Ditties for adults for the new year. New Year's ditties for children

Despite the fact that on new year holiday mainly round dance songs sound, the festivities cannot do without ditties about the New Year. Cheerful, perky, they cheer up and create an atmosphere of joy. What is sung about in New Year's ditties? Yes, almost everything related to the theme of the holiday: about the Christmas tree and snowflakes, about Grandfather Frost and his adventures when distributing gifts, about the Snow Maiden and the long-awaited winter, which brought such a joyful holiday.

When choosing ditties for children, you should pay attention to their content. This short song, containing only 4 lines, should always be cheerful, you should not trivialize it. To make the holiday a success, we offer to teach the children ditties, which we have collected from various resources into one huge musical piggy bank, which you can download for free.

Children's ditties for the New Year 2015 about the Goat and the Sheep: cool, funny, funny

We decided to start the search for ditties from the most relevant topic. Since the Goat or the Sheep becomes the symbol of the upcoming New Year 2015, you should not forget about it when choosing a song repertoire. Learn these funny, funny New Year's ditties with your schoolchildren and appease the hostess of the coming year.

You don't start the holiday

While I gnaw the seeds,

I know a lot of ditties

About this blue goat.

Eh, we light the Christmas tree,

Let's welcome the Year of the Goat.

This year will not be easy.

He is horned and has a beard!

In the year of the Goat, an order was issued:

Her eyes will be strict

In order not to become a Goat disgusting,

Be honest and creative!

At the New Year's sheep

Curls in wool.

We will sing her New Year

Naughty ditties!

We will be in friendship, happiness will live,

Do not be bored, and do not grieve,

Only with a cute sheep

Let's all try to be friends!

The Chinese have a year of the sheep,

The Japanese have a year of the goat,

Good, wooden,

Blue, but weird.

Happy New Year to all the goats!

All wealth and good luck!

Nam Goat for the New Year

Bring a bag of cabbage!

Escapes into a fairy tale Horse,

A Goat with a Goat is in a hurry to us!

Wait people that in the New Year -

Good will triumph over evil!

A goat does not gore with a horn,

So that the Goat comes to us faster!

We funny ditties,

Let's sing on New Year's Eve.

The goat will tell jokes,

As we are all waiting for her here.

New Year's ditties cool and funny for the New Year

We figured out the goat, so you can start learning cool and funny ditties. Let them cause laughter in adults, let them please Santa Claus. This New Year's number may turn out to be the most original at any Christmas tree and cause a storm of applause. If you don’t want to sing on your own behalf, dress up as Little Red Riding Hood or Baba Yaga and sing ditties on their behalf.

New Year's ditties for children: texts 2014 and 2015

How many amazing texts of ditties are offered for children. These little songs reflect the love for the holiday. It's nice when the kids have fun at the Christmas tree. This set of naughty, funny ditties will help them show their artistic talent.

Decorated the Christmas tree

Mom and I all evening.

Come to us Father Frost,

We will be glad to meet you!

New Year's ditties

Sound to everyone now.

Give us a clap,

After all, we are working hard for you!

We will dance on New Year's Eve

and sing at the feast.

That's why always

We have fun all year long!

Let the candles in the house burn

And to everyone people are told,

That the New Year is coming

Do not be sad, walk, people!

Oh, look - Santa Claus,

Catchy as dressed!

He brought us gifts

Toys and candy!

Everywhere the trees sparkled -

The whole country rejoices.

For kids in school hall

The miracle tree is lit.

New Year! Carnival!

Gathered all the guests into the hall.

Here Malvina, Pinocchio,

Winnie the Pooh and Cipollino.

Foxes are dancing, hares are dancing,

Goblin and Yaga are jumping.

Who's having fun under the mask

You will hardly know.

New Year's ditties for schoolchildren about Santa Claus (2014)

Santa Claus gives a festive mood. This kind and generous character has been living for more than one century. We dedicate several New Year's children's ditties to him separately. Let the bearded guest rejoice that everyone loves and remembers him.

Next to the ice rink house

My friend made a snowman

I made a nose out of a carrot,

Yes, it's Santa Claus.

Santa Claus with a beard

With luxurious mustache

Like a young boy

At the tree jumps with us.

For some reason Santa Claus

Does he check his chair?

Is he grandchildren

So he doesn't trust?

Bring us, Santa Claus,

And skis and hills!

Give us, Santa Claus,

All "cokes" are all in "five"!

We speak thanks to grandfather,

For his gifts

Let's kiss him all

He will be hot!

Love Santa Claus

Children's ditties,

He will give all the children

Candies and crackers.

New Year's Russian ditties for high school students for the New Year

Many high school students are skeptical about children's round dances and songs near the Christmas tree. Then, maybe these adult schoolchildren will like New Year's ditties for high school students?

The New Year brings with it a long-awaited holiday spirit, embracing adults and children alike. According to tradition, it is during the New Year celebrations that we most often go to visit, host relatives and friends. A generously set table and a warm company are conducive to a fun pastime - reciting poems and toasts, singing and dancing. So, many learn cool funny ditties for the New Year in order to “warm up” the general mood with incendiary couplets. In our collection you will find a lot of cool ditties on New Year theme- for young children and schoolchildren 9 - 10 years old. In addition, we have selected several interesting options, converted into an "adult" way for a corporate party. We are sure that with such funny ditty songs, the New 2019 Year of the Pig (Boar) will be bright and unforgettable.

Since ancient times, ditties have been considered a traditional part festivities and home feasts - funny couplets-quatrains were usually sung to the balalaika or accordion. Such cheerful rhyming lines invariably cause delight and a desire to start dancing. On the eve of the New 2019 Year of the Pig (Boar), many people remember this genre of folk art - when writing a script children's matinee, holiday at school or corporate party for adults. We bring to your attention cool New Year's ditties, the texts of which are easy to remember and learn for the upcoming celebrations. Of course, the main character of ditties will be Yellow Earth Pig- patroness of 2019.

A selection of cool ditties for the New Year 2019

Year of the Pig congratulates us

Wishing you happiness and joy!

Send us a cheerful hello,

To live for many years!

Let luck come to the house

And finances are in our pocket!

And may all our tasks

The Pig-talisman will decide!

Someone in antiquity came up with.

To Pig Mascot

Bringing good luck to the house

And coins - in your pocket!

Let there be a little pig

For happiness and success is generous.

Let her bring it on her back

A bag of love, good luck and kindness!

There are bright toys on the Christmas tree.

Window - in patterns of ice,

May this year of the Eastern Piggy

You will be lucky like never before!

New funny ditties for the New Year 2019 for children

In honor of the New Year, children's matinees are held with Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden, presenting sweet gifts. Before receiving a traditional bag of sweets and tangerines, the child must read a verse or sing a song. So, funny ditties for the New Year - 2019 for kindergarten and younger children school age It is best to choose in advance in order to properly rehearse the performance. Each of the options below for ditties learns easily and quickly, and their content is sure to bring a smile to everyone present. New modern ditties on the theme of the New Year will make children's holiday cheerful and incendiary.

Variants of funny children's ditties about the New Year

Ah, winter, winter, winter,

Russian beauty,

You drove us all crazy

We love winter!

We composed ditties
Everyone tried.
Listen, Santa Claus,
And don't be offended!

Santa Claus brought gifts
He squints his eyes at me.
Who has a quarter of a three,
It thumps terribly.

Dear Santa Claus,
Bring a cart of gifts!
Soon the Pig will come to us,
Let's stand together in a round dance!

Sea, sun and tablets,

All the guys love it!

May the Pig be kind

And will give us all this soon.

Funny ditties for schoolchildren for the New Year 2019

All students are looking forward to winter holidays to enjoy sledging and skating, play snowballs and hockey with friends. However, first, New Year's "trees" will be held in schools - as a rule, this is a cheerful noisy masquerade ball with the participation of children different ages. If you decide to surprise Santa Claus and classmates with an original number, we suggest learning funny ditties for the New Year 2019. Simple and cheerful, such rhyming lines will give a positive charge and create a special atmosphere inherent in this kind and magical holiday. Our collection of funny New Year's ditties is intended for schoolchildren aged 9-10 - however, younger children can easily master the texts.

Collection of funny ditties for the school New Year

The Christmas tree freezes in the snow,
Crying: “I can’t take it anymore.
To the kids in the school hall
I'll ask for the carnival!

Here come the blizzards

They swirled and sang.

Soon New Year's Eve

Santa Claus is coming!

Twos in our diaries
We won't let you get through
We promise Santa Claus
Try all year.

Like a tree has a top,
So our class sings ditties.
Cheerful our school people,
It won't disappear for anything.

New Year is knocking on the window

On the way, the trio rushes,

The bells are ringing,

Winter holiday for children.

Funny ditties for the New Year - 2019 for an adult corporate party

As December approaches, a series of New Year corporate parties who managed to become a part of office life in many companies. Glasses of sparkling champagne, incendiary dances and competitions - corporate program suggests a lot of interesting things! We tried to collect the funniest ditties for the New Year - 2019 for adults to bring a special touch of humor and fun to the traditional course of the holiday. In the form of funny funny ditties, you can voice congratulations, table toast or just to have a good joke among colleagues. In connection with upcoming holidays we offer to prepare funny ditties with jokes from our collection - choose and sing!

A collection of funny ditties for the New Year's corporate party

We had a year at work
And today we don't mind
Relax a little!

Pig sends us all a bow,

Starting your year.

He will be full of happiness

I wish it all.

A holiday is not everyday life for you!
Together in protest we
Let's collectively forget
About test reports!

To us to a generous table,

Pig came in the New Year.

I wished for order

Happiness, joy, prosperity.

The entire department of IT specialists -
Do not be kinder to traffic cops.
Do not pour them a stack -
Buttons won't show.

New Year's converted ditties for a corporate party for the Year of the Pig (Boar)

A corporate party in honor of the New Year is always a fun, incendiary event with a lot of jokes and gags. So, for the script, you can pick up ditties, converted from famous songs to a festive New Year's motive. Such funny ditties-alterations in a collective performance or "solo" will cheer up everyone - not only colleagues, but also the authorities. Here you will find a selection of the best themed ditties for a corporate party for the Year of the Pig (Boar). You will only have to choose suitable options and learn for the upcoming new year party- fun and laughter to you!

I thought a man!

Well, what the hell!

funny cool ditties for the New Year - great way It is not commonplace to congratulate relatives, friends or work colleagues on the occasion. On our pages you will find a festive selection of new funny New Year's ditties with jokes and humor for children preschool age and children 9-10 years old. If you have a corporate party in honor of the New 2019 Year of the Pig (Boar), we recommend a choice of funny converted ditties - funny couplets for adults. Happy New Year 2019!

New Year's ditties for younger students

Author Lyapina Vera Valerievna teacher primary school MBOU secondary school No. 47 Samara city district
Description I bring to your attention the author's New Year's ditties. This material can be used for new year events V primary school and preschool.
Target Creating a festive, positive, New Year's mood.
- Develop speech, memory, imagination, Creative skills;
- To form an interest in folklore, singing and memorizing ditties;
-Develop a sense of humor.

New Year's ditties

We meet the year of the monkey
And of course we promise
What bananas whole year
All the people will eat.

Everyone will go around in circles
Songs to sing about the New Year.
Happiness, joy, health
All people wish.

Santa Claus from the old people
The most kind, affectionate.
He brought us gifts
For us to be happy.

Let's spin around the Christmas tree
Cheerful happy
Girls and boys
Most beautiful.

We run from the cold
We stomp our feet.

Well, Santa Claus
Thought we were playing.

Where are you, blizzards and snowstorms,
All roads were covered.
Santa's sleigh
They drove past the house.

They say that Santa Claus
Bringing gifts for everyone.
I will wait at the gate
Grandfather's sleigh.

We make a snowman
We clap our hands.
Soon, soon the New Year!
You are so good.

Take the old year with you
Twos and threes.
Give us New Year
Only one five.

Monkey in the New Year
Surprised all the people.
She sang songs around the palm tree,
Started a round dance.

I got up early today
And at the Christmas tree I found out
The fact that at night Santa Claus
He brought me gifts.

We cut snowflakes
White, airy.
To be a whole year
All children are obedient.

We dress up the best
holiday tree.
Let's dance and sing
Bunny and wolf.

We collected snowflakes:
One two three four five.
Didn't have time to look back
And no snowflakes to be seen.

What a bright holiday
The kids are having fun.
Everyone is waiting for a gift for a long time -
It's time to receive!

We finish singing ditties
And we invite you all.
Come visit us more often
The songs will be even sweeter!

New Year's ditties for children

Put your ears on top

Listen carefully

New Year's ditties

Let's sing for you diligently.

The new year is already in a hurry

Santa Claus sleeps so sweetly.

We have drops on the street,

As spring rings all day.

Wake up Santa Claus

You brought the guys to tears.

It's time for you to get up

Blizzards, blizzards to release.

Here come the blizzards

They swirled and sang.

Soon New Year's Eve

Santa Claus is coming!

New Year is knocking on the door

Snowstorms sing outside the window.

Snow on the street creaks

Santa Claus is in a hurry.

Vova, Tanya and Marinka

Catching snowflakes in the yard.

Kolya opened his mouth wider

And I caught snowflakes.

Everyone at the Christmas tree frolic

And they sing and have fun.

Only Kolya only hisses

He lies with angina.

Busy in our house

Everyone is festively dressed

Father Frost hurry up go

I'll give you candy.

I'm not afraid of frost

I'm going to walk quickly

I will wear boots

After all, I'm not small anymore.

Today's New Year's holiday

Time is moving forward.

Spread your gifts

Limousine Frost takes.

We sang ditties to you

Is it good or bad

We only ask you

Whatever, you patted us.

Drink, children, have fun,

round dance song,

Don't spare your connections

On New Year's Eve.

Sing, kids, have fun

see off Old year.

Let it be stronger on the street

Vaska the cat is having fun.

We made a snowman

All passers-by love it.

He's so used to the cold

And famous among the people.

New Year is knocking on the window

On the way, the trio rushes,

The bells are ringing,

Winter holiday for children.

All garlands sparkle

Christmas tree.

The song dance kindles

Russian traditional.

We celebrate the New Year

at our school every year.

We sing songs together

We walk happily.

This holiday is a miracle!

You won't find more fun!

Minus - that guests come,

Plus - that you don’t go to kindergarten.

Two aunts hooted:

Well, dare! Come on buddy!

Open your mouth soon

Tell us a poem!

I blush, I sweat

I want to tell them:

“I don’t want and I can’t

I, aunts, amuse you!”

Since I can't write...

Mom writes for now.

"Santa Claus, come soon

I, please, a puppy!”

Early in the morning out of bed

Got out with grief in half,

Looked under the branches of a spruce -

The cubes were there!

Of course I understand -

I need to learn letters.

Only on a holiday I wish

Still get a puppy.

Well, dad in a wolf mask

Curled up to

What the tree could not stand

And fell on him!

We swept the needles

How many "holiday" troubles!

Someone flopped into pieces,

Cool holiday - New Year!

I sit on the sled
I boldly roll from the hill,
Let it be white from the snow
But what a bold one!

Yes! On the tree of toys
You and I cannot be counted.
Only our caretaker knows for sure
How many are on the tree

He grew to my eyebrows,
He climbed into my boots.
They say he is Santa Claus,
And naughty like a little one.

Near the Christmas tree with us
Games, dances, songs.
Dear, good New Year,
There is no you more wonderful!

Happy New Year,
New Years greetings!
I wish mom and dad
To live up to a hundred years!

Santa Claus slept in bed
I got up, ringing icicles:
Where are you, blizzards and snowstorms?
Why don't you wake me up?

Winter New Year's holiday,
I love you the most!
The long-awaited fight of the Chimes
I won't sleep for anything!

IN kindergarten my
We'll go to the matinee
And for Santa Claus
Let's sing a song together.

We are not afraid of frost
We don't care about the blizzard!
Us from a walk to kindergarten
Do not lure with a roll!

Our Santa Claus with a beard,
With lush mustache
But as a young guy
Dancing with us.

Everywhere the trees sparkled -
IN bright stars whole country.
For the guys and in this room
The miracle tree is lit.

New Year's Carnival
Serpentine bright light
Even sent to adults
Hello from childhood!

Near the house, at the rink
I made a snowman
Made a nose out of a carrot
Got Santa Claus.

Frozen Santa Claus
winter patterns,
We don't have to buy
Curtains on the windows.

Santa Claus his picture
We left on the glass.
We will draw with skates -
Santa Claus on the river.

At the Snow Maiden to the floor,
The braid has already grown.
As I walked down the corridor
The floor was swept with a scythe.

We chose ourselves
Christmas tree at the market.
Bought a three meter
Needle to needle.

I skated to school
On skates and answered -
Hurry up your boots
After all, I did not take it with me!

In our hall there is noise and laughter,
The singing doesn't stop.
Our tree is the best!
There is no doubt about this.

Circling, circling in a round dance
Snow beauties.
dance blizzard
We all love it!

In the hall, the Christmas tree is beautiful!
In sequins, everything and everything in toys,
With a star on top

In this room, in this room
The kids are funny
Something stopped clapping, -
Sing a new ditty!

I got up early today.
She ran straight to the tree.
Thank you, Santa Claus
What gifts he brought me!

Santa Claus brought gifts
He squints his eyes at me.
Who has a quarter deuce,
It thumps terribly.

The New Year is knocking at the door!
It's a holiday - no matter where!
Only to those who believe in miracles
He comes! Yes! Yes! Yes!

Earlier letters to Santa Claus
Ah, the snowmen!
And now he gets
sms and calls!

I molded from plasticine
White snowman.
Grandma won't stay
No gift from granddaughter!

I am a cheerful Snow Maiden,
I'll play hide and seek with you.
But I'm afraid to drink tea -
I melt from the hot.

That's how Santa Claus -
Freeze everyone seriously.
Look at the guys
Like icicles, everyone is standing.

Tumbling snowman
A whole day in a snowdrift.
The whole snowdrift stuck to him,
The snowman is huge.

It's snowing, it's snowing
Soon, soon the New Year
Santa Claus will come to us
Bring gifts to everyone.

Santa Claus rides on a troika
The bells are ringing.
The heart starts beating
On this holiday, the guys.

We sang ditties to you,
Meeting the New Year!
And now they would like to sit at the table -
Have some tea!

The New Year has already entered Russian culture so firmly that it is impossible to imagine winter without a Christmas tree, tangerines and champagne. Another part of our culture are ditties. They are also traditional for Russians, and for any reason. Therefore, very quickly two such weighty traditions united, and people began to sing ditties for the New Year. Although among them there are types. These can be ditties for the New Year 2019 with a specific congratulation in honor of the patron animal, or they can contain jokes, romantic overtones or deep philosophical sayings.


Most of these ditties can be sung in any company. This is a restrained form of folk art, acceptable for performance both at a corporate party in a reputable company, and from the stage in various institutions. Although in large quantities such ditties for the New Year are not very suitable for friendly companies or other gatherings in narrow circle. For such cases, it is better to choose more free varieties of ditties, leaving 2-3 of the congratulatory pieces.

Pig sends us all a bow,
Starting your year.
He will be full of happiness
I wish it all.

With dances and songs
Let's celebrate the year with fun
Congratulations to everyone from the bottom of our hearts
May success await you in the year.

Let luck pursue
And finances are pouring in.
Let no one cry around!
Happy New Year dear!

What makes the soul sing
Pig is good now!
She promised us a new year
Secured and cool!

Santa Claus brings a pig
Starting the New Year
May good luck come to the house
And circles like a round dance!

Don't rush out of the house
On this glorious New Year,
Congratulations, the right of speech,
My mouth is already full.

To us to a generous table,
Pig came in the New Year.
I wished for order
Happiness, joy, prosperity.


This kind of ditty often goes on the verge of decency, so they are not always usable among the masses. Not all of them can be sung at a corporate party, not to mention concerts. Moreover, it is this category of ditties that is most in demand in a friendly company or in a family circle.

New year, new year
Mood holiday.
Someone drinks compote with vodka,
Well, I'm jam.

Happy New Year
I wanted to sing for you
Well, who doesn't want to listen
He will get right in the eye.

Year of the Pig is knocking on the door
And around the people booze,
Escort the evil beast
The dog was sent home.

IN New Year the boar came
Clean, ruddy and very bold,
And a surprise came for the dog,
Because now he's out of business.

Like at our party
The pig appeared
I ate all the tangerines
Leaving nothing.

New Year was celebrated brightly,
They danced from the heart.
Lost all gifts
Somewhere in the drunken wilderness we are.

Rejoice hot people
The year of the pig is coming!
Drunk and blind and sighted
Get into the round dance!

New Year's ditties,
Let's sing all night now
Sing along to me girlfriends
When you can't eat or drink.

Drink your booze soon
To make it stronger!
We need to meet the pig,
Drunk grunt and squeal!

Congratulate, don't congratulate
Just pour more!
Otherwise we can't
The Pig has come to visit us!

Romantic and provocative

This group of ditties for the New Year is combined with respect to the holiday and love relationship or dedicated only to couples. In the first case, this folk art relevant only for winter holiday. If the speech in the ditty is only about people, then they can be performed at other friendly gatherings.

With cute Piggy we met,
He got drunk like a pig
We said we were kissing
Only I wasn't there.

That year I wished
Happiness to find a wagon.
Now he has appeared
And his name is Anton.

On New Year's Eve, I thought
Love full of edges
Something I didn't want
My husband is a total pig!

On New Year's Eve I told my husband
What I want is a feast by the mountain.
He stained all the dishes
In the morning he said to me: “Wash!”.

New Year is a magical holiday
Like it was made for two.
Though he's such a prankster
The night passed for the women alone.

Loved with a sweet New Year,
Until the first dawn!
Very surprised in the morning
There are THREE stacks on the table!

New Year's fun
Brought a lot of happiness!
Basilius took me to Paris,
That's what it means to be lucky!

Philosophically reasonable

Such ditties can be sung for almost every New Year, and not just in 2019. In addition, they are not just a piece of sung rhymed text, such ditties touch on some eternal problems, both everyday and worldview.

Thinking about the New Year
We are all ready
How to set the table for dinner
Not all words at once.

Who knocks at the gate
Bringing us doors
The patron is coming to us
Open soon.

Royal New Year
I will forgive all the enemies of evil,
So that they are all right in a brutal way,
Like a pig straight lucky.

Kohl around white is white,
covered with a blizzard,
12 months have passed
New Year at the door.

Oh, I'm tired girlfriends,
Sing funny ditties.
To break us all into tears,
I read prose.

Last year was tough for us.
We are tired of living hard.
Let's see what's new
The year will be able to offer us.

Those who believe that singing ditties for the New Year 2019 is no longer fashionable, let them know that folk traditions always in trend. A stylish dinner with prim faces, for all its visual aesthetics, has not become common during the celebration of the New Year. At the same time, a holiday with ditties, karaoke and shouts of joy at the launch of fireworks is the most common. Because he is funny and bright. Happy New Year to all with songs, dances and ditties.