What are bearded men in checkered shirts called? Who is Lambersexual, where does the name of the style come from?

In November 2012, I started working on the texts of the “Things” column in one very good Moscow magazine Afisha (by the way, it is now either closing or turning into an almanac, but that’s a completely different story), and the first task was to go and write a review of what had just Fott store moved to Dmitrovsky Lane. It was an excellent men's store, responsible for the image of Moscow fashionable lumberjacks. This means bearded men in Spiewak parkas, Asics sneakers, Barbour jackets, sand-colored trousers, Alden boots and most likely a backpack.

I really liked this store then. It was opened by great guys who really set the rules, the style, the real ideologists of their business. I was slightly perplexed by how much they believe in fashion for outdoor clothing and so-called heritage. I will say more, I was so imbued with all this that I left there in a khaki Spiewak parka with an orange lining, it is still with me.

But why am I telling this - this story about lumberjacks, strictly speaking, is not entirely new, we have been hearing about it one way or another for the last three years, often along with the mention of “barbershops”, men’s hairdressing salons, not alien to this style, and all the same Fott store But now Fott in Dmitrovsky Lane has closed, and somehow the trend should have subsided, but no - it is more alive than all the living and has even developed, now such men are called the beautiful word “lumbersexual”. Because the style of the American-Scandinavian lumberjack is a classic. And by the way, a holy place is never empty, even though Fott, going through difficult times, decided to “temporarily” close, but the Lumberjack bar is thriving.

But let's get back to the terminology. Who is this, lumbersexual, why are “lumbersexuals” now also called this strange term, denoting the complete opposite of metrosexuals, who deliberately take care of themselves? Even The Guardian now uses this word. So, I’m telling you. This neologism is formed by merging English words: lumberjack ("lumberjack") and sexual ("sexual"). How many of them we knew, different types of sexualities: metrosexual, bisexual, asexual, self-sexual, sapiosexual (the one who is turned on only by smart people). And not so long ago we wrote about the bro movement, this is closer to freedom, naturalness and harmony and to what we are talking about now. And now “lambersexuals” have appeared.

Our art director calls all these sexy men "undecided." But, in my opinion, everything is very definite here. Suddenly it turned out that a man with a beard and wearing a Woolrich Arctic Parka is not only fashionable, but also very, very sexy, I would say, aggressively sexy. The image of a huge bearded man in a checkered shirt with an ax at the ready is triggered, as if he had just come out of the forest and was wild - do you like those? We really do.

But in parentheses, we note that there is still a difference between the guys from the Fott store and the Lambersexuals. The former were very careful about their appearance, but the lambersexual, on the contrary, is not impressed by his appearance, and he pays almost no attention to brands. Instead of a fresh haircut from a barbershop - long hair, the beard is rather thick and wild. Yes, he chooses too retro style: but these are more likely not things from the latest collections, but nameless T-shirts, second-hand shirts, knitted sweaters, fur hats with earflaps, and sometimes bow ties.

Complete information on the topic “the fashion of wearing a beard like a lumberjack who doesn’t cut down trees” - all the most relevant and useful information on this issue.

I liked it now: I’m looking for “organic cotton T-shirt” in Yandex, and the search query “organic cotton T-shirt in grunge style” comes up. I think, what kind of brutal grunger metalhead is this, who still cares about having a T-shirt made of 100% organic cotton? – megabrutal!

Nowadays it's fashionable to look like a lumberjack. Who does not cut down trees, but takes care of himself all day long in order to please other woodcutters.

“Harry, is my ax shiny enough?”

- yes, John, your ax is beautiful

– this is because I cleaned it with 100% organic linden fiber with extra cold pressed flax oil

polish the handle better, John, more thoroughly

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About lumberjacks

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Men's trends 2015. Lumbersexuals. Lumberjack style

Men's trends
On Louboutins

I recently met an acquaintance whom I had not seen for the last few months, and had difficulty recognizing him. It should be noted that this friend of mine is a fairly wealthy, educated person working in the fashion industry. He could never be accused of not taking care of himself or looking neglected. This time a healthy bearded man stood in front of me.

The beard is a new male trend, so obvious and powerful that it has its own name - Lambersexual. The lumberjack style, a strong man with a beard, is the complete opposite of the metrosexual - a stylish and sophisticated city dweller.

In fact lumbersexuals- these are not just men with beards, there are other classic attributes of the lumberjack style - flannel plaid shirts, knitted hats and of course men's tattoos. This is exactly what American lumberjacks, who served as the prototype of the style, look like in the public consciousness. However, a luxurious beard is the main distinguishing feature of a lambersexual.

It’s easy to see that this man with a beard and tying a tie looks quite harmonious. Tattoos, an earring and a beard go well with a white shirt, vest and tie. The secret is that this lumbersexual is not a lumberjack at all and he is obviously no stranger to a business suit. Lambersexuals are, in fact, successful modern people, businessmen or highly paid professionals who follow trends, and most often pick up new trends before others.

Lambersexual has excellent taste, his beard is always well-groomed, and a simple suit, regardless of style, is always well chosen.

Nothing is new, everything has already happened before and the modern trend is a repetition of what has already been done, such a natural desire for men to grow a beard and go cut down trees, climb mountains, cross oceans and do other masculine things. The definition of Lambersexual has appeared now, but Lambersexuals themselves have always existed, albeit not in such numbers.

Lumbersexuals! We need your experience

Beardless brothers are wondering: Isn’t it hot in the summer with a beard? Does it interfere with reading books? and the phone? What does your Lady say?

Leave comments, your opinion is very important to us!


I'm not bearded, I rarely shave)) Usually it lasts for a week, after a week it becomes unbearable, I shave and get great pleasure and relief. P.S. Cool screensaver – Marx, Engels, Lenin – Lambersexuals

Nothing gets in the way. And in winter it also warms the chin)

And a lady prefers a beard than prickly stubble.

This is how the climber, without wanting it and without making any special effort, found himself in the trend. Guys, what's up with the music?

I think bluesrock, psychedelic stoner (about music)

Read this article in English

The men's trends of 2015. Lumbersexuals. The lumberjack style

If you seem to meet American lumberjacks too often it’s okay, they are just lumbersexuals.

Men's trends

Lambersexual Lite. Checkered shirt without beard.

Men's brands have never offered so many plaid shirts as this spring. The market happily satisfies the sudden demand for the image of a lambersexual, trying to keep up with the growth of the beard.

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Fashion to wear a beard like a lumberjack who doesn't cut down trees

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Lumberjacks are like homosexuals, only with trees.

No, well, a twig fell out - a ready-made technological hole.

And you are smart. It’s immediately obvious, oldfag)

Intolerant fagot)) (you need to understand)

It's me. shame me, humiliate me

It’s funny to watch men discussing who dresses how and what haircut they wear and whether they like it or not.

This reminds me of someone.

but don’t care who wears what and how?

I have a feeling that such posts are being corrected by someone whose beard does not grow, and there is no need to put everyone under the same brush.

With a beard like a hipster

as if they feel that without a beard they are even scarier

A beard hides a double chin well!

lumbersexuals. for any g they will come up with a special word

Come on, do they interfere with someone’s life?

And if the beard doesn’t grow, what should you do?

Walking around is unfashionable.

Text (words) of the song “Whom did you want to surprise” (print)

Or you can shave everything off.

Who did you want to surprise?

You believed in the guitar, the Beatles and flowers,

Dreaming of loving the whole world,

But you didn’t come up with all these songs,

Who did you want to surprise?

Tell me what are you happy about?

Wait, look back

Wait, look back

How the leaves wither,

And the crows circle

You became a rebel, and the darkness trembled,

You wanted to change the whole world,

But all rebels face prison,

Who did you want to surprise?

Now you're tired and you don't care

How to live the rest of your life.

And here everyone looks like you for a long time,

Who did you want to surprise?

Tell me what are you happy about?

Wait, look back

Wait, look back

How the leaves wither,

And the crows circle

Where there used to be a flowering garden.

You can walk like a neglected garden

Or you can shave everything off.

I have seen both of these more than once,

Who did you want to surprise?

Tell me what are you happy about?

Wait, look back

Wait, look back

How the leaves wither,

And the crows circle

Where there used to be a flowering garden.

Nothing! Emo survived these homos too. Hmm. We'll survive the lumberjacks))

New fashion trends: the Canadian lumberjack has replaced the metrosexual

Refined metrosexual men, whose beautiful manicure every girl would envy, are being replaced by hairy bearded men who look manly and rough. A new trend in fashion is gradually sweeping the whole world, and now on the catwalks it is not pampered handsome men who demonstrate clothes, but brutal representatives of the stronger sex, looking aggressively sexy. Urban "American Lumberjacks" emerged as society grew tired of imposed standards of masculine sophistication.

Experts say that the carefully groomed metrosexuals have long lost their ground, and all thanks to the emergence of a style whose name is borrowed from the English language.

Lambersexual - who is it?

The word lumberjack translates as “lumberjack,” and the appearance of North American lumberjacks spending a lot of time outdoors formed the basis of the modern style that is gaining popularity. The main attributes of Lambersexuals are, of course, facial hair and numerous tattoos (the so-called sleeves - from the wrist to the neck), emphasizing individuality.

A beard is a real man's accessory that needs to be taken care of, as it will not grow beautifully on its own. Therefore, it is necessary to often turn to professionals to maintain a neat appearance, because negligence is not welcome. In Russia, a solid beard was once a national feature, and after the order of Peter I, many men, having parted with it, committed suicide. It seems that now we are returning to our roots.

Lumberjacks without an ax

The fashion trend called “Canadian lumberjack” is closely related to the recently emerged trend of hipsters who are fond of arthouse culture, original music, auteur cinema and preaching inner freedom.

Of course, we must admit that lumbersexuals, unlike real woodcutters, never held an ax in their hands. A typical city dweller, who looks deliberately rude, receives a good salary working in the field of modern technology. He does mental work, sits in the office at his laptop and does not let go of the latest iPhone model. By the way, a brutal man’s stash will definitely contain the most modern gadgets from Apple, as well as expensive smoking pipes.

Combination of good physical shape and appearance

Each representative of the fashion trend does not spend crazy amounts of money on men's cosmetics, but tries to take care of his hair and beard, which the Canadian lumberjack certainly does not do. Many people stay in good shape and after work go not to a beer bar or a fashionable club, but to the gym. It must be said that women who are tired of physically and morally helpless men around them are incredibly happy about the new trend. Representatives of the fair sex are delighted with the brutal images, because an attractive and well-groomed bearded man, who is also successful in his work - isn’t this a dream?

Lumbersexual loves nature and relaxes with his companion not in popular resorts, but in mountainous or forest areas, confirming his trips with an obligatory photo report for social networks.

Deliberate negligence

It seems that men don't really bother with style: they wear simple T-shirts, knitted sweaters, fur hats, faded jeans, heavy boots and, of course, wide-checked shirts (the national dress of Canadian lumberjacks is flannel tartans).

Brutal bearded men can be found in jackets and business suits that suit them incredibly well. It is clear that for an official event they dress according to the occasion, but at the same time remain lambersexual. As stylists joke, a lambersexual is a beautifully trimmed bearded man who seems to have come out of the woods, but instead of an ax he has a fashionable gadget in his hand.

What to wear?

A rude man who follows the modern trend is visually similar to a courageous lumberjack, and worn straight-cut jeans, loose T-shirts without any frills, and rough checkered shirts will help complement the style called “Canadian lumberjack.” Wool trousers, coarse knit sweaters, and leather jackets are also suitable. Lambersexuals often use layers in their clothing: they wear loose shirts over a light T-shirt.

New style - way of life

So, the stylized Canadian lumberjack is a strict masculine image. Representatives of the stronger sex show that they create fashion themselves, and do not follow its trends.

Casual style manifests itself not only in appearance, but also in the way of life and thoughts. A man clearly knows what he wants and achieves it in any way. A businessman who must be on his toes all the time understands modern fashion and keeps up with the times.

Lambersexuals seem to assure others that they do not care about themselves and do not follow men's fashion, but in fact have excellent taste. And this is precisely the style that is called “American lumberjacks.”

Lambersexual style

Lumbersexual is a fashionable word nowadays, derived from lumberjack, which in English means “woodcutter,” and sexual, hinting that the woodcutter is well-groomed and not dangerous.

Our woodcutter should under no circumstances be mistaken for a simpleton.

Often this is a grown-up hipster who received a salary increase, began to take a more relaxed approach to clothing, but did not stop taking photographs of himself.

Sometimes these are men who prefer a masculine style. Actually, nothing has changed in them, it is fashion that has brought its focus of relevance to them. In a couple of seasons, fashion will move on, and it will only be easier for these men: it will finally become clear who is a real lumberjack and who is a fake one.

However, even now it is clear who is fake: by the perfectly trimmed and waxed beard. Be that as it may, emphasized masculinity is in fashion. And regardless of whether you strive to keep up with trends or gravitate toward rugged simplicity and convenience, our tips will help you.

Classic masculine scents have been crowding out unisex for several seasons now, and this trend is still going strong. Therefore, after shaving, take Dior Eau Sauvage, Ralph Lauren Polo or Givenchy Gentleman lotion and sprinkle it on your newly human face.

And no creams for sensitive skin! Let it pinch a little - it will tone you up and set you up for courageous actions.

You can use lines designed specifically for shaving by classic brands like Aqua di Parma, Truefitt & Hill or affordable Old Spice.

It’s better to have a whole line, which includes, by the way, a fragrance, so that the smells of shampoo, lotion and deodorant do not argue, but support each other.

And, of course, no machines - only a blade razor.

Clothes in the Lambersexual style

In the lumberjack's closet, along with a juniper branch to protect against moths and other evil spirits, you will certainly find several flannel shirts in a rough check, reminiscent of tartan, but simpler.

This is the main subject, the axis of style.

Most often, the shirt is painted red so that it can be seen from afar in case the firewood hunter goes too far into the forest.

Among the shirts you can also find a couple of denim ones. T-shirts also occupy a worthy place. The lumberjack puts them on when it is too hot to work on the bike.

T-shirts, as a rule, have no frills - many are white, there are also other colors, plain or with monochrome faded designs. These shirts and T-shirts go with worn jeans.

However, cargo pants or coarse wool pants will also work. In the shoe department there are options for different weather and mood: rubber boots a-la Hunters for slush, work boots for moderate mud, battalion commanders for going out, deserts - if it’s warm and sunny.

For cold weather, there's a chunky knit sweater, a couple of rugged leather jackets, and probably some sheepskin. The lumberjack often practices layering: for example, he puts on a denim shirt over a T-shirt, a plaid flannel shirt over it, and a jacket on top.

A simple knitted hat is worn on your head in cold weather.

Some woodcutters prefer to hold the tool with their bare hands, while others prefer to fell the forest with gloves on. These should be thin but durable gloves with good grip - that is, leather or with rubberized inserts.

Sometimes the fingers are cut off, like the gloves of another subspecies of wild men - bikers. These are, so to speak, the basics of style.

Fashion designers, as they should, play with all this with a sufficient degree of irony, mixing certain elements of style in different proportions and weaving it into the context of the metropolis.

So, a check from a shirt can migrate to other items, for example, to a jacket with sheepskin fur.

Wear a tie over a leather jacket over a denim shirt or a coarse knit cardigan. Sometimes a guy in a three-piece suit, but with a full beard, is even called a lumbersexual. This is no good at all - especially since it’s time to get rid of beards. Tired of it.

The main element of style is the beard

While the lumberjack certainly has a beard, the overgrown facial hair of the city's copycats of the style is becoming irritating. Over the past few seasons, the male part of the population has simply moved on this basis.

Worldwide male celebrities have grown indecent hair, immediately aging by twenty years.

Okay, Clooney, but Carrie? It is clear that these comrades need to constantly attract attention to themselves.

But why did they do this at a time when everyone was growing beards?

It is clear that after the stellar approval, the beard went to the masses.

At first it was even funny: you see a seasoned man on the street, look closely - and this is a young man who just yesterday smeared his face with acne lotion.

Programmers, clerks, and pizza delivery people have gotten half-face mops. It has won the chins of every third fashionista. But a little bit of good things.

Gentlemen, stop putting up with this atavism imposed by fashion! Urgently to the barber! Better yet, take the blade yourself - barbershops have managed to make good money from our torment.

And what kind of woodcutter is this who can’t shave himself? It's time to show the world your real face.

Moreover, masculinity is manifested not in savagery, but in willpower.

Lambersexual men - who are they?

Remember how you raised your eyebrows in surprise when you first heard the word “metrosexual” and how you scoured the entire Internet in search of the definition of hipster?

How often, looking at a stern biker, did you think “if only I could wash him and comb his hair - if only there was such a man!”?

For a long time, the stronger sex had to be content with either the style of an office clerk (suit, shirt, tie), or deny the very possibility of taking care of themselves (stretched sweater, worn jeans and hangnails on the fingers), or go to great lengths - do manicures, style hair and wear skinny jeans.

The time for strange men is over! And they were replaced by an organic style of clothing, which combined the brutality of a real man and the well-groomed manner of an urban dandy. His name is lumbersexual or, in our opinion, lumberjack.

The Lambersexual style implies three main features: simplicity of clothing, neatness and the presence of a well-groomed beard.

Lumbersexual clothing includes classic-cut jeans (forget about skinnies and flares), plain T-shirts, plaid flannel shirts, straight rough-knit sweaters, white T-shirts and casual boots or sneakers.

Lambersexuals do not chase fashion, because they know that their style is timeless. They won't spend their entire salary on a Versace tie, because they don't wear ties, but mostly because it's not proper for a real man to chase brands.

Despite all the external brutality, representatives of this style are neat and well-groomed. They live in the city and fully accept its rules. They smell nice, they are always combed, and if they take off their shoes, you won't have to cover your nose.

Lambersexual is cultured, well-read and an excellent companion in refined society. Behind the outward simplicity lies an interesting and intelligent person, for whom it is equally easy to build a house with his own hands and carry on a conversation about the global economy.

In a word, lambersexual is the dream of all women!

The beard is one of the most important points in describing the style of Lambersexuals, however, the paradox is that many of the representatives of the style do well without facial hair.

Of course, a classic lumberjack is simply obliged to have a thick beard covering half his face, but many men don’t suit a beard, or they are too young for this “decoration”, so a beard, although desirable, is not a 100% sign of a lumbersexual. As a compromise, the beard can be replaced with well-groomed week-old stubble.


Lumbersexuals got their name from the English word lumberjack, which translates as lumberjack.

These are the kind of men you can see in films about the northern latitudes of America and Canada.

And it is this criterion that can be used to check whether a man is a lumbersexual: if you mentally add a lumberjack’s ax to his current image, and it looks organic, congratulations - you have a real lumbersexual in front of you!

The image of the lumberjack originally appeared in gay culture! However, this in no way means that a man who prefers this style has anything to do with same-sex love.

After all, no sane person can doubt the traditional orientation of the most famous Lambersexuals: the main fans of the style in Hollywood are Hugh Jackman, Jensen Ackles and Gerard Butler, adored by millions of women!

Men's Trends 2016 - Lumberjack Style

I recently met an acquaintance whom I had not seen for the past few months, and had difficulty recognizing him.

It should be noted that this friend of mine is a fairly wealthy, educated person working in the fashion industry.

He could never be accused of not taking care of himself or looking neglected. This time a healthy bearded man stood in front of me.

The beard is a new male trend, so obvious and powerful that it has its own name - Lambersexual. The lumberjack style, a strong man with a beard, is the complete opposite of the metrosexual - a stylish and sophisticated city dweller.

In fact, lumbersexuals are not just men with beards, there are other classic attributes of the lumberjack style - flannel plaid shirts, knitted hats and, of course, men's tattoos.

This is exactly what American lumberjacks, who served as the prototype of the style, look like in the public consciousness. However, a luxurious beard is the main distinguishing feature of a lambersexual.

It is absolutely clear that a Lambersexual, like any other modern city dweller, dresses according to the weather and the occasion, which means that when going to the theater or an official event, he will dress formally or as formally as possible, while remaining a Lambersexual.

It’s easy to see that this man with a beard and tying a tie looks quite harmonious. Tattoos, an earring and a beard go well with a white shirt, vest and tie.

The secret is that this lumbersexual is not a lumberjack at all and he is obviously no stranger to a business suit. These are, in fact, successful modern people, businessmen or highly paid professionals who follow trends, and most often pick up new trends before others.

And yet, the natural environment for the Lambersexual is casual and country styles, since the very appearance of urban lumberjacks is caused mainly by the desire to return to the traditional male style, simple, rough and everyday. Clothing style for men working with their hands and outdoors.

Nothing is new, everything has already happened before and the modern trend is a repetition of what has already been done, such a natural desire for men to grow a beard and go cut down trees, climb mountains, cross oceans and do other masculine things.

The definition of Lambersexual appeared only recently, but Lambersexuals themselves have always existed, albeit not in such numbers.

A new style

A new trend in men's style and fashion is sweeping the world: the Lambersexual man. Their main characteristics are a large but well-groomed beard, simple clothing (T-shirts or flannel shirts) and a deliberately rough and simple appearance.

The Lambersexual style has become the antithesis of the metrosexual style - well-groomed men who prefer expensive fashionable clothes.

The name “lumbersexual” comes from the English word “lumberjack” - lumberjack, lumberjack. It was the appearance of North American (USA, Canada) lumberjacks: bearded, strong men in checkered flannel shirts and with an ax in their hands that formed the basis of the new style.

“The metrosexual is now a dying breed, replaced by men more interested in outdoor living than beauty care,” writes popular American blogger Tom Puzak

In addition to the North American lumberjack style, the appearance of the lumbersexual was influenced by hipster culture. Lumbersexuals are actually typical city dwellers who work in the new technology field and earn a decent salary.

At the same time, the Lambersexual remains a fairly refined man: his beard and hairstyle are well-groomed, he has a refined taste and loves home cooking.

The lumberjack type has long been prevalent in gay culture and porn. “Heterosexual culture completely borrows from gay culture, using its external codes,” says Sylvain Zimmerman, head of culture at the French gay magazine Têtu.

Lumbersexuals are inspired by the example of "bears" - a subculture within the gay community. “Bear” is an image of a brutal bearded man cultivating his virility.

At the same time, the style of the Lambersexual is to create the impression that he does not care at all about his manner of dressing.

Prominent representatives of this style are American actors Ryan Gosling, Joe Manganiello, French football player Eric Cantona, Australian Hugh Jackman, and British Charlie Hunnam.

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A new trend in men's style and fashion is sweeping the world: Lambertsexual men! What are their main features?

The main signs of a Lambersexual are a large but well-groomed beard, simple clothes (T-shirts or flannel shirts) and a deliberately rough and simple appearance. The Lambersexual style has become the antithesis of the metrosexual style - well-groomed men who prefer expensive fashionable clothes.

The name “lumbersexual” comes from the English word “lumberjack” - lumberjack, lumberjack. It was the appearance of North American (USA, Canada) lumberjacks: bearded, strong men in checkered flannel shirts and with an ax in their hands that formed the basis of the new style.

“The metrosexual is now a dying breed, replaced by men more interested in outdoor living than beauty care,” writes popular American blogger Tom Puzak

So, here are a few signs that will help you distinguish a metrosexual from a lumbersexual:

Refined Lumberjack

In addition to the North American lumberjack style, the appearance of the lumbersexual was influenced by hipster culture. Lumbersexuals are actually typical city dwellers who work in the new technology field and earn a decent salary.

Well-groomed bearded man

Lambersexual remains a fairly refined man: his beard and hairstyle are well-groomed, he has a refined taste and loves home cooking.

Sneaky slob

The Lambersexual's style is to create the impression that he does not care at all about the way he dresses.

Prominent representatives of this style are American actors Ryan Gosling, Joe Manganiello, French football player Eric Cantona, Australian Hugh Jackman, and British Charlie Hunnam.

The beard is one of the modern men's trends, which is becoming more and more popular every year. This feature of male appearance was even given a special name - lambersexual. In style, he is a bearded man, close in spirit to a lumberjack, who is the complete opposite of a metrosexual, a sophisticated city dweller.

Who is lumbersexual

Of course, a lambersexual is not just a person, but a person with a certain individual style. In addition to the beard, the classic components of the lumberjack look are a checkered flannel shirt, a knitted hat and brutal tattoos. In addition, he must be a fairly strong man who plays sports and is no stranger to physical labor. The basis for the creation of this style was the lumberjacks living in the USA. Moreover, it is the beautiful thick beard that is the main thing of this image and its main distinguishing feature. It is clear that most Lambersexuals live in big cities and dress differently depending on the situation and weather. For example, when going to any official event or to the theater, this person will dress strictly in a classic style. However, all the same, as far as conditions allow, he will try to remain a lambersexual.

In fact, there is nothing new in this trend, since it has always been natural for men to start growing a beard. That is, Lambersexuals have existed for a long time, but the name of the style and its clear definition have only appeared now. In general, this is a traditional male look that is becoming especially fashionable today.

The difference between lumbersexuals and lumberjacks

At first glance, it may seem that the lumbersexual is a prototype of the urban lumberjack, a kind of bearded man. However, in fact, such men are successful modern people working in highly paid jobs or doing business. They follow all fashion trends and try to bring them to life. As a rule, modern Lambersexuals engage in mental work and hold an iPhone in their hands much more often than an ax. Of course, many of them try to maintain good physical shape, so if necessary, they can cut down a tree.

Bearded men style

Choice of clothes

Lambersexual is unpretentious in his choice of clothes, and therefore looks somewhat rough. Natural clothes for this look are casual and country style items. This type of man wears simple jeans, T-shirts and plaid shirts. These things will look most harmonious, because the lumbersexual is a kind of urban lumberjack who is drawn to traditional, slightly rude masculine values.

At the same time, Lambersexuals have good taste. Their clothes, regardless of style, are always well chosen. Modern Lambersexuals are successful older men who can wear a beard to work. Therefore, they quite often have to wear dress shirts, trousers and a business jacket. Even if such a man wears a formal suit, he will look elegant on him.

Tattoos and other attributes

An important attribute of a modern Lambersexual, in addition to a thick beard, are real men's tattoos. Today they have become available to almost everyone who wants to look original. In addition to the tattoo, an earring in the ear is considered an important attribute, which goes very well not only with a flannel checkered shirt, but also with a white shirt or tie.

According to leading stylists, natural beard and mustache shapes are in fashion today. Basically, these are fairly simple masculine looks without pretentious or overly sophisticated shaving. A modern beard should emphasize the strength and power of a real man. That is why the Lambertstile with a lumberjack beard looks the most stylish today. It is clear that not everyone can create a beautiful and fashionable uniform on their own. For this task, it is better to contact a professional barber who will help you create exactly the shape of facial hair that will suit you.

— roll up your pants, vape and wear a fashionable hairstyle. The beard is the flagship of your style!

It's no secret that a beard gives a man brutality, confidence, and distinguishes a man from a boy. Even if nature has not endowed you with a normal skull shape, you can always correct this with thick facial hair. In short, a beard has some advantages.

But not everything looks so rosy for those who, instead of a normal thick beard, have some strange bald spots of hair fluff or a teenage nerd mustache growing on their faces. Here, if you don’t dance with a tambourine and don’t say the spell: “Grow your beard, grow”, it won’t do any good.

When you are completely desperate and give up, the team came to your aid website, which help you and will answer your main question: How to grow a beard?! Go…

The first stage of growing a beard begins with be patient. As you already understood, you won’t be able to grow a beard quickly. After about three weeks, the clumsy outline of the beard will be noticeable. Of course, there will be a strong desire to take the machine and shave off this squalor, but STOP!

Now comes the turning point when your the flimsy beard is only gaining strength. After about a month, you need to evaluate the result and start working on the future shape of your beard.

If you only have clumps of hair in different places on your face, you should draw the boundaries of the beard with a pencil, which you want and continue to grow it further, shaving the stubble beyond the pencil line.

As for the choice future beard shapes, then you need to pay attention to the shape of your face:

  • if you have Oval face- then you have won the jackpot, because this shape is ideal for any beard, you can safely experiment;
  • if you have round face, then the appropriate beard shape would be trapezoid because... it will give the effect of elongation. And yes, avoid sideburns, they will only round out your cheeks even more;
  • if you have triangular face, then a voluminous beard of medium length will help smooth out a sharp beard. A goatee is contraindicated for this face shape;
  • if you have square face, then rounded outlines are needed. In principle, the length of the beard can be any, the main thing is to smooth out the squareness;
  • if you have long face, then a long beard is contraindicated. The shorter it is, the better. You can even try experimenting with sideburns.

Also important take into account your build and height. If you are short and wear a long beard, then you'll look like a garden gnome. Well, the point is clear. The healthier and taller you are, the more massive beard you can afford.

Now let's talk about beard care.

Any beard requires care, of course, unless you want to look like a homeless person. For this you will need beard wash, trimmer and comb. Various products from barbershops: oils, wax and other things.

The beard absorbs odors very well, so wash it often, preferably some mild cleansers. Avoid soap, because... After it, the beard will be tough, and the soap dries out the skin very much.