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It takes from 5 to 8 years of life to receive a higher education, and it is not surprising that during this period life circumstances may arise that impede the normal educational process. In order not to have to leave school, Russian legislation provides the student with the right to academic leave. Read more about the conditions and procedure for its registration.

What is academic leave?

Academic leave is a period during which a student is officially released from the educational process while maintaining his place in a higher or secondary specialized educational institution. The right to it is confirmed.

This right can be exercised by:

  • students receiving secondary education;
  • specialty students, including part-time students;
  • bachelors;
  • graduate students;
  • graduate students;
  • cadets;
  • adjuncts;
  • listeners;
  • residents;
  • assistants.

During the forced break, the student retains his status, but is not allowed to attend classes and take exams. During this period, the management of the educational institution is not entitled to expel him or impose disciplinary measures on him. It also retains the same training conditions - the budget or the paid basis.

When and for what reason can you take an "academic"?

You can take academic leave at a university, college or other educational institution at any time during your studies. But if you do this during the semester, after the end of the vacation, you will have to go through the program again. Therefore, it is more expedient to take a break after the final certification.

The grounds for granting the "academy" are fixed. You can make it for the following reasons:

  • for medical reasons;
  • by pregnancy;
  • for family reasons;
  • in connection with the need to serve in the army;
  • for other valid reasons.

Consider the conditions under which leave is given in each of the listed cases.

Medical indications

To receive an academic leave, your health problems must be documented. We are talking about the provision of the following papers:

  • extracts from the medical record in the form 027 / y;
  • certificates of illness in the form 095 / y;
  • decision of the expert commission (conclusion of the KEK);
  • certificates of disability;
  • referral for surgery or rehabilitation.

Medical documents should be issued in advance, and not in the last days of an unsuccessful session, which may arouse suspicion among the leadership of the institute. In addition, you must have certificates in your hands confirming your absence from classes due to illness for a long time (from 1 month). And the medical report should contain information about the period required until the full restoration of health.

The application for "academic" will be considered only if there are really serious health problems. Among them:

  • the need for a complex surgical operation;
  • long-term rehabilitation after an injury;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • the occurrence of complications after an illness that requires a long recovery of the body (including after SARS).

The exact list of diseases in which a student is entitled to leave is not legally established. In each specific case, the management of the educational institution independently determines the sufficiency of the grounds for granting a deferment from study.

If one of the reasons for the deterioration in health was the educational process itself, medical documents may become the basis for a request for a transfer to another faculty with more suitable learning conditions for the student.

By pregnancy

Just like working women, female students are entitled to maternity and parental leave. Payments for a newborn are accrued to them based on the amount of the scholarship received. But in the event of a severe pregnancy that interferes with the normal educational process, it makes sense to additionally take an "academician". In addition, this is the only way out for part-time students who are not entitled to standard deferrals from studies due to pregnancy and childbirth.

To start, the expectant mother needs to visit a antenatal clinic, where she will be given a certificate in the form 095 / y. This document must be submitted to the dean's office, in which, in response, they must issue a referral for a medical examination at the clinic at the place of registration or temporary residence. In addition to the direction from the university, you must submit there:

  • extract from the outpatient card;
  • certificate 095/y;
  • student ID;
  • record book.

The results of the medical commission are transferred to the dean's office along with an application for "academic".

For family reasons

Family circumstances in which a student cannot continue his studies for some time include:

The objectivity of the stated reason is determined at the discretion of the rector or other authorized employee of the educational institution. As in previous cases, an application for academic leave must be accompanied by supporting documents:

  • conclusion of the medical commission on the state of health of young children or parents, confirming the need for long-term treatment and care;
  • death certificate of a relative;
  • certificates on the composition of the family and the income of all its members, indicating the presence of financial problems, etc.

It is usually easier for a nonresident student to receive a deferment from study for family reasons. But sometimes, instead of an academician, he may be offered a transfer to a correspondence course, which in some cases is more appropriate than interrupting studies for an indefinite period.

Military service

Students called up for military service during the period of study are guaranteed academic leave. To begin with, the recruit must undergo a medical examination at the military registration and enlistment office, and only after receiving the final agenda, he can apply to the dean's office with an application for leave. After completing military service, the student returns to the educational process for the course from which he had to interrupt his studies.

Other reasons

The management of the educational organization has the right to recognize other reasons for writing an application for "academy" as valid. These may include:

  • disaster;
  • fire;
  • parallel education in another educational institution;
  • long business trip;
  • internships abroad, etc.

The more supporting documents the applicant can provide, the greater the chances of a positive decision from the administration. This may be the conclusion of environmental or fire supervision, certificates from another university, copies of orders from work, etc.

How many times can I take a vacation and for how long?

According to paragraph 3 of order No. 455, a student has the right to issue an academic leave an unlimited number of times. Its term may vary depending on the needs of the student, but should not exceed 2 years.


In the case of education on a budgetary basis, a student can only use the “academy” once. If there is a need for a second break, he will be deprived of the opportunity to study for free.

It does not matter in which course the student needed a vacation. The legislation does not provide for a minimum time of study at a university for the provision of academic leave, which means that you can take a break from studies already in the first year.

Registration procedure

The main document, without which it is impossible to make a decision on the granting of academic leave, is the student's application. Strict requirements for it are not provided for by regulations, therefore, each educational institution develops its own form. As a rule, it indicates the following data set:

  • name of the educational organization;
  • FULL NAME. rector;
  • FULL NAME. student
  • faculty name
  • Course of Study;
  • group number;
  • grounds for granting leave;
  • desired vacation period;
  • list of supporting documents;
  • date and signature.

Initially, you can write an application only for 12 months of vacation. If this time is not enough, another application is written for its extension for the same period.

If, due to a serious state of health, a student cannot come to the dean's office in person, his representative, who has an official power of attorney, can submit documents for him.

The management of the educational institution considers the submitted documents within 10 days, after which the decision is made by order of the rector.

Is the scholarship paid during the holidays?

A forced break in studies does not entail the termination of the scholarship. This rule is true both for academic scholarships, which are awarded in accordance with academic performance, and for social scholarships, which are paid to low-income students.

Paying students at this time suspend tuition payments. If the academic leave falls in the middle of the semester for which payment has already been made, these funds are non-refundable, but are credited to future periods. If the cost of education increases during the vacation, the temporarily absent student will have to pay the existing difference.

In cases where health problems became the basis for granting an "academy", the student is entitled to additional compensation payments. Their size is determined by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1206 of November 03, 1994 and amounts to 50 rubles per month. In regions with a harsh climate, the amount of payments is adjusted taking into account regional coefficients. To receive compensation, you must write an additional application within six months from the start date of the academic leave.

The end of the "academy" always coincides with the beginning of a new semester. Moreover, the exit from the vacation does not occur automatically with the end of its period. Officially, the student returns to study only after writing the appropriate application. An application not submitted on time is equated to absenteeism from academic leave. After this fact is recorded by a special act, the student is expected to be expelled from the educational institution.

If the situation that interferes with your studies has been resolved ahead of time, you have the right to return to classes before the end of the academic leave. This is done by submitting a request to the administration. For such a student, teachers are required to draw up an individual curriculum that will allow them to quickly study the material already covered by fellow students.

The main purpose of academic leave is to provide the student with the opportunity to receive an education, despite the occurrence of unforeseen circumstances in life. However, unscrupulous students often try to exercise their right when the threat of expulsion is already hanging over them. As a result, it becomes more and more difficult to prove the objectivity of their reasons for a break in studies, and students have to collect a lot of papers in order to get a positive decision to grant leave.

The Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" determines that a student can take academic leave at the university or such leave at the college. At the same time, the Law also clearly defines the reasons for academic leave and how it is possible to grant academic leave. The student will not be able to simply buy such a certificate, since the relevant supporting documents must also be provided, which the commission can additionally check.

The reasons for taking academic leave at the university can have a variety of reasons. You can usually see the following grounds:

  1. Academic leave for military service. The basis will be an army card.
  2. Academic leave for health reasons. Confirmation may be the conclusion of the CEC or a certificate from the attending physician. In this case, it is necessary that the certificate specifically states that the state of health prevents study.
  3. Family circumstances. In this case, the list is broader and may include the following reasons:
  • due to pregnancy and childbirth;
  • due to a difficult financial situation (a certificate of family income is provided if the student is studying on a paid basis);
  • due to the need to care for a disabled relative.

In addition, you can take academic leave at work. In particular, it is provided to teaching staff. It is legally regulated that such a vacation can be obtained at least once every 10 years and at the same time on average for a year. The employee must also confirm the seriousness of the reason for which he is forced to interrupt his labor activity. Also, the Law clearly restricts that such an academy is provided in accordance with the charter of the educational institution in which the teacher works.

Registration procedure

Usually, when learning how to take an academic leave, you can hear a fairly simple procedure:

  • fill out a sample application for leave;
  • provide supporting documents;
  • wait for a response within 10 days;
  • pick up the received answer;
  • start classes next year.

In some cases, the procedure may be slightly adjusted in accordance with the internal conditions of the educational institution provided for by its charter. To minimize the time spent, it is recommended to know in advance all the nuances of this procedure.

Features of the provision

The granting of academic leave usually takes into account some of the nuances:

Considering how to get an academic leave, it is still much better to contact the place of study and clarify all the details. Of course, no one has repealed the legislation, but there may be additional nuances that you will also need to pay attention to. In addition, it is better to start collecting supporting documents in advance, so as not to spend too much time on it later.

How to go on academic leave while studying at a college, institute

Those students who want to go on vacation ask the question: how to go on academic leave while studying at a college, institute. Let's start with why they want to suspend their studies, there can be many reasons for this, but the most basic is the threat of expulsion that comes after a lot of absences and debts. According to the law, academic leave is possible for three main reasons:

Students during the first semester can take academic leave only for health reasons, due to compulsory military service or to care for a child under 3 years old. From the second semester, students can also take academic leave of their own free will. During the extended period of study, academic leave cannot be taken (with the exception of parental leave and for health reasons).

An application for academic leave should be submitted in free form addressed to the director of the college.

Is it possible to take part in academic work during academic leave?

During academic leave, a student can take part in academic work, take exams and study as a guest student at Estonian universities and abroad.

If a student is sent on academic leave, then his registration for subjects and exams can be canceled upon application.

During academic leave, the student is not transferred to the next year (course). The end of the student's nominal term of study is postponed to a later period according to the period of academic leave.

If a student studying at an extrabudgetary study place takes part in academic work during academic leave, then he pays tuition based on the cost of a subject item or semester.

to the order of the Ministry of Education of Russia

dated 05.11.98 No. 2782

granting academic leave

1. Academic leave is a leave granted to students of educational institutions of higher and secondary vocational education for medical reasons and in other exceptional cases (natural disasters, family circumstances, etc.).

2. In case of granting an academic leave, its duration, as a rule, cannot exceed 12 calendar months.

3. Conclusion on the possibility of providing college sabbatical academic leave for medical reasons is issued by the clinical expert commission of the state, municipal medical and preventive healthcare institution at the place of constant observation of the student, including the student clinic. At the same time, the diagnosis of the disease without the consent of the patient is not indicated in the conclusion. In cases where medical care for students is provided by a health center, the conclusion can be issued by clinical expert commissions of state, municipal health care institutions, which include this health center.

4. The decision to grant academic leave to students is made by the head of the educational institution. The basis for issuing an order is:

for medical reasons - a personal statement of the student and the conclusion of the clinical expert commission of the healthcare institution;

in other exceptional cases - a personal statement of the student and an appropriate document confirming the grounds for receiving an academic leave, indicating the reason.

The basis for issuing an order for admission to the educational process of a student who is on academic leave for medical reasons is a personal statement of the student and the conclusion of the clinical expert commission of the healthcare institution.

5. Students who are on academic leave for medical reasons are assigned and paid monthly compensation payments in the amount of 50 percent. the minimum wage in accordance with the Procedure for the appointment and payment of monthly compensation payments to certain categories of citizens (clause 1), approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 03.11.94 N 1206 "On approval of the procedure for the appointment and payment of monthly compensation payments to certain categories of citizens" (Meeting Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1995 N 29, item 3035).

Educational institutions of higher and secondary vocational education have the right to make additional payments to students on academic leave at their own expense.

The financial conditions for granting academic leave to students studying on a paid contract basis are determined by the terms of the contract or supplementary agreement.

6. The provision of a hostel to students on academic leave is carried out in accordance with the housing legislation of the Russian Federation (Articles 109, 110 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation) and the Standard Regulations on the student hostel of an educational institution of higher and secondary vocational education of the Russian Federation, approved by the resolution of the State Committee for Higher Education of Russia dated 05/31/95 No. 4 (p. 20) (Bulletin of the State Committee for Higher Education of Russia, 1995, No. 9, registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on 13.07.95 No. 903).

7. The procedure and conditions for granting academic leave to foreign students studying at the expense of the federal budget are determined by the terms of intergovernmental and interdepartmental agreements concluded in accordance with clauses 71 and 72 of the Regulations on the Ministry of General and Vocational Education of the Russian Federation, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 04/05/97 No. 395 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1997 No. 15, Art. 1796).

A considerable number of students, in view of the circumstances or simply problems with their studies, are wondering: how to take an academic leave? But in order to take an academy, one desire is not enough. There must be a valid and valid reason for taking leave. There can be two such reasons: for health reasons (due to illness), and for certain family circumstances. Let's look at both of these options in more detail.

For family reasons.

You can get academic leave for family reasons for a period of 2 to 6 academic semesters. This type of leave is possible in circumstances where care is required for a sick relative, and the relative must be close, the second reason is the financial insolvency of the family (material problems).

If it is necessary to care for a close relative, in addition to an application addressed to the dean / rector, it is necessary to provide an appropriate certificate of health of the person under care. In most cases, a positive decision on the issuance of academic leave is allowed only if, apart from you, none of the family members can exercise custody of a sick relative, and most likely, among other things, you will be required to provide a certificate of family composition. After submitting the above documents, the commission that is considering your application will consider in detail all the details and circumstances of your relative's illness, after which it will decide whether to approve or refuse to receive academic leave.

Also, family circumstances include the fact that you (the student) have a child whose age does not exceed three years. In this case, you will need to provide a copy of the child's birth certificate.

If you need to take academic leave due to financial problems in the family, you will need to provide a number of the following documents: income statement of all family members (for the last six months), as well as provide a certificate of family composition. As for income certificates, the monthly earnings of each family member should not exceed the subsistence level. The application in this case will also be considered at a meeting of a separate commission.

By illness.

You can apply for an academy for health reasons. It is provided to those students who missed classes (at least 28 days per semester) due to injury or illness. The right to receive academic leave is given by three certificates:

  • The certificate form 095 / y is a certificate of temporary incapacity (incapacity for work) due to poor medical indicators. Such a certificate can be obtained from a therapist, it gives the right to be exempt from classes for up to ten calendar days, if the illness lasts longer, the certificate can be extended for 30 days. In this case, you need to provide the following certificate;
  • A certificate in the form 027 / y is an extract from the outpatient card, epicrisis (as well as other medical documents) on the student's health status. This certificate is issued when it is necessary to receive an exemption from physical education lessons for a long period (up to 45 days).
  • The conclusion of the clinical expert commission (CEC). This conclusion confirms your incapacity for work for a period of a year or more. You will have to wait for such a decision for about a week, or a little more, since such meetings are held no more than once a week. The decision to conclude depends on the specific case.
  • And finally, in order to apply for academic leave due to illness, along with the package of documents presented above, it is necessary to write an application addressed to the rector or dean.

Dear reader, if you decide to carefully study this article, then you are also wondering why students take academic leave? I often heard such conversations in the dean's office, but I did not fully understand what the concept of "academic leave" means. However, the World Wide Web and its unique capabilities allowed me to significantly expand my own horizons and get an answer to this rather important question.

Academic leave, what is it?

Having read Wikipedia, I now know for sure that this term hides leave for an indefinite time interval, which is provided to a student for certain vital circumstances, and on which even a human life may depend.

Simply put, a student can take a break from studying, but only for a very good reason. These can be both family circumstances and medical indications, as well as natural disasters, which in the life of a student become a true surprise.

Separately, it is worth noting that academic leave is available not only to students of higher educational institutions, but also to vocational schools, colleges and academies. However, it is important to understand that such a break in studies has its own time frame, which every student who dreams of getting the desired “crust” and a profession in their favorite specialty in the future must comply with.

Thus, the granted academic leave should not exceed twelve calendar months from the date of the officially signed permission of the dean of the faculty or the rector (different universities have their own rules). If the student did not have enough time to resolve his problems, then within the specified period he must come to the dean's office and settle this difficult situation. As a rule, for good reasons, it is allowed to extend the academic leave for another 12 calendar months, that is, as a result, the student can interrupt his studies for two years.

Medical indications for academic leave

Most often, students take academic leave precisely for health reasons, since some are not able to cope with the physical and mental stress that is inherent in the educational process.

However, in this case, the dean's office must be provided with a special medical report confirming the deteriorating state of the student's health. It is issued on an individual basis by the clinical expert commission of the municipal medical institution in the student clinic or at the place of direct registration (district clinic).

Separately, it is worth clarifying that the present diagnosis can be recorded in the certificate only with the consent of the patient, otherwise the predominant disease must be encrypted with a code. So, among the medical reports should be the following certificates:

1. 95 / y is issued for a period of 14 calendar days, and confirms the patient's disability. Such a certificate can be obtained by students of secondary vocational schools and universities, regardless of the form of education;

2. -027/y confirms that the patient is on outpatient or inpatient treatment;

3. the conclusion of the CEC, as confirmation of the prevailing diagnosis.

However, in this matter, the decisive word is the rector or head of the educational institution, who, after an individual consideration of this issue, agrees or refuses to grant academic leave.

As a rule, an educational institution cannot refuse a vacation for medical reasons, however, a student must attach a statement to the medical report detailing the situation that has developed in his fate.

academic leave for pregnancy

One of the most common medical indications, according to which a higher educational institution must grant academic leave, is the period of pregnancy and the birth of a child. It should be noted right away that in this case there is no refusal, and in general, more than one person cannot prevent the replenishment of the family.

I must say that maternity leave is mandatory, but the student is simply obliged to provide a conclusion from the antenatal clinic, confirming her "interesting position".

As mentioned above, academic leave is granted for a year, however, in this case, its terms vary somewhat, and in case of difficult childbirth, a long recovery period and the need to care for the baby, it is extended for another couple of years.

This happens solely at the request of the young mother, but must also be recorded in a separate document. It is quite possible to get out of academic leave earlier, but later, for no apparent reason, it is strictly prohibited.

As for the financial side of the issue, the future mother, who is studying at a higher educational institution, has the same welfare entitlement like other pregnant women. However, it is not possible to receive the required financial assistance in an educational institution, therefore it is advisable to contact the social service with this issue. It is important to understand here that study is not official employment, which means that, alas, maternity leave is not issued at such a “work”.

Some girls in the situation voluntarily refuse academic leave for pregnancy, and leave their studies only to care for a newborn child. This is their full right, which they can exercise in any course of the university. One way or another, in this case, it is extremely important to correctly issue an academic leave, which is impossible without presenting a special medical certificate with stamps and signatures of doctors.

If graduate students make a temporary break in their studies, then this right also applies to this category of patients in position, but the difference is that the social benefit is paid by the higher educational institution, and not by the social service. The fact is that in this case, the university is considered the main type of labor activity, and therefore assumes all financial obligations for the material support of the future mother.

When academic leave is officially received, then the future or newly-made mother does not have to worry about being expelled from the ranks of students. This certainly will not happen during the period of her absence, since this category of students is protected by law. All actions contrary to this provision are illegal on the part of the administration.

And the last thing to note: both a young mother and a newly-made father can receive academic leave to care for a child, but at the same time providing a certificate stating that the other parent did not use this right. It is important to remember this, otherwise problems with the dean's office can not be avoided in the future.

Academic leave for family reasons

However, the state of health is not always the main reason for academic leave, sometimes there are certain family difficulties that stand in the way of obtaining a long-awaited higher education. Among the most common family circumstances, it is worth highlighting the care of a sick relative, financial difficulties and other global problems in the family.

If we are talking about a sick relative, then in order to receive a special leave, it is required that the typical patient live on the same square as the student and really need his care and guardianship. In this situation, it is necessary to provide a special certificate from a medical institution stating that a relative has a serious illness that requires round-the-clock care. It is possible that the dean's office will also require a certificate of family composition, confirming that there are no other relatives capable of performing the function of a nurse.

In those cases when there are difficulties with money in the family, problems at the university certainly cannot be avoided. As a rule, young maximalists are in a hurry to quit their higher education and start working to support their families financially.

In order not to lose future specialists, it was decided to grant academic leave to such students, however, in any case, the dean's office is required to provide an appropriate document. Only on its basis can a decree be drawn up with the further release of the student from studies and attendance at a higher educational institution.

Such financial difficulties, as a rule, are associated with the unexpected death of one of the relatives and the reduction of parents in the workplace. The situation is common, so the university always meets such unforeseen circumstances. In general, a break in studies can last one year, but if necessary, this period is extended by three years, but it is important to agree on such nuances on a strictly individual basis.

One way or another, the reasons for an unexpected break in studies must be compelling and respectful, otherwise the university management simply will not meet the student halfway and put him on notice. But frequent absenteeism and poor progress can become a reason for an early expulsion, so if you need to temporarily leave training, a certificate is required - confirmation. Otherwise, there shouldn't be any problems.

Conclusion: So in conclusion, we can only add that academic leave is not for everyone, but you can take it only in case of emergency. However, teachers still recommend completing their studies in a timely manner, otherwise, after a long break, it is very difficult to get back on track, and years pass.

Now you know about why do students take academic leave.