The true meaning of the rings on the fingers of women: characteristics. What are the meanings of the rings on the fingers of women

Many rules are associated with wearing rings. Remembering the symbolism, you can find out some information about the owner of the jewelry. For this reason, when buying a jewelry accessory, the question always arises, which finger should be worn on it, and what will it matter.

On which finger is a wedding ring worn?

In different countries, the newlyweds wear the fidelity symbol in their own way, which depends on local traditions. For the Orthodox, the right hand is of great importance, because they are baptized with it, so believers put the betrothal on it. In Catholic countries, the wedding ring is worn on the left hand because it is closer to the heart. Basically, ring fingers are chosen for such. However, Jews wear wedding rings on their index fingers, since this is the most prominent place, which corresponds to the designation of the position and purity of the bride.

In Russia

Russians, Armenians, Ukrainians and Belarusians profess Orthodoxy, therefore married men and women wear a wedding ring on the ring finger of their right hand. Rules:

  1. According to the canons of the church, the right limb, with which a person is baptized, eats, shakes hands, is associated with honesty, and the left limb is associated with deceit.
  2. According to legend, a person has an angel behind his right shoulder, and a devil behind his left. The first always protects a person, therefore, he will also protect his union.
  3. It is not recommended to remove wedding accessories in Orthodoxy, and losing it is a bad omen.


In Islam, it is strictly forbidden for men to wear gold jewelry. As for wedding rings, it is allowed to purchase, but silver. Although wearing them after the wedding is a Christian tradition, and Islam prohibits imitating non-believers, some spouses believe that there is nothing reprehensible in this. The only thing that Muslim men cannot do is to wear a wedding ring on the middle or index finger. This prohibition does not apply to women.


In many religions, it is believed that after the death of a partner, the marriage ends. However, some wives, after the death of their husband, continue to wear an engagement ring as a sign of fidelity. Basically, widows do not think about which finger the ring is on, and leave it on their right hand. Some women, after the death of their spouse, wear two symbols of fidelity at once - their own and their husband's on different hands. According to tradition, widows must wear a wedding accessory on their left hand, but no one has the right to indicate them. It is up to the woman to decide whether to leave the engagement ring or remove it altogether after the death of her husband.


Most divorced people do not wear wedding rings at all, so that they do not remind of past sad experiences. If the sacred symbol is encrusted with precious stones, for example, with diamonds or pearls, then often wearing rings on the fingers turns into a preference for simple jewelry. In this case, a female or male ring is put on the left hand if it happens in Orthodox countries. In Catholic America and some Western countries, divorced people wear their wedding bands on their right hand.

On which finger is an engagement ring worn?

Recently, engagement has become very popular among young people. The tradition of proposing and putting a ring on an unmarried girl's finger came to us from Western countries. Guys do not always know what size of jewelry his chosen one has, so the question of which finger to wear an engagement ring on often remains open. Most likely, the girl will put it on the finger that fits. According to tradition, the engagement ring is the predecessor of the engagement ring, so it should be worn on the same finger.

"Bless and save"

Such a ring is a symbol of protection and faith among Christians. It is believed that such decoration protects the wearer from illness and misfortune. The words "save and save" have a strong energy. This is a message to the Almighty, which not only strengthens faith, but also admonishes the owner not to commit sins. A silver or gold ring Save and Save is worn on any finger, but some recommendations exist. In Orthodoxy, they are baptized with three fingers when the middle, index, thumb are folded together, so they are considered the best for wearing powerful protection.

On which finger do men wear a signet?

A signet is the same ring, but encrusted with engraved monograms and precious stones. According to the rules, earlier the decoration was worn on the little finger of the left hand. Today there are no restrictions. Men no longer have the question of which finger to wear a ring on - they themselves choose whichever is more convenient. However, psychologists by this choice easily determine the temperament of the carrier. In their opinion, a signet on a man's finger means:

  • the little finger or finger of Mercury - creative personalities;
  • the ring finger of the Sun - lovers;
  • the middle finger of Saturn - narcissists;
  • the thumb of Mars - men with increased sexuality;
  • forefinger or finger of Jupiter - resolute and courageous.


In the 70s of the last century, wearing a pinky ring by a man was a sign of belonging to the gay community. If the decoration is on the left hand, then the guy is free or active, and if on the right, it means he is busy. Now jewelry is worn by men, not paying attention to these outdated traditions. Many people know the meanings of rings on their fingers and what they are called, so they put them on based on Chinese philosophy or to influence biologically active points in order to maintain the energy balance of the body.

Thumb ring

On the finger of Mars, active and emotional men like to wear accessories. Hot-tempered and aggressive, they subconsciously want to make their nature more harmonious. The ring on the thumb of a man helps to establish relationships with others and himself, to find an intuitive approach. Psychologists say that the decoration indicates a desire to assert oneself, to take the first position in the sexual field. The meaning of the rings on the fingers of women is exactly the same.

On the little finger

The finger of Mercury is considered the protector of politicians, speakers, doctors and diplomats, so the ring on the little finger of the right hand will bring good luck to those people who need such qualities as the ability to speak beautifully, dexterity of hands and flexibility of mind. The owner of a ring on the little finger, especially with amethyst or turquoise, can get along with any person. The ringed little finger of a woman indicates that the lady is flirtatious, narcissistic, ready to flirt. A man with such an adornment has sneakiness, is ready for betrayal and adventurous adventures.

On the index finger

Jewelry on the index fingers can often be found in portraits of emperors and rulers. This speaks of a proud character, independence and the ability to manage people. The ring on the index finger in the form of a crown speaks of a strong-willed, strong personality. Wearing jewelry with a ruby, aquamarine or jade on the right hand speaks of a reasonable person striving for positive thinking. On the left - about the owner's tendency to tantrums, narcissism, arrogance.

On the middle finger

People with a strong personality, confident in their superiority, strive to decorate the finger of Saturn with a ring. Large, inherited jewelry is often worn on this finger to attract the protection of deceased relatives. The ring on the middle finger of the left hand helps a person not only to establish contact with relatives, but also to believe in his destiny, to cope with any difficulties. Losers are advised to wear jewelry on this finger to attract the location of fate.

On the ring finger

In addition to wedding or wedding (church) jewelry, the ring on the ring finger of the Sun is worn by both married and unmarried people. For example, Catholics wear wedding rings on the left hand, and wear jewelry on the right hand. Not a family man tries to emphasize his love of art and luxury. As a rule, these are singers, artists, actors. The owner of such an accessory is a sensual, loving nature, which is always ready to have a good time. Esotericists recommend wearing jewelry on the finger of the Sun to people who want to increase their wealth.


Does it matter which finger to wear the ring on? There are many traditions in wearing jewelry. Knowing the symbolism of wearing rings, you can "make a statement" or learn something about its owner. There is no rigid set of rules on which finger and on which hand to wear a ring, and any person can wear rings as he pleases, with the exception of wedding rings. But there are nuances here. For example, most residents of South and North America, including the United States, and most European countries wear a wedding ring on the ring finger of the left hand, and in accordance with the Orthodox tradition, they are worn on the ring finger of the right hand. However, men often do not wear them on any finger at all. However, a trained eye can easily see even a trace of the ring, if there is interest not only theoretical. As a rule, the right hand will tell more about the physical side of a person - it is more active, dominant, more "gesturing". The left is usually seen as a reflection of the psychological side of a person's personality - it speaks more about character and beliefs. What will the symbolism of the rings tell us? Let's go through the fingers.

Detail of a female portrait from the Elizabethan period. Unknown British artist, 1600

1. THUMB symbolizes willpower and reflects the inner essence of a person. If you start wearing a ring on your thumb, be careful, changes will soon begin in your life. Also, wearing a ring on the thumb helps to develop the will.

Abraham del Court and Maria de Kaarsgieter by Bartholomeus van der Gelst

Portrait of a married couple in the park, artist Gonzalez Cox

Portrait of Archduchess Johanna with a portrait of Charles V, artist Sofonisba Anguissola

Portrait of a man in profile. Artist Quentin Masseys

Indian miniature depicting Shah Jahan with an archery ring on his right thumb

Rings on the thumbs are often surprising, but, in fact, this phenomenon is quite common in the world. In most cases, the ring on the thumb is perceived as a symbol of wealth and influence, while the rings in this case are more often worn wide and large. Previously, a wedding ring often moved to the thumb. Such a tradition existed, in particular, during the time of George I in England; in medieval Europe, wedding rings were generally worn on different fingers. It is also a common choice for those people who want to wear several rings on the same hand, but in such a way as to distance the rings from each other somewhat. An engagement ring, pinky and middle finger rings together can feel over the top and are not always comfortable to wear. The ring on the thumb "unloads" the composition.

The thumb up is a gesture of friendliness, so don't wear a ring on it that will annoy other people. There is nothing worse than an expensive and tasteless thumb ring. It's best when it's bold yet simple. And although many authors believe that the thumb does not have astrological associations and does not have a patron among the ancient Greek gods, like all other fingers, it is often associated with warlike Mars. It was believed that the thumb reflects character - strong straight fingers are characteristic of authoritative personalities, and curves were perceived as a sign of sinfulness. Astrology associates the thumb with carnelian, pomegranate and ruby.

There is another important point - since ancient times, men have worn an archery ring on their thumb, initially such rings were made of leather. Therefore, in the old days, the presence of a ring on the thumb was associated with courage and the ability to wield weapons. Perhaps for this reason, wearing a rather large and wide ring on this finger remains to this day a male prerogative and a symbol of masculinity.

Left thumb will not make statements about your status, profession, or other important part of life. But it's a great "statement" finger - pick a wide ring that won't get in the way and people will know you're trendy and confident.

Right thumb also doesn't say anything in particular - it's a great way to showcase your favorite ring or use it to make a "statement". I have heard, for example, that non-traditional minorities use thumb rings to make such claims.

2. FOREFINGER represents power, leadership and ambition. It is believed that wearing a ring on this finger activates just this kind of energy. This was especially noticeable in those distant times, when famous and powerful kings wore a ring on their index finger. Wear a ring on this finger if you want to develop leadership qualities in yourself and get an impetus to develop in this direction.

Coronation portrait of Elizabeth I by an unknown artist, 1600. National Portrait Gallery

Henry VIII by Joos van Cleve

This is a scene from Guy Ritchie's Sherlock Holmes. The ring of the bull is worn in the film by Chief Justice Sir Thomas Rotheram, and it indicates belonging to the fictional Temple of the Four Orders. I don't know if the authors of the film thought about historical symbols (and they touched on the symbolism of secret English organizations), but it is dressed logically, and besides, it emphasizes belonging to power. Sherlock Holmes was taken to this house with his eyes closed and accurately names its location - northwest of St. James's Park. It's between Buckingham Palace and Green Park. Enough information to use the deductive method of the hero, at least for the era of Conan Doyle. I will not delve into it - I am leading to the fact that the historical symbolism of the rings is relevant to this day.

Portrait of a girl painted in 1840s in Russia. Presumably, the portrait was ordered in honor of the engagement - the ring on the index finger means that the young lady is engaged. Roses (white and black) symbolize purity and love. Exhibition "Unknown Artist" in the Russian Museum in 2012. Photo found here lenarudenko

The Jewish Bride of Rembrandt

Instinctively, we use the index finger more often than others in gestures (not counting the thumb). But it turns out that the ring on this finger bothers us less than on the middle one next to it. In history, wearing rings (usually seals or rings) on the index finger was the most common, except when in some regions of Europe it was forbidden for persons below a certain status. Therefore, rings were often worn on this finger (especially by men), symbolizing belonging to some kind of brotherhood, membership in an organization, etc. The ring on the index finger does not stand out as sharply as on the middle finger or little finger, but, thanks to gesticulation, it is quite noticeable. The astrological association is Jupiter which symbolizes strength, leadership, authority and spirituality. Jupiter's metal is tin, but silver is also a normal choice for a ring. Astrological stones of the index fingers - lapis lazuli, amethyst, blue topaz.

Left index finger does not have one hundred percent unambiguous symbolism, although it is a good finger for demonstrating important rings. To make your ring noticed - you can put on it your especially valuable or cocktail ring etc.

Right index finger - a place for a wedding ring during a traditional Jewish wedding ceremony. As a rule, a simple gold ring is used for this purpose. Often, after the ceremony, brides move the ring to the familiar ring finger, but some continue to wear it on the index finger. So take a closer look before hitting on the girl you like. Earlier in Rus', it was also a custom to wear a wedding ring on the index finger.

3. MIDDLE FINGER is the individuality of the person. Located in the center of the hand, the ring symbolizes a balanced life. And wearing a ring on the middle finger helps to make life more harmonious.

Melancholia (La Fumeuse), Artist Georges de Feur, symbolist and one of the founders of Parisian modernism, the painting depicts Julien Raskin, later the artist's wife.

Portrait of Louise Marie d'Orleans, Queen of Belgium, Supruni of the Belgian King Leopold I. Artist Franz Xaver Winterhalter

If you do not take into account the well-known gesture, then the middle finger is the largest, strongest and most courageous finger. Rings are surprisingly rarely worn on it, partly, apparently, because it is located next to the index and 2 rings nearby become an obstacle to various small actions. So that the ring does not interfere, it is better to wear simple and small rings on the middle finger. However, wearing a ring on the middle finger is very comfortable, especially when you put a ring on it for the first time. In addition, unlike the ring finger, or, for example, the little finger, the symbolism of this finger is the safest, it does not create any secret meaning or confusion. Due to the central location, the middle finger symbolizes balance. It is associated with Saturn, the metal of Saturn is lead, simple gray metals are well suited for this finger. Saturn stands for balance, justice, law, responsibility and introspection. Its stones are soothing, such as rose quartz, coral, aquamarine.

Left middle finger. If the ring is worn on this finger, it may mean nothing. But since it occupies a central place on the hand and is the longest finger, the ring on it can symbolize power and responsibility. This finger is a good choice if you want to show off the ring without making any statements about your life.

Right middle finger, just like the left has no definite meaning and is open to interpretation. You can choose your own symbol and meaning for the ring.

4. RING FINGER the left hand has a direct connection with the heart. For this reason, a wedding ring is worn on this finger in most countries of the world. Wearing a ring on this finger will add positive emotions and affection to your life, as well as increase creativity and a taste for creativity. Wearing a ring on the ring finger of your right hand will make you more optimistic.

Princess Albert de Broglie , artist Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres

Portrait of Isabella de Valois, French princess and Spanish queen. Daughter of King Henry II of France and Catherine de Medici, wife of Philip II. Artist Juan Pantoja de la Cruz. Prado Museum

In most countries of the world ring finger most often associated with a wedding ring - in the USA, a ring on the right hand indicates an engagement, on the left it symbolizes marriage. Most people choose a plain gold or silver ring, in part because the ring is worn all the time and is more comfortable. But this does not mean that people do not wear rings with large stones or obviously artistic and decorative rings on the ring finger. Most likely, in this case, they simply will not be perceived by the rings associated with marriage. At the same time, the rings are quite simple in shape, if they are made of different metals or have inscriptions, they most likely will.

Symbolically, the ring finger is associated with the moon, beauty and creativity, and, obviously, with romantic relationships. The metal of the moon is silver, so it's a natural choice for rings worn on the ring finger, unless it's an engagement ring. Wedding rings are traditionally more often made of gold. The finger is associated with Apollo. Precious stones - moonstone, jade, amethyst, turquoise.

Left ring finger. In most cases, this finger is worn wedding ring. Many believe that this custom comes from the belief of the ancient Egyptians, and then the Romans, that the blood through the veins from this finger goes straight to the heart (according to Apion, this is a nerve). But the ring on this finger may mean that its owner is just about to get married. (engagement ring). A promise ring can be worn on the same finger. (romantic promise), despite the fact that the status of an official proposal is assigned to the finger. Many young people prefer to wear a purity ring on this finger. (chastity ring). A wedding ring on the ring finger of the left hand is worn in France, Italy, Great Britain, Ireland, Slovenia, Croatia, Sweden, Turkey, Armenia, Azerbaijan. And also in Japan, Korea, Australia, Brazil, Mexico, Colombia, Canada, USA, Cuba and other countries. According to tradition, a wedding ring is moved to the left ring finger in Russia after a divorce, and widows and widowers wear two wedding rings (one's own and one's spouse).

Right ring finger. Although in many countries it is customary to wear a wedding ring on the left ring finger, there are countries in which the right ring finger is used for the same purpose. This applies to the Orthodox tradition and the countries of Central and Eastern Europe - Russia, Belarus, Serbia, Poland, Moldova, Ukraine. Also, a wedding ring is worn on the right hand in Germany, Spain, Austria, Greece, Norway, Georgia, India, Kazakhstan, Chile and a number of other countries. However, with wedding rings, everything is especially ambiguous. There is such an anecdote - "Sofochka, why are you wearing a ring on the wrong hand?" "Because I married the wrong person!" So, if you set out to find out if the girl you like is married, you need to take into account many factors.

5. LITTLE FINGER combines all relationships and communication with the outside world, as well as communication with other people. Wearing a pinky ring helps improve relationships, especially in marriage, but also in business. The little finger is also responsible for success in creativity, harmony in the emotional sphere and in the material world.

Portrait of Francesco d "Este, artist Rogier van Weyden

Portrait of Philippe de Croix by Rogier van der Weyden

Portrait of Charles Couperin with the artist's daughter, Claude Lefebvre

Little finger often becomes the choice of a person who wants to "state" something, since the little finger with a ring will attract the most attention - it is less bound by religious or cultural traditions and associations, therefore it carries your pure idea. That is, rings are worn on the little finger when they want to draw attention to this fact. People who are fond of astrology and palmistry will perceive this symbolism through a connection with the intellect and beliefs. The little finger symbolizes mercury, but this does not mean that you need to wear a ring made of this metal - it is liquid at room temperature and, moreover, highly toxic to humans. The patron is Mercury, which personifies intelligence, communications, beliefs and intuition, he patronizes crafts and trade. Traditionally, wearing rings on the little finger is associated with both intelligence and creativity, as well as with business. Stones - moonstone, amber, citrine.

Little finger of the right hand - in the 19th and early 20th centuries, in a number of countries, 2 rings on the little finger showed that the person was married (divorce ring) . The lower ring was an engagement ring, a ring was put on top. Now this tradition is forgotten, some historians claim that American President Franklin Roosevelt wore such rings. Sometimes wearing a ring on the little finger is associated with the traditions of organized crime. (mafia rings) such rings were worn by the Sopranos, in particular. In the UK and other Western countries, men wore a signet ring on their left little finger, antique rings of this type are over 100 years old. Usually such rings have a coat of arms and in many families they were passed down from generation to generation. (family rings with coat of arms) .

Little finger of the left hand often used for rings indicating professional status. This is typical for engineers in a number of industries, for example, engineering, where the ring may indicate the achievement of a certain educational level. Graduates wear the ring not on the dominant hand so that it does not interfere. Professional rings can be simple iron, silver, stainless steel and other materials, often they have inscriptions or signs. All of the above is typical for right-handers, left-handers sometimes bring confusion to this entire symbolic system.


It depends on the rings. For example, a set of several thin rings on one finger is perceived as one. A safe maximum can be considered 2-3 rings scattered on both hands. Care must be taken that the rings as a whole do not look too bright, so that this is not perceived as a caricature. It is better for men to wear one "declared" ring and nothing else, or in combination with an engagement ring. But I repeat - there are no rules on this matter, only a sense of proportion and taste can become advisers here. I sorted through the paintings of artists of different eras for a long time, because jewelry, including rings, is depicted in most of the portraits. It is interesting that most often people in portraits wear rings on the little finger, or on the little finger and index finger. On the ring finger and thumb, the rings occur almost equally and least often on the middle one. I hope you enjoy these illustrations, selected from among the old canvases of the masters of painting.

Portrait of Isabella Clara Eugenia by Alonso Sanchez Coelho

Portrait of Madame Montessori by Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres
National Gallery of Fine Art (USA)

Portrait of Eleanor of Toledo, wife of the Duke of Tuscany Cosimo de' Medici, artist Agnolo Bronzino

Ring of power. In the 21st century, this phrase is associated with an item from the story of the Lord of the Rings, written by Ronald Tolkien. However, a couple of centuries ago they called rings of omnipotence, worn on the index finger. It placed their seals, for example, Cardinal Rechelier and Tsar Ivan the Terrible.

The peoples of different countries noticed the imperious disposition of those who put jewelry on pointing fingers. In the 20th century, psychologists, astrologers and physicians joined the discussion. They studied the features of wearing on all fingers. Conclusions of scientists and people, further.

Ring on index finger

In addition to Richelieu and the Terrible, Caesar had such a ring. He wore it on the index finger of his right hand. It is controlled by the left hemisphere. It is responsible for logic, a penchant for the exact sciences. The subconscious desire to place a jewel on the right hand indicates strategists and reasonable people. They crave power, but have a "cold" mind.

The ring on the left hand is evidence of megalomania and a tendency to hysteria. The right hemisphere of the brain comes into play. It is responsible for the humanitarian path and creativity, and creative people rarely have a "cold" mind.

Which finger to wear the ring on, according to astrologers, tells not only the brain, but also the stars. The index fingers are energetically associated with Jupiter. This planet bestows strength for accomplishments and eliminates self-doubt. The result is increased self-esteem. Conclusion: - many leaders suffer from doubts and subconsciously look for a way to get rid of them. The way out is to strengthen the personal EGO with the help of a ring on the index finger.

Doctors add that the hands are the concentration of biologically active points. It is best to work them out with the help of massage and acupuncture. But, the wearing of jewelry also has a small effect on the energy centers. A meridian connected with the digestive tract passes through the pointing finger.

The ring may indicate hidden problems with it. The body sends signals. A person cannot recognize them, but feels a subconscious craving to influence the biologically active points of the index finger.

Middle finger ring

On which finger are rings worn, meaning has for narcissists too. People who are confident in their beauty, flaunting it, put jewelry on their middle fingers. They are the longest and most visible. Remember the movie Gentlemen Prefer Blondes? It has a song about diamonds. Performed by Marilyn Monroe. The hands of the actress enter the frame. The ring is worn on the middle finger. Psychologists notice: the larger the stone itself, the more a person tries to convince the public of his irresistibility.

Astrologers see the connection of the middle finger with Saturn. It enhances the energy of the family. Therefore, it is advised to wear family jewels on the middle fingers. They, and the energy of the planet, will help overcome life's difficulties and achieve goals. At the same time, a healthy heart will be preserved. Biologically active points responsible for the "human motor" and the circulatory system are located exactly in the middle of the hand.

Ring on the ring finger

The ring finger is the answer to questions on which finger is a wedding ring worn And Which finger is an engagement ring worn on?. Evidence of a spiritual connection, marriage in heaven is placed here for a reason. The tradition dates back to ancient Egypt. The doctors of the country found out that the artery of love passes through the ring finger.

It was named so because the vessel leads to the heart. The Egyptians, like modern people, believed that a high feeling originates in the chest. You can ring it, make it continuous and endless by putting a rim on your ring finger. Therefore, on it, first of all, it testifies to cordial affection and marital status.

In different countries, wedding rings are worn on different hands. For example, in America, the ring fingers of the left hands are decorated. This is the tradition of Catholics, of whom the majority in the United States. In Russia, wedding bands are worn on the right hand. This is the tradition of the Orthodox people. At the same time, the product on the ring finger of the left hand is interpreted as a readiness for a new relationship.

The ring finger of the left hand is the answer to the question, Which finger is the widow's ring worn on?. That is, the hoop may be evidence that the lady buried her beloved. In the West, widows wear rings on their right hand.

Astrologers associate ring fingers with the Sun. Rings are acquired by positive-minded people, or those who lack warmth, life comfort. A jewel on the finger without a name will also help get rid of depression, headaches, epilepsy. Doctors of traditional medicine speak about this, based on the scheme of biologically active points of the hands.

pinky ring

Which fingers to wear rings for women often expressed by Marlene Dietrich. The famous actress of the 20th century saw a special chic and charm in the rings on her little fingers. They are small, graceful and defenseless, like true ladies. Psychologists explained the celebrity's craving for the arrangement of rings on the little fingers with a creative nature. Rings on the smallest fingers are frequent companions not only of actors, but also of singers, artists, fashion designers.

Putting a jewel on the little finger also pulls entrepreneurs. This is explained by the connection of the finger with the planet Mercury. She is responsible for the sphere of finance, attracts them into a person's life. Not only merchants and bankers take advantage of the chance, but also, for example, casino regulars. To the question Which finger should a man wear a ring on?, they answer: - "Of course, on the little finger, because the gentleman should be the earner."

In the body on the little fingers can affect the functioning of the heart and small intestine. Biologically active points are located in the upper region of the finger. However, the acupuncture meridian runs the entire length of the little finger. Even being at its base, the jewel affects the necessary centers, and they transmit impulses to the internal organs.

Thumb ring

Among the answers to the question What fingers can you wear rings on?, there is also a thumb. In the decorations on it, psychologists see an attempt at self-affirmation. Jewelry on the thumbs is worn by those who want to take their worthy place in society, but, so far, have not achieved this. For men, one of the areas of self-affirmation is the bed. Therefore, a ring on the thumb often indicates a desire to dominate women, to command them.

Of the celestial bodies, the thumb is associated with Venus. This is the planet of charm and beauty. It is not surprising that Casanova himself wore the signet on his thumb. Among those who put jewelry on the largest fingers, there are many womanizers. Decoration can also indicate problems with the lungs, as well as become a prevention of their disease. This is the verdict of the doctors of oriental medicine.

Additional nuances of wearing rings

There are categories, the rules for wearing which do not depend on the needs of the body, or character traits. It's not just about engagement models. Restrictions are also imposed on some church samples. Eg, on which finger is the “Save, save” ring worn?

The priests favor the location of the hoop on one of the fingers, with which the sign of the cross is made. Not spelled out which fingers should not wear rings. But, by exception, you understand that the little finger and ring finger are not suitable for the Christian symbol. The Old Believers, at all, are baptized with two fingers.

For many people, rings are a symbol of exceptional beauty. In pursuit of her, several products are put on at once. This is acceptable in ethnic images. The harmony is not broken even if the jewelry is miniature, the hoops of the jewelry are thin. If the rings are massive, it is worth choosing only one of them.

At the same time, a discreet manicure is needed. Bright varnish, on the contrary, will shade small rings and tiny stones. By the way, about the stones. Stylists do not recommend wearing models from different colors at the same time, even on different hands. Such ensembles look clumsy. If you want to pick up a “comrade” ring with a colorful mineral, you should choose a ring with a transparent stone.

It turns out, from the point of view of style and fashion, there is no difference on which finger the jewelry is worn. The main thing is that it complements the image, and does not go against it. Questions of religion, psychology and astrology are thrown aside. Good taste reigns on the catwalks... and fashion designers with rings on their little fingers.

Rings with precious stones, semi-precious or not at all, have been considered jewelry since ancient times. Most do not attach much importance to the choice of jewelry, relying only on their own taste. However, from the point of view of palmistry, which finger you wear the ring on plays an important role. In addition, this science claims that wearing a ring made of a certain metal with a stone that is not suitable for you can cause not only a deterioration in personal qualities, but also lead to health problems.

Excursion into history

There are many traditions of wearing jewelry. Certain symbolism helps to tell about the owner of the jewelry, but it should be understood that there are no exact rules. Any person can wear a ring on any finger, with the exception of engagement fingers.

However, there are certain well-established norms that are familiar to almost everyone. Rings on the right hand are worn by active and dominant people, while talented and dreamy people prefer to place jewelry on the left. Since ancient times, the symbolism of rings suggests that the right side of the body reflects goals and aspirations, and the left side reflects psychological characteristics. Therefore, each nation prefers to enhance or, conversely, lower certain personal qualities with the help of a ring on the left or right hand. So, it is known that the ancient Greeks, who took care of their body and were quite ambitious, sought to strengthen their authority with a ring on their right hand on the middle finger. Nationalities, accustomed to serious reflection, meditation, most often chose rings on the ring finger, little finger of the left hand.

The meaning of wearing rings on the fingers

What if there are multiple rings?

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Jewelry for a blue dress

Now you can’t even say who and for what reason was the first to put a thin rim of metal, bone or wood on his finger; there are only suggestions that this happened in ancient Egypt. However, since then, the rings have become a constant symbol of supreme power, infinity and love. And at the same time acquired a strong reputation as a magical item. Apparently, that is why they remained an attribute of the ruling elite for a long time, forbidden to ordinary people. And when the rings nevertheless descended into the people, they quickly became the main "characters" of many signs and mysterious rites. So on which hand can you wear a ring and which finger what does it mean?

General signs about rings

Perhaps it will be difficult to find a thing that human rumor would endow with the same number of mystical properties.

The meaning of wearing rings in women on the right or left hand

If the ring itself served our ancestors as a talisman, a talisman for good luck, a focus of power, wisdom, and even a kind of connecting channel with the Universe - many peoples believed that divine forces constantly flow through the hole in the ring - then the finger on which it rested , was also not so simple. It is today that we wear jewelry as we please, focusing only on our taste, fashion or momentary desire. People in ancient times approached this issue much more seriously. After all, a ring worn on one or another finger came into contact with it and, therefore, could influence the state of mind of its owner. And sometimes to correct in one direction or another the circumstances of his life!

If a girl wears on her thumb

A ring on your thumb will draw attention to you.

The first finger on the palm is responsible for intelligence and logic. And also for such "purely masculine" qualities of character as will, desire for victory and unbending courage. If a young lady feels that she lacks all this, a golden ring on the thumb of her right hand can serve as a stimulus for the development of the necessary qualities. Especially when it is decorated with a pebble of active yellow, red or orange color. If you are a true “iron lady”, who would do well to acquire female intuition and slightly soften the fighting character, put a ring on your left hand. Used to wear the ring on the right? Then replace it with a silver trinket that will calm your violent temper.

When trying on a ring on the thumb, girls should take into account the fact that in our time, many designate their non-traditional sexual orientation in this way. Keep this in mind so you don't end up in an ambiguous situation.

What does it mean to wear on the index

Catchy jewelry on the index finger is worn by ambitious girls

This finger is the focus of our ambitions, organizational skills and desire for power. Many esotericists assure that an energetically strong person is able to bring confusion into someone's aura, just pointing his index finger at the poor fellow in annoyance! Therefore, girls who are angry and quick to say a strong word are advised not to wear gold jewelry here at all, otherwise not only strangers, but also family members will suffer from outbreaks of their bad mood. Better pacify the volcano raging in you with a silver ring with a pale blue, transparent or white stone. And protect yourself from other people's outbursts of rage with a ring on the index finger of your left hand.

What does average mean

Lady Gaga can't deny individuality

The middle finger is your personality. The golden ring worn on him brings harmony to life, develops the ability to introspection and helps personal growth if it is on the right hand. True, experts warn: a massive gold ring on the “middle” finger can provoke a whole series of trials and tribulations. They will really contribute to your spiritual development by teaching many important things, but they will be very difficult. Therefore, it is not recommended for weak and timid persons to experiment with jewelry. Better fasten a modest silver ring on your left hand - here it will act slowly, leisurely and delicately.

For what qualities is the nameless responsible

The ring will strengthen the senses and awaken the creative vein

Several of the most important human energy centers converged in this finger at once. He is responsible for the family, makes sure that love does not fade away in our hearts, is responsible for self-realization, creativity and awakens the vitality of a person. Even in ancient Egypt and Greece, they believed that it was here that a vein or nerve passed, running straight to the heart - that's why the custom was to seal marriages with a ring on the ring finger. If you feel that your affairs of the heart leave much to be desired, inspiration has withered, and optimism is at zero, it makes sense to try to stir them up with a gold rim on the finger of your right hand! With its help, they strengthen and enliven feelings in marriage. But a silver ring is considered not the best choice for a symbol of love. Romantic, but cold, it can mean a clear cooling of feelings between spouses.

Divorced husbands and wives are recommended to wear their rings on the left hand. The ring finger eliminates the influence of previous mistakes on your life and a new feeling will not be slow to appear on the horizon. It is worth noting that some nations do the opposite: for example, Catholics wear a wedding ring during marriage on their left hand, and in the event of a divorce, on their right.

Why can not be worn on the little finger for a long time

Girls with jewelry on their little fingers are sociable and flirtatious.

The smallest finger controls our social activity and the ability to communicate with the outside world. "Beeches" and closed ladies, for whom joining a new team is a martyr's torment, and it is impossible to make a new acquaintance even with the help of social networks, it is recommended to wear gold rings with catchy stones of fiery red-yellow hues on the little finger. In addition, such decoration is considered an effective help in business. If there is plenty of communication in your life and you would like to focus on your own thoughts, strengthen your resolve with a silver ring worn on the little finger of your right hand or a gold ring on your left. But don't wear it for too long! For women who have the habit of constantly decorating their left little finger, palmists and esotericists prophesy loneliness.

Often a ring on the little finger distinguishes coquettes and girls who can easily relate to life. Or unsurpassed intriguers, whose “multiple moves” would be envied by Cardinal Richelieu himself.

What do men's rings mean?

The stronger sex, as usual, has its own way. Although the fingers and their meanings are the same!

On the big

Pushkin considered his ring to be talismans for good luck

In the days of the ancient Hellenes and Romans, this finger was considered a symbol of the masculine principle, and in the most direct, physiological sense, namely, the phallus. In the turbulent Middle Ages, archers wore wide leather or bone rings on this finger - the military "elite" of that time, if you do not take into account the knights. It turns out that the representatives of the stronger sex, seeking to decorate the thumb, subconsciously emphasize or try to stimulate their sexual energy and masculinity! Moreover, there is no big difference whether to put the ring on the right or left hand.


The ring on the left hand indicates imperiousness and uneven character.

Kings, conquerors and born leaders wear their rings here, destined by nature to lead people. It is believed that the decoration on the finger of the right hand is liked by natures strong-willed, strong and prone to making informed decisions. Or those who strive for all this. The situation is worse with the left hand. There is a chance that you have met a domineering and hysterical tyrant who greatly overestimates his abilities.

The ring on the index finger on the right, supporting the ambitious aspirations of its owner, helps him move up the career ladder and achieve his goals.

On average

The owner of such a ring is prone to narcissism.

A man with a precious ring on this finger should take a closer look. If a modest metal strip with a discreet pattern or without it gleams on his hand, you have a balanced person who knows his own worth, but is far from selfishness. A fussy or adorned with a “kilogram” diamond ring, especially worn on the left hand, betrays a self-obsessed narcissist, whose world revolves exclusively around himself. However, exceptions are possible. For example, the nobles in the Middle Ages saved this finger for family jewelry, which was supposed to help them overcome life's difficulties and bring balance to life. Maybe your new acquaintance is the owner of just such an old relic?

It is believed that a ring worn on the middle finger of the right hand attracts wealth.

On the nameless

It's simple - marriage, love or craving for pleasure

There are no surprises here. Just like the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity, the ring symbolizes heart affairs. If a man is not married and not in love, the metal rim on the finger of his right hand speaks of his penchant for pleasure and luxury. According to the tradition that has developed in Russia, divorced couples or widowers wear rings on their left hands.

On the little finger

Wearing rings on the little fingers is preferred by creative individuals.

Not every man will decide to put a ring on this finger, but only one who is distinguished by a creative streak, unbanal thinking and a penchant for adventurism. If such a person goes into business, profits will easily flow into his hands; will be carried away by creativity - he will definitely achieve serious heights in his business. He easily conquers women's hearts, makes friends, makes bold and unconventional decisions. However, a guy with a ring on his left hand can just as easily turn out to be a narcissistic macho, incapable of a deep feeling, or a dodgy liar.

Although the "language of the rings" is considered by many to be an effective tool in determining the character of a person, it is, of course, not worth blindly trusting him. Perhaps your neighbor will turn out to be a sweet and shy woman, despite the craving to decorate her index finger with a gold rim. Or a new acquaintance, an enthusiastic romantic, "peeped" the idea of ​​​​wearing a ring on the little finger of a friend's left hand. However, taking note of the idea and, on occasion, testing its veracity in practice is a tempting idea. What if something really interesting happens?