Customs of matchmaking of the bride among different peoples. Customs and rituals of marriage

Matchmaking is an old Russian wedding ceremony, performed with the aim of reaching an agreement between families on marriage and receiving parental blessings. At present, many traditions of this rite are forgotten, but in general terms it retains its content.

In old times the groom's family sent matchmakers to the bride's house.

Matchmakers could be specially invited persons or relatives (brothers, uncles, godfather) of the groom. They came to woo after sunset, obviously, they were afraid of the evil eye. Entering the bride's house, they first talked about abstract topics, then about whether the bride's family agreed to marry the girl. The symbolism of the ceremony has been lost: if the girl agreed, she would pick up a broom and sweep towards the stove, symbolically expressing her disposition and, as it were, inviting the matchmakers into the house. If the girl was against it, she chalked towards the door, driving the matchmakers out of the room.

Currently matchmaking is more practical than ritual. The groom more often, having previously received the consent of the girl, comes to her family himself. The girl appoints the time of his arrival and morally prepares her parents. The groom should buy two bouquets of flowers (one for the mother of the bride, the other for the bride herself), gifts for the bride's parents. The groom should look his best, after all, for the first time in the house, and it is better if the parents have a positive impression of him. The bride must introduce her chosen one to her parents and parents to the groom, starting with the father. The groom, turning to the bride's parents, asks them for the girl's hand, while talking about his feelings and intentions.

If the groom comes to the girl's house alone, his visit should not be long. The bride, if her parents agree, must also visit the groom's parents. At the same time, she buys a bouquet for the boyfriend's mother.

If young people do not have the opportunity to visit parents who live far away, they should send photos of their "second halves" and ask for permission to marry.

Having discussed all the details of upcoming events with their parents and having received their consent, young people can apply to the registry office.

After that, the young organize family meeting, which can take place both in the house of the bride and in the house of the groom. Young people introduce their relatives (each introduces his own, starting with his parents) and prepare a feast. During the meeting, families are faced with the task of discussing the conditions of the wedding and resolving organizational issues: the question of where the wedding will take place, who will organize the feast, the wedding cortege, video filming, what is the composition of the wedding menu, where the young people will live, who pays for what. It is believed that the groom's family should take care of all the arrangements for wedding events. But at present, responsibility between families can be distributed as you like.

Young people can also organize an engagement. This is an evening for which relatives and friends of the young gather. The bride and groom announce their desire to marry. The groom presents the bride with a ring that the bride wears before the wedding. An engagement ring can be passed down from generation to generation (not to be confused with a wedding ring!).

The time from engagement to marriage is a period during which everything should be carefully considered: it may turn out that you are not yet ready to lose your freedom and are not ready to take responsibility for starting a family.

The customs and ceremony of matchmaking originate from ancient Rus'. It was a very important moment before the wedding. It looked like a rather fun event, which was accompanied by songs, music and ditties. It could last for 3 days or several years.

Back to the past

In Rus', the main purpose of matchmaking was to get blessings for marriage from the bride's parents. From the side of the groom, matchmakers came to the house where the girl lives (it could be brothers, godfather or uncles), who were accompanied by girls and guys with harmonicas, songs and ditties about the groom.

Their main task is to praise their fiancé, to talk about his virtues and strengths. All this took place on the street, and if the girl's parents wanted to continue the conversation, they were invited to go into the house. And also the groom had to buy bouquets for the bride and her mother.

How was the marriage ceremony?

People who came to ask for consent to the wedding, the bride's parents and matchmakers sat at a beautifully decorated table rich in various dishes. It is very good if the betrothed will prepare treats, so she will show that a skilled hostess and guests can taste the food prepared by the future wife of her fiancé.

During the feast, abstract topics were discussed at first, and then they moved on to the main issue. Do parents agree to give their daughter for their fiancé? The girl does not participate in the negotiations. She is in a separate room until she is called. After receiving a positive response, further preparations for the wedding are underway, and if it is negative, you can repeat the matchmaking later.


Particular attention was paid to the dowry of the betrothed. Parents from childhood girls began to collect it. There should be towels, dishes, and linens. The handwork of the bride was highly valued.

From the side of the bride, the matchmakers should thank the guests for the visit, and say that it is necessary to check how the guy lives. During the reception, the bride's parents come to the groom's family and inspect the building, the household, ask what useful things the guy does around the house. After that, only give the final decision about the wedding. If it seemed to the parents that the groom would not be able to feed the new family, then they refused to marry, despite the love of the young.

If the wedding takes place, then the young arrange a meeting of families. How is this event going? Relatives of both the groom and the bride gather at this holiday. First, there is a presentation of each family member, and then they begin to discuss issues. How will the wedding be celebrated? Where can the young family live then? Who will be responsible for the meals? Who pays the costs? Previously, all material and organizational issues were taken over by the groom's family, the other side only helped if desired.

Fashion to return to basics

In the modern world, matchmaking looks completely different. Now the groom comes to the bride's parents after a long conversation with her. And the question of marriage is decided mainly by the girl, and not by the parents, who previously could forbid or allow the wedding without the consent of the daughter.

Now many young people like to turn to the old conditions for conducting matchmaking. How to hold this event and the script can be viewed in this video

If matchmaking is carried out in the Russian style, then it must be remembered that this cannot be done on Wednesdays and Fridays. It is better to choose a date for the 3rd, 7th, 9th of each month and you should not start the event on the 13th.

We follow traditions

In order not to break the tradition, it is necessary that the bride goes to another room while the whole process of courtship is going on. To begin with, if the guy came with the matchmakers, then they are given the first word. They should praise their fiancé, tell how he helps everyone and what he can do. It will be more profitable and more interesting to look if the speech is delivered in verse. The girl's parents will understand how the groom and his family prepared for this day, tried, and they will be very pleased. When the groom and his attendants are invited to the house, you should give a bouquet to the girl (when she leaves) and her mother.

How should the feast go?

During the feast, they continue to tell what kind of groom is good and hardworking. The bride's parents praise their daughter, they say that she knows how to do it. Parents should consider in advance what they will talk about. Discuss with your daughter the moments of her life that can be told, and what is better to omit. It will be good if you put dishes prepared by the bride on the table.

girl outfit

According to customs, when matchmaking, a girl should think over her outfit very clearly. He should be one of the best, but at the same time quite modest. Do not wear revealing or short outfits. You should also limit yourself to jewelry. Manicure should be neat and not bright.

To have fun

To have a fun matchmaking, and there were no awkward silences, you can invite a professional matchmaker. She will eloquently talk about the bride or groom, and the feast will not turn into incoherent communication.

Nowadays, few people pay due attention to matchmaking. Basically, young people themselves make decisions in matters of organizing a wedding. Acquaintance with the parents of the bride or groom is carried out in a family setting.

Video on the topic of the article:

Matchmaking traditions are ancient customs and procedures performed to obtain permission from the bride's parents for marriage. Today, the conduct of matchmaking is rather a tribute and respect to the past, because the decision to conduct the ceremony is made by young people regardless of the opinion of their parents. The article describes how the matchmaking should be carried out correctly by the groom, what to say to the matchmakers and what are the signs for the bride's girlfriends for matchmaking.

Matchmaking tradition

Young people who have secured the consent of their chosen one for marriage, as a rule, relax. They believe that all the frightening and exciting moments are left behind. It is difficult to imagine a more exciting event than a marriage proposal. Doubts and fear of being rejected will make even self-confident men pretty nervous. But the real test awaits the groom a little later. As soon as a young man relaxes and calms down in anticipation of a fateful day, matchmaking suddenly "appears" on the event horizon.

Matchmaking was necessary in order to introduce the parents and relatives of the bride and groom. In Rus', the word of the father of the family had enormous weight, and if he refused, the wedding could not take place at all. Therefore, the main thing for the groom's matchmakers was to make a favorable impression on the father of the bride, and present the "daring merchant" in a favorable light. The side of the bride had to give a worthy reception, thereby showing that they were not in poverty, and the reception of grooms was almost a daily routine for them.

Now, when the decision to marry is made by two adult independent people, matchmaking is nothing more than a tribute to traditions and fun for the older generation. A young couple, as a rule, does not deny relatives such a small thing, which does not detract from the importance and feelings associated with arranging matchmaking.

Why get married

Before making a decision about marriage, young people introduce their chosen ones to their parents in advance. Matchmaking is necessary for parents and relatives to get to know each other, as well as to discuss the organization of wedding celebrations and solve the financial side of the matter. Modern realities are such that it is rare for young people to master the holiday on their own, when they can.

The traditional part of the matchmaking by the groom

What to say to matchmakers - you need to know in advance. Vintage costumes serve rather as an entertaining part of the meeting, so that everyone is imbued with the spirit of the upcoming event. However, to omit this part would be the wrong decision, then everything would become too official, "without a soul" and not "in Russian".

Who can be matchmakers from the side of the groom

Matchmakers from the groom's side do not have to be relatives. You can choose a close friend for the honorary role. The main requirement is a lively character, lack of excessive modesty and an excellent sense of humor, coupled with the ability to drink strong drinks. The words of the matchmakers from the side of the groom at the matchmaking may seem strange, outdated and even slightly provocative, it is important that the chosen person does not stutter or blush when making a speech.

There are no age restrictions when choosing matchmakers either. Young people, as a rule, are more "punching" and persistent, they take it "arrogantly" and courageously. Older people may already know what to say to matchmakers for matchmaking and will quickly find a common language with the bride's parents.

The groom for matchmaking, as a moral support, was accompanied by a father or godfather. It was not forbidden to choose a woman as a matchmaker, but a visit to the bride's house should have looked random, as if they were "passing by" - they decided to look in, and then such a "flower grew in the garden." Therefore, it is not customary to come in a large and noisy crowd to matchmaking.

How to dress for matchmakers

The clothes of matchmakers in the past were neat and smart, but in general they did not differ much from everyday clothes. Men wore an embroidered shirt and the best boots, women put on light makeup and wore a kokoshnik instead of a headscarf. A distinctive feature of the matchmakers were embroidered towels tied over the shoulder. The bride and groom were supposed to dress smartly in everything new.

Today, relatives and young people must decide for themselves whether they will wear traditional costumes or not. If the matchmakers do not mind, then it is permissible if only they put on the suits. In fact, it will be enough to tie a ribbon over ordinary clothes.

Duties of matchmakers on the part of the groom

The task of matchmakers from the groom's side is to talk about the wedding smoothly and easily, but at the same time with hints and omissions. This tradition is associated with a possible refusal, which was a blow to the good name of the groom. When the request was expressed vaguely and vaguely, then the refusal should have sounded in the same form, which was considered less offensive.

Matchmakers had to be quick-witted and understand hints and unspoken phrases. There is a whole list of phrases and sayings that should be said to the groom's matchmakers during matchmaking. Sayings vary slightly depending on the region of the country.

The image above shows examples of what to say to matchmakers of the bride and groom during matchmaking. The list has forms for consent and polite refusal. The phrase: "Thank you for love, matchmaker; but now we don't want to give away the girls" - meant that the parents had doubts and asked for time to think, but did not refuse completely and would accept the matchmakers another time.

Why do you need a parental blessing?

In Rus', the decisive word in permission for a wedding was with the father of the family. Very often, the basis for consent was the groom and the bride's family. Often the bride was against the father's decision, but did not have the right to object or challenge it. This state of affairs was typical not only for peasant and merchant families, but also among the nobility.

In Russian painting, a large number of works are dedicated to unhappy brides. But such cases were not common practice. Parents loved their children and in most cases were interested in their opinion before agreeing to marriage, although they tried to influence their children. “It’s not the wealth where you go, but what you make yourself”- one of the possible phrases of the answer of the groom's matchmakers, if the material condition was a delicate topic.

The opinion of parents even now is of great importance, therefore the approval of the closest and dearest people in the life of the bride and groom plays an important role. This is another reason to arrange a matchmaking. Even if not the warmest relations have been established between the groom and the bride's parents, matchmaking is an excellent occasion to try to change the already established opinion.

What should matchmakers do with a loaf

Going to visit empty-handed in the Russian tradition is not accepted. An excellent treat on the bride's table from the groom's matchmakers will always play a huge role in the culture of the Slavs. "Bread is the head of everything" - said the farmers, millers and bakers.

It is very important to learn the phrases on what to say to the groom's matchmakers at the matchmaking, but it will not be superfluous to cook a loaf. Presenting skillfully made bread, the groom will show respect to the bride's parents. Also, a young man can take a bouquet of flowers for a future mother-in-law.

What do the matchmakers eat

It was a matter of honor for any family to receive matchmakers richly. People used to say "A skinny groom will show the way to an excellent man", so they greeted the guests with all cordiality and hospitability. The dish on the table depended on the season. They always tried to cook meat of domestic animals or poultry, if the family was rich, a lot of pickles, mushrooms, vegetables, prepared various holiday pies, pies and jams. Many matchmaking sayings are related to food, examples are shown in the image below.

The hostesses tried to serve their "branded" dishes, there must have been dishes prepared by the bride on the table. The matchmakers were told about this, they offered to taste and evaluate the skills of the future wife. When matchmaking on the part of the groom, it was impossible to tell the matchmakers that the bride or the hostess was clumsy and tasteless cooking, even if it was true. The bride's parents could quite reasonably be offended and refuse the matchmakers.

Can matchmakers drink alcoholic beverages

Drinking strong drinks to matchmakers from the side of the groom is not only possible, but it should be. To refuse the offering of the hosts means to express distrust and disrespect for the host. Therefore, when choosing matchmakers, the groom should take into account an important point. The main thing in this business is without fanaticism, everything should be in moderation. It may be worth discussing with the bride's parents in advance the drinks that should be on the table. Many prefer low-alcohol drinks to strong ones. A variant of an ostentatious "cup" drunk for the sake of appearance is possible, because it is better to discuss the organization of a wedding celebration when sober, after all, the purpose of the event is not a celebration.

Sayings and traditional sayings of matchmakers from the side of the groom

The main task for matchmakers in preparation for matchmaking by the groom is what to say to the bride's matchmakers. There are no ready-made texts, as such, for memorization. There is a set of standard phrases and sayings that have survived from past times. Matchmakers must have considerable eloquence and be able to smoothly and smoothly combine outdated turns and modern jokes in their speech. The use of many surviving expressions is not always appropriate, because the meaning of some words and combinations eludes modern man.

The list contains not only the phrases that the groom's matchmakers say at the matchmaking, but also the possible answers of the bride's parents. The host party must also prepare well for the visit and learn a lot of tricky words. In order not to lose face, you need to familiarize yourself with the approximate answers and be ready to answer correctly. Immediately after meeting the owners of the house, the groom's matchmakers had to intricately indicate the purpose of their visit. Sample wording can be found in the list shown in the image above. More modern formulations are also possible, for example “You have a product, we have a merchant”. An explanation of the purpose of the visit is also acceptable in a joking manner: “You have a lump of dough and we have a lump of dough, is it possible to dump them in one place?”.

Also very colorful are the phrases praising the groom, as well as the requirements to present the bride for "assessment" to the matchmakers, for example, “We need not rye or wheat, but a red maiden”. After introducing the matchmakers to each other and parents, mutual assurances of the "quality of goods" and "solventness of the merchant", guests and hosts, under characteristic phrases, should go to the table with refreshments, and discuss the details of the wedding without hints and inaccuracies.

How to determine that the matchmaking took place?

Initially, one trip to the bride's parents might not be enough. Either the words of the matchmakers from the side of the groom at the matchmaking were not very convincing, or the bride doubted the correctness of the choice, and the father indulged her, but the groom could ask for permission for the wedding for a long time and repeatedly. There were no doubts only in the case of sincere feelings of the young, decent age of the bride or her lack of a dowry.

Young couples can breathe a sigh of relief, if the relatives did not quarrel at the matchmaking and were able to reach certain agreements, then the event definitely succeeded. Even if they could not make specific decisions about the date, venue and financial issue of the wedding, this is just an excuse to meet in a quiet and cozy atmosphere for a more serious conversation.

Matchmakers, on the other hand, should evaluate their work by the amount of laughter and fun at the meeting. The more the young people and their parents smile, the more confidently it can be stated that the matchmakers from the groom's side have coped with their duties.

The tradition of matchmaking came to us from our ancestors. This is a very interesting and unusual pre-wedding ceremony, which has many rules. On it, the families of the young get to know each other and agree on a wedding.

For everything to go well, you should plan the event in advance. It can be modern, with lots of cool ideas. Or traditional. It all depends on the personal preferences of each family. You can watch a video that will tell you how best to cope with the upcoming task. It is customary to conduct matchmaking at home, in a family setting.

Make a menu, the table should be rich. Prepare a variety of dishes so that the groom's relatives enjoy the treat. Traditionally, it is customary to meet matchmakers with a loaf and salt. To create a good mood, you can turn on music and organize dances. The modern scenario in this regard does not differ from that adopted by our ancestors.

According to tradition, the groom should give a bouquet of flowers to the bride and her mother. You should not make large and expensive gifts for the bride's family, it is enough to limit yourself to fruits and sweets. The groom's family should traditionally cook the loaf. But if you want to please future relatives, here is a list of possible gifts for a woman:

  • Silk scarf or warm shawl.
  • Expensive perfume. But you should not give preference to this gift if you do not know about the preferences of the person to whom you plan to give it.
  • Book. This could be a collector's edition that will delight the lover of literature.
  • Home decor: figurine, vase, photo frame.

What suits a man:

  • Wine, elite cognac and other alcoholic drinks.
  • If a person smokes, buy expensive cigarettes for him.
  • Home tools.
  • Technique.
  • Accessory for the car.

Gifts should be practical. You should not spend big money if you are not absolutely sure that your present will please a person.


Accepted at the wedding agree on the amount. In Rus', dowry collection traditionally began long before the wedding. It usually includes dishes, towels, bed linen. You can buy household appliances if your budget allows. These items will be useful to the bride and groom in their future life together.

A properly drawn up script guarantees a successful celebration and brings a lot of pleasant emotions, which is why it is so important to pay attention to it. Here are the main stages of the event.

  1. Matchmakers arrive at the bride's house. They are greeted with songs and ditties.
  2. Relatives get to know each other. The groom gives the brought gifts and treats the parents of his betrothed with a loaf.
  3. After the acquaintance, the guests are invited to the laid table.
  4. The bride comes out to the guests, whose parents describe her positive qualities, praising their daughter in every possible way.
  5. At this stage, it is customary for the groom to confess his feelings to the bride and give her a ring.
  6. If the bride's parents agree to the marriage, then the matchmaking can be completed with fireworks and dancing.

The arrival of the matchmakers agreed in advance by both parties. There are good and bad days. Numbers 3, 5, 7 and 9 bring happiness and good luck. Try to invite guests on one of these days. It is undesirable to conduct matchmaking on Maslenitsa. Also try to avoid the thirteenth number.

Matchmakers should be greeted cordially so that they feel the comfort and hospitality of your home. The bride comes out to the guests only after they sit down at the table. Relatives should praise her. It would be appropriate to make a toast to the happiness of the young. As a rule, it is said by the oldest and most respected member of the family. The toast can be prepared in advance so as not to get lost at the event.

In turn, the groom must prepare a speech, in which he confesses his love for the bride and demonstrates his feelings. After recognition, he must solemnly ask for the hand of his chosen one from her parents. Having received a blessing from the elders, the matchmakers lead the young to the center of the room and join their hands. The groom puts a ring on the bride's finger. It is believed that it should be decorated with a precious stone. If you believe in the energy that stones possess, then first read about their properties. Try to choose a light and not very bulky stone.

Matchmaking in the Kuban is noisy and fun. It does not differ from the holiday in other regions of Russia. But it is worth considering the traditions of each nation, which may differ from each other. The modern scenario may differ from the traditional one. The most important thing is to have fun and be glad for the happiness of the young.

Matchmaking by the bride, what to say to relatives, what to ask the groom's family? Let's answer this question. Do not ask too many questions, this can confuse the young man and his family.

Write down possible topics for conversation in the script in advance. This is necessary so that there are no awkward pauses at the table. Below is a list of topics and questions that can be covered:

  • future plans;
  • the groom's thoughts about what an ideal marriage should be;
  • Favorite leisure activities: hobbies and hobbies.

Avoid talking about financial and personal matters. Remember that the conversation must take place in open, friendly atmosphere.

The groom's side can also talk to the bride. During the conversation, she should behave quietly and modestly. You can not interrupt the elders and raise intonation. On this day, it is important to make a good impression on future relatives.

Competitions for guests

We wrote above that the scenario can be very unusual. Some families arrange funny contests, which we will discuss below.

  1. To hold this competition, you should write in advance on small pieces of paper the various activities that the husband and wife will do after the wedding. For example: swimming with dolphins, drawing on the pavement, going to the solarium together. The guests take turns taking them out and discussing the answers together. The more unusual they are, the more fun the competition will be. Show your imagination!
  2. Guests should remember and sing wedding songs. The winner can prepare a small present in advance. Music brings people together and lifts the mood.
  3. Please your parents, organize a competition for them. Find out in advance the history of their acquaintance and ask questions related to it. This will set all guests in a romantic mood and create an atmosphere of love and warmth.

Folk omens

Not only in ancient Rus' people believed in omens. We very often pay attention to various signs and try to interpret their meaning. Below we give the main signs associated with the tradition of matchmaking.

  • If you meet a man early in the morning, this is a sign that the matchmaking will be successful.
  • The distribution of alms to the needy is encouraged by the people. If you want to receive God's blessing, give money or food to those in need.
  • If a spoon or fork falls on the day of the matchmaking, then your guests are in a hurry to your house.

Modern matchmaking radically different from ancient traditions, although many people want to conduct matchmaking in accordance with all the rules. If you want matchmaking in our days to look like an old ritual, use our tips.

The modern ceremony of matchmaking requires preparation for the ceremony. Much depends on which country you are in. Now we will talk about the modern custom of matchmaking in the Russian style.

You should choose the expected day for the matchmaking, in our time they still believe in numbers and dates, so the old beliefs have remained relevant. On Wednesday and Friday, they don’t go to woo, and they don’t woo on the 13th of any month. The best days for matchmaking are magical dates: the 3rd, 5th, 7th and 9th of each month.

The modern ceremony of marriage does not include the preparation of special ceremonial items. Previously, a towel embroidered in a special way, special dishes were needed, the time and even the nature of the speeches and behavior of future relatives were clearly observed. During the matchmaking, the girl silently sat by the stove and raked out the ashes, with her back to the matchmakers.

Of course, today there is hardly a stove, and even more so ash, it would be much more appropriate if the girl is in her room.

The groom must certainly prepare two bouquets of flowers, the symbolism of which is better to know more precisely. So, a young girl is not given lush rich flowers, it is better to give a delicate orange blossom, white or pink roses. The mother of the bride should be given flowers that express honor, respect, admiration for beauty. The bouquet for the bride should be a little more luxurious than the bouquet for the mother, however, the difference should not be too contrasting so as not to offend the ladies. Modern traditions of matchmaking in general, they no longer include material conventions and restrictions, because the future expenses for the wedding more than pay for the preliminary meetings of relatives. But before the matchmaking, and even more so, the engagement took place with the same glamor and scope as the wedding itself, and sometimes the relatives of the newlyweds were much more expensive.

Matchmaking in our time - what to say and what to do?

The modern ceremony of matchmaking does not cancel the roles of the groom, matchmakers and relatives of the young. The groom comes to woo, therefore, the first word is given to the matchmakers from his side. If only a young man goes to woo, his task is to prepare a good speech that will be able to convince the bride's parents that they will get a worthy son-in-law.

Matchmaking is a request for a hand from the bride. Collusion - the next event in the cycle of wedding ceremonies - involves securing the consent of the bride's parents. Therefore, if the bride and groom want to observe all the rites, the task of the groom is not to convince his parents, but to show the goods with his face, that is, to praise himself, his beloved.

Matchmaking these days is good that the ceremony as a whole is simplified and looks fun and stress-free. It used to be that the groom who was wooing could be refused, or even put out the door, and then there was shame on the whole village. Today the groom goes to woo, already sure that he will be accepted, which means that you can have fun on this holiday. That is why the groom's speech can look both touching and playful.

Groom's words for modern matchmaking:

“Dear hosts, welcome a guest! I come to you on an important urgent matter: they say your daughter is growing, beautiful, what the world has never seen. Here, I hasten to inform you that I am a suitable groom for her, I am good in everything, everyone succeeded. I ask you to listen to me, I will tell you why you won’t find a groom better than me. ”

Parents invite the guy to the house, he gives flowers and continues to praise himself. How to do this in modern matchmaking - no one will ever say in advance. Much depends on the characters of people, on the existing relationships in the family. That is why professional matchmakers used to get down to business, who, being good psychologists, immediately figured out how best to conduct a conversation, what to embellish, what to ridicule, and what to ignore.

Therefore, if the groom came to the bride's house with matchmakers, it is they who begin the speech.

Here's what an antique-styled dialogue of matchmakers at matchmaking might look like in our time:

Matchmakers from the groom:

Parents on the bride's side:

“Well, come on in, have a little stay. Just tell me more seriously about the groom. Who is this, where did he come from, why did he immediately come to us. Maybe we don’t have a young girl, a young girl. ”

“Our fiancé is rich, to the envy of other guys. Enough for the house, does not miss his own. A black horse, stately, the groom himself is handsome. That's how combed, ironed, in a beautiful shirt dressed up "


“Does he have a big palace? Or so, a hut and a plate of noodles?

“There is for four, it works for seven. He works regularly, lives alone, without a mother. Registered in the palace, two cars on the porch. Painted chambers, yes, hefty rich "


"Well! Come on in, have a look at our young lady. Is it a sweet face? Blush or white? Braid to the waist, will not drop the hair. Will she like this, young and single?

“Yes, how can you not like it, but how, beauty! Yes, look for such suitors, you will not find, at least 100 times to go through. Young, healthy, and well-dressed. He breathes strength, does not drink, he will live a hundred years. And they will have healthy offspring. Agree quickly, the perfect groom!

In this spirit, the dialogue can be continued at your own discretion. You can also bargain, slightly belittling the dignity of the groom, all this is done in the modern traditions of matchmaking according to a predetermined scheme. The more playful auctions there are, the more fun this day will be.

It is important to remember that after the bridegroom was shown to the bride, the bridegroom’s matchmakers must tell the groom’s parents or the groom himself, depending on who was present at the ceremony, that everything was good and tasty, the treat was to their liking, the groom came to the court.

But now it’s worth checking how the groom lives, is everything okay, as the matchmakers said. Modern matchmaking customs often don't include this step, and it can be a lot of fun too. We will talk about how matchmaking takes place in the groom's house, the so-called bride, in our next article.