Christmas tree in blue style. Christmas tree: a beautiful decoration with your own hands

Design thought has invented many models of artificial Christmas trees, among which a white Christmas tree occupies a special place. How to decorate a white Christmas tree to give freshness and originality to the New Year's interior? The advice of professionals will help you with this. However, first we turn to the tradition of decorating trees.

Origins of tradition

Decorating the Christmas tree is a very old ritual. Even the ancient Slavs treated trees as symbols, considering them the axis of the universe. The World Tree branches into the heavens, and its roots descend into the underworld. Only the elect and the deities were allowed to walk the Tree, penetrating into other worlds.

The tree at the center of the world is known in many cultures. It was called Great in ancient Indian myths, Giant and Golden it was among the Egyptians. For the ancient Chinese it was an immense mulberry tree in the Valley of Light, for the ancient Scandinavians it was the sacred ash tree. Apparently, it was from these times that the desire to decorate their homes with sacred symbols began.

New Year and Christmas holidays with a decorated Christmas tree are perhaps the brightest in the folk calendar. Both children and adults want to dress up a New Year's tree (tree, pine, fir).
Chronicles date the first mention of decorating a green spruce tree to the beginning of the 17th century. This tradition originated in the French town of Strasbourg. From there came the desire of Europeans to beautifully decorate the Christmas tree with paper flowers, gold foil, real fruits, symbolizing wealth and prosperity in the new year.

The tradition of hanging golden glass balls, reminiscent of the twelve fruits of the Eternal Tree of Heavenly Jerusalem, also appeared at the beginning of the 17th century. The desire of Europeans to have a beautifully decorated Christmas tree in every home led to the start of serial production of Christmas tree decorations.

The top of the Christmas tree is decorated with a bright spire (symbol of the Axis of Peace) or a pointed "Bethlehem" star. The tradition of hanging colorful beads on the Christmas tree also has ancient origins: it is a symbol of the continuity and integrity of life.

The ritual of decorating a Christmas tree with lights is associated with the rites of our distant ancestors, who, kindling a fire, called on heavenly forces for patronage, fulfillment of requests, and inspiration for exploits. It is not surprising that on New Year's Eve, lighting candles, they make the most secret desires.

This tradition is so strong that if you fail to decorate the Christmas tree on New Year's Eve, the holiday will seem incomplete to you.

White Christmas tree in the interior

Decorating a Christmas tree for the New Year is a joyful activity. Everyone is looking forward to this event. However, it is not so easy to decorate a white Christmas tree, because it is decorative in itself. It is enough to look at the photo of interiors with this tree.

White spruce does not need unusual toys and bright tinsel. Such a Christmas tree can be decorated to a minimum with the same type of Christmas balls of one or two colors. And even such a laconic decor will look very beautiful.

The European fashion for white Christmas trees came to us quite recently, but quickly gained success. This is not surprising: white spruce in any interior is elegant and spectacular. It impresses with some aristocracy and fits not only into a light, but also into a darkened interior, visually increasing the space. It is a white Christmas tree that should be chosen as a noticeable accent for rooms decorated in the style of minimalism, pop art, hi-tech. White color in this case will look very organic.

Decorations of turquoise, green, lilac shades look advantageous and beautiful on a white Christmas tree. A favorite design technique - monochrome - is also acceptable. White Christmas decorations or as close as possible to them in color and texture (transparent, matte, silver, light pink, milky) will look original on the spruce.

It is best to decorate a white Christmas tree with electric garlands with a white glow. This gives the New Year's beauty airiness.

You can decorate a white Christmas tree with ribbons and bows, origami figures, pine cones, sweets, soft toys. The choice of decor depends both on individual preferences and on the surrounding interior. At the same time, variegation and ill-conceived asymmetry should be avoided. Despite the fact that white is an excellent backdrop for creative experiments, it makes any design mistake noticeable.

A good option for decorating a white Christmas tree is only an electric garland, without toys. Very elegant and unusual. And this is another proof that the white Christmas tree itself decorates the interior.

Someone is limited in the design of only a few compositions, someone hangs a wreath of fir branches, someone just decorates the window with snowflakes, and someone adheres to the good old tradition of setting up a Christmas tree. We have selected for you interesting and creative ideas for decorating and decorating the Christmas tree for the New Year 2019, as well as tips to help you choose the right decorative elements in connection with the symbol of the year.

A bit of history

For many centuries, spruce has been the main symbol of the New Year and Christmas. But have you ever wondered why they decorate the Christmas tree for the New Year? Everyone knows this tradition since childhood, but why did it happen that few people are versed in this.

An old legend tells that on the day the baby Jesus was born, all the plants of the earth came to bow to him and brought their gifts. Spruce came last and for a long time did not dare to approach the baby, being afraid to prick him. She had nothing to bring as a gift, except for sticky resin and hard cones. Then the trees and plants shared their gifts with the timid spruce, and it shone with bright balls, rang bells and approached Jesus. The baby smiled, and the Star of Bethlehem shone over the top of the fir tree. That is why, according to this legend, it is the Christmas tree that is decorated for the New Year.

As for historical facts, the first mention of the Christmas tree is found in Germany. It was from here that the tradition of decorating the Christmas tree for the New Year with colored ribbons, toys and sweets spread throughout Europe.

In Russia, celebrations were introduced by Peter I in 1700. The emperor ordered to start the year on January 1, to walk all night, congratulate each other, set off fireworks or burn bonfires and, of course, dress up a coniferous tree. This tradition still lives on in every family.

In addition to history, many are interested in when to decorate the Christmas tree at home. Usually, decorating a festive tree begins on the 20th of December. It is not recommended to arrange earlier so that the tree does not lose its beauty.

Someone prefers to decorate the Christmas tree as early as possible in order to enjoy its beauty to the fullest. And someone likes to decorate in the last days of December, just before the holiday. In any case, you yourself must decide on what date you need to do this.

Features of decorating the Christmas tree for 2019 Yellow Earth PigAnd

The coming year will be symbolized yellow earth pig, therefore, the actual color is yellow and all its derivatives (orange, terracotta, sand, brown, red).

The main material will be wood. So the trend of decorating and decorating the New Year tree 2019 emerges: yellow or gold balls, crafts made from wood and other natural materials, gold ribbons, bows, beads.

Let's look at the options for decorating the Christmas tree in 2019.

wood jewelry

Wooden toys and crafts can be made with your own hands using blanks, or you can buy ready-made products. In any case, they will all look harmoniously on the Christmas tree!

Photos of examples of decorating Christmas trees:

From natural materials

To interestingly decorate the Christmas tree for the New Year, you can create entertaining Christmas tree accessories from natural materials with your own hands: cones, acorns, chestnuts, twigs, twigs, wooden clothespins and toothpicks. Even from ordinary corks and twigs, anyone is quite able to create creative toys.

Yellow Pig Toys

The main symbol must be present in the design. Christmas tree decoration in the form of the main symbol can be sew from felt, from the remnants of different fabrics. And here a yellow pig can be cut out of thick cardboard and painted with paints, tied. Try asking your child to draw an animal and sew or knit a holiday symbol based on the sketch.

Photo of decorations for the 2019 New Year tree in the form of a Pig:

Video: do-it-yourself Christmas decoration made of felt on a Christmas tree in the form of a pig.

Basic styles in which you can decorate

There are several generally accepted and current styles of decorating the Christmas tree. Therefore, you can decorate a festive tree without being tied to a specific symbol of the year, but by choosing one of the well-known styles and adhering to the characteristics of this direction.

There are the following styles of Christmas tree decorations:

  1. Classical.
  2. Modern.
  3. Vintage.
  4. Minimalism.

How to decorate the 2019 New Year Tree in each of these design areas will be discussed in more detail below.

Classic style

The classic (traditional) style, despite some pomposity, allows you to decorate the tree quite restrainedly. Commonly used balls the same size and shade (gold, silver), bows to match the balls, cardboard figures, glass bells.

However, do not overload the Christmas tree with an abundance of shades and decor. In addition, to decorate a coniferous beauty in a classic way, you can use beads.

The classic style has not lost its relevance for many decades! And for the New Year 2019, you can beautifully and stylishly decorate the Christmas tree in a traditional way.


Modern means something modern, catchy, memorable, extraordinary. If you want to decorate the Christmas tree in an interesting and unusual way for the New Year, then you should choose Art Nouveau.

Take at least the usual glass balls that can hang next to decorative elements in steampunk style, bright candies and garlands of unusual shape. It could be New Year's Christmas tree in one color, for example, all decorated in red or yellow. Can you make an impromptu a tree created from pillows, computer disks, books, branches, sticks.

Photos of Christmas trees made and decorated in Art Nouveau style:


Vintage is characterized by the use of elements that took place in past eras. And then you choose which era you would like to display. In any case, to decorate the Christmas tree for the New Year, plan muted pastel shades, wooden figurines, aged glass balls, vintage postcards, garlands with large balls.

Advice! For a vintage look, get out your oldest toys. Use heavy tape or a regular paper clip to secure them to the branches.


Spruce in the style of minimalism always looks fresh and does not go out of fashion. A minimum of balls is used, a minimum of tones and tinsel. Sometimes it is launched only one garland so as not to "drown out" the charm of green branches with other accessories.

For minimalism are often taken Christmas tree solid toys. White or silver look especially noble:

If you want to stylishly decorate the Christmas tree for the New Year 2019, then you should opt for minimalism! Minimalism will look amazing in any room. It is only necessary to harmoniously select and hang decoration items.

The combination of colors on the New Year tree in 2019

According to the advice of experienced designers, when decorating a Christmas tree, you must adhere to the correct color combinations. If we take into account color of the upcoming 2019, that is yellow and its shades, and gold. But if we take as a basis the trends of world fashion, then in the trend violet.

In any case, when choosing colors, see if they harmonize well together. Also, consider a few simple tips:

  • Red, green, mustard, orange, white go well with yellow.
  • Use a technique such as gradation. So, the top can start with white balls, which will gradually turn into purple, and those - into dark purple.
  • If you have an artificial white Christmas tree, then it is recommended to decorate it with gold and orange balls for the New Year. Just what you need for 2019!

  • Consider the overall gamut of the room. If the room is too bright, then it is not forbidden to use more muted tones, and if the room is pale, then decorate the tree with bright balls.
  • Burgundy balls and ribbons look good against the background of dark wood furniture.

  • Rain and beads should overlap in shade with balls. For example, if the balls are golden, then it is better to hang beads and rain a tone darker or lighter.
  • Sometimes a monochromatic garland looks much more luxurious than with bright multi-colored lights.

How to decorate a Christmas tree: options and ideas

There are many ways to decorate a Christmas tree for the New Year. Christmas tree glass balls, rain and electric garland are considered traditional decorations.. And these accessories still hold the lead, but, in addition, There are many other interesting ones:

  • garlands of cones;
  • felt toys;
  • postcards;
  • wreaths;
  • candies;
  • wood crafts;
  • bells;
  • bows;
  • tapes;
  • Christmas tree beads.

You can use any one of the listed options to decorate the Christmas tree, or combine several. It all depends on your tastes and preferences!

Important! It is advisable not to combine all types of decoration at once - it will look overloaded. For example, Christmas balls look good with satin ribbons and bows, wooden toys can be combined with a garland made of natural materials, and vintage glass toys can be combined with Christmas tree beads.

The photo below is a great example of how you can beautifully decorate a Christmas tree for the New Year (a combination of white and red without frills):

Get creative with your tree. For example, a Christmas tree can be completely dressed up with sweets or fruits, fortune cookies, wish cards, surprise balloons.

Be sure to place somewhere in a conspicuous place the figure of YellowPigs. A soft animal can be planted under a tree instead of the traditional Santa Claus and Snow Maiden. You can decorate with salt dough crafts.

Interesting decor ideas

If we take a standard classic live or artificial Christmas tree, then there are a lot of options for decorating for the New Year. In particular, a very creative way is to dress her up with everything that is in the house and can fall under the concept of a “Christmas accessory”.

These are knitted mittens, snowflakes, postcards, hair accessories, artificial flowers, dried rose petals, burlap.

You can become a designer of decorations for Christmas trees by making them yourself!

Walk around the house, look in lockers and drawers, sort out your accessories. Now they need to be sorted by tone or size, and then proceed to design.

Below you can see photos of the original design. Maybe they will help you decide how you want to decorate the Christmas tree for the 2019 meeting:

Traditional Santas can be original and sparkle with new colors if you choose products of non-standard shapes and designs.

Openwork and elegant snowmen they will do their job too!

It’s not a sin to decorate an artificial and live Christmas tree for the New Year with an ordinary one. burlap or decorative mesh, which is sold in specialized stores in rolls.

Will also look good woodwork, cardboard and twine crafts

A Christmas tree decorated with decorations will look very cute and funny. bows. You can use bows of any size and color. Translucent bows will look stylish (as in the photo below).


The spruce will turn out to be original and very elegant if it is dressed up with crafts using the quilling technique (the technique is also called paper rolling). Just a few workouts and you can create Christmas tree decorations using paper, glue, pens and your imagination.

The undoubted advantage of such Christmas tree decorations is the fact that you can make them yourself!

Photo of crafts using quilling technique:

Video: how to make Christmas tree decorations from paper using quilling technique.


They are associated with warmth, spring and summer. It would seem that they do not fit in with the winter holidays. But it was not there! New Year's tree decorated with flowers- a truly original and beautiful solution. For decoration, you can either buy flowers or make them yourself.

As for the last hand-made production, it is recommended to make artificial flowers for New Year's decoration of the Christmas tree from a variety of materials: paper, fabric (for example, organza, linen), corrugated, satin ribbons.

Video: how to make paper flowers.

Christmas tree without a Christmas tree

But if you want something truly original, then initially you need to be original. A do-it-yourself Christmas tree will help to decorate the room quite colorfully for the New Year. It could be construction from books, pillows, from plastic bottles, from clothes, disposable tableware and other items. We invite you to enjoy the creativity that was already created by someone and be inspired by an exclusive version.

There are no limits for fantasy, even the most ordinary pillows have the opportunity to become a real solemn decoration of the house.

Video: do-it-yourself Christmas tree for New Year's decoration (kanzashi style, thread, corrugated).

The procedure for decorating the Christmas tree

Although we have been decorating a tree on holidays almost since childhood, it is not always clear how to properly decorate a Christmas tree in stages. However, there are a few unspoken rules that will help you decorate the tree beautifully and make it the most attractive item in the whole house.

Here are the rules and procedures for decorating a Christmas tree:

  • To harmoniously decorate the Christmas tree for the New Year, you need choose the right place for her O. Do not put a fluffy beauty in a small room, but a too small Christmas tree in a large room.
  • Fix it securely. If there are small children and mischievous animals in the house, then it is better not to use glass products.
  • Choose a beautiful garland with faceted light bulbs, a beautiful lampshade.
  • The garland is hung at the very beginning, in front of all the toys, then she will not obscure them, but, on the contrary, beautifully set off.
  • Use multiple garlands. For example, one can wrap the trunk itself, and the other - the branches of a tree.
  • Decorate the tree with the included garland. In this case, it will be better to see where which light will fall, and what it will highlight.

  • For big spruce choose large balls, small on it will look ridiculous.
  • Hang large parts first, evenly distributing around the entire perimeter (it is advisable to decorate the bottom of the Christmas tree with large elements). Then smaller toys, filling the empty space and preparing the Christmas tree for the New Year.

  • Desirable do not place the same toys next to each other, if not intended by the concept.
  • The final step will be tinsel, beads, rain, sequins.
  • There are several ways of decorating with balloons: vertical, horizontal, chaotic.
  • You can put boxes underneath, edged with paper to match the entire decor.

By the way! Serpentine or even ordinary confetti would be appropriate to show off.

Video: how to beautifully decorate a Christmas tree for the New Year (+ decorating a white Christmas tree).

Christmas tree decoration

It's great if you have a Christmas tree growing on the street (at least in the courtyard of a private house or in the country). In this case, you can decorate the yard and turn it into a real fairy tale.

When choosing a Christmas decoration for a street tree, you need to focus on two things:

  1. Safety. This mainly concerns the use of a garland. Only use appliances designed for outdoor use. Also, do not leave the device turned on unattended.
  2. Sustainability. Try to fasten the “outfit” as tightly as possible so that during snow, rain and wind they cannot fall or damage your tree.

Christmas decorations for a street tree can be purchased or handmade. In general, all the recommendations and tips listed above apply to the street beauty. The only thing - crafts made of fabric, paper are not suitable(there is a risk that they will deteriorate due to precipitation, wind).

Advice! You cannot cope with such a difficult task alone (especially if the tree is rather big). So, invite guests, relatives, kids to decorate and create a beautiful and original composition for the New Year together.

In many families, decorating the New Year tree is a whole tradition, a ritual, a warning that the holidays will begin soon, that the New Year 2019 will soon be celebrated. This is especially pleasing to the kids, who love to help decorate the green beauty, hang balloons on her, pull sweets. It's fun and brings the family together. I hope these tips and tricks will help you decorate your Christmas tree in a fun and beautiful way!

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Decoration for a Christmas tree should be stylish, beautiful and fashionable. Read in the article how you can decorate a spruce this year.

The tree is a symbol of the New Year. Without it, the atmosphere of the holiday will be incomplete. The aroma of pine needles, bright appearance, the smell of tangerines and colorful lights - all this evokes the appropriate mood - fun and joy.

  • Carefully approach the choice of a Christmas tree: its needles should not be yellowed and too wrinkled.
  • If you decide to decorate your house with an artificial Christmas tree, then we will tell you how to fluff it at home.
  • Also from this article you will learn what color to decorate the Christmas tree for the year of the Rat in one color or multi-colored garlands and balls.

What color is the Christmas tree decorated in 2019-2020 by the Rat?

2020 is the year of the White Metal Rat. This animal is very good-natured and cheerful, sweet and friendly to people. White color should be in festive attire, in the interior, and, of course, in Christmas tree decorations. What color is the Christmas tree decorated in 2020 by the Rats? You can use these shades:

  • iridescent
  • silvery
  • golden
  • pink
  • yellow
  • white-silver
  • white-golden

In 2019-2020, it is fashionable to decorate the Christmas tree in white and rainbow colors. For example, divide the forest "beauty" into sections, and decorate each of them with your own color: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, purple. You can not use one or two colors of the rainbow, the tree will still turn out stylish and decorated according to the rules of the New Year. Below you will find tips on how to dress up the forest "beauty" in other colors - in one or a combination of several shades.

Where to put the Christmas tree according to Feng Shui?

Forest coniferous beauty in an apartment or house should be installed according to the Feng Shui compass. Each corner of our home symbolizes a specific sector, and if it is activated correctly, then you can attract money, love or other benefits. So, where is the right place to put a Feng Shui Christmas tree? Count down from the entrance to one separate room, that is, you must stand facing the entrance to the room. Install the spruce like this, if it is important for you to attract:

  • Love is the far corner on the right side. A spruce tree installed in this place will help bring love into your life and make intimacy bright and rich. Decorate the branches with sparkly balls and matching items, hanging nearby cones, balls, animal figurines and other decorations.
  • Financial well-being - far corner on the left side. Hang gold and silver toys on the Christmas tree. Large chocolate coins wrapped in gold foil are ideal. It is also good to make bows or butterflies out of money. As a result, you will get a beautiful tree with money, which will bring success in 2019-2020.
  • Career growth - right, opposite the entrance area to the room, since the path to the goal is always straight and short. Decorate the tree according to your work. If the field of activity is connected with something bright and outrageous, then the tree should be dressed up accordingly. If you are engaged in a serious business project, then make a decoration in a simple style.
  • Pregnancy. If you always think about children, then you need to install a tree in the right near corner. Hang toy balls, sweets on green branches. If you already have children and you are planning to make the New Year in the style of childhood, then together with the kids you should make Christmas balls, bows, cones and other toys from colored paper and hang them on the Christmas tree. Remember that only parents (future, just expecting the birth of a child, or real ones who already have a baby) should hang the garland. These lights symbolize the family hearth and do not trust the process of decorating with a garland to anyone, attach it to the branches yourself.
  • Journey - wall on the right side, but not in the corner, but in the middle. If in the coming year you want to go to another country, then hang a figurine of the Eiffel Tower or a photo of those cities where you want to visit on a festive tree.
  • More friends - left corner, which is closer to the entrance. Put the coniferous beauty in this place if you want to make many influential friends. Ask your friends who will come to you for the holiday to give some New Year's little thing and hang it on the Christmas tree. You can also decorate green branches with items that you associate with new friends or patrons - for example, an expensive pen, a coin, cufflinks, tie clips.

Interesting to know: If you put a spruce in the middle of the room, you can enhance the energy of every aspect of your life. Hang objects on those branches that are directed towards the desired corners. Near such a spruce, after 12 hours, you need to dance in order to enhance the effect. But then you must be ready to receive benefits from all sides and cope with all life's surprises. If you are not ready for this, then it is better to focus on something specific.

Is the right corner stuffed with furniture? There is a way out - make a bouquet of several coniferous twigs, decorate it according to Feng Shui and hang it in the corner that is needed for the fulfillment of desires.

How to beautifully decorate a Christmas tree in blue-silver and blue-white with balls of two colors: ideas, tips, sequence, photos

In the past few years, it has been fashionable to decorate the Christmas tree in blue and white. Moreover, if you have a white artificial tree, then you only need to buy blue tint decorations. In the year of the Rat, such decor will be considered the most ideal. The tree will have a stylish and beautiful appearance.

You can also beautifully decorate the Christmas tree in blue-silver and blue-white with balls of two colors. First you need to make a garland of balls, tying each ball to a thread. Then this garland is attached vertically to the crown and hangs down. You can alternate garlands of balls of two colors and bows. Here are some ideas and photos:

If you have balls of two colors, then it is better to make bows from blue and silver satin or lamé fabric.

Advice: Hang balloons or a garland of them first, and then attach tinsel, candles and glowing lanterns. Instead of real candles, it is better to take a special model - it looks original and beautiful.

How to beautifully decorate a Christmas tree in red and blue: ideas, tips, sequence, photos

When it comes to the red and blue decoration, it seems that the color scheme will be like on the Russian flag. Of course, such an ornament is now in fashion, but for a Christmas tree it will turn out to be too strict. Therefore, instead of blue, you can use blue - such an outfit will look interesting and unusual.

In this version of the decoration, first hang the ribbon, then the balls. A garland is useless here, the tree will turn out bright and stylish anyway.

How else can you beautifully decorate a Christmas tree in red and blue - ideas, tips, sequence, photos:

Red and blue decoration looks original on this pink Christmas tree. Such a tree itself is like a holiday - bright and unusual.

The red color on the spruce should be the main one. Only in this way the decoration will turn out to be interesting and elegant. Blue and silver balls and stars can serve as an accent.

How to beautifully decorate a Christmas tree in red and white: ideas, tips, sequence, photos

Now you won’t surprise anyone with ordinary round balls. If you want originality and originality for New Year's Eve, then decorate the spruce with red toy figures or balls and white angels. Indeed, after the New Year, Christmas follows and figurines in the form of angels will look thematically stylish.

This photo shows that the figures are hung with alternating colors in a checkerboard pattern. Next to white angels, red stars and icicles.

Another option for a beautiful Christmas tree decoration in red and white. Hang soft toys in the form of Snowmen, Santa Clauses, Santa Clauses on the forest beauty. These toys are usually made in a red and white color scheme, which perfectly complements the holiday decor. White is snow, and red is a bright holiday. If you still plan to hang balloons, then first decorate the branches with them, and then with soft toys.

This decoration looks really magical. In the year of the White Metal Rat, it is customary to hang other animals on the Christmas tree - deer, hares, bears. Juiciness and brightness are added by mittens, in which Santa Claus will definitely put gifts.

How to beautifully decorate a Christmas tree in white and silver: ideas, tips, sequence, photos

The white-silver color speaks specifically of the New Year holiday. It is associated with snow and frost, these are the colors of the Symbol of the Year - the Rat. How beautiful to decorate a Christmas tree in white and silver? Here are ideas, tips, sequence and photos:

The Christmas tree will sparkle with silver if it is first powdered with artificial snow, and then decorated. If you hang only silver and white balls, then the decoration will turn out to be boring. Add a little accent: blue toys, multi-colored snowflakes.

It is currently fashionable to decorate the Christmas tree with flowers, and the Rat will gladly accept such a sign of attention. How to make flowers from satin and other materials. First, hang balls and cones, then ribbons and tinsel, and lastly, delicate and beautiful flowers. The decoration will be just gorgeous.

This coniferous beauty looks like she is standing in the forest. Around it there is a lot of snow and forest dwellers. Fur tinsel, thin tree branches covered with artificial snow and white toys - all this creates a unique beauty and a feeling of an approaching holiday.

How to beautifully decorate a Christmas tree in white and gold: ideas, tips, examples, photos

White and gold hues are the colors of the Year of the Rat. The simplest decoration is balls, snowflakes, stars and flowers in shades of white winter and golden sun. So that the decoration does not turn out boring, pick up, for example, white balls with a matte texture, and let the gold ones shine. Add some flowers and snowflakes and you're done.

Here is another option how you can beautifully decorate the Christmas tree in white and gold. These ideas are suitable for dressing a forest beauty who is at home or in the office.

Advice: Hang beads and tinsel at the end. They serve as the final touch in the decoration process.

Any decoration for the Christmas tree looks great, but snow-white toys, inscriptions, animals and bows with the addition of gold make you look at the coniferous beauty with special awe.

How to beautifully decorate a Christmas tree in silver and gold: ideas, tips, examples, photos

The silvery-gold hue of the Christmas tree decorations is reminiscent of the snow that sparkles in the frosty sun. It makes you want to run out into the street and go sledding or ice-skating on transparent ice from a hill. Here's how to beautifully decorate a Christmas tree in silver and gold - ideas, tips, examples, photos:

It is the lush bows that add originality and luxury to the decoration. Make them out of golden organza and hang them around the Christmas tree.

Gold color and a Christmas star in the dress of this beauty looks chic. Dilute the gold with the white color of the toys to make the outfit attractive and eye-catching.

There is nothing unusual in this decoration, but it is the simplicity that makes it stylish and interesting.

How to beautifully decorate a Christmas tree in pink and gold: ideas, tips, examples, photos

Rose-gold shade is the color of real princesses - gentle, sweet and beautiful. In this color, you can beautifully decorate the Christmas tree for the New Year. Here are ideas, tips, examples, photos:

We are used to hanging garland light bulbs on top of other decorations. But look how original the decoration looks if the light bulbs shine as if inside the Christmas tree. Hide the light bulbs under the branches and hang them near the trunk. They will magically illuminate the branches of the Christmas tree, flowers, bows and toys.

Pink roses and golden balls are a great decoration for a coniferous beauty.

Rose gold Christmas tree in Provence style. Ideal for French interiors. Pink flowers, golden balloons, beads, garlands - hang decorations in that order.

Many people do not know how to properly store an artificial fir tree so that it remains fluffy and beautiful next year. It is necessary to lay the branches in a spacious box, which is installed in a closet or pantry, but not on a balcony, where there is a temperature difference and a lot of moisture.

If you took out the Christmas tree after storage and its needles are crumpled and ugly, then they need to be given their original appearance. How to fluff up an artificial Christmas tree at home? Here are tips and methods:

  • Steam exposure will help restore the fluffiness of plastic needles. To do this, boil water in a saucepan, reduce the gas to a minimum and hold the branches over the steam for a few seconds.
  • Hot steam bath. If you don't feel like heating a pot of water over gas, you can fill a tub of hot water and place branches over it. But for this you need something like boards.
  • Air from a hair dryer. Turn on the hair dryer on a medium temperature and direct the jet at the artificial needles. Help with your hands to straighten them in the right direction.
  • Steam iron. If your iron has a steam mode, you can use it to restore the fluffiness of artificial needles.
  • Soaking in hot water. The water temperature should be around 65-75 degrees. Pour water of the desired temperature into the bath, and lower the Christmas tree into it for a couple of seconds. Take it out and try to straighten the needles with your hands. If the tree is still poorly fluffed, then repeat the procedure, but with hotter water.

After these procedures, your Christmas tree will turn into a fluffy beauty. It will be an excellent decoration of the interior and holiday.

How to decorate a Christmas tree beautifully in one white color with balls: ideas, tips, examples, photos

If you dress up a Christmas tree in white, you get a real Snow Queen - cold and impregnable in winter. Such a forest beauty will perfectly complement the interior, which is made in warm colors. Here are a few options on how you can decorate a Christmas tree beautifully in one white color with balls - ideas, tips, examples, photos:

Large silver organza flowers on this Christmas tree are the main accent and perfectly complement the balls of the same shade.

Despite the fact that this tree has blue balls, the main color of the decoration is white. Mittens, snowmen, balls, snowflakes - all this evokes the New Year mood.

White and silver balls and spring flowers are perfectly combined in this decor. All this is beautifully “stacked” on branches powdered with artificial snow.

How to decorate a Christmas tree beautifully in one red color: ideas, tips, examples, photos

In the year of the Rat, red is one of the most relevant colors for decorating the Christmas tree. Buy 20-30 balls, the same number of cones, stars and icicles of the same color, add funny bells and the original decoration is ready. Each person can stylishly decorate a Christmas tree in one red color. Here are ideas, tips, examples, photos:

The most fashionable Christmas tree decoration in 2019-2020 is a red decor on a white “beauty”. It's simple - buy a white Christmas tree and hang red balls and tinsel of the same color on it.

How to decorate a Christmas tree beautifully in one blue color: ideas, tips, examples, photos

Blue evokes a feeling of well-being and positivity. Therefore, often Christmas trees are decorated in this color scheme. The Christmas tree decorated in one blue color looks beautiful.

The ultra-modern décor is white spruce with blue toys. At the same time, such a beauty does not need to be decorated with lights or tinsel. Hang a few balls, bows and blue flowers and the admiration of your guests and household will be endless. Here are ideas, tips, examples, photos:

Here is an interior decoration option where a Christmas tree with a blue decor will stand - bright, stylish and extraordinarily fabulous.

How to decorate a Christmas tree beautifully in one golden color: ideas, tips, examples, photos

Gold in the Year of the Rat is sure to bring good luck, as it is one of the main colors of the 2019-2020 symbol. See examples, ideas and photos of how to decorate a Christmas tree beautifully in one golden color:

First hang the toys, then in a spiral, starting from the top, pick up a golden organza ribbon to the branches. In a checkerboard pattern, tie large bows of the same material to it.

This Christmas tree is the real magic of gold. If you manage to find a decoration in the form of golden leaves, bells and butterflies, then your Christmas tree will turn out to be chic. A unique “highlight” in this decor is a voluminous ribbon stretched from top to bottom in a spiral.

How to decorate a Christmas tree beautifully in one pink color: ideas, tips, examples, photos

Pink is the main color of the New Year's talisman. Such decor is chosen by girls who consider themselves real princesses - gentle and sweet. Also, the New Year's coniferous beauty can be decorated like this if little girls live in the house. Every little girl will love the Christmas tree with pink flowers, balls and butterflies. Here are ideas, examples and photos of how to decorate a Christmas tree beautifully in one pink color:

On a white Christmas tree, this decor looks especially stylish. Do not forget that for a spruce of this color you do not need tinsel and a sparkling garland.

How to decorate a beautiful Christmas tree in one purple color: ideas, tips, examples, photos

Purple Christmas tree decor has been trendy for a few years now. It gives the forest beauty elegance and originality. You can dilute this strict color with crimson, gold and blue. See how to beautifully decorate a Christmas tree in one purple color. Here are ideas, tips, examples, photos from designers:

If you still want to hang a luminous garland on a white Christmas tree with purple balls, then do it right. First, decorate the spruce with lights near the trunk so that it glows as if from within. Then hang balloons and other toys. By the way, this way of decorating in the form of lights inside the Christmas tree appeared recently. Designers often use this technique to create a unique decor for a New Year's beauty.

Simple, stylish, beautiful and fresh. Don't forget to put gift boxes wrapped in purple paper under the tree. They will perfectly complement the overall decor.

How to decorate a beautiful Christmas tree in one turquoise color: ideas, tips, examples, photos

Turquoise color is in fashion for the second year. Therefore, be in trend and decorate the Christmas tree in turquoise colors. Here are a couple of ideas on how to decorate a Christmas tree beautifully in one turquoise color - tips, examples and photos:

If you want to completely cover the tree with toys of one color, then add some balls of a different shade. This will help to dilute the composition so that it is not boring.

How to decorate a Christmas tree beautifully in one yellow color: ideas, tips, examples, photos

It is not always possible to decorate a Christmas tree in one color, as it can get boring, and such decor will lose its originality. How to decorate a beautiful Christmas tree in one yellow color? Here are ideas, tips, examples, photos:

Dilute yellow with white. Bows and beads in a sunny shade go well with silver and white balls.

White fur on spruce branches looks like powdered fluffy snow. Among such a decorative element, you can hang balls of any color: yellow, gold, silver. Don't forget to spray the branches of the Christmas tree with artificial snow from a can.

How to decorate a Christmas tree with paper flowers and bows?

Not so long ago, people began to decorate Christmas trees with flowers, and it looks very beautiful and unusual. Flowers can be made independently from colored paper. Now it is fashionable to make large roses from corrugated paper. You can buy it at any craft store. Petals of the desired size are cut out separately, and then assembled into a single flower with a stapler. The edges are wrapped by pulling on a pencil or any wooden stick.

Christmas tree decoration with paper flowers

How to tie a ribbon bow on a Christmas tree?

For a long time, no one puts a star on the top of the Christmas tree - this is a relic of the past. Now you can make a decoration for the top in the form of a flower or a bow. And if it’s not difficult to make a large organza bow, then creating such small decorative elements can be difficult, since they should turn out neat and beautiful. Here are a few options on how to beautifully and correctly tie a bow on a Christmas tree from a ribbon:

By this principle, you can make a large bow on the top of the Christmas tree from organza or other airy material.

Ribbon Christmas tree bow Add original decor to such bows and you will get such delicate and cute Christmas tree decorations in the same style and color.

How to beautifully decorate a Christmas tree with white garlands: ideas, tips, examples, photos

A white garland is the simplest decoration that adds a unique charm to the coniferous beauty. Here are some ideas, tips, examples and photos that will help you beautifully decorate the Christmas tree with white garlands:

It was said above that decorating a Christmas tree with a garland near its trunk makes the tree luxurious and stylish. Designers offer this decor for Christmas trees in white.

Flickering lights will perfectly decorate the green fluffy beauty. You don't even need balloons, bows and other toys. Stretch tinsel or ribbon in a spiral, and the trendy 2019-2020 decor for the Christmas tree is ready.

And here's how you can make a Christmas tree out of white lights on the wall. At first, it is not clear that this is not a spruce, but simply its image.

Christmas tree decoration can be trendy, fun, rainbow, one color, shimmery, stylish and luxurious. Choose the decoration option that you like. Create a unique masterpiece of interior decor in the New Year, the symbol of which is one of the most good-natured animals - the Rat.

Decorating a Christmas tree is a crucial New Year's moment that requires a special approach.

It is impossible to properly decorate a Christmas tree without knowing the basic rules. In addition, the sequence of actions is very important.

Only a beautifully decorated spruce can bring joy and beauty to the house, please friends and relatives and stand for a long time.

Our tips will help you decorate the Christmas tree for the New Year in accordance with all the stylistic features of your home.

In order for the decoration of the Christmas tree to look beautiful, you must first choose the right Christmas tree. Since a lot depends on the appearance of the New Year's beauty.

How to choose a Christmas tree

To choose a live Christmas tree you need:

  • purchase it a few days before the New Year (December 25-26);
  • choose a healthy and fresh tree (the color of spruce needles should be rich green, with a trunk thickness of more than 6 cm, with a tree height of 1.5 meters);
  • rub a few needles in your hands (stickiness and aroma);
  • run your hand against the growth of the needles (they should not crumble);
  • there should be no dark spots on the cut;
  • pay attention to symmetry so that the decoration of the Christmas tree is beautiful.

If you come for a Christmas tree after December 27, you can buy a second-class Christmas tree, and this is not quite a beautiful and fluffy tree, which of course you can decorate, but it’s better to take the best.

Not many people know how to choose an artificial Christmas tree, although this task is harder than with a live Christmas tree. In addition, not everyone is suitable for an artificial Christmas tree.

So, to choose an artificial spruce you need:

  • harmless material (ask for a certificate in the store so that an artificial Christmas tree does not harm your health);
  • an artificial Christmas tree should not emit a smell;
  • do not choose a Christmas tree made of paper (only for decorating the interior, but not for garlands).

Harmless materials for the Christmas tree are PVC ribbons, polypropylene, fishing line (monofilament thread).

Choose the size of the Christmas tree

If you have funds, you can buy a Christmas tree of any size.

However, it is important to remember exactly where it will be installed.

If the room for the Christmas tree is not large, it is unlikely that a tall and fluffy beauty will look appropriate, so the ratio of the size of the room and the Christmas tree itself must be taken into account.

It is also important to pay attention to the color of the tree. If you look closely, many Christmas trees are not always pure green, but have a yellowish tint.

Setting up a Christmas tree for decoration

The installation of the Christmas tree will take some time. If the choice fell on a large and tall spruce, it is better to carefully tie it at the top to a cornice, cabinet or other element.

This will help to achieve good reliability, especially in a house where there are children or animals that can put an additional load on the trunk in one direction.

You can decorate a Christmas tree if you close its base with oilcloth, cloth, or simply take a bucket, pour sand into it, and then “hide” the bucket from your eyes, again, wrapping it with a cloth.

Many people use it, but this element especially reflects light and is able to attract too much attention.

Can be used to decorate the Christmas tree when installing cotton wool, gift paper, ribbon, bows and other tricks.

How to decorate a Christmas tree

You can decorate the Christmas tree correctly only with the right toys. Matte or glossy balls are suitable for this, but it is better if they do not reflect objects.

The fact is that mirror balls are difficult to hang correctly. Most often they are used without combinations, in one color scheme, a maximum of two.

If you want to see a purely Russian version of Christmas tree decoration, take two colors of balls - red and blue.

They are allowed to vary in size. The largest balls should be located at the bottom, smoothly turning into small ones, closer to the top. You can’t do the opposite, otherwise the tree will visually get a disproportionate look.

It also needs to be properly decorated. As a rule, artificial spruces do not go well with tinsel, and garlands emphasize the imperfect shape of the needles.

Live spruce can be decorated in one of the following options:

  • with an emphasis on garlands;
  • decorating a Christmas tree with an emphasis on colors;
  • with an emphasis on size.

Christmas tree decoration with garlands

This is an American model, which is especially relevant at Christmas.

Today, we also like to decorate a spruce with an emphasis on light.

The garlands will need to be long, and the Christmas tree will look original and stylish only if it is large in size. Garlands must be hung before toys are used.

They should be located closer to the depth of the tree, but not significantly. If some spruce branches protrude too much beyond the general lines, they can be carefully cut off, and ugly places can be hidden with toys.

There should be a lot of lamps in this version of the Christmas tree decoration, and they look beautiful when the glow has one tone.

As toys, it is better to take red small balls, but gifts, Santa Clauses and other original toys of the same shade will do just fine.

How to decorate a Christmas tree with an emphasis on colors

Lovers of everything bright can make christmas decorations, and in the form of balls and snowflakes.

You can buy several inexpensive sets of glass or plastic clear balloons and paint them.

As a dye, nail polish is suitable, the colors of which there are a great many. Yes, and these varnishes are inexpensive ...

A particularly interesting option for decorating a Christmas tree is to buy a few varnishes and make balls in the avant-garde style - decorate them with different colors in a chaotic manner.

A garland will not fit such a Christmas tree, otherwise the appearance will be sticky.

We decorate the Christmas tree with an emphasis on size

If the tree is small, you can use only a garland. If it has flaws in the form of "holes" between the branches, they are perfectly hidden by tinsel.

However, in the case of small Christmas trees and tinsel, you need to choose not too fluffy.

Suitable for a large Christmas tree, which is assembled taking into account all the features of electricity.

If you want to make the Christmas tree visually larger, the garlands should have small but thick lamps, and it is better to use toys only small and one-color. But to add in volume, large toys will come in handy.

You can even combine them with small Christmas decorations - the imbalance in size will visually make the forest beauty wider and take attention away from the lack of its volume. Yes, and it will be filled with rather big accessories…

You can also decorate the Christmas tree at the trunk, but only with a garland. To do this, it is enough to wrap the trunk tightly, as well as properly decorate the branches.

The best toys in this case are. They do not reflect light, they are not transparent, which means they will not refract the lighting coming from the garland.

It is also important not to forget to decorate the top.

For a small Christmas tree, an ordinary ball is suitable, in which a hole for fastening is made, but a large Christmas tree will look great if you tie a beautiful bow at its top.

Decorating a Christmas tree is always a pleasure, but the result is sometimes disappointing.

Few people know that decorating a Christmas tree is not only fun, but also not so easy.

Hanging a lot of Christmas decorations, garlands and tinsel does not mean making the Christmas tree beautiful.

To make the Christmas tree look like you saw in the movies and in beautiful pictures, you need to follow simple rules, which we will consider.

Where to put a Christmas tree

Before decorating a Christmas tree, you must first install it correctly.

You should choose the most spacious room. After all, a bunch of gifts and photographs require sufficient space.

If you do not have large rooms and you live in a communal apartment, then install the Christmas tree so that it is not blocked by furniture or other interior elements.

The Christmas tree should be in sight, conspicuous and be the main thing.

It doesn’t matter if you have an artificial Christmas tree or a natural one, you need to install it away from heaters, sockets and electricity.

Festive candles are also better to set aside.

According to Eastern tradition and Feng Shui, it is better to put a fir tree in the far right corner of the room. It is believed that such an installation will attract love, replenishment and financial well-being to the house.

If there are animals or small children in the house, secure the tree firmly.

Christmas tree decoration with toys

Before you start decorating the Christmas tree, even if you haven't bought it yet, take out the toys a couple of days in advance.

Perhaps some of them were broken or damaged. To avoid an unpleasant surprise, evaluate their condition, and most importantly, think about whether you have enough flowers.

What toys are best used to decorate the Christmas tree:

  • green;
  • blue;
  • golden or silver, covered with layers of glitter;
  • matte photo toys.

If you plan to decorate the Christmas tree with a garland based on the same tone, that is, all its lamps will glow with golden light, then you can not use toys at all, but include one or even two garlands densely placed on the branches.

If you have one, it is perfectly acceptable to buy green or blue medium-sized toys that are not heavy. It's better if they are the same.

Advice: do not use when decorating a Christmas tree, too different in size. Take a look at the images of beautifully decorated Christmas trees - it is rare to find a variety of formats within one beautiful Christmas tree.

Decorating a Christmas tree should not involve too many different elements.

No need to hang everything that you have accumulated over the years on a green girlfriend.

Tinsel, multi-colored foil, homemade products - all this mixed with multi-colored toys can disappoint.

How to beautifully decorate a Christmas tree with a garland

The main rule when decorating a Christmas tree with a garland is an even distribution of lamps. Otherwise, you have three options:

  • place the garland on the edges of the twigs after decorating with toys. It is not recommended to do this, but if the garland is long and plays with different colors, it is perfectly acceptable to try. However, the main condition is the use of a small number of plain ball toys. But all sorts of red gifts, figurines of New Year's characters and other delights are quite acceptable, but, again, in moderation. dolls that you have in your house will also work;
  • decorate the Christmas tree with a garland before decorating with toys. This is easier to do, and small irregularities in its location will hide the toys. As for toys, there can be quite a lot of them, but it is recommended to use two colors. The main thing is that they should not be transparent, it is better if the surface is matte;
  • wrap a garland around the tree trunk. Of course, this option is not suitable for those whose Christmas tree is not too lush. Otherwise, the branches will touch and be completely scarce. But for dense forest beauties of large size, this is suitable.

It is important to evenly distribute the lamps, and wrap the tree round by round. At the same time, taking into account safety precautions is the main thing, because you can not leave the garland turned on during the absence or sleep of the residents of the house.

If done, it is decorated with garlands depending on the size.

Artificial fir trees do not always look good with glowing lamps, as they give away the unnaturalness of the tree.

This also applies to those who bought an artificial Christmas tree in the store.

Christmas tree decoration with different toys

If you have a lot of beautiful, but different toys, including shiny figures, bright balls, and large matte products, you can combine them.

At the same time, in the case of decorating a Christmas tree with multi-colored toys of different sizes, it is not recommended to use a multi-colored garland, and sometimes even a single-color one will not be entirely appropriate.

So, first we distribute the toys by size.

Colors do not play a role for us, because they are all too different, and you can’t get much from shades - they will still look different on the Christmas tree.

It is better to decorate the Christmas tree with the largest toys, starting from the bottom, but for the New Year they are distributed evenly.

Medium in the center and small at the top. Moreover, most of the toys should be in the lower part, but in the upper part, their number should be reduced, and gradually.

The perfect decoration for a Christmas tree is to place a star on the top of your head. It can be white or shiny, in extreme cases, in a color that will match most toys.

How beautiful to decorate the top of the Christmas tree

It is worth dwelling in detail on the decoration of the Christmas tree top.

Gone are the days when you had to buy a top-mounted star.

Today it is not at all necessary to buy a special one; a large bow tied with one's own hands or a twisted garland with one's own hands will do just fine.

For him, you can buy a wide white ribbon, possibly transparent, and then tie it around the top or in the same way, make a star out of beads.

An interesting solution is to first make a bow, then sprinkle it with gelatin, and then iron it well.

New Year's toys from soft fabrics can be made according to the same principle.