Blue color is in fashion. Black, white and gray are used as finishes. Blue and red

The main secret of an ideal and stylish look is the correct selection of the color scheme of the set. Speaking about the color blue, we can say with confidence that this pure and positive shade can become the basis of an ensemble. This is a color that relaxes the nervous system and has a positive effect on others, the color of the endless sea and bright sky; all this is fascinating and calming. Blue color can create the illusion of coolness, which is very important in the summer heat.

The blue family includes two types of shades: whitened shades of blue without adding other colors or light shades of blue with a slight shift towards green. When the green tint in blue becomes too pronounced, we can see a transition to cyan and then to turquoise. Although the line here is so small that the vast majority of people will classify all these shades as varieties of blue.

Let's look at how blue interacts with various appearance colors.

Pure blue, obtained by whitening the blue color, is perfect for all cold colors of appearance, especially winter types. For women with a summer type of appearance, the optimal choice would be blue with a dash of gray, all dusty shades. But clearly warm types should choose shades of blue with a slight deviation towards green. Such shades can be called warm and are recommended for Spring and Autumn color types.

Let's look at the most interesting combinations.

Blue and white are an integral part of the whole. The set is light and calm, creating the impression of tranquility, minimal contrast and completeness of the image.

Different tonal shades of blue and dark blue combined with black. Black and adds a spark of sophistication and purity to the ensemble.

Blue and beige. It looks very impressive and not flashy, moderately calm and balanced. No flashy details, but the printed top adds an element of playfulness to the look.

Blue and orange. A very fresh and sunny solution. A white top and blue jeans are a classic combination, but when there's an orange bag, it's a whole other level. Stylish and not boring.

Blue and black are classics of the genre. It looks very impressive and elegant, suitable for evening and festive looks. It is advisable not to add other colors, as the image will lose its charm and style.

Monochrome solution. It is better if the shades differ significantly from each other, for example, light blue and deep blue.

Turquoise and blue. This is a related color combination. A rich turquoise dress with a light, delicate blue bag will look much better than an option in one tone.

Pink, blue and white. A combination of tenderness, romance, airiness. For romantic people with a positive mood. The image is light and soft.

The combination of yellow and blue is like the sky and the sun. Positivity, joy and fun. This set will set the owner of the outfit in a joyful mood any day.

Unusual harmony of blue and green. This very beautiful combination is associated with blue sky and green grass. A little cool and green at the same time. Beautiful and unforgettable.

It has been instilled in us since childhood that blue is the dominant color of a man's wardrobe. Perhaps it’s time to dispel this myth, because it’s probably impossible to find a girl whose closet doesn’t have a single thing in this tone. At the same time, we do not focus on the classic color option, because there are a huge number of its variations. This is why it is so important to understand what color blue goes with, what you should pay attention to when combining this shade when creating your own image.

Psychology of color

Blue is a color that has an incredibly multifaceted nature, a lot of shades that are opposite both in brightness and in the mood that they can give. However, what many of them have in common is that they symbolize powerful creative energy and rich creative potential.

Close your eyes and imagine the color blue... How did you feel? Surely this is lightness, relaxation and dreaminess. Indeed, these are exactly the emotions and experiences that this wonderful shade of blue evokes. It is believed that people who give preference to the classical celestial are incredibly dreamy and romantic natures with highly developed intuition.

The other side of the coin can be seen with an excess of various shades of this color, which contribute to the occurrence of stressful conditions, irritability and even aggression. That’s why a sense of proportion and knowing what color to combine blue with is so important.

Combination principles

Surely many have heard about the color wheel, which divides all existing colors and their shades into subgroups. Thanks to this division and study of the harmony of the colors being combined, you can get an idea of ​​the most successful combinations. The most common are considered to be three principles that have not escaped combinations with blue: monochrome, analogy and complementarity. By using them, you will certainly not make a mistake in combinations.

The first principle involves combining things of different shades of the same color in one ensemble. Even if not diluted with anything, they will have a stunning effect. By choosing the principle of analogy, you can combine similar colors; blue is closest to turquoise and blue. Segments of a circle that are opposite each other are called complementary. Such combinations are very effective due to their contrast and the effect of reinforcing each other. What color harmonizes with blue according to this principle? In this case it will be a brown color scheme.

Who is it suitable for?

Any variations of blue are ideal for the “winter” color type, especially its cold shades, which will only emphasize the whiteness and aristocracy of the skin, and the brightness of the hair, creating an incredibly impressive and rich look. Therefore, “winter” women can safely give preference to “blue” looks.

The heavenly shade will look no less organic on olive skin, which is why women of the “summer” color type love to use it so much. At the same time, hair color will have little effect on the harmony of the image, so both blondes and brunettes can safely purchase things in this range. But blue things in the wardrobe of red-haired ladies are considered a rather controversial issue, since it is believed that such a contrast will unbalance the image.

The most successful combinations

It is believed that the achromatic range goes well with absolutely any color. Indeed, it is quite difficult to dispute this statement. However, in the case of blue, each combination radically changes the character of the outfit. For example, white and sky blue will create an incredibly light and weightless ensemble, regardless of the proportions in which they are combined. But with black, you should be much more careful, clearly defining the dominant shade: either the outfit will have the main black, complemented only by details, and this is typical for evening or business looks, or blue with light splashes of black accessories, suitable for everyday and casual outfits. Gray with its shades is the best option for what color to combine with blue-gray, however, you should not limit yourself to it. Such combinations are typical for casual style.

Among chromatic tones, the most successful are considered to be combinations of blue with yellow, green, which we can often observe in nature, as well as with contrasting red, which perfectly emphasizes all the tenderness and depth of blue.

Beautiful blue color in clothes attracts the attention of others with the same success as other colors. This is an amazing, delicate color that many associate with peace and tranquility. Perhaps that is why the shades are present in the wardrobe of almost every person.

Indeed, blue color is a symbol of constancy, peace, reason, purity. However, if there is a lot of this color or it is too saturated, a feeling of apathy and laziness may occur.

Blue color promotes relaxation, reasoning, and creativity. It is not without reason that it is used in the interior of schools, lecture halls, and work offices. However, it should be remembered that there should not be a lot of it, since in this case it will interfere with concentration.
It helps you think, reflect, being alone with yourself. Perhaps that is why, from time immemorial, the ceilings of temples and churches have been painted with this color.
It should be remembered that as many shades of blue as there are, the meaning of its colors is equally varied. So, its other meaning symbolizes indifference, detachment, coldness and isolation.

Blue color in clothes: who suits it and what does it go with?

Blue clothes suit both blondes and brunettes. It is ideal for people with “winter” and “summer” skin types, or rather those with porcelain and ivory skin. But for red-haired people it is better to refrain from using it, or try to successfully combine it with other shades.

It is not enough to correctly determine who the blue color is suitable for; it is important to skillfully combine it with other shades. In fact, it goes with almost all colors, but looks best with white, beige, dark, yellow and flowers. In other words, blue in clothes with other colors it won’t cause much trouble.
However, do not forget that there are a huge variety of shades and what does not go well with a neutral blue color will go perfectly with its shade. In general, look for yourself and find your own combinations!

For example, a blue tint: colors will look great with orange, and soft blue will look perfect with pink.

Which celebrities prefer blue?

Since blue is the color chosen by creative individuals, it becomes quite clear why it is so often featured in celebrity outfits.

Celebrities such as Fergie, Demi Moore, Kylie Minogue, Julianne Moore, Zhanna Friske, Valeria and others prefer clothing in blue shades.

Moreover, every celebrity loves a certain shade. For example, Fergie and Kylie Minogue prefer to wear neutral colors. Demi Moore loves the rich dark blue color, which rather turns into. And Julianne Moore prefers to wear sea green clothes, which certainly suit her.

Blue clothes helps both celebrities and people of other professions relax, feel a sense of comfort and friendliness towards others. No wonder psychologists recommend wearing clothes of this color scheme on meetings with conflicting people, as well as exciting and special events.

In the coming season, blue is more relevant than ever - the Pantone Color Institute named the light forget-me-not shade with the poetic name “Serenity” as one of the two main colors (the second was pastel “rose quartz”). Calm, harmonious, peaceful, it suits almost everyone, regardless of gender, age and color type. In addition, the blue color in clothes allows for a huge number of color combinations; it looks good both in total looks and in a duet with other shades.

Psychologists say that this color is chosen by people who are balanced, self-confident, and in harmony with their inner world. It is appropriate anytime and anywhere: with its help you can create a romantic and feminine, as well as a strict and elegant look. In summer this color is refreshing, in winter it adds tenderness and ease to the image. Like other pastel shades, “serenity” never looks too flashy or defiant, so it will easily fit into any, even the strictest dress code.

We combine shades correctly

The blue color harmonizes perfectly with both pastel shades and bright, intense tones. “Serenity” is best combined with:

  • White. This combination looks very fresh and gentle and is ideal for summer and vacation sets, shading the tan.

  • Pink. The second main color of the year – “rose quartz” – creates a trendy duet with blue, naive and gentle at the same time. You can combine tones using the color blocking technique, or choose fabrics with an “ombre” effect - a soft transition of colors. Of course, such “marshmallow” splendor will not be suitable for the office, but on a romantic date or a city walk it will look quite appropriate.

  • Gray. It is optimal to complement the current shade with a deeper and more saturated color - not light gray, but steel, graphite or asphalt. Gray plus blue is an ideal combination for business style outfits, strict and elegant at the same time.

  • Brown. A variety of brown undertones will help highlight the purity of blue: beige, camel, café au lait, cocoa, chocolate, terracotta.

  • Black. Blue with black looks quite bold; this combination is appropriate for combinations in a strict business style and evening sets.

  • Blue. The closest color in the palette looks harmonious and elegant with forget-me-not. It is best to complement blue not with bright shades of cobalt, but with deep and muted shades - dark navy blue, the classic color of denim.

  • Red. With blue you can wear bright scarlet and darker, richer tones - burgundy, wine, marsala, cherry.

  • Yellow. Another great combination for summer and resort sets is bright yellow and soft forget-me-not. You can combine it both in terms of top/bottom, and you can combine clothes of one color with accessories of another.

We create fashionable sets

The blue color gives any set a note of freshness and lightness. Whether it's a coat, jacket, cardigan, dress, shirt or bag - the item in the most fashionable shade of the year will certainly decorate your look.


What to wear with a blue dress? Complete it depending on the style:


What to wear with a blue skirt?


What to wear with blue trousers?


What to wear with a blue coat?


What to wear with a blue jacket?


What to wear with blue shoes?

Shoes in a fashionable shade of the year are more suitable for the warm season. These shoes go well with skirts made of light fabric, cropped trousers, and light overalls. In the coming season, the most trendy model will be pumps with a pointed toe and thin, medium-height heels. These shoes will complement an evening or cocktail dress in rose quartz, peach, white or soft lemon shades. Don't know what to wear with blue shoes in cool weather? Try pairing them with a set of jeans and a beige cape or white jacket.

If you don’t yet have the most current shades of the season in your wardrobe, you should definitely try them on and purchase them. Feel the “serenity” and inner harmony in harmonious, delicate and elegant outfits!

What colors does blue go with? What can be combined with the kingdom of serene harmony, where airiness and solemnity, lightness and infinity dominate? Blue is perfect interior color. Bringing elegance with it, the sky shade “simplifyes” the overall design, freeing it from unnecessary pretentiousness and pomp, provided that you know what color goes with blue in the interior.

Psychology of blue

Blue is one of the colors that does not carry any aggression, because subconsciously it is associated with the gentle calmness of water and heavenly purity (confidence and calm always reign in the kingdom of fresh air and the water element). These associations determine what colors blue is combined with in the interior.

The color of the sky is in perfect harmony with almost the entire color range, but subject to the laws of consistency. Rules for combining blue color in the interior:

  • Pale blue harmonizes with soft, pastel shades.
  • Bright blue is ideal in combination with deep, rich and vibrant colors.

Advice! Use heavenly shades in south-facing rooms where there is plenty of sun. Blue curtains or walls will bring refreshing coolness to a warm room.

But if blue interiors are used in rooms facing north, there is a risk of making them gloomier. In this case, heavenly shades (if they are used widely) are diluted with bright colors.

"Heavenly" living room

A living room in blue tones always looks neat. The color of the sky has one trick: even if the room has minimal lighting, this shade creates a feeling of full illumination. But don't overdo it, excess blue color in living room interior will give her detachment and coldness.

Advice! Warm up your heavenly room with eye-catching accessories in warm tones. Blue belongs to the air-water element, it can be balanced with earthly textures (wood, stone, leather).

Successful combinations

World of blue. Space and originality can give living room good use of blue in its various shades. In order not to plunge the room into a sad twilight, give the center darker tones, and give the walls, floor and curtains (always made of light, airy fabric) light shades.

♦ Harmony of green. The dream of many modern people is to live in unity with nature. To create a harmonious connection between green and blue, work with their natural shades, taken in equal proportions.

♦Pistachio effect. Using a rich blue color (cornflower blue), dark pistachio and diluting the entire range of pure white, you can achieve an amazing effect. Such a living room will create a feeling of floating in the air, especially if you include a lot of glass (furniture and accessories) in the design.

♦ Peach's Tale. In the language of Eastern philosophy, the combination of peach and blue represents the unity of the feminine and masculine principles. For complete harmony, dilute blue with a dark shade of denim, and peach with a bright shade. coral. Incorporate bright shades into the interior “splashes”, taking suitable accessories.

Airy bedroom

Do you want to disappear into the weightless elements and ensure the most comfortable night's rest? Blue, the color of harmony and fidelity, will help with this. Esotericists advise using attributes with shades of heaven in the bedroom interior - this has a beneficial effect on mutual understanding between spouses.

How to combine blue color in the bedroom

♦ “Delicious” creamy. The ideal combination for a bedroom designed in minimalist style. To get rid of boringness, add lemon-colored accessories and textiles with original embroidery to the overall style (it is better to use striped or square fabric).

♦The courage of black. Such risky and stylish combinations require a professional approach to the play of shades. Paint the ceiling heavenly and include accessories in pistachio tones into the interior. Play bold color combinations separately, in different interior items.

♦Classic white. A fashion favorite, white is always at the peak of popularity. Main palette: pale purple, forget-me-not, creamy, powdery with an emphasis on snowy white. Classic-shaped furniture will help emphasize the style. For variety, change textiles more often (use polka dot fabric, small square).

♦Lemon freshness. Do you want a bedroom in summer, refreshing shades? Apply vanilla blue and pale lemon tones in the interior. Make sure that the colors are in the same, slightly muted range. This combination will “illuminate” the room from the inside, filling it with freshness. The style will be emphasized by the use of finely ribbed fabric and marine-themed accessories.

"Smart" children's room

Psychologists warmly approve of the use of blue flowers when decorating children's rooms. This color has a gentle effect on the baby’s psyche and promotes the development of composure and thoughtfulness. But blue color in the interior of a nursery must be used with a competent combination of colors, focusing on the age of the young person.