Feelings of a man in love and hidden. Why do men hide their feelings for a woman? How does a man hide his feelings?

In love matters, the strong half of humanity is characterized by modesty. Shy and humble men become when it comes to real feelings. Women who are more emotional and courageous in this regard sometimes need to push the chosen one to recognition. How to do this delicately and how to understand that a man is in love, but hides his feelings?

A common reason why the representatives of the stronger sex hide their feelings is the fear that he will not meet reciprocity, will be rejected or even ridiculed. No matter how paradoxical it may sound, but when it comes to real feelings, the stronger sex can become indecisive and capricious. And here the main thing is to understand whether the satellite is really in love and, making sure of a positive result help him open up.

Why can a man hide his feelings?

Many women are familiar with the situation when a lover does not show signs of attention, does not show feelings. Men simply do not understand that if you hide your feelings, a woman may soon doubt their existence. It is very important for women to realize that they are loved and dear. strong hugs, pleasant words and manifestations of feelings are simply necessary for women, without them they feel lonely. There are doubts and jealousy. Why does a man, even feeling love for the chosen one, hide his feelings? There are several such reasons.

  1. No matter how trite it may sound, the strong half is so accepted. Emotionality, in their opinion, is a typical female trait, and a real man should be restrained and not show emotions and feelings.
  2. In society, too impulsive, emotional men are not well perceived.

In reality, men are often no less sensitive than women, but public opinion and stereotypes force them to be reserved. There is an opinion that ladies adore brutal, rude men, and many guys, wanting popularity, try to match this image. This is one way to create and maintain an image.

  • Men are afraid to get the title of henpecked. Entering into a serious relationship, he fears that the chosen one, having learned about the depth of feelings, will begin to manipulate him. Each representative of the stronger sex values ​​freedom and independence, and even realizing that he wants to always be with his lady, he does not want to lose them. The way out of the situation is to restrain feelings, not to give them free rein.
  • There is an opinion in the male community that a man in love is weak person. Falling in love makes you weaker and more vulnerable. In order not to look like a weakling among friends and acquaintances, a man does not show feelings.
  • The fourth reason was wonderfully described by the classic: “What more girl we love, the less she likes us." According to popular belief, a woman, upon learning that a man has fallen in love, may lose interest. This behavior keeps the interest in opposite field, adds mystery to the gentleman.

Last reason sounds like a "defense". By nature, men are vulnerable and sensitive. frank confession in love, for them, it is comparable to voluntary surrender, it’s the same as putting your head on the block yourself, taking off your helmet and laying down your sword. Stealth and silence are a kind of armor that protects the sensitive heart.

Signs of a man falling in love

To understand if your prince is in love with you, you need to closely observe his behavior when he is with you.

  1. He talks in detail about himself and his loved ones. If the companion constantly keeps up the conversation, talks a lot about himself, trying to make positive impression It means that he is interested in a woman. Thus, he lets the chosen one into his life, makes it possible to get acquainted with things that are important to him. If the lady does not miss the chance, shows sincere interest, listens carefully, helps to open up, this will be the first step towards long relationship.
  2. He listens carefully and hears his companion. A clear sign of a man's interest. In this case, a woman can create the right impression about herself by talking about hobbies, life priorities ... This is a wonderful moment to search for common interests, common ground.
  3. I started to take better care of myself. When a man begins to devote more time to appearance: buys new clothes, enrolls in the gym, carefully selects the image - this sure sign that the one he wants to please and appear from the most favorable sides has appeared.
  4. Care. If a man helps carry heavy bags or offers help with household chores, this may indicate more than just politeness and good manners. Repeated displays of concern may well indicate a gentleman's indifference.
  5. Thoughts on stable income, material well-being. If earlier a man was little interested in well-being, and now he seriously thought about it, perhaps he thought about starting a family.

Psychology of a man in love

Behavior of a man in love

Sign language

In addition to obvious signs, pay attention to non-verbal, unconscious ones. The main thing is to read the body language and facial expressions correctly.

  • No matter how the lover tries to hide his feelings, his body is tense, a little stiff.
  • Hands may tremble from embarrassment or excitement, palms sweat.
  • Arms crossed on the chest indicate an attempt to close. When a man opens up, straightens his shoulders, he demonstrates his body, flaunts, attracts attention.
  • ABOUT physical attraction it can be assumed if during communication a man periodically touches the belt or puts his hands on his hips.
  • Reducing the distance when talking. When falling in love, a man tries to get closer at any opportunity, to penetrate into personal space.

Facial expression and gaze

Unconscious glances towards the object of love. Interested person wants to enjoy, admire the image of his beloved.

It is very difficult for a lover to control his gaze, unless, of course, he is an agent of special services. Noticing how a man looks, it is easy to determine whether he is in love. In the eyes of a man in relation to his beloved, admiration shines. Often, unconsciously, when speaking, the gaze stops on the lips. Realizing that it is indecent to look closely at their beloved, men begin to hide their eyes, to look stealthily. But these views are so frequent that they are easy to catch.


The behavior of a person in love is often unstable. permanent shift moods from thoughtfulness and lyricism to fun and looseness.

What is a woman to do?

If a lady notices signs of falling in love in a familiar man, it is worth assessing whether she wants to develop relationships. If sympathy is mutual, you can show reciprocal attention. If for any reason a relationship is impossible or undesirable, you should leave them, but delicately so as not to offend the man.

Girls are constantly tormented by numerous questions. Agree, because it is exclusively in female nature to worry about what is not there, or what you do not know for sure. If you nodded in agreement, then you succumbed to the stereotype that is common in our society. It is these unshakable statements that do not require proof, but are by no means an axiom, spoil our lives every hour and every second. After all, they take away the main thing - freedom of thought and opinion - and make a huge number of people think equally.

But in fact, it's not about that. We propose to deal with important issue: why a man does not express, does not show, but hides all his feelings, being in the stage of falling in love? How can a woman understand that she is loved and desired, because for the prevailing number of charmers it is very important to know. It turns out there are several answers to this question. The comments of acting psychologists are witty, reliable, confirmed by daily practice.

The reason is in it

A banal fear that haunts humanity, in particular men, and which is not at all easy to deal with. Yes, the man is also afraid. But the whole difficulty is that from childhood he was forbidden to talk about his fear, regardless of what he was afraid of at that moment. Suppressed emotions always remain in the body, provoking inappropriate behavior in the future. After all, you see, it seems ridiculous that an adult and self-sufficient person hides his real feelings. It is much easier to say directly about what really worries you, leaving no room for omissions.

But the stereotypes are firmly planted in my head, so at the slightest fear it is impossible to talk about it, and, accordingly, we also have to be silent about what gave rise to it. A man is a vulnerable creature who is very kind to his person. Doesn't handle rejection well, so mental anguish doesn't like to show off. Feelings may well wait until he gains courage, unless, of course, they run out by then. Summarizing, we highlight the main idea, a man does not show his feelings because of fear.

Reason for them

Unfortunately, it is the man who is inclined to take seriously the opinion of society, that is, those who surround him. The entire society was created by men, therefore, initially, who and what will think about it becomes important. Not wanting to look sensitive outwardly, which for them is directly related to weakness of character, he denies any dependence on the girl, not allowing his friends to tease him. Therefore, a stony face, a slightly squeamish expression of which demonstrates the owner of life, too frank jokes in the presence of his passion, should prove that he is a tasty object for conquest. Yes, the stereotype about the handsome prince who will come, take, take away, and give is destroyed.

A man who does not show his feelings really wants to make sure at first that he is also wanted in order to save himself from the troubles associated with fear. What friends, mother, acquaintances, colleagues and boss will think if they refuse him - that's what he thinks about. If the guy understands this life is only his, then maybe frank conversations will become larger, and the girl will finally find out that she is not indifferent to her partner or old friend. The second reason is insecurity.

The reason is in her

Sometimes a man is just shy. Then there are obvious signs of falling in love, which will never be voiced by him. He is simply not able to describe his feelings coherently, let alone talk about them, bursting into a nightingale. Of course, such behavior is rare, as it seems to a woman, but psychologists say that this is the case. By the way, the beauties themselves during the period of falling in love become much bolder than during normal existence.

Shyness leaves its mark on all communication that can occur between a couple, during the period of acquaintance and definition. Men themselves scold and punish themselves for being embarrassed, therefore, during the period of falling in love, his efficiency at work usually increases. Labor is something that is understandable. But a woman or a girl is a completely different matter.

Psychologists have identified several nuances, in the presence of which you can understand that you are not indifferent to this particular representative of Homo sapiens. Let's talk about them further.

Determine the presence of feelings:

  • firstly, a man will agree with his chosen one in everything. This is very clearly seen in examples in work groups. With his love, it doesn’t matter at all what scale the issue is being considered. His and her opinions will necessarily coincide;
  • secondly, he will begin to more carefully monitor his appearance. Polished shoes are used, new shirts are clean and ironed, a neat haircut is done once every two weeks, and not, as before, once every six months. Colognes will also be used as means of mass destruction, toilet water, deodorants;
  • thirdly, without revealing his real feelings, he will start talking more, trying to involve his person and lady of the heart in the discussion;
  • fourthly, the young man will always physically reduce the distance between himself and the chosen one. It is inherent in the subconscious, to show that you let the girl into your personal space.

Watch a man, and you will begin to easily understand how much he likes you. This, as you can see, is easy.

It often seems that women and men live on completely different planets, and if love for women is embodied in them, then men perceive it as something external. Most men involuntarily stay away from emotional side relationships, and women - on the contrary, strive for them. Psychologists note that precisely because women do not understand How do men hide their feelings?, and men are not even going to make them public, they most often do not understand either thoughts or feelings of each other.

According to statistics, most women are "pursuers", and most men - on the contrary, "distancers". In other words, this means that women want to be closer to men, especially if former relationship or even in childhood they felt "abandoned" and men prefer to hide their feelings because they are afraid of being drawn into close relationships. They try to keep a safe distance to avoid both painful dependency and obligations arising from guilt or false promises.

Boys' childhood injuries

At the beginning of a relationship, men often act like "stalkers" in order to seduce the woman they like. During this period, women do not even think about how men hide their feelings: it seems to them that they have a man, "in full view." However, if they want, for example, just to get married successfully, then, noticing that the predetermined outcome scares them or that they are being drawn into too intense relationships, they instantly become “distancers”. If a woman refuses them, then this further increases the desire for persecution, but if her behavior is due to the fear of violation of the nascent relationship, then subconsciously it pushes men even further.

Such relationships are born in each of us in childhood and for the most part based on the experience gained at the same time. Boys are usually afraid of getting lost, but at the same time they strive to maintain their masculinity and independence. Mothers rarely give them enough independence, so most of them feel guilty when they move away from their mother. When such men grow up, they run away from overly demanding women because they feel guilty if they do not meet her "requests" or even if they do not follow her lead.

Why relationships go in the same circle

In order to understand how men hide their feelings, it is important for a woman to analyze how she herself grew up and why she had certain problems in relationships with men. If the father always rejected the girl or, on the contrary, was too close to her, she will treat her mother as a rival and at the same time feel that she is to blame for her and therefore lonely. Girls-"distancers" try to run away from circumstances and their pathological dependence, and "persecutors" dream that their father (or someone else) would rewrite their relationship from scratch.

It is important to understand that the main goal of the “persecutors” is close relationships and partnerships, and for the “distancers” their own freedom and independence are more important. Adult males are subconsciously drawn to "distancers", but these women run away from them faster than they can chase them. Many men have many girlfriends with whom they will never be able to enter into a serious relationship, because they will be afraid of being rejected and abandoned. Most of them have already tried to enter into a relationship with a "distancer" mother, so they already have negative experience such a relationship: they cannot believe that someone can really love them.

How adult men traditionally behave

To understand why and how men hide their feelings, one has to come to terms with the fact that for the most part they are "distancers": since prehistoric times, they have been accustomed to keep a safe distance. This way of “survival” is understandable and reliable for them, because back in those days they learned to fight, and if they cannot cope with an opponent, then run away. Their family responsibilities they try to follow exactly the same principle: while wooing a woman and conquering her, they forget about running away, not realizing the danger, and when the relationship goes into a more serious stage, men begin to feel discomfort and stress, which causes them to run away.

It is known that women perceive gender differences as a danger of getting an impartial reputation or even getting pregnant. From the experience of acquaintances, each of them knows that such closeness will reduce their attractiveness in the eyes of men and they avoid it. At the same time, such behavior provokes men to even greater perseverance, and in case of refusal, they can harbor a grudge against a woman, transferring it to other beauties, however, warmth, sensuality, talkativeness and other emotional female characteristics literally drive him crazy, because he cannot live without feelings, although he hides them from the eyes of others.

If a woman and a man manage to treat each other with understanding, then they will definitely find the very compromise that will allow them to live happily ever after in love and harmony. But for this you need to fully take into account all the fears and concerns of your partner and let him feel his own weakness. In fact, this is not at all easy, but it is quite possible, especially at a time when relationships are just emerging and both partners lose their innate caution.

There are several key principles for identifying strong affection or love. The first thing you need to pay attention to is attempts to show care. A man in love cannot remain indifferent to the problems and difficulties of a woman dear to him. The expression of the eyes also says a lot: the look will be either gentle or embarrassed, but not indifferent. Emotions are clearly manifested in gestures and body position. It is worth remembering that some men, trying to hide their feelings from others, can behave aggressively.

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    The main signs of love

    To begin with, it is worth understanding how a man behaves when he has feelings for a woman. Even if a colleague or acquaintance tries to hide his emotions, often he, without noticing it, manifests himself.

    Often a caring man behaves as follows:

    • He listens attentively and delves into the essence of what the woman said. This is almost always a clear sign of special treatment on the part of the man.
    • He speaks openly about his loved ones and himself. Usually they talk a lot about their own life if they want to get close to a person. Therefore, stories about past difficult situations, voicing the principles of life and stories about hobbies give a woman every reason to think that they feel sympathy for her.
    • Shows concern. Even when a man is in love and hides his feelings, he is unlikely to be able to maintain complete detachment. The minimum that a guy in a state of love will show is caring for a lady. It's about about offering help in everyday matters, trying to take a heavy bag in your hands, etc.
    • Starts to follow appearance. If a man who previously did not pay too much attention to his appearance suddenly begins to noticeably improve his own image, then perhaps he does this to please the girl.
    • He makes compromises. When a guy likes a woman, he agrees to make concessions. Therefore, if a man is in love, but hides his feelings, a woman needs to create a situation that requires a compromise solution. It will be difficult for a young man who is not indifferent to a lady to completely ignore her interests.
    • Starts thinking about improvement financial position. Love in a man's heart leads to what he thinks about serious relationship. And since this means new level expenses, the young man tries to earn more.

    Emotions hiding their feelings are often shown in their gaze. Even pronounced leaders are not always able to look into the eyes of the woman they love for a long time and calmly - it will be difficult for them to withstand the look because of their embarrassment. And if a man is truly in love, he will watch often, but in such a way as to go unnoticed. Therefore, a woman will be able to catch his eye without much difficulty.

    Signs of a man in love


    In addition to changes in behavior, you need to pay attention to the gestures and body position of the representatives of the strong half of humanity. This will help to reveal even carefully hidden emotions. If you fell in love, then you can notice the following signs special relationship:

    • Stiffness and tension of the body during dialogue. This condition indicates that the interlocutor does not want to make his feelings for the woman visible.
    • Reducing the distance during communication. Without noticing it, a person who is in love will try to get closer to the object of his feelings.
    • Trembling of hands. In caring men, during a dialogue, due to excitement or embarrassment, their palms may sweat and their hands may tremble.
    • Arms folded across the chest and an embarrassed look. So a man closes himself so as not to betray his true attitude.
    • Frequent attempts to approach or touch. Sometimes this behavior is the result of purely sexual interest. But a man in love will also subconsciously want to touch a woman who is not indifferent to him and be as close to her as possible.
    • Pulling in the abdomen and straightening the shoulders. This suggests that the young man seeks to show his figure in at its best to please a girl.

    The non-verbal part of communication allows you to notice hidden emotions, because gestures and body condition are more difficult to control than words or intonation.

    Facial expressions also play an important role in the process of expressing feelings, and, like gestures, it is difficult to fully control.

    If a man wants a woman signs

    How men try to hide their feelings

    Sometimes the behavior of a man in love, trying to hide his feelings, is a little aggressive. This can be explained by desire. young man attract the attention of a woman without revealing their true emotions. As a result, a guy can behave abruptly and even offend his girlfriend.

    So if before calm man suddenly begins to behave defiantly towards you, there are reasons to think about his hidden sympathy.

    Another sign that they fell in love with you, but they are trying to hide it, is a manifestation of jealousy on the part of the guy when other men try to achieve your location. It will be difficult for a lover to tolerate obvious competitors, even if he wants to remain in the shadows.

    When a man realizes that he has fallen in love, but is not sure that he wants to take the initiative, he may start flirting with other girls in your presence. On the one hand, he does not show his interest in you, on the other hand, he tries to see if there is an interest in him from the side of the object of his feelings. In other words, this is an attempt to find out the attitude towards oneself without betraying one's own emotions.

    Sometimes caring men behave as if the object of their adoration is completely indifferent to them. This behavior boils down to the fact that the guy does not show attention, does not say compliments, avoids glances, and even ordinary conversations. If a dialogue happens, he will not make noticeable efforts to support it. So the obvious, sometimes feigned indifference, allows you to determine the presence of strong feelings.

    If we talk about the manifestation of love within the office, then the first thing a caring colleague will do is spend more time next to the girl. The special attitude will also come in the form of questions about whether the day went well or how things are going with a new challenging project. Moreover, the guy who fell in love will be aware of all the actual and possible difficulties associated with the work of the woman he loves. Such a man will be sincerely glad of any opportunity to work together with a girl who is not indifferent to him.

    At a corporate party, an employee in love will try to choose a place next to his beloved. This will allow him to freely look at the object of his feelings, be the first to fill the glass, and increase the chances of frequent communication during rest. But a colleague in love is unlikely to dare to invite a lady to a dance.

    How to understand that a male work colleague likes you


    You can find out that a man likes you in the process virtual communication.During the correspondence, you need to pay attention to the following nuances:

    • The man often writes. The reasons may be very different. He will not intentionally hint at it, but he is unlikely to be able to completely refuse contact with the woman he is in love with.
    • The guy shares personal information.
    • The young man asks additional questions. If a woman writes first, then a man, instead of a dry answer, strictly on the case, may ask questions that are not quite on the topic in order to get to know the girl better. The interlocutor's attempt to get more information in a conversation is clear sign interest.
    • The man quickly responds to messages sent to him. He may deliberately hesitate to respond in order to appear emotionally uninvolved in the dialogue. But from time to time, answers will come quickly, because the lover is always happy with the initiative from the woman he loves.

    It is obvious that it is possible to understand by correspondence whether a guy has feelings. The degree of interest of a young man in a particular girl is also manifested in how quickly he calls back. Seeing a missed call from a lady who cares about him, a man will not miss the opportunity to hear his favorite voice. And since this is only a response, and not his own initiative, he will be more liberated than usual.

    Behavior according to the signs of the zodiac

    Those who are used to taking into account information related to the signs of the zodiac should pay attention to the behavior of guys, due to the date of their birth. Here's how different signs show their love:

    • Aries. If a young man tries to spend as much time as possible with a woman, invites her to his home, introduces her to friends, then there is every reason to think that love was born in his heart. The fact is that Aries men are very strict about the boundaries of their personal space, and if they let a woman into it, then only if they are sincerely interested in her.
    • Calf. These men love humor, therefore, even hiding their feelings, they will try to make the girl who cares about them laugh. Since Taurus is very fond of sensual pleasures, they will not be able to deny themselves touching the object of their sympathy.
    • Twins. If a man born under the sign of Gemini is captured by feelings, then he tries as often as possible to be close to an important woman for him. IN in social networks such a young person will also show himself actively: constant messages and a willingness to continue the dialogue, regardless of the topic, are inevitable.
    • Cancer. The first thing to expect from such a man is attention and frequent attempts to provide assistance in the most different situations. Trying to maintain strictness in behavior, he will actively act in order to gain the trust of his beloved woman. Girls can easily notice the views of Cancers in love, because they do not differ in the ability to hide non-verbal manifestations of their feelings.
    • A lion. The Leo man, being in love, has difficulty controlling his jealousy, and at times he does not succeed at all. Since this sign of the zodiac is characterized by openness in communication, such guys do a poor job of suppressing their emotions, which is why their indifference is easy to notice.
    • Virgo. This sign of the zodiac, if it falls in love, then for real. Such a young man will look for every opportunity to look at his love, while trying to go unnoticed. Virgo men do not mask their feelings well. Sometimes they are not averse to using the help of friends to find out the attitude towards themselves from their beloved lady.
    • Scales. Like other men, they want to be closer to the object of their love. Wanting to hide emotions, Libra guys can periodically ask a woman for help or often turn to her for advice. Such men will talk a lot about their victories and achievements, not forgetting to show cups and certificates received in previous active years.
    • Scorpion. The first thing that betrays a Scorpio in love is his look. Such men can look directly into the eyes. Young people born under this sign will often touch the girl important to them and make attempts to get as close to her as possible.
    • Sagittarius. These men will actively visit those companies in which the beloved spends time. Having started a dialogue with a girl, Sagittarians may not speak clearly and say something abstract. In an attempt to please the woman who awakened a feeling in their heart, such young people significantly improve their wardrobe and style in general. It will also be possible to receive a bouquet of flowers from them, presented as a manifestation of simple friendly attention.
    • Capricorn. Although these men are completely captivated by the feeling, they do not strive for frequent meetings at first. Such guys can understand themselves for a long time, reducing the manifestation of their feelings to a minimum. But in the end, in order to get a more complete picture of the woman they love, Capricorns will definitely make friends with her and begin to devote a lot of time to communication.
    • Aquarius. Aquarius men love to tell their favorite story and treat it to sweets. They easily build friendships with the opposite sex, during which it will be possible to notice their true feelings.
    • Fish. Men born under this sign are in no hurry to touch the girl they care about. But they will look at the object of their feelings, and for a long time. So the girl does not need much effort to catch an indifferent look.

It is no secret that the representatives of the stronger sex often avoid manifestations of affection. Why do men hide their feelings? How to determine that you are not indifferent to a friend or colleague? Let's look into these issues together.

How simple life would be if we knew how a representative of the opposite sex treats us, how many people would find happiness. But it’s not for nothing that they say that guys and girls are from different planets: they even express their feelings in different ways. Representatives of the stronger sex often hide their love, and the ladies can only guess what a man feels. Why is this happening? How to determine that you are not indifferent to a man? These questions are from the eternal category, as they concern more than one generation of young ladies.

How does a man hide his feelings?

A man very often hides his feelings and falling in love, since it is not customary for the representatives of the stronger sex to flaunt emotions. Usually falling in love is hidden behind a wall of feigned indifference. This way to hide their feelings is chosen if there is no confidence in reciprocity. In order not to give out true feelings in front of the object of sympathy, the guys begin to show increased attention surrounding ladies. This often happens in groups where there are many young ladies. Thus, a man is also trying to understand how his beloved treats him - to provoke jealousy.

How else does a man hide his tender feelings to a woman? Often he tries to become a friend for the girl he likes. Friendship allows you to get closer to your dream, to learn more about it. A man tries to be always there, but at the same time keep a distance, so that the fair sex sees only a friend in him and does not suspect anything.

Interesting! Love can also hide behind aggression. However, this characterizes a man not with better side: he is like an immature teenager with attacks trying to attract the attention of a girl.

How to tell if a man is hiding his feelings

How to determine that a man is in love with you if he hides his feelings? Pay attention to how he behaves around you. Shows concern and tries to help in any situation? Does he talk a lot about himself and is interested in your life? These are signs that you are not indifferent to a man. Does he get lost when meeting and, it seems, is even afraid of you? Most likely he likes you.

In order not to confuse the usual manifestations friendship and falling in love, pay attention also to facial expressions, gestures, eyes. Often the signs that the man you like is hiding his feelings are on the surface, the main thing is to know what to look for. A man in love involuntarily admires the chosen girl, but avoids meeting his eyes. He does not even notice how he regularly violates your personal space, all the time trying to get closer.

Important! If you are already tired of "guessing on coffee grounds", then there is an easy way to bring a man to clean water: smile at him a little more tenderly than usual, hold your gaze longer. In a word, show favor, and the gentleman will give himself away.

Why does a man hide his feelings

Why does a man who has taken place as a person hide his feelings for his beloved woman? Isn't that the lot of teenagers? Anyone, even the most tough man, in the soul remains a vulnerable child who is afraid of being rejected. Since the representatives of the stronger sex experience defeats in a special way on the love front, becoming vulnerable under the influence of emotions, they believe that the best option is secrecy. In addition, for many machos, falling in love and weakness are synonymous, which is why they do not show tender feelings.

The answer to the question why a man in love hides his feelings lies in the stereotypes of society. It is believed that emotionality is inherent only in the fairer sex, men in any situation must remain unshakable. Young guys and mature men who have taken place are more than anything afraid of being branded as unmanly (although not everyone recognizes this phobia for themselves), so they try not to express their feelings, leaving this prerogative to the ladies.