Congratulations on Victory Day 9. A holiday with tears in our eyes: beautiful congratulations to veterans on Victory Day. Thank the granfather for the victory

Both joy and tears are in the eyes today -
There is no more sacred holiday.
Flowers for a soldier in trembling hands
For a peaceful sky without troubles.

And the pain has not subsided, and the memory is alive -
It only gets stronger over the years.
Oh, what a legacy this war left,
But still, victory is ours.

Fireworks thunder and the people rejoice,
"Happy Victory!" repeating again.
And in the eternal regiment everyone walks proudly
On the holiday of May 9.

Congratulations on Victory Day!
And I want to glorify
The same land that our grandfathers
They were able to take it from the enemy.

I wish you peace, happiness
And good clear days.
Let them always circle in the sky
Flocks of white doves!

Happy Victory Day! I wish that there is always a peaceful sky above your head, that this world gives only happiness, joy, cheerful smiles and the ringing laughter of children every day. Let the echoes of the war remain only in books and films, let pride in the exploits of the heroes of the Fatherland live in our hearts.

Our grandfathers fought for peace,
We always remember their feat.
I congratulate you on Victory Day!
Let the star of pride shine.

Let there be happiness and warmth,
Let all obstacles disappear.
May your soul always be light,
Let your health never leave you!

Happy Victory Day!
Let goodness reign.
The feat of our grandfathers
We have not forgotten.

Glorious veterans
We thank,
On this holiday the main
Let's give them honor!

Congratulations on Victory Day
And I wish on this day
Sea of ​​joy and light
And health like flint!

The great holiday is not forgotten,
Even though years have passed.
I wish you well and happiness,
Always peaceful skies!

Happy Victory Day!
Bow to the veterans,
What they managed to give us the world,
We are proud of their glorious feat,
We will remember and honor them all our lives.

And the lights of the obelisks will light up,
Poppies will bloom in distant lands,
As if in memory of glorious soldiers,
Who died in bloody battles...

Happy Victory Day to all of you!
I wish peace to all of you,
So that all misfortunes and troubles
Dissipated like fog.

So that the sun shines brightly,
So that there is no more war,
And may life always bring
Only the best days.

Great holiday - Victory Day -
The line of history is native.
Our grandfathers conquered
Its immeasurable price.

We will remember their feat forever!
We won't forget the names
Which are so heartless
The war took a cruel toll.

Happy Victory Day -
Happy great day of my country!
We will not forget the feat of our grandfathers -
Yours, Fatherland, sons.

Let the enemy remember about '45,
That they cannot defeat the Russians.
We will love the country sacredly,
Cherish our victory!

At forty-five, exactly at six,
The news of Victory was announced!
People cried, laughed,
And fireworks were launched into the sky.
But this holiday is for the country,
It was worth a very high price.
We will always remember
How many lives were given back then?
How many tears were shed
It will never be forgotten.
Those who fought for their homeland,
There are only a few of them left.
We say “thank you” to veterans,
We wish them good health and strength.
So that there is peace, love, tranquility,
And the sky is always peaceful above your head.
And so that at no time,
We did not know what War means.

N the flame of the eternal flame is bright
Reminds me of the heroic deeds of soldiers,
Spring has come, the earth is blooming again,
The people celebrate our Victory Day.

Happy holiday everyone! Peace and love to everyone!
Let our descendants not know about wars,
On those fields where battles used to take place,
The bright crimson poppies are burning!

P may the sounds be silent on this day,
Let time slow down,
Let the grandchildren remember the feat of their grandfathers,
They will honor their memory with silence.

May their unfading glory
Leave the fear of war in the past,
Let there be a peaceful state,
Let the children sleep and dream.

Let people believe, wait and love
Through villages and cities,
They will not forget your feat,
Thank you, veterans!


WITH Happy Victory Day to all of you!
I wish peace to all of you,
So that all misfortunes and troubles
Dissipated like fog.

So that the sun shines brightly,
So that there is no more war,
And may life always bring
Only the best days.


N our grandfathers accomplished a feat -
The Motherland was recaptured from the Nazis!
And no matter how many years pass, -
Their feat lives in our hearts.

Let us remember everyone who did not return from the battle.
Let us remember them silently, of course, while standing.
Let the eternal fire burn,
He says “thank you” to them from us.

And rejoicing, raising flags,
We will go to the victory parade in May.
The feat and the price are not forgotten!
Happy Victory Day to you! Hooray!


P May there be no wars in the world,
Don't let it whistle over your head
Merciless, deaf projectile,
The boys' sleep will be peaceful.

Let mothers know no tears
For the sons that the battle took away,
So that you don’t lose your loved ones.
Happy May 9, Happy Spring Day!


D Victory Day is memorable and bitter.
Victory Day is a holiday for centuries!
Let's bow to the veterans together.
The country says “thank you” to you.

We survived. Saved. Forever in memory
To everyone who did not reach and did not live,
To those who are next to us today,
Wishing you all the warmth of your family and a lot of strength!


IN great holiday - Victory Day,
A memorable date for the country.
Our grandfathers won it,
It cost them dearly!

And we will remember this day forever,
Their feat is in my heart forever.
They are eternally grateful
They saved our lives then.

We wish you peace in the whole world,
And you will never know the fear of war.
So that everyone always lives happily,
Surrounded by peace and goodness.


P may the sky be clear,
Let the gardens bloom
Let everyone have enough bread,
We don't know the needs.

May our victory
Will be remembered forever.
And would not drink the cup
We will never have war!


WITH Happy Victory Day! This holiday moves away from us every year. But we must never forget about the heroic deeds that our ancestors performed in the name of freedom, honor and a prosperous life. On this holiday, first of all, I would like to wish peace. After all, nothing is worth more than human lives, the tears of mothers, the broken destinies of a huge number of people. Let this victory inspire only good deeds and love for the Motherland. May no one ever see war.


Z and our grandfathers fought the world,
We always remember their feat.
I congratulate you on Victory Day!
Let the star of pride shine.

Let there be happiness and warmth,
Let all obstacles disappear.
May your soul always be light,
Let your health never leave you!


WITH Happy Victory Day - happy great day!
We wish you with all our hearts
The sun in a world with many faces,
Joy, great love.

Live together, be able to make peace
And cherish peace.
To be able to fly like birds,
To soar in your dreams.

Let's shake hands with each other,
Let's preserve the beauty of the Earth,
So that our children, grandchildren
Found happiness in life!


IN Quite a few years have passed,
But we always remember
Feat and holy glory,
Saved it in your heart.

Congratulations on your Victory,
What was hard
And with the labor and blood of my grandfather,
What stood there was to spite the enemies.

Congratulations on being alive
That we are free now
Thank you saviors
We love, honor, and remember you!


P please don't repeat yourself
The tragedy of war
Let it not be forgotten
That feat of the whole country.

Let the children rejoice
May the future await them
Consensus around the world
And a clear sky.

Let them know like their grandfathers,
Sacrificing myself
Fought for victory
For our peace and tranquility.


WITH Victory Day!
Bow to the veterans,
What they managed to give us the world,
We are proud of their glorious feat,
We will remember and honor them all our lives.

And the lights of the obelisks will light up,
Poppies will bloom in distant lands,
As if in memory of glorious soldiers,
Who died in bloody battles...


P Congratulations on Victory Day!
And I want to glorify
The same land that our grandfathers
They were able to take it from the enemy.

I wish you peace, happiness
And good clear days.
Let them always circle in the sky
Flocks of white doves!


IN our grandfathers fought
For our world, shoulder to shoulder.
Congratulations on Victory Day,
Happy May glorious day.

Let there be no more war,
Let the tears not touch your eyes.
I ask: appreciate it, people,
What is done for you.

Save a day, a minute,
Again, so as not to be a war.
Let only explosions from fireworks
Are heard in the heights.

Let fear be unknown
Let trouble not touch you.
How did we get the victory?
Never forget!


WITH Victory Day!
Let goodness reign.
The feat of our grandfathers
We have not forgotten.

Glorious veterans
We thank,
On this holiday the main
Let's give them honor!


IN great holiday - Victory Day -
The line of history is native.
Our grandfathers conquered
Its immeasurable price.

We will remember their feat forever!
We won't forget the names
Which are so heartless
The war took a cruel toll.


WITH the great Victory Day -
Happy great day of my country!
We will not forget the feat of our grandfathers -
Yours, Fatherland, sons.

Let the enemy remember about '45,
That they cannot defeat the Russians.
We will love the country sacredly,
Cherish our victory!


WITH Victory Day. The most important thing that I would like to wish on this day is what our grandfathers fought for - peace to you! May there always be a clear sky and bright sun above your head. I wish you health, joy and happiness on Victory Day. Let victory accompany you everywhere and always, let only kind and sincere people be nearby. I wish that the heart does not know pain and melancholy, and that the victorious march always plays in the soul.


I I wish you on Victory Day
Only peace! Peace and warmth.
So that never in this world
Don’t hear the terrible thing… “war”.

So that our children don’t find out
What have you been through?
So that peace reigns in this world,
So that we can simply live!


AND joy and tears in my eyes today -
There is no more sacred holiday.
Flowers for a soldier in trembling hands
For a peaceful sky without troubles.

And the pain has not subsided, and the memory is alive -
It only gets stronger over the years.
Oh, what a legacy this war left,
But still, victory is ours.

Fireworks thunder and the people rejoice,
"Happy Victory!" repeating again.
And in the eternal regiment everyone walks proudly
On the holiday of May 9.


P lunches are a special day for the country:
We remember the soldiers and the fallen.
Rockets will fly into the air for them
Yes, the sky will be colored with lights.
I guarantee there are no people who don’t appreciate it
An army feat of those who protected children.
I believe the blows of war are behind us,
There was only light and joy ahead.
Good health and warmth!
The birth of healthy, happy children,
The grandfathers who recognized them are a great example!


D Victory Day - a bright holiday -
We will always remember.
Pride in the Russian people
We'll carry it through the centuries.

Congratulations to everyone today
And we wish from the bottom of our hearts,
So that the future is ours
Wouldn't know war.

So that people don’t know pain,
Various sorrows, losses,
So that it shines for our children
Only the sun of peaceful days.


WITH through tears and pain, through battles and years
The fighters were approaching victory.
And that day came, the trouble receded,
Everyone cried and rejoiced!

Congratulations to all those who returned alive,
Let us bow our knees before them.
We will honor the fallen with a minute of silence,
Generations must remember them.

We must say thank you to them for everything.
Thanks to our fathers, grandfathers
For peace, for calm and grace.
Thanks to them all for the Victory!


U Well the war died down long ago,
The blue sky is above us again.
Only the memory of the past is alive,
We will not forget this pain over the years.

Don't forget those young guys
That victory was getting closer for us.
With no way back
They only ran forward under fire.

Happy Victory Day! Let the birds sing
Let the planet be full of flowers.
The sky will be decorated with fireworks
In honor of the heroes who are no longer with us!


D Victory Day is an important date,
After all, all our lives we must remember,
What victory our soldiers
We won for the whole country!

It's good that there is a peaceful sky
And blue is visible in the sky,
That we have enough water and bread,
And happiness shines in the eyes!


AND I wish you a clear sky,
And peace without war,
And the radiant sun,
Over the entire land of the country.

Relatives, loved ones - happy holiday!
Love, health, strength!
May every day make you happy
And it brought happiness.


P Congratulations on Victory Day -
Happy legendary, bright day.
We wish peace in the house,
In society, in my native country.

We wish that in the world
Nowhere and never again
Didn't happen, didn't open up
No more war.

We want people
Protected, looked after
The world that our grandfathers
They brought it to their grandchildren.


P holiday joyful and bright
The whole country celebrates.
May the sun shine peacefully on everyone
The world doesn't need war.

Happy Victory Day to everyone,
Glory to the fallen and the living.
We praise your great feat
And we say “thank you.”


WITH Happy Victory Day! May the courage and heroism of this great holiday never be forgotten by anyone. Let the spirit of victory inspire our hearts and lead us forward to new exploits, successes and achievements. And may the whole world always live in peace, and may only this sacred holiday remind us of wars.


IN great holiday, Victory Day!
Even though many years have already passed,
But we remember the feat of our grandfathers
And we are grateful to them for that.

What a pity that there are fewer every year
They are marching in parade formation.
But most importantly, in the hearts of the people
A sliver of memory lives on.


WITH thank you for the Victory,
For peace and tranquility,
Because the sky is bright
Over our heads.

Thank you for the sacrifices
For exploits, works,
For everything you have done,
So that there is no war.

Thank you, we remember
We thank you
Happy Victory to you, dear ones,
We will save your peace.

Congratulations on Victory Day! The day when our country and everyone who fought against fascism around the world won such a long-awaited victory! Our grandfathers and great-grandfathers fought for a happy future for the entire free world! And we must prove that we are worthy of this victory!

This day is a symbol of pride for those who defended the freedom and independence of our country, a symbol of determination, the will of the Russian people, a symbol of the dignity of Russia.

With a feeling of deep gratitude, we thank you for the accomplished Feat, we wish you health, happiness and prosperity!

Congratulations on the Great Victory Day! Let this day be a reminder that our people were able to unite in the face of a common enemy, withstand a difficult struggle and rid the world of fascism! I wish you, your family and all of us never to experience the hardships of war!

I wish all the veterans and witnesses of those days long life, health and happiness, and their children and grandchildren - pride in their family, for their People and good luck in all their bright endeavors!

On the great day of remembrance - Victory Day, I would like to congratulate everyone and especially the main heroes of the occasion - the veterans. Tell them thank you for their exploits, for the lives given in the name of saving the country. I wish you health, prosperity, material well-being, and long life. Peaceful skies above everyone.

I congratulate you on the Great Victory Day, on the holiday that gave us peace, happiness and prosperity. On this day we express our deep gratitude and respect to all the heroes; we will never forget their feat. I would like to wish you health, happiness and goodness. Happy holiday!

Dear veteran winners!
Your children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren look up to you. The feat of the Russian soldier will forever remain in the hearts of many millions of people.
On the significant anniversary of the Great Victory, please accept sincere congratulations from grateful descendants and wishes for good health, prosperity and peaceful skies above your head. Happy holiday!

With all my heart I congratulate you on the Great Victory Day, which gave us freedom and peace. On this day, we express our deep respect to all the heroes who brought this day closer as best they could. I would like to wish you good health, prosperity and happiness. Happy holiday!

On this day we congratulate veterans, defenders of the Fatherland, who defended the right of the peoples of the world to be free. Eternal glory to all those who fell and survived in that terrible war!

Let it never be forgotten what an ordinary person did during the war. Soldier, peasant, youth and boy. They believed so strongly in luck, in the country, in themselves, and they knew for sure that they would not give Russia up to anyone. Let the fireworks fly up on this day, let the songs of those distant years be sung today. Happy Victory Day!

Dear veterans. On this day, memorable both for all of you and for us, your children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, I would like to once again express my deep gratitude and low bow to you for the fact that you, without sparing your life and your health, defended our homeland and they gave her to be torn to pieces by the Nazis. Your merit will be in the memory of everyone who lives on this earth. We wish you great health for many years to come.

Let the words of eternal gratitude fly louder than fireworks to the whole world to millions of people, to those who preserved this clear, blue sky, green fields and sparkling rivers for us. For Russia! We wish you to see this respect in the eyes of others. Health to you and your loved ones. Happy Victory Day!

Dear grandfather. Congratulations on Victory Day! From the bottom of our hearts we say “Thank you” to you for the fact that we live on our land, that there is a peaceful sky above us. We wish you good health and many more happy years of life.

I gladly congratulate you on Victory Day! For many decades now, on this spring day, our entire country has been rejoicing in freedom, independence and peace, which our people were able to defend at the cost of incredible efforts! I wish that no generation in the future will have to experience the hardships of war!

Dear fellow countrymen. It's your day. This is your holiday. But this is also our holiday. Because only in our memory, in our hearts, your feat that you accomplished in the distant 40s burns and will burn for a long time. To survive and defeat the fascists is your merit, which we will carry through the centuries to come and will not allow a revision of history and a repetition of the events that tore you from your families in 1941. With all my heart, happiness and health to you.

Please accept sincere congratulations on Great Victory Day! Victory Day is a symbol of heroism, courage and bravery of people who defended their Motherland. This is a call to persistently fight for increasing the glory of our ancestors, for a great Russia, for a world without war! I wish you health, prosperity, happiness for your family and friends, confidence in the future and bright hopes for the future, good spirits, creative inspiration and inexhaustible energy!

I congratulate everyone who contributed even the smallest particle to the cause of Victory, because it was from these particles that the powerful and great well-being of our state was formed. I wish you to constantly feel the warmth of millions of people who remember and will remember your great feat for a long time.

May 9 has arrived. Spring, quiet, warm day. Once upon a time, many years ago, this day was completely different. He sobbed with grief and joy, he screamed in a frenzy, the air was electrified with a single feeling that overwhelmed all the people - the feeling that there was no more war! On this day, the whole country was a single organism, everyone was united by a great victory.
This holiday is the little thing that has remained unshakable in the hearts of so many generations who lived under completely different governments.
It's a holy day.
This is the day when peace came on earth, when the most terrible war in the history of mankind ended. On this day, the guns fell silent, the engines of military aircraft fell silent, and women no longer cried when receiving their funerals.
But our memory should never fall silent. We will always remember this day as the day of salvation of humanity.
Happy Victory Day!

Please accept my congratulations on the Day of the Great Victory over Fascism. This holiday is the heritage of the whole country, it is courage, valor, honor and bravery. Thanks to our heroes, we have a peaceful sky above our heads; we will never forget their feat. I would like to wish you good health and prosperity. Happy holiday

On this day, I would like to congratulate not only those who gave their lives in the fight for the cause of peace, in the fight against fascism, not only those who went through the entire war and carried victory on their shoulders, not only those who worked tirelessly in the rear , worked for victory. I would like to congratulate everyone. Everyone without exception. This victory is common, it is one for all, like this fragile world is one for all, like one for all we have a home - our blue planet. Happy holiday to all of us! May there be peace throughout the world!

I congratulate you on May 9 with all my heart. This holiday is of great importance for every resident of our country. With pain in our hearts we remember all the horrors of war, the bitterness of the losses and losses of our great-grandfathers. But this victory is a symbol of honor, courage, courage and valor of all heroes. Happy holiday!

I sincerely congratulate you on the main holiday of our country - Victory Day over fascism! To this day and to everyone who, at the cost of their own lives, brought its onset closer, we owe everything we have. Without their dedication and resilience, the world would be a very different place today!

Today is a great holiday on which I want to say a lot of words to you, but I will say only one thing from the bottom of my heart - “Thank you”! Thank you for the peace we now live in, all thanks to your courage and courage. I wish you health, love and long life!

Happy Victory Day! Joyful date
And at the same time, the hour of bright sorrow...
Millions once died
To buy freedom for us!

So let us celebrate joyfully, cordially -
Maintaining joy through the years:
Happiness, deserved by eternal feat,
Stays with us forever!

I congratulate you on Victory Day,
I bow to you for your courage,
I wish you good health,
Not from explosions, but from happiness thunder

Let it be a light in your life,
Kindness, love, warmth!
Let the gentle wind blow in peace,
With grace, with your dream!

Victory Day is a great, national holiday, which is usually called a holiday with tears in our eyes. Every year there are fewer and fewer veterans of the Great Patriotic War among us, but the memory of their exploits in those formidable and terrible years will never be erased! Let us protect our peaceful sky and surround our glorious veterans with care and attention! Let the Great Victory salute fill your hearts with joy and pride for the war heroes who defended their native land!

We celebrate Victory Day today,
And on this day I wish you peace!
May war never come to us,
And the Earth always lives happily!

Let the noise of birds wake us up in the morning,
And the grass makes everyone happy!
And the sun shines brighter and warmer,
And the clouds weave lace in the sky!

Words don't come easy. They're inside.
Even though that victory is far away, it burns.
The immortal flame of fires.
In the soul of all living people.

Let us express our respect through silence.
And loud confessions are unnecessary.
Without pathos, without unnecessary words
Let's honor fathers, husbands, grandfathers.

Let's congratulate the world on this great day,
With whom we live in memory.

Victory Day was achieved as a result of the superhuman perseverance, diligence and efforts of millions of people. Today, on the ninth of May, we again remember this great feat, the strength of spirit and patriotism... Let the war no longer affect future generations, and life be filled with ordinary joys: the sincerity of loved ones, true friendship and incorruptible love!

Victory Day (May 9) is the most terrible day for many people, but at the same time it is a holiday. Celebration of victory over fascism and justice. Victory in the Great Patriotic War is the merit and strength of our people! We have proven to everyone that our country is a powerful and strong nation. Thanks to our grandfathers and great-grandfathers for the peaceful sky above our heads. Every year there are fewer and fewer heroes... time passes, so it is imperative to give congratulations on Victory Day to veterans. They need to know that the future generation loves and respects them. Congratulations on May 9 can be in the form of: a poem, a postcard, a toast, and so on. All this, in any case, will not leave the veteran indifferent. Unfortunately, many died without ever knowing the taste of a great victory.
If your family and friends are far away, then thanks to our site you can send voice congratulations on the Victory, which will be immediately sent to the recipients. Also on the site you will find touching congratulations on May 9 for relatives.

May 9 is a wonderful day,
Victory Day, the day of Great People!
Those who are brave and courageous, strong and fearless,
Who with the will to win managed to save us.

I wish everyone peace and joy in life,
Appreciate and love all your loved ones,
Give joy and smile,
Enjoy the peaceful sky!

Lord, what happened that day?
Everyone knows, but will our children understand?
That spring, that holiday, that moment,
When are the enemy cells completely broken?
Memory... This is what connects us all
The memory that emerges leaves wounds in our souls.
Relatives, relatives and friends,
Congratulations on May 9, Happy World!
There is nothing better in the world. The world is better!

May 9 - Day of Peace and Victories!
In the light of battles there is nothing more majestic.
We sincerely congratulate everyone on this Day,
And we wish many years of peace to all people.

Let songs, fun and laughter be heard,
In all regions let the little ones sing,
Victory Day is a holiday for everyone,
And we give everyone our noble poem!

The ninth of May is Victory Day,
The ninth of May is the day we are waiting for.
On the ninth of May - we remember Victory Day.
On the ninth of May, congratulate the veterans!

Remember those who lay in the trenches,
Defending the Motherland with blood.
Remember those who were there at the war.
Remember, appreciate and keep.

It’s not for nothing that they call you heroes -
Your contribution to the destiny of the country is invaluable!
You exposed yourself to life's bullets.
Thank you for the victory!
Your descendants will remember and glorify you!
We honor your courage and courage!
May there never be sadness.
We want peace, happiness, joy!

May 9 - Our Victory Day,
All people remember cities and countries.
Yes, this is a holiday for the whole planet,
Children laugh, veterans cry.

May there be a rainbow and the sky clear,
There will be no gunshots or thunder.
No fascists will set foot here again,
And may war be unfamiliar to us!

I want to congratulate you on Victory Day!
This is a very difficult holiday,
After all, our grandfathers died for our peace,
Sacrificing your entire young life.
So that people can continue to live in peace,
So that there is no more war,
How many lives have people laid down?
We must remember everything about this.

Great day - day of worship
To those who sacrificed themselves
For the future generation,
For peace, freedom and love.
And in gratitude today we
we bring flowers and give them to you,
Let there be peace above your head,
Subject to white doves.

Happy Victory Day -
A great holiday for us,
We wish you health and goodness,
So many beautiful phrases have already been said!
Be happy and free
After all, our grandfathers fought for us!
Be cheerful and kind -
More smiles, good luck to you!
I want to wish you success and victories,
And most importantly, don’t forget about our veterans.

Spring is not just a season,
Spring is a priceless gift for us
Heroes. Those who are for the people
Putting out a raging fire!
An earthly bow to the fallen soldiers,
Whose lives were cut short by the war?
For being in our land again
Spring is coming, blooming, singing!
And, congratulating you on Victory Day,
Every person wishes
You have happiness, endless joy,
And prosperity forever!

Many years have passed since that time,
But the light of memories did not fade,
And your noble gray hairs
They sparkle in the sun like fireworks...
May God grant that your descendants never experience
Wars that are ghostly from afar!
Thank you for the world! And happy Victory Day -
Unfading, great, forever!

Happy Victory Day, congratulations to you
And I wish it from the bottom of my heart.
First: so that without war,
We lived in peace for a long time.
Secondly: so that on this day,
You would open the door for me.
Thirdly: I’m already standing at the door
I am holding a gift in my hands.
Quickly, quickly run out
And receive a gift.

May holiday, the most important,
Celebration of heroic glory,
Courage and courage -
But not the power of weapons,
No shells, no grenades,
Neither rifles, machine guns -
The national spirit has won,
What is burning, it has not gone out,
There is a spark of victory in everyone,
Our grandfathers bequeathed them to us -
To carry them through the centuries,
Knowing, remembering that it’s not in vain
Pain with a bloody hand
Strangled by a Soviet soldier!

It's spring outside, flowers,
And the heart is full of beauty!
Solemnly and slowly
The baby is going to the holiday,

They bring smiles, laughter,
They do not know the war of troubles.
This is how we will remember
And honor all those who did not live to live,

Who covered us with his body
And he protected the earth with his heart.
Happy May 9, friends,
May there be peace and spring forever!

Our enemies were defeated
Those who attacked Russian soil.
The Nazis paid their debts in full,
For starting the second war.
We need to say “thank you” to all the fighters
Because they spared neither effort nor lives.
They beat enemies to protect their relatives,
They fought without mercy until the last.

Bow to the Russian soldier,
On this holiday, on this bright day
Every year, meeting this date,
We remember how the shadow of war covered
The whole earth and the planet trembled,
But Russia is again too tough.
We remember how we got the victory.
Our veterans, glory to you!

Congratulations guys on Victory Day,
And we wish you to always receive answers,
Be strong and successful
Beautiful and sinless,
Always defend the Fatherland,
And remember the heroes of humanity.
Let this poem warm you,
And he will overcome all troubles,
Let him leave barriers behind,
And he will put you all up for a reward.

Stand up all the world! Veterans are walking.
You will finish things later.
The wounds still haven't healed,
Our soldier fulfilled his duty in full.

World! Get up! You see our grandfathers,
They cry without hiding their tears.
After all, they fought until victory,
Saving our lives with you!

Tears fall from your eyes and you laugh
You convey your feelings.
We celebrate the glorious Victory Day,
We meet him with joy in our hearts.

Well, my heart cries from the losses of the military,
And about those very first days.
You, veterans, had to experience a lot,
We know how much all your wounds hurt.

We promise to always remember your feat,
Make all your years joyful.
Live with us long, happily and sweetly,
Victory fireworks so that you always circle around with joy.

Victory Day is a holiday for all soldiers,
Who survived hundreds of days of blockades.
And those who stood at the machine at the factory,
So that the army can increase our arsenal.

We will not forget your mighty feat,
The people turned out to be strong and tenacious.
Managed to overthrow the fascist evil spirits,
To provide us with a peaceful life.

Thank you and bow to you,
We will create a barrier for you from all adversity.
We wish you good health,
We send you both gratitude and love.

Who saved our native land from destruction,
Who recaptured his homeland in an evil moment -
He chose a peaceful path for us,
I was able to win the victory by taking risks.
And on victory day we will say - hurray!
And we congratulate everyone on this May holiday.
After all, the life of a slave is dull and gray.
If you want to win, then defend yourself.

This holiday, this day
He brought us Victory
It is important as a memory for everyone -
Who shed a lot of tears.
To our grandmothers and grandfathers
And parents always -
Let us remember their feat
Many more years to come.
This May day is important
Young people, as an example,
How to fight for the country
Unless you're a hypocrite.
Important for children as a lesson -
This feat for many years
How did you go through the war then?
And their brave grandfather died.
And today I tell you
I wish you to realize
How nice it is on this day
Call the country your homeland.

Happy Victory Day, I say,
Thanks to the veterans! I'll say it again.
I every year and every day
I'm thinking about you. I'm not too lazy...

Thank you for your exploits, for yours,
For us, you are each very important!
We love and honor you,
We wish everyone good health again!

We will support you in difficult times,
We will do everything to make you comfortable!
We'll come to the parade and listen to you all,
Maybe someone will shed a tear from their eyes...

We will remember you all for a very long time,
We wish you many, many more lives.
Years will pass, two hundred years will pass,
We will not forget your honor!

We will not forget what you did for us!
We will remember this as we do now!
And we congratulate everyone on the holiday,
Thank you! For the fact that you are all with us!

May there be peace throughout the whole earth,
May there be peace in your family,
Let there be peaceful dreams
May you and I live in peace!
So that not us, not our grandchildren,
We didn’t hear the sounds of land mines,
No machine gun fire
Not the sound of empty plates in the cupboard.
So as not to trample someone else's boot,
Neither our lands, nor the threshold.
To stop mothers from crying,
Do not accompany relatives to the door.
Don't finish eating, don't get enough sleep,
To fight in water and mud,
See your loved ones in the picture,
So that no one can offend them,
Fight to the death and everywhere,
On land, air, water.
Don't forget about those few
Strict soldiers and officers,
that still remain
They fought for us, for the world,
And bow to all those who fell,
They gave us life and happiness.
Having gone through torment, tears, troubles,
They fought until victory.
I congratulate you and them,
Soldiers of the dead and the living!

Today and the years are already gray
Since the war was over,
But congratulations on Victory Day
May 9, you, country.

Thank you, dear, dear,
Those who protected us then
And those who defended Russia
At the price of military labor.

We congratulate you with love,
And the great-grandchildren will remember the day,
Washed by your pure blood,
When the lilacs were in full bloom.

The war has passed, the years have passed -
That time that was in that century.
Then there were rare firmaments,
No smoke and filled with warmth.

May the glory be eternal
To everyone who stood for us!
Who left so quickly
And who is with us here now?

Not only on Victory Day,
But every day what is -
You, dear Veterans-grandfathers
We respect and honor you!

May day of light and joy,
Victory Day, hour of remembrance.
It will be an eternal day of youth.
Your courage, valor.

Our Fatherland does not have
A cleaner holiday.
For the younger generation
There is no wiser mentor.

Your services to the Motherland
We appreciate it. In search of conscience
We all go in search of the truth.
She is yours through all the sorrows.

So the triumph of the winners
Will be forever marked.
To us, dear parents,
Victory is yours.

These covenants are wonderful,
As dear to us as life itself.
Your eyes are burning clear
Vigilance of a bright mind.

Be healthy and happy,
Be beautiful and young
Let the grandchildren be quick-witted -
They will bow their heads on your shoulder.

Grandmother! You are on Victory Day
Grandfathers fought to the death,
To bring bright May closer
You did a good job -
The fire is burning in the eyes again...
Grandchildren new era
To you<спасибо>speaks!
A bullet flew past
And the hour of Victory has come.
Happy eternal holiday, grandma!
May we enjoy happiness for a long time!!!

On Victory Day we congratulate the heroes,
And every year there is less and less,
But thanks to them, we don’t know grief,
Living in my native, beautiful country!

We wish them health
So that people always remember
And they came and congratulated
Every day, not just May 9!

Today there will be fireworks in the sky again
And salvos in honor of the main victory.
Everyone loves and waits for May 9th
Under a peaceful and sunny sky.

I wish you never to see
War and similar hardships,
To protect relatives from any insult,
Never getting down on your knees!

You, veterans, are now grandfathers -
Your finest hour passed in battle...
Congratulations on Holy Victory Day
Allow me, dear ones!
The enemy tore you apart with a shell,
The enemy spared no lead on you...
Thank you for still being there -
Defender of the Motherland, fighter -
Man. Grandfather. Father.
You are not young - you are already gray,
But still slim, youthful...
My dear grandfathers -
The property of the entire country!
There are so many troubles on your shoulders.
Heads of camps and executions,
But you also carry a hundred victories
You are in a blaze of gilded glory.
Like on a march, hearts are beating,
Crutches and doctors - for show...
You will be replaced by shelves of grandchildren
And the country will not be offended!

Happy Victory Day!
We meet him every year
We wish the veterans good and health,
To live without worries!

May the holiday be good, pleasant,
The fireworks at the end will dispel the sadness,
We wish you guys to live together,
I undertake to give gifts!

Victory Day is not just a holiday -
This is a symbol of Russia itself,
This is her pride and joy,
This is her valor and strength.

Let the accordion play fervently,
Let children laugh everywhere
Let the whole world congratulate you today
The most resilient people in the world.

You are forever young at heart,
Even though the wounds ache from time to time...
Happy Victory, big one
Congratulations, veterans!
Let the years fly by
But the memory will live for centuries,
Like a Red Army soldier
He fought fiercely against his enemies.
For peace and happiness, for love,
For life and the first baby talk
You went on the attack again and again,
And the adversary answered for everything.
We are inspired by your feat
We bow our heads to you...
You shed blood for us,
Congratulations on Victory Day!

The war has long since died down,
But we cherish the memory,
Years cannot erase this memory.
We say thank you again.

Sky, sun, native land -
You gave all this to us.
We also have a native land,
And space and freedom to dreams.

We cannot express our feelings in words,
We will carry your feat through life,
Our hearts beat in unison
On the Day of Victory over the Eternal Flame!

On this glorious Victory Day
Let's remember how our grandfathers fought.
For freedom, for the country
They went to war fearlessly.
Everything they took into battle
Keep it in your soul,
Be worthy of their glory,
Remember: only he who is a warrior
Claims to be successful.
Happy Victory Day, brothers, everyone!

Let there be fewer and fewer eyewitnesses,
Just don't erase the memory,
We remember everyone who is behind Victory
He walked forward to die.

Happy or sad holiday -
I won't answer the question.
Let the fireworks remember souls
Those who brought this day.

Congratulations grandpa
Happy Victory Day.
It's even good
That he wasn't there.
Was then as I am now,
Vertically challenged.
Although he did not see the enemy -
I just hated it!
He worked like a big man.
For a handful of bread,
The day of Victory was approaching,
Even though he was not a fighter.
Steadfastly endured all hardships,
Paying with childhood
To live and grow in peace
His grandson is wonderful.
So that in abundance and love
Enjoyed life
So that I don't see the war,
My grandfather saved the Fatherland.

How those who were at war were waiting for him,
And they brought us closer, bearing all the hardships.
Those who remained dreamed doubly,
We lived the dream, despite the torment.

And now it has come - this light and bright
Victory Day, which was so far away.
And in memory of those who lived, gifts are given,
Until the fire of their souls went out.

" Victory Day!" - is heard
Everywhere, even in the skies.
Remains unchanged
A feeling of pride in the eyes.

To you, dear veterans,
We say “thank you”!
For merits and awards
We look delighted.

Gave us freedom
A world in which there is no war.
Let's breathe deeply
Our dear country!

Alarms that have died down
Thicker than years distant...
Your first roads
It starts with war.

Well, a fight means a fight,
What a boy at seventeen!
But war is such a mess! —
Even in the valor of victories.

The mother waited for her son,
The hour of victory has arrived!
You, who have reached Berlin,
Now here he is, among us.

Cheerful, cheerful,
What years! At least henna! —
As if it wasn't hard
A grueling war.

We won and that's the reason
Give all heroes, give all men.
You walked proudly, defending your home,
So that children and wives can live peacefully in it.

For victory! Let's say we'll arrange flowers,
Let's make a wish for your dreams to come true.
Let a hero live inside, in everyone’s heart,
So let's do good to people sometimes.

The celebration of life is victory, and we will forget about sadness,
Let's not forget the heroes, we will sing a song to them.
And we will march to the military, we will walk the parade,
And let us praise all those who have many awards.

Every year we praise our grandfathers,
Thank you for winning!
We will not tire of praising you,
Your family loves you!

On Victory Day we will set the table,
Listen to stories - keep your ears open!
We wish it to prevail
There is only goodness in your life!

Trumpets blow, drums thunder
About the great May day.
There's a parade again today
Those who won the war.
Much water has flown under the bridge since those times,
But man will not forget us...
Your own sons send you their regards.
The date is already in my memory forever.

Many years have passed since the Victory Day,
But we still remember your feat, heroes,
And the whole world congratulates you on your victory,
Who owes you his dear life.

We wish you longevity, health and good luck,
May you be lucky to see happiness again,
And from your children and grandchildren you will receive:
Smiles, laughter, attention, love.

Our grandfathers gave us
Bright holiday - Victory Day!
They fought fearlessly
They defended their native land,
So that children sleep peacefully at night,
So that they don’t end up as slaves to the Germans!
As long as the sun will shine,
The country of heroes will not forget!
We will praise many times
Sons of Russia, feat of arms!
Our grandfathers bow to you,
For the bright holiday - Victory Day!

Victory Day is a great day!
This is a memory of the past
Amicably a minute of silence
We will honor the memory of heroes!

Let's say toasts not without pride,
That we are great, and the Germans are mugs.
Everyone will agree with this
And they'll top up their wine!

And there will be songs and dances,
And pride for all times,
And the thought that we will win again,
If, God forbid, war comes!

I understand what Victory means
For veterans who have known all the troubles
A terrible war, survivors with hope,
That Victory Day will come inevitably.

We only read about the war in books.
We watched films and then froze
In horror, anger and heartache.
You are not in a movie, but in battle to the end.

They fought to the death to save their
Homeland, your city, home and family.
Everything that is dear to you, beloved and sacred,
What was in the heart of every soldier.

We could thank you tirelessly.
Will the wounds of the past heal?
Veterans are not waiting for laudatory speeches,
And so that the memory is constant.

Remember and appreciate. For us you are like stars,
Peace on Earth was created by your feat.
We are ready to congratulate you on Victory Day
On holidays, weekdays, all over again!

In my own country - like a foreigner,
Coming from distant countries:
You are forever an “Afghan” for everyone,
Afghan is always buzzing in my ears!
And get away from friends who have left
(Even someone will order...) - Where?!
And my heart aches and bleeds -
There is no treatment for many years.
But on Victory Day life comes to an end,
Yes, in orders, without hiding your chest,
Be - for those who died - younger,
Be worthy of them today!
And on other days, Afghan, let
No sadness comes into your soul!

Your whole chest shines with orders,
Heroically you walked through the smoke of war.
Even though the head has long been gray,
But you are strong in thought and spirit.
So don’t let the hardships of life break you.
Health and happiness to you for a long time.
We wish you well-being with all our hearts,
Beloved, our dear person.

We honor the dead and the living,
Those who fell defending the Fatherland,
We will remember their names forever,
They gave their lives for us.
Every year the series gets shorter
Eyewitnesses of those bloody battles,
Let the explosions no longer thunder,
Do not disturb the old wound.
Your heroic deed will not be forgotten,
Let the years fly by inexorably,
But lilac is a velvet brush
The inflammable tree blooms in your honor!

Such a wonderful May Victory Day!
Generations in Russia will remember him,
Happy Holidays to all veterans, our grandfathers!
So may our congratulations come true:
Let everyone's dreams come true,
Let more money be allocated for everyone,
Joy for every day, health, strength!
Smiling, caring families!

May 9 is a sacred date,
We should all celebrate it together.
We will honor the soldier with a minute of silence,
That he didn’t return from the war a long time ago.

Let us now congratulate the neighbor's grandfather,
That as a child I fearlessly went on reconnaissance missions.
Victory brought us back clear skies.
We remember the fighters who gave us peace.