At what time is the fetus formed. Pregnancy by week - the development of the fetus and the sensations of the woman. Full description

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Pregnancy lasts 40 weeks. During this time, a child develops from two cells. Gradual development takes place on time: every week the child in the womb changes. All this is very interesting for the impatient future mother especially if this is your first child. Knowing the stages of fetal development is important, because then you can significantly help your baby.

Your help - proper nutrition, rest and less stress - all this is beneficial. It is important to visit a doctor on time, listen to your well-being, because a tiny heart will begin to beat in you very soon. Proper nutrition is important in each of the trimesters, but in some periods it is necessary to change the mode and products. By months and weeks, you know exactly what is going on inside. Something new happens every day and mom can keep an eye on how the pregnancy is progressing. Acquaintance with the child begins long before his birth. Mom already knows how to guess his desires and needs This is a joyful period of life for every woman.

Start of pregnancy

You could be planning a pregnancy, or maybe it happened unexpectedly - in any case, it happened. Which means a woman needs to make a decision whether she wants to be a mother or not. If yes, then it will be very interesting for the expectant mother to observe the development of the baby in her womb for the next 9 months.

Surprise or expectation?

Today there is many methods and schemes for pregnancy planning. This is important not only for some moral reasons. No, leave morality behind and think about this: what are you eat, drink, eat every day? After all, you may not know that you are pregnant and drink alcohol. So you inadvertently can strongly hurt even a lot desired baby.

And at this time, a new life begins inside you for the baby. It is important to track his development week by week, because in this way you will help him now, his organs and bones form correctly. How? With the help of proper nutrition, vitamins and your careful attitude to yourself.

With a planned pregnancy, you begin preparing the body for another six months to a year before conception. woman taking vitamins, tries to reduce the level of stress, rests more, undergoes regular medical check-ups. Remember that the development of a child in the first weeks can be affected not only by alcohol and tobacco, but also by pills. Many antibiotics are contraindicated throughout pregnancy.

Three trimesters

Pregnancy is divided into three periods of 3 months - they are called trimesters. Fine pregnancy lasts 38-40 weeks. For some, childbirth may begin a little earlier, while for others a little later. For a child - its own terms: all systems of his small organism develop, and he knows when he is ready to be born.

To do this, he must first have developed lungs. This is a problem for severely premature babies, because now doctors successfully solve the problem of birth at 7-8 months. These tiny babies are in incubators, where they are created all the conditions, as in the womb. There are lungs, heart and gastrointestinal tract "ripen" allotted time.

Of course, such an outcome is undesirable, because it will somehow harm the development of the baby. If you follow the doctor's advice, stick to the visiting schedule, take tests and respond to the signals of your body, premature birth can be completely avoided. Even if there are some pathologies.

First trimester

If you do not know that you are pregnant, then there may be no manifestations at all until the 3rd month. The abdomen will not increase much, toxicosis may begin only at the end of the trimester. At this time, your body changes: hormones, appetite, mood. Gradually, by week but changes are happening.

Important: If you have reason to believe that pregnancy, do not delay confirmation. Test from a pharmacy - an effective tool. In any case, it is better to check with a doctor. The fact is that the first trimester is the most inconspicuous, but also the most important for the child. You can accidentally, without knowing, harm him - this cannot be allowed.

It is at this time that the laying of organs occurs: the heart, nerves, stomach, bones, tissues. Now the future baby should not be disturbed or "feed" with something harmful. The tiny embryo needs to attach itself to the wall of the uterus. During this period, a large percentage of miscarriages is recorded, unfortunately. Therefore, you need to behave very carefully, attentively and calmly.

1 Week

The spermatozoon and the ovum met, merged. The division has begun. Already in the first week it is a tiny zygote. Now this unique cell has only one task - to divide, increase, become more complex. It will take 3-4 days for her to attach to the wall of the uterus. If this happens, then the rapid development of your baby will start.

2 weeks

Attachment has happened. Now the fetus is firmly fixed in order to have a connection with the mother's body. This is no longer a set of cells, but an embryo - small, only 0.2 mm. A shell (fetal membrane) appears around it, which performs two functions: it protects it and helps to feed. Now there is a growth of cells, which subsequently specialize and develop into cells of different organs and systems. . The formation of the placenta, umbilical cord and neural tube begins.

3 week

The embryo develops a nerve chord, it acquires oval outline. So far, his organs are not quite ready, but cells for them are grouped. The embryo has grown - already 1.25 mm. On the 21st day of development, the future heart begins to beat. Of course, this is not yet a real heart, but only a cluster of cells, but they have become more active. Now the embryo does not yet look like a person - it is an oval disk, slightly squeezed in the middle. There his first nervous system is formed. This is a very complex process that must go right.

4 week

Now it's an embryo. He has a more complex heart - a two-chambered one. Mothers need to be very careful during this period: taking medication under the supervision of a doctor, no alcohol or cigarettes. A real miracle happens in her womb: a cluster of cells takes shape, and also eyes. Embryo eyes are formed– of course, he won’t be able to open and close them yet, but they are already there. As well as the first stomach, blood and vessels. So far, his blood is fetal - not the same as in adults.

5 week

Occurs at week 5 rapid growth embryo - from 5 to 10 mm in one week. For a future baby, this is a huge leap. Now you can already hear his heartbeat on the ultrasound. All living beings at the beginning of development have a similar embryonic form. Week after week they change, differences appear. At people at this time the tail disappears. In animals with a tail, it remains. There are already the first outlines of the baby's face.

6 week

In the tummy, the crumbs are actively moving: stomach, intestines, kidneys and liver push each other. Organs help each other to take the right place. Arms and legs are already visible, on Ultrasound shows that sometimes the baby makes small movements with them. Now his head is larger than his body - such a small tadpole.

7 week

Development of the brain and circulatory system. Vessels germinate, their system becomes more branched. The little arms and legs of the embryo are becoming more and more realistic. On them fingers appear.

8 week

There is now a little man in the mother's womb - only 4 cm, but he no longer looks like a tadpole. Body proportions appear. Eyelids appear on his face, cheeks, nostrils are visible.

9 week

This week marks the end of the embryonic period. Now it is proudly called "fruit". Now it grows and reaches 6-7 cm in length. Now the child has the first facial expressions: the mouth opens and closes, the forehead wrinkles. It's not yet clear if it's a boy or a girl.: the genitals are exactly the same. But the gastrointestinal tract becomes more complicated, a small intestine appears.

10 week

The organs of the fetus are finishing forming - further they will develop, increase in size.

11 week

Hairs appear on the body of the baby - first fluff. His height is already 10 cm. The face becomes similar to a human: eyes are getting closer, ears, superciliary arches appear.

12 week

This week, the neck is stretched and the formation of muscles begins actively. The head is big, but the brain is not yet developed - he's just getting ready for it. This is how the first trimester of pregnancy ends. The size of the fruit is about 12 mm, and the weight is 52 grams.

Second trimester

In second trimester It is no longer possible to say that you do not feel your baby. He starts kicking. Because of such activity, the mother’s sleep can be spoiled - at night, a blow to the ribs will definitely wake you up quickly. The uterus grows, your tummy grows.

The woman feels short of breath when climbing stairs, she often wants to go to the toilet. If the first trimester passed quietly, now there may be an aversion to
any smells or food, vomiting.

You need to keep the pressure under control. In some women, blood pressure drops so low that fainting occurs. This is dangerous for you and for the baby, because a fall can lead to injury. If you notice a sharp change in pressure - sit down, call your family or ask for help from those who are nearby.

By the end of the 6th month, there may be training contractions. Do not be afraid if they last only a few seconds and quickly pass. It means that your body has "set course" for childbirth. Of course, you still have three months ahead of you, but such contractions are possible from time to time. Only 1-3 times for a couple of seconds is normal. The uterus checks how the muscles work. But if you feel long, painful contractions, you are bleeding, then urgently call an ambulance! Something is wrong.

13 week

Now the fetus has very thin skin - everything is visible through it: blood vessels, organs, nerves. The main thing is that the bones have formed. Every week they became stronger, stronger thanks to calcium from the mother's body.

14 week

The baby already has nails! He begins to move his arms and legs, sometimes you can feel jolts. For the mother, this is a signal: everything is going well, baby active and develop properly.

15 week

The development of the brain begins. First - the bark, and the convolutions and everything else will appear a little later. Your child is getting heavier day by day, because now he has a fatty layer.

16 week

Now its growth is slowing down a bit. It's about 20.5 cm, and the weight is about 215 grams. The baby spreads his arms, can move freely around the uterus. If you do not feel tremors for several days - do not worry, there is nothing to worry about. Now he saves energy, because it will be required for the development of the central nervous system and the brain.

17 week

Time of development of the lungs and bronchial system. Now it is important that the blood circulates well, then they will develop properly. The baby's eyes are closed, but he is able to distinguish between light and darkness. So he already knows about day and night. By the way, now you can already determine the gender of your baby or baby.

18 week

The baby begins to explore itself in the womb. At 18 weeks, he may suck his thumb, touch himself, turn away from a light source, or ultrasound machine. This is the time when he begins to feel the limbs due to the development of nerve endings.

19 week

At this time, the glands of the body develop: pancreas, thyroid, genital. The baby can swallow amniotic fluid - that's even good : so the work of the digestive tract is stimulated.

20 week

Height 28 cm and weight 500 grams. The structure becomes more complex brain: now he already looks like an adult, but he will still need a lot of time for "ripening". Such crumbs sweat glands appear.

21 weeks

Active development of the heart and blood vessels. The skin thickens and the fluff darkens. The fetus is still lacking subcutaneous fat, so this week and next mom needs to eat very well. Like for two.

22 week

Now the baby is already like a newborn baby. His head, body, arms and legs are quite small, but already human. Now he has brain convolutions. This is a long process, because the brain is one of the most complex organs. It develops gradually throughout all three trimesters.

23 week

The bones are strengthened, the vessels become strong, they supply the organs with oxygen well. Now the child is almost viable, and if he is born prematurely, at 23-24 weeks, doctors can help him survive. But it is a long, very difficult and problematic process.

24 week

The heart grows, its structure changes. It tries different rhythms, so the baby may have a short arrhythmia. This is fine. Already now, in the mother's womb, he begins to hear sounds, voices. Talk to him: it's nice for both of you.

25 week

This week, the weight of the baby reaches 1 kg or a little more. The child has learned to open his eyes. The eyes are fully developed– now he can already distinguish colors.

26 week

The mass of the brain increases. Its structure it's getting harder, and the first hairs appear on the head. Eyelashes and eyebrows also appear. Now the color of the eyes of any baby is blue. It changes quickly after birth. The nervous system of the child is fully developed, he can feel.

27 week

It is very important here that at week 27 the child's own immune system begins to work actively. His body is capable of producing blood cells. It regulates body temperature, adjusting to the environment. So ends the second trimester - go to the final.

third trimester

This trimester is preparation for childbirth. The uterus has greatly increased, and now your stomach is already impressive in size. The fetus puts more and more pressure on the bladder, and frequent urination will accompany you until delivery. Now the baby is in a period of activity, and he kicks harder - you may even be hurt.

For a mother, this is a time of rest. You won’t be able to be very active, because at 7-8 months your legs swell, due to big belly woman becomes clumsy. Back pain may begin, but the right gymnastics for pregnant women will relieve the load. You can use a special belt. This is especially recommended for those mothers who have had or have problems with the spine.

It must be remembered that the water-salt balance is now your main concern. You sweat a lot, you often want to go to the toilet. Losing more fluid than usual is dangerous: it will lead to premature birth. Drink, eat vegetables and fruits, soups. If you feel a sharp pain, you are bleeding, call your doctor or an ambulance right away. In the third trimester, sudden detachment of the placenta may occur.

The last few weeks have been a welcome break. Heartburn passes, the baby calms down a little. The uterus descends lower - this is already a control line. Next is childbirth - in just 1-2 weeks or even earlier.

28 week

Working hours of the spleen. It has been developing for a long time, and now it begins to fulfill its function of hematopoiesis. Blood is still fetal, but its composition is becoming more complex. Marigolds, hair on the head are actively growing. More and more subcutaneous fat appears.

29 week

Now the child's body is no longer transparent, but pink. The skin becomes dense, vessels and organs do not shine through it. He already has enough fat under his skin - this helps to establish a constant temperature.

30 week

Week of active weight gain. Child already weighs almost 2 kg! Now his head has become proportional. Internal organs again began to actively improve, because the main thing is ahead - birth.

31 weeks

As long as the child is free to roll over and move around. Soon the uterus will stretch, and it will grow completely - at this time, the baby will no longer be able to move so easily and push off. Most importantly, at this time, a unique substance appears in his blood - a surfactant. It will help his lungs open up after birth. Now they are dormant, developing, but not revealed.

32 week

The baby already weighs 2200 g or more. He learned to go to the toilet himself: his kidneys and reproductive system began to work. This is important, because he must learn this before he is born. Now he already has his fingerprints, the skin is covered with grooves, folds. Everything is like adults.

33 week

By this time, baby reached 45 centimeters. He himself begins to prepare for childbirth: he goes down, closer to the pelvic bones. Organs and systems are still developing in the womb, but many of them are already viable. Now he has long nails with which the baby can scratch himself.

34 week

The child becomes chubby. There is still a lot of amniotic fluid - he swallows them. Now manifesting the first of the most important reflexes is sucking: baby sucks fingers and toes. This is preparation for birth. Now it is more peaceful: you need to accumulate energy for birth and the first breath.

35 week

An important moment at 34-35 weeks - nerve endings are sheathed. The child's central nervous system becomes more complicated. In principle, he is ready for childbirth, but is still growing, getting heavier. Now the child weighs already 2.6 - 2.7 kg.

36 week

The fluff disappears - his skin must prepare for the first meeting with the air. However, some children are born with fluff, and there is nothing to worry about - it will fall off on its own over time.

37 week

The weight of the child reaches 3 kg, and the height is 50 cm. He is clearly cramped, because uterus stretched to the limit. The child's respiratory system is still developing. She needs to be given maximum time to prepare. Now is the time of exciting expectation for everyone - soon his birth. True, these last weeks are worth their weight in gold.

38 weeks to delivery

Now the child is ready. The maximum term is 42 weeks. Longer doctors will not keep a pregnant woman, but will induce labor if they don't start themselves.

Consultation with your doctor

Be sure to consult and check with your doctor. Schedule of visits, blood donation and ultrasound, he will appoint you. Of course, if you have any problems or severe discomfort, then immediately make an appointment. It can save your baby's life and sometimes both of you..


This unpleasant phenomenon in most cases will accompany your first trimester of pregnancy. For some mothers, toxicosis is almost invisible.- just some smells seem unpleasant, and the usual food can be disgusting. But it happens that toxicosis is very strong: it is accompanied by frequent vomiting, an allergic reaction on the body.

Unfortunately, every future
the mother will have to go through this state. The body gets used to the presence inside the child. If the toxicosis is very strong - any food makes you disgusted and vomits, do not tolerate smells - you should consult a doctor. This problem is now being solved.

Keep in mind that this condition is normal during pregnancy.. It is best to try to move it - then it will be much easier. Do not take pills to numb the symptoms. This can harm the baby, because some drugs against vomiting and allergies will adversely affect his development. This time just needs to be lived through. Any medications should be discussed with your doctor.- this will help protect you and the child from unpleasant consequences.

If you suddenly feel sad

Mood swings are also normal. Your hormonal background has been established for years - now it is undergoing a real rebellion. The formation of a baby is an important task for the body. The production of many substances and hormones changes. A woman may experience mood swings, depressive state, tearfulness, even aggression.

Your temperament matters here.. Someone can easily hide their emotional reactions, while someone is used to demonstrating everything. With the appearance of a child in you, all this will intensify. Well, if you are positive and cheerful, then your pregnancy can only pass on positive emotions.

If a woman experiences severe depression during pregnancy, her behavior changes - it's hard not only for her, but also for others. Now you least of all need quarrels with loved ones. For the sake of your baby, conclude a “contract” with your husband and parents for all 9 months: they will treat you with understanding and patience.

Preparing for the birth of a baby

In the last trimester, the intrauterine development of the child slowly ends. He is getting ready to be born. At this time, you need to be very careful and calm. Especially in the last weeks, try to spend a lot of time outdoors, eat fruit, follow the regimen.

Now any of your sharp
movement or stress can trigger preterm labor. Certainly, midwifery has come a long way– now babies born at 7-8 months, get a great chance of survival and normal development. But it's better to avoid problems. The best thing is to follow all the doctor's prescriptions and give birth to a child on time, and not earlier. Take care of yourself, because all your emotions are now transferred to the child.

Your pregnancy will be a happy time if the future mother is surrounded by love, care and help from relatives. Now is not the time to be sad - you have a new world of discovery ahead of you with your child.

How the fetus develops week by week is a real miracle. In just 38-40 calendar weeks, an embryo of several cells, similar to a bunch of grapes, becomes an infant with the most complex structure of the body. Immediately after giving birth, he begins to use a whole arsenal of skills and reflexes, quickly adapting to new living conditions. In our article - a brief description of the development of the child by day from the very moment of conception, a photo of the embryo and features of different months of pregnancy.

Human embryo in the first trimester

The first trimester is the most important and difficult stage in the development of the human embryo. It was at this time that the rudiments of its organs were laid, the nervous and other systems were formed. This period is associated with a large number of risks and requires the expectant mother to pay special attention to her health and lifestyle.

Embryo growth by weeks in 1 month of pregnancy

The first month is considered one of the most important and exciting for a reason, because right now a new life is born. At the beginning, his pregnancy has not actually occurred yet, but the body of the expectant mother is preparing for it by regulating the hormonal background and the functioning of the organs of the reproductive system. All this is necessary not only for conception, but also for the normal implantation of the embryo in the uterus and the start of its development.

First trimester - start of pregnancy

1-2 weeks

From day 1 to day 14 of the new menstrual cycle, the follicle matures in the ovaries, from which the egg is released. It moves through the fallopian tube and meets with a sperm cell - one of almost 900 million that have entered the vagina. After fertilization, the morula embryo "descends" into the uterine cavity and the endometrium is implanted - approximately on the 12-17th day of the cycle. At this point, the actual pregnancy begins.

3 week

The fertilized egg continues to divide and grow into the wall of the uterus with shell cells. In parallel with this, the formation of the placenta and umbilical cord is launched - organs vital for the development of the fetus, through which it will receive nutrients. Now the embryo consists of more than 100 cells.

4 week

At this time, the first “jump” happens in the development of the child: the laying of all the systems of the future body of the baby begins. A particularly important stage is the formation of the neural tube, from which the brain and the entire nervous system are subsequently formed. The embryo grows to the size of a poppy seed less than 1.5 mm in diameter, from which time it is called an embryo. It is heavily implanted in the endometrium, which affects the level of the hCG hormone. It is at week 4 that a woman may notice a delay in menstruation and early signs of pregnancy.

Development of the human embryo at 4 weeks of gestation

Embryo development at 2 months

In the second month of pregnancy, every week the development of the fetus continues and is accompanied by significant changes in the structure of his body. During these 4 weeks, the umbilical cord, the neural tube, the rudiments of the limbs and fingers will form, the face will become even more proportional, the internal organs will differentiate.

5 week

The fifth week is the transition period between 1 and 2 months of pregnancy. Now the embryo has a conditional coccygeal-parietal size of up to 2.5 mm and a weight of about 0.4 g. The body systems are developing rapidly: the neural tube is improving, future parts of the brain, lungs, stomach, trachea are highlighted, blood vessels are growing.

6 week

The embryo grows from 3 to 6 mm, it looks like a fry, because. limbs are not yet developed. The placenta begins to form from the chorionic villi, hemispheres appear in the brain. The small heart, in which division into chambers takes place, is already contracting, driving out blood enriched with oxygen and nutrients for the construction of the body.

7 week

The embryo in this week of development has a length of 13-15 cm, more than half of the "growth" falls on the head. His body still has an arched shape, a "tail" is preserved on the pelvic part. On the upper limbs, which are ahead of the formation of the lower ones, a hand and fingers are drawn.

8 week

The size of the embryo increases to 20 mm - the baby grows almost 2 times in just a couple of weeks. He has a brain with two hemispheres and several departments, the beginnings of the lungs, the heart, the digestive system. The face is becoming more and more like a "human" - the eyes, ears, nose and lips covered with eyelids are perfectly distinguished.

Photo: what the embryo looks like at 8 weeks of gestation

How the fetus develops week by week at 3 months

At this stage in the development of the human embryo, its length doubles, and a third of the growth falls on the head. Gradually, the proportions will change, and now the baby begins to move his arms and legs, foci of ossification appear in the cartilaginous rudiments of the skeleton, the skin becomes less transparent, it is divided into layers in which the rudiments of hair follicles are formed.

9 week

The ninth week is the transition from the second to the third month of pregnancy. During this time, the development of the child by day will be accompanied by a rapid increase in growth from 22 mm at the beginning to 31 mm at the end. The baby's heart beats at a speed of 150 beats per minute, the musculoskeletal system is improving. The head of the embryo is tightly pressed to the chest and seems disproportionately large relative to the body and limbs.

10 week

By the end of this week, the baby will grow to 35-40 mm in KTR, most of the time he is in a half-bent state. The way the embryo looks also changes: the “tail” disappears, buttocks form in its place. The baby swims freely inside the uterus and, touching its walls, pushes off with his feet or hands.

11 week

In the brain of an embryo, more than 250,000 new neurons are formed every minute. The baby has the rudiments of milk teeth and nails. His limbs are bent, but the child regularly makes spontaneous movements with them, clenching and unclenching his fists. The iris forms in the eyes.

12 week

The most important event of this week of embryo development is the beginning of the active functioning of the placenta, which protects and nourishes the fetus. Thanks to her, the baby will receive air and all the necessary substances for growth and building his own body.

Embryo development towards the end of the first trimester

Stages of embryo development in the 2nd trimester

In the second trimester of pregnancy, all organs are already laid down, they begin to grow and function. During this period, the development of the fetus is "directed" to the rapid growth and improvement of body systems.

How the embryo changes by day at 4 months

In the fourth month, the way the fetus looks is constantly changing: every day it looks more and more like a human embryo, the limbs are gradually lengthening, the head and torso will be more proportional by the middle of the trimester. The baby's organs are actively developing, forming different body systems.

13 week

This week of pregnancy is a transitional week between the first and second trimester, when, as a rule, the first scheduled screening is scheduled. It is necessary to assess the development of the embryo by day and exclude pathologies. By this time, the baby has a height of 6.5 to 8 cm and a weight of up to 14 g. The limbs, body and head become more proportional. The musculoskeletal system is being actively built, and there are already the rudiments of 20 teeth in the jaw.

14 week

Now the baby is completely fed through the placenta and umbilical cord. It grows up to 8-9 cm, a chin and cheeks are drawn on its face, the first colorless hairs appear on its head. The kidneys begin to excrete urine into the amniotic fluid. In girls, the ovaries move into the pelvis; in boys, the formation of the prostate gland begins.

15 week

What does the fetus look like at 99-105 days of development? Its proportions approach normal, KTR increases to 10 cm, and weight - up to 70-75 g. All parts of the face are formed, eyebrows and eyelids can be distinguished, the auricles acquire a characteristic shape and relief.

16 week

The KTR of the baby reaches almost 12 cm, and the weight is 100 g by the end of the week. The development of the embryo by day at this period is impressive: all organs have already been formed in it, the heart and kidneys are actively working. The structure of the facial muscles is improved, due to which the child begins to grimace.

Baby after 16 weeks of pregnancy

Pregnancy at 5 months: how the embryo develops by day

At the 5th month, the baby is growing rapidly, all his organs are gradually included in the work, various systems of the body are being improved and coordinated. In particular, the movements of the baby become more coordinated, and due to the increased weight of the fetus, the expectant mother will be able to feel the first movements.

17 week

The fetus grows up to 12 cm according to KTR and already weighs about 140 g. This week, the baby’s own immunity comes into play, which, together with the placenta, will protect it from the negative effects of external factors. Thin skin is covered with original lubrication, subcutaneous fat begins to accumulate under it.

18 week

By the beginning of the week, the KTR of the baby is more than 14 cm, and the weight is from 140 to 200 g. How does the fetus develop by day? First of all, its proportions change: the limbs grow faster than the head. The hearing aid is active, the child reacts to sharp and loud sounds. The structure of the brain becomes more complex, the transmission of nerve impulses improves, due to which movements become more coordinated.

19 week

The CTE of the fetus increases from 15.3 to 19-20 cm, the average weight is 240 g. The baby's skin is covered with lanugo fluff. The bronchial tree grows. The sex and thyroid glands begin to produce hormones. The whole body is protected by a thick primordial lubricant.

20 week

The development of the fetus on the days of this week is associated with changes in its appearance and the coordinated work of different systems of its body. The skin of the baby due to lanugo and the gradual accumulation of subcutaneous fat becomes less transparent. More than 25 liters of blood per day passes through the heart.

Fetal development by week at 5 months

6 month: how does the human embryo change?

In the sixth month, the structure of the baby's brain improves. The length of the body and limbs and the size of the head become proportional, and the appearance is generally the same as that of a newborn. Interestingly, by this time the child already has a unique pattern on the fingertips.

21 weeks

By the end of this week, the baby grows to 26.7 cm and weighs about 300 g. His movements are clearly felt, and the movements of the child's day can be traced. What changes occur in the development of the fetus? Its digestive and excretory systems are trained, acid appears in the stomach, taste perception is improved.

22 week

The KTR of the child increases to 28 cm, the weight is already more than 400 g. The volume of subcutaneous fat increases, due to which the fetus every day becomes more and more like a newborn. Due to the rapid development of the brain and nervous system, the baby begins to "study" the surrounding space - pulls the umbilical cord, evaluates the taste of amniotic fluid, reacts to changes in light and different sounds.

23 week

The growth of the baby from the heels to the top of the head exceeds 29 cm, the weight reaches 500 g. How does the fetus develop this week? Since the second month, his brain has increased 40 times, reactions to stimuli and movements become logical and coordinated. According to some studies, the child begins to dream.

24 week

At this time, the baby grows to 30-32 cm and weighs about 530 g. A surfactant lubricant appears in the lungs, which is necessary for breathing protection. The cerebral cortex is covered with new grooves and convolutions. Subcutaneous fat accumulates more actively.

What does a fetus look like at 6 completed months?

The position and development of the fetus at 7 months

In the last month of the second trimester, the baby's skin smoothes out, becomes denser and gradually acquires a lighter shade. Under it, subcutaneous fat is accumulating faster and faster, which is vital for normal thermoregulation. The child often opens his eyelids, studying the surrounding space and reacting to bright light.

25 week

Height from crown to heels is about 34.5 cm, and weight increases to 700 g. Facial features are fully formed. The bone marrow takes over the function of hematopoiesis. The lungs develop alveoli - bubbles that will open after the first breath of the child.

26 week

At this stage, the size of the fetus by day changes a little more slowly than in previous months. The height of the baby is about 35 cm, and the weight is 760-850 g. All systems of his body are “training” and preparing to work outside the womb. Thanks to the coordinated work of the brain and the adrenal cortex, the synthesis of new hormones begins.

27 week

By this time, the child adds another 1 cm in height and already weighs about 900 g. He gradually accumulates subcutaneous fatty tissue. Hair on the head, eyelashes and eyebrows may become slightly darker. The organism becomes more and more viable, i.e. even in the case of premature birth, the chances of saving the life and health of the baby increase.

28 week

The development of the child by the end of the 7th month allows him to survive even outside the womb in the absence of pathologies in the structure of the organs. He gains enough subcutaneous fat, although for normal independent thermoregulation, its volume must increase significantly. At this time, the hemispheres of the brain work more actively, it is already known whether the baby will be right-handed or left-handed.

After 7 months, the baby begins to gain subcutaneous fat

Embryo development by week in the 3rd trimester

The last trimester of pregnancy is the time of active accumulation of subcutaneous fat, improvement and coordination of the work of body systems. All this is necessary to prepare the child for childbirth and life outside the mother's womb. How does the fetus develop by week?

fetus at 8 months pregnant

In the eighth month, the baby quickly gains weight and continues to grow. His skeletal and muscular systems are getting stronger. The lungs are preparing for breathing, the diaphragm is constantly “training”. The brain is already fully formed, but its structure and functioning are constantly being improved.

29 week

There is less and less space in the uterus, because the child grows up to 38 cm in height and already weighs more than 1 kg. Because of this, his tremors become more noticeable and can cause discomfort for the expectant mother. All systems of his body are actively working, in particular, the kidneys excrete almost 500 ml of urine per day into the amniotic fluid.

30 week

How does the fetus develop by day? First of all, he very quickly accumulates subcutaneous fat, due to which his weight increases to 1.3 kg. The skeletal system is getting stronger, the limbs are lengthening, the growth from the crown to the heels is more than 39 cm. The skin brightens, the folds are gradually smoothed out. In the lungs, a protective lubricant-surfactant is actively produced.

31 weeks

This week, the child already weighs more than 1.5 kg and grows up to 40 cm. By his activity, you can track his sleep and wakefulness, as well as reactions to external conditions - noise, bright light, lack of fresh air, uncomfortable posture of the mother. The eyes are fully formed, the color of the iris is the same for most babies, it will change after birth for three years.

32 week

The height of the child is 42 cm, weight is about 1.7-1.8 kg. The development of the fetus by day is aimed at preparing his body for independent functioning. For this, the recruitment of subcutaneous tissue is accelerated, respiratory and sucking reflexes are constantly trained, digestion and blood supply are improved. The work of the excretory, nervous and endocrine systems becomes more complicated.

Fetal development at 8 months: the baby is already like a newborn

9 month: how does the baby look and develop?

The ninth month of pregnancy is considered by many to be the “finish line”. Indeed, the development of the child by this time makes him viable: the baby will already be able to suck milk on his own, and the risks of problems with breathing and thermoregulation are decreasing every day.

33 week

The child grows up to 44 cm and already weighs about 2 kg. It becomes crowded, because of which even weak movements are clearly felt. At this time, the baby takes the final position in the uterus - head or feet down. At week 33, the size of the heart increases, the tone of the blood vessels increases, the formation of alveoli in the lungs is almost completed.

34 week

The growth of the baby increases by another 1 cm, while the weight gain due to the set of subcutaneous fat can be almost 500 g. The musculoskeletal system of the baby is strengthened. The bones of the skull are still soft and mobile - this is necessary for passage through the birth canal. Hair on the head grows faster and can change color.

35 week

On average, height from heels to crown is 45 cm, and weight is from 2.2 to 2.7 kg. The child looks well-fed and every day accumulates more and more subcutaneous fat. On his fingers, the nail plates are clearly visible, the vellus hair-lanugo becomes a little less.

36 week

The height and weight of babies at this time can vary over a wide range. The body length is from 46 to 48 cm, and the weight is from 2 to 3 kg. The skin of the child becomes smooth and bright, the number of folds decreases. All his organs are ready to work, and the body becomes completely viable.

Development of the child by the end of 9 months: the baby is ready for birth

Child development in the last weeks of pregnancy

The 10th month of pregnancy is an exciting time: childbirth can begin any day. The development of the child by this time makes him fully viable, there are no longer any risks to his health during delivery.

37 week

The baby grows up to 49 cm. Every day he adds about 14 g. His appearance before childbirth will not change. The cartilages in the nose and on the auricles gradually get stronger. The lungs are ripe, the alveoli, protected by a surfactant lubricant, are ready for the first breath. The intestine performs periodic contractions to prepare for full peristalsis.

38 week

The fetus looks exactly like a newborn. His body is fully formed and ready to function. The baby takes the final position in the uterus and rests his head against its base. The bones of the skull are still mobile: thanks to this, the child will be able to pass through the birth canal.

39 week

The baby gains 20-25 g per knock, his height can vary from 50 to 55 cm. He "falls" into the pelvis and begins to put pressure on his bones. The limbs, the length of the body and the size of the head are completely proportional. All sense organs are well developed.

40 week

The development of the fetus by this time is completed - it is ready for birth, has all the necessary reflexes to maintain health and nutrition. This week, the placenta gradually ages, and hormonal changes in the woman's body trigger the natural process of childbirth.

Pregnancy is a complex and even mysterious phenomenon. The 40 week period includes an astonishing amount of fetal change from to a fully developed baby. It is well known that the intrauterine development of the fetus goes through the same stages that all of humanity has gone through in its development. This is confirmed by studies using an ultrasound machine. Now you can see what the baby looks like in the womb by week in the photo. And Brazilian Jorge Lopez created a device that makes a 3-D copy of the fetus currently in the womb, which helps to identify developmental abnormalities.

most important trimester

So, in the first week, the germ cell has the shape of a disk and begins to divide, and at its end it is implanted in the uterus. By the fourth week, the head, heart, limbs are formed, blood circulation is established. And although the embryo is still tiny, it develops a brain, spinal and head, lungs. Then, by the sixth week, there are already signs of eyes, nose, ears. The embryonic period ends at 11 weeks. The next stage of development begins.

Studying what a child does in the womb for weeks in the photo, British scientists found that he can move already in, he’s just still so small that the mother does not feel this movement. And also by the beginning of the second trimester, the fetus is able to make sucking movements. He looks more and more like a man: his eyes look forward, the skeleton becomes stiff, fat appears under the skin. The child's brain gradually develops, tiny nails are formed, vocal cords are formed. There is even facial expressions! The kidneys are already functioning.

Halfway behind

By 17-20 weeks of pregnancy, the size of the fetus from the crown to the sacrum is 13-15 cm, and the weight is slightly more than 200 grams. But mothers already feel the different movements of the baby. And he hears the sounds of the mother's body, can recognize her voice, as well as the voice of a partner, their conversation with him. Of course, the sounds are muffled, since his ears are covered with a thick wax coating that protects the skin from liquid. Halfway passed! In the following weeks of the 2nd trimester, taste receptors are formed in the child, hair grows on the head. He sleeps and stays awake regularly.

By the end of the trimester, the baby grows up to 20 cm, and actively explores the universe, which is still limited for him by his mother's womb. And at six months, a baby can already swallow, smile, yawn and even cry when his mother smokes, drinks or eats something that he does not like.

Finishing touches

The last third trimester is a period of sophistication. There are final moments of fetal development, finishing touches before the appearance of a small masterpiece.

Eyelashes, eyebrows, hair on the head are obvious. that previously covered the baby fall off. Although some of them may remain on the shoulders, back, even at birth. A good chance to survive at birth appears only at 32 weeks, at which time the tissues and organs are fully formed, only the lungs still need to mature, so premature babies often need a ventilator. Also, at 32 weeks, the child has all the reflexes necessary at birth, there are more than 70 of them, including sucking, grasping, stepping.

After 36 weeks of pregnancy, the baby will begin to gain weight rapidly. It becomes crowded in his mother's womb. His skin becomes smooth, pink, loses its wrinkled appearance. It blinks, there is a reaction to the light. The nervous system, the brain develop every day. A child at 38-40 weeks is completely ready for birth, his lungs mature and are ready to breathe atmospheric air. He changes position, prepares to appear in our world.

And here mom can be congratulated. The due date is approaching. She will soon see her baby not in the photo, but with her own eyes. He may come a week earlier or later, but this is no longer essential. Only a small percentage of women give birth strictly on time.

A child born on time has an average of 3500 grams of weight and 50-52 cm of height.


Health professionals and parents are always on the lookout for some important milestones during their baby's fetal development. The first noticeable and important sign is considered a growing child. Although the heart is formed already at the beginning of the first trimester, but this magical moment when you can hear the heartbeat of the child for the first time, according to the American Medical Association, occurs at 15-18 weeks. Another important milestone is the time when you can find out the sex of the child. The genitals develop at week 11, but the opportunity to see something on an ultrasound is likely to come no earlier than the 20th week of pregnancy. And many babies keep their secret until the very birth. But parents still look forward to them and love them, no matter what.

Seeing their babies in the photo, mothers better imagine how their child grows, how it develops, whether it is good for him there, in the tummy. And the minutes of waiting become not so long and absolutely not scary.

Pregnancy is a complex and long physiological process during which amazing metamorphoses take place - a new organism is formed from a pair of cells, a completely unique creation of nature.

Many expectant mothers, those who are planning a pregnancy or are already carrying a child, need to know what changes are taking place in their body in order to take into account all the risk factors that affect the correct development of the unborn baby.

Duration and stages of pregnancy

On average, a person's pregnancy lasts about 280 days or 40 weeks, this period is counted from the last menstruation. A child born earlier or later with an amplitude of three weeks is premature or post-term.

Traditionally, the intrauterine period is divided into two stages:

Also in gynecology, it is customary to consider the course of pregnancy through the prism of trimesters:

  • the first trimester conditionally lasts 12 weeks, starts from the moment the male and female cells meet; it ends with placentation - the beginning of the functioning of an irreplaceable organ during this period of a woman's life - the placenta;
  • second trimester - from the 12th to the 27th week - the stage of maturation of the body systems (central nervous, immune and others);
  • the third trimester - from 28 to 40 weeks - is a period of preparation of internal organs for extrauterine life.

Doctors separately distinguish the “critical”, the most responsible and difficult stages of development:

  • the period of implantation and the beginning of cell division (from the moment of conception to 2 weeks);
  • the period of formation of internal organs and placenta (from the 3rd to the 8th week);
  • the period of easy permeability of the "children's place" (from the 32nd to the 36th week).

Consider a detailed description of the development of the fetus and the sensations of a woman by week of pregnancy.

First trimester (up to 12 weeks)

The countdown of the developmental period of the fetus begins precisely from the moment of conception, which occurs in the third week of the last menstruation. For the previous 14 days, the woman's body has been actively preparing for this event - this happens monthly, and is marked by the beginning and end of menstruation.

During this time period, the egg matures and begins its journey through the fallopian tube, ovulation occurs.

Week 1 - conception and the beginning of cell division

Fetal development

The history of any human organism begins with the meeting of male and female reproductive cells. After passing into the fallopian tube, the egg "lives" only a day, while the spermatozoa are in the body for another 2-3 days after unprotected intercourse.

When these cells merge, a zygote is formed, which moves towards the uterus within 3-4 days to begin growth.

Cleavage of cells occurs at a tremendous pace - if a 3-day embryo contains 8 cells, then a 4-day embryo contains as many as 20. The cells are not yet completely organized and are a hollow ball.

Woman's condition

At the same time, it seems to the woman that “menstruation” is about to come: the breast becomes more sensitive, the condition resembles premenstrual. At the same time, a regular pregnancy test will not give the correct result; only a laboratory blood test can help especially impatient ones.

Ultrasound will also give productive results - for a short time it becomes known exactly where the embryo will be fixed.

A slight increase in temperature may also indicate the onset of pregnancy.

Bloody discharge at this stage can indicate both a miscarriage and menstruation (according to statistics, about 30% of women have regular "menstruation" after pregnancy). However, the intense nature of bleeding, sharp pains are symptoms of a miscarriage, in which you need to urgently contact a gynecologist.

Week 2 - Implantation

Fetal development

At the border of two weeks - the 7th-8th day - the embryo is implanted in the uterine tissue - the endometrium, which will be a source of nutrients for a long time. The “implementation” itself is sometimes accompanied by a small hemorrhage, since the integrity of the tissues is violated.

Further, the fetal egg proceeds to the stage of cell grouping - they are all divided into three layers, among which the inner one will form the lungs, liver, digestive organs in the future, the middle one - the skeleton and circulatory system and the outer one - the nervous system, skin, etc.

Woman's condition

Due to the fact that chorionic gonadotropin begins to be actively produced, it becomes possible to find out about the onset of pregnancy using a conventional pharmacy test. The chest becomes more sensitive, the general symptoms still resemble the premenstrual symptom.

On ultrasound, it is easy to see the corpus luteum, which performs the function of the placenta.

Since it is in the fourth week that a woman first suspects an “interesting situation”, it is better not to delay the diagnosis in order to detect an ectopic pregnancy in a timely manner.

The cervical canal is filled with a mucous plug that protects the baby from infectious diseases. Allocations are normally transparent, however, during implantation, insignificant blood is possible. Also, when pregnancy occurs in women, immunity often decreases, and the flora itself becomes favorable for the “thrush” - hence abundant curdled discharge is possible. The fungus is easily treated without consequences for the fetus.

Week 3 - First heartbeats

Fetal development

On the 3rd week, the neural tube begins to close - the basis for the spine, the spinal cord and brain begin to form, and on the 21st day a significant event occurs - a tiny heart begins to beat.

The sex glands, eggs and spermatozoa also begin to develop. The child is actively growing

Woman's condition

If during the previous week a woman has little idea about her condition, then the 3rd is often indicated by the arrival of "toxicosis". In addition, the body quickly gets tired, eating habits change, the mammary glands swell, mood changes.

An ultrasound and test can give a complete picture of the presence of a fetus in the uterus, and a blood test for hCG and progesterone will help identify a potential threat of miscarriage.

Menstruation at this time is more of a rarity than a rule. Normally, the discharge is transparent, the appearance of "candidiasis" is also likely. The changed color and smell of secrets indicate infectious and venereal diseases.

Week 4 - organ laying

Fetal development

The laying of the foundations for the internal organs takes place, the heart rate accelerates, the rudiments of arms and legs are formed, and most importantly, the neural tube is transformed for the growth of the brain. Gradually, the transition to placental nutrition is being prepared, the corpus luteum loses strength, the placenta is connected to the fetus by the umbilical cord.

Woman's condition

A woman should be prepared for the fact that toxicosis will haunt her until the end of the 12th week, since male cells are foreign to the body. Often, a pregnant woman begins to suffer from back pain associated with changes in body weight and restructuring of the body.

At this stage, the gynecologist will offer all kinds of tests, which should not be neglected.

Bloody, greenish, yellowish and other discharges are not normal. The uterus increases slightly in size, but the changes are not yet noticeable.

Week 5 - first movements

Fetal development

The heart is divided into two chambers, metamorphoses of the reproductive system are observed.

The brain is divided into two hemispheres, facial features are being improved - the nose, eyes, mouth are marked.

The handles can bend, the rudiments of fingers grow. The embryo makes the first small movements, but this is not noticeable to the mother.

The umbilical cord completely completes its formation, the placenta acquires a dense structure.

Woman's condition

The ligaments that support the uterus are stretched, which can cause slight pain in the lower abdomen. The pigmentation of the skin around the nipples increases, the urge to urinate becomes more frequent. There may be digestive problems. The nature of the secretions should be carefully monitored. The uterus has already reached the size of a small egg, but pregnancy is completely invisible.

Week 6 - continuation of organogenesis

Fetal development

The heart is improved to four-chambered. Lungs, bronchial tree develop. Unique facial features appear, eyes continue to form, the iris acquires color.

The phalanges of the fingers grow, the unborn child can completely bend and unbend them. The intestine is already so large that it does not fit in the stomach - part of it is in the umbilical cord. The genitals have a different appearance, but this is not yet visible on ultrasound.

Mother's condition

A young mother should pick up new underwear, as her breasts are growing rapidly. Increased drowsiness, irritability. The condition of the skin is changing. The uterus is already palpable during examination, the pharynx is completely closed with a cork.

Week 7 - Gland Formation

Fetal development

On the seventh week from the moment of conception, the tail at the base of the spine disappears.

The placenta begins to produce hormones itself, supporting intrauterine processes. Large blood vessels and endocrine glands complete their formation.

The time of formation of the pituitary gland, cerebellum, middle layer of the adrenal glands and lymph nodes.

The child begins to wrinkle his face and swallow. The neck is outlined.

Mother's condition

The mother's kidneys will henceforth work with a double load, as the baby's urinary system develops. In this case, the body begins to accumulate fat reserves. The uterus expands to the size of a tennis ball, so a woman can feel it while examining her body.

Week 8 - completion of organogenesis

Fetal development

The eighth week is one of the most important, since the laying of all vital organs and tissues is coming to an end, the main crisis stage has been completed. Then the child will only gain weight and height.

The size of the fetus does not exceed 4 cm, but it is already a fully formed organism with fingers, knees, elbows, auricles and a mouth. Normally, the child already knows how to bring his fist to his mouth.

The nervous system by this time is quite developed, therefore, according to numerous studies, the baby is able to feel physical pain.

The rudiments of milk teeth are just being formed. Boys are already producing their own testosterone, and girls are laying eggs - their number is certain for the rest of their lives.

It is this week that the doctor will offer to do the first diagnostic before ultrasound screening, because thanks to the technique it is possible to find out if the child has severe genetic diseases - for example, Down's disease.

Mother's condition

The uterus gradually begins to rise above the pubic joints, preparing to increase in size.

Week 9 - the end of the embryonic period

Fetal development

The embryonic period is over, now the child will begin to grow at a rapid pace.

The heart is fully functional, the blood vessels are fully formed.

The liver develops, the intestines make the first movements, slightly reminiscent of peristalsis.

The fetus tries to move its head, a weak sense of smell appears, which will help to find the breast at birth. The baby begins to move around the uterus in free swimming, respond to movements, sounds, grab the umbilical cord.

Mother's condition

Toxicosis disappears. It becomes uncomfortable for a woman to sleep on her back, there is a feeling of constant thirst, as the volume of amniotic fluid increases.

Week 10 - screening

Fetal development

The main systems of the body are fully formed, all organs are actively working and improving. The first hair covering appears - vellus hair. The child leads an active lifestyle, grimacing and waving his arms. The glands begin to function, the intestines are able to contract, the liver secretes bile.

The tip of the nose takes shape, the ears are still displaced.

Mother's condition

The uterus is actively growing, slightly crowding the intestines and bladder. At this stage, the mother will be offered to do a comprehensive screening to exclude the presence of malformations, an ultrasound scan, a biochemical blood test are performed. Screening can detect severe genetic diseases, and some parents will have to make a difficult choice between maintaining or terminating a pregnancy. Especially experienced uzists manage to guess the gender of the unborn baby.

The ligaments on the abdomen and lower back suffer the most from sprains, which is associated with the transition of the uterus upwards. The amount of leucorrhoea increases sharply, while other types of discharge may accompany diseases.

Week 11 - the beginning of the development of emotions

Fetal development

The first and most important trimester is coming to an end, the child’s height is already 7 or 8 cm. Muscle and bone tissue is improving, the digestive system is acquiring villi, which will soon move food. The male genital organ lengthens, the prostate gland develops. The rudiments of milk teeth are fully formed in the gums. The pancreas takes over the production of insulin.

The most important achievement concerns the emotional sphere - the child listens to new sounds, smiles, hardly sleeps. The movements of the arms and legs are still chaotic. The baby already distinguishes the taste of food, has taste preferences.

Mother's condition

The second trimester begins - the quietest time of pregnancy. The fetus is not yet so heavy that walking seems difficult, and the body no longer perceives male germ cells as something alien. However, the enlargement of the uterus leads to heartburn and problems with bowel movements. Starting from this period, the gynecologist will measure the circumference of the abdomen and the height of the rise of the uterus.

Second trimester

The created organ systems only debug the work. From the 22nd week, neonatologists manage to get the baby out in case of premature birth. This stage is characterized by intensive growth of the fetus and the development of higher brain structures.

Week 12 - Gender Recognition

Fetal development

The facial features continue to change - the ears have moved to the proper location. Finally, it becomes possible to recognize the sex, since the external genital organs are finally transformed into male and female types.

The growth of the child is almost 10 cm, but his movements are not yet noticeable to the mother. The fetus acquires ribs, and their movement more and more looks like raising and lowering during breathing.

The hairline consists of eyelashes, eyebrows, hair on the head and "lanuto" - a thin fluff designed to retain a special thick lubricant on the skin that helps to pass through the birth canal.

The muscles are so developed that the baby is able to push off the abdominal wall, which does not go unnoticed by thin girls.

Mother's condition

The child consistently takes most of the nutrients from the woman, which negatively affects the condition of the hair, teeth and gums. Already at this stage, many women notice the appearance of stretch marks. The uterus is located between the articulation and the navel, it is easy to feel it by simply placing your hand on your stomach. The edge rises 13 cm above the pubis.

Week 13 - cortical complexity

Fetal development

The brain surface is covered with convolutions and furrows, nerve cells are rapidly dividing. The sweat glands begin to work. The baby actively absorbs nutrients and urinates into the amniotic fluid.

The heart makes about 150 beats per minute, pumping almost 30 liters of blood.

From this week, the child begins to train the lungs, inhaling and spitting back the liquid. The glottis opens - the child is preparing for the first cry. The cub performs a series of acrobatic stunts, building up its muscles.

The placenta begins to work, now supplying oxygen, removing waste, producing its own progesterone and estrogen. The child's eyelids are still closed.

The bone marrow begins to produce white blood cells - the immune system prepares to protect the baby after birth.

The bone tissue hardens, and the skin becomes multi-layered, albeit transparent. The fetus gradually takes on a human form - the torso and limbs lengthen. Height exceeds 10 cm.

Mother's condition

At this stage, a second screening is carried out. The biochemical test of the second trimester gives more accurate results. Since the study gives only a hypothetical result, amniotic fluid sampling is recommended for women over 30.

Week 14 - first movements

Fetal development

The growth of the child exceeds 11 cm. The composition of the blood by this week corresponds to that of an adult, as the bone marrow begins to produce blood cells. Normal hemoglobin also appears in the blood. The thyroid gland develops, which produces thyroxine and triiodothyronine, preparing the body for the digestion of proteins and the beginning of the fat store, which will appear next week.

The liver, previously involved in hematopoiesis, begins to play a digestive role, the rest of the organs conduct “training”. In the intestines of the child, the original feces, consisting of bile, accumulate. Urination occurs almost every 40 minutes.

Fingernails almost took shape. The face "humanized" as the eyes fell into place.

Mother's condition

At this stage, for the first time, a woman feels that life has arisen inside her. The growth of the fetus leads to an increase in appetite. The weight of the uterus reaches 250 grams, the protrusion reaches the distance to the navel.

Week 15 - hyperpigmentation period

Fetal development

The fetus this week acquires fat, which is involved in the process of heat transfer. The work includes its own immune system, immunoglobulin and interferon are produced - the child is able to protect himself from infections if the mother gets sick.

Height is 13 cm. In girls, the uterus is gradually forming. The laying of permanent teeth begins, which “stand in line” for milk teeth.

The nervous system is mature enough to begin to communicate with a child who is able to recognize the voices of people close to him, recognize music, and also the mother's bad mood.

Mother's condition

The uterus is constantly growing, the woman suffers from frequent urination, shortness of breath. The organs have to make some room, which leads to heartburn and digestive problems. The stomach begins to protrude, it becomes unrealistic to sleep on it. Normally, a woman begins to add 200-300 grams per week.

Week 16

Fetal development

The heartbeat is perfectly audible on special equipment, the fetus reaches a height of 14 cm. The growth of eyebrows and hair on the head continues. The skin is fully formed, but they are so tender that the circulatory system is completely visible.

The fetus floats freely in the amniotic fluid, the salivary glands begin to work. Reaction to light sound improves, therefore it is better to avoid loud sounds. The child turns his head, twitches his hands. Scientists believe that such gymnastics has a positive effect on the mental development of the child.

Mother's condition

The mother should monitor the movements of the baby - if the movements occur more often than 4-8 times per hour, then this indicates oxygen starvation. The size of the uterus is similar to a small melon. The severity of the fetus affects the functioning of the musculoskeletal system of a woman - the gait of a pregnant woman changes.

Week 17 - Improving Neural Connections

Fetal development

Neurons debug the system of interaction, as a result of which the baby learns to control the eyeballs. The movements of the child become more coordinated. Bronchial case completes its formation. The sebaceous glands continue to work, covering the body with a white-gray grease and accumulating in folds. The fluff grows throughout the body and disappears closer to childbirth.

The baby's neck is strong enough to turn 180 degrees. The growth of the baby exceeds 15 cm. The weight of the baby finally exceeds the weight of the placenta. The skin is still very thin, brown fat can now be seen under it. The immune system begins to function at full capacity.

Mother's condition

The breast increases significantly, hormones provoke the flow of blood to the mammary glands. The uterus weighs more than 300 grams, continues to rise. The weight of the mother increases to 6 kg.

Week 18 - Hearing improvement

Fetal development

The baby finally completes the formation of the inner ear, which was too primitive before - small bones appear. The retina of the eye becomes light-sensitive, the eyeball is ready for contemplation, the blink reflex appears. However, the eyes are still closed.

The bone tissue continues to harden. The abdomen and buttocks become very sensitive. Teeth are covered with dentin. From this time on, the child begins to sleep for a long time, sleep acquires a phase division.

Mother's condition

Leg cramps may occur due to weight gain. The uterus protrudes 12 cm above the womb. Meanwhile, some women have training contractions that do not affect the baby in any way.

Week 19

Fetal development

At this stage, the baby's height exceeds 16 cm, weight is about 300 grams, the fetus is equal in size to a small zucchini. The body is still covered with a cheese-like lubricant that protects the skin from amniotic fluid. The child can touch his own face, fetal bladder, pulls on the umbilical cord, kicks it. It is already known whether the baby will be left-handed or right-handed.

The group of nerve cells responsible for the sense organs is fully formed. The child begins to interact with the outside world, responding with blows to loud sounds. Any stress is accompanied by an increase in activity. Meconium actively accumulates in the intestine, which will be released after birth.

Mother's condition

The mother's body undergoes tremendous changes, the heart impulse rises, the pulse quickens, the blood volume increases, which causes a decrease in the level of hemoglobin and a decrease in the number of red cells. A woman is haunted by lumbar pain, the uterus squeezes the bladder, which causes stagnation of urine, which risks turning into pyelonephritis that threatens the fetus. Often, due to weight, the symphysis becomes inflamed.

Week 20

Fetal development

By the end of the twentieth week, growth passes the mark of 20 cm. Under the protective layer of lubricant, skin cells are actively dividing, forming layers of the epidermis. The child distinguishes day from night and becomes active at different times of the day. The eyes are closed, but this does not prevent the baby from knowing the environment well - according to studies, twins and twins can hold each other's hands.

The spine has acquired intervertebral discs, the fetus tilts its head if desired, movements become more complicated. The child may try to signal to the mother if they are unhappy with the location or too loud sounds.

Mother's condition

By the end of the second trimester, an even more unpleasant phenomenon may appear - hemorrhoids. In addition, the mother may feel training contractions, and they should not be accompanied by severe pain. The uterus already rests against the diaphragm, shortness of breath appears.

Week 21

Fetal development

The weight of the child increases by 100 g, becomes about 350 g, the size of the fetus is about 25 cm. The child eats and breathes amniotic fluid, while the amniotic fluid changes composition every 3-4 hours.

Taste buds complete the formation on the tongue. The eyeballs are actively moving. The intestines begin to absorb and absorb carbohydrates. The bone marrow finally replaces the spleen and liver as the producer of blood cells.

The teeth are being prepared for the formation of enamel. The boy's testicles begin their journey from the abdominal cavity. Girls develop a vagina. At this stage, a lack of amniotic fluid or polyhydramnios can be detected - both harm the fetus and require correction.

Mother's condition

At this stage, the mother needs more calcium than ever. Lack of proper nutrition will affect the condition of the teeth and cause cramps in the legs. Many women are acutely anemic. Increases appetite. The uterus compresses the inferior vena cava, causing the legs to constantly swell.

Week 22

Fetal development

The growth of the fetus is 28 cm, weight - 500 grams. Premature birth at the 22nd week can end happily - medicine allows such a child to leave without serious developmental abnormalities. The brain of a baby reaches a weight of 100 grams. The alveoli of the lungs become mature and produce a substance that prevents contraction during breathing.

The child fills the entire uterine cavity, stretching it. The skin gradually produces pigment, fingerprints appear. At this stage, the indication for a caesarean section may be gestational diabetes - low blood sugar, so additional tests are performed.

Mother's condition

The mother should be closely monitored for weight gain and discharge. During this period, leakage of amniotic fluid is especially dangerous. The baby is actively moving and long lying is not encouraged - this can lead to entanglement of the umbilical cord.

Week 23

Fetal development

The weight of the child reaches 600 grams, the independent production of growth hormone begins. The baby's skin is very wrinkled. There is a rapid growth of adipose tissue. Hands lengthen, nails grow, which after birth will need to be carefully trimmed. The hairline is pigmented.

The genitals continue to develop - the testicles in boys gradually descend. The frequency of fetal movements is about 10 times a day. According to research, it is during this week that the nervous system undergoes changes that allow the baby to dream. The spleen is actively engaged in hematopoiesis, producing leukocytes and monocytes.

Mother's condition

Due to the production of progesterone, side effects are possible in the form of blockage of the veins, swelling of the limbs and bloating. Women around this time suffer from severe heartburn. They undergo the last screening - ultrasound and blood biochemistry.

Week 24

Fetal development

The growth of the baby is already 30 cm. By this age, the child turns over and is head down. The child sleeps for about 15-20 hours. The eyes are covered with a thin film. The movement becomes more distinct as the baby rests against the walls of the uterus. However, there are cases when the placenta is attached along the anterior edge.

The child is still practicing breathing, the lungs are producing more surfactant. The amount of amniotic fluid is 400 ml. Sometimes the baby begins to hiccup, and the mother feels it. This is caused either by improper ingestion of amniotic fluid, or by hypoxia.

Mother's condition

The pelvic bones expand, fatigue from a long walk appears. Overweight should be monitored so as not to bring the condition to preeclampsia, which negatively affects the child.

Week 25

Fetal development

The size of the fetus is approximately 33 cm, weight - about 700 g. The baby's skin acquires color, becomes dense.

The lungs are exercising, but in a premature birth, the fetus will not be able to breathe on its own.

The testicles in boys already reach the scrotum. The fetus has a grasping reflex.

The brain communicates with the adrenal glands.

Mother's condition

The mammary glands begin to produce colostrum, but this does not happen in all women. Pregnancy symptoms are normal: heartburn, constipation, lower back pain, cramps, swelling, shortness of breath, deterioration of teeth, hair.

Week 26

Fetal development

The baby's height is 35 cm, weight is almost 800 g. Fetal tremors become painful. Hearing becomes more subtle. The activity of the child increases, as he becomes stronger.

Mother's condition

With weight gain, all of the listed symptoms of pregnancy only intensify, cramps appear in the calf muscles. The doctor can diagnose preeclampsia, expressed in swelling, headaches, nausea, vomiting, hypoxia, as well as oligohydramnios or polyhydramnios, increased uterine tone. All these phenomena in most cases are treated with medication.

Week 27

Fetal development

At week 27, the baby outgrows 35 cm in height, weight reaches 1 kg.

In a dream, the child is already capable of the first smile.

Vellus hair disappears from the skin, leaving only in the shoulder area.

Mother's condition

The bottom of the uterus rises to a height of about 30 cm above the womb, so the mother has difficulty breathing. It is necessary to prevent blood stasis and walk more.

third trimester

The final, but less important stage of pregnancy begins. Organogenesis is completed, the baby is preparing for the first breath. From now on, if premature birth begins, there is a high chance of saving the child.

Week 28

Fetal development

The neck is lengthened. The skin is gradually smoothed out due to fat. The bones remain flexible, although the entire adipose tissue system has formed. The hair lengthens and their pigmentation intensifies.

The pupillary membrane comes off the eyes, the child learns to open his eyes, actively reacting to light. The baby begins to distinguish between sour and sweet.

Mother's condition

A woman at 28 weeks can feel how she is thrown either into heat or into cold. This is due to the new metabolic rate and helps to remove toxins from the body. At this time, the doctor conducts a study of the placenta, makes a conclusion about its age.

Premature aging is an indicator for a caesarean section. The lack of nutrients in the placenta is expressed in a decrease in the motor activity of the child, a smaller abdomen, and an increased tone of the uterus.

The doctor can also identify placenta previa, if it closes the internal pharynx, bleeding is possible. If changes in the location did not occur before childbirth, then a caesarean section is performed.

Week 29

Fetal development

The weight of the child exceeds 1 kg, height is about 40 cm. The baby is quite ready for birth and is formed externally. The amount of original lubricant on the skin decreases, the characteristic fluff disappears. So-called "white fat" is accumulated, which is especially abundant on the face, in order to maintain the baby's ability to suck.

The kidneys secrete about 500 g of urine, which partially still enters the respiratory tract and digestive system. Mucus plugs disappear from the nose. The baby actively receives antibodies from the mother's blood.

Teeth are in the gums, but some babies are born with them.

Mother's condition

The weight gain of the mother should not exceed 300-400. It is especially important that the fluid does not linger in the body, since edema can manifest itself not only externally, but also internal organs.

Week 30

Fetal development

The baby weighs about 1.4 kg. Height is about 40 cm. The child continues to develop the lungs, sometimes the liquid gets into the wrong throat, then the baby begins to hiccup rhythmically. Nutrition occurs through the placenta, which weighs about 600 g.

The umbilical cord consists of two umbilical arteries and one vein. As the child moves, it is possible for the formation of umbilical cord knots, which are tightened and cut off oxygen to the baby. Such cases are rare, but it is with them that doctors' recommendations for tracking the frequency of fetal movements are associated.

The brain completes the formation of furrows. The liver stores iron. At birth, the baby can be easily full-term.

Mother's condition

Possible leakage of fetal water, if suspected, you should not hesitate to send to the hospital. The uterus rises 8-10 cm above the pubic bone. Colostrum may also be released from the breast.

Week 31st

Fetal development

The baby weighs about 1.5 kg, height - more than 40 cm. The child takes the final position upside down, but there are also cases of breech presentation.

The kidneys actively excrete urine into the amniotic fluid. A protective sheath is formed around the nerves, impulses are transmitted faster, and the child begins to absorb the first information.

The baby's sleep mostly consists of "rapid" phases, which was confirmed by multiple studies of brain activity this week, which indicates that the baby is dreaming.

Mother's condition

The mother's weight increased to 10 kg compared to pre-pregnancy. A woman should pay special attention to diuresis and make a comparison between the liquid drunk and excreted by the kidneys. Edema indicates the presence of preeclampsia, the most severe cases of which lead to the death of the fetus and mother.

Week 32

Fetal development

The baby already reaches a weight of 1700 g, growth increases to 42 cm. The child actively sucks his finger and can already see - his eyes react to light.

The hands of the fetus are overgrown with fat. In addition, the cub's body begins to produce immunoglobulins, which will serve as a shield against harmful bacteria in the first months of life.

Most children turn their heads down by this age, but if this does not happen, you should wait a bit and have an ultrasound as early as next week.

Mother's condition

The child becomes stronger, so the blows can be somewhat painful. A woman can be tormented by flatulence and bloating, weakness, dizziness, convulsions. The placenta at this stage is 30 to 40 ml.

Week 33

Fetal development

There is not enough space, so the child takes the fetal position, the chin is pressed to the chest. The height of the child is up to 43 cm, weight is about 2 kg.

The baby can see colored dreams. The child becomes like a newborn, the baby's eyes open slightly.

The nails have grown and protrude beyond the pads.

Thumb sucking trains baby facial expressions. The child continues to develop, stealing calcium from the mother to form the skeletal system

Mother's condition

Pregnancy is difficult, it increases in size, the blows of the child become more noticeable.

Week 34

Fetal development

The weight of the child exceeds 2 kg, hair continues to grow on the head.

The navel takes its usual place. Lines are formed on the palms. More than half a liter of urine is excreted from the body per day.

There is a change in hearing - the baby begins to distinguish intonations.

Mother's condition

Symptoms are no different from the previous week. Sometimes false contractions begin. There is a gradual weight gain.

Week 35

Fetal development

The size of the fetus reaches 45 cm, and the weight is 2-3 kg.

The child quickly gains weight, meconium accumulates, which, however, is not released into the amniotic fluid.

The child's eye color is gray-blue.

The frequency of movements in the baby is 15 times in 24 hours.

Mother's condition

The large size of the fetus and the lack of vitamins lead to the appearance of skin stretch marks, due to severe heartburn, appetite disappears, and breathing becomes difficult. There are pains under the ribs. The bottom of the uterus rises 35 cm above the womb.

Week 36

Fetal development

The height of the baby is 47 cm, weight - 3 kg. The body shape becomes more rounded. The skull is not yet ossified. The lungs are ready for independent breathing.

The genitals are fully formed - the large labia in girls close the small ones, the testicles of the boys have finally descended into the scrotum. Normal activity is 10 movements in 12 hours.

The child can painfully kick the internal organs, which is especially unpleasant - the bladder. The bottom of the uterus occupies the highest point. It is during this week that the birth of twins often occurs.

Mother's condition

The gradual lowering of the fetus begins. There are false contractions. The mother becomes more clumsy. There is increased growth of hair and nails, frequent trips to the toilet and swelling.

Week 37

Fetal development

Height - about 48 cm, weight - 3 kg. The skin of the baby is smoothed, the nails grow to the tips of the fingers. The kid can scratch himself. Cartilage becomes more elastic.

The skull does not ossify completely - there are fontanelles necessary to pass through the paths. However, with hypercalcemia, the fontanels overgrow, and the baby may be trapped. To do this, it is necessary to conduct an ultrasound at a later date.

The child is already able to breathe without apparatus, if he is born a little earlier - the lungs are sufficiently trained. The adrenal glands are larger than the kidneys, and hormones are intensively produced.

The nervous system continues to develop, but the reflexes necessary for life have already been worked out. The digestive system is covered with small villi, the stomach makes the first contractions.

Mother's condition

A woman is almost not worried about heartburn, however, pulling pains of the ligaments remain and the process of defecation becomes difficult, or vice versa - it becomes more frequent, which indicates imminent contractions.

Week 38

Fetal development

Height - about 50 cm, weight - 3 kg.

All organs are already formed, there is little space left for the baby.

The heart is actively working, but there is still a small hole between the chambers.

The movement is no longer so active, which is associated with an increase in the size of the fetus.

Mother's condition

At this stage, false contractions are possible. Frequent pain occurs due to pinching of the femoral nerves. Lack of calcium leads to muscle pain. Heartburn and dizziness are often observed. This week, the mucous plug may come off, the cervix is ​​​​gradually preparing for the birth of a child.

Week 39

Fetal development

Height - more than 50 cm, weight - 3.5 kg.

The fruit at this time is the size of a small watermelon.

The skin becomes white. The stomach is filled with enzymes that can digest food.

A sucking reflex is formed. The baby forms special rollers on the mucous membrane of the lips.

The child's gaze tries to focus on flashes of light. The spinal cord and facial nerves are finally maturing.

Mother's condition

There is a feeling of heavy heaviness in the perineum. The uterus descends, so breathing becomes an order of magnitude easier. There may be signs of childbirth.

Week 40

Fetal development

Height - from 50 cm. Weight - from 3.0 kg. The body of the baby does not have any fluff, the skin becomes pinkish, the palms and heels are wrinkled.

The grease almost disappears. The fetus occupies the entire uterus, its movements are very limited.

There is meconium in the intestines, the lungs are ready to open.

Shortly before the birth, the child practically ceases to be active, entering a borderline state.

Mother's condition

The stomach gradually moves down, so it becomes easier for the mother to breathe. The pelvic bones expand. The discharge becomes more abundant, because the cervix opens and prepares for childbirth. There are frequent urges to urinate. The breast is gradually preparing for feeding. As a rule, this week ends with the long-awaited birth of a child.

And more information about the weeks of pregnancy - in the next video.

All future parents, of course, are interested in what happens to the baby under the heart of the mother, how a little man appears from a tiny cage, who in forty weeks will have to make myo happy with his first cry. The most detailed pregnancy calendar offered on this page will help you get an idea of ​​all the processes that take place during the many months of intrauterine development of the embryo.

Pregnancy calendar from the day of conception (from 1 to 5 weeks)

1-3rd week

The pregnancy calendar begins from the day of conception, when the egg is fertilized and moves through the fallopian tube, as well as implantation in the uterine cavity. Usually during this period a woman does not feel any changes in the body.

4-5th week

4-5 weeks from conception according to the pregnancy calendar is characterized by the beginning of the formation of the placenta. Intensive cell division of the embryo, the laying of the cardiovascular system. He has a two-chambered heart, which is typical for fish, but this is a temporary phenomenon. By the end of the week, it is already shrinking. The laying of the upper respiratory tract, the neural tube begins.

Homoblasts appear in the embryo - prototypes of spermatozoa or eggs. The eye cup acquires a double wall and is covered with a transparent cornea - eyes are formed. During this period, the laying of the adrenal glands, liver, duodenum, pharynx and esophagus occurs, the formation of the mouth begins. The future stomach descends into the abdominal cavity, and becomes overgrown with nervous elements. This is essential for the normal passage of food through the stomach. There is also a laying of the salivary glands. By the end of the 5th week, according to the pregnancy development calendar, the rudiments of the liver and pancreas will appear in the embryo.

If this week you could look at the embryo during an ultrasound examination, you would certainly see its head and pelvic end, back, tummy, spine, and even eyes. The length of your baby during this period is 0.5-1.1 cm.

Embryonic pregnancy calendar in the early stages from 6 to 10 weeks

6th week

It's only been another week, but what a lot it has brought. From a fish, the baby turned into an amphibian, the embryo developed an atrial septum, which divided the heart into three sections, the kidneys and spleen are laid in the form of an accumulation of special cells, the stomach is released from the expansion of the primary intestine, the posterior intestinal membrane is straightened. According to the pregnancy calendar, already in the early stages, the primary brain blisters are transformed into the main parts of the brain, under them the epiphysis (pineal gland) appears, which affects puberty, the normal functioning of the sex glands. The rudiments of arms and legs appear, separate parts of the inner ear and larynx are formed. The placenta (children's place) is developing at a fast pace and a tiny umbilical cord has already appeared. Your baby's length is 1.2-1.6 cm.

7th week

According to the pregnancy development calendar, at the 7th week, the length of the embryo is already 1.6-2 cm, and the weight is 4.5 g. This is due to the rapid development of the brain. But it is still bent, the head end is inclined to the stomach, the tail has lengthened and bent. Outwardly, he becomes like a small, peacefully sleeping animal.

Gradually, the future facial features of the child begin to appear in the front of the head. The eyes have already appeared, the formation of the lens begins, the formation of the nose, the rudiments of the auricle and the organ of hearing - the ear vesicle. The first occipital and last 5-7 tip somites will disappear somewhat later, and the rest will form the axial skeleton. The heart takes an S-shape. The right and left ventricles stand out in it, it contracts, and with the help of ultrasound, a heartbeat can be heard. The esophagus, trachea, and anterior wall of the abdomen develop. There is a process of formation of the small intestine, sternum. The cortical part of the adrenal glands is laid. The brain develops very quickly; now, like an adult, it has grooves and convolutions. There is a formation of muscles of the whole body. The nose and mouth, lobar bronchi continue to develop. The primary circulatory system begins to function. The “commander-in-chief” in this process is the liver, from which blood cells enter either the right or the left parts of the heart, which
o possibly due to a large oval hole in the cardiac septum. But all this is temporary. With the formation of lymph nodes, immunity begins to form. The kidneys acquire their final shape and permanent structures. The rudiments of the parathyroid glands are formed. Cells with characteristic endocrine properties appear in the pancreas. The lower part of the intestinal tube is divided into two sections, from which the small and large intestine will subsequently form. The limbs of the future baby are lengthening, thinning, hands and feet appear on them, and you can even see 5 small rays - the prototype of the fingers.

8th week

The size of the embryo, in accordance with the pregnancy calendar at this time, has already increased sufficiently - up to 2.2-2.4 cm, and weight - up to 23 g.

From the first branchial arch, the upper and lower jaws are formed. You can already see the contours of the nose, the forehead develops, the outer contours of the eyes are outlined, which become more noticeable as pigment appears in the cells of the retina. The head of the embryo is tilted towards the cardiac prominence, which gradually decreases due to the development of the chest, by the end of the week the neck and trunk begin to gradually straighten. The volume of the abdominal cavity increases, the hepatic protrusion disappears. The stomach and intestines take their final shape and take their permanent place. A primary intestinal loop is formed. The umbilical cord develops. The central lymphatic organ, the thymus (thymus gland), is laid, the first follicles appear in the thyroid tissue. There is a complication of the epidermis, since two layers of cells appear in the skin, the common arterial trunk is divided into the pulmonary artery and the aorta. A second septum appears in the heart, separating the left and right ventricles. Together with the atrial septum, they create
first valve. From this point on, blood can only move in one direction - from the right atrium to the left. The communication of the heart with large blood vessels improves. A large area is occupied by mesonephros (primary kidneys), metanephros (secondary kidneys) begins to develop.

As you can see in the photo of the pregnancy calendar, this week the arms and legs are already well distinguished from each other:

On the handle you can see the cubital fossa and wrist, and on the hand (like a small children's spatula) - future fingers. On the legs, changes occur much more slowly than on the hands. Bones and even joints are developing very actively. It is during this period that the ossification of the skeleton begins, which will continue after birth for many more years.

If on the 8th week of intrauterine development it is the Y-chromosomes that begin to influence the fetus, then its sex glands form into the testicles, if not, then into the ovaries. In the first case, a boy will be born, in the second - a girl.

9th week

The length of the embryo from crown to tip is 2-3 cm, and the weight is 34 g.

The main feature of this week according to the pregnancy calendar is that the embryo acquires a clearly defined humanoid appearance: it has a head, torso and limbs. The head has become even larger, which is associated with the intensive development of the brain. This week, the ears begin to grow, and although they are still quite low, they will soon take shape and stand in their rightful place. Limbs are actively formed. Arms and legs are lengthening, bones are being strengthened. On the limbs, the fingers become stronger and longer. On the hands, the fingers are separated by intervals, and on the feet - by grooves. The body of the baby grows not only in length, but also in width. The volume of the thoracic and abdominal cavities increases, which leads to a smoothing of the cardiac prominence. In the small intestine, proteolytic enzymes appear that are involved in the process of breaking down proteins into amino acids that are well absorbed. The first sweat glands, located on the palms and soles, appear. The nervous system is actively developing, there are nerve nodes (spinal ganglia) in the intervertebral foramens, cranial and spinal nerves are clearly visible. By the end of the week, the formation of the cerebellum will begin, it is this part of the brain that is responsible for coordinating movements. The adrenal medulla is laid (adrenaline is produced in it). And one more joyful event - it is from this week that the first, still completely invisible to mom, spontaneous ones begin.

10th week

At this gestational age, according to the calendar, the length of the embryo from the crown to the buttocks is from 3.0 to 4.1 cm, and it weighs 45 g. This is the last week of the embryonic period of intrauterine development of a person. There are significant changes in the proportions of the body, they clearly take on a human form. The head is rounded and raised. It is still very large and is almost half the length of the entire body. The skin is very thin, so the blood vessels of the skull are visible. The neck appears. On the face, you can see the superciliary arches and eyelids, which close by the end of the week. The eyes of the embryo at the beginning of the week are wide open. The mouth becomes smaller, and a small tongue is visible inside it. The development of milk teeth began. By the end of the week, the embryo is able to taste. The tail is finally gone. The arms and legs are almost the same size, all departments are clearly visible on them, while the arms are bent at the elbow joints, and the legs at the knee joints. The umbilical cord is reduced in diameter. The yolk sac, which previously performed a hematopoietic function, p
gradually dies off. Its remains are later found in the umbilical cord. With the advent of the placenta, blood circulation, nutrition, and metabolism improve. In the embryo, the relative position of the organs changes, so the kidneys rise up and begin to gradually, in a very small amount, filter out substances harmful to the body from the blood and remove them, that is, form urine. The differentiation of the internal genital organs begins, in future boys this process has already begun, and the girls are in no hurry. The cerebral cortex is well defined. The volume of the bone marrow is 16 ml. In the blood, thymus gland, lymphatic follicles, the first lymphocytes appear - white blood cells responsible for immunity. The amount of amniotic fluid inside the fetal bladder is 20 ml. These are quite comfortable conditions for the life and development of the embryo.

From the end of the 10th week according to the pregnancy calendar, the embryonic period of intrauterine development of a person ends, and the fetal (fetal) period begins. Now we can call the organism that develops in the uterus a fetus.

Accurate pregnancy calendar for a period of 11 to 15 weeks

11th week

The development of the fetus according to the pregnancy calendar at this time continues very quickly. Its length is 7 cm, and its weight is about 50 g. The appearance of the fetus is very unusual, the head is almost half the length of its entire body. The arms appear to be longer than the legs as they develop faster. The development of fingers and toes continues, nails begin to form. This week, the first manifestations of facial expressions are detected, the facial muscles of the face begin to work: the fetus opens and closes its mouth, wrinkles its forehead, and turns its head. The iris is formed - that part of the eyeball by which we judge the color of a person's eyes. The pituitary gland, a multifunctional endocrine gland of the brain, located in the so-called Turkish saddle, begins to work in full force.

Thymus, the central immune organ, continues its work - hematopoiesis, cells produced by it (thymocytes) begin to spread throughout the body of the fetus.

This week, the first significant lymphatic vessels appear in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe roots of the lungs. In the blood vessels, immature blood contains primitive hemoglobin, which is gradually replaced by fetal hemoglobin.

After the 12th week of intrauterine development, new organs in the fetus are no longer formed, and the existing ones continue to grow and develop. This week he has his first reflexes.

12th week

Development is in full swing. The length of the fetus from the crown to the buttocks is 7-8 cm, and the weight is 68 g. All organs have already been formed and continue to develop. The development of the fetus according to the pregnancy calendar this week is characterized by the fact that the bone substance begins to form in the fetus. The fingers and toes are separated, the nails continue to grow. The rudiments of permanent teeth are formed in the gums. The development of the brain continues. The pituitary gland produces many hormones. The liver of the fetus begins to produce bile - a substance essential for the digestion of dietary fats. Periodic contractions appear in the intestines, which are called peristaltic. It is with their help that food moves through the intestines. The internal genital organs of the fetus are already developing in the female or male pattern. By ultrasound, an experienced specialist can determine the sex of the child at this time. But take your time, wait until these differences become clearer. The fetus begins to move, but you don't feel it yet. He can squint and wiggle his fingers and toes.

13th week

The exact pregnancy calendar symbolizes the 13th week as the second trimester of pregnancy. One third of the way is done. At the end of the previous trimester, the fetal period of development began. It is characterized by the rapid growth of the organs and tissues of the child, but a gradual slowdown in the growth of the head. The body begins to grow much faster. And the second feature of this period is that congenital malformations, as a rule, are no longer formed. This week, the growth of the fetus reaches 9-10 cm, and the weight is 80 g.

Look at the photo - according to the pregnancy development calendar at the 13th week, the fetus takes on a human appearance, the eyes approach each other, the ears are located on the sides of the head:

He develops his first hair, soft fluffy, called lanugo, located on the brow ridges, lip and chin. The baby has formed all 20 milk teeth. The intestines fit into the abdominal cavity. Villi begin to form in it, which play an important role in the digestion of food. The pancreas produces insulin.

14th week

The length of the fetus is already 10-11 cm, and the weight is 90 g, the size of the head in diameter is 28 mm, the body continues to round. Active growth of the spine and muscular system continues. Muscle fibers begin to group and muscles are formed in which transverse striation predominates. Day by day there are more and more of them. The neck continues to stretch. The pancreas begins to produce more insulin, which is necessary for metabolism and growth. Gender differences are becoming more and more obvious. Improves coordination of movements. The fetus begins to learn to breathe, draws amniotic fluid into the lungs and pushes them back. He knows how to open his mouth and even smile. At the same time, he can emit droplets of urine.

15th week

To be precise, according to the pregnancy calendar this week, the length of the fetus is 12-13 cm, weight - 100 g. More and more it becomes like a person. The ears are almost in place, the eyes are in the middle of the face, although they are still widely spaced.

His skin is very thin, blood vessels show through it, and the color is more reddish than pink. The body is covered with fluffy hair. The heart pumps about 2-3 liters of blood per day. The fetus periodically empties its bladder, and urine enters the amniotic fluid. Amniotic fluid is updated 8-10 times a day, which helps maintain their sterility with a constant chemical composition: the ratio of water, mineral elements and organic substances. This is the very first habitat of the unborn child. He studies her, exchanges information and chemicals with her.

Baby calendar of pregnancy with a description of the development of the fetus from 16 to 20 weeks

16th week

The fetus has grown and recovered, weighs 110-118 g, and is working hard on its improvement. A nice fluff appeared on the head (you won’t have time to look back, how you will braid pigtails). The ears are located almost in their place, a little closer to the neck. A feature of the baby pregnancy calendar at this time is the end of the formation of nails in the future baby. His movements become more and more coordinated.

17th week

The mass of the fetus is 160-180 g, the length is 18 cm. New structures have not appeared, but how everything that the fetus already has progresses in its development. The stage of enhanced growth of the brain has begun, its volume is increasing. From this moment, the formation of subcutaneous fat begins, which is involved in energy production and in the metabolic process.

18th week

Fruit length - 20-22 cm, weight - 200-250 g. Keep in mind that growth rates slow down a little by this time. It should be. The formation of adipose tissue continues, the strengthening of the bones of the fetus.

Pay attention to the photo of the pregnancy calendar - the phalanges of the fingers and toes are already fully formed in the fetus, and a pattern has appeared on the skin of the fingers, strictly individual, unique:

The kid moves in his spacious "home".

19th week

The length of the fetus is 22-24 cm, weight is 280-300 g. It develops lungs, bronchioles grow, blood flow increases. His eyes are closed, but he knows how to distinguish light from darkness. Primitive eggs appeared in the girl's ovaries. Now there are vellus hairs all over the body of the fetus. They will disappear shortly before birth, but sometimes their remnants can be preserved in newborns on the ears, face, and shoulder blades.

20th week

The length of the fetus is 24-25 cm, weight - 300-350 g. He already knows how to suck his finger. This week, the skin begins to produce primordial lubrication. It is formed from exfoliating fluffy hairs, superficial skin cells and the secretion of the sebaceous glands - white-cream in color. It is a pasty substance that covers the folds and other parts of the body. Its function is to protect the very delicate skin of the fetus from exposure to harmful microorganisms and mechanical damage. Sometimes the original lubrication persists after birth. During this period, the fetus moves very actively. If we take a watch, we get a stunning result - in half an hour he makes up to 60 shocks, and by the degree of this activity we can already judge whether he is sleeping or awake.

Newest pregnancy calendar from 21 to 25 weeks

21st week

According to the latest pregnancy calendar, on the 21st week, the fetus has already grown to 26 cm and weighs 400-420 g. Its organs and systems continue to develop. First of all, it concerns the nervous and endocrine systems. The nervous system is already sufficiently developed so that the fetus can effortlessly swallow amniotic fluid. The chemical composition, and hence the taste of the amniotic fluid, largely depends on what the pregnant woman eats. Thanks to this, food addictions begin to form in the fetus, which persist after birth. He behaves very actively, spins as he wants, turns his head down, then up, then down again. He will become calmer only at the end of the second trimester.

22nd week

The fetus continues to grow and reaches a length of 27-28 cm and a weight of 500 g. All organs have already been laid, but continue to actively develop, adapt to perform their functions. In fact, the brain has finished its growth. The detailed pregnancy calendar notes that the vellus hair of the fetus becomes darker. The kid leads an active life, and when he sleeps, he dreams.

23rd week

The fetus grows up to 28-29 cm, its weight increases up to 600 g. The original feces - meconium - appears in the intestines. This week the cardiovascular system is developing very actively.

24th week

According to the pregnancy calendar, the length of the fetus at this time is already 30 cm, and the weight is over 600-650 g. The baby continues to build up brown adipose tissue under the skin. This fat has a high energy value. When describing the pregnancy calendar, the 24th week is characterized as a period of active development of the fetal nervous system. The volume of the brain increases, the central and lateral furrows appear on the surface of the cerebral cortex. The spinal cord grows much more slowly. The growth of muscle fibers occurs due to an increase in the diameter of existing fibers. The volume of amniotic fluid becomes larger. The baby begins to make breathing movements. In this case, a small amount of amniotic fluid enters the lungs, but is immediately absorbed by the lung tissue.

25th week

The length of the fetus is 32 cm, and the weight is 650-750 g. Organs and tissues continue to develop intensively, especially the respiratory system. The hematopoietic function is performed by the bone marrow. This week, in accordance with the full pregnancy calendar, is dedicated to strengthening the osteoarticular apparatus, the fetus begins to move more actively.

26th week

The fetus already weighs 800-900 g, its length is 34-38 cm. What happens according to the pregnancy calendar with the fetus at this time? Now he hears not only the beating of his mother's heart, but also music from the outside, as he has developed an auditory analyzer. All organs and tissues continue to develop, the alveoli of the lungs have finally formed, the lungs have taken their usual position.

27th week

The weight of the fetus during this period is 900-1000 g, length - 33-34 cm. His skin is wrinkled due to being in the aquatic environment, but do not worry, this will pass a few weeks before delivery. A significant event - the baby's eyelids rise. This week, the formation of the retina of the eye is completely completed, so the child can perceive light and color.

The fruit has a length of 35-36 cm, weight - a little more than 1 kg. Furrows and convolutions are clearly visible on the surface of the brain, but there are not very many of them yet, but the mass of the brain has increased.

As you can see in the photo of the fetus according to the pregnancy calendar at the 27th week, there are already eyebrows and cilia on the face of the future baby, and small hairs on the head:

The baby opens and closes his eyes. A reflex arc formed from the taste buds. Until this week, the boy's testicles were in the abdominal cavity, and now they are gradually starting to descend into the scrotum. If it happens that the baby is born prematurely, then he has every chance of survival, of course, with appropriate care.

Last trimester weekly pregnancy calendar

29th week

From the 29th week, the last trimester of pregnancy begins. The length of the fetus is already 36-37 cm, and the weight is 1200-1300 g. During this period, the immune system begins to work, blood cells form in the spleen. Enamel appears on the teeth.

The main task of the fetus at the moment is to prepare for childbirth. He is learning to regulate his temperature. The bone marrow produces red blood cells. The nature of the movements changes - the fetus is pushed by the elbows and lower limbs.

30th week

According to the weekly pregnancy calendar, the fetus has already grown to 39 cm, and weighs 1400-1500 g. He is familiar with the sensations of light and heat. His mother can determine with great certainty when the baby is sleeping and when he is awake. The hair on the fetal head continues to grow. The chest is very active, it rises and falls.

31st week

The length of the fetus is 40-41 cm, and the weight is 1700-1750 g. White adipose tissue is deposited under the skin. The skin begins to take on a pink color.

The nails almost reach the tips of the fingers. The pupils of the eyes begin to react to light and darkness in much the same way as in an adult.

32nd week

The length of the fetus is 42 cm, and the weight is 1800-1900 g. Most of the wrinkles disappear from the face. There is a lot of hair on the head. The nervous system continues to develop successfully. The head became more proportional to the body. The fetal brain is cut through the convolutions. If light through the stomach hits the face, the pupils of the eyes begin to narrow.

33rd week

The length of the fetus is 42-43 cm, weight is 2000-2200 g. A special substance appeared in the lungs - a surfactant. It helps the baby breathe on its own after birth because it keeps the lungs from collapsing during exhalation. Premature babies now have far fewer breathing problems.

34th week

Fetal height - 44-44.5 cm, weight - 2300-2400 g. The future child is developing intensively. He can already breathe on his own in case of premature birth, but cannot maintain body temperature. Fetal movements become more active.

The fetus is approximately 45 cm long and weighs 2400-2600 g. Starting this week, it will add 220 g weekly. Soon he will begin to sink his head into the lower segment of the uterus. His nails are long and he can scratch.

36th week

The length of the fetus is 46-47 cm, and the weight is 2700 g. It is being prepared for feeding.

Below are photos of the fetus from the weekly pregnancy calendar - you can clearly see how the baby sucks either a finger on his hand or a toe:

The fetus is no longer moving so actively, but you should not be afraid of this - it should be so.

37th week

The length of the fetus is 48-49 cm, weight is 2800-2900 g. The nervous system continues to develop, a protective sheath is created around the nerves. This process begins this week of intrauterine development, and ends by the end of the first year of a child's life. This shell allows you to better coordinate movements. The baby's lungs are working actively, he is breathing with might and main. During inhalation, amniotic fluid enters the lungs, which is excreted during exhalation. Sometimes he gets hiccups. Now the baby should normally be in the uterus head down.

38th week

The baby continues to gain weight, now he weighs about 3 kg, and his length is 49-50 cm. But these figures may be different at the moment. This largely depends on the height and weight of the parents themselves. The hair that covered it disappeared from the child's body, and there was less original lubrication.

The baby weighs 3000-3100 g, its length is 50 cm. All organs and systems are already fully formed and continue to improve. The respiratory system is the last to develop.

40th week

The development of the child according to the pregnancy calendar ends here, he is already quite ready for extrauterine life. Its length is 51-54 cm, weight is 3200 g and more. His movements are getting slower, he is preparing for the birth. The intestines are filled with black-green primordial feces. Both girls and boys have protruding nipples due to the high content of estrogen in the mother's blood. It will go away in a few weeks after giving birth. The same reason can cause small vaginal discharge in girls.

Now that you have read the full description of the weekly pregnancy calendar, you can better imagine how your baby is formed in the womb.

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