Christmas toy rooster made of colored paper. Decorate a T-shirt or sweatshirt with embroidery. Rooster - craft from a container from kinder

The pre-holiday fuss leaves very little time for creativity, but how could it be without it on the eve of the holiday. After all, do-it-yourself toys, gifts, room decor are great things that will help create the right atmosphere and good mood to all family members. Children are especially in need of such activities. Thematic handmade, namely, rooster crafts for the New Year are easy to perform, do not require certain skills and costs. Let's look at a few original ideas and make detailed description manufacturing process.

How to make a rooster craft for the New Year?

This domestic, but at the same time obstinate bird is well known to children. The cockerel is a positive hero of many fairy tales and stories, so the idea to make a favorite character will appeal to the guys. You can make a rooster craft for the New Year out of paper, it is better to use bright colors and unusual ornaments.

Such a wonderful cockerel will become a wonderful room decor or a toy for a child:

Consider the execution scheme:

More difficult to perform are considered voluminous crafts rooster for the New Year, using the example of the following masterpiece, we will make sure that this is not so:

Oddly enough, but you can make a rooster craft for the New Year from the most “unexpected” improvised means. So even a nondescript, at first glance, egg box can find its application:

And now let's look at a few more original ideas on the topic of making New Year's symbolic crafts.

Felt is a great material, kids and needlewomen make wonderful cockerels out of it. You can use these crafts as Christmas decorations, small gifts to relatives and friends.

The craft of a rooster from a bottle for the New Year will impress everyone, but not only the child, but also the parents will have to work hard to create such a masterpiece. Such an original bird will become an alternative creative work for kindergarten or school.

Real craftswomen will not be difficult to weave beautiful cockerel from beads. A little diligence and skill and a wonderful souvenir for the holiday is ready.

Paper crafts can be very diverse, for example, such a wonderful cockerel will be a wonderful room decor for the New Year. The work is easy to manufacture, even kindergarten students can cope with it. Photo 17

Here it comes again wonderful holidayNew Year! A time of joy for children and adults, the fulfillment of dreams and desires. Indeed, on this day people radiate some kind of special enchanting energy, and everywhere around it breathes the spirit of magic.

The symbol of the coming year 2017 will be the Fire or Red Rooster. The features of this sign are cockiness and show off, however, honesty, pride, justice are also its characteristics.

On the eve of the New Year, time drags on sadly long, so wonderful entertainment here will be the creation of crafts for the year of the Rooster with your own hands, but better with children. This is very A good reason distract the little rascals, and an excuse to spend time together. In addition, the eve of such a holiday implies a lot of solemn events in kindergartens and schools, when mothers' heads are busy creating New Year's costumes and crafts.

Such an activity is useful for do-it-yourself toddlers, as it develops fine motor skills hands With the smallest children, you can try to make easy crafts for the New Year 2017 with various cereals or from plasticine of various colors. Just perfect for this case simple and corrugated paper, pencils, felt-tip pens and safe paints.

Older kids won't be bored either. When creating crafts with them, you can use various techniques harder and more interesting. Materials such as felt, plasticine, wooden parts, cardboard and plastic boxes are applicable here. different sizes, old puzzles, cotton wool and puff pastry and many other materials that are subject to a flight of fancy.

As for the types of crafts, there are plenty of their varieties: voluminous and flat snowflakes, Christmas trees, snowmen and various animals, garlands and jams, lanterns and Christmas tree decorations.

But we should not forget that the main decoration of the holiday in new year's eve 2017 is Rooster. It also needs to be done by hand.

DIY crafts for the New Year 2017 in kindergarten.

From a young age, children are taught to do things with their own hands. And you can’t do without crafts for the New Year 2017 in kindergarten. These, of course, are mostly simple products made of paper, foil and plasticine.

  1. Simple applications.

The easiest, but favorite activity for children. On a regular (colored) sheet of paper, you can create a very interesting pictures, create a house, a Christmas tree, a snowman and much more from colored paper parts and glue.

Photos of several ideas:

Postcard for New Year 2017

Video: Applications for the New Year in kindergarten.

Video, Master class:

You will need: salt or sugar, semolina, small twigs, red fabric, plasticine, a wooden stick.

We sculpt three plasticine balls of different sizes. Pour sugar (salt) and semolina onto a piece of paper, and roll the balls in this mixture so that they become completely white. We form a snowman - we put the balls on the stick in order, the bottom should be the largest. We decorate: on the neck - a bandage, twigs - these are pens, eyes, nose and growth can be made with buttons or plasticine.

Video: Plasticine snowman.

Video, Master class:

As without the symbol of the year!

You will need: water, salt, PVA glue, flour, paints.

We make the dough: you need to mix 400 g of flour and a glass of salt, pour it with water (250 ml), add 40 g of PVA. Now we connect the fantasy and sculpt the body, wings, beak, scallop and head of the cockerel. We connect all the details of the product and send it to the oven for one hour. When the craft has cooled, it needs to be decorated with paints, preferably acrylic, and dry well.

Video: Do-it-yourself rooster from dough.

Video: Do-it-yourself symbol of the year:

You will need: cotton wool, glue, water, starch

First you need to cook a paste from water and starch: dissolve 1 tablespoon of starch in a small amount of liquid, put on fire and add a glass of boiling water, cook until thick, stirring. We throw cotton wool into the paste, set everything aside for a day until the cotton wool dries. Next, we twist the balls and make a snowman, combining the balls with glue. When it dries, decorate and paint it.

Video: do-it-yourself cotton snowman.

Video, Master class:

You will need: pieces of fleece, beads and beads, scissors, different ribbons, a needle and strong threads, a pencil.

We make paper blanks - a large circle, a flower, a small circle for the middle, a leaf. Using these templates, we cut out the details from the fabric twice, since the toy will be double-sided. We decorate the flower by drawing veins on it or embroidering them. Next, you need to connect it with the leaves with a thread. We sew a flower and a leaf to the base ball, fasten the middle, and a bead or other decoration on the middle. The first part of the craft is ready. We do the second in the same way as the first. Now we sew both parts, connecting with each other, and on top we attach a loop of ribbon - and original toy ready!


  1. Postcard-rooster from cereals.

You will need: buckwheat, rice, semolina, cardboard, paints, brushes, glue, tweezers

The very first thing to do is find the rooster pattern and print it out. Next, draw this template on a cardboard base of any color. Now you need to take a brush and wet its thick glue, and then carefully apply it to the contours of the picture. Put buckwheat on the glue with a stick or tweezers, although you can just fill it with lines, and shake off the excess. Then we proceed according to the previous scheme. In this way, you can make pea eyes, a beard - wheat, a tuft, beak and tail - from dyed rice, a torso, paws - from semolina. There is always room for experimentation! Next, the painting must be allowed to dry well.


  1. Simple DIY snowflakes.

You will need: paper (white or colored) and scissors.

We take a simple square leaf and fold it exactly diagonally. Next, fold the triangle in half, and then in half again. We cut off the resulting figure at the bottom as you like: you can evenly, or along some beautiful contour. We draw patterns on the triangle, according to which we will cut, and do it. We take out the unnecessary parts of the paper and unfold the snowflake! Moreover, patterns can be very diverse, there are no restrictions here.

Video: DIY snowflakes for the New Year 2017.

Video: How to make beautiful snowflakes for the New Year 2017.

DIY crafts for the New Year 2017 to school.

Since older children go to school, they can be offered to make crafts for the New Year 2017 more laborious.

  1. Rooster from napkins or corrugated paper.

Photo: Beautiful craft for the New Year 2017 do it yourself

The craft is very bright and voluminous.

You will need: a sheet of thick paper, napkins (corrugated paper), glue in the form of a pencil, scissors, matches.

To get started, select a template pattern and print it on thick paper. Then we cut the napkins into small pieces about a centimeter by a centimeter, and decorate the product. We twist each square around the match in the direction of the arrow, and then we smear its base with a piece of paper with glue and attach it to the picture in a given place until we fill the entire part. We do the same with following colors. It is better to look at such a craft from afar, since close all the corrugated parts merge.

Photo: Do-it-yourself thread Christmas tree for the New Year 2017

You will need: several skeins of thread, adhesive tape (foil), glue, thick paper, decor.

The first step is to twist the cone out of a sheet of paper. Next, cover it with tape or foil. We take the threads, dip them in glue and thickly wrap the made cone with them. Then it is necessary to dry the product well on a flat surface. Once everything is dry, remove paper cone, separating it from foil or adhesive tape, and begin to decorate the Christmas tree to taste: balls, rhinestones, sequins, sparkles and ribbons.

Video. Christmas tree made of threads with your own hands.

Video, Master class:

You will need: a stapler (glue), a lot of colored paper, scissors.

At the very beginning, we cut out a lot of thin stripes from colorful paper one size. Then we fasten the first strip so that a circle appears. We thread the next one into it, and also connect it into a ring. Thus, a chain (garland) of links is obtained.

Video. DIY paper garland.

  1. Wooden decoupage.

You will need: a flat piece of wood, varnish, paint, a napkin with a picture, a sponge, brushes, glue, scissors.

To get started, you need to process the piece of wood with sandpaper so that its surface is almost smooth. Then we paint the tree with white paint with a sponge. While all this dries, we select the pattern that we will apply. Then we cut out the necessary details of the picture from the selected napkin, and glue them on a wooden base: first we lay the glue, then the napkin part, glue again on top. When the pasted drawings dry, there will be a feeling of a painted picture. But it lacks the background that we make around with the help of paints. At the very end, everything needs to be covered safe varnish, preferably in a couple of layers. Also, such products are decorated with glitter, cotton wool and beads.

  1. Felt Christmas tree - a postcard with your own hands.

Felt Christmas tree - do-it-yourself postcard

You will need: pieces of felt, simple and patterned cardboard, buttons, scissors, braid and glue.

First you need to bend in half in width plain cardboard, and cut a rectangle smaller than the base of the product from cardboard with a picture and stick it on front side gift. Next, you need to cut strips of tape as long as the sides of the postcard, and stick them on the patterned cardboard on the sides using PVA. Now we make a paper template in the shape of a pear, and with its help we cut out the blanks of Christmas tree branches from the fort (20 pieces). Now you need to form a Christmas tree. We start from the bottom, take 8 pieces of blanks and lay them out like a fan. When you like the position of the lower tier, glue it to the cardboard. Next, we take 5 more blanks, we do the same second layer of branches. And so on, only so that the next layer is smaller than the previous one. Herringbone must finish the last three blanks. In our case, the top of the tree will be a button. To imitate Christmas decorations, we use sequins or beads. original postcard ready!


Master Class:

  1. Asterisk in vintage style with your own hands.

You will need: glue gun, brush, pencil, scissors, corrugated cardboard, lace, paints, bag fabric, buttons, twigs.

We make star templates of different sizes, and with their help we cut out three blanks from cardboard. We also cut out plain paper deer. Next, you need to connect the stars with glue, and lay fabric stars between them. Then we tie the resulting product with a cord many times so that it also looks like an asterisk. For a highlight, you need to paint the craft as if it were in the snow. For this, with a brush with white paint, touch the star a little in different ends. Next, we attach another decor with a gun: branches, buttons, deer. It remains only to finish the gift with a fabric bow and attach a loop from the rope - the toy is ready!

Crafts for the New Year 2017 from paper.

It may seem at first glance that paper gifts are the easiest to make. Yes, this is partly true. From paper, crafts for the New Year 2017 can easily be made by both the youngest representative of the family and an older child. Therefore, it is simply necessary to consider the most interesting of them.

Beautiful application for the New Year 2017 do it yourself

You will need: colored paper, scissors, colored pencils, PVA glue, a template made.

To get started, you need to make a template for the base of the Christmas tree - print a large triangle and an asterisk for the top on white A4 paper. Next, cut out the triangle and glue it on a colored background. Now we are preparing needles for our tree. We take green sheets of paper, put our palms on, circle them with a pencil and carefully cut them out with scissors. How many of them - we look at the prepared template and the size of the cut out palms. Next, we glue our needles. We start from the bottom, and you need to make sure that the fingers remain not glued. You can stick needles in two layers, the main thing is that the white base is not visible. Now we cut out an asterisk of the color you like according to the template, and glue it to the very top of the tree. You can decorate the product with colored balls and garlands, also cut out of colored paper.

Video: Do-it-yourself Christmas tree application.

  1. DIY flashlight toy for the New Year 2017 made of paper.

You will need: colored cardboard, scissors, a stapler, beads or rhinestones, a needle and a thick thread.

We divide a sheet of cardboard with a pencil into four equal segments and a segment one centimeter in size. We make folds along the lines, and we fasten everything with a stapler. We take another sheet of cardboard of this color, and wind a thick thread around it. Next, we connect one side of the cardboard with a stapler with a thread, and cut the thread on the back. We cut off the unnecessary part of the paper, about two centimeters with threads will remain. Now you need to fasten this blank with the first detail, and make a loop on top. You can decorate it with beads and rhinestones. Everything, the toy is ready!

Video. Beautiful crafts for the New Year 2017.

  1. Do-it-yourself snowflake tunnel.

You will need: white and blue leaves, a stationery knife or quilling scissors, regular scissors, a pencil, tape.

To work, you need to print patterns of snowflakes from paper, different in size, the same in shape. Next, we apply templates and cut out snowflakes from paper (white and blue) only in the center. We remove all excess. Now, using double-sided tape or glue, you need to fold the tunnel in order, starting from the very small detail. From the very big template cut out the main beautiful snowflake, which is attached to the larger base of the tunnel. Next, we make a frame out of paper and attach the tunnel there. For brightness, you can add sequins or beads.

On the network you can find a huge number of workshops on how to make a cockerel with your own hands out of paper. The main ones will be discussed below.

Craft for a child in kindergarten

Despite the fact that there are many techniques for how to make a rooster out of paper, this article will consider the most primitive of them, which everyone can handle.

In addition, you should take care of the presence of a scallop and a beard in the bird. They are cut out separately from red colored paper and glued onto the drawing with PVA glue. The finished fake is most often decorated with sparkles. To do this, you must first treat it with glue, and then shake off all the extra sparkles.

Volumetric symbol of 2017

The symbol of 2017 with your own hands is easy to make in the form of a cone. This paper cockerel made by the new year will become interesting element design New Year's interior in the apartment. The basis of such a cockerel is a cone. To make a body, no additional templates are required. It is enough just to roll a piece of paper into a “bag” and voila - the cockerel is almost ready. So that the body does not crumble at the most inopportune moment, it must be glued together. To do this, use PVA glue. Next, a beard and comb are cut out of colored paper. They must be red.

The upper part of the cone is the "face" of the bird. A beard and a comb are glued here. You should also take care that the cockerel has eyes. They can be made of black colored paper. To make the eyes look like real ones, you need to glue one more bead to each black part.

Wings are made from strips of paper. They should be contrasting color in relation to the body. The same goes for the tail. For its manufacture, the same technique is used as for the wings. You can attach a thread to the finished cockerel. So the bird is easy to hang somewhere. For example, on a festive tree.

The coming year 2017 eastern horoscope- the year of the fiery or red rooster. The colors of the year are red, orange, gold, yellow. We offer ideas for making festive bright crafts rooster.

Easy-to-make craft "Rooster" for children with their own hands for the New Year. It will take about 40 minutes and colored paper, paint, cotton wool, glue to make it. Make a cone out of white paper (fasten with a stapler). Color the cone with yellow paint, or the cone can be made from yellow paper.

From red paper (or corrugated red paper) we make a red caftan for a rooster. strip of paper rectangular shape glue on the cone. Make from strips of cotton fur trim caftan.

For the tail, cut feathers from colored paper and glue them on. For the head, cut out three small red feathers and glue to the red rim and secure in place of the rooster's head. Glue the beak. Eyes can be drawn with paints (felt-tip pens) or made from black paper.

A simple craft - "Two roosters" from colored paper. From orange cardboard, cut out a couple of large circles and a couple of smaller ones. Attach the smaller circle to the larger circle and glue.

From paper of yellow, red, green colors, cut out the tail, scallop, beak, paws, from black paper - eyes. Glue the details to the cockerels. Make incisions on the males without reaching the edge - one on top, the other on the bottom.

Insert one cockerel into the incision of the other cockerel. The craft is ready. If you thread a thread, you get paper toy on the tree

Making a rooster for further use in crafts for the New Year. You will need bright colored paper. Cut out the details for making a rooster - two large circles (rooster body), two smaller circles (rooster head), two paws, comb, beard, beak, two eyes, feathers for the rooster tail.

We assemble the rooster from the above parts in stages. We attach feathers and paws to a large circle for glue.

Glue the second circle on top.

Glue a scallop, beak, and beard to a smaller circle.

We glue the remaining circle on top, without lubricating the junction of the head with the body of the rooster with glue. Glue the eyes on both sides.

We fasten the head and body of the rooster with glue. The rooster is ready.

Let's make a paper bag for the rooster. then you can put it in small gift or a surprise for the New Year under the Christmas tree or hang on the Christmas tree. Cut A4 paper in half lengthwise and twist the cylinder, secure with a stapler.

Fold the cylinder as shown in the photo. This will be the inside of the bag.

Then take half a sheet of a different color (for example, green) for decoration outside handbags.

From the sheet, cut a blank such as in the photo. These will be Christmas trees on both sides of the handbag.

We attach a paper handle to the purse. We decorate the Christmas trees with cotton wool as shown in the photo.

We put the cockerel behind the Christmas tree and attach the cockerel to the bag with glue, and the tree to the cockerel. Bag for new year gift ready. There you can put a small gift and hang it on the Christmas tree.

Another option for an elegant handbag made of paper for a gift for the New Year.

Attach the cockerel to the bag with glue. The craft is ready.

Craft "Rooster" for the New Year from disposable plates and colored paper. Cut half of the center out of the plates as shown in the photo.

Fasten the plates together with a stapler.

Color the basket in green color or in any other bright color. With PVA glue, write the number 2017. Attach thin strips of cotton wool in place of the glue.

Put the cockerel in a basket. The craft can be hung on a carnation or on a Christmas tree.

Craft "Clock with a rooster" for the New Year. It will take one disposable plate, colored paper, paints. We paint the dial on the plate.

Cut out the details for the rooster from bright colored paper.

We collect the head of the rooster.

We put the plate in the head of the cockerel and fix it with glue.

Glue the feathers of the cock's tail.

Glue the paws of the rooster. Craft "Clock with a rooster" is ready. It can be hung both on a carnation and on a Christmas tree. Or in another way decorate the room for the New Year.

Clock with a rooster

Craft "Postcard with a rooster" from colored paper.

Folding paper different colors together (A4 sheet or 1/2 A4 sheet).

We are planning a rooster.

Cut off excess paper.

We lay out the roosters and make neat cuts: for one rooster - from above, for the other - from below.

We insert one cockerel into another. If necessary, deepen the cuts further to match the edges of the card.

We glue the edges of the card together, overlapping each other 1 cm.

We fold the card again.

We make internal folds on the card so that it can be placed.

Color the scallop, beard, beak and eye of the cockerel with pencils or felt-tip pens, or stick it on colored paper Red.

We propose to do a simple rooster from modules in the technique of origami. The rooster itself is assembled from modules quickly. About an hour. And the production of modules will take time. It usually takes 1-1.5 hours to make 100 modules. It took 421 modules of different colors to make a rooster.

You will need to make modules from paper of different colors. Paper size for the manufacture of the module 7cm x 4cm.

Fold a piece of paper in half lengthwise.

Then fold the workpiece in half across again.

Unfold the workpiece and fold the edges of the workpiece to the middle line as shown in the photo.

Turn over the workpiece.

Then turn the bottom corners up.

unscrew bottom edge blanks.

Fold the workpiece in half.

Which great idea make a craft of a rooster, a symbol of 2017 with your own hands! Pleased Fire Rooster you'll get his patronage on whole year. Gifts in the form of a rooster with your own hands, especially if they are made with all your heart, will please anyone, and they can also be great. christmas decoration at your home.

You have a chance to excel with your imagination and creativity. Please note that the rooster has a homely character, not tolerating disorder, but requiring comfort and everything natural, natural, but he will also leave no room for boredom and mediocrity. You do not need any special training, you can even involve your children in this to have fun together and develop their Creative skills to train fine motor skills. For crafts, you need to prepare a minimum of materials, and at the end get the maximum benefit in the form of the sea positive emotions. Being a creator is not at all difficult, but it is terribly fun and great!

Take a look at a wide variety of ideas, let them inspire you, or maybe thanks to them, you will come up with your own unique one. Just try!

funny chicken coop

A pillow with the image of a rooster or hens - hens, a very beautiful and also practical accessory for the home in 2017. It will decorate any room and add softness and comfort if you put it on yourself. How to do?

From a sheet of paper or cardboard, draw and cut out a stencil, each part of the cockerel separately: wings, crest, beak, eyes, etc. Having attached the patterns to the multi-colored pieces of fabric, cut out all the parts of the appliqué, sew them to the pillowcase of the pillow. It is better to choose a plain light fabric for the base. A do-it-yourself rooster on a pillow can be made with various ornaments: flowers, herbs or peas, use your imagination to vividly depict a poultry yard.

Let's fly!

Do-it-yourself voluminous toys in the form of chickens and a rooster, attached to the top by ropes, interesting option instead of a fixed panel. You can change the places of their deployment, decorating one room or another, because such a craft will delight people of all ages. Each toy has its own special charm, it gives the warmth of the hands of the master and inspires the atmosphere of the holiday for the new year 2017.


According to the template from two parts, we cut out and sew the future chicken. We attach the rest of the parts: eyes, beak, wings, etc. You can add bead and rhinestone decorations to your hens, bright flowers or feathers. From the thicker threads, you need to make legs for the chickens, buttons sewn together will serve as paws.

naughty cockerels

We sew a blank for an egg-shaped toy and attach the rest of the rooster to it: wings, comb, eyes, and so on. Glue the straw from below so that it looks like a nest in shape, and the rope on which we hang the cockerel can be decorated with beads. Attach ready-made cockerels to a branch that can be decorated with artificial leaves made of paper or scraps of fabric.

Cockerel with a heart

We sew a stuffed blank for a toy from two pieces of a heart shape. As a fabric, you can choose warm felt. Sew along the edges the rest of the rooster: beak, fluffy tail, scallop, beak, and so on. In the middle, attach a ribbon or rope on which the toy will hang.

This master class has a lot of options for execution, there is no limit to the author's imagination and courage, the number and size of do-it-yourself roosters is not limited.

Antistress cockerels

Such toys can be put on a shelf or on any horizontal plane. funny performance will cheer everyone up in 2017 and will remind you of a fairy tale and holidays. The fabric should be bright plain, or with polka dots, stripes, checks. Sew a stuffed blank in the form of a square bag, along the edges there will be a beak, tail and other parts of the cockerel. We sew the toy from below so that we get a pyramid. To give an even more ridiculous look, you can make a cockerel from the red thread of the paw. To such mischievous cockerels, you can add a whole bird brood with hens and even chickens. The toy keeps its shape very well and will not leave anyone indifferent.

golden scallop

To create such a symbol of 2017 - a rooster, you will need fabric and cotton wool. From the patterns, sew the body, wings and scallop, stuff them with cotton wool. Sew them together and attach the rest of the details: eyes, beak, beard. You can attach a stylistic straw bow to your neck, it will look very authentic! Choose the material for crafts to your taste, for example, bright plain felt is well suited for a beak and a scallop with a beard, you can look at something contrasting for the body and wings. The rooster will definitely be pleased with your work!

Fashionista Pugovkin

Do-it-yourself rooster from buttons - perfectly simple and at the same time creative idea! After all, everything is ingeniously simple! You will definitely find at home old unnecessary buttons of all colors of the rainbow and sizes. It’s a pity to throw away such buttons, and at the same time they lay unnecessarily, but nothing happens by chance, and now, finally, the buttons will find their purpose in the form of a wonderful craft for the new 2017 Fire Rooster!

Gather New Year's rooster on fabric or a sheet of paper or cardboard. Rhinestone decoration will look good, it is better to choose buttons of different sizes and shapes. This will give finished product special flair. At the first stage, draw the base of the rooster so that the buttons do not go beyond its borders. Ready application can be framed in the most prominent place in the house.

This do-it-yourself rooster is a master class for anyone who wants to diversify their leisure time and please loved ones with unusual gizmos. You will certainly please the arrogant and arrogant cockerel, and he, in turn, patronized you throughout 2017. But the main thing is that you get real pleasure from the very creative process and surprise your loved ones.

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