Chastushki for March 8 to teachers from boys. Funny ditties for women and about women

Website "Mom can do anything!" collected the funniest ditties about March 8. International Women's Day has been celebrated in our country for a little over a hundred years. This collection of ditties will amuse both adults and children.

We note that we are not lazy
National Women's Day!
It's only been going for a long time
National Women's Year

So I decided that I'm on holiday
I will do it for my dear mother -
I will become very obedient
For a whole week!

The streams in the forest murmur
Everyone laughs and screams -
March 8 is coming soon
The girls' holidays are coming soon!

The girls' holiday is coming soon
We need to sing ditties
- Oh, guys, in my ear
As a child, a bear came.

Brooks murmur in spring,
The girls' holidays are coming soon!
Oh, March 8 will come
And the boys will be hot!

you are always beautiful
"Ponytails", pigtails,
We take care of them
Just out of habit.

On this holiday, all men
Eager to please the ladies
After all, there are reasons
Love them even more!

Sooty saucepan
Tanya was cleaning with sand.
Three hours then in the shower
Washed Tanechka later.

Men on the eighth of March
The women were congratulated.
And like good dogs
They wagged their tail.

I'm a crazy boy
I won't show you grief.
Whatever grief will be
I'll put everything for joy.

They say that we are bullies
You never believe.
In our class commanders
There have always been girls.

We thought for three days
What would make you happy?
Do not leave to be sad
Don't be angry with us!

Women's Day - that's the reason
Why are we singing here.
Let us men
Congratulations on Women's Day.

Hey girls, sing along
Celebrate Women's Day!
And then, so be it,
Wash the dishes for the men!

Ribbons new in pigtails
Our sisters will braid!
Well, what a delicious cake.
Grandma will bake for us.
Even the stump blooms
This holiday is Women's Day!

Here are the blizzards,
The sun shines on the fence,
We would like ditties
Congratulations on this day!

You, spring, spring, spring,
Be honest with girls
Give love and friendship
What would they not be up to sleep!

On this day we will again
Wash, cook, clean.
For mom to appreciate
And gave me candy.

Let's sing to the director
we couplet separate.
To school this afternoon
Rule of fun!

You are lucky girls
You are already happy
Because we are with you
Most beautiful.

Girls sing and dance
Treasure the 8th of March
He happens once a year
The stronger sex forgives everything!

We are ditties on Women's Day
Let's sing at work
We will change all plans
Bring back productivity!

Our dear mothers,
Congratulations on Women's Day.
We will dance for you now
And we'll sing ditties.

We sit in class
And look at the girls
And beautiful and smart -
It's better not to find it.

There is hope for all
Oh how naive girls
After the libation.

I found a broom in the kitchen
And swept the whole apartment,
But what's left of him
Three straws in total.

Oh! Fine, I'm learning
And I won't lose count!
For myself and a friend
I count all the freckles

Maybe it's strange for someone
That a wife is always desired
But a loving husband -
This feeling is constant!

I'm groovy with my mother,
It's hard to deal with me.
But today I promise
I'll fix it, I know for sure.

Well, Masha, our beauty
Yesterday I just fell off my feet.
For our teacher
Made a pie.

The long-awaited holiday of mothers,
Comes to visit us again.
And we are with this difficult day
Let's do it together with dad!

What about serving breakfast in bed?
Surprise your wives!
But then they changed their minds:
Will you get them dirty?

On Women's Day, once a year,
I washed the pan
And then four days
They couldn't wash me.

In the morning, mother, our Mila
Gave me two candies.
I barely had time to give
And then she ate them herself.

At our school a bright holiday
The long-awaited women's day.
And congratulate the teachers
We, friends, are not lazy at all.

We need to start now
To celebrate Women's Day together,
Congratulations to all of us in time
And sing ditties to the ladies!

We rush teachers
Congratulations on the holiday!
Maybe someone wants
"Five" in the diary to put!

Sing ditties to our ladies -
The best teachers,
Smart and attentive
And super charming!

We read poetry to you
Let's sing good songs.
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts
Happy March 8, Women's Day!

On a wonderful and spring day
Dear teachers
We'll cheer up
Wishes to you.

You are not just teachers,
We wish from the bottom of our hearts
Only a smooth road for you
And live up to a hundred years!

Prepared for you
Surprise, no doubt.
And let the school on this day
Joy reigns.

On this day March 8
Tell all teachers.
You do not take the excitement
You dedicated your life to us.

And therefore, relatives,
We want to wish you.
Do not know sorrows from now on,
Never lose heart.

I'm sitting in class
I look at the teacher.
I like the teacher
When he doesn't fight.

school principal

There is no more difficult, perhaps, a share,
Than being a principal at a school
Your fate, oh, is difficult -
You are one for all of us!

Our director is all in business,
It's not easy to run a school
This is not ditties for you
Perform at a concert!

Chastushki for a chemistry teacher

We put something into the flasks,
Almost half the school was blown up,
Invented active
Mix we reactive!

periodic table
We often dream at night
If necessary - ain a moment,
Let's take a look at each element!

We study acids.
Everyone went on break.
What I added to what, I don’t know
But there was a terrible explosion!

biology teacher

About natural selection
We'll keep the conversation going
With what "kind" and "class" means,
You introduced us!

Anatomy, science, -
Just fun:
We fed the skeleton
Sausage with cookies!

We are in biology
Learned a lot
From call to call
We study DNA.

I couldn't learn
Again natural science.
Where can I get a skeleton
To complete a task?

Geography teachers

We love learning from you
We know the countries of all the capitals,
We study not in vain
Mountains, rivers and seas!

We wish for sure
So that the sea is knee-deep,
On the shoulder, so that without a dispute,
There were all mountains in the world!

How can we not confuse
Where is the Volga, where is the Nile.
You mix it up a little
Can eat a crocodile.

I want holidays
Go on foot to Bulgaria.
I study all day
Science Geography!

Chastushki teacher of Russian language and literature

We have a passion for Russian,
We read our classics
We learn the rules together
Everyone needs to know Russian!

Here is the subject of literature,
To understand its meaning
We need in the library
Take a book every day!

We are in Russian
Yesterday they wrote a dictation
And today the whole lesson
Mistakes have been corrected!

We were in physics
And looked at the textbooks ...
What is written in this book?
We do not understand those secrets!

Math teacher

Math is hard -
She is known to all.
Let's think and guess
How do we solve problems.

We can do all the tasks:
Let's divide and multiply
We will add a verse to the bouquet,
And congratulations on spring!

OBJ teacher

Studied life safety
We are from A to Z already,
Our kids know for sure
A nail cannot be put into sockets,

Know how to behave
How to grow healthy
Where to cross the road
How to deal with fire!

We wink at you together -
Let all evil burn with fire
For you to live safely
Well, and March is cool to celebrate!

physical education teacher

Wider step, straighter back -
This is how we warm up
We don't cheat a bit
So, as it should, we will exercise!

We radiate strength, dexterity,
We pump up the muscles of the press,
We always look up to you
And we are changing for the better!

We wish you not to let us down -
Meet March in great shape,
Be cheerful and active
And super sporty!

singing teacher

No more patience
At the singing lesson
Give me the button accordion,
I'll play by myself now!

labor teacher

In our school I'm not lazy
Practice every day.
For the top five for work
I'll be there on Sunday!

At work all the girls
Embroider together.
Well, poor boys
Weights are being carried.

At the labor lesson
Everyone took a broom,
Everyone went out to the schoolyard,
Swept away the unwanted rubbish.

Physics teacher

I know the laws of physics
I will tell you without a doubt.
Prevent me from waking up
Laws of attraction!

We were in physics
And looked at the textbooks ...
What is written in this book?
We do not understand those secrets!

Chastushki teacher of computer science

My favorite lesson
It's computer science
We are in class
Game practice!

The teacher teaches us everything
Learned about the news
Our computer scientist, he is the best,
Let's be honest, no praise.

Computer science subject
We need
Is there internet in class
And the teacher is amazing!

So why do you need a notebook?
Why grammar?
The Word rules us all again
Informatics rocks!!!

In the world of new technologies
Computer science subject
It has no secrets for us.

As an example, our teacher
And we wish him
Masses of innovations and discoveries,
Happiness, joy, love.

History teacher

Let's go to history
Everything is shaking guys
Ah, our beloved historian!
Have pity on you guys!

English teacher

In English
I forgot my native language
And in Russian your name
I couldn't read it!

On this glorious women's holiday,
We'll sing a couplet
And give a cool mom
Amazing bouquet!
(S. Pavlova)

You, our teachers,
In the world of all smarter and more beautiful,
With fervor, feeling and passion
Happy March to all of you!

All the flowers in our city
Selling out quickly.
All clear. Women's holiday
Coming soon.

Under the spring ringing of drops
We sang ditties to you,
Tried to surprise you
Pay attention to everyone!

We sang ditties to you,
All who wanted.
Like it, don't like it
And it's time for us to take a break!

March 8 is Women's Day, on which not only men congratulate their beloved women and colleagues, but also boys congratulate their classmates on this spring holiday.

On March 8, it is customary at school not only to give gifts to classmates, but also to arrange some kind of performance for girls: read poetry, play funny scenes, sing songs and perform ditties.

groovy and funny - it's always a good congratulation on Women's Day.

Clockwork we guys
Unprecedented steepness
Congratulations girls
Happy Women's Day of Spring!

We sit in class
And look at the girls
And beautiful and smart -
It's better not to find it.

There is a magazine on the table
Well, there are fives in it.
Because in our class
Smart girls.

You are lucky girls
You are already happy
Because we are with you
Most beautiful.

Why are we all dancing here
Why are we singing here?
Because all the girls
Congratulations on Women's Day!

Everything around makes noise, sings,
The Women's Day is coming.
We must decide quickly
What to give girls.

March is a good day
To congratulate the girls.
We promise, our babies,
We will not offend you!

First grass in the yard
Spring, sun and heat.
On this day - March 8
Everyone has light in their hearts.

Despite the cold
Severe frosts.
Boys brought to school
Delicate mimosa.

We congratulate the girls
On this day, like princesses.
We choose gifts for them,
Oh, it's not an easy process.

Let smiles on this day
Everyone is happy around.
We are for our girls -
Reliable, loyal friend.

March 8 is a glorious holiday,
Everyone has known about this for a long time.
And the boys in our class
The girls are given flowers.

We wish the girls
Always be by our side.
Let write off the control
At least sometimes.

On the best spring day in the world
We wish from the bottom of our hearts
You girls are in the mood.
How good are you!

On this day March 8
We wish the girls
For everything to be great
It will, we know for sure.

On a bright day March 8
Women must be respected.
On this day, we will not be you,
Tease, pull and push!

The class is bathed in smiles,
And in gifts, and in flowers!
The girls did not dream
Even in the most vivid dreams!

We celebrate girls
With and without freckles.
Let the sun smile on them
More often from blue skies!

We won't hide from girls
Let's tell them straight out:
Before your beauty
We melt like a snowman!

We sang ditties to you,
All who wanted.
Like it, don't like it
And it's time for us to take a break!

You, dear girls,
Happy Women's Day!
And now we ditties to you
Let's sing very loudly!

In the class of girls we have -
Smart, beauties!
And confess, to us boys,
Like it very much!

You are always beautiful
Ponytails, pigtails.
We sometimes pull for them,
Just out of habit!

How change comes
We love to play with you
We run away with all our strength
To be able to catch up with us!

you dance, you sing,
Love to read books.
Don't forget those in class
We can at least give you some advice!

We promise you today
Compliments to speak.
And grow up a little
We will give you flowers!

We sang ditties to you,
But we also want to say:
You always, everywhere and everywhere
Let's defend boldly!

Musical congratulations, ditties and songs-alterations for the holidays for schoolchildren of different ages sound and are played out in different ways. As a rule, for schoolchildren of primary and secondary classes, festive celebrations are held with their parents, therefore, congratulations on March 8 are addressed mainly to mothers and grandmothers. High school students, on the other hand, congratulate their classmates on their own, and try very hard to come up with something original or funny. Funny musical numbers can become part of the congratulations and decorate any .

Here are collected a variety of Songs-alterations and ditties by March 8 for schoolchildren: funny and lyrical, for mothers and girls, choose which one suits and pleases you.

1. Frequentears by March 8 for schoolchildren.

Play it, balalaika
Balalaika - three strings!
Sing along, don't yawn
Come out, dancers.

Our dear mothers,
Congratulations on Women's Day.

We will dance for you now
And we'll sing ditties.

All day March 8
Lena floor chalk with passion,
And on the ninth
I did not take the broom in my hands.

The lazy mother says:
"Make your bed!"
And the lazybones:
"Mommy, I'm still small."

Sooty saucepan
Julia cleaned with sand.
Three hours under the shower Julia
My grandmother washed it afterwards.

2. Song - congratulations on March 8 for high school students.

To the motive of the song "Somewhere in the world".

(rework moved - see )

You girls dear!
Happy Women's Day!
And now we ditties to you
Let's sing very loudly!

In the class of girls we have -
Smart, beauties!
And confess, to us boys,
Like it very much!

You are always beautiful
Ponytails, pigtails.
We sometimes pull for them,
Just out of habit!

How change comes
We love to play with you
We run away with all our strength
To be able to catch up with us!

you dance, you sing,
Love to read books.
Don't forget those in class
We can at least give you some advice!

We promise you today
Compliments to speak.
And grow up a little
We will give you flowers!

We sang ditties to you,
But we also want to say:
You always, everywhere and everywhere
Let's defend boldly!

4. Song-alteration for March 8 "Mommy, accept!"

To the melody of the song "Call me, call me"

You should be congratulated.
And on this wonderful day
We want to promise to study
On "4", and maybe on "5".

Collection posted for review

Ditties on March 8 for girls from boys, as well as funny ditties with the names of girls will help make your holiday at school and kindergarten fun and memorable.

You, dear girls,
Happy Women's Day!
And now we ditties to you
Let's sing very loudly!

We promise you today
Compliments to speak
And grow up a little
We will give you flowers!

Clockwork we guys
Unprecedented steepness
Congratulations girls
Happy Women's Day of Spring!

March 8 is coming soon
The boys are going to be hot.
They need to keep their word.
You can't hurt girls!

We congratulate the girls
On this day, like princesses.
We choose gifts for them,
Oh, it's not an easy process.

You are always beautiful
"Ponytails", pigtails
We sometimes pull for them,
Just out of habit!

Chastushki on March 8 with the names of girls

Chastushkas with the names of girls are merrily performed, when a funny quatrain sounds about each student of the class, emphasizing the character or behavior of someone.

Katya is a kind soul
Everyone is nice, good.
Loves school, loves work.
And a true friend to everyone in the class.

As soon as I see Nastya,
I don't care about others
In essence and in fact
It is better not to find Nastya.

Our Lena is not quiet,
Even though it looks like it.
If necessary, boldly vmazhet,
Doesn't even blink an eye.

Am I a gentleman or what?
Karina helped take off her coat.
Her briefcase brought to the desk,
It's March 8th today!

Did not answer about fairy tales
To the question of Alenka.
And in her diary they placed
Ugly duckling!

Katya flew to school so
I didn't wear a uniform to school.
The whole lesson was counted by Katya
I'm polka dots on a bathrobe.

Polina is very exotic,
But sometimes self-critical.
And the unfortunate men
They love Paul for no reason.

They say there is nothing more beautiful
And wiser than Angelina,
Everyone will agree with this
Our lovely men

Diligent in everything
Darina decorates the house.
Only companion is pride,
Oh, it interferes with everything.

Look at Natasha -
She's got thorns all around
She looks so arrogant
And in her soul - flowers!

If you are looking for a long time
You are the leader
You choose Alina -
your savior!

Do not judge strictly Anya
For her great looks.
Inadvertently our Anya
Make all men fall in love with you.

Galya loves books since childhood,
I read "Moydodyr",
And now she's dreaming
Read it to holes.

Tanya with Lena, like magpies
On the edge of the forest
Discuss who has
More beautiful freckles.

Somehow Olya got
Sasha's note
lend me a dictation
Self-writing pen.

If you need order
Choose Julia as your wife
Just give her gifts
Never forget.

If you are looking for peace
That is more modest not to find,
The name is rare -
Ksyusha, how can I find you?

Our Tanya in the classroom
Writes messages to everyone.
Who will receive the telegram
Takes punishment.

Why, tell me, children,
Are there books?
To beat our Zhenya
All the boys with them.

Like our Verochka
Head is spinning,
Can't see anyone around
It spins with might and main.

I want to tell Lera
Shoulder leaning towards her,
About the weather, about football,
Yes, and little about anything.

Olesya is - the soul will perk up,
Olesya is gone - a dull look,
I am drawn to Olesya
Feelings are an impressive magnet.

Who has a lot of fives
And mind chamber.
Yana knows everything in the world,
Even about the shovel.

We sit in class
And look at the girls
And beautiful and smart -
It's better not to find it.
There is a magazine on the table
Well, there are fives in it.
Because in our class
Smart girls.

All day I tried so hard
I didn't look at the girls.
Barely survived -
I wanted to pull the braid.

We won't hide from girls
Let's tell them straight out:
Before your beauty
We melt like a snowman!

Everything around makes noise, sings,
The Women's Day is coming.
We must decide quickly
What to give girls.

March is a good day
To congratulate the girls.
We promise, our babies,
We will not offend you!

On a bright day March 8
Women must be respected.
On this day, we will not be you,
Tease, pull and push!

Our girls offended
We won't give today
Not even a stranger
Let's not get close to them.

It's a holiday in our school
Women's Day! Flowers and laughter!
To all teachers at once
Let's say: you are the most beautiful of all!

On Women's Day March 8
Dad cooked dinner himself
And I'll tell you a secret
Made a lot of trouble.

Burnt soup and porridge
He poured salt into the compote,
When our mother returned
She had a lot of trouble.

We envy girls
They love to play
And for this, guys,
Need to buy dolls.

On Women's Day March 8
Petya cooked dinner himself,
Crumbled sweets into the salad,
Made a lot of trouble!

We finish singing ditties,
We promise our mothers:
Let's grow good
To behave.

We dressed up for the holiday
We will show you a master class.
Sing and dance non-stop
We can give you an hour.