How four generations of women get along under one roof. What kind of woman can you get along with

We know what to do if there is a difference in age, material wealth and even nationality and culture between spouses. But there is another difference - a discrepancy in the level of education or a difference in intelligence. Men accuse their wives of stupidity, and girls are looking for smart couples, because you won’t get lost with them even in difficult times. Is it important to match with a partner “in mind” and how to determine whether you are suitable for each other according to this criterion?

What is intelligence

The age of technological development and progress require regularly increasing erudition and horizons. Educated specialists are needed in any professional field, the level of education among the population as a whole is increasing, and people who create something in culture or science can classify themselves as educated.

Few people ask what intelligence is, but everyone somehow classifies themselves into one of the categories: smart (more often) and not too smart, which also happens. Choosing a partner, consciously or not, we are also trying to find a person to match ourselves. Girls in our time have less and less reason to choose low-skilled professions with the expectation that a smart husband will solve family problems.

If we use a dry definition, then intelligence means literally - the ability to think and rational knowledge. It is measured with tests invented by the German scientist Hans Eysenck, which we know as IQ tests. But when creating a pair, we, of course, do not use tests. Speaking of a discrepancy in intelligence or a different intellectual level of partners, we mean something else.

According to Elina Nesterova, speaking about the difference in intelligence in a couple, most often we mean:

  • the level of education;
  • interests (their presence and diversity);
  • the environment of communication and education (friends, relatives, work team);
  • individual characteristics of a person that allow him to be flexible, open, learn new things, develop. That is, his character, temperament.

At the beginning of the novel, most often we do not know either about the education of a new acquaintance, or about his work, or about the environment in which he is used to communicating. During this period, it is important to pay attention to whether you are interested in together, whether there are topics for conversation and how comfortable they are. “As a rule, irritation with the stupidity of a partner, low intelligence or inability to behave hides other, deeper problems in a couple”, - says Elina Nesterova. Dissatisfaction can be associated with various claims, but if they begin to sound, you need to figure out what the anger is aimed at and how to get out of this situation.

Who is smart, who is stupid

For building relationships, sometimes it is more important to have “worldly mind” or “worldly wisdom”: to know not “what” to say, but “when” and “why”. The ability to assess the situation characterizes the ability to navigate in the environment and learn the rules of behavior on the go. The truth that sometimes it is more correct to remain silent than to blurt out nonsense also applies in relations with a man, since the lack of knowledge in itself is unlikely to be annoying, and attempts to be aggressively clever are quite. An alternative to "smart" silence can be sincere curiosity and interest. If you are not embarrassed by ignorance, you can participate in the conversation by asking questions on the topic. It turns out that the mind in this case is not only the availability of knowledge, but the ability to use it. It is also an emotional openness and a desire to interact with other people.

Difficulties and how to deal with them

Being in love makes it difficult to really assess the potential of a partner, "chemistry" and sexual attraction are stronger than the arguments of the mind and the warnings of the environment. Despite existing differences, the couple gets married, and then comes an epiphany.

Communication and pastime. A man watches football with friends on weekends, and his wife goes with her friends to a Pre-Raphaelite exhibition. Partners with different social circles may well feel annoyed that they spend little time together. This is the reason to begin to attribute stupidity and narrow-mindedness to another. “If this happens often, and there is practically no joint leisure, sooner or later the conflict will manifest itself. In such situations, often one partner chooses the position of a “victim”, trying to adapt and even sincerely love the interests of the other. But soon this position begins to oppress, and the spouse and his company - to annoy., - comments Elina Nesterova. Such an adjustment to the detriment of oneself is not an option.

How to fight. Having a common hobby "neutralizes" this difference. This can help to find and organize a new common circle of communication, in which no one will be distinguished by ignorance of Kafka's work or the inability to ditch the walls. It is important both the desire of partners to accept each other's hobbies, and to accept the reluctance of the other to fit into an alien company.

different interests and worldviews. The difference of interests in itself is not terrible, but they form views on life. We do not just choose books, music and films, this is our attitude to culture and understanding of its values. It will be difficult for a lover of road chanson and a connoisseur of Silver Age poetry to get along in one apartment. There is too much food for debate here, from what radio to listen to in the car and what movie to go to, ending with raising children.

How to fight. Here, an important role is played by the psycho-emotional characteristics of each of the partners. How both are flexible, capable of compromise and even endowed with a sense of humor people. If a man feels uncomfortable in front of his friends that his half confuses Babel with Bebel, this rather indicates his dependence on public opinion. Elina Nesterova explains: “In the case of different indicators of social and emotional intelligence in a couple, often one of the partners irons out differences and takes the initiative to resolve conflicts. The other can support and promote development, but not impose his own. The guide to action should be the desire to take care of each other, and not the desire to assert oneself at the expense of others.

The likelihood of not joining the family. If the family does not accept one of the partners, or both family clans in a state of cold war, it is not easy. It would seem that a wife who has no claims to a career, ambitions that threaten a long wait for grandchildren, should only be glad. But parents can have ambitions, because their child deserves the best. Some want to see a "girl from a decent family", from their own circle. A smart husband for a daughter is selected for material reasons. - the embodiment of a sweet, but rustic young lady. It is worth noting that the attractive features of her characters are spontaneity and lightness of character. It was with them, and not at all with stupidity, that she charmed men.

Beautiful fool or smart, but scary

Clever beauties or ugly and stupid ones are not remembered at the same time. As a rule, these statements are used as a defense: he went to a fool who looks like Monica Bellucci, because he himself is a fool, but I defended my doctoral thesis and I will be happy. Meanwhile, no study indicates a direct relationship between external data and intelligence. Appearance can be the result of work on oneself, and a doctorate can be a coincidence.

Men are afraid of smart women

It is understood that in an intelligent woman they feel an equal rival and are afraid of being defeated. The myth that a wife cannot be smarter than her husband arose as a result of a search for explanations for loneliness. The desire to compete with a man is not associated with a powerful intellect, but with the internal conflicts that a woman has.

Today we have a new day, a little cloudy, but a day off! And we continue the topic of relations between the sexes, which we touched on in the previous article “”.

In this article, we will take a look at features of men And features of women, understand why it's good that men and women are different, and finally reveal the secret, Why does a man need a woman?

So we ended the previous article on the fact that every man has his own “empty box”, into which he rushes headlong, trying to escape from his problems. And for women, this causes bewilderment and as a result it can lead to conflict.

By the way, if you still don't have a relationship, don't have a partner, and don't have anyone to train on to improve your relationship :))) - then it will help you find them.

Features of women's behavior

Women can think of four or more things at the same time. Women always think, and most often about some practical things. Men, on the contrary, actively think no more than 5 minutes (!) per hour, and even then not in a row :)

Why do girls most often consider guys insensitive cattle who do not listen to them and do not understand their signals, hints, and so on?

Yes, everything is very simple! The fact is that women perfectly process and read sound and visual information. They perfectly understand the language of gestures, postures, emotions and intonations. Guys don't look at the facts! For example, she is upset. Him: "What happened?" She: "It's okay" He: "Well, that's fine." And she got offended even more! And he can't figure out why? After all, she said that nothing happened, that she was fine. And then immediately: “Yes, he’s just an insensitive brute, he doesn’t give a damn about me and my feelings too!” What does a woman want from a man? At the moment? So that they ask her questions, take time for her to talk to you (you don’t have to :) Although in reality, men are simply not able (or stupidly unwilling) to read the information that is sent by them girls. Psychological features of men.

Women also have more cones (color receptors) in their retinas. That is, girls do not just distinguish colors, but they see them in full color! The fact that for a man stupidly green, red and blue (and often at traffic lights and red turns green :)), then for a woman it is light turquoise, scarlet, the color of aqua. And there's nothing to say - physiological characteristics of women!

Women also have better peripheral vision. It's like they have eyes in the back of their heads. That is, they see more than men. That is, the guys have better eyesight. But it is like binoculars, that is, he adjusts his vision to some object and stares at it. And often does not see what is in front of his eyes! For example, the husband cannot find salt in the closet. Well, she's not! Seeking-looking! He moves his eyes up, down, back and forth, as if looking through binoculars. And the wife bam! And I found salt. Why? Because a woman is able to see the entire closet! That is, women notice the details, and the men think of us that we are too fixated on the little things.

Women also hear better! Gender characteristics of women. Not that it's better, but they can also hear more than men. These abilities are given to a woman in order to better raise a child. That is, they can assess the situation around, hear this, that, where her child is, what he is doing, who or what can threaten him, and all this at the same time! And this can lead to conflict. When a husband reads a newspaper, he only focuses on it. The wife comes up and starts a conversation. Typical conversation between a woman and a man. But when he reads, he may not hear a single word of her conversation at all. Or when he eats. Dear ladies, have you had this? I do :) Women immediately get angry that they are not as interesting as the newspaper, they think that men do not care about them. In fact, the problem is not in the heart, but in the head, in the ears. And nothing to do with here man's love for woman!

That is, in order to get the attention of a man, you need to make him break away from his work and look at you. However, this is also not safe, since guys do not particularly like to be distracted from their work, it is generally difficult for them to switch. But the difficulty is that men are most often busy with something. Because if they are not doing anything at the moment, then they are in an empty box and are busy with ... nothing!

And also that:

  • weak women nearby need not "men stronger than them", but "daddies";
  • why the position "I'm a woman, I should inspire you, not make money" is flawed;
  • who is the ivy man and why is he dangerous;
  • why the images of "combat babes" created by the film industry seem sexually attractive;
  • four main reasons why a man "can't hammer a nail", that the latter should answer the phrase "be a man!" and about many other interesting and vital -

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No normal man, at least somewhat accomplished in life, needs a weak woman. The stumbling block is the definition of a "strong woman". My interpretation: a strong person is a person who is able to solve the main everyday problems on his own. It's not that he can change the wiring himself and clean the candles in the car. I'm talking about social life skills.

A weak person cannot cope with this on his own. A collision occurs. The woman says that she wants to be weak and does not want to be able to cope with everyday situations. It turns out that a man needs to solve some of his own problems and lead not just a life together, which is normal, but also solve the problems of a woman. I'm not saying that a man should not help the woman he lives with, I'm talking about the preferential direction when she does nothing, and he does everything for her. A strong woman is just a grown woman, and a weak woman is an infantile, ivy woman. But Ivy men are just as common, and much more unpleasant. No one wants to put a freeloader on the scruff of his neck, hence my categorical thesis.

Why does it often turn out that infantile girls are always helped, while those who do it themselves continue to do everything themselves?

The question should be divided into two parts. We don't know what's going on with these infantile girls. It is possible that this is an appearance. If this is not so, then we are dealing with those who are popularly called daddies. A daddy is a man older than the woman he fumbles with, who sponsors her, solves her issues, teaches her about life, and fights sexual desire towards her. Maybe he sleeps with her, but then he reproaches himself for it. Such daddies perfectly converge with infantile girls. She gets goodies from him, and he gets the feeling that there is a person who listens to him and completely depends on him. This is the satisfaction of the father's position. Dependent women, in principle, are looking for themselves not a man, but a parent, daddy.

But this is a serious mistake. My daughter is almost 2 years old and she looks up to me. Of course, I can do anything for her. I can buy whatever she wants because she can't want anything big. It is impossible for a 2-year-old child to come up with something that would be radically beyond the capabilities of her parents. When a woman who is 25 years old plays the same game, her wishes almost immediately go beyond the capabilities of a man.

Such a woman courts a man, then she is convinced that he is not enough daddy and he needs to be replaced urgently. There is no real love in these relationships because everyone plays their part. Such relationships can be long, but they cannot be trusting and close.

Is everything in order with such men in their family?

As a rule, no. They may have children, but the relationship with them is not very good. In other words, children do not listen to them. These people want to feel needed.

Many men admit that the very concept of a "strong woman" irritates them. When a woman says that she is strong and can do it herself, the man brushes it off. Why?

Don't confuse power and strength. It is not strength that irritates, but authority, when a person knows what is right, presses to make it right, says how it should be. Power - the ability to force a person to commit any action with the help of authority, violence, blackmail. Who will love such a person? Nobody likes powerful people.

Sometimes strength is regarded as a woman's ability to say: "I will not stand at the stove, do laundry, like my mother." Next to the man is a beautiful babe with a beautiful figure who has something in her head. Is it possible to call such a woman strong or weak?

Neither one nor the other. This woman is somewhat stupid. With the current development of technology, cooking and laundry does not take that much time. It seems to me that such a woman, as you describe, shows stupidity in her wording. When she rolls out a categorical statement, it is most likely domineering. And the man will take and decide to spend the night on Wednesdays with another woman. This is wrong, because the marriage union is built on equal relations and equal contributions. An equal contribution is not measured in money, there is no unit of measurement for it. It's a kind of self-awareness. What is a contribution for one is a minuscule for another.

What about emotional input?

For example, a man came to his wife, and she listened to him. This is a great contribution on her part. He noticed that she had cut her hair, admired it, this is a great contribution on his part. He brings home money, and she stays at home with the child - this is their contribution. In any pair, each always believes that he is investing more. A sign that the balance is disturbed is a feeling of acute injustice. Significant changes occur when people in couples begin to at least thank each other.

Very often, to any claims from the other side, people respond: "Take me the way I am."

That is, this is not about finding a dream, trying to understand it, but about laziness.

If a man has a woman and is married to her, it is assumed that he understands that another person is next to him. If another person is obliged to feed two people, because one of them will be looking for himself for the next 30 years, this is strange. It is normal when a woman becomes pregnant and goes on maternity leave, and a man feeds her, himself and children, works more. They signed up for it, and it's been going on for a while. When they discuss whether or not to have a child, that is exactly what they decide. It's normal when a man decides for two months where to go. But if it lasts, a year, two, 30 years, it's not normal, it's not love. Love and marriage are equal relationships. My grandmother used to say: "God forbid you know everything, but you can't work everything."

There is a widespread theory that the mission of a man in this world is to fulfill the desires of a woman, to produce, and a woman should inspire him.

A normal man naturally strives for some kind of achievement. Of course, if he is an infantile dunce who plays consoles and does nothing else, he does not aspire to anything. Then he needs a powerful woman who will kick him. The big question is why she has such a man.

A normal man himself wants to do a lot and leave a lot behind. At the age of 40, this desire intensifies in him: he provided for his family, children and wants to move on. To inspire it is an illusion. It turns out that the man is a dunce, and a woman came - and inspired him. I don't think this has any respect for the man.

But doesn't he need female support?

Both a man and a woman need support, admiration, rear, support, for this marriage alliances are made and people get married: to be close to someone they can rely on. Therefore, it is very difficult to be close to weak women: you cannot rely on them. People need someone who shares their thoughts, beliefs, values.

Both in a couple consider themselves strong people and in everyday life they often collide with their foreheads. What to do when two strong personalities live under one roof?

Both need to drop the word "strong" from the description of the situation. There are two powerful people, of whom neither wants to give in to the other. When both do not want to cede power to another, the question arises, why should they be together at all? Marriage - when "together we can do more than alone." But if marriage is "we do as I say," then why even such a marriage? In any marriage, it's normal to negotiate, discuss. Two different people will always have disagreements, but the value of a marriage union lies precisely in the fact that people are allies. This is a unity in the name of a common goal - to live together happily ever after. Truth is born not in a dispute, but in a dialogue. Practice shows that people can always agree, especially when they have common goals. It is difficult to agree when the goals are diametrically opposed.

Some women, in order to check if they are living with a rag, often provoke a man to slam his fist on the table. Sometimes the kindness, complaisance and gentleness of men begins to annoy some women.

If we accept that women do this on purpose, then we accept that they are fools. I'm not ready to believe it. This behavior does happen, but for different reasons. The man shows indecision, does not decide anything. The woman begins to get rabid and commits a provocation, but not because she wants to check whether the man is next to her or not, but simply because she is angry.

The second reason is that a woman loses the state of adulthood: you can get tired, not get enough sleep. An adult is independent, knows how to think ahead and take into account the interests of other people nearby. If a woman begins to provoke a man, she does not take into account his interests, does not think about the future. These are two signs that she has fallen into childhood and climbs into the territory of a man.

There is his territory, hers and theirs. There are complaisant men who think: I love her, that I will not tolerate it. If a person climbs into someone else's territory and does not receive information that this is someone else's territory, he strengthens the offensive. A woman in this state does not understand anything about a man at all, she does not even think about him. The same thing happens to men: they also willingly climb into women's territory. Powerful people must be stopped. Most people are bossy not by nature, but because they got used to it, took a parental position and stopped thinking. We need to stop them and set boundaries for them.

For example, women like to fix their husbands' clothes. But these are the clothes of a man, and he decides what is right and what is wrong. If you notice a mess, let him know and he will decide what to do with his clothes. The man also does not say what to wear to the woman. He can tell if she asks. But this is her choice, and she has the right to the clothes that she considers right. When people learn to respect someone else's territory, half of the problems associated with strong men and women will be removed.

About 200 years ago, it was very important for survival to live in pairs. In the modern world, people live in pairs, not because they are pressured from all sides, and not because it is beneficial for them to have a master or mistress. Now a marriage based on strength is not viable.

Often a strong woman can say to a man: "Be you, finally, a man." What to answer a man?

It is best to remain silent and watch carefully. A woman cannot define a man's masculinity. Just like a man cannot define a woman's femininity. A man's masculinity can be determined by other men, and in the first place by his father. If a woman determines the masculinity of a man, she controls him. She says that he is not a man, but he is doing everything to regain this title. This is authority - a way to control a man.

The wording "real man" is exactly the same way of managing. No man would seriously say that to another man. Similarly, men have a way of controlling women by saying, "You're not a real woman" or "You're not woman enough." And she begins to cook, clean, just to please him. For what? This is the continuation of the war for power.

The moment you allow your partner to make an assessment of your femininity or masculinity, this is the beginning of failure.

What kind of marriage is this, where the main occupation is figuring out who is in charge? Where is the joy, love, trust?

Are the images of strong women created by the film industry sexy for men? Why?

Rather yes than no. We are sexually attracted to that which is different from us. That is why men like skirts, blouse cutouts, long hair. The same thing happens with some differences from the usual image. If all women are soft, then a passionate woman with a violent nature attracts. In addition, there is an opinion that in bed they will show themselves about the same passionately and boldly. Men really complain about some inactivity of women in bed.

Leading programs: Pavel Zygmantovich, psychologist, writer, and Olga Kakshinskaya, journalist. E-mail for communication.

If you are the guy who is ready to confess his love every day and comfort his chosen one, then the Cancer girl is perfect for you. But do not try to make her fall in love with you if you agree with the opinion of psychologists and think that love is when you can do without an object of love, that is, become a self-sufficient person, be financially and spiritually independent from your lady of the heart. The Cancer girl does not agree with the statement that to love means not to look at each other, but to move in the same direction. For her, the main thing in relationships with men is constant confirmation of love, affection, heartfelt conversations and support.

Outwardly, the Cancer girl gives the impression of a purposeful and independent person, in fact she is only a weak woman who is very afraid that she will not be able to find protection in the person of a successful man. Cancer girl is a big owner. Even the thought that she can marry a man who cannot adequately provide for her family and will cheat on her is painful for her. Since childhood, she has been afraid that a time may come that will deprive her of warmth, food and protection.

To fall in love with a Cancer girl, you must always remember that she is vulnerable and fragile, needs constant care and tenderness. Meet her when she comes home from school or work, help her carry her bag, offer a ride in the car, and buy whatever she wants. In short, make sure that she constantly feels that you will support her in difficult times and are always ready to help her. Believe me, this affects Cancer more than pumped up muscles and a cool look.

The Cancer girl is often subject to all sorts of doubts and fears, they say, she is not so beautiful, not so dressed, not so slim, and so on. Your task is to constantly convince her otherwise by showering her with compliments. She loves to listen to them very much, especially if they are said from the heart without flattery. Words of recognition and praise, spoken during a moonlit walk along the sea or river, the Cancer girl will appreciate the best. In the moonlight, she becomes the most emotional and receptive, which greatly increases your chances for reciprocity of feelings.

Do not worry if the Cancer girl immediately makes a sad face when she meets you, she behaves in this way on purpose so that you approach her, take an interest in her affairs and help solve problems. In life's affairs, the Cancer girl cannot stand up to difficulties herself, she immediately looks for a "reliable shoulder" on which she can lean. If she fails to find a person who will calm her down and help her, the Cancer girl "buries herself in the sand" in anticipation of when everything will be settled by itself.

When talking with a Cancer girl, do not even think about complaining about the lack of money, because she really dislikes men who do not have their own housing and savings in the bank. However, she is interested in your well-being not in order to buy herself expensive outfits or jewelry, but in order to be sure that she will be protected next to you and she will not have to think about tomorrow herself. The Cancer girl does not like noisy companies and parties, preferring to meet with her beloved boyfriend in the circle of her family or closest friends. Once at the same table with her, always remember that you can not criticize, discuss and ridicule her. It is dangerous to hurt the feelings of Cancer in the presence of others, she can be very offended and part with you forever.

When communicating with her parents, treat them respectfully and with respect, especially praise her mother. A Cancer woman listens to the opinion of her mother all her life and does nothing without consulting with her. If you want to make her laugh, don't try to tell a joke about your mother-in-law, it will offend her to the core. Having achieved the love of a Cancer girl, never forget that there are no people without flaws. Learn to accept your loved one for who she is. Trying to re-educate her and teach life is useless. If you get annoyed for any reason and sort things out with her, then keep her close to you for a long time and do not hope. It is very important for this girl to know that you and she are two halves of one whole, that you will never cheat on her and leave her alone.

The Cancer woman appreciates her family, home and comfort. They come first for her. Cancers are strongly attached to their husband and children, parting with them for them is tantamount to death. Cancer woman knows how to cook deliciously and show tenderness towards family members, but she is very distrustful and jealous, which often causes constant quarrels in families and even divorces. It is not in vain that according to statistics, divorced women among Cancers are the largest number.

Before you apply for a marriage with a Cancer girl, you must realize that from the very first days of your life together she will want to dominate you and control all your actions. In order to live in harmony with her, you will need to constantly report to her about where you are leaving home and what time you will arrive. The Cancer girl has her own established family standards. She is sure that there is no better place in the world than her family nest and none of her family members should leave it for a long time. For this reason, if you leave a Cancer woman alone at home for the whole day, by the evening she is very depressed and sad.

Mysterious, charming, seductive - she alone is worth ten other women. As soon as she joins in the conversation, the rest of the participants in the conversation immediately fall under her charm. She, like no one else, knows how to listen and demonstrate a genuine interest in the problems of other people. And if the rest of the interlocutors will gladly let pass by what worries you so much, then the Gemini woman will behave differently - not only will she give an opportunity to speak out, but she will also analyze the situation in order to give some advice.

Gemini women very easily get close to other people, tying up friendly, or rather friendly relations. It is they who will definitely call on their birthday and will not forget to send a funny postcard. But it is unlikely that there will be at least one Gemini woman who will allow outsiders to look into her soul.

She really wants to be loved by everyone, despite the fact that she herself loves far from everyone. Gemini makes decisions very quickly, relying on his instincts and reflexes. It is very difficult for her to concentrate, because her attention constantly jumps from fifth to tenth. Everything new attracts Gemini like a magnet.

Organization is clearly not their forte. The need to do some work entirely - from beginning to end - drives this young lady into a state close to panic. Maybe the Gemini woman will sincerely try to do this, but her attempt is unlikely to succeed. About half way along, she begins to get bored, which is why new, creative, extremely exciting ideas come to her head, and the old ones are discarded (although at the beginning of the assignment they seemed brilliant). You understand that this style of work is rarely welcomed anywhere.

Women born under this zodiac sign are very emotional and are able to go through the whole scale from “Quiet and clear” to “Storm and tsunami” in a short period of time. It is never enough for them - one lover, one job or one single plan is not enough. The Gemini woman, like living mercury, today is here, tomorrow is there, her life is in full swing, but despite this, she is prone to mood swings and depression. In order to avoid this, she needs a strong male shoulder to lean on.

Despite the gentleness and kindness, the Gemini woman is often considered cold and prudent, and all because when making decisions, she is guided, first of all, by the arguments of the mind, and not by emotions.

The Gemini woman is somewhat reminiscent of a kite, proudly soaring in the ascending currents - any attempt to tie her to her tightly is doomed to failure.

They are never satisfied with what they have, and do not leave attempts to somehow model reality in their own way - they rearrange furniture, look for a new apartment, experiment in the kitchen and re-educate their man ... The only thing that the Gemini woman has no control over so it's over your thirst for change.

twin in bed

For sex, she does not need any special romantic-erotic scenery; a car seat or “kissing places” in a cinema are quite suitable. She requires only one thing from her lover - that he should not rush anywhere, start with a detailed prelude and act "with feeling, with sense, with arrangement."

The Gemini woman is "arranged" in such a way that she can instantly flare up with desire, like a match, or lose all her libido, especially if the hasty partner is striving for the finish line too quickly. As a rule, she herself seeks to set the pace in bed and woe to those who cannot stand it!

Sometimes a Gemini woman radiates sexual aggression and gladly takes the initiative in her own hands. In this case, she needs a man whom she will conquer, seduce and conquer.

It cannot be said that the “Twin” is driven exclusively by sexual needs, rather, it is still curiosity. She loves any experiments - including sexual ones. She easily manages to combine two or more actions - for example, kissing a man and simultaneously stimulating his erogenous zones. If she is engaged in oral sex, then her hands "wander" somewhere in the partner's body, delivering additional pleasure.

What kind of man does she need

The Gemini woman needs such a man to wait for her with a cup of hot coffee at five in the morning when she returns from a long party, and not to make scenes of jealousy. Next to Gemini, only those who have a grandiose supply of patience and composure can survive.

Who suits Gemini

The Gemini woman and the Aquarius man are made for each other, they communicate on the same wavelength and understand each other from half a glance and half a breath. Despite the fact that both signs are prone to "walking to the left", they rarely cheat on each other. Their romance has everything you could wish for - true, deep feelings, passion and mutual freedom.

Another option suitable for Gemini is the Libra man. He will be happy to bring her various ideas to life, and in bed they complement each other so that for many years after the wedding, an “erotic spark” will run between them.

A good combination of a Leo man and a Gemini woman can last for many years, unless at the beginning of the relationship his thirst for recognition and fame drives her crazy.

The chances of success for Gemini and Aries are very high. By and large, Aries, just like Libra, are ready to embody any, even the most extravagant ideas of Gemini, and do it with love. The only "pitfall" that this couple's love boat can crash on is the contradiction between Gemini's passion for freedom and Aries' desire for security and tenderness.

Who is not suitable for Gemini

The Twin + Twin couple may have been able to somehow get along together, but both have so many things to do here and there that it is better to look for other partners, otherwise they will rarely meet in the marital bed.

Despite an encouraging start to a relationship, the grounded and somewhat down-to-earth Taurus quickly bores a Gemini, she needs a lot more than just stability.

With Sagittarius, a Gemini woman can spend one of the best nights of her life, but most likely it will be just one night, they are too different. Cold-blooded Cancers and Capricorns do not just annoy the "Gemini" - rather, they drive her crazy. Driven by the desire to achieve maximum intimacy, Scorpio tries to corner the Gemini woman and achieves the opposite results (she would rather leave than live under pressure). Worse than Scorpio can only be the eternal pedant and bore - Virgo. There is no need to even talk about any more or less significant relationship with Pisces - here there can be no talk of love or friendship.