Psychogymnastics in kindergarten exercises. Stafeeva M.S. Psychogymnastics in the rehabilitation of preschool children. Preparatory group of preschoolers



Magic flower game.

Target:Learn to express your personality. Introduce yourself to other children in the group.

Children are invited to imagine themselves as small sprouts of flowers. At will, they choose who will be what flower. Then, to the music, they show how the flower blooms (children slowly rise to their full height, open their hands folded like a “bud”). Then each child tells about himself: where and with whom he grows up, how he feels, what he dreams about, what he loves, who he wants to be friends with, and so on.

A game "Transmission of Feelings".

Target:To teach children to convey various emotional states in a non-verbal way.

The child is given a task: to convey a certain feeling along the “chain” with the help of facial expressions, gestures, touches. The teacher calls the feeling in the ear of the first child; children are not allowed to pronounce words. Then the children discuss what feeling they conveyed, what they felt at the same time.

A game " Call kindly."

Target:To cultivate a friendly attitude of children towards each other.

Children stand in a circle. The teacher invites the child to pass the ball (or toy) to the child standing nearby, affectionately calling him by name. The child takes the ball and passes it to the next child with the same task. After that, the children share their impressions and feelings.

A game " Warm rain."

Target:The development of the emotional sphere of the child, the removal of psycho-emotional stress.

The teacher tells the children: the rain moistened the earth, refreshed the grass and leaves. Let's play with raindrops. At first, the children hide their hands behind their backs, then we bring forward the straight right hand with the palm up, the left remains behind the back. Then we change hands. Children try to imagine how they feel. Repeat 6-8 times.

Game "My favorite toy"

Target:Develop the ability to listen to each other: describe your favorite toy, noting its expression, mood, your feelings for this toy.

The child chooses the toy that he likes the most and which he will describe, but does not name it to other children. The child begins to describe it, and the rest of the children guess.

A game " Shell".

Target:To develop the emotional and personal sphere of the child's psyche, memory, attention, imagination.

The teacher asks the children to imagine that they are on the banks of the river (sea). Children move freely along the “shore”, find shells and, bringing them to their ears, listen to the sound of the sea, and also offer to listen to the “voice” of the found shells to their comrades and educator.

A game " Multicolored bouquet.

Target:Teach children to interact with each other, getting joy and pleasure from this .

Each child declares himself the flower of his choice and finds another flower for his bouquet. He must explain his choice. Then all the “bouquets” are combined into one big “bouquet” and arrange a round dance of flowers.

A game " Share your warmth.

Target:The development of the emotional-volitional sphere of the child's personality, benevolence, mutual assistance.

A game " Magic chair.

Target:To educate the ability to be affectionate, to activate gentle, affectionate words in children's speech .

One child sits in the center of the circle on the “magic chair”. The teacher warns the children that only good words can be said about the person sitting on the chair. Children say kind, affectionate words, compliments. You can stroke the person sitting on the chair, hug, kiss. Then the children say what they liked more: sitting and listening or talking.

A game " Name yourself."

Target:Teach children to present themselves to the team.

The child is asked to introduce himself. Say his name, as he likes best, tell how they call him at home, how he would like to be called in the group and why.

A game " Sculptor".

Target:To teach children to interact in a group of peers, to reckon with their opinion.

One child is a sculptor, the others (from 4 to 8) are clay. The sculptor "sculpts" a composition from "clay", arranging the figures according to the planned project. The rest of the kids help him. Then they consider the composition together and come up with a name for it.

A game " Reincarnation".

Target:To teach children the ability to transform into objects and animals, depicting them with the help of plasticity, facial expressions, gestures.

Children take turns thinking of a certain “image”, depicting it without naming it. The rest try to guess by giving a verbal portrait.

A game " Magical dream".

Target:Muscle relaxation, mastering the resting posture, correction of the emotional sphere.

The children lie on the floor with their eyes closed. The teacher says the words: our legs rest, our hands rest. Our eyes rest, rest, fall asleep. The tension is gone and the whole body is relaxed. And our obedient tongue is accustomed to being relaxed. We breathe easily, evenly and deeply. Children lie like this for several minutes.

A game " Fire is ice.

Target:Correction of the psycho-emotional sphere of the child.

On the command "fire" - the children standing in a circle begin to move all parts of the body. On the command "ice" - the children freeze in the position that the team found.

A game " Fists.

Target:Relaxing the muscles and mastering the resting posture.

Clench your fingers into a fist, hands on your knees, the bones turned white from tension. The teacher tells the children: “It’s uncomfortable for us to sit like that, relax your hands, they are tired, we are resting. It was easy and pleasant.” Repeat this exercise several times with the words:

Hands on knees, fists clenched

The fingers are pressed tightly with tension.

We squeeze our fingers harder

Let's relax.

Know girls and boys

Resting our fingers.

A game " Candles".

Target:Develop the ability to manage your emotional state, relax, talk about your feelings and experiences.

Children in comfortable positions sit around the candle at a safe distance. Look at the flame for 5-8 seconds, then close your eyes for a few seconds. At this time, the teacher extinguishes the candle. Children open their eyes and talk about the images they saw in the candle flame.

Game "Pitcher".


Children imagine themselves as a beautiful painted jug from which dirty water can be poured out to be filled with clean water. Children lean forward and "pour" out of themselves what should not be there: pain, resentment, anger.

A game " Crystal water.

Target:Development and correction of the cognitive and emotional sphere of the child's psyche.

Sit down, pick up a handful of “water”, raise your hands with “water” up and pour it on yourself, bouncing in place and uttering a loud and joyfully long sound “and - and - and”.

A game " Flower".

Target:Development and correction of the emotional and personal sphere of the child's psyche

The teacher pronounces the following words, accompanying them with actions:

A warm beam fell to the ground and warmed the seed. A sprout sprouted from the seed. A beautiful flower grew from a sprout. It basks in the sun, exposes each petal to heat and light.

Children convey the movements of the flower with their movements.

A game " Wizards.

Target:Continue to cultivate a friendly attitude of children towards each other, the ability to show attention and care.

Children are encouraged to imagine that they are wizards and can grant their own wishes and the wishes of others. Each is given the opportunity to add to the other what (in his opinion) he lacks. For example: “I will add courage to Volodya, I will add dexterity to Alyosha, I will add kindness to Masha, etc.”

Game "Pyramid of Love".

Target:Cultivate a respectful attitude towards the world and people, develop communication skills.

Children sit in a circle. The teacher tells the children: “Each of you loves something or someone. Tell who and what you love. Let's build a pyramid of love from our hands."

Children stand up and put their hand on the hand of the previous child and say: “I love the sea”, “I love mom”, “I love flowers”, etc. The teacher emphasizes that the pyramid turned out to be high, because we love and are loved.

A game " Sunny Bunny.

Target:To develop the ability to manage their emotions, to cultivate a friendly attitude of children towards each other. Develop an atmosphere of warmth, love and affection.

The teacher with a mirror shows a "sunny bunny". He invites the children to catch him and pass him around in a circle so that everyone caresses him, warms him with his warmth. The teacher draws attention to the fact that the "bunny" has grown from warmth and love. The bunny is released.

A game " Read the letter."

Target:Develop the ability to determine the emotional state from schematic images and combine different images with a single plot.

The following situation is played out: the postman brings letters, but not ordinary, encrypted ones. Each letter mimically depicts 2-3 emotional states and they must be deciphered. A subgroup of children is given a letter, the children discuss and tell what they "read" in their letter.

A game " Bubble".


The teacher imitates the blowing of soap bubbles, and the rest of the children depict the flight of these bubbles. Children move freely throughout the free space. After the command "Bust", the children lie on the floor.

A game " Would you like to be my friend?"

Target:Developing a sense of community, relieving emotional stress .

Children stand in a circle. Everyone chooses a friend for himself, while touching the hands of the chosen one, pronouncing the words: “Do you want to be my friend?” By mutual choice, children are divided into pairs. After that, they tell their feelings and emotions.

A game " Snowman".

Target:Development of expressiveness of movements, imagination, removal of emotional stress.

All children portray snowmen. At the command of the educator “Spring has come”, the “snowmen” begin to melt. The children relax, the body becomes limp and the children gradually sink to the floor.

A game " Lead the blind."

Target:Developing a sense of community, relieving emotional stress.

The child must, with the help of verbal commands, bring the blindfolded player from one end of the room to the other so that he never bumps into a single object. For each touch, the team receives a penalty point.

A game " Round dance.

Target:Development of a sense of community, expressiveness of movements, removal of emotional stress.

Children stand in a circle and, at the command of the teacher, show, moving one after another, a sad bunny, an angry wolf, an angry bear, a thoughtful owl, a guilty fox, a happy swallow.

A game " Clouds".

Target:Development of imagination, expressiveness of movements, removal of emotional stress.

The teacher shows the children cut out of cardboard clouds with mimic images, reads a poem and invites the children to convey the same emotions.

A game " Dr. Aibolit".

Target:Development of imagination, expressiveness of movements and speech, group cohesion, removal of emotional stress.

The teacher or the child plays the role of Dr. Aibolit, the rest of the children play the role of sick monkeys. The doctor approaches each monkey, takes pity on it, strokes it, after which the monkeys recover. They are glad that nothing hurts them anymore. Children share their emotions, what they like more: when they feel sorry for them or feel sorry for themselves.

A game " Cactus flower.

Target:Relaxation of muscles, emotional balance, mastering the posture of rest.

Sitting in Turkish style, head and hands down. Slowly raise your head, straighten your body, spread your arms to the sides.

Tilt your head back and slowly turn towards the "sun".

At the same time, facial expressions - the eyes are closed, the muscles of the face are relaxed.

Target " Kittens.

Target:Correction of the psycho-emotional sphere of the child, muscle relaxation, mastering the resting posture

Children lie on the carpet, curled up in a "ball" with their eyes closed. The teacher says the words:

The kittens are sleeping on the carpet. Purr purr.

They don't want to wake up. Purr purr.

Sleeping quietly back to back

And purr in their sleep.

That's all on the back. Purr purr. (Children perform)

Legs pulled out. Purr purr.

Stretched and woke up.

Recently, more and more people talk about psycho-gymnastics, it is even included in the mandatory program of preschool institutions. What is it, and how to deal with it?

As gymnastics is useful for the harmonious development of the child's body, so psycho-gymnastics is useful for the psyche. This is a set of special exercises aimed at developing the emotional-volitional sphere, communication skills, as well as combating various psychological problems.

Psychogymnastics helps children:

  • understand yourself, your feelings and the feelings of others;
  • learn to demonstrate and understand emotions;
  • get rid of shyness, disgust, fears and other troubles;
  • learn to control your movements.

It is worth doing psycho-gymnastics with kids who already understand the instructions and can perform exercises - from about 2.5-3 years old. Such classes are practiced in kindergartens, developmental and psychological centers, but you can arrange them at home. For this, it is necessary to have a so-called card file of psycho-gymnastics exercises for a certain age.

The main feature of psycho-gymnastic exercises is that they are carried out in the form of a game, therefore, all children, without exception, like it. Each exercise is called an etude and resembles a scene played out by kids. Often suitable music plays in the background (recommendations for choosing musical accompaniment are indicated in the description of the classes).

Before the start of the lesson, a small warm-up is held, which is designed to relax, liberate the child and set him up for the game. The objects of attention during the warm-up can be sounds, voices, objects, invisible surroundings, people, their clothes, emotions, contacts, and the like. “What has changed in this room?”, “What sounds can you distinguish on the street, in the next room?”, “With your eyes closed, guess who gave a voice?”, “Who touched you?”, “Who shook your hand the hardest?”, “What object is the largest, warmest, roughest?”, “Which of the children have white socks?”, “Who is the funniest (sadest)?”, “What animals are there in this room?”.

Although among the exercises in psycho-gymnastics there are those that a child can perform alone, most of them are aimed at establishing contact with others and joint activities. Therefore, at home it is difficult to fully engage in psycho-gymnastics, and it is necessary, if possible, to connect several children or, in extreme cases, adults to the games.

Here are some useful exercises aimed at the comprehensive development of the baby.

1. "Sunny Bunny"

Target: relieving facial muscle tension.

The adult says: “Do you want to play with the sunbeam?

The sunbeam looked into your eyes. Close them. He ran further along his face, gently stroke his palms on his forehead, on his nose, on his mouth, on his cheeks, on his chin, gently stroke his head, neck, arms, legs. He climbed onto his stomach - stroke his tummy. Sunny Bunny is not a mischievous, he loves you, make friends with him. Great! We made friends with a sunny bunny, take a deep breath and smile at each other.

Moms on Detstran are discussing:

2. "Talking objects"

Target: to develop in a child the ability to identify himself with someone or something, to teach children to empathize.

During the game, children take on different roles and describe their state, the reasons for actions, the system of relations with reality.

The first child starts: “I am not Sasha, I am a ball. I would like it if I were not one-color, but decorated with a cheerful pattern. I would like to not be kept on a string, but let me fly freely wherever I want. The next child continues: “I am not Borya, I am a ball. I'm made of rubber and well inflated. Children rejoice when they throw me to each other!

An adult suggests the names of the following items: coat, bus, soap, etc. Children also offer their options.

3. "The cat inflated the ball"

Target: removal of emotional and muscular tension.

Children are in a relaxed position, they depict deflated balloons. An adult says the text:

The cat inflated the balloon(children straighten their bodies, puff out their cheeks),

And the kitten interfered with her:

Approached and paw - top!

And the cat has a ball - lop!(“Balloons” deflates with a sound and returns to their original position).

4. "Hug and caress the toy"

Target: meet the needs of children for emotional warmth and closeness.

An adult brings one or more soft toys into the room, such as a doll, a dog, a bear, a rabbit, a cat, etc. Children walk around the room. On a signal, they break into groups and go to the toy that they would like to caress. The first child takes the toy, hugs it and says something gentle and pleasant to it. Then he passes the toy to his neighbor. He, in turn, should also hug the toy animal and say kind words. The game can be repeated several times.

5. "Me and my mood"

Target: teach children to recognize and accept their feelings and experiences. This exercise uses the unfinished sentence method. Ask the child to continue the phrase:

I rejoice when...

I am proud that…

I get sad when...

I get scared when...

I get angry when...

I was surprised when...

When I get offended...

I get angry if...

One day I got scared...

6. "Guide"

Target: teach children to empathize and help.

The adult explains that all people are different and some of them need the help of kind people. One child pretends to be blind, puts his hand on the shoulder of a friend - "guide" - and closes his eyes. The "guide" at a slow pace makes various movements, moves around the room, overcoming obstacles. The child with closed eyes should follow beside him. Then the children switch roles.

The content of the article:

Psychogymnastics for children is not just a fashionable innovation, but also one of the important components of the program of many preschool institutions. Simply put, this technique in the form of special exercises using non-verbal communication (movements, facial expressions) is intended for the overall development of the child and the resolution of some of his psychological problems.

What is psycho-gymnastics?

In the early 60s, the described term was introduced into practice. It was voiced most clearly by the Czech specialist Ganya Yunova, who developed a whole system based on special elements of psychodrama. Her developments were initially used when working with children who needed a correction of consciousness. However, then the older generation became interested in this technique, transforming it into training for solving emotional problems in adults.

Psycho-gymnastics is a practical correction of a child's consciousness when communicating without words, aimed at developing his communication skills and the ability to find his place in society. It is carried out in four stages, in order to ultimately achieve the maximum result from the classes.

The first of them should be aimed at developing the art of pantomime, facial expressions, as well as memory and attention. The second stage involves the study of individual qualities of a person. The third part of the lesson includes working with images, as well as reincarnation in them. The final stage of psycho-gymnastics for preschoolers is the blocking of emotional stress in children.

Such classes do not take much time: from half an hour to 60 minutes. However, if the wards wish, they can be extended somewhat. Ideally, there should not be more than 6 children in the group, and the course of psycho-gymnastics should be limited to 20 sessions. It is recommended to organize them twice a week so that the child does not lose interest in the proposed exercises and games.

If we consider the voiced technique in more detail, we can single out the following positive aspects of it:

First of all, it should be remembered that a completely different approach should be sought for a child of 3-4 years old than for a pupil of the senior and preparatory groups. The proposed recommendations will be useful both for kindergarten workers and for parents (in individual therapy with their child). It should be remembered that such an activity should be accompanied by appropriate music. The repertoire must be selected depending on the exercise performed, giving preference to the classics.

Psychogymnastics in early preschool age

To achieve the greatest result when working with kids, you should adhere to the following tactics for conducting a lesson:
  1. Greetings. The children are then invited to portray their special smile when they see their friends. Even if the child at first will grimace, then you should not stop him. Reasonable initiative in such classes is welcome.
  2. Warm up. At this stage of children's psycho-gymnastics, it is recommended to attract the attention of the kids with some spectacular toy and ask them to describe it using gestures and facial expressions. In the first lessons, it is necessary to help children with words like “How does the bunny jump?” and “What are his ears, paws and tail?”. The one who best depicted the movements of the animal does not need to be designated, because pupils at this age are quite zealous about competition.
Exercises for practicing basic movements:
  • Game "Do as I do". This rather simple task evokes a sea of ​​emotions in children. They will be happy to portray chanterelles, bears, monkeys and other animals.
  • Game "Harvest". Several small gardeners have to prepare the ground for planting seeds and seedlings: loosen the soil and water it constantly. The task of the rest of the children is to choose a vegetable or fruit for themselves and then depict how it begins to grow.
  • Scene "Turnip". Having previously familiarized the children with the content of this tale, it is necessary to distribute the roles and fully reproduce the plot of the action with the help of the teacher's recitation. To make the game even more exciting, you can prepare masks depicting Turnip characters in advance. It is quite realistic to replace this fairy tale with the “Mitten” or any other work that will be accessible to the perception of kids.
  • virtual ball. Psychogymnastics games for kids can be diversified with this fun. Children are invited to imagine a ball, and then with the help of their hands they must “throw” it to each other, accompanying their movements with a smile.
Exercises for emotional communication:
  1. Show me game. Pupils at this age like to copy everything they see. However, they should develop a broader perception of the world around them. You can invite them to depict without words how a mother, a good fairy and a beautiful princess smile (clouds, strict doctors and waves on the sea frown; naughty or offended children get angry; cowardly hares and cats get scared at the sight of dogs).
  2. Game "Picture Heroes". To express their feelings, the child must learn to demonstrate them correctly. Your wards should be offered to portray the situations provided to them without words. An example is the following episode from a well-known fairy tale. Little Red Riding Hood runs through the forest to her grandmother (joy), along the way she meets many forest dwellers (curiosity and smile). Suddenly the girl saw a wolf (fright), etc. With the emotional perception of a fairy tale, children should use not only facial expressions, but also move.
Exercises for observing the behavior and actions of a person:
  • ball game. During this entertainment, it is necessary for the group members to offer such options for evaluating the hero: Baba Yaga is kind, Kolobok is stupid, Fox is cunning, etc. In this case, it should be remembered that the kids must clearly know who they are talking about. In case of agreement with the statement, the child needs to catch the ball, showing with the help of facial expressions and gestures his reaction to the voiced character.
  • Work on poetry. During this exercise, children are invited, in case of good behavior of the protagonist, to clap their hands and circle around themselves. If the character behaves badly, then emotions are allowed to be expressed in any way convenient for the child. As a basis, it is best to take quatrains that are easy for children to perceive, such as “The hostess threw the bunny”, “I love my horse” or “They dropped the bear on the floor”.
  • Parting. Children at this age are rarely completely emotionally closed. To cheerful music, they can be invited to clap their hands, smile at each other and even hug their friends. At the final stage, it is recommended to diversify non-verbal communication by reading poems or performing a collective song.
Psycho-gymnastics exercises with kids should not turn into a banal physical education lesson. The teacher should make every effort to interest their students.

Psychogymnastics in senior preschool age

At the very beginning of the event, it is important to create a comfortable environment for children and set them up for positive. The child should be offered greeting options from an adult, and then given the task to come up with their own improvisations. It is necessary to praise all the versions voiced by the children, but especially the most unexpected of them should be highlighted. Children can say hello with their favorite toys, noses, and even playfully butt heads, depicting goats.

Sketches for the development of the emotional sphere (on the example of scenes from famous fairy tales):

  • "The Snow Queen". Kai taunts the mistress of the snowy plains, for which she is very angry with him (the contempt of the boy is the wrath of the Queen).
  • "Thumbelina". A miniature beauty is forced to marry a toad, a Maybug, and then a mole (Thumbelina's disgust is the rage and bewilderment of the rejected gentlemen).
  • "Zaikin's hut". The gray inhabitant of the forest is driven out of his own house by a cunning fox (the sadness of the Long-Eared is the aggression of a predator).
  • "Three piglets". The wolf destroys one by one the houses of the brothers (the anger of the gray bandit is the fear of three friends).
  • "Flower-seven-flower". The girl gives the last petal to the sick boy so that he recovers (Jenya's joy is the gratitude of a new friend).
Exercises for psychomuscular training:
  1. "Why?". During this warm-up, children are invited to portray a curious child who knows nothing. They should express their bewilderment by raising their shoulders and eyebrows with a “house”.
  2. "Help". Children are given the task to imagine that their mother returned from the store with a heavy bag. It is necessary to take the virtual luggage to the kitchen, while depicting all the efforts made during the voiced help.
  3. "Sleeping cat". Pupils need to lie down on the rug, curl up and imitate the habits of a tailed friend during sleep in their own way. It should be shown how he breathes, yawns and stretches.
  4. "Petrushka's Movements". The task of this exercise is to copy the jumps of this hero, who moves on two bent legs, with arms hanging along the body and head tilted to the side / forward.
  5. "Heron in the swamp". Children are invited to depict a bird standing on one or the other leg. From time to time, she must catch a frog jumping by by the paw, and then let it go.
Exercises to observe human traits:
  • Game "Who's Who". When it is done, the children are divided into pairs. A hero is voiced in the ear of one child or a picture with his image is shown. A fairy-tale character must be familiar to the children of this group. Then, with the help of facial expressions and gestures, the pupil who received the task must show the habits and character traits of this hero of the fairy tale. It is best to choose images such as Pinocchio, Kolobok or Puss in Boots, so as not to complicate the task of the player who guesses the pantomime puzzle. Children should immediately be warned that they must, with the help of facial expressions and gestures, not only demonstrate the external data of the hero, but also his character traits.
  • The game "Who will show better". First, the participants in the training group are asked in turn to copy the behavior of the evil character (the image is chosen by the teacher). At the same time, they can move their eyebrows, growl, stomp their feet, etc. Then they will need to describe a kind person, wizard or fairy in the same way. In this case, nothing will prevent children from smiling broadly, dancing and putting their hands to their hearts. The best performer must be chosen by the little actors themselves.
  • The game "Kaleidoscope of characters". Children like this exercise very much, because many of them recognize themselves in the characters. Each participant in the game is given an image by drawing lots, which he must demonstrate to his peers. The basis is the so-called crybabies, nehochuhi, evil-doers, merry fellows, sneaks, modest ones, etc. Each child, with the help of gestures and facial expressions, should reveal the image offered to him as much as possible.
  • Parting. At this stage of the lesson, children need to calm down after a large number of emotions received in a short time with the teacher. In this case, you can sit on the rug and listen to relaxing music. Then the pupils should be given time to independently and at their own request repeat what they liked most in the lesson.
Methods of psycho-gymnastics for children of senior preschool age are quite suitable for primary school students. Some of their exercises can be carried out instead of physical education.

Watch a video about psycho-gymnastics for children:

Psycho-gymnastics in kindergarten is a correctional work with pupils of this institution, which can be organized by any teacher, regardless of qualifications and experience. Dads and moms should also heed the advice of this article so that their child does not grow up as a clamped and notorious person who is unable to control her feelings. Possession of "body language" is very important for the younger generation, which should be remembered by educators and parents.

Summary of psycho-gymnastics for children 3-4 years old "Hedgehog"

Description: I bring to your attention a summary of psycho-gymnastics for children 3-4 years old. The lesson will help to distinguish between the concepts of "sharp" and "soft", to develop motor skills of the hands.
Target: development of fine motor skills, involving children in joint play activities for the development of cognitive activity.
- develop the main types of motor skills: general and fine, coordinate speech with movement, develop a sense of rhythm;
- to teach children to group and correlate objects according to the concepts of "sharp" and "soft";
- Raise interest in the game, creating an emotionally positive background.
Materials: toy "Hedgehog", boxes of two colors - red and blue, cards, plasticine, matches.

1. Brief safety precautions: do not run, do not fight, do not put small objects in your mouth / nose / ears, how to ask for time off to the toilet (remind at each lesson).

2. Psycho-gymnastics
Children need to repeat after the teacher the movements under the poem:

Hedgehog - a gray ball (connect fingers into a ball),
I ran, I can’t see my legs (sit down, grab my legs with my hands),
Take away the needles
Prickly, like a Christmas tree (spread fingers),
And, like grandfather burdock!
Give me a stroke, hurry up (pat yourself on the head),
Frightened, puffed (puff),
I wanted to play...

3. Classification of objects "sharp" and "soft"
Show the children a hedgehog toy (it’s better to do it yourself in advance - stick toothpicks into the plasticine), form a spout. This sample will come in handy later in the modeling task.

Look, kids, who came to visit us? That's right, hedgehog.
What is our hedgehog? Of course, prickly, look at what needles he has on his back.
Why do you think a hedgehog needs needles? To protect themselves from animals that want to eat it - from the wolf, fox and other forest dwellers.
Now I suggest you play an interesting game - we need to separate the items into boxes. In the blue box we put those that are sharp (spiky), like a hedgehog, and in the red box - soft ones.
Pictures are offered (I usually give black and white pictures so that children learn to perceive images).

4. Sculpt a hedgehog
Children are given a piece of plasticine and a match. IMMEDIATELY REMIND ABOUT SAFETY!
It is necessary to form the body of a hedgehog and stick matches.

5. Hedgehog goes home
The hedgehog walked, walked, walked, (Walking)
And found a fungus. (imagine that they took a mushroom)

The hedgehog walked, walked, walked, (Walking)
Found an apple. (Imagine taking apples)
Sat down, ate and moved on. (To squat)
The hedgehog walked, walked, walked, (Walking)
He found a lump. (Imagine taking the bumps)
Sat down, ate and moved on. (To squat)

(if there are toys of cones, mushrooms and apples, then use them)

6. Summing up
Who came to visit us today?
What was he like?
Are there objects sharp like a hedgehog?
Well done boys! The hedgehog is very pleased with you today. When he returns to the forest, he will definitely tell us what smart and obedient kids are here, and someone else will definitely come to us.

Psychogymnastics in kindergarten

Psycho-gymnastics is a special class (etudes, games, exercises) aimed at the development and correction of various aspects of the child's psyche (his cognitive and emotional-personal sphere)
Especially these classes are needed for children with excessive fatigue, exhaustion, restlessness, with a short temper or a closed character. But it is equally important to play these sets of exercises with healthy children as a psychophysical relaxation and prevention. It is also necessary to include a psycho-gymnastic complex on days when classes with high intellectual or psycho-emotional loads are planned.
The main goal of psycho-gymnastics classes is to master the skills of managing their emotional sphere: developing in children the ability to understand, be aware of their own and other people's emotions, express them correctly and fully experience them. To do this, the teacher needs to solve the following methodological tasks: to fix the child's attention on other people's manifestations of emotions; learn to mimic the emotions of others; fix attention on their muscular sensations as manifestations of these emotions; analyze and verbally describe the muscular manifestations of emotions; repeat emotions in given exercises; control feelings.

For the normal development of preschoolers, psycho-gymnastics should be part of their childhood. And although the term may be unfamiliar to you, its essence is extremely clear: psycho-gymnastics for children is a special course of classes aimed at developing and correcting the cognitive and emotional-personal sphere. The main goal of psycho-gymnastics can be called the preservation of children's mental health, as well as the prevention of mental disorders. Psycho-gymnastics for young children is based on the use of psychotherapeutic and psychological-pedagogical methods.

Tasks of psycho-gymnastics

Generally speaking, psycho-gymnastics for kids allows you to solve the following tasks:

  • children acquire auto-relaxation skills;
  • learn the technique of expressive movements;
  • train psychomotor functions;
  • bring up the highest emotions and feelings;
  • correct their behavior with the help of role-playing games;
  • get rid of emotional stress;
  • learn to recognize emotions and manage them.

A special course of psycho-gymnastics is usually used in cases where a child has psychomotor or emotional disorders, when the baby suffers from childhood fears, it has a difficult character. In some cases, the technique is used to get rid of fecal and urinary incontinence.

This technique allows the baby to realize that his behavior, thoughts and feelings are interconnected, and all problems appear not because of a specific situation, but because of a certain attitude towards it. The child studies emotions and masters the science of mastering them.

Psychogymnastics in the preschool educational institution

Get rid of fears, learn to communicate with peers, become courageous, self-confident, honest help special exercises that are usually included in the course of psycho-gymnastics in kindergarten or early development center. Classes are conditionally divided into phases: the study of the elements of movements, their use in the game, relaxation. The effectiveness of the exercises will increase significantly if music for psycho-gymnastics is used, which sets the kids up for the game, sketches, drawing and theatrical elements.

In kindergartens, psycho-gymnastics is used in the form of active role-playing games. For example, kids are invited to try on the role of an animal. The child must, without words, demonstrate to the rest of the preschoolers the features of the behavior of this animal. Preschoolers enjoy imagining themselves as bunnies, who carelessly jump to the music. But when it stops, all children must take a certain pose, which was agreed upon before the start of the game. It trains memory, coordination of movements. The game of owl is also designed to develop self-control. On command "day!" all children, except for one, who plays the role of an owl, actively run around the room. When the word “night!” sounds, everyone must freeze, otherwise the owl will catch up with the one who continued to move.

If you divide the kids in pairs, then you can play the game "Shadow". One child goes in front, and the second - behind, as if he is a shadow of the first, and repeat all his movements.

Playing various games with children, modeling situations, “working through” emotions and feelings, educators teach them not to be afraid of the world around them, to be ready for everything that awaits them outside their own apartments and garden walls. Preschoolers learn to manage themselves, control their behavior and know what to expect from others. This also applies to family relationships, because it is no secret that it is the relationship between mothers and fathers that will become an example for a child in the future. Positive or negative is another matter.

The structure of the psycho-gymnastics complex

The course of psycho-gymnastics consists of 20 lessons, in which children must learn about eight concepts related to the experiences of basic emotions, and ten ideas that evaluate the personal qualities of a person.

Classes are held twice a week, lasting from 25 minutes to 1 hour 30 minutes.

Classes are built according to a specific scheme and consist of four phases.

I phase. Mimic and pantomimic studies.

Target : an expressive image of individual emotional states associated with the experience of bodily and mental contentment and discontent. Models of expressing basic emotions (joy, surprise, anger, interest, disgust, contempt, fear, etc.) and some emotionally colored feelings (pride, shyness, confidence, etc.). Children get acquainted with the elements of expressive movements: facial expressions, gestures, posture, gait.

II phase. Sketches and games for the expression of individual qualities of character and emotions.

Target : an expressive image of the features generated by the social environment (greed, kindness, honesty, etc.), their moral assessment. Models of behavior of characters with certain character traits. Consolidation and expansion of previously obtained information related to their social competence. Harmonization of the child's personality.

When depicting emotions, children's attention is drawn to all components of expressive movements at the same time.

The phase is of a psychoprophylactic nature.

III phase. Sketches and games that have a psychotherapeutic focus on a particular child or group as a whole.

The mimic and pantomimic abilities of children are used for the most natural embodiment in a given image.

Target: correction of mood and individual character traits of the child, training in modeling standard situations.

IV phase. Psychomuscular training.

Target : removal of psycho-emotional stress, suggestion of the desired mood, behavior, character traits.

Between the second and third phases, a break of several minutes is made, during which the children are left to themselves - "a minute of pranks." The leader does not interfere in the communication of children. It is advisable to agree in advance with the children about the collection signal, which should be constant.

Between the third and fourth phases, you can insert a game for attention, memory, resistance to motor automatism, or an outdoor game.

There should not be more than six preschoolers in a group. In psychoprophylactic work - 10 -12 children.

It is advisable to include in the group one or two children who do not need psycho-gymnastics, but who can be useful to the group with their artistry (such a child in the example of the entry is identified by the word background). With their help, it is easier to "infect" other children with the right emotion.

A psychologist or teacher keeps a journal that indicates the reason for sending the child to psycho-gymnastics.

Recording example.

Group number 1.

1. Katya M. - timidity, fears.
2. Seryozha S. - unstable attention, disinhibition.
3. Sasha M. - depressed mood.
4. Yura G. - stubbornness, greed.
5. Lena K. - background.

The purpose of the psycho-gymnastics course for group No. 1.

1. Teaching children expressive movements.
2. Training for recognition of emotions by external signals.
3. Formation of moral ideas in children.
4. Correction of behavior with the help of role-playing games.
5. Removal of emotional stress.
6. Learning autorelaxation.

When depicting unwanted character traits, positive and negative roles are played by children in pairs with role reversal.

The specifics of the organization of classes.

1. Each exercise includes fantasy (thoughts, images), feelings (emotions), movements of the child in the activity so that the mechanism of their functional unity the child learns to voluntarily influence each of the elements of this triad.
2. All classes are based on role-playing content.
3. All objects and events must be imaginary. This will facilitate the training of children's inner attention.
4. Classes can be held for children from the age of three, changing the theme, the complexity of the tasks.
5. The structure of the lesson includes: warm-up, gymnastics, emotions, communication, behavior, completion.

Class structure

The structure of psycho-gymnastics classes should include several stages that contribute to the creation of conditions for the emotional and sensory development of a young child.
The initial stage is a conversation with children, a word of art, a riddle, a bright, colorful toy, a surprise moment and more. Purpose: motivation of children on the subject of the lesson or other form of work.
The stage of living actions is the development of basic movements, gymnastic exercises and more. Purpose: to achieve the result of training, educational and developmental tasks.
The stage of organizing emotional communication. Purpose: training the general abilities of verbal and non-verbal influence of children on each other. The content of a child's communication with an adult or a peer includes such exercises as exchanging the roles of communication partners, assessing one's own emotions and those of a partner. The child trains to accurately express and experience his feelings, as well as to understand the feelings, emotions, actions, attitudes of other children, learns to empathize.
Stage of organization of controlled behavior. Purpose: training the ability of children to regulate their behavioral reactions. Methodological tasks: showing and playing typical situations with psychological difficulties; identification and recognition of typical forms of adaptive and non-adaptive behavior; the acquisition and consolidation of stereotypes of behavior acceptable to the child and ways of resolving conflicts; development of skills of independent choice and construction by children of suitable forms of reactions and actions in different situations.
Variation of exercises related to the behavior of children: playing situations with typical incidents; response to internal negative experiences of children that occurred earlier in kindergarten or at home; riddles for solving conflict situations; independent fantasy games with the projection of new emotional problems of current proposals; homework to activate positive emotional manifestations, to consolidate new forms of emotional response.
The final stage. Purpose: to consolidate the content of the proposed material, as well as a positive effect that stimulates and streamlines the mental and physical activity of children, balancing their emotional state, improving well-being and mood.
At the end of the psycho-gymnastics class, you can use singing and singing together with the teacher of songs, reading nursery rhymes, poems, clapping your hands, and embracing each other in the form of approval.
Psychogymnastics. Plastic studies
1. Figurative-plastic creativity of children
Depict an affectionate cat, a playful foal; a contented goat that has eaten cabbage; a vigorous cow, a formidable bull; a piglet wallowing in the mud; camel walking in the desert.
Playing situations
Cat and mouse.
Depict a mouse that fell into the paws of a cat, and a contented cat. Show a cunning mouse that ran away from a cat, and a distressed cat.
To convey by movement, facial expressions or in another way a goby and a hedgehog (according to the content of the poem).
hedgehog and goby
Met a hedgehog goby
And licked him in the barrel.
But, licking it, bull
Pricked his tongue.
And the prickly hedgehog laughs:
"Don't put anything in your mouth!" A. Voronko

2. Figurative-plastic creativity of children
Imagine: you are a builder. Pour paint into a bucket, paint a wall, put a ladder against a wall, climb a ladder, drive in nails with a hammer, drill holes with a drill, insert glass into a frame, run electrical wiring, open and close the lock.
Guess what I'm doing.
One child shows the actions of the builders, while the others guess.
Figurative reincarnations and revival of objects
Depict a crane, a loaded dump truck, a brick thrown on the road, a concrete mixer, an electric drill and other tools.
Depict a house abandoned by the owners; ruined hut; house where newcomers move in.
Imagine yourself with a saw, a cloth, a drill. Show the purpose of these tools.

3. To convey the behavior of animals with facial expressions and movement: a raccoon rinses in the water, a badger hides in a hole, a hedgehog is looking for a place for hibernation, a giant elk walks through a swamp, a squirrel gnaws nuts.
Playing situations
Bear in the den.
Autumn. The bear chooses a place for the den, lies down and falls asleep. Winter. The bear is in hibernation. Spring. The bear wakes up, turns its head, stretches its legs alternately, yawns, stretches, and then leaves the den. Summer. The bear eats raspberries and catches fish.
Bear cubs and bees.
The bear cubs were looking for honey, they shook the tree together. Show how the tree sways. Depict how the bear climbs on it, puts its paw into the hive, eats sweet honey, expressing pleasure. The bees attack and sting the bear, it hurts. Show how the bear waves, runs, and then jumps into the water. Depict: you feel sorry for the bear.
Deer in the tundra.
Touching the grass with his hooves, a handsome horned man walks through the tundra. Show deer going to the watering place in summer and shoveling snow in search of reindeer moss in winter.
Depict by movement, facial expressions or in another way birds and animals (hare, bear, fox and others) according to the content of the poems.

Noisy bang
In very loud boots
Walks through the forest Bah-Bah!
And hearing this sound
Tuk-tuk hid in the branches,
Tsok-tsok ran up on a pine tree,
Rushed into the thicket
Jumping gallop;
Chik-chirishka in the leaves - flutter!
Sheburshonok in a mink - flutter!
Quietly everyone sits
And, giggling, they follow
How noisy in the forest Ba-Bah
Very loud boots. J. Reeves

Poor bear got sick
The bear ate a lot of honey.
The bear is crying and screaming:
- My stomach hurts!
The bear is moaning
Tears are pouring -
He has a stomach ache.
greedy bear
Ate wild raspberries
Lishka. F. Bobylev