood,
That mind objects more and more ...
Refers to pain, bitter experience,
Includes selfishness, a big "I" ...
You saw God every day and so much
How deep is your soul...
Each of us has our own path...
Faith and love are the most important...
I didn't ask you, "Have you seen God?"
I asked if I believed in him...

I'm so happy, she said. I stood and looked at her. She only said three words. But never before have I heard them spoken like that. I knew women, but meetings with them were always fleeting - some kind of adventure, sometimes bright hours, a lonely evening, an escape from myself, from despair, from emptiness. Yes, I did not look for anything else; because I knew that you can not rely on anything, only on yourself and in best case on a friend. And suddenly I saw that I meant something to another person and that he was happy only because I was next to him. Such words themselves sound very simple, but when you think about them, you begin to understand how infinitely important all this is. This can raise a storm in a person's soul and completely transform him. It is love and yet something else. Something worth living for.

Everything comes to him who knows how to wait.

Benjamin Disraeli

In every separation there is always a new meeting hidden.

Leonid Solovyov

I have to forget you, because I can not live without you.

Ishkhan Gevorgyan

Expectation happy days Sometimes it's better than those days.

K. Paustovsky

Sometimes only memories remain from a person, but everywhere ...

Are you leaving forever? Leave the keys to my heart on the nightstand!


It is not enough to be able to leave, manage, having left, not to return.

Separation diminishes moderate love and increases strong love, just as the wind blows out a candle and fanns a fire.

La Rochefoucauld

The folly of love lies in the fact that the lover strives for the days of waiting to pass and disappear as soon as possible.

Albert Camus

Waiting takes time.

Harun of Agatsar

When people leave, let go. Fate eliminates the superfluous. This doesn't mean they are bad. This means that their role in your life has already been played. To leave means to die a little.

Edmond Harocourt

Temporary separation is useful, because constant communication gives rise to the appearance of monotony ...

K. Marx

Dogs and women who have been waiting for a long time startle in surprise when their master and deliverer finally appears.


Be better than others' expectations.

The heart shrinks, tears silently flow down the cheeks and it is impossible to utter words in response, but you have to leave, it will be better, that's just who ...

Christina Bachman

You don't know what true love is until you want to get rid of it True love is not something that can endure long years separation, but one that endures long years of intimacy.

Helen Rowland

A request is a declarative formulation of an expectation.

Ishkhan Gevorgyan

So, you wait, you wait for a warm meeting, and winter comes ...

Igor Sivolob

Expecting what you want is better than wanting what you want.

Sometimes only one person's life changes with a change of phone number. Someone who will never call again.

Separation is a void in the place of former bliss, saturated with longing for the inaccessible.

Elena Ermolova

If love is strong enough, waiting becomes happiness.

Simone de Beauvoir

Everyone has in their hands a huge bow with arrows of swift separation.

Valery Kazanzhants

Bitter separation makes poor lovers decidedly dumb.

William Shakespeare

Separation is more of a pretext for betrayal than a cure for love.

Marguerite de la Sablière

The absence of your presence in my life does not bother me anymore.

Parting for a short time is unprofitable, because what longer separation the happier the meeting.

Yuri Tatarkin

Don't wait, but hope.

Ravil Aleev

Whoever has the courage to wait will never part with hope.

Gennady Moskvin

If you are absent for a short time, I am ready to wait for you all my life.

Oscar Wilde

What we are waiting for is what we are waiting for. For example: People expecting a "bright future" and will only wait for the next "bright future", but not the present! To be able to wait - to do the important before the arrival of the right one.

Elena Ermolova

Distance is not so scary when it is in kilometers of the earth, and not in kilometers of the soul.

What I am glad about - that does not happen, what I do not expect - then one step ahead ...

Mikhail Mamchich

Unfortunately, sometimes only separation teaches the love of a loved one.

Dmitry Nagiev

I can't help but deceive your expectations.

Ilona Yazvitskaya

If the resolute does not do something right away, he will weigh the pros and cons for years, until fate itself decides for him, destroying the opportunity.

Elena Ermolova

When you want everyone to leave, it's easier to leave yourself.

A heart that cannot wait is unlikely to truly love.

In separation - the distance is measured not in kilometers, but in days.

Yuri Tatarkin

Expectation also paints a person ... most often the one who is expected.

Waiting is impossible only when you are doing nothing.

Alexandre Dumas father

The painful pleasure of waiting...

Igor Krasnovsky

Separation and meeting are the two main parts of which someday happiness will be formed.

Live up to expectations - let them roam free.

Yuri Tatarkin

Can miles really separate us from friends? If you want to be with a loved one, aren't you already with him?

Richard Bach

Only a minute late, hours lose expectations.

Georgy Alexandrov

To wait is not to be inactive, but to act slowly, confidently, imperceptibly.

Elena Ermolova

He left, he didn't quit. And these are two different things.

K-f "House of the Sun"

Separation inflames heart passion ... To someone who is closer.

What an endless charm in the words: "Remember ... the one who, leaving, took away his black staff and left you these golden leaves." Isn't all wisdom in this: to take away the black and leave the gold? And no one understands this, and everyone who knows forgets it!

Marina Tsvetaeva

How painful it is to depend on a call ...

Vladimir Vishnevsky

Do not complicate life, do not confuse expecting the worst with the inevitable!

Igor Krasnovsky

Looking forward to something from life. But it wasn't promised.

Elena Ermolova

When you are waiting for something, even grains of sand in hourglass falling with a bang!

Konstantin Filenko

Never go back to what you decided to leave. No matter how much they ask you, and no matter how much you want to yourself. Having conquered one mountain, start storming another.

If we say goodbye, there is no hope that we will see each other again, so it is better to say goodbye.

K-f "Never Say Goodbye"

It is better to leave in English than to wait to be sent in Russian.

Wait if you like. Wait. Wait. Wait ... and when to live?

K-f "About parents and children"

Wait - it costs nothing, and the wrong choice is worth not making!

We have a lot of expectations - there is not enough justification.

Mikhail Mamchich

Two weeks, that's all we had. Two weeks to fall head over heels in love with you. And now we are parting for a year, but what is a year of separation for us if we had these two weeks.

Wait, wait, wait - you can just give right away, why torture patience.


Without you, this city would die for me.

A.V. Ivanov

There is no intrigue in waiting for the inevitable. But to wait for the unusual, and even more so - free, that's the thing, that's the thing.

Yuri Tatarkin

Of all the injustices of fate
Separation is the most terrible thing for hearts.


It was easy for Penelope to wait when it was her turn and not her in line.

Vladislav Gzheshchik

We would not appreciate life if we did not know death. We would not appreciate the meeting, if there were no separations.

When you leave, the main thing is not to look back, otherwise you will go in a circle.

Igor Sivolob

The art of waiting has always been composed mainly of the ability to look ahead.

Leonid Leonov

When you leave, leave and don't think about returning, but I'll say goodbye and hope.

The unknown is the most painful of all tortures.

Alfred de Musset

When something that we have been waiting for a very long time finally comes, it seems like a surprise.

Mark Twain

After parting with a person for an hour, you can then look for him in eternity.

Love is deceived by hope. Those who could expect something better don't. Waiting for those who do not have to wait.

Vincenty Stys

Whoever waits for God to send him, he will definitely wait, and God will send him.

Stas Yankovsky

Closing the door behind you, I realized what a moth feels when a candle is blown out in the room.

The moments of meeting and parting are for many the greatest moments in life.

Kozma Prutkov

May retribution strike with misfortune Those who paid for friendship with enmity. Jalaluddin Rumi

Friendship that appears over a glass is usually fragile.

My friendship is too circumspect if my friend's danger does not make me forget my own danger. Denis Diderot

A real friend will never leave you in bad mood. She will either cheer you up, or she will be sad next to you ..

When we want something from others, most often we want it in ourselves. We are trying to see ourselves in people, to find ourselves. The desire to find a friend can betray us at any moment.

Many talk about friends and friendship, but only a few are capable of friendship.

Girlfriend is your reflection...

He who is so deaf that he does not even want to hear the truth from a friend is hopeless. Cicero

If you want to know the shortcomings of a girl, praise her in front of her friends.

Whoever leaves a friend in trouble, he himself knows the bitterness of troubles. Shota Rustaveli

A friend should bear the shortcomings of a friend. William Shakespeare

They say that friends are known in misfortune, but in my opinion, they are also known in happiness. Chingiz Torekulovich Aitmatov

Before you cry into your girlfriend's vest, smell it if this vest smells like your boyfriend's perfume.

Friendship is the most necessary thing for life, since no one wants to live without friends, even if he had all the other blessings. Aristotle

The heat of friendship warms the heart without burning it. La Rochefoucauld.

When my girlfriend and I date, we become the ones mom told me to stay away from!

Whoever seeks friends is worthy of finding them; whoever has no friends never looked for them. Gotthold Ephraim Lessing

Do not judge a person only by his friends. Remember that Judas' friends were impeccable. Ernest Hemingway

Hanging out with friends should be fun.

It is not safe to praise the object of your love to a friend - as soon as he believes your praise, he will follow in your footsteps. Ovid

It is impossible to restore the lost friendship, it is broken by envy into small splashes, like a wave on a rock. Lid.

A real friend will always scratch your nose or head when you have painted nails!

If life has become sad, look at the face of a friend!

Friendship is possible only between good people. Cicero.

An adversary who exposes your mistakes is much more useful than a friend who hides them. Leonardo da Vinci

Before crying into your girlfriend's vest, smell it to see if it smells like your boyfriend's perfume.

Indulging in memories, do not betray them. Kolechitsky Vladimir

Selling out friends is not a sign of bankruptcy, but a sign of a career. Leopold Novak

True is the ancient proverb that equality creates friendship. Plato.

Friendship can be strong only with the maturity of the mind and age. Cicero Mark Tullius

Better to have a real enemy than a fake friend!

Better to die than to doubt your friends. Macedonian.

You should not talk about friends who do not value friendship.

Plant a hundred hens in one room, they will cackle in friendship and harmony. Plant two roosters will gnaw each other. You can't go against nature

Your friends love you the way you are, your wife loves you, but wants to make a different person out of you. Chesterton.

If you want to know what your girlfriends think about your husband, say that he turned out to be a scumbag, and you get a divorce.

How much we do for friends that we would never do for ourselves. Cicero.

A friend is near and nothing else is needed

A friend is a person vocabulary which there are no words: lies, hypocrisy, meanness, betrayal. Povalyaev.

When modern man removed from friends, he takes his likes and proudly retires.

I'm not afraid to fall in love at the first meeting, because I know how not to expect anything and not to hope for anything.

We are strong in our love. I am happy with you. And if we are apart, I also rejoice when I meet your happy smile, when you are not alone.

I met him. Our names are written in heaven. Forever.

Falling in love is like stepping into an abyss. It's easy to fall, but at first it's fear. Fear of being rejected.

Best Status:
I want to forget him. I don't go with social media, but I'll delete it from friends. Thoughts are far away. And here, on you, we met.

As you want immediately in the top ten. Meet, and so that your fate. So no, all some strangers, not yours. The main thing is not to be disappointed on the path to happiness.

Oh, this Russia! An accident can occur at a pedestrian crossing, and most importantly, both parties may well be pedestrians.

Between us there are trains, kilometers of roads. And the point of attraction is the station. There is nothing better than an exciting, welcome meeting.

If you are ready to fall in love with the man of your dreams at the first meeting. Then do not dream too much, do not expect obligatory reciprocity.

The past is a gaping hole. You try to run away from it, but the harder you run, the deeper and scarier it becomes behind you, and you feel how its edges lick your heels. The only chance is to turn around and face it courageously. But it's the same as looking into the grave of your love. Or how to kiss the barrel of a gun loaded and ready to blow your head to pieces.

Sergey Zverev still hopes to meet a woman who will be more beautiful than him!

Have you ever wanted to fly? to feel such an attractive feeling of real freedom? To break through the gusts of wind to meet the dream ...

if you woke up in a parachute, in a raincoat, in a helmet, with a belt, a Makarov pistol under your pillow, a familiar machine gun on the wall, if the whole family looks at you with admiration on the sidelines, it means you met February 23 with dignity

I love you madly, I'm happy that I met you, you are the most wonderful and amazing person that makes me happy girl in the world, I really need you in my life... be with me... my heart belongs only to you =*

Fucked up - this is when you go, and a maniac meets, back - another maniac, to the right - another maniac, to the left - and there is mom, and you are without a hat.

I love myself very much?

Sometimes a step towards meeting another is the greatest journey in life.

There are hundreds of kilometers between us, trains ... but I hope that you will meet me on the platform and we will be together ...

No matter what happens in your life, no matter what people you meet, everything ends up sitting at your computer and eating something

Adventurism calls for a walk tonight ... I hope to meet humor and conscience)))

One day you will meet him and understand why it didn’t work out with others ...

I met the one whose name will be carved in gold letters on my wedding ring.

That's why when you walk with a dog, and goes to a meeting handsome guy, the dog will necessarily sit down to take a shit?

Once, when I came home, I was met by a girl dressed in a sexy underwear. She handed me two ropes and erotically said: “Tie me up and do whatever you want!” I tied her up and went fishing.

Some girls are not meant to be tamed. They are meant to be free until they meet someone similar, to be free together...

You know, today when I was returning home from the courses, it was very cold ... my lips were trembling until they were blue, at that moment I only dreamed of meeting you so that you would warm them ...

I almost forgot him, erased his number, deleted all his pictures… Well, why the hell did I meet him again today???

When I was a girl, I dreamed of love, that I would meet a prince like you. When I met you, it was like I came alive. She trusted her love and gave her heart.

It is less and less possible to meet a woman holding out her hand to you, palm down.

You spend the whole day looking for a meeting with him, and when you get the opportunity to be alone with him, you don’t even know what to say, because you look at him stupidly and try to remember everything smallest features his face

You are near, and everything is fine: And the rain, and the cold wind. Thank you, my clear, For what you are in the world. You are near, but you could not meet each other at all. My darling, thank you for being you in the world!

She was born for love, but she spends her days behind stacks of books and films .. where are they?

And even if I meet or see him now, my butterflies in my stomach would rather die than start flying wildly again

In the beginning, you might run into a couple of bastards before you meet someone who treats you the way you deserve... Like the sun is rising with you...(c)

Do you love another? Well, the flag in your hands, a drum around your neck, an ax in your back, an electric train to meet

we will someday celebrate the New Year together. V woolen socks and mugs of hot chocolate. and then we fall asleep, closely clinging to each other. to live like this for the rest of your life.

… They strove to meet each other, overcoming vast distances endless desert called life. And now time has finally given them a well-deserved right to be together ..

many people think about where they can celebrate the New Year, but they forget that they can celebrate it with their relatives…

A steel bird rises into the sky, Everything will be fine: life begins, Burning the bridges of the past behind it, It flies to meet the city of dreams ...

I hope that in the new 2010, I will meet a real tiger!!! because I had enough of all sorts of bulls and rams in 2009!!=

If you ask, I will take up my studies, or maybe I will finally sign up for dancing, cut my hair, stop flirting, meet my love, become self-sufficient ... Do you want? Only it won’t be me anymore… Ask, but carefully…

After each crooked word on his part, quarrels ... Choking in tears, I shout to myself, EVERYTHING ... THE END ... ENOUGH ... And then he calls “Well, eight .. “And I, wiping my tears ... put on a marafet and run stumbling with a pretty little smile to a meeting ... BITCH, I LOVE .. LOVE HIM!

I thank fate for the meeting. Thank you for nice words because I live by them.

I’m worried about my fate .. if I haven’t met her yet, then someone else paws her =”(

I loved, I loved, but maybe I gave up ... I loved, I loved, but I got burned ... I forgot, I forgot! But I met again ... Why do I need all this love ???

- Hello! I wanted to tell you something! First, I met your wife on vacation! Secondly, I slept with her! And thirdly, how do you like secondly? - Firstly, I divorced her a year ago! Secondly, she has syphilis! Thirdly, how do you like secondly?

one day you will meet him and understand why it did not work out with others!

I lost hope of meeting a smart, educated, caring and wise girl ... I appeal to women, write!

you will meet a young man, you will call him beloved and into his life, as if you accidentally enter a house. stop and think at the threshold, because life is not an easy road to live ...

I went through life with a positive attitude. I even have emoticons painted on my nails. Met you. And now I have your name and emojis on my nails... smile down. (With)

I went to a meeting, prepared a fiery speech on the topic “I didn’t know you well ...” I came, I saw, I hugged and forgot about the speech ...

someday I will learn to live differently ... and maybe someday I will meet you ...

Here everyone is being driven to contact ... and after all, many met there good people, and maybe something more ... and do not deny ...

And each considers the other to be guilty, although taking a step towards a meeting is as easy as shelling pears. Everyone wants to prove that he is better than he is, and big love turns into revenge...

And it seems they haven’t talked for a long time ... No SMS, no frequent meetings ... But I still love you ... Yes, yes, I love you ... Remember our first meeting ... An awkward silence… Embarrassed looks… The first hug, the first kiss… I remember everything… And you? And you are already with another ... You have a new “beloved” ... And me? And I'm not crying anymore... Almost...

People, in three days it will come New Year. I sincerely want to wish everyone to be happy and meet your soul mate if you have not met her yet .. Happy New Year))

I want to go far far away... and so that no one hurts me, meet my love there and be happy... just like Johnny Depp in the movie "Don Juan".

When will I meet you? Who will I be at that moment? What will interest me? Do I want to stay? Can you forgive? Can you find? Accept and give, and not lose? Will I look into your eyes?

And I believed in love ... I dreamed about our future, and the blood froze in my veins when I sometimes met you ... now all this is behind ... I hate you ... I will meet happiness ahead, I won’t spit in my soul, I won’t offend ... as you did with me, because I loved with all my heart ... and you, and you scoundrel laughed ... what a pity that such a goat seemed like a man to me !!!

It doesn’t matter who takes a step towards a meeting, the main thing is to take it in time ...

you went to a meeting, but you were no longer mine. I walked, looked only ahead, you said hello, but not to me, but to my friends and wanted to stop to ask something, but I walked with a proud gait with my head held high and my gaze looking somewhere ... into the future ...

Mom, what is love? - You will meet a boy and then you will understand that you will not survive love ...

Men, perhaps, also want to jump up and yell at a meeting: “My God! How I missed you! Do you have a new haircut? What a handsome!" and kiss and hug the one they meet, but no, they fasten, clench their teeth and confine themselves to a handshake. ?

When I saw you, I was afraid to meet you. When I met you, I was afraid to kiss you. When I kissed you, I was afraid to fall in love with you. And now that I love you, I'm afraid of losing you.

Let's meet spring as it should be: no sorrows, only good mood and love, love, love… 🙂

And I so want that on December 31, in my apartment, the doorbell suddenly rang, and there you are. With champagne. And to my question “What are you doing here?” you would answer: They say that as you meet the new year, so you will spend it ...

Only when you meet your true love, you will begin to understand the whole meaning and value of this word ...

I hate this state when you walk around the city and hope for a meeting.

That's why it's always like this: you go to meet him and she already decided to herself that I would definitely say “Farewell” to him, but as soon as I see him, I understand how much I need him !!!

cover me with a blanket… make the rain louder… archive all questions until the morning… and don’t go, no where, no when… let’s meet the sunrise together?

Maybe sometime in the morning. I'll get up, make myself some tea, get dressed, and leave. And I will meet you. who I need. The one who loves me.

girls are angels! until they meet a goat on their way ... ©

Without you, I will not meet the dawn, Without you, our sunset burns out. Without you, it's as if I don't exist, You alone are not enough for me.

Will the Russians have enough strength to celebrate the old New Year???

About 10 minutes ago I met a cartoon character. They just called him something else. Redneck Gop Sweatpants…

Sometimes God wants us to meet a few bad people, before we meet a good one, so that eventually when we meet good man, we understood what a great gift he is for us ...

And I once met a familiar cop at the subway who helped me to safely pass through the turnstiles for free. On this day, the meaning of the word “garbage chute” acquired another meaning for me.

If at our first meeting, they told me how much space you would take in my heart, then I would run, run without looking back.

She lived in the suburbs and he lived in the city. One day a friend called her and said that her best friend hit by a car and she is in the hospital. She began to gather towards her. She did not know the city and called him, asked to meet and take her to the hospital. And here she is standing on the platform, tears flowing down her cheeks. He hugged her and vowed never to let her go. He fell in love with the way she cries...

... In my room there is still that rose that you gave me then ... I don’t want to give anyone the gift that was intended for you on the New Year ... “As you celebrate the New Year, you will spend it” ... sad ... because I met him without you ..

like this always (meet cool guy and he does not pay attention to you ... and all sorts of idiots do not give rest, and climb

Everyone dreams of accidentally meeting HIM in the new year ... spending it with HIM ... so that HE tells you that he loves you, but these are just dreams ... and how it hurts when you realize that HE doesn’t care about you, and that HE is on the other ...

We broke up ... Now they are just friends ... we often walk in the same company ... And when there is no one, we sit together and remember all the bright moments !!! It hurts to remember ... but it was good ... I am grateful that I met this man ... He really gave me happiness ... although only six months (((

I almost died today... I never thought I'd meet you again...

- When will you have a boyfriend? - When will I meet real guy, and not a woman who will wait for me to take the first steps, calls and SMS.

You can get very excited before a responsible event and not find a place for yourself, and in order to cope with anxiety, read quotes about meetings. Reading in itself is calming, and quotes about waiting for a meeting will help you get in the right mood.

Only once, and then if you are very lucky, you meet a person who divides your life into two parts, before meeting him and after.
Mean Girl (My Sassy Girl)

They say there is such a connection in the world that no matter how many times you break it. You will still meet.
Boys over flowers (Kkotboda namja)

We do not choose each other by chance ... We meet only those who already exist in our subconscious.

Sigmund Freud

Aphorisms about a meeting can reflect different opinions and rightly so, more opinions are needed.

Ever since I met you... I feel like... I've lived to meet you.
Motoharu Yano - That Was Us (Bokura ga Ita)

Let's try to meet? We can always break up.
sex in big city(Sex and the City)

The most important meetings are arranged by the souls, even before the bodily shells meet.

Paulo Coelho. eleven minutes

Knowing that there will be a meeting, aphorisms can be chosen in such a way as to evoke the desired mood for greater efficiency.

Fate has no reason to bring strangers together without a reason.
Coco Chanel

WITH yellow flowers in my arms she came out that day so that I could finally find her, if this had not happened, she would have poisoned herself, because her life is empty.
Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov. Master and Margarita

The meeting of two people is the meeting of two chemical elements. The reaction may not occur, but if it does, both change.
(The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is even the slightest reaction, both elements change.)
Carl Gustav Jung

Each meeting is a tiny peephole into the world where you could live.

Sergey Lukyanenko. Clean copy

A chance meeting is the most non-random thing in the world, and the people who set the exact time and place of a date are the ones who write only on lined paper and squeeze out toothpaste from a tube, be sure to start from the bottom.
Julio Cortazar. Hopscotch game

I don't know what I'm more afraid of - seeing you again or not seeing you at all.
Pierre (Pierre) - One meeting (Une rencontre)

You never know in advance that you will meet someone very important. There are no warnings. You just look up and there it is.
How I Met Your Mother - Ted Mosby

With age, you cease to be surprised at the promises “to be sure to meet more often” and the instantaneous transfer of these words to the back burner. And it's not about mass sclerosis. And in ourselves.
Maria Sveshnikova. Fuck'you

I adore our company: like any gathering of close friends, we have no reason to meet. One causelessness.
Frederic Begbeder. Memoirs of an unreasonable young man

Today you may have a meeting with fate, and you should be splendidly dressed.

Coco Chanel

It happens - you meet a person, but it's too late.
The Wedding Planner

The meeting is only a prelude to parting.
Pure Romance (Junjou Romantica)

It doesn't matter how people meet. They may be completely different worlds never walk the same paths, but one day they collide and their lives change.
Natalie Foss - The Chase (1994)

Wish someone lucky to meet you and you will be lucky to meet someone.
Eric Bern

These were quotes about the meeting. You can reread them, remember the ones you like, share and know that quotes about waiting for a meeting are useful.