Why don't they drink a toast? How to make toasts: table speech or toast etiquette

ROOT → Carved with a pen

About the ship
1981, Yenisei, somewhere between Krasnoyarsk and Podkamennaya Tunguska. Along the banks of the fir tree, fir tree, fir tree... In general, taiga. A figure of unknown gender, age and nationality, dressed in a gray padded jacket and the same gray padded trousers, peeks out from the coastal bushes.

A small tugboat appears, acting as a floating store, but at that moment loaded with completely different goods. The name proudly flaunts on board: “In honor of Lenin’s speech at the III Komsomol Congress.” There are a couple of sun loungers on the deck on which two young and pretty girls are sunbathing. The only clothes they wear are bikinis and beach hats. From the speakers, Queen's "Night at the Opera" is heard throughout the river and its surroundings.

Overriding the rumbling of the steamship's engine and Mercury's heart-rending screams, swords clang, striking sparks: on the roof of the captain's cabin, two men dressed in swimming trunks and plumed hats are fencing frantically. At the stern, wrapped in a sheet bearded man, reads Virgil with inspiration.

All this decorously floats past and, merging with the horizon, floats further to the north. The figure follows the tug with his gaze, unable to make a single movement, and does not leave the river for a long time, trying to comprehend what he saw.

About blacks
My eldest son, my wife and I are waiting in a freshly purchased Lada-five to be loaded onto a ferry in Sweden. Two weeks of traveling around Scandinavia are behind us, Finland, St. Petersburg and Moscow are ahead. The sun is shining, the sea is splashing... In general, it’s an idyll. There’s almost no money left, but oh well...

On the right, in the second row, a lemon-yellow Porsche convertible, sparkling in the sun, rolls up with the guttural rumble of a powerful engine. A very black black man, also sparkling in the sun, is sitting behind the wheel - life is clearly good! He is driving a brand new Porsche, and in the next seat with him is a very prominent blonde, one might even say luxurious. From the Porsche speakers, a smart guy is cheerfully rushing, from which our Lada also begins to quietly jump up, wanting to take part in this celebration of life. The black man sits with his head raised up, one hand on the steering wheel, the other on the blonde, ahead - vacation, sea, sun...

Here on back seat My child, who was tired of reading a book and standing in one place, was busy in the Lada. He decided to take a walk. With a characteristic creak, the back door of the 5 opens and with a roar it slams into Porsche’s side! The cleverness stops, the sun disappears to God knows where. The next moment I realize: the black man and I are standing head to head and carefully looking at the place of impact. There are thoughts about delays at the port, lack of money and complete ass.

Nice car - Porsche! And they paint wonderfully!!! There is no trace of the impact! The black man and I slowly straighten up, looking into each other’s eyes and, without saying a word, we sit down in the cars. The black man is gray, quiet and sad. He looks straight ahead, both hands on the steering wheel. The sea doesn't splash. The sun is not shining. We are waiting to board the ferry. Ahead is a difficult road to Moscow.

About captains
A married couple I know was rafting down the Zelenchuk (this is a river in the Caucasus, fast and with rocks). The captain's husband saw that they were being carried towards a huge stone, and that they clearly would not pass this stone. Then he calmly says this to his wife:

Look what happens now! - and jumps out of the boat. The wife, seeing such a thing, and cursing her husband with bad words, also fell into the water. Well, then on the shore, having warmed up and calmed down, she began to ask questions, interspersing them with tapping her husband’s head with an oar:

Why, you bastard, did you jump?! Couldn’t he say that there was a stone, that we couldn’t get around, that we were shooting back?!!!

The husband, dodging the oar and constantly changing the direction of movement, answered meekly and reasonably:

Well, look: I would tell you: “Fire back!” You would ask: "Why?" I would answer: “Suitcase on course!” You would ask: “Can we get out?!” I would answer: “We can’t!” And then we would have been dumped on the pebble, turned around by the hatches towards the stone, your legs would have been broken by the second frame, and I would have just choked to death, without suffering."

By the way, good criterion correct married couple: when one says to do something quickly, the second one does it first, and only then starts a showdown.

About the service
The big bosses invited me to a party somewhere in the mountains. To an away rally. They called - I went. They brought me to a hotel somewhere in the Alps. A 5-star hotel in the Alps is a very good hotel! In the foyer someone is playing jazz on the piano, there is marble, wood and glass all around. As soon as you show yourself with a package in public, local recreation workers immediately strive to take it away and bring it to the place. In general, beauty.

I laid out my clothes, walked around the area, had dinner and sat down in my room to read a book not far from the minibar. There are some incredible interiors around, the chair too, wow, comfortable. There's a knock on the door. I open it. A pretty girl in a hotel uniform is standing on the threshold.
- Good evening! I came to get you ready for bed.
I am a deeply married person, almost positive... But who knows, with their service!..
He said that, for God’s sake, come on in, get ready, I don’t mind. And I slumped back into the chair and waited to see what would happen next.

The girl, smiling sweetly, pulls the covers off the bed and disappears into the bathroom. Well, my pulse began to go through the roof and my mouth became dry. I’m sitting not myself, waiting for the continuation.

I hear the door to the bathroom open, and this fairy appears with a towel, but, oddly enough, completely dressed. He spreads a towel in front of the bed, takes out a chocolate bar from his apron and places it on the bedside table.

Good night - he says - pleasant dreams.
Smiles and disappears.

I still don’t understand what was more, relief or disappointment. In general, well, screw these 5 stars!

About life
A few years ago I was sitting on the shore of the Mediterranean Sea, baking in the sun, smoking - in general, being lazy. The noisy multilingual community of vacationers under hired umbrellas rustled and swayed far from me and did not at all interfere with the contemplation of the sea, sky and white ship in the distance.

And then a girl, almost a girl, walked past me towards the sea. Thin, graceful, with amazing beautiful face, glowing from within! I immediately forgot about laziness, the sun, and the cigarette. When she leisurely entered the water and swam, I forgot about everything else. She glided in the water without leaving a splash, as natural and beautiful as on land. This girl was a real work of art and it seemed that you could look at her endlessly!

Contemplation was somewhat disturbed by the shrill screams coming from behind, and I turned around with annoyance... Behind sat a large Italian family with baskets, umbrellas, food, a bunch of children, a little bald dad and the mother of this entire collective farm - a huge matron, which was the source of interference . And then I saw with horror, behind the layers of fat, lard and half-washed off cosmetics, the same angelic face, changed by years of life, numerous births and immoderate gluttony! Behind me, the future goddess girl was screaming in all her Mediterranean glory.

About eroticism and shame
In 1976, at the age of 14, my grandmother and I came to Denmark. It would take a long time to explain how this happened, but it was a fact. Walking the streets was unbearable! On every corner there were girls and women in T-shirts without bras, and some (oh horror!) were lying on the lawns without T-shirts at all! To maintain sanity, every now and then I had to raise my eyes to the sky and look at the clouds. They were in fashion back then skinny jeans and I, in freshly bought pants, was not at all laughing. It was embarrassing, but also pleasant.

When the time came to leave, naturally, by hook or by crook, I bought myself Playboy and Playgirl. The agony that I experienced when approaching the kiosk to buy a magazine cannot be compared with the first purchase of condoms! However, my aunt didn’t care so much about what exactly I was buying that I quickly calmed down. It was embarrassing, scary, but not for long. Naturally, my grandmother knew nothing and the magazine safely traveled with me back to the USSR. I realized almost immediately that Playgirl was a waste of money and threw the beautiful naked guys into the nearest trash heap.

Before the border, I put the magazine in the back of my pants and put it on top denim jacket. When the border guards arrived, I calmly leaned my back against the wall in the corridor in front of the compartment and waited until the procedure was over. For some reason it wasn’t scary at all, and it wasn’t embarrassing either.

About a month later, my grandmother found out about the contraband I had smuggled... There was no big scandal. She sat down on a chair and cried bitterly, explaining to me, the unlucky one, that if I had been caught with this magazine at the border, then she might never have been allowed to go to her daughter again. And they might well not have allowed their daughter into the USSR again.
This is where I really felt ashamed.

About Soviet fashion
At the age of 17, my friend and I went to Kuznetsky 14 after school, to the fashion house, and wanted to get a job. In response to the knock on the door, an aunt of grenadier height came out and very scary looking: gray skin, bags under the eyes, broad shoulders and solid bones. Hanging over us, she asked, what exactly do we need here?

We were scared to death, but nevertheless we answered that we were looking for a job after school, for a few months... The second one came out, a little lower, but also scary. She looked at us carnivorously and, grinning with her brightly painted mouth, offered to put us to work cleaning up the scraps... We stood neither alive nor dead with full feeling that two harpies are bending over our potential corpses and we don’t have long to live. But then, fortunately for us, a third aunt appeared, a completely normal-looking aunt, and when she found out what the noise was, she said that they only had one male worker here and he was already over 80, and we were not 18, so she couldn’t take a damn per capita, nor us for work. With that we left. But since then, I have firmly associated Soviet fashion with a scary, bony woman, with a full set of “after yesterday” marks on her face.

About calling
My university friend became a millionaire. In America. It so happened - the startup in which he programmed and had a stake was very successfully sold. The man thought for a week and bought a house, a Lexus for himself, a Lexus for his wife and a baby daughter from the same company.

But there is still a lot of money left. Then he decided to play on the stock exchange. Having lost a decent amount, I stopped. And I decided to learn to play the guitar. I sat down in my favorite basement and studied, studied... It didn’t work out. How to live?! He then took the standard Russian route - he started drinking. Drinking and treatment for alcoholism slightly reduced the unbearable weight of wealth, but the question remained: what to do?

He crawled out of his basement into the light of day and then it turned out that during his search his daughter had grown up, become prettier and got married! And her husband opened a startup, and this startup needs programmers. And my friend sat back at the computer and started programming again. And he does this with great pleasure.

That's probably all.

The godfather has been away from the godfather for a week, but is getting ready to go home.
The owner pours it one by one as expected: on the road, on the porch, on the horse’s course, along the stirrup.
Sees you outside the gates: the gate, the out-of-the-way, the foreign gate.
The guest offers a hat. How's that? But he drank. Guest puts his hat on the ground: I’m not going anywhere in hell away from you!

* * *


"Penalty glass "

What kind of “penalty” is this? Most likely, this custom came to us from Greece. In the 4th-5th century. BC. The ancient Greek feast becomes a kind of cult. The number of food and drinks was not regulated. But there were also rules of etiquette that prohibited being late for a joint feast. Charters have reached us, which say that those who are late for such an important event must pay a fine.

« 100 frontline " During the Great Patriotic War, those same front-line soldiers were allocated to the soldiers by Voroshilov himself. Back in 1940, when Soviet troops were stuck in the snow near Finland in 40-degree frost, Voroshilov ordered the distribution of 100 grams to boost morale, and also as a warming agent. The official order to extradite the “People's Commissars” was issued on August 22, 1941 by the USSR State Defense Committee.

And here is the favorite of the holiday - toast" For health "It turns out that even under Ivan the Terrible, it was customary to call various medicinal tinctures and potions vodka. Such strong alcohol was taken only in medicinal purposes. Now it’s clear why “for health.”

"Think for three" makes me think: who came up with the idea of ​​​​thinking like this and why specifically for three? It turns out that in Soviet times It was customary to give my husband a ruble for lunch. And vodka cost two eighty-seven. If you want to drink, look for a third (hence the famous “will you be the third?”). And there will still be change left for the Druzhba cheese. But drinking for three is most pleasant from a cut glass. In the 17th century, such glasses were made from boards nailed together, hence the edges...

I wonder why It is customary to put exactly 20 bottles in a vodka box? In the pre-Petrine era, the main measure of vodka was a bucket. During the time of Peter I, a bottle appeared in Russia; it was borrowed from France. Since a standard bottle had a volume of 0.6 liters, exactly 20 bottles fit in a bucket (12 liters). Based on these measures, trade documentation was maintained. Since then, it has been accepted that a box contains 20 bottles.

"An empty bottle should not be placed on the table". Why not? The following legend says this: this custom was brought by the Cossacks who returned from France after the military campaign of 1812-14. In those days, Parisian waiters did not take into account the number of bottles sold. It is much easier to issue an invoice - to count the empty bottles left after meals on the table.One of the Cossacks realized that they could save money by removing some of the empty containers under the table.

"We're sitting well..."

Our evening ends. You’ll have to get another bottle from your “stash” so as not to miss the tradition of drinking on the road. In ancient times, during the festive feast, tramps and alcoholics often visited the light. Naturally, they were not invited to the table. But they were not offended, but asked to pour it on their poshok (staff), on their comb, on their mittens, meaning a small portion of vodka. As for wanderings, relatives saw off the person leaving the gate with a parting word and a glass symbolizing parting. This glass was poured and placed on the thickened upper end of the staff. The person leaving had to drink it, pour the rest over his shoulder (wet the path), then turn it upside down and go on his way. According to another version, this glass was poured for the departing guest, placed on a staff, if he drank without touching his hands, then they drank “zaporozhnaya” (when the guest crossed the threshold), then, if he put his foot in the stirrup, they drank “stirrup”. And so on for 23 more toasts! If the guest could not drink the “pososhkova”, then he was left to spend the night. We had a great time, the evening was a success: we chatted, had fun, and relaxed. I hope my guests will safely get home after the trek. As for vodka, there are good traditions for a good drink. Eh, sometimes I regret that I don’t drink vodka - I prefer cognac.

How to make toasts correctly

The word "toast" comes from English name a piece of toasted, which, according to etiquette, was served to speakers. The table speech appeared thanks to the ancient ritual of offering to the gods for good luck and prosperity at home. A little was poured onto the ground, accompanying the action with wishes of good luck and prosperity.

Now the ritual roots of the tradition have been lost. According to etiquette, while words of congratulations are being said, everyone falls silent, and the guests briefly interrupt the meal, sincerely hoping for a favorable course of circumstances. A short table speech is made before each glass drunk. A skillful speaker can turn it into a bright speech with warm parting words and wishes.

Reasons for toasts

The topic and basic wishes of the table etiquette speech should correspond to the occasion of the meeting. The reason for the celebration could be the conclusion of a successful deal, an anniversary, or.

The ability to correctly fit into the course of the evening according to etiquette, to grasp the general mood behind, and to correctly express thoughts will definitely be useful to the speaker. Expressing grief will require special delicacy and absence of falsehood when pronouncing a toast, and joyful holiday or long-awaited meeting friends of cheerful goodwill.

At the table, according to Russian etiquette, it is important to follow a certain order of toast topics. The first glass is raised to the hero of the day, newlyweds or other heroes of the occasion. Then they drink successively to their parents, friends, and remember the dead.

A little about the contents of toasts

A simple topic for toasts will be the occasion of the meeting. A short speech about joy, success or sadness can be prepared in advance. At friendly gatherings for no particular reason it will be a little more difficult, especially if you have to join an unfamiliar company. The ability to feel your interlocutors will come in handy here. It is important that the resulting speech is not banal, but that it is interesting to listen to.

The toast structure includes:

  • You can address everyone present or a specific person according to etiquette.
  • Introduction. A few words about the connection between the reason for the speech and what is happening at the table.
  • An incident or circumstance of the past.
  • Description of what is happening now.
  • Wish.

Traditional order of toasts

The order of toasts is determined by the status of the event participant.

  1. According to etiquette, the eldest family member or boss speaks first. He can personally greet the guest of honor, announce the reason for the celebration, and show cordiality and respect for those gathered.
  2. Then they give the floor to the hero of the occasion and the rest of the guests, starting with the closest ones.
  3. It is customary to respond to toasts with a personal address or a compliment immediately, without observing the order; the sequence in terms of status is not important here. The participant thanks for the words in his honor, expressing wishes for further friendship or cooperation.

What toast to say: examples of toasts and their sequence

Some expressions have become part of the Russian table tradition. These are standard words that evoke certain associations due to their use at every celebration.

For the meeting

The phrase traditionally begins a meeting. The words denote greeting and joy of meeting. They are supplemented by an assessment of the circumstances and reasons for gathering. Used in informal settings. Unites the company, helping newcomers or people who have not communicated for a long time get comfortable faster.

Toast to parents

Used as a tribute to the parents of the owner of the house or the hero of the occasion. An unspoken rule governing the order of pronunciation makes the toast the second one for any meeting.

For love

Pronounced as a wish for success personal life or just like beautiful phrase. The words are popular for wedding table and on love dates. Not used in official settings.

For those who are no longer around

Sad words to honor the memory of the dead. Guests with a glass in their hands remember departed relatives and close comrades. They drink afterwards in complete silence. It is not customary to clink glasses when making a toast.

For those who are absent and those who are alive today

Recommended for friendly gatherings. Allows you to speak about friends or colleagues who could not come to the party. Initially, the phrase was used as a sacred phrase. It was pronounced so that wanderers would return home soon.

Toast etiquette in different countries

The tradition of toasting is gradually dying out, and the custom of clinking glasses is considered old-fashioned in many countries.

  • Residents of European countries use table speeches only in official events to say greetings or congratulations. Often only once per evening. At feasts, a standard word is said to indicate the clinking of glasses.
  • When raising a glass of drink, Americans usually say the short “cheese.”
  • Residents of China accompany a glass of local alcohol with the advice to drink to the bottom. They demonstrate fulfillment of wishes literally by turning the glass over.
  • In Muslim countries it is not customary to drink alcohol.
  • The countries of the East are famous for their long ornate table speeches.

Toast etiquette rules in Russia

Russians are familiar with the sound of table performances accompanied by the clinking of glasses. There are several rules and features of etiquette characteristic of the post-Soviet space.

  • When touching glasses, it is customary to look into the faces of your neighbors. It is impolite to avert your eyes or turn away.
  • You can't interrupt during a toast.
  • After congratulations, according to etiquette, the hero of the occasion should wait until all the guests take a sip, and then drink it himself.
  • Give a speech that is appropriate for the event and the gathering. Strange jokes and comments about the personal lives of guests should not be used.
  • It is not recommended to draw unnecessary attention to yourself with frequent, lengthy speeches. According to etiquette, there should be few words so as not to tire those present.
  • It is not necessary to completely empty the glass or wine glass. Drinking one glass throughout the celebration is quite acceptable.
  • It is impolite to force guests to offer compliments and congratulations.
  • According to etiquette, it is worth taking at least a symbolic sip after addressing the people present. If you are intolerant to alcohol, you can drink non-alcoholic drinks.
  • A married couple can say common words between them.

The tradition of making toasts will make the party more lively. A short, skillfully composed speech will emphasize a friendly atmosphere. Sound better sincere words without unnecessary flattery.

At any feast, especially one involving alcohol, there will always be someone who will carefully monitor compliance with drinking etiquette. Often his attempts to follow drinking rules lead to misunderstandings. We don’t really think about what the consequences might be if we toast “to good luck” or put an empty bottle on the table. But there are certain signs at the table that have already taken root and become more like rules. What traditions and signs should be observed at the table so as not to bring trouble upon oneself?

The sign of drinking “on the road” is ancient history. “On the road” means having one last glass, which should bring good luck to those who go home after the feast. This sign again came from the Cossacks. After a good party, the Cossack would sit on his horse and put a glass of alcohol on his staff. If the drink does not spill, then the journey will be successful. So, when you drink “on the road,” you wish good luck to those who will be returning home after the feast.

Many signs are associated with toasts, because not a single decent feast is complete without them. Why don't people drink? And for money, and for gas, and even for healthy image life... But there is a clear tradition according to which toasts are made.

The first toast, according to old beliefs, must be made at the meeting. When pronouncing it, the participants of the feast, as a rule, want to meet in the same circle of people more than once. This is a tribute to those who gathered around the same table.

The second toast should be to the parents. This toast is especially appropriate when celebrating a birthday or wedding. By pronouncing it, a person thanks his mother and father for giving birth to the hero of the occasion.

The third toast is for those who are no longer alive. This tradition came from the military, who lost their colleagues in battle.

The fourth toast is for those who, for some reason, are absent from the table. As a rule, they drink so that next time they will still come to the feast. It is customary to clink glasses loudly so that those who are not at the table can hear the clink of glasses.

The fifth toast is to health. It is believed that if you drink to your health, the hangover the next day will not be so severe. The very tradition of this toast dates back to Ivan the Terrible. In his time, medicines were infused with alcohol. It turned out that they drank both for fun and relaxation, and for health.

The rest of the toasts are made at the request of those gathered. Toasts made during a feast have special power. Under the influence of alcohol, a person, as a rule, relaxes and becomes liberated, therefore, the words and wishes that he speaks come from the heart. And everything that is said with the soul has a high probability of coming true.

There are many more table signs and superstitions. Drinking traditions do not matter to many of great importance at the table. This often turns a decent company into an ordinary Sabantuy. Drinking according to the rules and traditions means not just honoring old customs, it is a way to avoid misfortunes and unpleasant situations. Do you follow any table traditions? We are waiting for answers in the comments! And don't forget to click and

21.10.2013 11:58

IN modern society To this day, people believe in omens, but there are few superstitions that almost always come true...

The next infamous incident occurred with the same boat on February 24, 1972. If you've ever heard the song "Compartment 9," it's about this exact incident. When they came for them, only two could somehow stand on their feet. They were taken out blindfolded so that they would not go blind from daylight. Guess how many people received the title of Hero? One of them, captain-lieutenant Anatoly Malyar, while burning, managed to slam the bulkhead hatch from the second to the third compartment, which saved the rest of the crew. Sailor Preminin carried it out and returned to lower the fourth grate. And then he waited for trial for almost a year, but was pardoned and dismissed from the navy. And then four countries made the film “Hostile Waters,” dedicated to the feat of sailor Sergei Preminin.

Let us drink to both of you - to the children and to the parents! This toast is to our wonderful parents! I also have a favorite toast, always the third one. I want to raise this glass to the most important thing we have - our parents.

4 - complete free improvisation at the table, for which no one remembers the last toast. The first toast is always for the main occasion: if it is a birthday person, then they sound in his honor nice words; if it is a holiday, then make an excursion into the history of this event. Let's drink to my parents, who took care of me, raised me, thanks to whose great work I am here, before you, offering my congratulations to all those who are more than worthy of them! After all, for some reason it is not customary to make toasts “to wonderful gentlemen.” Whatever event happens in life, invariably, there are two who will share both joy and sorrow with you. They will listen to successes without envy and will sincerely support you in case of failure. I want to raise my glass to special people, those who gave us life. For those for whom we, children, are the most important thing in life. For whom our successes are more important than their own.

Toast etiquette in Russia and the world

As long as I can remember, we always drink the third glass for love when we are with our family, friends, relatives, and so on! And here is the next fourth toast to men!

A toast is a phrase or short speech made before draining a glass of alcoholic drink. From the Turkic word “tostakan” - a wooden utensil from which kumiss and other drinks are drunk.

Alcohol superstitions, omens, toasts

What is the first toast, second and third toast for? Why do they drink the fourth and last toast in our country? It’s better to drink alone or not drink at all - than to listen to just anything! To drink or not to drink - that is the question? Why do people drink in Russia?

Therefore, if you know this story, then you can completely calmly ignore these same signs and superstitions or, on the contrary, carefully observe them so that the feast brings only positive emotions. This superstition was born from the culture of drinking beer - fresh beer added to already standing beer makes the drink, to put it mildly, tasteless. It is believed that otherwise drinking will not bring pleasure - either the alcohol will not take root, or you will get drunk very quickly, or the drinkers will quarrel. Modern sign and superstition - it is believed that this means poverty - there will be no money for good drinks and expensive dishes. A glass taken at the wrong time means the previous ones are completely ruined. Spilling wine is bad luck. That is, to spill wine means to shed innocent blood. In a modern feast, everything is not so scary, but it is unpleasant - spilling wine - ruining your own or someone else's clothes, spilling wine - running to the store. That is, in modern interpretation You can interpret this sign as follows: spilling wine means a quarrel and annoying troubles.

Spilling wine means trouble. This sign is rooted in Christian customs, according to which wine symbolizes the blood of Christ. People believed that if you say your desires out loud, and even drink for them, then evil spirits can hear it and do everything to prevent your dreams from coming true. The sign of drinking “on the road” has an ancient history. It is customary to clink glasses loudly so that those who are not at the table can hear the clink of glasses. Drinking according to the rules and traditions does not just mean honoring old customs, it is a way to avoid misfortunes and unpleasant situations. Do you follow any table traditions?

3 - for the groom and his parents, who agreed to such a gift of fate without being capricious. 3 - for Love, Women and Men all over the world, including the President of Russia, his wife and dog. Ossetian toasts, customs of Russia: why do people drink the first toast, second birthdays, third toast, fourth for a wedding and New Year, the last toast at corporate parties and the boss’s birthday? And why do they raise toasts from the Caucasus in the high society of our country?

Let's drink to this festive table Only flowers were blooming, and the birthday girl was simply charming. Therefore, they bring fun, joy and happiness to the house. Let's drink so that the birthday girl will arouse the envy of women and the love of men all her life! Let's drink to the mother of this wonderful person, because, as Balzac said, the future of the nation is in the hands of mothers. An artist who is devoid of vanity is like a woman who does not want to be liked; both of them are boring. So let's drink to our much-needed vices! Sometimes it's better to drink than to eat. And we will drink, and have a snack, and wish the birthday boy happiness, and let the Americans finish chewing their gum! And this joy is the thought itself. Let's raise our glasses so that the joys of the hero of the occasion are not overshadowed by anything! Anyone who hasn't had a hangover doesn't know the taste of water. I wish that tomorrow morning the hero of the day will find water tasteless and life wonderful!