The best snowmen from socks for the exhibition. Do-it-yourself snowman from a sock step by step instructions. Required tools to create

How to make a Snowman from socks step by step with a photo.

New Year's gift - a souvenir with your own hands. Master class with step by step photos.

Pukhanova Natalia Vladimirovna, teacher of additional education, Zheleznogorsk social assistance center, Zheleznogorsk, Kursk region.
Description: this master class is intended for children of primary and senior school age, educators, teachers of additional education, parents and creative people.
Purpose: gift - souvenir, interior decoration.
Target: production of a New Year's gift - a souvenir.
- develop fine motor skills of hands and eye;
- educate independence, initiative, accuracy;
- Make you want to do your own crafts.

snowman, snowman
He is neither small nor big
We blinded him
And then forgot
And in the morning the snow melted
And our man disappeared
He was snowy
snowy snowy
And so soft and fluffy
After school we again
Let's walk in the yard
We blind another
Snowy - not - wet.
D. Alverno

snowman story
The history of the creation of the first snowman takes us back to 1493. It was then that Michelangelo Buonarotti, a sculptor, poet and architect, made the first snow figure. The first written mention of a beautiful huge snowman is found in one of the books of the 18th century. The 19th century was marked by a “thaw” in human relations with snowmen. These winter beauties become good heroes of holiday fairy tales, integral attributes of New Year's cards. And also forever settle in loving children's hearts.
In the old days, winter, severe frosts brought a lot of trouble and trouble to a person. It was then that a belief appeared about the threats that a kind of snow sculpture could inflict on people. Therefore, snowmen were portrayed as huge snow monsters. There was a belief that a snowman made on a full moon could bring misfortune to a person and bestow nightmares. In Rus', they also believed in the magical power of snowmen. Therefore, they were asked to reduce severe frosts. But since our ancestors believed that snowfalls and blizzards were led by female spirits, then female snow figures - women - were sculpted in the yards.
A Christian legend gives us an amazing look at snowmen. It is she who says that snow is a gift from heaven, and snowmen are angels. They are able to convey to God the prayers and requests of people. Therefore, having made a little snowman, you can whisper your innermost in his ear. And as soon as the winter miracle melted away, the wish was delivered to heaven and was sure to come true. If suddenly a snowman plays a major role in your fabulous color dream, be sure that great news related to your soulmate awaits you. But if the snowman caused bad emotions in a dream, the news received is unlikely to please you. And to spoil or break a snow sculpture - to fight with your own feelings.

Europeans have always sought to luxuriously decorate their winter figure. They wrapped her well in scarves, gave her a thick broom in her hands, and decorated her with garlands. Some elements of snowmen have a symbolic meaning. For example, a carrot nose could appease the gods of fertility and harvest. A hat in the form of an inverted bucket promised prosperity and wealth to the family. Beads from heads of garlic (Romanian custom) are able to protect the family from ailments and pranksters - evil spirits. Today, this fun winter adventure with snowmen is an integral part of our winter holidays. And snowmen carry only positive emotions, feelings of cloudless childhood and joy. You can honor this snowy handsome man on January 18, when they celebrate Snowman Day.
Materials needed for work:
White cotton and colored terry socks;
Groats rice;
Decorative ornaments: buttons, eyes, knitwear for a scarf;
Glue gun.

Glue Gun Safety Rules:
1. Do not leave the glue gun unattended.
2. When working, place only on a stand.
3. Work with a serviceable tool.
4. Do not touch the heated tip of the gun.
5. At the end of work, unplug.

Step by step workflow:

1. To make a snowman, take a white sock and cut off a part to the heel.

2. Pour rice into the bottom of the sock.

3. We sew manually and fix the top of our snowman.

4. We outline approximately the middle of the snowman (we leave more cereals in the lower part) and bandage it. It turned out the head of a snowman.

5. In a children's terry sock, cut out the heel and cut off the sock.

6. We hem the lower part on both sides with hidden stitches.
This will be the snowman's blouse.

7. The edge without elastic on the wrong side is sewn up and turned inside out.

8. We make pompoms on the cap.
We take a piece of cardboard and put a thread for knitting on it.

9. We wind the threads on the cardboard.

10. We tie with a thread and cut in the center.

11. We make two pompoms for a hat.

12. Sew pom-poms onto the hat.
We dress the snowman with a blouse, a hat.

13. Sew the buttons to the blouse, glue the nose and eyes with hot glue.

14. With the help of black threads we make a mouth.

15. Prepare a scarf for the snowman.
We cut off the jersey and make small cuts at the ends.

16. We tie a scarf to a snowman and make his cheeks with lipstick or gloss.
Our snowman is ready!

Wonderful gifts - souvenirs we got.

On New Year's Eve, shop windows are full of all kinds of toys, decorative crafts, bright flower arrangements and other tinsel, which is very difficult to pass by. Endless purchases do not affect the family budget in the best way, and many expenses can be avoided if you learn how to make jewelry yourself. Handmade decor is always unique and original gizmos that will be a good gift and warm you with their warmth on cold winter evenings. If you have never tried your hand at the field, start with simple and unpretentious options that allow you to show your creativity, but do not require special skills and abilities. With the help of our step-by-step instructions, you can quickly make a funny snowman from the simplest materials that you always have on hand. Such a decorative toy will add New Year's notes to the interior and will surely appeal to the kids, whom you can involve in creative work. So let's get started.


  • scissors,
  • Super glue,
  • wide tape,
  • 1 kg of rice
  • cotton or knitted sock,
  • thread,
  • a few buttons
  • decorative pins,
  • a small piece of cloth.


1. Cut the sock into two parts, retreating a few centimeters from the heel line.

2. We will use the top half right away (it will serve as the base for the snowman), and the bottom half will be needed later for decorative purposes, so you can put it aside for now.

3. Turn the top of the sock inside out.

4. Tie the end of the sock tightly with a thread. You should get a reliable knot that will firmly fix the base of the snowman.

5. Turn the sock right side out again.

6. Take a wide tape and put a sock on it so that its tied part is inside the ring, and the free end is fixed on the roll itself. This step is necessary in order to make it convenient to pour rice into the sock.

7. Now gently spoon in the grits with a spoon to shape the snowman. The more rice you add, the bigger the toy will be. In our case, it took about 1 kg of cereal - this was enough for the snowman to become round and elastic, but at the same time retain plasticity.

8. Now form the body and head of the snowman with your hands, spreading the rice in the sock so that there is more grits in the bottom half than in the top of the toy.

9. Tie the sock at the top, trying to secure the base of the snowman tightly. Remember that the toy weighs about a kilogram, so the fixation should be as strong as possible.

10. Select the head of the snowman by winding the thread around it several times.

11. Now it's time to become a real stylist, because the finished look of the snowman depends entirely on your taste and creative fuse. Buttons and colored pins are responsible for the clothes and appearance of your winter friend.

12. First, tie a small piece of fabric around the snowman's makeshift neck to disguise the threads and give the character a mandatory attribute - a scarf.

13. Turn the remaining half of the sock several times to give the desired size, and use it as a snowman's hat.

14. Gently apply super glue to the buttons and fasten them to the body of the toy.

15. It remains only to give the snowman a bright appearance. To do this, fasten pins with colored ball tips on the toy's head to form a pretty face.

Your snow hero is ready. It will be an excellent Christmas decoration that can complement the Christmas tree composition or be used as an independent decor.

By approaching the issue creatively, you can make truly unique toys that will bring joy and positive energy to the house. Use original details that can give your craft bright features.

Knitted hats, colored scarves and other original items will help you make different characters, each of which will have its own character. Having made several toys at once, you can act out performances and funny scenes for children or use them to compose a thematic static scene.


  • If you plan to use the snowman as a children's toy, then all the details should not be glued, but sewn securely with threads, and small buttons or beads should be used as eyes, not pins.
  • The rice at the base of the snowman is a good absorber of moisture, so the toy can be used for this purpose in car cabins.
  • To make the snowman more fluffy, use terry socks with voluminous pile.

Prepared based on

There is very little left before the New Year 2017. This wonderful magical holiday is awaited with great impatience not only by children, but also by adults. Of course, many are already making New Year and Christmas decorations. This time my eldest son and I decided to make a snowman out of socks. Since the snowman is a very famous New Year's character and is even one of the main characters of our favorite fairy tales.
To make our snowman, we need:

  • socks 3 pcs. (1 white and 2 colored);
  • buttons 4 pcs. (2 black and 2 color);
  • elastic bands thin 2 pcs.;
  • cereals and salt;
  • Super glue;
  • cardboard;
  • scissors.

1. Cut out a small circle from cardboard. I just circled the glass, so the circle turned out to be even and the size I needed. Its size directly depends on the size of the sock. Next I will explain why.

2. We take a medium-sized white sock and insert a circle of cardboard into it, so that our future snowman stands steadily, and does not sway from side to side, much less fall.

3. We put the sock and carefully pour the cereal into it. We used pearl barley, due to its low cost compared to other cereals, but millet, rice, and even buckwheat are quite suitable. In order to subsequently prevent worms from starting in the cereal, it is advisable to add a little coarse salt.

4. Now, with the help of thin rubber bands, we make the body and head of the snowman. We used rubber bands from banknotes. In principle, you can use dense threads instead of rubber bands. And cut off the excess fabric with scissors on top of the sock.

5. Next, take the second medium-sized sock and cut off the upper part - where the elastic is. My sisters and I used to make skirts for dolls in childhood. And for the snowman, it will be a jacket-fur coat. It is better to take the third sock in a small size, that is, for children, since we will make a hat for a snowman from it. On the contrary, we cut off a place for fingers from it.

And having slightly bent from top to inside, we make a hat, which can later be decorated with a shiny button a little to one side.

6. Then we take the buttons. From two black ones we make eyes, and from two colored ones (we took in the form of sweets) we make an ornament on a jacket-fur coat, gluing them with super glue.

7. Well, what is a snowman without a nose. We made a nose from a brush, or rather from its handle. She accidentally caught my eye when I was thinking of what to make a snowman's nose out of. The fact is that our brush is made of brown plastic. And we easily cut off a piece with scissors and with the help of super glue attached a nose to a snowman.

But you can make a nose from a brown or orange colored pencil lead.
Here we have such a cute snowman.

You can put it under the Christmas tree or add an element to the Christmas craft.


New Year's Eve is full of various preparations for the winter holidays. And recently there has been a trend when the New Year's decor at home or office is done independently. A house decorated with homemade decor items has a more cozy and soulful atmosphere. A small snowman made from a sock with your own hands will be a good decoration. Having spent quite a bit of time and without any extra financial costs, we will quickly make a cute snowman that will become a real symbol of the New Year.

Sock snowman (two balls)

This handmade toy can be presented to friends or made part of the New Year's decor.

For work you will need:

  1. White socks or stockings;
  2. 2 black beads (for eyes);
  3. Rope, rubber bands, threads;
  4. 1-2 tbsp. dry rice;
  5. Scissors;
  6. felt-tip pens;
  7. Toothpick;

Manufacturing instructions

So how do you make a snowman out of a sock? One sock or white golf, cut it into two parts in the heel area.

We take the upper part from the sock, tighten the edge of the cut with a thread or rubber band.

Turn right side out so that the knot is inside.

We put the resulting bag vertically on the table and fill it to the top with any filler.

In our case, we use dry rice, because. it will not clearly show through a white fabric, unlike buckwheat, millet or corn grits. Filling the body with cereals, we carefully tamp it down, periodically tapping the bag on the surface of the table. The top of the filled bag, as well as the bottom, is tightened with an elastic band or white thread. We tighten quite tightly so that the cereal does not spill out.

We mentally divide the resulting “torso” in half, move up a couple of centimeters and pull the body in this place with a white thread or elastic band. We got the head and body of a snowman.

Now let's deal with the face of the toy. We will make the eyes from black beads or large beads (sew or glue). We make the nose from a half of a toothpick, previously painted with an orange felt-tip pen. Just stick a toothpick into the bag. Draw cheeks with a red felt-tip pen.

From the second half of the sock we make a headdress for the snowman. To do this, cut off the heel part, aligning the edges of the cut. Turn the sock inside out. We turn off the cut edge of the sock by 1-2 cm, forming a fur trim of the cap.

To give the product a complete look, we make a scarf from a patch of colored fabric.

We sew 2-3 multi-colored buttons on the front of the body. The hat can be decorated with hearts, stars cut out of multi-colored fabric. In any case, the imagination will indicate the correct solution, and in a matter of minutes you will have a toy snowman made from an ordinary sock flaunting in front of you.

Sock snowman (three balls)

It just so happened that we are more accustomed to seeing three-ball snowmen. It was these snowmen that we all sculpted in the winter in childhood.

For work you will need:

  1. White sock or golf;
  2. Patterned toe;
  3. 2 black beads (for eyes);
  4. 2-3 multi-colored buttons of different diameters;
  5. Rope, elastic, thread;
  6. 1-2 tbsp. dry rice;
  7. Scissors;
  8. felt-tip pens;
  9. Toothpick;
  10. Scraps of fabric, ribbons, braid, beads (for decoration).

Manufacturing instructions

For such a toy, we make a blank in exactly the same way as described above. Only now we divide not into two parts, but into three. Trying to make the top ball smaller, the middle one a little bigger and the bottom one the largest. This will give the toy more realism and make it stable. We firmly fix the boundaries between the balls with white threads or elastic bands.

Now let's dress our snowman in a cheerful blouse and hat. To do this, we select a sock with a pattern, cut it into 2-3 parts, removing the heel. We put the upper flat part of the sock on the middle ball-torso, tuck the upper part, forming a gate.

Sew a couple of buttons on the front. We sew small pockets from a fabric of a different contrasting color or decorate the snowman's clothes in a different way. To prevent the blouse from sleeping, we fix it with a ribbon on the neck, tying a bow. You can also tie a scarf around your neck.

From the other part of the sock we make a hat. We put it on the head, turn the edge outward by a centimeter. Tie the top of the hat with a ribbon. You will get something like a pom-pom.

You can also sew a beautiful button on the hat or decorate it with sequins, beads or appliqué.

To decorate the face, sew on two black beads-eyes. We make the nose from a large orange bead. We outline the mouth with a red or black thread, making several large stitches. Here is another New Year's snowman ready.

There are many options for making Snowmen from a sock. You can try different color combinations and textures. A brown, red or black snowman will look very original. As a filler, instead of cereals, you can use synthetic winterizer or cotton wool. Then you get a cute soft toy. You can also use socks of different quality: regular, coarse or curly knit, terry, etc.

You can experiment with the body: attach arms, legs, give the body some other unusual shape. You can reward the snowman with a broom or a slingshot - you get a Snowman Boy. And if you attach pigtails, put on a dress, you get a snowman girl.

All the materials necessary for the manufacture of toys can be easily found at home. And the process itself is pretty easy to master. In addition, children or other family members can be attached to it. They will love this New Year's Eve fun activity. It will help to move away from everyday problems, tune in to a festive mood and unite all family members.

With such funny snowmen you can decorate the mantelpiece, window sill. Put them under the Christmas tree or, having attached loops, hang them on the forest beauty herself. It would not be superfluous to put a couple of snowmen on the New Year's table - this will give the serving a special New Year's charm. And when the holidays are over, these kind cute toys will remind you of fun winter days for a long time to come.

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Today we will tell you how to make a cute and very pleasant to the touch snowman from a sock with your own hands. The main advantage of this New Year's craft is that even someone who does not know how to sew at all can make it: needlework skills are not required here.

We invite you to use the simple step-by-step video instructions and take a look at some ideas for creating accessories for this New Year's character. They will come in handy for inspiration.

What will we need?

  • white sock (terry socks look very nice)
  • rice, semolina or flour
  • transparent glue
  • eye beads
  • buttons, threads, bows, pieces of felt, etc. (For decoration)

How to do?

There are no special tricks in the process of making a snowman. You just need to cut off a piece of the sock, fill the product with grits, and then tightly bandage it in several places. Then it remains only to sew on the eyes, make a nose and decorate Santa Claus's assistant to your liking.

If this task seems difficult to you, take a look at the step-by-step master classes.

Rice sock snowman

Please note that all decorations are simply tied or glued on. You can sew them on if you wish. Moreover, this can be done in advance - before filling the sock with grits.

Put such a snowman on the table or give it to your loved ones for the New Year. Holding it in your hands is a pleasure!

Snowman from a sock with semolina, flour or starch

Take flour only as a last resort, because its particles can fly out through the sock. If there is nothing else at hand, then double the sock.

If you take starch as a filler, the snowman will creak pleasantly when you pick it up. Just like snow!

By the way, this toy can work as an antistress. If you had a busy day on the eve of the New Year, be sure to remember this wonderful craft when you return home. If you knead it with your hands, you can calm down pretty quickly.

Snowman from a sock and cotton wool

Any of the above master classes can be repeated using cotton wool. If you don't like the idea of ​​filling the toy with grits, use cotton.

Before using cotton wool, be sure to fluff it well with your hands, and then stuff the sock in small portions. Just keep in mind that over time, cotton wool will roll into lumps and still compact. This means that the toy may lose its shape a little. But if you want to hang snowmen from socks on a Christmas tree, nothing threatens them, so they will not deform under their own weight.

decor ideas

You can decorate ready-made toys in different ways. You can cut out small details from felt and sew or stick them on. Socks in other colors can be used to make a simple and fun snowman hat. Also, buttons and various beads will go well.

Take a look at a few ready-made options. Perhaps you will find exactly what you like here.