Congratulations on your purchase! Congratulations on your new purchase

You're not fat at all
Have been hoarding for many years...
And here - to each his own! -
All done!
You always needed
Cool car,
She warms your soul...
Isn't that the reason
Congratulations on your purchase!
And wish on the road
You don't break the rules
So that the traffic cop is strict
Did not feed at your expense.
You believe in luck!
Though God saves you -
Brakes check!

Congratulations on your car purchase
Let there always be enough gasoline
And the road goes smoothly!
Let the traffic police not be harsh,
Let the relationship be warm
And good luck is always waiting!

You found the one that will captivate you!
May your love be mutual!
Let neither rod nor nail take you!
Let your romance be stormy and long!
Let her crankshaft serve for a long time!
Let the rubber not slip, do not go bald!
You dreamed of such a thing for so long!
Friend, congratulations on your car purchase!

Well now hold on dear
And traffic cops - hold on!
From the garage threshold
Take the car up!
Red light is the worst kind
Give her green!
And gasoline forty liters
Fill her gas tank!
Take care, cherish like a mother-in-law,
Or like a native sofa,
Drive away human damage -
In a tambourine beat or in a drum.
And more news -
If your neighbor is not lying -
Showed pride in the machine
He's champagne on the hood!

For the interior and cool steering wheel
Let's drink a hundred grams.
For seats, mirrors
It's time to pour again.
And for strong seats -
Let's drink without delay!
For sidelights a glass -
Drink while not drunk!
We drain the doors -
A glass of cognac!
We raise for the trunk -
I'll sweat a glass!
We will strangle evil envy,
And don't forget about the toasts -
Drain in a glass
Eating a cucumber!
For the window, glass, for the roof,
For a big bottom niche
And a little more bul-bul
Now ... .. - it's time to drive.

I raise a toast not fragile!
For a successful purchase!
For trunk and hood
We will not drink compote.
Pour Champagne into glasses -
A toast is ready for the car!
For the salon, for the steering wheel, for the headlights,
And for the strength of the brakes!
Demolition let there be no tires!
Let the motor beat beat
And to the envy of all machines
Let her fly like an arrow!

What a lucky man!
Bought my car...
And now bring colleagues
You will be in the winter evening.
You won't leave us in the cold
Freezing at the bus stop?
And in order to carry without incident,
We must "pull" vodka!

Colleague, we welcome you with the acquisition
Congratulations dear!
Now you have become a worthy addition
In the family of car owners of the world!
Don't let your new car break down!
Let it serve for a long time, right, faithfully to you!
And let good fellow travelers meet
As on the road - so in a career and in fate!

Oh friend! What a great occasion!
The purchase should be washed!
For every screw, every wire
We must propose a toast!
Then your car will
An iron horse with the agility of a lynx
And who is the owner will not forget
Obedient becoming with only one thought!

We discussed the dead hour.
Production is up!
This news is visible to us
Oh, how excited!
- Finally - something saved up?
- Or mother-in-law untwisted?
- Or Santa Claus with a gift,
Something very late!
- Did you find a treasure somewhere?
- Maybe you got a sponsor?
- Yes, admit it, you are colleagues,
How did you get the car?

Congratulations on a solid purchase!
Finally bought a car!
We know, friend, how with enviable perseverance
You've been saving up for it!
But now you're on wheels!
And everywhere you will be in time at once!
And for automotive
Will you advise us!

Now you are "on horseback!" We congratulate!
Let him spare no horsepower
Iron Horse! And we sincerely wish
So that without accidents he drove you!
We are happy, of course we are!
Let's congratulate together!
And no need to be ashamed
Ride us by car!
Appetites whetted
Listen, just don't stop!
Depressed? Don't be sad!
Another must be rescued!
At night or early in the morning
So hold on tight friend
For zero lamb!
… This is a joke, don't be angry!

With the purchase of a car, you, dear friend!
You are accepted from now on in the driver's circle.
From old friends you accept congratulations,
We want you to get smarter.
Any roads now at all!
Drive a car, but don't be a scorcher!
Let the most severe policeman
He sets you as an example to all drivers!

Here it is! Congratulations!
We wash the car!
Our colleague became "cool",
He is with an expensive car.
Not a car - just a "fairy tale".
She needs care and affection!
You love her, cherish
Do not spare money and time.
Let the machine serve faithfully
On the roads for a long time "circling".

Dear friend bought a car -
We hasten to congratulate him!
Let him eat less gasoline
And will serve for many years!
Of course it will be safe
And it's easy to manage.
All labors were not in vain
His dream has come true!

ABOUT! Our colleague has become much cooler -
He bought the car, finally!
With her, life will seem much better.
We praise the whole team: "Well done!"
Now every day he is faster than a deer
We will be in such a hurry to get to work!
From there, stuffing the salon with friends,
Ready to take home!

Who is waving from the window
New car?
Smiling pretty
All shiny and stylish
Slowly leaves the salon,
And playing like a keychain
Both imposingly and lazily
He will say: “Where is the “congratulations ?!”

We're all having fun, and for good reason:
Congratulations on your car purchase!
She is beautiful and amazingly fast
Let the traffic police be condescending to you,
And the traffic light is green
Caressing your eyes with a welcome signal!

You didn't buy a car - a car:
The average between MAZ, and Mazda ...
You are cheerful and happy like no one else -
Just be careful celebrating:
After all, your "model" is now in honor!
(And fashionable, to be honest with you!)
And cars can be taken away
Take away good with the bride together!
Yes, do not accelerate to the speed of a Boeing:
If you break it - then you blame yourself !!!

Did you buy a car?
Well, you did, man!
Moved out, you mean?
Greyhound, not otherwise!
Ride, brother
Proud, poor
A little envious
But trips awaiting?
We must be accustomed
Be critical
And to the rain, and to the dust,
And to the car!
To hell with the talk!
You are just as dear to us!
We also need you...
Congratulations, friend!

You were so in love with me!
Yes, it was - until the memorable day:
I cheated with a car dealership,
You bought a steel horse ...
Now let him cook for you
Washes, irons, knits, sews;
In nothing will contradict you,
Waiting from work in the evenings...
I'm sorry that I melt your brain:
I must express my anger!
... And if I congratulate you,
Will you pick me up?

You dreamed about it for a long time
And made a lot of plans
Now all wishes have come true
Your favorite car!

You've been saving money for years
In the salons they looked at the models,
And they chose the best, I know -
Everyone would want this!
I hasten to congratulate you soon
I'm with this lucky buy,
Let the car not get old
And it will only get better with age!
Let your new car
Will not stand idle in traffic jams,
Wherever you rush on it,
Let the road be free!
May you never have to
Face the agile hijacker,
Let the car not collide with anyone,
Any traffic cop will be kind.
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart
And I wish the car a long life!

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You bought a car
And we are extremely happy.
Petersburg to Moscow
Would have to drive.

Let the car be fast
Confident driving
Don't let the dust touch you
And other moves!

Your new car
That the brilliance of the sun eclipses,
Like a dream top
And the soul sings and melts.

I wish from my heart
So that the paths become straight,
So that from the wheels to the door
All the details just shone!

Original poems with buying a car

Congratulations on your car purchase
May the peaks be submissive to you,
And driving, and rules too -
Let your intuition help you.

Let the road not look long
There will be only concrete, but not clay,
Let the car run without breakdowns
And there will always be plenty of gasoline.

We are happy to congratulate you today
Your car has earned all the awards,
Your choice has bypassed all records,
As always, you are firm in decisions,

Let the car run smoothly
And the engine will be like a watch,
Let the salon shine and sparkle,
Cleanliness and auto respects!

Your car is now
And it's very nice
The engine and body are super class,
And the brand, and even more so!

You are in this brand new car
Break all records
And everyone around will know that
You have a great life!

Here's the new car
Congratulations on this day!
How the hood shines, and the tires
Compete with the wheel.

Let her move be even,
The motor does not break
The world will become huge for you,
You will experience space!

Congratulations to a man on buying a car

Under the window the rustle of a tire -
So you bought a car
And congratulate you on this
I, of course, got together.

I wish this way:
Let a beautiful car
The one you bought
It will be the best in the whole world.

And I'll tell you honestly
What a famous driver you are
And I will add only one thing -
Let everything be like in the movies.

SMS congratulations on the purchase of a car

Buying a car is a big deal
I wish to drive her cool and boldly,
I want to keep her in perfect order,
Let the roads be spacious and smooth!

To buying a new car
I want to say I wish
Breakdowns never know
And great driving!

Let the ribbon wind a good way
For your brand new car
And let every day be
Enriched with tire rustling.

Other congratulations in verse on the purchase of a new car

There is such a myth that women are all shopaholics by nature. That only women are happy with every new purchase, every pair of shoes, and so on. But let's face it, aren't men just as excited about new jeans, a T-shirt, or a brand new laptop. Hence the conclusion, we all rejoice, as children do not be new. And what could be more pleasant than with a new purchase, as a bonus, you will also receive a pleasant congratulation on the purchase of a thing! So here you can, feel free to choose the congratulations you like and send to the happy owner of a new purchase! It will be pleasant not only for you, but also for your friends and relatives.

I hasten to congratulate you on the purchase,
What a pleasure to make a dream come true!
Add bright colors to everyday life
Reward yourself for success!
May your purchase please you for a long time,
So that you are always in the mood.
Take care of it, use it wisely,
So that she served you for a year!

We are in the store every day -
Every time you need to buy something
But in the hustle and bustle we sometimes forget
What a trifle can give us happiness!
And so let me congratulate you,
With a very important purchase for you.
Take care of her, cherish and holte,
To please you always, as now!

Let me congratulate you on your purchase,
Know it's exclusive to you!
Nothing to add to it...
She is very positive!
Enjoy using it -
May she enjoy every day!
Buying it was a huge stroke of luck -
Friends are very happy for you!

No matter how much it costs
Even if bought on credit
Don't let the cost discourage you.
And let your conscience not bother you.
Purchase if you are satisfied
So she's lucky.
Relax and take a breath -
And enjoy it to the fullest!

With your new acquisition,
We are in a hurry to congratulate everyone!
That would be an eclipse
If you don't buy it, part with it!
What would make you smile
On your lips now?
That purchase is not a mistake,
And delight and just class!

In any purchase there is a share of luck -
This has been checked by everyone for a long time!
Accept congratulations on your purchase -
It comes from the bottom of my heart!
Let it be, it is durable,
It just needs to be saved a little.
Delight will not disappear then transiently -
Like the flame of suddenly extinguished candles!

You looked at the shop window as if in a dream,
And tirelessly repeated about buying this one for me.
And now you are very happy, having realized your dream,
With what I congratulate you - you bought beauty!
Although it costs a lot of money, this happiness is not a problem,
You made the dream come true! Well, money is nonsense!
Why do we work day and night at work?
About yourself so that, forgetting, overcome all desires?

From wipers to studded tires
Great buy - beautiful car!
We heartily congratulate you on the car!
Let her rides bring ecstasy!

You know the reason for joy:
How not to sleep night and day
Choose and buy a car -
And now you are driving!

So let your purchase
Will bring you joy
And the inspectors smile
You, personally, will bypass!

Joy to you, we came to support,
Congratulations on the purchase of the car, wish
You have more good trips on it,
And very pleasant incidents in the soul.

So that the green light shines on you in life,
So that each of you cherish each other.
And many kilometers for you to ride,
In everything and always a fair wind to you.

Happiness, joy - everything is not in vain:
You have a car!
Open the door soon
And get behind the wheel now!

You are no longer a pedestrian
Let the people envy!
On the highway, yes by car,
Yes, new tires!

May the road be smooth
The wind will chill you
Roll seven hundred thousand
Trouble-grief do not know!

An important event happened in my life -
Now you drive your car
We did not forget to congratulate you on this,
Accept congratulations soon!

Let it always, in any bad weather
This "swallow" does not let you down,
Let no traffic jams be afraid
You and the frisky "iron horse"!

Became a car owner
I congratulate you.
Let there be a wide track
Only yours in life.

Neither a nail to you, nor a wand,
Let the engine rumble all the time.
And gives you a machine
For maneuvers of all room.

To avoid breakdowns
And the price of petrol hasn't risen.
To on your beauty
You were successful everywhere.

For a long time you dreamed
And no less you saved
Finally a miracle happened
You bought a car!

Congratulations on your purchase
Let the car serve as faith
Without breakages and overlays,
Your vehicle is ready to go.

May the road be smooth
You don't break the rules
Let it always shine green
And don't forget your rights.

Well, it's done, isn't it?
Now you have a car
We need to wash with you urgently,
Your Navier is an iron horse!

Let the car fail
And make you happy every day
Take good care of her
Always keep it clean.

Change the oil in it regularly
Look, don't start the engine
Watch, look after her perfectly,
And follow the rules of the road!

That's such a miracle! That's so amazing!
You bought yourself a car!
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts!
Drive slowly, don't rush!
Quieter speed - better way!
Don't forget to ride us!

Congratulations for a reason
Take it from us!
Bought a car.
Congratulations! This is class!

Ready to race under the hood
Hundreds of horsepower.
So that the car is new
Fun, easy rolling!

Congratulations on buying a car in verse and prose

P I congratulate the army of motorists with one more fighter! Be courageous in the fight against traffic police, breakdowns and prices for spare parts!

WITH toit your beautiful car:
Washed windshield, inflated tires.
We will celebrate this purchase
And in the wishes we note:
To eat little gasoline,
To never disappoint
Did not break, did not boil,
Didn't smoke, didn't smoke!
Let the traffic cop be invisible
There will always be your machine!

IN your family has four wheels more! Therefore, I congratulate you on each separately and with all taken together! May the wheels always be intact, and the roads straight! Let this purchase be the first in a long series of equally successful and important purchases of your life! As they say, "dashing trouble is the beginning"!

H here, now you are “on horseback”! Let him not be capricious, always obey his master, do not get sick and eat less - gasoline, oil and the family budget!

H our congratulations to you, future driver. Today at the festive table we will discuss the intricacies of your new car. We will give useful advice and parting words, live and be happy, our friend, because for you the car is the best reward. Let it travel on the roads as long as possible without repair.

D dear friend! I congratulate you on your car purchase. As you know, a car is not a luxury, but a means of transportation. Let your car become a truly luxurious vehicle! I wish you to ride it on wonderful journeys to distant countries. Let your car be comfortable and convenient. Happiness to you!

TO you drank money for years,
In the salons they looked at the models,
And they chose the best, I know -
Everyone would want this!
I hasten to congratulate you soon
I'm with this lucky buy,
Let the car not get old
And it will only get better with age!
Let your new car
Will not stand idle in traffic jams,
Wherever you rush on it,
Let the road be free!
May you never have to
Face the agile hijacker,
Let the car not collide with anyone,
Any traffic cop will be kind.
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart
And I wish the car a long life!

P Congrats on your long awaited purchase!
I wish that your car will never be capricious, obey and not distract from important matters or pleasant dreams with serenades under the window.

T You found one that will captivate you!
May your love be mutual!
Let neither rod nor nail take you!
Let your romance be stormy and long!
Let her crankshaft serve for a long time!
Let the rubber not slip, do not go bald!
You dreamed of such a thing for so long!
Friend, congratulations on your car purchase!

P congratulations on a great purchase! Smooth roads to you, green light at all traffic lights, always a full tank, no traffic jams, kind policemen, soulful passengers and, of course, the flawless operation of your new car!

TO then there waving from the window
New car?
Smiling pretty
All shiny and stylish
Slowly leaves the salon,
And playing like a keychain
Both imposingly and lazily
He will say: “Where is the “congratulations ?!”

AND armor body, and spike
Around the edge surrounds the tires -
Bought, my friend, you're a new jeep:
In kind, there is no cooler car!
You brat your brothers
(And to them, in addition, Lena, Zina ...)
What did you drive before -
Big super limousine?
You took not a jeep - almost a tank ...
But here we wish for the flight
Equip the "toy" like this -
The barrel - above the hatch - of a machine gun !!!

D For a man, a car has never been and cannot be just a means of transportation. This is a friend and a reliable comrade! And today we are glad to congratulate you on the fact that the circle of your friends has been replenished with a new acquisition! May your car never let you down!

P congratulations on the start of a new life - life on wheels! Let everything roll with you like clockwork! But no frills...

WITH buying you! I want to wish you that together with (...) you will acquire not only new troubles and worries, but also new joys!

M A man is twice happy in life: when he buys a car and when he sells it. And if, when selling, he says goodbye to an already old, bored car, then when buying a new car, new discoveries await him, a new love for cars, new problems that will have to be solved. In general, with good luck. New purchase!

M Ashina in our time is not a luxury, but a means of transportation! And for someone it is still a friend and helper! Congratulations on your purchase of a four-wheeled pet! A car is like a child: it needs daily care, but in the future it will reciprocate! Comfort and convenience is a worthy price! Happy purchase!!!

D my friend, congratulations on buying your dream car. I wish you a smooth, paved, safe road, always have a wonderful companion in the next seat. And from our government we expect lower prices for gasoline.