The meaning of a person's handwriting. What does a person's handwriting say?

Everything can tell about a person’s character: his appearance, manners, habits and even handwriting. Even without knowing a person at all, by the way he writes, the trained eye of a specialist can determine with whom he is dealing. And it's not about what we write. The trick is in how we do it. No matter how hard a person tries to write beautifully and correctly, everyone has their own characteristics of lettering, their own handwriting. This is due to the fact that our brain sends certain impulses to the “hand” while writing.

By analyzing a person’s handwriting and character, we can talk about self-esteem, emotionality, willpower and much more. In order for the results of a handwriting study to be most reliable, a person must write in a calm state. It is advisable to use several recordings made at different times. It is convenient to use a diary for research. Although you can evaluate almost any recording. The nature of the recording will show what emotional state the person was in. On unlined paper it will open up more possibilities.

Character by handwriting: graphology

Graphology is the study of human handwriting. This science is not as young as it might seem. She examines the inclination of letters, the degree of their proximity to each other, and their location on paper. Graphological analysis allows us to identify not only the qualities that a person possesses, but also to determine personal perspectives and inclinations.

People started talking about the connection between handwriting and character back in the Middle Ages. The Roman historian Suetonius at the beginning of the 16th century became the author of a book that can be considered the basis of graphology. In the 19th century, data from various sources regarding handwriting were systematized by J. Michon. A significant contribution to graphology was made by the biologist V. Preyer, who studied the connection between writing and physiology. He even conducted experiments under hypnosis, during which people were told what character traits they possessed. The same person, with different “characteristics,” wrote in different handwriting.

R. Wieser conducted a study of the handwriting of criminals and confirmed the versions of her contemporaries that one can judge a person’s inclinations by handwriting. She examined the handwriting of more than 700 people who committed various crimes and made her own conclusions about how to determine a person’s character from handwriting.

The main directions of character research based on handwriting

Character by handwriting: arrangement of lines

  1. The direction of the lines indicates a person’s self-confidence or lack of confidence. If the lines are directed downward, they will reveal an apathetic nature with a pessimistic outlook on life. This is what sentimental individuals who do not show initiative write.
  2. Lines that go up characters for brave people who are used to taking on a lot. They are determined, self-confident, ambitious.
  3. It happens that the lines run up and down - this is a kind of “imprint” of resourcefulness.
  4. If the lines are lowered and then raised, the person is used to finishing what he started. In the opposite situation, we can say that a person grabs onto everything in a row, but gives up what he started halfway. Such people are fickle and have problems with patience.

Handwriting character: connections between letters

  1. You can often find people who write letters in isolation from each other. The actions of such natures are difficult to logic; they live by inspiration, largely relying on their own intuition. The life of such people can hardly be called boring.
  2. Fluent handwriting, in which connections between letters are sometimes present and sometimes absent, indicates that its owner is smart and ready to take initiative.
  3. Continuous writing of letters is evidence of the ability to think critically and reason logically.
  4. Even handwriting speaks of calmness and harmony with oneself, while calligraphic handwriting can speak of diligence and accuracy, but such people are not very independent, it is difficult for them to make decisions, they are highly dependent on other people’s opinions.
  5. Illegible handwriting is typical for energetic and nervous people.

Handwriting character: letter styles

  1. People with rounded handwriting are ready to make compromises; they are born diplomats.
  2. Angular letters indicate independence of character and selfishness. It is worth paying attention to the size of the letters.
  3. Small letters are written by secretive and reserved individuals; large letters are typical for sociable people who easily make contact with others.
  4. Letters of different sizes indicate imbalance and inner restlessness.
  5. If the letters are located close to each other, the owner of such handwriting is meticulous and thrifty.
  6. A large distance between the letters speaks of a person with a broad soul.

Handwriting character: slant

Most people write with a slant, which can also reveal character traits.

  1. Tilt to the right will tell about determination. A slight tilt in the same direction will show calmness and balance, but at the same time, those with a slight tilt in their handwriting periodically like to be left alone with themselves.
  2. People who write with a left slant are individualists. They oppose their own interests to public ones, and are ready to go against everything if their convictions require it.
  3. Stubborn people write without tilting.
  4. Hot temper is indicated by an excessively strong tilt, in which the letters almost lie on the line. Tilt in different directions indicates a capricious nature, whose mind is constantly in a struggle with feelings.

Handwriting character: pressure and margins

  1. Strong pressure is characteristic of strong, egocentric personalities. They have an optimistic outlook on life and are decisive in business. In combination with a strong tilt, similar pressure speaks of rigor in life views.
  2. Weak pressure for sensitive people. Most often they are distinguished by frivolity and carelessness.
  3. If a person leaves the fields on the left, he is most likely characterized by pettiness. Such people do everything for the sake of their family.
  4. The fields on the right are reserved for generous natures. The wider they are, the more generosity an individual is capable of.

Character by handwriting: signature

Not only handwriting can tell about character and inclinations. Even a signature can tell a lot about its owner. An abundance of loops is characteristic of cunning people with high powers of observation. If the signature is crossed out, this is a sign of impulsiveness and irrepressible vital energy.

Introverted people are characterized by signatures circled. The simpler the signature, the more self-confidence it indicates.

Character by handwriting: examples

The author of smooth, upward lines brings what he started to the end.

Low letters characterize a person who lives by instincts.

Consistent writing of letters indicates developed logic and clarity of thinking.

Character by handwriting. Test

Many people are interested in how to determine character by handwriting. This test will help you understand yourself or those around you without a handwriting specialist. It consists of 5 stages, thanks to which you will be able to recognize your character by handwriting. So let's get started:

  1. You need to quickly write down a sentence of 6-7 words.
  2. The same sentence is written slowly.
  3. You need to draw a small animal.
  4. Without any extra thought, draw a geometric figure.
  5. Draw a road with an arrow in the direction.

When interpreting the test, first of all, two text fragments are compared. If the handwriting remains the same, regardless of the speed of writing, this indicates a person who reacts quickly to changing circumstances. Otherwise, we can talk about a tendency to change moods.

Rounded letters indicate a person who is ready to compromise, with a predominant feminine principle. Angular - talk about rudeness and strength of character. Small letters will indicate a person who is under stress; letters with “decorations” will indicate creative unfulfillment. You can also evaluate handwriting using other criteria mentioned above in this article.

In the drawing of the animal, it is worth paying attention to the emotions that can be considered a protection of the emotions of the person being tested. Additional details - bows, mustaches, etc. they will talk about immaturity.

In the figure, pay attention to the presence of corners - their presence indicates dissatisfaction in the realization of desires; a circle or oval symbolizes developed willpower and the ability to complete what has been started.

The road should be assessed from the point of view of straightness; a straight line shows the presence of clear goals; a winding road indicates that a person talks more than he acts.

A little more about character based on handwriting

Human handwriting, despite centuries of research, still poses a mystery to humanity. And although determining character by handwriting is popular today, you cannot be 100% sure of the results. Independent study of your own handwriting can help you discover your inclinations and get to know yourself. Surely in the future it will be possible to find out a person’s character from his handwriting with greater accuracy, and someday determining a person’s character from his handwriting

Will be used when applying for a job.

5 ways to recognize character by handwriting. Video

It is graphology, a science that helps to reveal through handwriting the connection between a person and his character, that reveals all the main signs that help determine the main personal qualities of each person.

Recognizing character by handwriting shape

The density and coherence of what is written is what determines the main characteristics of a person’s character. It is worth noting that a person cannot consciously change his handwriting, but over time it itself changes.

  1. Large handwriting usually characteristic of extroverts, a person whose character attracts people to him. Such individuals are not shy, have high self-esteem, and are not averse to boasting about their leadership qualities.
  2. Small handwriting usually among introverts, that is, among those who put their inner world first, and can fully express their character only under exceptional circumstances. This type of handwriting indicates the absence of false pride and restraint. An introvert prefers spending time in small groups and can be withdrawn. Often, it is quite difficult for such individuals to find a common language with others.
  3. Sweeping handwriting those whose character is dominated by notes of masculinity and pride show a desire for self-affirmation (and the larger the capital letters, the greater this desire). Moreover, breadth can be interpreted as an unconscious desire to play a major role in many sectors of life.
  4. Sharp handwriting indicates that a person’s character combines aggressiveness and education. Often these are insightful, intelligent, but also cunning individuals. In addition, such handwriting is not always found in good-natured people.
Determining character by handwriting: neatness, letter tips and pressure
  1. If what is written can be called scribbles, then their owner is unbalanced. In many cases, such people do not have a strict daily routine: they go to bed late and start their day very early, and their work is full of nervous situations. The positive side is that such handwriting is considered a sign of genius, because in absolutely all brilliant people it is illegible.
  2. Easy, clear handwriting speaks of a strong and calm person. Such clarity speaks of a healthy, stable psyche and excellent physical shape.
  3. Weak pressure indicates a person prone to compromise and susceptible to manipulation. In the case where there is no pressure at all, it is possible that the individual has problems with self-esteem (it is underestimated) and has some complexes.
  4. Medium pressure found in purposeful people with developed willpower. In addition, such people value themselves highly and are not the first to keep everything under control.
  5. Strong pressure those who live in the world of material pleasures and experiments of a sexual nature. Sometimes such pressure is typical for emotional, hysterical people.

If we talk about the tips of the letters, then if, let’s say, the “tails” of some letters go down strongly, this is a clear sign that the person is sexually active, full of passion and sexual desire.

Does handwriting really reflect a person’s character or is it just an illusion for others? Is it true that one can recognize the weak and strong traits of human nature from handwriting?

The handwriting of an adult can with full confidence be called the writing of the brain. A child who is learning to write consciously forms the shape of each letter. His movements require serious effort. Adults who have developed the skill of writing perform similar actions without thinking about the process. Therefore, the way of writing letters on a piece of paper can be considered a second nature of a person.

How to recognize a person by handwriting?

One of the methods used to study personality is handwriting analysis. A person changes over time - his handwriting also undergoes changes. There are often cases when, looking at a text written in one’s own hand 5-10 years ago, a person does not immediately understand that he wrote it. Handwriting can depend on surrounding circumstances and mood. But this does not in any way reduce the reliability of the analysis. On the contrary, experts recommend not making any conclusions based on just one inscription. It is better if the analysis uses recordings made by a person at different times and under different conditions.

Features of human personality analysis based on handwriting

There are certain nuances and subtleties that should be taken into account during handwriting analysis if you really want this analysis to provide real information.

  1. Graphologists who want to know what a person's handwriting says understand that the results are probabilistic conclusions, not statements.
  2. Handwriting analysis allows you to form a general idea of ​​a person, rather than thoroughly studying his individual qualities.
  3. Before you can determine a person’s character from their handwriting, you should analyze several pages of text. It is better if they are recorded by a person under different conditions.

Why analyze handwriting at all?

Personnel workers, by studying a person's handwriting, can understand how suitable he is for performing a certain job. Using handwriting, you can predict a person’s temperament, as well as the characteristics of his mental state. Knowledge of graphology can help in choosing a suitable profession.

You can study the character of a leader by looking at his handwriting. This will allow you to properly build a working relationship with him. In addition, you can understand the characteristics of your handwriting and evaluate your own abilities and characteristics of your mental state. This information will allow a person to effectively build interpersonal relationships with his environment.

The main thing to remember is that the results of handwriting analysis are not absolute dogma. In order to discover confirmation of a particular character trait, they must be compared with other characteristics.

What does a person's handwriting say?

To understand what a person's handwriting says, you should evaluate the three zones of letters, the slope, movement and direction of the stroke.

  1. The three zones correspond to areas of human life.

    You can distinguish the upper, lower and middle zones.

    — Upper zone characterizes a person's philosophical abilities. Here you can note the ideals, plans, and religiosity of the individual.
    — Middle zone is responsible for the connection of the individual with his life at the moment. Characterizes the characteristics of a person’s relationship with other people.
    — Lower zone demonstrates a person's physical abilities. Before determining a person's character by handwriting, pay attention to the arrangement of letters.

  2. Loops in a person's handwriting

    The loops that accompany any letter represent the imagination of the individual. If the loops are located mainly in the lower zone, then we can say that the person has a special imagination in the physical sphere. This can also be interpreted in such a way that a person needs to satisfy some physical desires.

  3. Movement is responsible for the ability to achieve goals.

    If a person writes slowly and the letters are close to calligraphic, then most likely he is unproductive and prone to stereotypical behavior. Writing out unnecessary decorative elements indicates a person’s reluctance or inability to separate the main points from the secondary ones. Such people often pay a lot of attention to detail. It is these kinds of details that help you better recognize a person by their handwriting.

  4. Handwriting slant in psychology

    The tilt of the letters indicates the emotional state of the person. If the letters are slanted to the right, then the person strives to communicate with other people. If the letters are tilted to the left, then we can say that the person is prone to inhibition or has a strong dependence on the past.

  5. Pressure while writing

    The emotional foundation is made up of the pressure and tilt of the letters. These two parameters are the basis of any analysis. With their help, you can understand how to recognize a person by handwriting.

    Pressure can be interpreted from several perspectives. It can be weak or strong, the lines can be thin or thick. Depth, uniformity, heterogeneity, chiaroscuro and other parameters matter. Constant pressure speaks of the emotional closeness or passivity of the individual. It indicates that a person is taking a defensive position.

    Stopping while writing indicates determination and strength of character. Such people are always ready to decide to take further steps.

    Soft pressure is a characteristic of a relaxed person with low vitality. The analyzed subject can lead a rather passive lifestyle, not fully using his capabilities.

  6. Margin size

    The size of the margins left in handwritten text indicates the degree of extravagance of the individual. This is an additional indicator. If a person leaves wide empty margins on both sides, then we can say that he has good taste. Such people are instinctively drawn to beautiful, exquisite things. The psychology of a person’s handwriting allows others to form a basic idea of ​​a specific person.

    Reasonable people tend to frame text with fields of optimal width. If the free space is distributed rationally, then we can say that the person thinks through all his actions in advance. If the fields on the left and right are very flat and narrow, then we can talk about reasonable prudence and frugality. People who strive to make the most of any situation leave no margins at all.

  7. Topography

    Graphologists pay great attention to the topography of the text. For example, a sign of a good performer is good text structuring. Such people rarely endure words. They are unlikely to show a creative approach when performing a particular task. But they will never deviate from the regulations and current instructions.

The psychology of a person’s handwriting is such that it can also reveal the weaknesses of a person. For example, you can find out about a person’s addiction to alcohol. “Jumping letters” of different sizes indicate a person’s deviation from recognized norms. This handwriting is difficult to read; it is full of curls.

Is there a connection between a person's character and his handwriting? How to determine character by handwriting? These issues are studied not by fortune tellers and fortune tellers, but by an entire science - graphology, which claims that the size and shape of letters when writing, the coherence and density of handwriting, pressure can tell a lot of interesting things about a person’s character, his strengths and weaknesses, preferences, age and even about the type of professional activity. Over time, handwriting may change, but it is impossible to consciously and radically change it. In the days of computers and mobile phones, getting a handwritten text from the person you're interested in is not so easy. If you still manage to get a sample longer than three or four lines, you can begin the “examination.” Please note, a greeting card does not count! They are usually signed in stilted and impersonal calligraphic handwriting, behind which it is difficult to discern the true identity.

Handwriting as a characteristic of individuality

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How to determine character by handwriting

  • Availability of fields

The fields left when writing will tell you about a person’s attitude towards material values.

Wide fields, as a rule, leave open, active natures with “soul and wallet wide open.” However, there must be moderation in everything. Too wide brims may not indicate generosity, but a desire for luxury and pathos, as well as a tendency to boast. If the left edge widens downward, this is a clear sign of waste.

Narrow margins on the left are mainly found among thrifty and even petty people. The narrower the fields, the higher the likelihood that frugality borders on stinginess and pettiness. The left edge, tapering downward, clearly reveals a greedy and stingy person from whom, as they say, you can’t beg snow even in winter.

A natural slight tilt to the right is uninformative. He can only tell you that in elementary school such a person was a diligent student and obediently wrote beautiful letters in the copybook.

Direct handwriting indicates inner harmony, balance of character, balanced judgments and sobriety of views.

If the handwriting is too “overturned”, it means that a person has a rebellious nature with a constant desire to go against everyone and everything, even in cases where the person is aware that he is wrong. My favorite pastime is to criticize and blame others, not noticing the “log in my own eye.” The greater the tilt to the left, the higher the degree of rebellion and pure selfishness.

Handwriting that leans too far to the right, on the contrary, reveals a person who is ready to adapt to others; it also speaks of diligence and obedience. The greater the tilt to the right, the less independent a person is, the more dependent he is on the support and approval of others.

  • Line direction

Lines that rise from beginning to end are characteristic of optimistic people who never lose heart or give up. Pessimists, on the contrary, omit the lines when writing. Direct lines are found among reasonable, calm, sensible people with a sober outlook on life, who realistically assess their capabilities. Wavy lines indicate imbalance, eccentricity, lack of independence, immaturity and guile.

  • Letter shape

There are three types of letters based on their shape: round, angular and combined.

Rounded letters indicate a soft and compliant character. These are open and friendly people. It is pleasant and easy to communicate with them, you can always find a common language with them, however, the lack of a “core” prevents them from achieving their goals.

Angular letters indicate selfishness. Such people are often harsh, arrogant and uncompromising; it is difficult for them to take into account the opinions of other people and make compromises, since they are accustomed to considering themselves to be the ultimate truth.

And yet, most of us have a combined letter shape, in which there is both roundness and angularity, which means that, depending on the situation, we can show will or give in, finding ourselves vulnerable and defenseless.

  • Letter size

Handwriting can be small (letters smaller than 2 mm), medium (letters from 2 to 4 mm) and large (letters larger than 4 mm). With age or even just fatigue, handwriting can become larger. The most consistent and reliable indicators of developed handwriting are observed in middle-aged people from 25 to 40 years old.

Medium-sized letters are the most common and least informative. If the average size of letters is observed in calligraphic handwriting, this characterizes a person as obedient, diligent, neat, obliging, but not independent.

Large letters indicate an open and emotional personality with leadership abilities. Such people have not only an internal need to be at the forefront, but also all the necessary qualities for this. However, the larger the handwriting, the more difficult it is for a person to control himself and control his feelings and emotions.

Small letters indicate a reserved, secretive and even withdrawn nature. At the same time, small handwriting can indicate thoughtfulness, strong will and determination. Such a person knows what he wants and, despite obstacles, moves towards his goal. However, he does not boast about his achievements. His principle: “the slower you go, the further you will go.” And there is no doubt that he will “get there”.

  • Letter Density

If a person writes too densely and compactly, he seeks to protect his soul and his inner world from the invasion of outsiders. The higher the density of writing, the more secretive and withdrawn the person is. Finding the key to his heart, forcing him to open, to crawl out of his hole into the “light of God” will not be easy, but the one who succeeds will receive a worthy reward - a faithful, devoted friend who will never betray or let him down.

  • Handwriting coherence

Coherent handwriting, characterized by the continuous writing of letters in words (without breaks), is a sign of straightforwardness of character, consistency and determination. Such people are logical and predictable in their behavior.

Jerky handwriting, according to most graphologists, indicates an extraordinary and talented person from whom one can expect crazy and unexpected actions. As a rule, such people have very well developed intuition.

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What a person’s signature can tell you

A person’s signature can tell as much, if not more, about him than his handwriting. The signature will reveal even those character traits that the person himself is trying in every possible way to hide from others.

  • A simple standard signature speaks of courage and self-confidence.
  • A signature with elaborate loops is typical for observant and cunning people.
  • The more loops, strokes, curls and other decorative elements a signature contains, the more its author has a developed imagination, ingenuity, resourcefulness, and excellent artistic taste.
  • A crossed out signature indicates an impulsive, energetic, but rather harsh personality.
  • An underlined signature is found among enterprising people, but if the stroke below returns to the beginning, this is a sign of selfishness and pathological distrust.
  • If the entire signature or several letters are circled, its author is timid and shy.
  • The correspondence of the initial letter of the signature to the initial letter of the surname indicates simplicity, modesty, and a sensible assessment of one’s capabilities.
  • If the initial letter indicates the name of the writer, and is followed by a signature from the surname, you have a businesslike, thoughtful and responsible person.
  • An overly decorated initial letter in a signature indicates egocentrism, ambition and narcissism, and an inability to highlight and focus on the main thing.
  • Zigzag strokes or wavy lines are observed in energetic, active, active people with a cheerful disposition. Their weak traits are restlessness and a superficial approach to many issues.
  • A rising signature is found in temperamental, energetic, optimistic people.
  • A horizontal stroke indicates constancy, prudence and balance.
  • A signature going down is a sign of uncertainty, indecision, pessimism, a tendency to the blues and depression.
  • A large, sweeping signature reveals a self-centered nature that loves to command and be the center of attention.
  • A straight, abrupt stroke at the end of the signature is a sign of determination, courage, energy, and toughness in relationships with subordinates.
  • The ability to notice details that usually remain without due attention will help you learn a little more about a person than he is ready to tell about himself.

It is important for each person to know and understand the other. Unfortunately, in the modern world it often happens that it is impossible to communicate with a person directly, and in these cases the science of graphology is indispensable. A graphologist will be able, using only a person’s handwriting, to find out everything about him, from his character to his occupation.

But, knowing a few key points, even a person who is not a specialist can recognize character traits and create a psychological portrait of another. That is why in today’s article we will talk about this topic. We will study graphology and learn the important nuances of this area.

Briefly about the main thing or what graphology is

In all areas of life, it is simply necessary to know the person with whom you communicate, work or live. After all, the effectiveness of teamwork or other activities is often directly related to how well you know another person. And you can understand another only when you have drawn his psychological portrait.

And in cases where you do not have the opportunity to acquire the information you need through physical contact, such a necessary and subtle science as graphology can help you.

Graphology is the science of handwriting and the methods that allow us to study the personal characteristics and mental state of the individual who wrote a specific text.

Today there are a lot of books in which everyone can find information that interests them. But here we will look at the most important points of this science, so that you can independently study the handwriting of the person you need and understand his character and more.

So, first of all, graphologists assure that for an accurate analysis it is necessary to study more than one sheet of paper written by the person whose handwriting you want to study.

Since experts have come to the conclusion that at the beginning of a letter a person writes unnaturally, and then begins to slowly “open up,” that is why the last pages are the most interesting for researchers.

In a science like graphology, every little thing matters. For example, when a graphologist takes a sheet of paper with an inscription for study, the first thing he begins to study is the sheet itself on which the person wrote. Since experts came to the conclusion that the leaf itself will tell a lot of interesting things about the owner.

For example: if you see in front of you a white sheet of paper with torn edges, traces of dirt, coffee, grease, etc., then most likely the person who wrote on it is a bungler and a slob. In addition, there is a high probability that he is greedy, since he was stingy to change the sheet when it went bad.

And when you have a clean, large sheet of paper in front of you, it is a sign that the owner of this paper is a generous and neat person. But this may also indicate such a character trait as a tendency to wastefulness.

So as you begin your research, don’t lose sight of such an important little thing as a piece of paper.

Deciphering handwriting or what to pay attention to?

Studies have shown that graphology provides the most accurate information about personality in the range of 25-45 years. This is the age where, by studying handwriting, you can find out interesting information about a person.

When starting to study a person’s handwriting, in order to identify personality traits, experts first of all take into account some key points. We'll talk about them below:

  1. The size of letters is the first important point in learning handwriting. It has already been proven that the size of a person’s letters changes both with age and with a specific physical condition. For example, the older a person is or if he is tired, tired, then his letters turn out larger. More often you can find medium-sized letters. And if you see handwriting with medium letters, then this does not indicate any specific character trait of the person who wrote it. In the case when a person has large letters, this may indicate that the person who wrote them has leadership qualities. Such a person can be emotional and sociable. They can easily establish new connections and acquaintances.

    If you see handwriting where the letters are small, then this is a sure sign that the person who wrote them is a purposeful and reserved person. In some cases, this may also indicate such character traits in a person as secrecy and isolation.
  2. Margins – The second important consideration when studying handwriting is to consider margins. If a person leaves narrow margins, then this indicates that he is thrifty. In some cases, this is a sign of the pettiness of the writer. Remember, the narrower the fields, the more frugality a person expresses, and sometimes this can even reach the point of stinginess. If a person leaves wide fields, then this indicates his generosity. However, do not get carried away, because if the margins are very wide, then this rather indicates the author’s extravagance than his generosity. And if you see excessively wide margins in the letter, then the author may turn out to be a braggart and a vain person who strives for luxury.
  3. Pen pressure - this point speaks not only about the author’s character, but also about his emotional state while writing a text or letter. Everything is simple here: the stronger the author’s emotions, the stronger the pressure of the pen. Basically, strong pressure occurs among workaholics and people who are very energetic. They are sociable, easily make new friends, they are open. And when the pressure is light, the author prefers loneliness and tranquility. More often than not, such people are romantics.
  4. Line Direction – The next important thing in learning handwriting is looking at the lines. Since the very direction of the lines can also tell a lot about the author. So, in people who are characterized by mood swings, adventures, deceit and resourcefulness, we often see “wavy” lines in their letters. If a person is reasonable and restrained, then you can observe straight lines in them, they write as if on a ruler. Such people have adequate self-esteem; they can soberly and honestly evaluate themselves and their skills. When the author's lines tend to rise, this indicates that he is an optimist.
    When the lines go down, then most likely the person who wrote it is a pessimist or a person with low self-esteem.
  5. Connectedness of writing elements – it is also important to study the connectedness of different elements in the text. This also gives important information about the author. The person who writes all the elements together is a straightforward person whose logical thinking predominates. They are often enterprising and love to criticize. If you see a text where all the characters are written separately, this may indicate that the writer has developed imaginative thinking. And in cases where 2-3 letters are connected, this indicates that the author is a balanced person.
  6. The form of the letter - it is also important to study the form of the letter. If you see that the author’s characters are angular and sharp, then this is a sign that the person who wrote this text is an egoist. If the characters are smooth and rounded, then the author is a compliant and pliable person. These are the most loyal individuals who find it very difficult to achieve their intentions.
  7. Script inclination – in graphology it is also very important to study the inclination of writing. When the slant in a letter is weak and directed to the left, this indicates that the person writing likes to criticize everyone. For such people, their interests always come first. If the tilt to the left is very pronounced, then this author is stubborn and tends to consider himself the only correct one. But, most often, there is a slight slant of letters to the right. However, this does not indicate any particularity of a person. This is just a feature of the school, because we are all taught to write this way. If the letters are tilted strongly to the right, then this indicates that the author is a strong and purposeful person. Such handwriting indicates that a person is jealous and he can fall in love very much. And in cases where there is no slant in the letter, this indicates that the person is stubborn. A person who writes like this can think through his actions very well, assess the situation and act confidently and effectively.

These are the main points that are taken into account when studying a person’s handwriting. As anyone can see, learning handwriting is not that difficult.

It is also important to look closely at the capital letter. If the author has it too decorated, this means that the person writing needs recognition and attention from others. This is a person who wants approval so badly.

And when you see that the capital letter is small, this may indicate that the author is uptight.

Handwriting and personality traits

The science of graphology itself sees a connection between handwriting and a person’s personal traits. So we can talk about a person’s personal qualities based on their handwriting.

For example, if a person is hot-tempered, then his letters rise above the line, and the hooks of the last characters often fall below the lines.

If a person is sensitive, then in his writing one can often find unfinished characters, uneven pressure, the presence of slant and pale letters.

The intelligence of the writer is evidenced by the slight or absence of inclination; their letters are without decorative elements, of medium size and round. The distance between words is the same.

On the contrary, the richness of decorative elements in the letter and unusual hooks in the symbols speak about the stupidity of a person. Different distance between words and uneven pressure. For such people, capital letters have a special meaning, which they write with special diligence and in a very original way.

For strong-willed people, symbols are connected to each other. The pressure is even. A small number of strokes and distinct letters. And the letter itself from such people is almost without “decoration”.

For cool-headed people, despite the fact that all the lines are uneven, the last word is always in its exact place. Their symbols are always neat, and the distance between words is different.

The cruelty of a person is indicated by handwriting, where the letters are often underlined. The letters of cruel people are written carefully, hooked, flattened, and yet despite all this, looking at their writing, there is a feeling of roughness and fatness of the letters.

What can a person's signature say?

Both the letter and the signature can tell a lot about the author. Moreover, experts pay special attention to the signature. Below we will consider important points related to the signature and what individual details of the signature can say about a person’s character.

For example, if a person’s signature is ordinary, without unnecessary elements, then this indicates that the person is brave and confident.

When the signature has an underline, then such a person is enterprising.
If the signature has loops, then most likely the author is an observant person.

In those signatures, when the author crossed out his signature, this indicates his impulsiveness and activity.
When you see a circled signature, you can know that the author is a cowardly person, most likely an introvert.

Temperament and handwriting

Experts claim that there is a connection between handwriting and a person’s temperament. Since each representative of one or another temperament has a characteristic type of writing.

Cholerics write with a slant to the right. Their letters are curled and tangled. The pressure can be strong, and the distance between individual words is not even.

Phlegmatic people can be recognized in writing primarily by different letter spacing. And the symbols themselves for phlegmatic people are bold, but their thickness can be variable.

Sanguine people in most cases have beautiful handwriting, although their letters are running, sweeping, and the lines are uneven.

Uneven fields are typical. Their letters dance and have strong strokes and dashes.


In fact, recognizing a person by handwriting is not such a difficult task. The main thing here is to know the important nuances that we talked about above.

However, it is important to understand that you cannot clearly judge a person based on his handwriting. Since a person’s handwriting changes under factors such as age, physiological and mental state, experiences, and the like.

And when you identify a person by handwriting, it is important to remember the fact that a person can have several qualities at the same time. So, don't be too quick to judge someone based on what you learn from studying their handwriting.