Baby bottles: basic selection criteria. Choosing the best bottles for feeding newborn babies

Today, pharmacies and specialized stores with products for newborns offer a wide range of assortment of bottles and nipples for them. By purchasing pacifier for feeding, you must take into account the material from which it is made, the shape, and size of the product. A pediatrician can give recommendations for choosing a nipple for a bottle to parents of a newborn. However, it would not be superfluous to take into account the standard nipple selection rules.

Bottle nipple material

As a rule, the store offers nipples made of two materials: silicone and latex.

Silicone nipples are light, transparent, odorless and tasteless. They are harder than latex ones, so they are more difficult to “suck”, which is only a plus for full-term babies, since this will be a good workout for them; for premature or weakened babies, it is better to choose a softer pacifier.

Silicone nipples are stronger than latex ones and therefore last longer. Especially recommended silicone nipples for mixed-fed babies. Such nipples require some effort to suck, which imitates mother's breast– silicone nipples do not compete with it.

Latex or yellow rubber nipples. They are very soft, which is why kids love them, but they darken quite quickly when used and become unusable. Because of this, latex nipples require frequent replacement.

nipples from rubber are gradually being forced out of production. Using a rubber pacifier can cause diathesis.

Nipple shape for feeding

Oval nipples

Similar to a drop, suitable for bottles with a narrow neck.

Classic, round nipples

They imitate the mother's breast, which makes the feeding process as close as possible to natural.

Orthodontic nipples

They have an anatomical shape and contribute to proper development palate and lower jaw.

Anti-colic nipples

This system is designed to prevent air from entering the baby's stomach: it is believed that air bubbles captured by the baby along with the formula increase colic.

There are two types of anti-colic system: a valve at the base of the nipple, and a special gas outlet tube, which is located inside the bottle. Both systems are designed to force air into the bottle (not into the baby's stomach) as the formula level decreases. The presence of an anti-colic system is especially important for babies under 6 months, as well as for children who experience digestive problems.

The size of the pacifier depends on the age of the child

When choosing a nipple for a bottle, it is best to focus on the product in the package. It must indicate the name and coordinates of the manufacturer, material and size.

The most popular are numbers from one to three (for some manufacturers - up to four). It is very easy to navigate these indicators:

  • unit – from birth to six months;
  • two – from six months to one year;
  • three - from a year.

On sale you can find nipples with size zero (mini) - these are models for newborns (premature babies, small children).

Some manufacturers do not indicate the size, using an even simpler classification by age: 0+, 3+, 6+, 12+ (where the number indicates the number of months).

There are nipples, the size of which is indicated by letters of the Latin alphabet:

  • S – from birth to 6 months;
  • M – from 6 to 12 months;
  • L – from 12 months.

Flow rate

Now let's look at the holes in the nipple, through which the baby will receive milk or porridge.

The size and number of holes in the nipple determine the volume and rate of delivery of the mixture:

0+ (Mini or Mini Regular Flow)- nipple with minimum flow rate. This nipple is suitable for newborns and is ideal for drinking water. It has one round hole, usually located on the side, so that liquid does not fall directly into the baby’s neck and he does not choke.

1+ (Slow Flow or Regular Flow)- slow flow nipple. It has 2 holes through which food flows more abundantly. Recommended for babies from 1 month.

3+ (Medium Flow)– nipple with medium flow and 3 holes. Best suited for babies aged 6 months and older.

6+ (Fast Flow)– fast flow pacifier, also recommended for children over 6 months. It has 4 holes, designed for food with a thicker consistency (porridge, kefir).

Variable flow have nipples where you can set the desired flow rate: slow, medium or fast. Nipples with this flow are recommended for babies from 3 months.

Multistream -allows the child to regulate the speed at which he eats food. Multi-thread nipples are the most popular and easy to use.

Universal nipple , in which instead of a hole a small incision is made. Depending on how you turn it (refer to the lines marked on the nipple), you will get a low flow rate or increase it. Suitable for milk, mixture, compote, juice (including with pulp), kefir and even porridge. Although manufacturers recommend using this model from birth, many mothers unanimously claim that even in the slowest mode (one line opposite the baby’s nose), the stream is too strong for the baby, he begins to choke and choke. Therefore, for a newborn, buy a pacifier with one or two holes, and from three months you can buy a model with variable flow.

Nowadays it is most often used new technology laser punching of holes, thereby maintaining a uniform flow rate. The baby has to put in as much effort as when sucking the mother's breast.

It is also important to pay attention to where exactly the holes or cuts are located. If they are located not in the middle, but slightly higher, then the flow of liquid is directed to the sky and the child does not choke.

All high-quality nipples have an additional hole that prevents it from sticking together during feeding.

The hole on the nipple tends to stretch over time, so check the product regularly. To do this, just pour plain water into a bottle and turn it over. If the liquid begins to flow too quickly (faster than the established average of 2-3 drops per second), then you need to go to the store for a new nipple.


1. Before first use, boil nipples and bottles for several minutes. To avoid damage to bottles and nipples when boiling, monitor the water level above the products. Boiling for 2-3 minutes is sufficient.

2. Wash and disinfect nipples and bottles thoroughly before each use.

3. The pacifier should be inspected regularly and, if damage is found, immediately discarded.

4. Stock up on several nipples to avoid tragedy in case your only and beloved one is lost.

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Sooner or later, every mother is faced with the need to choose a bottle and pacifier for feeding her baby, even if he is completely breastfed. By six months, almost all children become familiar with a bottle, because new “drinks” begin to appear in their diet - for example, fruit juices. Choosing a bottle and pacifier for your baby is a responsible task, because their quality and whether they are convenient for the child depends baby's well-being. And if we're talking about If you have a mixed-fed baby, then the quality of the nipple determines how successfully you can combine breastfeeding with supplemental feeding with formula. How to make the right choice? It all depends on the situation: on the nature of feeding and the choice of formula for feeding which the nipple and bottle will be used. Let's take a closer look at the existing models of bottles and nipples, as well as the situations for which they are intended.

Choosing the shape, material and size of the bottle

When choosing the right baby bottle, you will find many different options: glass and plastic, with and without handles, with special inserts, inclined and straight, and even donut-shaped bottles. To make your choice easier, you need to understand why there are so many options.

Bottle shapes

Standard straight bottles have been used successfully by mothers for many years. Perhaps a donut-shaped bottle will be convenient for a child to hold himself, but such a bottle is very difficult to wash thoroughly. Convenient option for both baby and mother - a straight bottle with a “waist”. Baby bottles with inserts are designed to reduce the amount of air that your baby will swallow along with food. This helps reduce gas formation and keep the baby calm. Bottles with disposable liners are very easy and convenient to clean, but replacing the liners can be expensive.

Bottle materials

Glass bottles are easy to clean and allow a large number of sterilization, which is a big plus. However, a glass bottle is heavier than its plastic counterpart and may break if dropped. Plastic bottles are lighter than glass bottles, they do not break and, due to the material, can have different shapes.

Bottle sizes

When your baby is still very small, it is more convenient to feed him from a small bottle. But the older the child gets, the larger the bottle he will need. You will need both a small (125-150 ml volume) bottle and a larger bottle (250-300 ml). When the baby grows a little and needs a large bottle for thicker foods, a small bottle can be used for water and juices. When choosing a bottle, pay attention to the volume scale - convex marks are much more reliable than paint markings.

It is also advisable to immediately purchase brushes for washing bottles and special remedy for washing children's dishes. In addition, you will need a thermal bag or a case for the bottle - so that the drink does not get cold if you have to walk for a long time, and it is convenient to take it with you.

Choosing a baby pacifier

It is very important to choose the right pacifier for your baby, since suitable for child the pacifier will contribute to the development of a correct bite and the formation of adequate taste habits. Pacifiers differ in shape, size and the material from which they are made. The best option is a nipple with a wide base, reminiscent in shape of the mother's breast; this is especially true in cases where the baby is on mixed feeding and must switch from breastfeeding to bottle feeding - and back. In this case, the sucking movements when feeding from such a nipple will be exactly the same as when breastfeeding. Among the materials, silicone stands out - it is considered the safest and hypoallergenic material. Silicone is harder than latex and more practical to use.

In addition, when choosing a nipple, you need to pay attention to the hole through which the baby will receive food: the flow rate will depend on the size of the hole. If the hole is not the right size, it may result in too fast or slow feeding. why baby will experience discomfort - for example, swallowing air or having difficulty trying to suck. The intensity of milk flow during breastfeeding depends, among other things, on the duration of feeding and the activity of the baby, so the nipple for feeding should also be chosen depending on his age and appetite, as well as the nature of the formula that your baby receives. Typically, a nipple for newborns has one hole: the diameter of the hole in the nipple is so small that the baby makes the same effort as when feeding on the mother's breast. The hole should be such that food does not flow out on its own, and the baby needs to make some effort to receive it . Also, the size of the hole depends on the choice of mixture: for anti-reflux mixtures with thickeners, you need a nipple with a large hole, since a regular nipple will simply become clogged with such a mixture. For mixed feeding On the contrary, they use an elastic nipple with small holes so that the easier flow of formula through the nipple does not contribute to the child’s refusal to breastfeed.

A common problem with bottle feeding is aerophagia, saying in simple language- swallowing air. This happens because during feeding through a regular nipple, a vacuum arises in the bottle, and at a certain moment the child must tear away from the nipple so that air can enter the bottle through its hole. When the baby releases the pacifier, he swallows air. Aerophagia can contribute to the occurrence of regurgitation and colic in children in the first months of life. In order to avoid this, nipples have been developed with a so-called anti-colic valve, which prevents the swallowing of air.

In addition to all of the above, when choosing a pacifier, do not forget to follow the “tips” of your baby. The process of choosing this baby “accessory” is rather a process of weeding out options that are not suitable for your baby - be prepared for the fact that you will have to try to offer your baby several types of pacifiers. The child himself will “show” which model suits him best. To choose a pacifier that is suitable for your child, offer him several options and observe how he eats and feels after feeding. Recommendations for age when using pacifiers are indicative, so watch carefully monitor the baby’s well-being and behavior during feeding. The appearance of symptoms of anxiety and discomfort will be a signal for the need to choose a different pacifier. How can you determine that you have made the right choice of bottle and pacifier?

If the bottle and nipple are well matched, when you turn the bottle over, a few drops of liquid will fall from the nipple and then the dripping will stop. Armed with knowledge and listening to your baby's needs, you can easily find the right bottle and nipple for him. Many wonderful moments, discoveries and journeys await you ahead when the bottle and pacifier are indispensable assistants. Good luck!

The material was prepared on the basis of the manual Nutrition of a Healthy and Sick Child. A manual for doctors, ed. Tutelyana V.A., Konya I.Ya., Kaganova B.S. Moscow, 2013. - 264 p.

A baby's first utensil is a baby bottle. Every child begins life with it, even with breastfeeding its presence is mandatory. But how do you choose a safe baby bottle? How to find the ones perfect shape, volume, material and nipple? All answers by the right choice We will now announce bottles for newborns. We'll tell you the whole story important information and many secrets of experienced mothers, nannies and pediatricians. Now all that remains is to be careful.

1. Material of baby bottles (glass, plastic, polypropylene).

All bottles are now divided into glass and plastic, and, as always, many are of the opinion that only a glass bottle is the most environmentally friendly. In principle, this is true, it can be sterilized endlessly and is easy to wash, just ideal. But there is one significant drawback - the glass breaks. Therefore, from a safety point of view, such bottles are suitable only for the youngest and always with careful parental supervision. But don’t neglect plastic, it’s not what it used to be. Now everywhere there is a mark that the plastic does not contain “bisphenol A” (BPA-free mark), which means that the old problem has been eradicated and the use of plastic in baby feeding possible without restrictions. In addition, plastic bottles have an important advantage - they do not break. But the main thing is to choose high-quality, proven brands, only they allow you to sterilize bottles many times without negative consequences.

So what should you choose? It all depends on the mother and the age of the baby. Up to six months, in principle, it is better to choose glass bottles, although plastic is fine. But for a child over six months old, it is better to buy plastic bottles, since the baby becomes active and before you turn around, a new bottle will quickly fly to the floor.

But we didn’t talk about polypropylene, which we mentioned in the subtitle. Now many mothers are looking for this option. And then we will be “carried away”. After all, at the beginning, we, in fact, said almost nothing about the type of material. Taking cheap bottles from China (or even from Russia, which are also made in the Middle Kingdom), and expensive ones from Europe, we have different prices and various plastics. Therefore, it is very important to understand the markings that should always be on food-grade plastic. If they are not there, most likely the bottles are dangerous not only for the child, but even for the adult. So, firstly, the baby bottle should have the “spoon and fork” designation on it, which indicates the food suitability of the plastic. Secondly, the type of plastic must be indicated, often this is the number 5 or the letter designation PP and the number 7 with its European equivalent PC. 5 or PP means polypropylene, 7 or PC means polycarbonate (includes bisphenol A). And on this moment only 5 (PP) is considered the safest materials. That is, when choosing a plastic bottle for a newborn, it is important to buy polypropylene. It is the safest, because it is even used to make water filters, which are considered the most optimal for the home.

Only such signs on a plastic baby bottle confirm its quality and safety.

In our rating of the best baby bottles, we mentioned three proven brands whose products are definitely marked 5 (PP). Many others will definitely not please you. Let's say more, there is famous brands, which boast of German origin, but in practice they use only nipples from Germany, and the container itself is from China and the mark cannot be found there. And, of course, such marks will not be found on cheap bottles. And this is not advertising, check it out if you don’t trust our logical, albeit slightly subjective, opinion.

2. Volume.

Having figured out the material of the bottle, you need to decide on the required volume. This is easy to do, you just need to look at the average amount of milk or formula per feeding. We will indicate them now, but if you forget, they are easy to remember by looking at the box of formula. So, a baby up to 1 month old can drink up to 100 grams of milk per dose. From 1 month to 6 months, the norm increases from 100 to 200 grams, which, of course, can fluctuate and depends on the child’s weight and appetite. But this shows us perfectly that buying bottles with a volume of, for example, 120 grams does not make sense. special meaning. Unless for those who don’t need to save. For those mothers who count every penny, it is better to choose a bottle of 240, 250 or 260 grams, which is optimal for ages from birth to 1 year. But on the other hand, if this is an additional water bottle, then there is no need to buy a large one, a volume of 120 grams is quite enough.

3. Shape of baby bottles.

Having decided on the volume, we begin to look closely at the shape. Today, all baby feeding bottles come with a neck of two sizes and, often, this is what determines the thickness. The narrow neck is a classic from the past, the wide neck is modern approach. The first ones are convenient for babies, they can easily hold them in their hands, the second ones are convenient to wash even without a brush. Although many manufacturers have long since corrected the inconvenience of width by making them thin in the middle or adding handles. True, the first option canceled their advantage in easy washing, so everything is subjective here and each mother decides for herself what is best. But when artificial feeding It’s still better to buy bottles with a wide neck; it’s much easier to pour dry milk mixture into it with a spoon.

Baby bottles for newborns come in a wide variety.

By the way, those mothers who practice pumping should not worry about their shape. Modern breast pumps have a special adapter, so they are often designed for all types of bottles: both wide and narrow necks.

4. How many bottles should I buy for my child?

And since we touched on the topic of pumping, it’s worth taking this factor into account when determining the quantity. For such mothers, you need to buy at least 2 bottles. In other cases, you need to think more carefully about whether or not to buy more than 1 bottle. This is especially true for babies from six months of age, when in addition to formula or milk, teas and juices are included in the diet. But again, there are drinking bowls and cups that also need to be taken into account. Although, according to some experts, a bottle-fed baby should have 6 bottles. It seems to us that this is a lot, because many other experts advise immediately accustoming the child to a mug, which will replace most of the bottles. But we recommend buying 2 baby bottles; this minimum will definitely not hurt for any type of feeding.

5. Choosing a nipple for a baby bottle.

We've covered the very basics of choosing, but it's time to make your own important element, which we decided to leave for last is the baby bottle nipple. Today, nipples are divided by material (latex and silicone) and by shape (classical, anatomical, orthodontic). In addition, there is a separate type of innovative nipple with an anti-colic system. Let's look at the pros and cons of each type to help with your assessment and selection. After all, each child has its own type, so only your child’s mother or pediatrician can make such a choice. And, of course, we remember the size, which is indicated on each package as an age mark.

The choice of pacifier is one of the most important stages at the time of buying the right bottle for babies.

5.1. Latex nipples.

These are the same yellow nipples, reminiscent of models from the past. But don't be afraid of them, they are quite practical. Their main advantage is their texture, which is similar to human skin, so infants are more attracted to such nipples due to tactile sensations. They only have big drawback, they tear quickly, so if you choose this type and it suits your baby, be sure to stock up on a few things to have a reserve.

5.2. Silicone nipples.

Modern, beautiful and durable. They resemble a nipple a little less, but this did not stop them from becoming the most popular in the world. And if the baby is not breastfed, he will not notice the difference, so in this case they will definitely fit. Otherwise, there may be whims, although the child quickly gets used to this.

5.3. Classic shaped nipples.

Many people prefer the classic - the cherry form, as it has proven its effectiveness over time. But it all depends on the child, so in some cases it is more correct to choose other types.

5.4. Anatomical nipples.

They are more correctly thought out from the point of view of anatomy, since they repeat their shape of the female nipple. Many kids will like this choice. And this is especially true for mothers who want to continue breastfeeding.

5.5. Orthodontic nipples.

Nipples with beveled edges that help form the correct bite. Logically, it is preferable to use such nipples, but the baby may not want a different form. And in cases where the pediatrician notices an incorrect bite, this option is the only correct one.

5.6. Nipple size.

Like clothes, shoes, nipples also have their own sizes. Bottles are always sold together with a nipple, so it is important to take this parameter into account when choosing it. But there is no need to buy “to grow.” The nipples get chewed through over time, so they will still have to be replaced. Buying a new one is not a problem. Therefore, we focus on the age that we find in the designations (popular on any children's products), for example, 0m, 3m+, 6m+ and 9m+. By the way, it refers specifically to the nipple, and not the bottle itself. But here it is important to take into account one more point: the size indicates the size of the hole, that is, the speed of drinking. Therefore, you need to focus on the child himself when choosing, for example, small children at the age of six months sometimes drink quickly and 6m+ nipples are “small” for them, the drinking is prolonged and the child gets very tired, but sometimes it’s the other way around - the baby is weak and such a nipple is “big” for him, he chokes. WITH wrong pacifier kids get nervous so it's important point. It is also worth mentioning the composition of milk. Formula milk varies, just like a woman’s milk, so the speed of feeding will depend on this. For example, for a thick version you need to choose a larger size. But this is all easily fixable, since the nipple is cheaper than a bottle and can always be replaced with the correct one.

5.7. Nipples with anti-colic system.

Baby bottles with an anti-colic system are still considered an innovation, so they are not used everywhere, although most children suffer from colic. At the same time, colic itself has not been fully studied, so few people will say anything “for” or “against” such bottles. But sometimes, if colic greatly interferes with the child’s life, it is worth thinking about this choice. True, it is very difficult to clean such systems and they are more expensive than classic ones. This may seem like a small thing, but for any mother with a baby, every minute counts.

6. Important little things.

When buying a bottle for a child, it is important not to forget about all sorts of additions and accessories. The presence of handles on the bottle, the tightness of the cap, a special thermos, all this is important and necessary. There are also sterilizers that are more practical than a kettle of boiling water, although they are expensive. Of course, don’t forget about the brushes that often come with the bottle. There are also additional caps on bottles for those who pump and store milk in the refrigerator. In addition, a clearly visible scale, preferably double-sided, is important. And, of course, bright drawings that amuse the baby while feeding. And all these little things are extremely important, so they must always be taken into account.

7. Precautions when feeding.

It is important to understand that a bottle can cause harm if it is used incorrectly. Therefore, there are precautions that every mother should know about. Firstly, feeding the baby should always be supervised, as it often infant Can't cope with milk flows. Secondly, when heating milk or preparing formula, it is important to assess the temperature immediately before feeding. To do this, thoroughly mix the prepared, heated or cooled milk and only then test its temperature by releasing a stream on outside palms. Thirdly, the bottle is not a toy, it is created for feeding and nothing more. Fourth, the nipple on the bottle is intended only to be used on it, and not as a pacifier. And fifthly, long feeding can lead to caries, so pediatrician supervision is important in order to switch to a mug in time.

Of course this is just the basis safe feeding. But from her everyone will understand all parental responsibility from new purchase- baby bottle.

We always choose only the most best bottles for your baby.

And remember, every baby needs a baby bottle. Breast-feeding or artificial, supplementary feeding, it is important in any case. For formula, tea, water, juice or for expressed milk when leaving, their applications are wide and varied. Every mother needs a baby bottle and it should definitely be in every pregnant woman’s “worry bag.” We hope everyone understands this and our advice will help with choosing this important accessory child. This is one of the first things for your baby, from which his life and knowledge of the world begins.

Even if the mother is going to feed the baby exclusively breast milk, just in case, it’s worth having at least one baby bottle at home. And mothers of artificial babies need a whole arsenal of this necessary “ware”. How to choose the best bottles for a newborn?

Criteria for choosing a good bottle for feeding newborns

Size, volume, shape

Newborns do not need “growing” bottles, large volumes and intricate shapes. Choose models with a volume of 80 to 140 ml with straight or slightly concave walls - they are easier to hold and easier to clean. There are bottles with a traditional (narrow) and a wide neck: the latter are easier to clean and more convenient to use, but nipples from one model with a wide neck may not fit another.

Bottle material: glass or plastic?

Glass is an ideal material for the first bottle, hygienic and resistant to sterilization, but the disadvantage of glass models is that they are heavy and can break. Plastic bottles made of polypropylene are lightweight and durable. There are also disadvantages: plastic quickly scratches and loses its presentation, not all copies can be boiled, and cheap models may contain harmful impurities. There are also soft bottles: they are made of medical silicone.

Pacifier - material and shape

Latex nipples are soft, but short-lived, while silicone nipples are more durable, more hygienic, but tougher. The shape of the nipple can be round, orthodontic or breast-shaped. It is impossible to predict what the baby will like. It is important to choose a nipple with the right flow - for newborns it is 0+ (1 hole), and from 1 month - 1+ (2 holes).

Anti-colic system

Thanks to various devices, it provides natural intake air inside the bottle, so that air does not get to the tip of the nipple, and therefore into the baby’s tummy, reducing the possibility of colic and regurgitation.


Unfortunately, not all bottles can boast of the correct divisions applied to it. The deviation can be up to 10%! At home, checking the accuracy of the scale is very simple: pour 100 g clean water room temperature in a bottle. Its volume should be 100 ml.

Manufacturers of baby bottles: who is better?

When choosing a bottle, the manufacturer's name should be one of the main criteria. Famous companies: Philips Avent, Medela, Dr. Brown, Nuk, Pigeon, Tommee Tippee and other European, Japanese and American brands spend a lot of time and money on research and careful quality control of products. That is why their bottles are the safest, but also not the cheapest: average price- 600-800 rub.

When choosing from more affordable options, pay attention to Canpol Babies(according to the manufacturer, all materials are of European origin, and the design and range of options are almost as good as popular brands).

If your budget is limited, choose better domestic products (“ Snub noses», « The world of childhood"). They can't brag modern design, anatomical shape and anti-colic system, but at least made of safe materials. Needless to say, little-known bottles of dubious quality should remain on store shelves, or better yet, not appear there at all.

Rating of the best bottles for newborns - TOP 9

Most of our mothers did not know the agony of choosing bottles and nipples for us who had just been born. Glass bottles and rubber nipples of a “cheerful” yellow-brown color were on sale. It was difficult to call them comfortable. it was necessary to pierce it with a hot needle, selecting the size of the hole experimentally, and the bottles were very heavy and, alas, easily breakable.

It's just the way things are these days! weightless, the most bizarre shapes, decorated with drawings. Nipples also keep up with them, delighting with a variety of designs and materials. Yes, so extensive that as a result, a young mother may face the problem of choosing the best products from all this splendor.

By the way, understanding this issue will not hurt even those mothers who plan to feed their baby with breast milk. Of course this the best option nutrition for a newborn, but over time the baby will need water, and then complementary foods, cereals, juices and the like. Yes, and mom may need to leave, leaving dad or grandma the dishes with her milk. So neither bottles nor pacifiers will be superfluous.

How much to take

First, let's decide on the number of bottles and nipples needed. Mothers who do not have problems with lactation will only need one or two bottles with a nipple in the first months of their baby’s life. If the child is formula-fed, then he will need more bottles, at least five of them: optimally one per feeding and a couple of spare ones.

If you plan to pump, consider purchasing a breast pump that comes with replacement bottles. In this case, it will be enough to buy a couple more pieces with a wide neck and you will have a complete set.

Pay attention to the capacity of the bottles - it is advisable to buy different sizes. At least one of them should be small, from 80 to 150 milliliters. The rest can be large, 150-300 ml.

The bottles can be painted with any pictures, the main thing is that a volume scale is applied to them. Often mothers who breastfeed their babies buy only one bottle, a large one. And as much milk or water as the baby needs is poured into it. And then they use the same bottle to introduce complementary foods to the grown child.

Feeding bottles: shape and materials

Now let's take a closer look at the bottles themselves. We've already figured out the volume, now let's see what they're made of.

Let's start with glass. The good old glass bottles are still available for sale and still have plenty of fans. First of all, because they are made of a material that does not react in any way with the baby’s food - neither hot nor cold.

At the same time, remember that all glass bottles take a long time to warm up, are heavy and not very comfortable - your hand gets tired of holding them. In addition, they are very easy to break. So they are unlikely to be suitable for feeding babies who already grab bottles themselves and then dashingly throw them across half the room.

Plastic and silicone bottles do not have the disadvantages of glass bottles. They are light, durable (although they can crack after a particularly strong impact), and they are comfortable to hold. You can safely sterilize them; they do not lose their shape.

Over time, some types of plastic may become stained or cloudy. True, many mothers are more afraid that under the influence of hot food harmful substances will enter the child's body. According to some scientists, bisphenol-A (BPA), contained in polycarbonate plastic bottles, can have an extremely negative impact on the health of babies.

There is no consensus on this matter, serious research has not been carried out, but most of the high-quality baby bottles, brands such as Avent, Chicco, Canpol, Dr. Brown's and others do not contain any hazardous substances. Just in case, before purchasing, make sure that the bottom or instructions say “does not contain bisphenol-A.”

Modern bottles are not only made from new materials, but are also very diverse in shape. There are quite traditional specimens, some are wide at the base and neck, but narrow in the middle, there are curved, triangular, imitating breasts, depicting animals and resembling a donut in shape. What to choose?

It is best, at least at first, to give preference to bottles with a stable base and a wide neck. They are less likely to fall, even if you touch them with your hand; it is convenient to pour milk or water into them and stir the mixture.

When the child grows up and begins to try to grab the bottle himself, it will be possible to put removable handles on it. And this will be much more practical than purchasing a bottle with a hole in the center, which, according to the creators, is convenient for an independent baby to hold. Although as a gift for a toddler for six months or a year, it is very good.

But special curved bottles have been invented for newborns: during feeding, the nipple is constantly filled with milk. This way the baby doesn’t have to suck in extra air to get to food. As a result, the likelihood of regurgitation decreases, the baby’s tummy does not burst, and his sleep becomes restful.

These bottles are often called anti-colic bottles. But the form is not the only way minimize colic in the child. Many vessels for feeding infants are equipped with special valves, a twist-off bottom or a bottom with holes. In Dr. anti-colic bottles. Brown's has a whole unique (and patented by them) system of tubes for air outflow and inflow. It works effectively, but is as difficult to clean as fancy-shaped bottles.

Bottle nipples: what are they made of and what are they?

Choosing a nipple for a bottle is a responsible matter. It depends on her how food will be supplied to the child. After all, it is impossible for a newborn to have milk pouring into his mouth like a river, or for a grown-up baby to have difficulty sucking drops of kefir out of a bottle. Therefore, everything about a nipple is important, from the material from which it is made to the shape of the hole made in it.

Let's start with the material. For babies whose mothers breastfeed, occasionally supplementing them with formula or their own expressed milk, silicone nipples made by Nuby, Philips, Medela, Dr. are usually recommended. Brown's, Nuk and others. They do not have any odors and do not cause allergic reactions, they can be sterilized without fear of them losing their shape.

Silicone nipples are elastic and tight, so the baby has to make an effort to get enough. This is a big plus for those who only occasionally bottle-feed their baby: this way, babies don’t get used to free-flowing milk and are less likely to refuse the breast. Such pacifiers are often recommended for newborns and babies whose teeth have not yet begun to grow.

For children who can already boast of having their first tooth, it is better to purchase pacifiers made of latex (aka rubber). They are produced by companies such as Chicco, Bebe Confort, Nuby, Bibi and some others. Latex nipples are much softer than silicone ones, so they break down much faster; they will have to be replaced literally in a month or two. But when used, they will not spoil the child’s developing bite.

The shape of a nipple made of any material also has a significant impact on the development of the baby’s bite. In order not to damage it, anatomical nipples are specially designed, adapted to the structure of a child's mouth. They are also called orthodontic.

In addition to them, there are quite traditional nipples, so to speak, classic, and physiological - those that imitate the shape female nipple. They are designed for use on wide-neck bottles, and most often this is the only difference between them and cylindrical bottles.

Physiological silicone nipples Chicco

Bottle nipples: regulation of food supply

And finally, let's talk about the holes in the nipple, through which the baby receives food or drink. The speed of liquid supply - the so-called flow - directly depends on their number and diameter. For newborns, the minimum flow (Mini or Mini Regular Flow), sometimes designated 0+, is suitable. It is provided by one round hole, located, as a rule, not in the center of the top of the nipple, but slightly to the side. Then droplets of milk do not fall directly into the throat of the eating crumbs, preventing him from choking.

The next flow is slow (Slow Flow or Regular Flow, 1+), recommended for children aged one month and older. There are two holes in the nipple; food flows through them more abundantly, but does not give the baby the opportunity to wean himself from the efforts necessary to “extract” food from the breast. Sometimes slow flow nipples are purchased for babies in the first month of life if they are not getting enough milk from one hole.

The medium flow (Medium Flow, 3+) is provided by three holes in the nipple, and the fast flow (Fast Flow, 6+) is provided by four, they are intended for babies from 3 and 6 months, respectively. In addition, for babies aged 3 months, you can buy nipples with variable flow (Adjustable Flow). They have one slot-shaped hole made in them, and marks from 1 to 3 are placed on the dome. By turning the bottle with a nipple so that the marks are opposite the baby’s nose, you change the position of the slot and regulate the flow of food.

This nipple is convenient because it can be used to feed your baby not only milk or water, like from nipples with round holes. Slit or Y-shaped openings allow baby to suck thick liquids from the bottle nutritional mixtures and porridge. These nipples are well suited for introducing complementary foods.

Latex nipples for cereals, juices

Well, after a year, it will be convenient for a baby to drink juices and tea from fast-flow nipples or regular ones, but with an X-shaped hole. Or from a special silicone spout, if parents want to quickly teach their child to drink from a cup.

On top of that, some nipples have anti-colic protection. This is achieved by the fact that the skirt of the nipple, adjacent to the neck of the bottle, bends and lets air in there. In Avent brand bottles this system is called an anti-vacuum valve. As a result of its action, the walls of the nipple do not stick together, and it always remains full of food. The baby does not have to tear himself away from the bottle, reflexively drawing in excess air.

In the nipples of some other companies, additional holes are provided on the convex side or at the base of the product to allow air into the bottle. You need to handle them more carefully, the wrong movement - and the milk will begin to leak onto the nursing mother. However, it is possible that you and your baby will like this pacifier more.

After all, there are no identical situations, just like no two identical children. Some babies will only occasionally drink mother's milk from a bottle with a 1+ or 2+ nipple until they are one year old. And someone already at 3 months will try on fast-flow nipples. The main thing is that all children grow up healthy and do not complain about appetite or colic!