Traditions of celebrating the new year in different countries of the world. Unusual New Year traditions from different countries

Irina Nikishina
Entertainment "New Year traditions in different countries"

Integrated direct-educational activity.

Entertainment"New Year traditions in different countries"

Event form: entertainment-game

Target: 1. Introduce children preparatory age With traditions of celebrating the New Year in different countries.


1. Expanding the horizons of children.

2. Creation of conditions for the manifestation of creative abilities.

3. Unity of the children's team

4. Expansion and activation of the adjectival vocabulary.

5. Development graphomotor competencies and hand-eye coordination.

6. To form the ability to analyze the distorted spelling of letters in the framework of the prevention of dysgraphic disorders.

7. Consolidation of the word-formation skill of adjectives in a comparative degree.

8. Formation of the ability to make a sentence with an adversative union "A" and according to a given pattern with verbs in the present, past and future tenses.

9. Automation of delivered sounds both in independent speech and with the help of selected speech material.


1. Tape recorder (music center, disk (Indian, Japanese, Tibetan, Hungarian, Bulgarian, Scottish, Iranian, Italian music, bells).

2. Elements of Indian, Japanese, Tibetan, Hungarian, Bulgarian, Scottish, Italian, Iranian costume, Santa Claus, magician

3. Props for competitions (a candle, a funnel, a bottle, a glass of water, a map, a plastic ruler, a paper kite, skittles, pipes, whistles, cards with numbers 1-5, notes for the competition "I'm dreaming.",scarves, balls, 5 coins

4. Cards for creating an image by dots.

5. Old things: doll, shoes, toy car, jacket, dress, pencils, coloring book, shorts, sweets.

6. A flat image of a pie on cardboard, divided into 8 sectors with symbols of professions (book, comb, syringe, pan, microphone, car, hammer and bricks, skates) on the reverse side.

7. Sweet prizes for all participants.

Preliminary preparation:

1. Design work « New Year's traditions in different countries»

2. Selection of costumes and music

3. Preparation of props for the event entertainment.

4. Create a presentation


The hall is decorated with shining stars, snowflakes, balloons.

In the hall you can put up a Christmas tree, hang prizes on it. present: apples, sweets, gingerbread, nuts, tangerines wrapped in colored paper, small souvenirs.

Game progress entertainment: Music plays (Christmas story)

Speech therapist:

Hello, Dear friends! Outside the window, winter is the time of the most short days and the longest nights. But we love this time of year. Why do we love winter? It is in winter that the New Year comes to us and with it a joyful mood, the most cherished desires come true, the most incredible miracles are possible.

Psychologist: And today we will make a trip to different countries of the world and learn, which New Year traditions exist in different parts of the world. Look at the screen, tell me what you see on the screen? Right! These are the flags different countries. What does the Russian flag look like? Name its correct location on the screen. (Children answer ... in the upper right corner). Now let's check if your answer was correct. (Slide 2 ... successively clicks are made and names appear above the flags). We now know what not only the flag of Russia looks like, but also the flags of others countries in which we will visit today.

Speech therapist: (3 slide)

Well, now, it's time to go on a journey on a magical self-propelled sleigh. (Everyone sits in the sleigh).

A globe appears on the projector screen. (Slide 4, flight over the ground, watch the slide for 50 seconds)

Speech therapist: (slide 5 - world map, India is highlighted) First a country, in which we will land - India.

(Slide - 6. Dancing Indians appear on the projector screen.)

(Slide - 7)New Year's night in India is not met at midnight, but at sunrise. On this day, it is forbidden to quarrel and get angry. It is believed that the whole year will turn out the way it began. You need to get up early, put yourself in order, slowly remember the past and think about the future. (Slide - 8) During the day, archery competitions are held, kites are launched. The performances of the folk theater are especially popular and gather huge crowds in the streets and squares. And now you will meet with the famous Indian magician and magician, magician and fakir, the mysterious Raja. (Slide - 9)

(A magician appears in a long cloak, holding a black box with a hole in his hands. The magician bows, greets the guests, invites those who wish to take part in the competition.)

Mage (psychologist):

I suggest you see the mysterious, fabulous oriental night. To see it, you need to close one eye, and look into the round opening of the box with the other. So the miracle begins...

(The participant looks into the hole, for greater effect, a magician's cloak is thrown over his head. But he did not see anything there.)

Mage (psychologist):

Well, what did you see?

Participant: Didn't see anything.

Mage (psychologist) (outraged).

That is, how to understand it? You see darkness. This is the magical, mysterious oriental night! And now I will show you some tricks.

"Vagaries of the Flame"

The magician lights a candle, blows lightly on the flame, it deviates in the opposite direction. Then he takes the funnel, blows on the candle through the funnel. The flame is deflected towards the funnel. (Explanation in the funnel area is created reduced pressure, into which the flame is drawn). He puts a bottle in front of a burning candle, blows on it. The candle went out. ( Explanation: the air stream split into two streams, then joined and blew out the candle).


The magician takes a glass of water, puts a card on the glass. Holding the card with his hand, he quickly turns the glass over and removes hand: Water does not pour out. (Explanation: air presses on the card and presses it against the glass).

Mage (psychologist).

And now I invite the spectator to help me perform tricks. (Those who wish leave.)

"Magic Coin"

The magician asks the participant to pick up one of the five coins, squeeze it in his hand and hold it. The coin is then placed on the table. The magician mixes them and finds the right one. (Explanation: the one held in the hands will be warmer than the others).

"Hand snake"

The magician offers to rub the plastic ruler on the wool and bring it to the paper snake: She will raise her head. ( Explanation: the ruler acquires an electric charge and begins to attract light objects).

Mage (psychologist).

Thank you for your attention! I say goodbye to you and wish you good luck in new year.

Speech therapist: (Slide 11) Let's move on, take our places in the magic sleigh! (On the screen the globe is Japan) (Japanese melody sounds)

(Slide - 12) In Japan on the eve new year, it is customary to give postcards with the image of an animal, under the sign of which the New Year begins. Before the holiday, you must also pay off all debts. (Slide 13) The Japanese consider the numbers 100 and 8 lucky, so in the temple about the offensive new 108 tolls of the bell announce the year. With the last blow, it is supposed to go to bed in order to get up before dawn, go outside and celebrate the New Year with the first rays of the sun. (Slide 14). New Year in Japan is not just a holiday, but like a common birthday. 108th beat new year's bells added a year to every Japanese. (Slide - 15) In the morning passes through the central streets traditional procession"Dancing Tiger". He is portrayed by four masked men dressed in colorful fabrics. (Slide - 16)

Psychologist: And now I invite you to take part in such a procession. To do this, everyone needs to stand one after another, put their hands on the shoulders of the person in front and hold him tightly. "Head" the tiger must be caught "tail".

(music sounds, Japanese, a game is being played)

Psychologist: (Slide - 17)

And also in Japan New Year's at night the children are busy drawing. There is a legend here that if you put a picture of what you dream of under your pillow, then the desire will come true. Here we are now painting.

A game: draw a house with your eyes closed, without lifting the chalk from the board, or draw the tail of an elephant with your eyes closed, the ears of a hare.

Speech therapist: And now, let's connect the dots by numbers in ascending order and find out what gifts you received. (Children work with individual cards) We answer with a full offer.


Guys, just kindergarten received a letter on the Internet. But I can't understand anything. The text was written by some strange letters. (Shows the letter to the children)

Speech therapist: Let me see. So, of course, the Arabic letters are at the bottom, but at the top? because these letters can be deciphered (the inscription is made on the slide with distorted letters "Waiting for you to visit Iran"). Name the letters one by one in order (while the child calls the correct letter, the distorted version is corrected on the screen for the correct spelling). Let's read what happened. What is written next? What are we going to do? (children's answers) Let's go to Iran! (On the screen the globe is Iran, Slide - 18 (Slide - 19)


Guys, look who sent us a message! (Slide - 20). These are children from Iran. Some children in Iran are learning Russian and they have translated their writing into Russian. Let's read. “Greetings to you, friends, from the people of Iran. It is we, the people of Iran, who sent you New Year greetings, wishes of good luck, joy and prosperity. (Slide - 21). Let us share our warmth and kindness, and each of us will wish something to the children from Iran. To do this, you need to select a picture from the table, come up with a wish ( For example: be warm like the sun, be fast like a doe, say it and draw with your hand in the air a hieroglyph depicted near the selected picture. (Slide - 22) New Year in Iran is celebrated on the day of the spring solstice, which falls on March 21 or 22. Iranians celebrate the new year in a house cleaned to a shine. For meeting new year, every resident of Iran must purchase new clothes and shoes. (Slide - 22) On the streets countries thousands of bonfires are lit, in the fire of which "burn out" all the problems of the past year. To purify and secure happiness in the coming year, people jump over the flames campfire. (Slide - 23). In the New Year, the father of the family gives everyone beautiful clothes decorated with patterns. I suggest you do something similar. I invite guys.

A game: You will decorate the costumes of the two of you little things that will be found in the hall or begged from the audience. When the decorations are collected, the participants will be blindfolded and then they will act by touch. Whoever has the prettiest child wins.

Speech therapist: (Italian music playing).

We continue our journey on a magical sleigh. (Slide - 24). (The sound of broken dishes, crackling, rattle, rumble is heard).

What's happening? It must be an earthquake.

Don't worry friends! Nothing nothing bad happens. It's just the Italians celebrating the New Year. (Slide - 25). IN New Year's night from the apartments at the very last minute of the old year, everyone throws out broken dishes, old clothes and even furniture. They are followed by crackers, confetti, sparklers. It is generally accepted that if New Year's night to throw away the old thing, then in the coming year you will buy a new one.

Speech therapist: (Slide - 26) If we throw things away, what are they like? (Old, unnecessary, broken, unusable, worn, full of holes, torn, ugly, dirty, etc.) But once these things were what ... (new, comfortable, beautiful, fashionable, working). We have good things, but we will throw them away, like Italians, in order to new year we got things even better. Repeat for me: I had comfortable shoes, and it will be even more convenient. We answer with a full sentence ( Beautiful doll, durable car, elegant jacket, bright pencils, long dress, interesting coloring, trendy shorts, sweet candy).

Psychologist: (Slide - 27). On the eve of new year and beyond Carnivals are held in Italy. (Slide - 28). All Italian children are looking forward to the sorceress Befana, who arrives at night on a broomstick and through the chimney fills with gifts children's stockings, specially hung on the fireplace. (Slide - 29) And at 175 Europe Boulevard, Rome, Italy, lives an Italian Santa Claus, whose name is Babbo Natale. And he sent you a very interesting gift musical competition. It is called "dance of numbers".

Psychologist (explains the rules of the game).(Slide - 30)

All the guys stand in a circle, each takes a number from 1 to 8. On command "Started!" music sounds and everyone in the circle, holding hands, dancing, move in right side. But now the music stops, the presenter loudly calls the number, for example, "third!" At this command, a melody sounds - Russian, gypsy, lambada, lezginka, the participant under this number goes into a circle and dances. Then the game continues, another number or two are called at once. The game is being played.

Speech therapist: It's time for us to go on a journey again. We sit down on our magic sleigh. (Slide - 31). (On the screen the globe is Scotland. Scottish bagpipes sound).

(Slide - 32). A few days before January 1, musicians and singers take to the streets of Scotland, performing folk songs. All New Year's night street vendors sell toys, whistles, squeakers, masks, Balloons. (Slide - 33). All family members gather by the fireplace, look at the fire, which symbolically burns all the hardships of the old year, think about the future, and when the hands of the clock approach twelve, the head of the family silently opens the door wide open - while the clock strikes, it is believed that the Old Year comes out and New included. And the Scots love to dance, arrange theatrical holidays, singing songs. We will also have fun and sing now New Year's ditties , take rattles and listen carefully, you need to say the last word in each line yourself. Pronounce all sounds clearly (children listen to the beginning of the line, finish the word and repeat the whole line, beating the rhythm with noise instruments).

Rose-rose-rose, come to us (Father Frost). Yah-Yah-Yah, carried gifts to (sleigh). Shke-shke-shke, all the gifts are in (bag).

Shka-shka-shka, get them out (bag). Shock-shock-shock, we'll read to you (poem).

Psychologist: (Slide - 34). Santa Claus - in Scotland - comes to every house and children play with him. Favorite game is hide and seek. I suggest that we do something similar.

1. Team members stand one after another, the next one puts his hands on the shoulders of the previous one, all except "guide", blindfolded, "conductor" must lead the team through the maze, bypassing the chairs, skittles. The goal is not to knock things down.

Seeing off the old year, the lights are turned off in the houses. When the clock strikes midnight, everything is plunged into darkness. In these seconds, many are trying to find Santa Claus in the dark and kiss him. Since, according to a comic belief, this portends special luck. (Slide - 37). As soon as the light comes on, they put on the festive table Christmas cake with a secret: in each piece of it are hidden small items: nut (bite a hard nut into new year, a coin (a win awaits you, a paper clip (a meeting with a good friend awaits, a foil ball (it will brilliant idea and if a branch of a rose comes across, there will be happiness in love.

We will now also tell fortunes on a pie (a flat cardboard pie is exposed, cut into sectors or cardboard pies, to reverse side which symbols of professions are glued - a book, a comb, a syringe, a saucepan, a microphone, a car, a hammer and bricks, skates) and find out your future profession. Take a piece and, in accordance with the symbol, tell who you will become and what you will do. For example, I have a pen, I will become a writer and I will write interesting children's books. (children's answers)

Psychologist: (Slide - 38). And there is one more surprise in Bulgaria. Everyone knows that in New Year's night dreams come true. And today, those who take part in the competition will be able to fulfill their dream "Dance of my dreams".

Girls and the same number of boys are invited. First, the girls take out notes from the basket and stand in a line in the middle of the hall. Then the boys choose notes from the baskets and stand in front of the girls. The first girl is then asked to read the note aloud. She is reading: "I dream of dancing with the best dancer in our school". The boy whose note says "best dancer", comes out and stands next to the first girl. So all other notes are read. After everyone is divided into pairs, the dance begins, to which everyone else joins.

Note texts for girls

1. I dream of dancing with the best dancer in our group.

3. I would like to dance with a famous film actor.

4. I want to dance with the sea captain.

5. I dream of dancing with a chef.

6. .I really want to be invited by the world champion in weightlifting.

The boys, respectively, have the best dancer, tiger tamer, famous film actor, sea captain, chef, world champion in weightlifting.

Psychologist: (Slide - 39)

The last point of our trip will be Russia. (Slide - 40). On this day in Rus', they were waiting for Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden.

Not many people know that our ancestors considered Santa Claus to be an unsightly, harmful old man who ran through the fields, shaking his long beard and causing bitter frosts with a knock. (Slide - 41). Therefore, it was customary to appease him. The eldest in the family looked out the window or went beyond the threshold and said: "Father Frost! Come to us to eat kutya! Freezing! Freezing! Don't eat our oats!" But having survived to this day, Santa Claus became kind. (Slide - 42). Santa Claus has been around for about 140 years. And not a single holiday passes without his participation.

The ringing of bells is heard.

Speech therapist:

Who is this driving along the road and ringing bells? Isn't Santa Claus? Let's call him together.

(Everyone is calling.)

Father Frost.

Hello! I was driving past, returning to the north, I heard your voices and decided to go to the light, congratulate you on the holiday and have fun with everyone. You are good, warm, fun. And each of you, probably, has his own cherished desire? Think it over, and I will now knock with a staff, and in new year, all wishes will come true. Goodbye now, it's time to go home while it's still cold outside. I wish you all the best in new year, see you soon!

Speech therapist: (Slide - 43)

Now it's time for us to say goodbye. It is unfortunate that the journey is over.


But we hope that you will manage to keep the mood of fun, joy, expectation of something unusual for the whole year. We don't say goodbye to you, we say to you: "See you again!"

New Year in Italy- a holiday less significant than Christmas, so it is somehow lost against the backdrop of Christmas traditions, but still celebrated. The last day of the old year is called San Silvestro. On this day, a tribute is paid to the memory of the first Pope of the Christian Church (4th century AD). Entrance doors are decorated with wreaths of mistletoe sprigs (against fires, witchcraft and bad luck). IN new year's eve it is customary to put on the table "cotechino" - a roll of pork sausage, which is boiled for a long time, and lentils (lenticchie).

Lentils promise those who eat it financial well-being, and various dried fruits - dates, raisins, apricots - contribute to good luck. For dessert, they eat "pandoro" - a huge cake with raisins and candied fruit. On New Year's Eve you need to wear red underwear This will bring good luck in the coming year. Festivals with songs and dances are organized on the squares. Ten seconds before the new year, huge monitors broadcast Digital Watch. The countdown begins - then everyone clinks glasses, shouting "cin cin!" and kiss. Thrown out of windows in Naples old furniture, dishes and clothes. Take care of your head!


In Spain, New Year's traditions are similar to those in Italy. During the fight of the clock on the Puerta del Sol in Madrid (as we have on the Spasskaya Tower), you need to have time to eat twelve grapes so that there will be abundance in the new year. A sweet New Year's treat is "buñuelos" - sugar donuts. Spaniards love to eat lamb and shrimp. It is also customary here to wear red underwear and put banknotes in shoes. Another ritual is to put Golden ring in a glass of champagne. At the beginning of the new year, everyone clinks glasses three times and shouts: “Arriba, abajo, alcentroypa’ dentro” (“up, down, center and inside”) and drink everything in one gulp.


In Greece, December 31 is the day of commemoration of St. Basil - Agios Vasilias, who is revered for his kindness towards the poor and the disadvantaged. St. Basil gives gifts to children. On this day, a special pie "Vassilopitta" is baked. A coin is placed there, and whoever finds it will have good luck in the new year. When a guest enters the house, he must break the pomegranate and throw it on the floor - the more grains spill out, the more luck the hosts will have. The Greeks are very fond of eating sweets: "kurabides" - dried fruits and "melomakarona" - cookies stuffed with apple syrup, singing "kalanta" - traditional songs.

In Great Britain on the eve of the new year, they feast on turkey stuffed with chestnuts and Christmas pudding, in which they put silver coins. The English also like to play different games, for example, fish out dried fruit from a bowl of burning liquor with your bare hand, or jump into a circle of thirteen burning candles without extinguishing a single one. Especially dexterous compete in eating an apple suspended on a string without the help of hands. The New Year is coming to the sound of the Big Ben clock!

In France, December 31 is also the day of St. Sylvester. The holiday is celebrated with family or friends, they treat themselves to foie gras and decorate the house with mistletoe branches. January 1st is April Fool's Day, French for Fish Day (Poisson d'Avril, which later became April 1st). In 1564, Charles IX instituted celebrations, thus affirming that one who does not celebrate the new year is a fool. These days in pastry shops you can see a lot of chocolate fish.

In Germany put on a masquerade. New Year's toast pronounced over a glass of Feuerzangenbowle. This drink, which symbolizes equality and brotherhood in student communities, is made from red wine, cinnamon, cloves, orange peels and Roma. Scorching! Acquaintances, friends and relatives treat themselves to nuts and dried fruits. Protestants eat salted herring. A very interesting New Year's tradition is Das Bleigießen, that is, divination on melted lead. Hot lead is dripped into a bowl of cold water, and if it is shaped like a ball, it will bring good luck.

Japanese on New Year's Eve they worship Toshigami - the deity of the coming year, doing household chores and cleaning. The festivities last from December 31st to January 3rd and are called "o-shogatsu". During the holidays, the deities are asked to take care of the future harvest and welcome the spirits of the ancestors. The front door of the house is decorated with wreaths of pine and bamboo branches (“kadomatsu”) and straw (shime-kazari).

The Japanese do not decorate a Christmas tree - they have a mochi tree decorated with balls of pink, yellow and green - "mochibana". Balls are made from rice, painted and strung on branches. Japanese aesthetes! They write and draw "nyongadze" - greeting cards. Classic postcards written in ink are of great importance, and even children at school learn to design them during special lessons.

It is customary to depict an animal on postcards - a symbol of the coming year. The Japanese love to give gifts - “o-seibo” (gifts that are given at the end of the year to everyone, everyone, everyone: bosses, colleagues, children, shop customers, etc.) and “toshidama” (“treasure of the year” - according to ancient custom, parents present to children cash gifts in calligraphically decorated envelopes). At midnight, Buddhist temple bells ring 108 times. Buddhists believe that a person has six vices: greed, anger, stupidity, frivolity, indecision and greed. Each of them has eighteen various shades-108 pernicious passions. Each of the strikes of the bell casts out one of the passions that darken a person's life.

Chinese New Year is the festival of spring. It is celebrated according to the lunar calendar, and therefore the date may vary. Period - from January 21 to February 19. The festivities last 15 days and end with the famous Lantern Festival, a national holiday since 180 BC, when a Han Dynasty was elected emperor on January 15th. During the holidays, everyone dresses up in red. It is a color that brings good luck and banishes the mythological monster Nian, who once a year comes out of his lair to devour people. To scare him, you need to make a lot of noise, so the Chinese arrange noisy fireworks, dance and sing, and then march in a solemn procession, carrying a lion mask that identifies Nian.

In South America on New Year's Eve, everyone dresses up in yellow - the color of the sun, gold and light. Here, too, it is customary to eat 12 grapes. The head of the family should splash from a glass behind his back to drive away misfortunes. In Mexico, a fire burns all day, which is maintained by throwing stones, wooden spoons and other utensils into it. In Brazil, they dress in all white to pay tribute to the seven waves of the new year and the goddess Iemanje, who patronizes sailors and children, go to the ocean and light a lot of candles. Women enter the water and throw flower petals.

Arabic New Year does not match European. It is celebrated on the first day of the month of Muhharam. It can fall on any day of the Gregorian calendar, as Islamic culture uses the lunar calendar, which is about eleven days shorter than the Gregorian solar year. Thus, the date moves back by about one month every three years. Sometimes there are two Islamic new years in one Gregorian year.

Jews they celebrate the new year on the new moon, in September or October (the month of Tishri). It is called Rosh Hashanah. In 2013, the Jews already celebrated the new year on September 6th. This is an exclusively religious holiday.

New Year- magical holiday celebrated all over the world. We all know and honor the traditions of celebrating the New Year in our country, but other countries of the world have their own traditions, many of which are very unusual and interesting, and we will tell you about them.


Very beautiful rituals of New Year's Eve in India. North Indians adorn themselves with white, pink, red and purple flowers. In central India, buildings are decorated with colorful, mostly orange flags. In western India, small lights are lit on rooftops. Hindus have their own way of giving gifts. For example, gifts for children are placed on a special tray. In the morning, the children close their eyes and lead to this tray.


In Ireland, on the eve of the New Year, the doors of houses open wide, anyone who wishes can enter any house and become a welcome guest there. He will be seated in a place of honor, treated to a glass of good wine, not forgetting to say: "For peace in this house and throughout the world!" At half past eleven, the Irish go to the central square, sing, dance, have fun.


In Italy, on New Year's Eve, no one is surprised if someone gets rid of unnecessary things. Old flower pots, unnecessary furniture, clothes and trinkets fly right out the window. Italians believe that the more things left on the street, the more luck and money a generous New Year will bring.


In Cuba, before the New Year, everyone fills their glasses with water, and when the clock strikes twelve, they pour it through open windows outside. This means that the old new year has ended happily and the Cubans wish each other that the new year will be as clear and pure as water. And, of course, happy! The clock on New Year's Eve in Cuba strikes only 11 times. Since the 12th strike falls on New Year's Eve, the clock is given a rest and calmly celebrate the holiday with everyone.


The "face of the holiday" in Finland is the old man Frost, or, as the Finns themselves call him, Joulupukki. According to Finnish tradition, naughty children this winter old man brings rods, and obedient gifts. In addition, the housewives cook a festive plum jelly. Unmarried girls throw a slipper over their shoulder on New Year's Eve. If he falls with his toe to the door - be a wedding.


In the Netherlands and Belgium, the first day of the new year is taken very seriously. People try to behave correctly, not to borrow money and wear only new things. It is believed that a person himself determines his future for the whole next year. If the first day of the New Year is fun, then this will be the whole year.
Another tradition that the inhabitants of these countries adhere to is the election of the king of the holiday. Women prepare a cake in which a bean or a pea is placed. It is the person who gets a piece of baking with a bean who becomes the king for the whole New Year's Eve, then chooses the queen and retinue.


Since the New Year in Burma is at its hottest time, its arrival is celebrated with a water festival. The spectacle, it must be said, is amusing: when people meet, they pour water on each other from different dishes. But dousing with water does not offend anyone, because this ritual is a kind of wish for happiness in the New Year.


In Denmark, on New Year's Eve, it is customary to protect the forest from poachers. On the eve of the holiday, foresters process forest spruces with a special composition, which has absolutely no smell in the cold. and at room temperature emits a suffocating odor.


In Austria, it is considered an unwritten commandment to hear the solemn sound of the "Peace Bell" installed in St. Stephen's Cathedral on New Year's Eve in Vienna. Thousands of people gather on Cathedral Square on December 31st. In the old days, in this country, it was considered a good omen to meet a chimney sweep, touch him and get dirty. It was believed that it brings great happiness and good luck.


Quite exotic New Year celebrations are held in Australia. Due to the lack of snow, Christmas trees, deer and other usual attributes of the holiday, Santa Claus appears in a swimming suit, on a special brightly decorated surfboard on the beaches of Sydney. Moreover, observing the traditions of the Old World, his clothes always contain a white beard and a red cap with a pompom at the end.


In Bulgaria, on New Year's Eve, they buy dogwood sticks - an indispensable attribute of the New Year's holiday. On the first of January, children, approaching relatives and friends, lightly hitting with chopsticks, congratulate them on the holiday. With the last stroke of the clock of the outgoing year, the lights go out in all houses for 3 minutes: these are the minutes of New Year's kisses that replace toasts. Bulgarians rejoice if someone sneezes at the table. They say it brings good luck.


In Japan, New Year is celebrated on January 1st. The Japanese are afraid that along with happiness and wealth, evil spirits will enter the house. To protect themselves from trouble, people hang bundles of straw in front of the entrance to the house. As soon as the New Year comes, the Japanese laugh happily.


On New Year's Eve in Brazil, thousands of candles are lit on the sand on an ocean beach. Women in long dresses come into the water and throw flower petals into the waves of the ocean surf.


On New Year's Eve in Vietnam, it is customary to release live carp into rivers and ponds. According to legend, a god swims on the back of a carp, who goes to heaven on New Year's Eve to tell there how people live on Earth.


In Greece, there is a custom according to which, exactly at midnight, the head of the family goes out into the courtyard and smashes a pomegranate fruit against the wall. If its grains scatter around the yard, the family will live happily in the new year. Going to visit, the Greeks bring a mossy stone with them as a gift, and leave it in the hosts' room. They say: "Let the money of the owners be as heavy as this stone."


In Portugal, on the eve of Christmas, it is customary to give a "Christmas cake" with almonds and candied fruit. By the way, surprises are also baked into such a muffin - a figurine or a medal. The one who finds the whole year will be lucky, peace and tranquility will reign in the house!


In Spain, before the New Year, boys and girls draw lots - the names of people of both sexes are written on scraps of paper. Girls learn the names of their "grooms", and young people - "brides". Sometimes the procedure of lots is done near churches, and the resulting couples behave like lovers until the end of the Christmas season.


In Sweden, on New Year's Eve, it is customary to break dishes at the neighbors' doors.

IN England, except for the Christmas tree, the house is decorated with mistletoe sprigs. There are even bouquets of mistletoe on lamps and chandeliers, and, as is customary, you can kiss a person standing in the middle of the room under a bunch of mistletoe.

In England, it is customary to play performances for children on the plots of old English fairy tales on New Year's Eve. Lord Chaos leads a merry carnival procession, in which fairy-tale characters take part: Hobby Horse, March Hare, Humpty Dumpty, Punch and others. All New Year's Eve, street vendors sell toys, whistles, tweeters, masks, balloons.

It was in England that the custom arose to exchange for the New Year greeting cards. The first New Year's card was printed in London in 1843.

Before going to bed, the children put a plate on the table for gifts that Santa Claus will bring them, and they put hay in their shoes - a treat for the donkey.

The bell announces the coming of the New Year. True, he starts calling a little before midnight and does it in a “whisper” - the blanket with which he is wrapped up prevents him from demonstrating all his power. But exactly at twelve bells are undressed, and they begin to ring loudly in honor of the New Year.

At these moments, lovers, in order not to part next year, should kiss under the mistletoe branch, which is considered a magical tree.

In English houses, the New Year's table is served with turkey with chestnuts and fried potatoes with sauce, as well as stewed Brussels sprouts with meat pies, followed by pudding, sweets, fruits.

In the British Isles, the custom of "letting in the New Year" is widespread - a symbolic milestone of the transition from past life to the new one. When the clock strikes 12, the back door of the house is opened to let out the Old Year, and with the last stroke of the clock, the front door is opened to let in the New Year.


IN Scotland New Year's Eve is called Hogmanny. On the streets, the holiday is greeted with a Scottish song to the words of Robert Burns. According to the custom, barrels of tar are set on fire on New Year's Eve and rolled through the streets, thus burning the Old Year and inviting the New.

The Scots believe that the success or failure in the family for the whole next year depends on who enters their house first in the new year. Great luck, in their opinion, brings a dark-haired man who brings gifts into the house. This tradition is called firstfooting.

Special traditional dishes are prepared for the New Year: oatmeal cakes, pudding, a special kind of cheese - kebben, are usually served for breakfast, boiled goose or steak, pie or apples baked in dough for lunch.

Guests should certainly bring a piece of coal with them to throw into the New Year's fireplace. Exactly at midnight, the doors swing wide open to let the old one out and let in the New Year.


IN Italy it is customary to throw out broken dishes, old clothes and even furniture from apartments at the very last minute of the old year. They are followed by crackers, confetti, sparklers. It is believed that if you throw away an old thing on New Year's Eve, then in the coming year you will buy a new one. And all the children are waiting for the sorceress Befana, who arrives at night on a broomstick and enters the house through the chimney. She fills with gifts children's shoes, specially hung by the fireplace.

In Italy, the New Year begins on January 6th. According to popular beliefs, on this night, the good Fairy Befana arrives on a magic broomstick. She opens the door with a small golden key and, entering the room where the children sleep, fills children's stockings, specially hung by the fireplace, with gifts. For those who studied poorly or were naughty, Befana leaves a pinch of ash or coal.

Italian Santa Claus - BabboNatale. In Italy, it is believed that the New Year must begin, freed from everything old. Therefore, on New Year's Eve, it is customary to throw old things out of the windows. The Italians really like this custom, and they fulfill it with their passion, characteristic of the southerners: old irons, chairs and other rubbish fly through the window. According to signs, the vacant place will certainly be occupied by new things.

On the New Year's table, the Italians always have nuts, lentils and grapes - symbols of longevity, health and well-being.

In the Italian provinces, there has long been such a custom: on January 1, early in the morning, water must be brought home from the source. “If you have nothing to give to your friends,” the Italians say, “give water with an olive branch.” It is believed that water brings happiness.

For Italians, it is also important who they meet first in the new year. If, on January 1, the first person an Italian sees is a monk or a priest, this is bad. It is also undesirable to stumble upon small child, but to meet a nice old man is good. And even better - a hunchback ... Then the New Year will definitely be prosperous!


USA. In New York, in Times Square, the traditional solemn descent of the famous Ball, sparkling with thousands of neon lights, takes place.

In the United States, the New Year holiday is traditionally celebrated on a smaller scale than Christmas. Americans usually celebrate the New Year with friends and, much less often, with family. On New Year's Eve, parades, football matches and similar spectacular events are held. Traditionally, the New Year is considered the day of the beginning of a new life. Many Americans date important changes to this day, for example, by promising to quit smoking or start exercising after January 1st. The role of the clock on the Spasskaya Tower is played by the clock on Times Square in New York - their image is broadcast on all TV channels.

Unlike many other American holidays, the New Year in the USA does not have strict culinary canons. the only required attribute new year celebration is a glass of champagne. Champagne is accompanied by light snacks: nuts, cheese, cookies, pizza, etc. The main rule of the New Year's Eve is more fun. Gifts are welcome, but not required. Seeing off the old year, many Americans sing traditional song“AuldLangSyne”. The title of this song, written at the beginning of the 18th century, can be translated from Old English as "The Good Old Times". The song invites you to raise a glass to old friends and the good old days.


IN Switzerland people dress up festively to celebrate Saint Sylvester's day. This holiday is based on the legend that Pope Sylvester (314) caught a terrible sea monster. It was believed that in the year 1000 this monster would break free and destroy the world. Fortunately, this did not happen. Since then, in Switzerland, this story is remembered for the New Year. People dress up in fancy dresses and call themselves Sylvesterklaus.


IN Spain There is a New Year's Eve tradition. A huge crowd of people gathers in the square in front of the city church, and everyone begins to proclaim speeches, recalling the events of the past year. This goes on for quite some time until one of the speakers remembers some dead donkey. It is this donkey that the inhabitants “divide” among themselves, recalling to each his offense and even small weaknesses. A frivolous and windy woman will get a tail, a bully will get a skin, a dancer will get legs, a chatterer will get a tongue ... Perhaps, this is where the expression “like ears from a dead donkey” went to walk around the world.

On New Year's Eve, the townspeople take to the streets and squares, where festivities take place. And when the city clock strikes midnight, all the acquaintances and strangers begin to congratulate each other, wish health, good luck and exchange gifts.

Also in Spain, the expressive features of an erotic cult are carried by one of new year customs, which is now followed in many villages of the country, although already in a playful form - the conclusion of fictitious marriages.

On New Year's Eve, the girls and boys of the whole village pull their fate - pieces of paper with the names of fellow villagers of both sexes. Guys, thus, get "brides", girls - "grooms". In some places, for example, in the Orenci district, this procedure takes place in front of fires near the church porch. Marriage couples that have formed are considered lovers until the very end of the holiday and behave accordingly.

IN Scandinavia in the first seconds of the New Year, it is customary to grunt under the table in order to drive away evil spirits, illnesses and failures from the family.

IN Mongolia with the advent of the first day of the New Year, a truly nationwide festivities begin in the country. The official New Year in the country is January 1, and the New Year according to the lunisolar calendar is called “Tsagaansar”. By tradition, every family sees off the old year, the farewell is called “bituun”. At this moment, you can not quarrel, argue, swear and deceive, this is considered a great sin.

French Santa Claus - Per Noel - comes on New Year's Eve and leaves gifts in children's shoes. The one who gets the bean baked in the New Year's cake receives the title of "bean king" and on a festive night everyone obeys his orders.

Santons are wooden or clay figurines that are placed near the Christmas tree. According to tradition, a good owner-winemaker should certainly clink glasses with a barrel of wine, congratulate her on the holiday and drink for the future harvest.

According to tradition, a good owner-winemaker on New Year's Eve should clink glasses with a barrel of wine, congratulate her on the holiday and drink for the future harvest. But if you, suddenly, are not a French winemaker and there are no barrels or two lying around in your cellar good wine, adopt one old French tradition: to clink glasses with empty glasses. To do this, you need to make a wish, drain the contents of the glass as quickly as possible, and only after that clink glasses with one of the celebrants. The main thing is that the glass of the person clinking glasses with you should also be empty at this moment. A strange tradition, but the French say that everything comes true.

IN Sweden before the New Year, the children choose the queen of light, Lucia. She is dressed in a white dress, a crown with lit candles is put on her head. Lucia brings gifts to children and treats to pets: cream for a cat, a sugar bone for a dog, and carrots for a donkey.

IN Bulgaria traditionally celebrate the New Year at home. Before the start of the holiday, the youngest in the house stands near the Christmas tree and sings carols to the guests. Grateful relatives and guests give him gifts. The most interesting thing begins with the 12th chime of the clock. At this time, the lights in the houses go out for a moment for New Year's kisses. Only after that the hostess begins to cut the cake with surprises baked in it. If you got a coin - expect wealth, a branch of a rose - love.

IN Iran The New Year is celebrated at midnight on March 22. At this moment gunshots are fired. All adults hold silver coins in their hands as a sign of their constant stay in their native places throughout the coming year. On the first day of the New Year, according to custom, it is customary to break old pottery in the house and replace it with a new one.

A few weeks before the holiday, people plant grains of wheat or barley in a small dish. By the New Year, the grains sprout, which symbolizes the beginning of spring and the new year of life.

Main character new year carnival V Colombia- Old year. He walks in the crowd on high stilts and tells funny stories to children. Papa Pasquale is Colombian Santa Claus. No one knows how to make fireworks better than him.

On New Year's Eve, a parade of puppets takes place on the streets of Bogota: dozens of puppet clowns, witches and other fairy-tale characters attached to the roofs of cars drive through the streets of Candelaria, the most ancient district of the Colombian capital, saying goodbye to the inhabitants of the city.

Cuba. Children's New Year's holiday in Cuba is called the Day of the Kings. The wizard-kings who bring gifts to children are Balthazar, Gaspard and Melchor. On the eve, the children write letters to them, in which they talk about their cherished desires.

Cubans on New Year's Eve fill all the dishes that are in the house with water, and at midnight they begin to pour it out of the windows. So all the inhabitants of the island of Freedom wish the New Year a bright and clean, like water, path. In the meantime, while the clock strikes 12 strokes, you need to eat 12 grapes, and then goodness, harmony, prosperity and peace will accompany you for all twelve months.

IN Sudan it is necessary to celebrate the New Year on the banks of the Nile, then all wishes will come true.

South Africa. In the industrial capital of this state - Johannesburg - residents of one of the quarters traditionally celebrate the New Year, throwing out various items from their windows - from bottles to large-sized furniture.

Police in South Africa are closing the Hillbrow area to traffic and are asking residents of the area not to throw refrigerators out of windows on New Year's Eve. According to a police spokesman, in connection with the existing tradition, this quarter is considered the most dangerous in the city.

IN Mexico The New Year is celebrated with the fire of festive fireworks, firing from rocket launchers, and the ringing of special New Year's bells. And children are handed delicious gingerbread dolls at midnight.

In the snowy Finland The main winter holiday is Christmas, which is celebrated on December 25th. On Christmas night, overcoming long way from Lapland, Santa Claus comes to the house, leaving a large basket with gifts for the delight of the children.

New Year is a kind of repetition of Christmas. Once again, the whole family gathers at a table bursting with various dishes. On New Year's Eve, the Finns try to find out their future and guess by melting wax and then pouring it into cold water.

IN Burma The New Year begins between April 12 and 17. The Ministry of Culture informs about the exact day of the celebration by a special order, and the holiday lasts three days.

According to ancient beliefs, the gods of rain live on the stars. Sometimes they gather at the edge of the sky to play with each other. And then on earth it's raining which promises a rich harvest.

To gain the favor of the stellar spirits, the Burmese invented a tug-of-war competition. They are attended by men of two villages, and in the city - two streets. And women and children applaud and shout, urging the lazy rain spirits on.


Japanese children celebrate the New Year in new clothes. It is believed to bring health and good luck in the New Year. On New Year's Eve, they hide under the pillow a picture depicting a sailboat on which seven fairy-tale wizards are sailing - the seven patrons of happiness.

Ice palaces and castles, huge snow sculptures of fairy-tale heroes adorn northern Japanese cities on New Year's Eve.

108 chimes of the bell herald the arrival of the New Year in Japan. According to an old belief, each ringing “kills” one of the human vices. According to the Japanese, there are only six of them (greed, anger, stupidity, frivolity, indecision, envy). But each of the vices has 18 different shades - that's for them and the Japanese bell tolls.

In the first seconds of the New Year, you should laugh - this should bring good luck. And in order for happiness to come to the house, the Japanese decorate it, or rather the front door, with sprigs of bamboo and pine - symbols of longevity and fidelity. Pine represents longevity, bamboo represents fidelity, and plum represents love of life.

The food on the table is also symbolic: long pasta is a sign of longevity, rice is prosperity, carp is strength, beans are health. Every family prepares a New Year's treat mochi - koloboks, cakes, rolls from rice flour.

In the morning, when the New Year comes into its own, the Japanese go out of their houses to the street to meet the sunrise. With the first rays, they congratulate each other and give gifts.

In the houses they put branches decorated with mochi balls - christmas tree mochibana.

Japanese Santa Claus is called Segatsu-san - Mr. New Year. Favorite New Year's entertainment girls - a game of shuttlecock, and the boys fly a traditional kite on the days of the holiday.

The most popular New Year's accessory is a rake. Every Japanese believes that it is necessary to have them so that for the New Year there is something to rake in happiness. Bamboo rakes - kumade - are made from 10 cm to 1.5 m in size and are decorated with various patterns and talismans.

In order to appease the Deity of the Year, which brings happiness to the family, the Japanese build a small gate in front of the house from three bamboo sticks, to which they tie pine branches. More wealthy people buy a dwarf pine, a bamboo sprout and a small plum or peach tree.

Mandatory is the custom of seeing off the Old Year, which includes organizing receptions and visiting restaurants. On the first New Year's Eve, it is customary to visit the temple.

In houses, rice cakes are placed in a conspicuous place, on top of which tangerines are placed, symbolizing happiness, health and longevity.

If the inhabitants of the Old World delicately take a couple of small sips of champagne in the new year, then the Japanese drink sparkling wine in some incredible quantities. Moreover, even small children clink glasses along with adults, however, normal parents prefer to pour non-alcoholic champagne to their children. In any case, the Japanese tradition of clinking glasses with their children in no way provokes children to become alcoholics, but only prepares them for adulthood. In any case, the Japanese themselves think so.

Myanmar. Thailand. Laos. The New Year comes at the hottest time of the year, so its arrival is celebrated with the so-called “water festival”, when people pour water on each other when they meet. The tradition of dousing with water is a kind of wish for happiness in the new year.


IN Germany on New Year's Eve, people make a weather forecast for the whole next year. And they do it this way: 12 onions with a cut off top are placed on the table, a recess is made inside the onions, into which salt is poured. As soon as the clock strikes midnight, the forecast is ready. Bulbs that “ate” all the salt mean rainy months, and those in which salt remains are dry.

In Germany, it is believed that Santa Claus appears on a donkey on New Year's Eve. Before going to bed, the children put a plate on the table for gifts that Santa Claus will bring them, and they put hay in their shoes - a treat for his donkey.

In Germany, people different ages, as soon as the clock begins to strike midnight, they climb onto chairs, tables, armchairs and, with the last blow, together, with joyful greetings, “jump” into the New Year. And in the villages, the medieval tradition of the bleiglessen ceremony has been preserved: a lead bullet is found, which “contains the secrets of the future.” The bullet is melted to a boil and poured into a glass drop by drop. Lead solidifies again. The resulting figure will tell you about what awaits next year.


IN Brazil New Year's Eve is called Iemanja. The beaches fill with people and religious chanting praises Iemanja. Even those who live far from the water try to come to the coast to make offerings to the sea: most often these are flowers on small ships made of wood. Participants in the ceremony dress in costumes of a certain color - depending on the saint who "will reign" during the new year.

On New Year's Eve, the inhabitants of Rio de Janeiro go to the ocean and bring gifts to the Goddess of the Sea Yemanzha. Traditionally, Brazilians dress up in white clothes, which symbolizes a plea for peace addressed to the goddess of the Sea. Believers bring all kinds of gifts to the goddess: flowers, perfumes, mirrors, Jewelry and even champagne. Standing on the ocean, they make a wish and mentally turn to the Goddess, drink a glass to the bottom. Brazilians pour the rest of champagne into the ocean, thereby treating the mistress of the sea. And after the turn comes to gifts that are placed in small boats and also sent to the sea. Gifts are placed in small boats and sent to the sea in gratitude for last year and as a request for protection in the coming year.

IN Romania it is customary to bake various small surprises in New Year's pies: small money, porcelain figurines, rings, hot pepper pods .... If you find a ring in the pie, then, by old belief, which means that the new year will bring you a lot of happiness. How about pepper? Everyone will laugh at the owner of such a find, but he will only have to cry.

In Romania, unmarried women usually go to the well, light a candle and look down. The image of the flame will draw the face of her future husband in the dark depths of the water. Those who do not risk wandering the streets at night take a branch of the basil and place it under the pillow: a dream will show the betrothed.


In Vietnam The new year is celebrated according to the lunar calendar, between January 21 and February 19, when early spring. At the festive table - bouquets of flowers. On New Year's Eve, it is customary to give each other branches of a peach tree with swollen buds. With the onset of dusk, the Vietnamese make fires in parks, gardens or on the streets, several families gather around the fires. Special delicacies from rice are prepared on coals.

New Year, Spring Festival, Tet - all these names are the most fun Vietnamese holiday. The branches of a blossoming peach - a symbol of the New Year - should be in every home. This is a family holiday, during which all quarrels are forgotten, insults are forgiven. The Vietnamese decorate their homes with miniature tangerine trees with tiny fruits. Every Vietnamese home has an ancestral altar, and paying tribute to their memory is an important part of New Year's celebrations. Celebrated in Vietnam New Year and January 1, it is called the "holiday of the young."

Children look forward to midnight when they can start firing small homemade firecrackers.

On this night, all quarrels are forgotten, all insults are forgiven. The Vietnamese believe that a god lives in every house, and on New Year's Eve this god goes to heaven to tell how each member of the family spent the past year.

The Vietnamese once believed that God floated on the back of a carp. Nowadays, on New Year's Eve, the Vietnamese sometimes buy live carp, and then release it into a river or pond. They also believe that the first person to enter their home in the New Year will bring good or bad luck in the coming year.

Panama. Liberia. The inhabitants of these countries celebrate the New Year in an unimaginable uproar. Some scare away evil forces by knocking on the pelvis; others try to “shout out everything that was wrong in last year and loudly praise what was good”; still others celebrate the New Year, deafeningly bawling songs.

Hungary. On the New Year's table of the Hungarians you will not find dishes prepared from poultry, because according to legend, happiness can fly away from home with it. On New Year's Eve, children's whistles, pipes, and pipes disappear from the shelves of Hungarian stores. By popular belief, the piercing and not always pleasant sound of these uncomplicated musical instruments drives away evil spirits from the home and calls for well-being and joy in the home.

In Hungary, in the "fateful" first second of the New Year, they prefer to whistle - moreover, using not fingers, but children's pipes, horns, whistles.

It is believed that it is they who drive away evil spirits from the dwelling and call for joy and prosperity. Preparing for the holiday, Hungarians do not forget about the magical power of New Year's dishes: beans and grogh retain strength of mind and body, apples - beauty and love, nuts can protect from trouble, garlic - from diseases, and honey - sweeten life.

Favorite New Year's entertainment of young women in Korea- Board jumping. Spectacular spectacle - women in beautiful, festive clothes soar in the air like birds in bright plumage.

IN Greece guests take with them a large stone, which they throw at the threshold, saying the words: “Let the wealth of the owner be heavy, like this stone.” And if they don’t get a big stone, they throw a small pebble with the words: “Let the thorn in the owner’s eye be as small as this stone.”

New Year is the day of St. Basil, who was known for his kindness. Greek children leave their shoes by the fireplace in the hope that Saint Basil will fill the shoes with gifts.

IN australia Santa Claus is greeted in bathing suits, lying on inflatable mattresses, because on the eve of the holiday there is a forty-degree heat. suit in Sydney grand celebration. On New Year's Eve, the whole city looks like an incomparably decorated Christmas tree, the branches of which bend under the weight of all the decorations. The sky over Sydney sparkles with numerous salutes and fireworks, which are visible from a distance of 16-20 kilometers from the city. After a festive night, Australians often go somewhere in nature.


Those who meet Chinese New Year, each dish on the festive table symbolizes a wish. Mushrooms mean "excellent prospects", pork tongue - "profit", oysters - " good business”, and baked fish - “abundance”. The dragon is very loved by the Chinese people: every year they arrange a New Year's performance “Dragon Dance”. Length fairy tale character can reach 1000 m.

According to the ancient Chinese calendar, the Chinese are entering the 48th century. According to him, this country enters the year 4702. China switched to the Gregorian calendar in 1912. The date of the Chinese New Year each time varies from January 21st to February 20th.

Street processions are the most exciting part of the holiday. Thousands of lanterns are lit during the processions to light the way for the New Year. The Chinese believe that the new year is surrounded by evil spirits. Therefore, they scare them away with firecrackers and firecrackers.

In China, the New Year tradition of bathing the Buddha has been preserved. On this day, all Buddha statues in temples and monasteries are respectfully washed in pure water from mountain springs. And the people themselves are poured with water at the moment when others say in their address new year wishes happiness. Therefore, on this festive day, everyone walks the streets in soaking wet clothes.

Sometimes the Chinese seal windows and doors with paper to keep out evil spirits. New Year in China is a strictly family holiday, and every Chinese wants to spend it with their relatives. In the evening last day every family in full force gathers in the living room for a gala dinner.

During this dinner, which was held under the sign of the unity of the clan, and above all the unity of its living and deceased members, its participants eat dishes that are first offered to the spirits of their ancestors. At the same time, family members get the opportunity to forgive each other old grievances. After the end of the meal, no one went to bed, so as not to miss their future happiness. Night vigils for the New Year were called “to protect the year”.


IN India on New Year's Eve, you need to hit a kite with a burning arrow. When the kite breaks out, the holiday can be considered open. Hindus celebrate the New Year in different ways depending on where they live. The inhabitants of northern India adorn themselves with flowers of pink, red, purple, or white hues. IN south india mothers put sweets, flowers, small gifts on a special tray. On the morning of the new year, children should wait with their eyes closed until they are led to the tray. In central India, orange flags are hung on buildings. In western India, the New Year is celebrated at the end of October. Small fires are lit on the roofs of houses. In the New Year, Hindus think of the goddess of wealth, Lakshmi.

South Indian mothers place sweets, flowers and small gifts on a special tray, and on New Year's Day the children are led to the tray with their eyes closed.

And in India it is absolutely not customary to drink champagne. Apparently from this one strange tradition went - pouring champagne from a glass. Hindus are people who do not drink, and when the British offered them to raise their glasses for whatever reason (and often without any reason), they politely refused, but if the withdrawal was not accepted, they carefully poured out the contents of the glass. The main thing is that the sir does not notice. Now they do it without any hesitation.

In different parts of India, the New Year is celebrated at different times of the year. At the beginning of summer is Lori's holiday. Children collect dry branches, straw, old things from the house in advance. In the evening, large bonfires are kindled, around which they dance and sing.

And when autumn comes, they celebrate Diwali - the festival of lights. On the roofs of houses, on the windowsills, thousands of lamps are placed and lit on a festive night. The girls launch small boats on the water, on which the lights are also burning.

On one of the New Years - Gudi Padva - it is necessary to eat the leaves of the neem-nim tree, which taste very bitter and unpleasant. But according to the old belief, they protect a person from diseases and troubles and provide, oddly enough, a sweet life.

IN Labrador store turnips from the summer harvest. It is hollowed out from the inside, lighted candles are placed there and given to children. In the province of NovaScotia, which was founded by the Scottish Highlanders, funny songs, transported from Britain two centuries ago, are sung every Christmas morning.

Czech Republic and Slovakia. A merry little man, dressed in a fur coat, a high sheepskin hat, with a box behind his back, comes to the Czech and Slovak children. His name is Mikulas. For those who studied well, he always has gifts

IN Holland Santa Claus arrives on a ship. Children joyfully meet him at the pier. Santa Claus loves funny pranks and surprises and often gives children marzipan fruits, toys, candy flowers

Navruz - Afghan New Year's Eve falls on March 21st. This is the start time for agricultural work. The elder of the village makes the first furrow in the field. On the same day, fun fairs open, where magicians, tightrope walkers, and musicians perform.

Austria. Here, the modern custom of gifts and greetings for the New Year was widespread as early as the late 18th and early 19th centuries. Now it is customary to give figurines or send postcards with traditional symbols of happiness - soot pan, four-leaf clover, pig.

Dinner on December 31 should be rich in order to live well in the new year. An obligatory meat dish was a jellied pig or pork. It was believed that in order to be happy, you need to eat a piece of a pig's head or snout - this is called "taking part in pig happiness."

New Year's Eve Vienna is full of special charm. Huge Christmas markets are held in the squares, but the largest one is on the Town Hall, in the center of Vienna. In the bazaars you can buy everything - from handmade clothes and jewelry by famous designers to straw stars and Christmas decorations.

Nepal. Here the New Year is celebrated at sunrise. On the night of the full moon, the Nepalese light huge bonfires and throw unnecessary things into the fire. The next day comes the turn of the Festival of Colors, and then the fantasy and entertainment of the Nepalese know no bounds. They paint their faces, arms and chests with bizarre patterns, and then crowds of painted merry fellows walk the streets singing and dancing.

IN Ecuador exactly at midnight, the dolls will be burned to the so-called "weeping widows" who mourn their "bad husbands". As a rule, "widows" are portrayed by men dressed in women's clothes, with makeup and wigs.

For those who want to travel all year round, tradition prescribes: while the clock strikes 12 times, run with a suitcase or a large bag in hand around the house.

Do you want to get very rich in the coming year or find great love? In order for money to “fall like snow on the head” in the new year, it is necessary to put on underwear as soon as the clock strikes 12 yellow shades. If you need not money, but happiness in personal life, then the linen should be red.

Ecuadorians see the best way to get rid of all the sad moments that happened in the past year is to throw a glass of water into the street, with which everything bad will be smashed to smithereens.

IN Algeria, Bahrain, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Oman, Pakistan, Sudan, Syria and Tanzania meet Muharram - the first month of the Muslim year lunar calendar. A few weeks before this date, Muslims put grains of wheat or barley in a dish of water so that they germinate. By the beginning of the new year, sprouts appear, which symbolize the beginning of a new life.

New Year (Rosh Hashanah) is celebrated in Israel on the first two days of the month of Tishrei (September). Rosh Hashanah is the anniversary of the creation of the world and the beginning of the reign of God.

New Year's Eve is a day of prayer. According to custom, on the eve of the holiday they eat special food: apples with honey, pomegranate, fish, as a symbolic expression of hopes for coming year. Each meal is accompanied by a short prayer. Basically, it is customary to eat sweet food and refrain from bitter. On the first day of the new year, it is customary to go to the water and say the Tashlih prayer.

The Jewish New Year is not so much a memory of any historical event from which the countdown of years begins, how many days of the Supreme Court. It is believed that on this day the Almighty judges people, and on the basis of their deeds, decides what fate awaits them in the coming year. Therefore, the main thing at such a time is the repentance of each person. This day is filled with prayer and restrained joy.

On the table - holiday candles, a round challah with apples dipped in honey to make the year sweet. This - holy time when people think about their sins and promise to atone for them next year with good deeds. Children are given new clothes. People bake bread and eat fruits.

New Year's Eve in Venezuela is a special event. All the relatives get together and cook lahallaca, one of the very hearty and spicy foods that the entire household eats during New Year's Eve. Everyone wishes each other happiness in the new year and forget all past grievances.

IN Belgium and the Netherlands everywhere widespread “magic of the first day”, the content of which lies in the fact that a person’s behavior on the first day of the new year is judged on what he will have in the coming year. Therefore, they tried to do nothing that day, put on something new and the like. They believe that in order for the whole year to be prosperous in the house, it is necessary that there are many dishes on the table for the New Year.

New Year's Day is also a holiday for children. On this day, children congratulate their parents on the New Year and read them pre-prepared congratulatory letters written on a special, decorated bright colors and ribbons of paper. Among the Flemings and Walloons, on New Year's Eve, the “Good Angel” or “Christ Child” goes home, putting sweets under the pillow for sleeping children. From ancient times, there is another widespread custom in the Netherlands and Belgium in other countries - the election of the king of the holiday. To do this, the housewives bake a pie into which the bean is baked. The one who gets a piece of the bean pie becomes the king for the whole holiday. The king himself chooses his queen and retinue: the court jester, the nobleman, “Black Peter”, etc.

New Year is a holiday celebrated all over the world. Every family celebrates this day in a special way. Each house has developed its own New Year traditions over many years or even centuries. And what can we say about the traditions of entire nations. We know little about what features of the celebration exist in distant countries, and sometimes this information is unreliable. Still, interest prevails. What is New Year's Eve in Sri Lanka? What New Year's traditions exist in Turkey?! This article will help to slightly open the curtain on the world of customs of various exotic and not so exotic countries.

Turkish New Year Traditions

Türkiye is a Muslim country, so the celebration of the New Year here has its own characteristics. Religion does not approve of either the Christmas tree, or candles, or Santa Claus, but this does not prevent many Turks from celebrating this European holiday. They call it Yilbashi, and Noel Baba brings gifts. The New Year's table in Turkey should burst with treats. Only here it is customary for them to serve not salads, snacks and various pickles, but pastries and sweets. And the most unusual, probably, is the performance at the table of a festive song-wishes, the melody of which terribly resembles the famous song “Happy Birthday”. This New Year in the country is quite quiet and calm, but the second New Year (Navruz Bayram) - spring - is more popular and is accompanied by a lot of traditions.

New Year Traditions in Kuwait

Kuwait is a distant country, whose traditions are not known to every layman. The New Year is celebrated here magnificently and in company: on this day it is customary to visit with the whole family. At the same time, men wear the brightest and most smart clothes and women are black and modest. Gender features continue with them during the feast: men and women eat separately in different rooms. In addition, the filling of the festive table is different for them. The stronger sex on New Year's Eve pleases itself with hearty national dishes, and the weaker sex tastes a variety of sweets. The traditional celebratory drink is "kahwa" - local coffee, which is brewed right during the feast.

For everyone on this day, the “right hand” rule applies - all actions must be performed only right hand so that the coming year will be happy. At the table, it is undesirable to look into the eyes of the interlocutor, especially when he is eating. It is believed that breaking this rule will bring trouble to a person.

New Year traditions of Azerbaijan

The Azerbaijani New Year has nothing to do with the holiday known to us. This celebration is celebrated in the spring and lasts 10 days - the first 3 days are male, and the remaining 7 are female. Navruz (the name of the holiday) is accompanied by a feast, during which seven dishes are placed on the table, the names of which have initial letter"WITH". Doors and gates must be left open so that guests can see that they are very welcome in the house. Traditionally, the eldest son of the family helps the guests wash their hands with flower water. Another custom is that the arrival of the New Year must be marked by a self-suspended egg, which is prudently placed on a mirror surface.

Indonesian New Year Traditions

Indonesia is another place rich not only in its unique culture, but also in the number of New Years celebrated. In total, three such holidays can be named: Nyepi, Hari Natal and Imlek. It was the result of a combination of Chinese, Indian and European traditions.

Enchanting performances take place during Imlek: New Year's costumed dances in huge masks, processions with torches and fire-eaters. Everyone gives handmade postcards with different wishes. This is a very noisy and spectacular holiday.

But Niepi is a holiday of silence and silence. Indonesians believe that the New Year can only appear in complete silence. In this regard, for a whole day in the cities, life stops, where nothing but silence is heard. This holiday is a real challenge to true talkers.

Hari Natal is considered closer to the classical holiday. But it's pretty debatable. After all, Indonesians decorate for the holiday nothing more than a palm tree. They themselves dress in bright (sometimes ridiculous) costumes and participate in folk festivals. And the tradition of “getting gifts” is very reminiscent of the Ukrainian fair entertainment associated with climbing a six-meter pole, where gifts are placed in advance.

New Year's Traditions of Chile

Chile is a place where representatives of different nationalities. As a result, there was a mixture of cultures and traditions. They are distinguished by their originality, and sometimes eccentricity. So in one New Year's Eve you can witness the most different customs. Here it is customary to pierce a few minutes before the clock strikes six year old girls ears and put on their first earrings. This symbolizes the beginning of a new (adult) stage in the life of a future woman.

Another tradition is also quite symbolic. Burning the straw scarecrow is, in fact, the disposal of all old problems and the purification of the spirit before the New Year.

And a completely inexplicable tradition has taken root in the town of Talco: to celebrate the holiday at the cemetery. All residents gather there to start celebrations with the spirits of their ancestors and receive their patronage and protection next year.

Mexican New Year Traditions

Mexico is a land of contradictions. It is considered at the same time the most unsafe place, and one of the most fun and suitable for relaxation. New Year in Mexico is exotic, which will delight you with its sparkling and energy. Piñata, arbolito, Magi pretzel and sorcerer kings - traditional attributes this event.

A piñata is a bright vessel filled with goodies, which is hung at an accessible height. Children and adults are enthusiastically engaged in breaking this trifle, stuffing their pockets with their prey.

Arbolito, the Mexican equivalent of spruce or pine, is not cheap. The tree is given an elegant look with the help of balls, angels and other decorations.

Magi pretzel - a traditional dish New Year's table in Mexico, which is decorated with nuts and white icing. A figurine of Jesus is baked inside it. The one who gets it is appointed the king of the evening.

The sorcerer kings are the Mexican answer to our Santa Claus, they are all busy with one thing - to give joy to children.

Korean New Year Traditions

Korea has two New Year's holiday: calendar and lunar new year. Moreover, the first one is nothing special and, in general, can go unnoticed. But the second is associated with a large number Korean traditions. This New Year in the country is celebrated in February, it is called Seollal. This day is filled with traditions that appeared many, many years ago, but are revered even now.

Seollal begins with offerings to deceased ancestors four generations kind. To do this, they set the table, light the incense burners and perform traditional bows.

Sebe is a custom that is rightfully considered the most family. It consists in bowing to all family members: from the oldest to the youngest (and in that order). After the bow, a gift is given in the form of sweets or a cash offering.

The festive table is a separate topic for conversation. In Korea, great importance is placed on the arrangement of dishes on the table. Treats are placed "according to Feng Shui": depending on the direction of the world and the color of the food. So red food is placed on the eastern side of the table, and white dishes on the western side.

Canadian New Year Traditions

Canada is a country of immigrants, and therefore it is extremely difficult, if not impossible, to name a single traditional New Year's dish. But still, in many Canadian families it is customary to cook a completely unusual dish for the New Year - pea soup. It is boiled very satisfying, adding lard and sage for flavor.

And after tasting this dish, many Canadians take part in the "bathing of the polar bear." And if you mistakenly decided that they are, in fact, bathing the bear, then you will have to disappoint: the inhabitants of the country themselves change into bathing suits and take ice baths.

New Year traditions in Denmark

The people of Denmark celebrate New Year and Christmas with double zeal. Therefore, their kids receive gifts from two Santa Clauses at once: Ulemanden and Yulinisse. The Danes adhere to such customs as:

  • Give children toys made of wood or plush in order to protect them from all evil.
  • Wear a red cap to be lucky.
  • For health and long life, eat carrots on the eve of the holiday.
  • Cut out more paper red hearts to let love into your life in the new year.
  • Make and install a straw goat in the yard to protect the house.
  • Bake a "Christmas boar" to bring good luck.
  • Break old dishes on the doorstep of friends and neighbors so that they are lucky in the coming year.

By the way, many Danes are not averse to playing festive evening in a game of convolutions. Its rules are simple. All guests stock up on inexpensive small gifts wrapped in bundles, which are piled in the center of the table and begin to roll the dice. Those lucky ones who get the number "six" can choose any package. The game continues until the end of the allotted time. If the gifts have already been sorted out, and the supply of time has not yet been exhausted, then the gifts can be taken from those who have already won. True, the convolutions cannot be unfolded until the very end, which maintains a certain intrigue.

Greenland New Year Traditions

Greenland is an island in the north, which is called the home of Santa Claus of some countries and elves who help to make gifts. But in fact, this is a place where seals and deer live, as well as rather unusual traditions.

So, in Greenland, you can get an extremely original thing as a gift - an ice figurine of an animal or a person. And although such a gift seems short-lived, thanks to the local climate, it can last for several months.

But the most unimaginable for an ordinary ordinary person will probably be some traditional dishes:

  • Kiviak (rotten seal meat stuffed with seagulls);
  • The liver of seals and gulls that have not undergone heat treatment;
  • Hakarl (rotten Greenland shark meat);
  • Mattak (a thin layer of whale blubber).

The Greenlanders have only one New Year, but they celebrate it twice - at 20:00 and at midnight.

New Year traditions in Australia

Australians can be called lucky, as they celebrate the New Year the very first on the planet. In addition, their holiday takes place in the summer in the rays of the scorching sun near the metrosideros - the Australian equivalent of the Christmas tree. This tree is installed in their homes and yards, dressing up, however, is not accepted.

On January 1, almost all residents go to the beach for a traditional New Year's picnic, as they all sleep soundly on a festive night. On the same day, the surfing festival begins, which opens with Santa riding a board in a light bathing suit and a red cap with a flowing white beard.