Shellac for pregnant women. What you need to know about gel nail polish during pregnancy? Safe varnish for shellac

Unfortunately, both manicures and pedicures can be dangerous for the expectant mother if she chooses cheap, toxic cosmetics. Pregnancy is a condition associated with a deficiency of vitamins, micro and macro elements. For many women, the condition of the nails worsens during this period. That's why the choice of nail care products should be approached more carefully: they should not contain potentially dangerous ingredients and worsen the condition of the nail.

How to choose varnish?

The modern cosmetic industry produces a great variety of varnishes, nail enamels, various bases and fixatives. But not all of them can be used by pregnant women. Why? It's all about composition. Unfortunately, not every woman pays attention to whether there is a description of the substances used in a particular varnish or by a particular company on a bottle of varnish. Moreover, we sometimes tend to buy cheaper varnish, nonchalantly believing that nails can withstand a lot. But in vain. The fact is that in many varnishes such toxic substances are used that can have a negative effect on the developing fetus, cause an allergic reaction in mothers.

What are these substances?

Formaldehyde(synonym - formalin /formalinum/, formaldehyde solution). Refers to film-forming agents, is added to improve the bonding of the varnish film to the surface of the nail. By itself, it is a liquid with a pungent odor; when breathing, it enters the body through the mucous membrane of the respiratory system. It has a strong effect on the central nervous system, causing headaches, palpitations, and can potentially cause organic damage to the central nervous system. Theoretically, with regular contact with formaldehyde, the risk of pregnancy pathology, developmental anomalies and fetal allergization increases; this substance can also weaken the child's immune system.

Toluene(methylbenzene /methyl benzol/). It is a strong solvent, promotes rapid drying of the varnish and a longer retention of it on the nail. It enters the body through the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. Toluene is believed to have the potential to cause harm to the fetus; has a carcinogenic effect.

Camphor/camphor/. The essential oil is volatile and enters the human body also through the respiratory tract. Widely used for medical purposes, not recommended for use during pregnancy. Used as an aromatherapy agent that acts on the cardiovascular system, in a pregnant woman, in extreme situations, it can provoke an increase in the tone of the uterus.

Advice! Purchase varnishes that do not contain the above components. Not only varnishes that do not contain harmful substances have appeared on the market of cosmetic products, but also entire series of cosmetic products designed specifically for pregnant women. In addition, when purchasing any cosmetics, look for an inscription on its packaging: "hypoallergenic" or "allowed for use during pregnancy."

How to choose nail polish remover?

When caring for nails, nail polish removers are also used. How to be with them? Of course, acetone removes nail polish best of all, but it is the most harmful not only for the nails of a pregnant woman. Acetone is a rather strong solvent with a pronounced specific odor, which can have a toxic effect on the central nervous system. It dries the nail excessively, washing off the fatty protective film. In turn, this causes overdrying of the nail and, as a result, increased brittleness.

What to do? Now the cosmetic industry produces various acetone-free nail polish removers: liquids, milk, wipes, etc. Moreover, many of them are enriched with vitamin complexes, calcium and creatine, which strengthen nails.

Can you do nail extensions?

It is both modern and fashionable and beautiful and lasts a long time. But cosmetologists do not recommend performing such procedures during pregnancy, especially using acrylic technology. The fact is that the materials used in nail extensions are not harmless to a pregnant woman. For this, aggressive solvents are used, and the polymer itself, which forms the nail, forms an unsafe chemical “cloud” during grinding. In addition, the nails, whose condition often worsens during pregnancy, will additionally suffer from extensions.

Is it possible to do shellac during pregnancy?

Many women are used to doing the Shellac procedure and are wondering if it is possible to continue using salon gel polish during the period of bearing a baby.

It is worth noting that gel polish has a number of advantages:

1. It stays on nails for a long time. This means that the procedure for applying varnish will have to be repeated much less frequently than when applying conventional varnish.
2. Unpleasant odors during the shellac application procedure are no more intense than when covering the nail plates with ordinary varnish.
3. Unlike nail extensions, shellac does not require cutting off the top layer of the nail plate.

However, shellac also has disadvantages:

1. Shellac is made only in the salon. In this case, you must be sure that the master sterilizes all the instruments after each visitor.
2. A strong restructuring occurs in the body of a pregnant woman, and shellac may not last as long as before.
3. Special gel polish remover is applied to the nail for a longer time, which means that you will have to inhale the chemical solvent a little longer than usual. If you are suffering from toxicosis, try to avoid such procedures.

Pregnancy is not a reason to refuse manicures and pedicures, but a good reason to approach the choice of nail care products more responsibly.

A pregnant woman is responsible not only for herself, but also for her child. That is why she is forced to give up her old habits and take care of the health of her baby first of all. And a woman wants to be always on top, catch admiring male glances and just look great in any position. Manicure, of course, is an integral part of a flawless image. Recently, shellac has become one of the most popular and relatively affordable types of manicure. But future mothers doubt whether it is possible for pregnant women to do shellac, is this procedure safe for the baby?

What is shellac

Before finding out whether it is possible to do shellac during pregnancy, you need to figure out what kind of procedure it is. Shellac is a special coating for nails that combines the features of varnish and gel for building up nail plates. Shellac has gained popularity due to its advantages:

Can pregnant women do shellac

  • preserves manicure for a long time, because it lasts much longer than ordinary varnish;
  • hypoallergenic, does not have an unpleasant odor;
  • the coating is easily removed from the nail;
  • safe for nails, does not change their structure;
  • the coating does not change under the influence of the sun or water, detergents;
  • due to its structure, it does not roll like ordinary varnishes, it allows you to create a variety of designs on nails;
  • the only nail polish today that retains shine for a long time;
  • affordable cost.

shellac during pregnancy

Can shellac be pregnant? The procedure in such a difficult position has the least impact, its composition is not harmful to health, since it does not include formaldehyde or dibutyl phthalate, which are found in ordinary nail polishes. Thus, shellac is the safest and most convenient way to make a beautiful manicure and, what is very important, not harm your health.

A pregnant woman needs to choose cosmetics especially carefully. Before coating nails with shellac, you need to study its composition. Some manufacturers use toxic substances in shellac to enhance the coloring pigment.

The following components should be of concern:

  • formaldehyde (formalin, formalinum);
  • toluene (methylbenzene, methyl benzol);
  • camphor (camphor).

When building nails, their surface is processed and damaged, which can adversely affect both the general health of the pregnant woman and the health of the developing child, since part of the body's resources will be redirected to the recovery of the expectant mother. Shellac does not violate the integrity of the nails. In addition, after applying shellac, the nails will recover much faster, spending fewer body resources. That is, the nutrients in strengthening the nails will have a beneficial effect on the health of the baby and its development.

shellac during pregnancy

The opinion of doctors about shellac during pregnancy

In the early stages of pregnancy, when organic systems are laid in the fetus, experts do not recommend making shellac. From the moment the embryo is attached (the first weeks of pregnancy), the formation of the skeleton and internal organs of the child begins. Harmful components of shellac can accumulate in a fragile body, causing pathological abnormalities. Therefore, before going to a nail salon, a pregnant woman should consult an obstetrician if he allows the use of shellac.

Is it possible for pregnant women to do shellac on nails under a lamp

Some pregnant women are afraid to dry their nails under an ultraviolet lamp. But this is not dangerous, since the light does not affect important areas, and drying lasts an average of about 2 minutes.

Important! Before placing hands under the lamp, the manicurist must treat the skin with a special protective cream. Due to hormonal changes, the skin of a pregnant woman is often dry. That is why this procedure is extremely important. In addition, ultraviolet radiation in moderation is beneficial to human health. Therefore, when used properly, UV is not harmful.

Features of shellac nails during pregnancy:

  • before the master starts his work, you need to make sure that the salon room is well ventilated so that during the procedure you do not suffer from smell. You can ask for a special protective face mask. At the slightest sign of nausea, you should leave the salon and get some fresh air;
  • Before doing a manicure, be sure to apply a base coat on the nails. It will prevent harmful substances from entering the blood and skin;
  • after the procedure, the skin of the hands, the mucous membrane of the nose and mouth should be cleaned.

Important! Manicure should only be done by professionals. This is the only way to be sure of the quality of the material and the safety of the tools. And in no case is it necessary, in order to save money, to make shellac during pregnancy at the master's home. The sterility of instruments in such a situation is a big question, as is the quality of applying the gel itself.

And finally, a step-by-step instruction for applying shellac:

Is it possible for pregnant women to do shellac on nails under a lamp

  1. Processing of the nail plate - filing and polishing, so that the villi that appear as a result of this procedure contribute to good adhesion of the shellac to the base. Also at this stage, the cuticle is processed, the plate is given the necessary shape.
  2. Rubbing nails with a special antibacterial and degreasing agent.
  3. Covering the nail with a special base layer of shellac. Then each finger is separately placed under an ultraviolet lamp for polymerization.
  4. Application of the main color layer. For the best effect, the master can apply shellac in two very thin layers. After that, the hands are again placed under ultraviolet light.
  5. Accurate removal of all imperfections and elimination of manicure defects. As a rule, corrective means in the form of a pencil are used for this purpose.
  6. Use of a fixer. It depends on him how long the manicure will last on the hands of a woman. In addition, the fixing layer gives the nails shine and special elegance. The fixer also needs to be cured by placing the hands under the lamp again.
  7. Remove stickiness from the plate with an alcohol-based product.

At the moment, the question of whether it is possible for pregnant women to paint their nails with shellac remains open. There is no definite answer, because it all depends on the individual characteristics of the body, the trimester of pregnancy, the quality of shellac, the skill and experience of the specialist. However, the masters confidently note that shellac is ideal for manicure not only for pregnant women.

The fair sex pays attention to their appearance every day. After all, every woman wants to look perfect, regardless of the circumstances. During pregnancy, self-care requires much more attention than at any other time in life. From the very moment of conception, against the background of hormonal changes in the body, the structure of hair and nails changes, sometimes the condition of the skin worsens. Moreover, cosmetics have to be selected with special trepidation and caution so as not to have a negative impact on the body of the unborn child.

Manicure procedures cause a lot of controversy between pregnant women. Some believe that nothing bad can happen, others completely refuse varnishes and other means. But how is it really? Can even shellac harm the health of the fetus?

Shellac advantages and disadvantages

Gel-based varnishes differ from others in consistency, texture, rules of application and care. It is worth giving credit that they are much more practical than ordinary varnishes, for a number of reasons:

  • For a manicure using shellac, it is not necessary to remove the top layer of the nail plate. Therefore, if you want to remove it, you do not have to spend time and money on restorative products.
  • In recent years, the opinion has spread that nails cannot breathe under such varnish. But this is not true. Access to oxygen can be blocked exclusively by gel or acrylic.
  • A huge plus for pregnant girls will be that the manicure will remain in excellent condition for up to several weeks. This will get rid of the need to constantly paint your nails and breathe in harmful substances contained in varnishes.
  • Shellac does not contain formaldehyde, so it does not harm the fetus and the health of the expectant mother at all.
  • The material allows you to bring even the most interesting ideas to life.
  • The procedure will be a very good solution for owners of brittle exfoliating nails.

But in addition to the obvious advantages, there are several significant disadvantages of this procedure during pregnancy:

  • The first significant disadvantage is that shellac cannot be applied without the help of a master. This requires special equipment and tools, which will be very problematic for a person with an average income to buy.
  • The nail service employs both real professionals and people who do manicures without the appropriate education. That is why the expectant mother should carefully consider the choice of the salon and make sure that all instruments are sterilized after each visitor. It would seem a trifle, but even a small scratch on the fingers can become a window for infections and bacteria.
  • Both during the application of shellac and when it is removed, a whole bunch of unpleasant odors arise that can cause a girl in a position of nausea or.
  • Due to changes in the body, nails can become more brittle, sensitive. For this reason, the "life" of such a coating may be reduced.
  • This procedure is distinguished not only by its high cost, but also by the duration of the application process. During pregnancy, it is not easy to be in the same position for two hours.
  • Allergy to materials is possible. Such a situation is very difficult to predict. In this regard, it is first better to apply shellac on one nail and check how the body behaves.

Despite the disadvantages and advantages of the procedure, it is necessary to remember some recommendations that will help not harm the fetus and your own health. A few important points when choosing a beauty salon and shellac itself:

  • You should never contact craftsmen who work from home. The sterility of the instruments in such cases is a big question, as is the quality of the shellac application.
  • The materials used during the procedure must not contain formaldehyde, camphor and toluene. If any of these components is still present, then the manicure will have to be abandoned.
  • Before placing your hands in an ultraviolet lamp, be sure to treat the skin of your hands with a special cream. This is really important during pregnancy.
  • In case the smell of shellac causes discomfort, the cabin should have quick access to fresh air.
  • Since the procedure takes a lot of time, it is important to take care of comfort. A comfortable chair is a must.
  • Poor-quality cheap shellac has a disgusting smell and a bottle without any identification marks. Also on the bottom of the container should be a license plate. Thanks to this, you can immediately identify cheap material and refuse services.

So is it possible to still apply shellac during pregnancy? The unequivocal answer is yes. If you take into account all the warnings and choose a conscientious manicurist, then the procedure will not harm the unborn child in any way. A woman can afford nail care during pregnancy, and shellac is great for this.

Hello dear future moms! All women strive to be beautiful in any situation, pregnancy is not a reason to let yourself go. But which cosmetic procedures are allowed and which are prohibited? One of the questions that worries fashionistas very much is whether it is possible to paint nails with gel polish for pregnant women? Let's figure it out.

Pregnancy is a crucial period in a woman's life, and everyone tries to spend it with the maximum benefit for the fetus, avoiding harm. For those fashionistas who cannot imagine their life without manicure and pedicure, the first thing that worries is whether or not it can be done during pregnancy.

Definitely, you need to put yourself in order, including nails, during pregnancy. The question is what varnishes to use. All nail polishes are solid chemistry, but they are different.

When buying varnish or building up nails, pay attention to the composition of the coating, it should not contain such harmful substances as:

  • Formaldehyde;
  • Toluene;
  • Camphor;
  • Methyl methacrylate.

Varnishes, which include the first 3 components, are the cheapest, their country of origin is China and its environs. Covering nails with such varnish is dangerous for the health of the mother and child in her womb.

The harm from varnish is not so much from its substances applied to the nails in small quantities, but from the harmful fumes that they exude. Harmful substances settle on the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract, and from there penetrate into the bloodstream and to the fetus. Chemistry adversely affects the development of the fetus and can harm the unborn child. This is especially important in early pregnancy. The smell of camphor affects the contraction of the muscles of the uterus, which can even lead to miscarriage. Of course, this can be brought up by sniffing varnish in large quantities in a closed room.

When buying varnish on your own, you need to choose one that does not contain the above harmful chemicals, but has their more gentle and expensive substitutes. In this case, it is necessary to focus on the price and the country of origin. The US and EU produce relatively harmless varnishes, but their price is high.

If you are doing a manicure during pregnancy with safe varnishes, take care of these precautions:

  1. Paint your nails no more than once a week;
  2. Apply the first layer of the base base, which will be another barrier to the penetration of chemistry into the nail plate;
  3. Be sure to stay in a ventilated area or outdoors.

2. Is it possible to build nails during pregnancy

Nail extension occurs with such materials:

  • Gel;
  • Acrylic.

The harm from both one and the other is approximately the same for everyone, and even more so for pregnant women.

It is not recommended to increase nails for women in position for the following reasons:

  • In view of the changes in the hormonal background of a pregnant (and lactating) woman, neither gel nor acrylic will stick to the nails the way a non-pregnant woman does. It is not advisable to endure the entire procedure in order to walk around with beautiful nails for several days.
  • Acrylic has a pungent odor, which has a bad effect on the condition of the pregnant woman and penetrates to the fetus through the mucous membrane.
  • The gel used to build nails is odorless, but it may contain a harmful element - methyl methacrylate. Its more gentle substitute is ethyl methacrylate. If you are sure that such a gel will be applied to you in the salon, you can try it. Keep in mind that this material is more expensive and its manufacturers are the USA and Europe.
  • Nail extension involves sawing off the nail plate, and injury is possible. Pregnant women should avoid injury, so as not to bring the infection through the blood.
  • Nail extension occurs mainly in the salon, where poor ventilation and the presence of other chemical odors are possible, and this is harmful for a pregnant woman.

Gel nails look beautiful, and the coating does not change its original appearance - this is what attracts fashionistas. If a pregnant lady has chosen a gel extension with a safe composition, she should not forget that such nails may not last longer than a few days.

3. Shellac nails during pregnancy

Perhaps the safest way to get a manicure or pedicure for a pregnant woman is shellac. This coating combines the ease of application, like a regular polish, and the lasting result, like gel nails. Gel polish has already established itself as a durable and safe coating, including for pregnant (nursing) women.

Shellac (aka gel polish) is applied simply and quickly, while the nails are not cut off and are not injured. The only preparation is coating with a special dehydrating base. In addition, such varnish can be removed from nails simply with nail polish remover.

In addition to safe ingredients, shellac contains some vitamins that nourish the nail plate underneath. Women, even pregnant women, can often apply shellac, not keeping the gap for the "rest" of the nails.

It is very important to note that women in position can remove any nail polish only with products that do not contain acetone.

Dear expectant mothers, take care of your beauty and health during pregnancy. The main thing is to carefully read the composition of beauty products. Nail polishes, as well as hair dye, should be with a gentle composition that will not harm the baby and will not affect your well-being. Be beautiful always!

You can watch a video about whether it is harmful to paint your nails and hair during pregnancy here:

Do not forget to look at our page, here you will learn a lot of interesting things. See you later!

Well-groomed hands with beautiful nails are one of the main decorations of a woman. That is why representatives of the beautiful hearth do not forget about manicure during pregnancy. But many doubt whether it is possible to paint nails during this period. Shellac is especially doubtful. Will it harm the health of the mother and the unborn baby?

What is shellac?

Shellac is a coating of nails with a special gel color varnish in combination with alignment and possible extension. It allows you to make them smoother, shiny and at the same time strengthen the nail plate, protect it from deformation. The technique of its application is not very complicated and consists of several stages:

  • Standard dry manicure;
  • Treatment of the nail plate with a nail file for better bonding with the gel;
  • Removal of dust formed when cutting the nail;
  • Disinfection and degreasing of nail platinum;
  • Applying a base protective layer and drying it with an ultraviolet lamp;
  • Application of a colored layer and fixing with drying;
  • Removal of gel polish residues;
  • Cuticle treatment with cosmetic oil.

The duration of the work depends on the professionalism of the master and your wishes (complexity of the work). Some future mothers are afraid to dry their nails under an ultraviolet lamp. But this is not dangerous, since the light does not affect important areas, and drying lasts no more than two minutes.

Gel polish or shellac has both advantages and disadvantages. Before you make yourself such a manicure, you need to study and analyze them. The main advantages of shellac:

  • It stays on nails for a long time. This means that you do not have to often remove the varnish with acetone solvents and repaint, inhaling chemical fumes.
  • The intensity of unpleasant odors when applying shellac is no higher than when using ordinary nail polish.
  • The top layer of the nail plate practically does not suffer, as is the case with gel or acrylic extensions.
  • Under such a coating, the nails can "breathe" therefore they do not suffer as much as under a simple varnish.
  • Gel for applying shellac does not contain formaldehyde, therefore it is less harmful than conventional varnishes.

The main disadvantages of shellac:

  • It is applied only with the help of salon equipment. This means that you have to trust the master and trust that he sterilizes the instruments after each visitor.
  • Removing shellac requires a longer exposure to the solvent than simple varnish, so it will take longer to inhale the unpleasant odor. This can cause discomfort in the early stages, when the sensitivity to aromas is increased.
  • The body of a pregnant woman is rebuilt and changed, so shellac may not last as long as before.
  • In expectant mothers, nails often grow faster than they normally do. Therefore, you will have to make corrections more often, and this is not the cheapest pleasure.

In addition, we must not forget that it is not easy to predict the reaction of a pregnant woman's body to any chemical substance. Even if you weren't allergic to gel polish or nail polish remover before, things can change now. Therefore, before applying varnish, you should make sure that it does not cause an allergic reaction.

Women during pregnancy should be especially careful when choosing cosmetics. If you decide to cover your nails with shellac, be sure to study its composition. Some manufacturers use highly toxic substances to enhance the coloring pigment. Concerns should be caused by:

  • formaldehyde (formalin, formalinum),
  • toluene (methylbenzene, methyl benzol),
  • camphor (camphor).

If these substances are indicated in the composition, it is better to refuse to apply such varnish on the nails.

If there is no detailed composition on the gel polish bottle, this makes one doubt the quality of the material and not use it.

You should also pay attention to the composition of the nail polish remover. Acetone-containing removers greatly dry out the nail and completely destroy its protection. It is better to give preference to more gentle liquids with the addition of vitamins. Of course, they are not as effective and it will take a little longer to completely dissolve the shellac, but the nail will suffer less.

It is very important to choose the right manicurist. Make sure that the salon complies with all sanitary standards and does not save on disinfection.

Before the master begins his work, make sure that the room is well ventilated, and you will not suffer from a strong smell of "chemistry". You can also ask for a special protective face mask. At the slightest sign of nausea, you need to leave the room and get some fresh air. If you follow all the precautions, shellac will not cause any harm to a pregnant woman and her baby. But he will cheer up and increase self-confidence, and this is what expectant mothers so often lack.