What to wear to a club for a girl in the spring. What to wear to a club for a girl photo

Today's article on the Trick website is dedicated to the wardrobe, and not simple, but clockwork. We are answering this question today.

Today's life (especially young) is full of incendiary holidays and parties. Therefore, it is very important to know what will be appropriate to wear in a particular case. Besides, fashion is a capricious lady. What was a great decision a year ago may very well be considered ridiculous today.

What to wear to a nightclub: the basics

What pops into your mind when they say "nightclub"? I give a tooth: darkness, bright rays of light, movement, people. And how to stand out from this darkness and crowds of people? That's right, with your appearance. That is why the clothes for the club should be very noticeable.

If you want to blend in with the crowd, wear dark. Otherwise stock up little things with glitter, embroidery with steel threads and all that. give preference bright colors.

Do not forget that nightclubs often use ultraviolet lamps, which make white(and generally light, but less) the fabric glows. Use it.

What to wear to the club today? Of course, bright clothes!

Accessories Another weapon of yours. A stylish belt will accentuate your waist, naughty earrings will add coquetry to you, and a few thin bracelets will emphasize your fragility. At the disco, jewelry will never be superfluous (after all, you should shine!), But expensive jewelry with diamonds is something that you definitely shouldn’t wear to the club. Losing an earring or breaking a chain in a club is a trifling matter, it will be very disappointing after, right?

Now about shoesconvenience

What to wear to a nightclub for a girl: examples

So, we figured out the color and other things. But what exactly to wear to a nightclub? It is easier for young men in this regard - they have little choice. For the club, they will need jeans or trousers, as well as a T-shirt, shirt or even a jumper. But with girls it’s more interesting - for them, a set of club clothes can be the most diverse.

So, what to wear to a nightclub for a girl? The site site offers you five win-win options:

1. Little shorts and quite long tight T-shirt or tunic. It will work out well if the tunic almost covers the shorts - this gives the image a special charm. This option is ideal for slender fragile girls.

Set for the club: shorts and an alcoholic T-shirt

2. Tight pants and top, embroidered with beads or something similar. It would be nice to add a shiny belt and high-heeled shoes (sandals) to the trousers.

3. Skirt and top- a win-win. If you have a short layered (fluffy) skirt, you are guaranteed a mischievous look at the party. And shiny thin bracelets (five things) will be the very necessary highlight.

Fancy skirt in a nightclub

4. Dresses- tight and not so - will never cease to be relevant at a party. The main requirement for the dress here is a short length. You must always remember that wearing a dress below the knee to a nightclub is a bad idea. In this case, you will inexorably feel in a case. .

What to wear to an expensive club: sparkling dresses

5. Leggings(or tight pants) and a spacious shirt-dress(better in a large cage). This option is especially good for those who do not want to show their body. Don't know, or tummy? Then this option is for you!

What to wear to the club to hide the fullness: leggings and a tunic

The club is not an expensive restaurant, in which your clothes will be closely examined, estimating the amount of money paid for it. Whether purchased clothing in Kemerovo or in Milan, it is suitable for a nightclub. The main thing is that it sits perfectly and does not cause discomfort.

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Don't overheat!

Nightclubs are designed for the presence of a large number of people. And the temperature is right there. Therefore, when choosing, do not stop your choice on woolen things. Do not wear shirts with sleeves, and pantyhose under trousers is generally a terrible idea. You don't want to break out in a big sweat after just a few minutes of being on the dance floor, do you?

Number of naked body

Go to clubs mostly look at others and show yourself. It is believed that the more attractive, sexy and attractive you look to the opposite sex, the better. Therefore, many believe that you need to wear the most revealing outfits to a nightclub.

This is true if you are looking for a companion for the night and entertainment with him. If short flings are not for you, try not to make your outfit too frivolous and provocative.

What to wear to a private club for a fashionable girl

Also, remember that the club is full of people and usually crowded. That's why tactile contacts cannot be avoided for sure. When choosing what to wear to the club, think about your comfort. If you expose this part of the body, will you be comfortable if someone unfamiliar (even inadvertently) touches it? If yes, feel free to get naked!

In conclusion, I will say: in the club, as elsewhere, your appearance and neatness are very important. Purchased dresses in Kemerovo can look much better than the expensive Milanese ones if you accidentally spilled a bowl of soup on the latter before leaving. Well, who would be pleased to be next to the dirty? Therefore, when choosing what to wear to a nightclub, opt for tidy clothes. Who cares that this piece of clothing is worth a lot of money if it has a bowl of soup or a hole in it?

Pestova Vasilisa - especially for the Trick site

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Preparing for their first outing, many girls are wondering: what to wear to the club? Each of us wants to impress, show ourselves in all its glory, become the star of the party. Unfortunately, not everyone is able to do this.

First of all, remember that preparing for a party is not a job. Don't go to great lengths to just go out and have fun. Many pseudo-fashion sites convince young ladies that going to a nightclub should be taken responsibly, make-up, hair, pick up a great outfit. This is not entirely correct, because if you do not feel comfortable with extended eyelashes, on a hairpin of 20 centimeters and in a mini skirt, then you are unlikely to be able to relax this night. When choosing an outfit, think about the dress code of the club and do not forget about your own style. If you keep your natural image, slightly embellishing it - this night will be yours.

A lot of articles have been written about how to dress in a club or any other event, several dozens of TV shows have been filmed, but nevertheless, the girls are lost when opening their closet with clothes. Let's try to systematize these tips into a few rules.

Rule 1: If you don't know what to wear to the club, and there is only half an hour left before the party, take a little black dress in the style of Coco Chanel (it should be in the wardrobe of every girl). hides flaws and emphasizes advantages. A dress is a versatile outfit for all occasions, unless you're going to a hip-hop party, of course. Accessories in any style will suit your look. Classics - gold or silver jewelry on the neck, arms or ears, clutch and stilettos. If you want to make your outfit more modern, add colors. It can be pink shoes and an orange clutch or a sequined bag and shiny sandals. Do not be afraid to be bright and catchy, any crazy ideas are welcome.

Rule 2: If you go to a youth club where there is no strict face control, choose classic blue jeans and a white alcoholic tank top. Like this basic look, it is worth diluting it with a few bright accents, such as a fuchsia clutch or neon platform shoes. Makeup in this case should be bright. Choose whether you emphasize the lips or the eyes. Eye makeup - only black universal smokey ice, but it is better to make up lips with either bright scarlet or pink lipstick. It will be enough to wash and straighten the hair. Believe me, young people are attracted to natural beauty, not a ton of "plaster".

Rule 3: When discussing with friends about what to wear to a club, choose outfits in the same style, but different from each other. If you agreed to be feminine this night, then let it be short in different bright colors. In this case, everyone at this party will talk about your bachelorette party.

Rule 4: Do not add years to yourself by creating a new image. Many young ladies who are not yet 18, going to a night out for the first time, want to appear older, and therefore make incredible bouffants on their heads, choose clothes that do not fit, visually increasing volumes, and do terrible bright makeup. Don't make other people's mistakes.

Rule 5: If you go to a club where everything depends on face control at the entrance, then you should be especially careful with your image. As a rule, in elite Moscow clubs, they look at the appearance in general, at the grooming of the guest, his clothes and surroundings. What to wear to a club for a girl who does not have the funds to buy branded clothes? There is a way out - the mass market! Sometimes it's hard to hide the true price of a thing, but if you know how to present and sell yourself, you know how to combine the incongruous and look 100%, then you will certainly succeed! Unfortunately, not everyone has the taste and ability for this, but you need to try and learn from your own mistakes. Flip through magazines, repeat the images of Hollywood stars, go shopping more, be bold in your decisions. Having learned how to show yourself in you will understand how to defeat everyone in your image at night, and you will no longer think about what to wear to the club next time!

A hard working week has passed, and Friday has come - it's time to relax! The concept of rest is different for everyone. But what this concept can mean for many residents of large cities:

  • Go to bed early and get a good night's sleep before the new work week;
  • Actively have fun in nature (walk with the family, organize a picnic, go out of town);
  • Do nothing at all, watch TV shows, sleep, go nowhere;
  • How to have fun or go to an entertainment venue.

If you like the last item on the list, then this article is for you. Choose any place you want to go - a rock bar, a nightclub, a quiet lamp cafe, etc.

If the place is determined, then it's time to choose how to dress for the club? First you need to understand the current fashion trends and find out what modern partygoers wear to the club? Casual or work attire is absolutely not suitable for going to a club. Before choosing what to wear to the club, remember a few simple rules: clothes and shoes should be comfortable, original and bright enough! Just do not forget that in ripped jeans they may not be allowed into establishments with a strict dress code.

There is nothing surprising in the fact that not everyone knows how to dress in a nightclub. The frantic pace of life and daily fuss does not allow everyone to escape and unwind. So among the people there are those who do not even know where and how to go to the club.

In this article, we will give some tips about clothing. We will tell you how to dress in a club, we will tell you how to dress in a bar. And also we will advise how to dress in a club for a girl and a guy.

To answer this question, you need to look at what other people you don't know wear in the club. You can easily recognize this on the websites of nightclubs - every decent establishment has a photo report of holidays and events. Go and look at the photos and you will see many options for how to go to the club. Some people start looking on the Internet - what to wear to a photo club or what to wear to a photo club for a girl. We do not advise you to do this - search engines will give you old photographs, and most often humorous ones. Do not look for past years either - what to wear to the club in 2016 - you risk choosing an unfashionable outfit. You will not find a solution to your problem on the Internet. Look for the answer in yourself, you know better what suits you. Do not ask your friends what to wear to a nightclub. Your tastes may differ, and you will not agree on one. Choose an outfit of your choice.

What to wear to a nightclub. Outfits for your character

It is much more difficult to choose what to wear to a club for a girl. There are so many important factors when choosing an outfit! It all depends on your mood, health, wardrobe and other important items. So many things that you can't decide what to wear to a nightclub? We will show you how to choose an outfit for going to a nightclub!

If you are a fairly sophisticated girl, then you will suit:

  • light silk dresses
  • lace tops,
  • soft blouses.

Show all your sensuality in your outfit! Examples of what we can wear to the club

Examples of what we can wear to the club

Bright style is well suited for creative girls who want to make a statement - ripped jeans, yellow sneakers and a pink top! The most important thing in this outfit - do not overdo it with brightness!

What to wear a bright girl in a club?

If you want to look glamorous and defiant - sparkle with your outfits, most importantly, shine in moderation! Opt for bodycon dresses with sequins and sparkling fabrics so that the light reflects off you into the eyes of others!

What to dress a glamorous girl in a club? Examples of how to be the most stylish in the club?

Keep in mind that the above tips do not give a complete picture of how what to wear to a girl in a club. You can emphasize the beauty of your legs with tight leggings or leggings. It will be comfortable to dance and move in them, and leggings made of leather or made of elastic look very sexy. The right combination of leggings - tunic - heels will not leave indifferent any man on the dance floor!

If you decide to shine, then shine! This means that the shoes must be great. Remember that no one will let you into a decent establishment in sneakers or worn worn shoes, so carefully choose what to wear to a club for a girl. Your shoes should be neat and well-groomed, fully consistent with the chosen style. Heels will always be in fashion, just remember, if you are going to have fun and dance, do not overdo it with the height of the stilettos so as not to overload your legs! Untimely ill legs can ruin your evening, and you have to go home. And a girl in high heels always looks great and very feminine, even if she is wearing jeans.

If you decide to dance all evening, then opt for comfortable shoes: ballet flats, moccasins, shoes with low heels. Rhinestones, glitter, reflective surfaces are welcome on shoes. Feel free to stand out from the crowd!

Once again, review what a girl should wear to a club, the photos are presented above. Choose what suits you best! Carefully choose what to wear to the club in order to remain satisfied in the evening. Do not be shy of your desires, experiment in creating an image!

Do not be surprised, a person of any age wants to relax! However, for this age there are several nuances about what to wear to a club for a woman over 40. And if search queries on how to dress in a nightclub for a girl photo help the young at least somehow, then you are unlikely. Surely you have friends who can tell you how women of your age dress in a club. It should be understood that clothing should carefully hide the existing flaws of the figure and emphasize the dignity. And at this age, a woman already knows for sure what suits her the most. The most important thing for you is to remain feminine and attract more and more fans with your outfits!

Examples of beautiful outfits for the club

If everything is more or less clear with the fair sex, and now we know what to wear to the club for a girl, then we didn’t say anything about the guys at all. Not only girls think about what to wear to the club, but also guys. For the stronger sex, we also prepared some tips and will try to tell you how to dress a guy in a club.

How should a guy dress for a club?

Always dress appropriately. If you want to unwind, then choose a light and comfortable clothing option (it can be jeans, a T-shirt with a unique and trendy print, light comfortable shoes). Of course, you should dress according to the dress code of the institution you are going to visit. Do not wear sneakers, otherwise you will not be allowed anywhere!

How to dress nicely in a club? Now let's look at this issue in detail. Feeling the excitement of going to a club if it has not yet become "home" is quite normal. Especially if you have to go to an insanely popular, pretentious place called the "golden youth". I would like not to lose face and look stylish, fresh and, what is very important, attractive. To do this, you need to be sure that everything is perfect - from the tips of the toes to the tips of the ears. How to dress for the club? In order not to miss something important, you need to follow some recommendations.

So, how to dress in a nightclub? First you need to decide for what purpose the girl is sent to this institution. If, among other things, there is a desire to stand out, then you should choose unusual clothes. However, it must be remembered that most nightclubs have face control, which vigilantly monitors that only the most beautiful and stylish ones turn out to be in the club. Therefore, some things, even if they are the most convenient and comfortable, should be excluded.


First of all, this applies, of course, to shapeless clothes or heavily worn items. When going to the club, all kinds of sportswear are also taboo. Sneakers, however, can come in handy. To run home. You should also not try too hard, otherwise the outfit will turn out to be defiant and tasteless, which, even if you are lucky to get into the club, will not make the girl not only a star, but will not even attract due attention to her. She, of course, will be noticed and noted, but from the negative side.

So how do you dress for a club? The first rule is that the clothes should fit perfectly, fit snugly and emphasize all the advantages of the girl. To be bright, you can wear a voluminous skirt or an interesting cut of trousers. An excellent option would be a stylish jumpsuit or a fashionable dress. Also, the accents must be correctly placed in the image. The club is not a business meeting, and therefore you can safely wear all kinds of earrings, bracelets, chains and rings. However, in this case, the measure is above all, otherwise the girl will be like a magpie, who has collected everything bright and shiny.

How to dress in a nightclub? It is important to pay attention to the color of the outfit. If the choice fell on a black dress, jumpsuit or set, then they should be incredibly interesting cut and style, otherwise the girl runs the risk of going unnoticed in the dark. It is best to choose things in bright colors. Sequined dresses or a skirt with a slight sheen are also great options.

How to dress in style in a club? In many of these establishments, ultraviolet lighting is specifically used to prevent the dancers from becoming a dark mass moving to the music. White things in such lighting shimmer in different colors, which can be a great way to draw attention to yourself. It is not necessary for this to completely dress in snow-white. It is even better if only the most advantageous part of the body glows.

Another element of the image that you need to remember is the bag. You don’t need to carry a huge bag with you, in which a lot of things fit when going to work, walking or to the university. It is better to opt for a clutch - a bright color or decorated with sparkles.


What is the best way to dress for the club? Under any circumstances, the best outfit option for such an establishment, of course, is a dress. This is a winning option for any woman, if, of course, you choose the right style. If everything sits and looks the way it should be, then a pretty guy will definitely like the girl. The length of the dress is not important. However, extreme minis look rather vulgar or at least frivolous.

Dresses on the floor, on the contrary, add sophistication to the outfit, but at the same time they can add excessive severity and isolation. In addition, an outfit that is too long can create inconvenience when dancing. It is best to visit the club to choose a dress, the length of which is slightly above the knee. There are no specific style recommendations. It is better to choose what is now in trend and be sure only the dress that fits perfectly.

Skirts, trousers

How else can you dress for the club? You don’t have to be upset if you couldn’t find the right dress, because you can go to such an institution in both trousers and a skirt. But you need to know how to choose these things. The length of the skirt, for example, should be the same as the dress, although the long version does not look so strict, especially when combined with a smart T-shirt, blouse or shirt. There is only one condition - things should “look” with each other. If your own taste does not inspire confidence, then you can consult with a friend. As for accessories, the rules for them are always the same: presence, but not too much. In addition, it is good if they are combined in style or are a set. And if they do differ, then mixing them should be interesting.

As for trousers, they should not be strict, as from a working set, and not as simple as everyday ones (especially for jeans). And it’s even better not to wear too tight ones so that they do not constrain movements, preventing them from dancing. You can combine pants with blouses, tops, shirts, jackets and vests. And, of course, do not forget about accessories, especially if jeans are included in the kit. The outfit should be diversified with an interesting belt buckle or a bright scarf.


Extremely short shorts will help to add an image of sexuality. It does not look as vulgar as in the case of a skirt, and rather creates intrigue than immediately opens it. Suitable, however, only for girls with a perfect figure and long legs. They are better off with denim shorts. Sports for obvious reasons will not work. You can combine them with a translucent blouse or a tight-fitting T-shirt. The tunic, almost covering the shorts, also looks great.

How to dress in a club, if you need to hide some figure flaws, such as the stomach or hips? In this case, it is best to choose tight leggings, leggings or trousers, and put on an elongated shirt or tunic on top. It will look great, for example, a checkered pattern.


We figured out how to dress beautifully in the club. Now let's talk about what to wear. Shoes are a very important part of a club look. It's practically a highlight. Shoes, sandals or boots can be combined with a set, or, on the contrary, they can deliberately stand out from the image, drawing attention to the legs. However, this does not mean that stilettos of incredible height are a good option, because people go to the club not only to show off and sit at a table, but it is unlikely that they will be able to dance in such shoes.

Sports and casual shoes such as ballet flats, flip-flops, sneakers or sneakers are definitely not suitable. Although it will be convenient to dance in it, the girl will not look spectacular. It is better to buy shoes with a small heel, the simplest example is classic “boats” or wedge sandals.

Let's complete the image

Having dealt with the outfit, you can proceed to the hairstyle. Do not be too zealous, weaving locks and incredible figures on your head. Firstly, no one in the club will appreciate this, and secondly, the hairstyle will still fall apart from dancing after a few hours.

There are two opposite options, using one of which, you can complete the image of a spectacular beauty. For the club, it is best to simply make curls or straighten your hair.

Owners of a short haircut should make an interesting, but simple and at the same time stylish styling. Hairspray and mousse or wax will help in creating hairstyles. With these funds, the main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise the hair will look unnatural.


Now you know how to dress fashionably in a club. We hope that our tips will help in creating an image. Good luck to you!

On Lily: top, MANGO; trousers, ZARA; bag, COCCINELLE; shoes, DIOR; watch, TISSOT; On Evgenia: jacket, H trousers, SAVAGE; shirt, MARC O'POLO; boots, ALBERTO GUARDIANI; clock, LONGINES

business casual

For business lunches and corporate parties - business casual - smarter than business and a little stricter than everyday style. Wear jeans, but add a shirt, pumps and a blazer to them - it looks great with a skirt or trousers. Classic items in bright colors or with ornaments are also suitable.

Do not get carried away with prints. Avoid outrageous clothes, with ruffles and frills, asymmetrical cut - everything is concise and simple.

  • In order not to seem boring, make bright accents. Use big accessories.
  • Do not wear a formal suit, limit yourself to a jacket or trousers.
  • Exclude things with a deep neckline and an open stomach.
  • Save the overly tight clothes for the nightclub.


On Lily: top, ANNA RITA N; skirt, ZARA; bag, COCCINELLE; jacket, H sandals, KIRA PLASTININA; watch, RODANIA; On Evgenia: bomber jacket, ZARA; trousers, PEOPLE; T-shirt, MARC O'POLO; brogues, CHRISTIAN LOUBOUTIN; belt, HUGO BOSS; clock, LONGINES


Casual - style for every day. But that doesn't mean it's boring. The main thing in everyday style is to constantly experiment, but do not forget about the sense of proportion. Make sure that the basic things - jeans, T-shirts, sweatshirts - do not turn you into a "master of sports" or a summer resident.

Heels are optional, but they will make you slimmer and taller. There is no dress code in our bar, casual is just right for him. But I still don’t recommend wearing leopard leggings, tops with rhinestones and Amazon makeup.

  • Underwear should match the tone of the clothes and not peek out from under it.
  • Short shorts belong on the beach.
  • Replace sneakers with espadrilles or slip-ons.
  • Avoid overly dressy clothes.
  • Choose minimalist accessories, no "chandeliers" on your ears.

On Lily: dress, PINKO; brooch, BELLINI GIOIELLI; bag, KIRA PLASTININA; shoes, MANGO; ring, OXETTE; On Evgenia: jacket, PAL ZILERI; trousers, PAL ZILERI; shirt, SAVAGE; shoes, JIMMY CHOO; butterfly, VAN LAACK; watch, TISSOT

How to dress for a cocktail party

Party? You definitely need a cocktail! The dress is the best outfit for a cocktail party. At your disposal are all kinds of styles of different colors, knee-length or higher, with sequins and feathers, unusual clutches, catchy accessories and luxurious jewelry. Wear trousers in exceptional cases.

Only waitresses can wear a white shirt at an event with such a dress code, and a deep neckline reminds of an ancient profession. Sexuality should look playful, not defiant.

  • Avoid flat shoes.
  • Pick up unusual accessories.
  • You can't imagine clothes better than an evening dress.
  • You are not a Christmas toy, sequin should be in moderation.
  • Leave prints and inscriptions for later.
  • Don't limit yourself to black.

ON Lilies: top, INCITY; skirt, LUBLU KIRA PLASTININA; shoes, FABI; earrings and ring, BELLINI GIOIELLI; pendant, MAGERIT; On Evgeniya: tuxedo, SANDRO; shirt, TRUSSARDI; shoes, CORSOCOMO; butterfly, VAN LAACK; cufflinks, VAN LAACK

Dress code: black tie

Dress in black tie for special occasions. You're almost going to the Academy Awards - take a cue from the stars on the red carpet and prepare in advance. If you don’t have a floor-length dress, borrow it from a friend or rent it, and entrust the styling to the pros.

It is better not to break the black tie: you can be left behind even with an invitation in your hands. I barely got to the Dior show, where I came in shorts. With great difficulty, the producer of the event persuaded me to let me through in an inappropriate way.

  • The length of the skirt or dress should be below the knees, or better - to the floor.
  • You can't do without luxurious jewelry or diamonds.
  • Only heels, no exceptions even in the form of wedges.
  • The clutch should fit a phone and lipstick - and nothing else.

Photographer: Nikolai Zverkov. Stylist: Polina Shabelnikova. Models: Evgeny Zhuk, Lilia(LOOK MODELS). Make-up and hairstyle: Nadezhda Knyazeva (THE AGENT). Manicure: Irina Savchenko, IRINA SAVCHENKO(ORLY). Producer: Katya Graf. Thank you for your help in shooting bar Strelka.