Do-it-yourself postcards for Mother's Day from improvised materials, original models. DIY Rose Card Ideas for Mother's Day

A postcard is a great way to congratulate a loved one or friend on a holiday, express gratitude, confess your love or cheer up. And if the card is made by hand, it is doubly pleasant and valuable.

I propose to make a beautiful greeting card for Mother's Day, which looks quite presentable, although it is done within 20 minutes.

My mother loves flowers very much, so she devotes all her free time to growing and caring for them. In preparation for my mother's birthday, I made a card, the main decoration of which was hydrangea flowers. This is her favorite flower, so I decided that it should be on the greeting card. In this article, you can familiarize yourself with the process of making do-it-yourself postcards with flowers.

My friend's favorite season is golden autumn, so for her birthday, which will be at the end of November, I made a postcard with the image of this season. You can follow my example and give a homemade fall card to a loved one for Thanksgiving or Birthday.

Every spring, I love to watch beautiful spring flowers - tulips - appear in my yard. It was they who inspired me to make beautiful spring cards for my relatives and friends. If you like my idea, then you can make such cards for your mother - for Mother's Day, veterans - for Victory Day, beloved and dear female representatives - for March 8, etc.

Agree, how nice it is to receive homemade cards with a declaration of love from your child. Over the weekend, my beloved nephews came to visit me. I decided to invite them to prepare for Valentine's Day on February 14 and make congratulatory ones. They readily agreed! We had fun and exciting time making these cute pictures!

Mom's Day! Have you thought about what to give? Show your love for your mom by giving her a handmade card featuring beautiful, delicate flowers. Believe me, it will be a much more unexpected surprise than a traditional bouquet of flowers. This project may seem complicated at first glance, but once you read the instructions, you will understand how easy it is to do.

The last autumn month - November, is coming to an end, but not everyone knows that on the last Sunday of the month they celebrate a warm and bright holiday - Mother's Day, in 2012 it falls on November 25th.

I propose to make a card with your own hands and please your beloved mother with a pleasant surprise!

Below you will find a selection of very simple and more complex

Hello. You all know that it is always nice to receive gifts for any occasion. And if they are still from our kids, but made with their own hands, then they simply have no price. Any mother, and any father, always enjoy the creativity of their kids, and this is an indisputable fact.

Therefore, on the eve of the upcoming Mother's Day holiday, I decided to prepare a special collection that contains different ideas for making children's crafts for this event.

Work can be done by children of different ages, from the younger group of kindergarten to elementary school. Of course, adult cooperation will be required. And since this will be a surprise for mom, grandparents and dads, educators and teachers should come to the rescue. So dear adults, let's all surprise our most beloved person on earth together.

For those who have forgotten, let me remind you that this special holiday is celebrated on the last day of autumn. Therefore, do not forget to choose and make a gift with your child in advance, and also learn to express all your love and gratitude to your mother.

Today, first of all, I will focus on the step-by-step processes of making works. Also, I will not leave the ready-made photo options without attention, and will provide you with a bunch of interesting and original ideas.

If suddenly, you don’t like anything (although I doubt it), then go to the article on the topic of manufacturing. There is also a cool selection of homemade presents for our mothers.

We will start with products that are within the power of not only older children, but also kids. I dedicate this section to kindergarten. You can create and craft from any material, be it plasticine, paper, etc.

Bouquet of multi-colored palms (for the younger group)

To make such a mental work, you will need plain A4 white paper, paints, water and brushes.

Now make blanks on a white sheet, just draw green stems and “tie” them with a blue ribbon. With a child, paint his palms with any color. Then help him make prints on the twigs. That's all, a chic bouquet is ready!

Also invite the kids to simply mold a gift. Here's what can come out of this idea.

Even with younger preschoolers, you can make greeting cards.

Postcard with balloons

Choose a photo of your son or daughter and cut it out. With a child, inflate small balloons, tie with multi-colored woolen threads. At the same time, leave long ends. On a white sheet of paper, glue colored paper, slightly smaller than white. Next, glue the photo and balloons. Such a present looks very impressive!

Postcard "Colorful buttons"

Well, this is the easiest option. Ask your child to draw stems or print them on paper in advance. Then choose multi-colored buttons, you can have different sizes, and glue them. Behind help write a congratulation.

with the guys in middle group, you can create such charming butterflies.

First, paint the paper with different colors from light to dark. While the base is drying from colored paper, fold the butterflies according to the diagram below.

Well, then glue them on a dried base and complete everything with a twig and leaves, which can also be made of paper or drawn.

An interesting job that requires artistic skills. Ask the children to draw a portrait of their mother. And then all together make frames.

For senior And preparatory group options are a little more complicated.

For example, you can make such ekibanas. The corks from plastic bottles will act as a stand. The tree itself is a wooden popsicle stick. Foliage cut out of paper in the form of hearts of different sizes. Glue them together, and then glue on a stick.

A beautiful bouquet is obtained from ordinary cotton pads. Plus, use the quilling technique to decorate.

In this version, you will have to try and cut out the baskets. Make flowers together in any way known to you. We have already talked about how to make tulips. If you haven't read the article, be sure to check it out here.

Of course, flowers are a frequent gift. Try to create a homemade bouquet.

flower vase

You will need: green paper, napkins or corrugated paper, scissors, glue.

Manufacturing process:

1. Take a sheet of green paper and fold it in half. Step back from the bottom about 3 cm and draw a horizontal line with a pencil. In the upper part, draw parallel lines in the range of 1-1.5 cm.

2. The resulting parallel lines must be cut to a horizontal line not reaching 3 cm from the edge.

3. Unfold the slit sheet.

4. Turn the sheet inside out with the other side and fold not exactly edge to edge, but retreating 1 cm.

5. After that, coat with glue and glue.

6. When the paper sticks together well, roll the workpiece into a tube.

7. It turned out a stable vase with petals.

8. Make flowers from a napkin or corrugated paper, as shown in the photo.

9. Glue the finished flowers to the stems.

10. You can decorate the resulting bouquet to your liking, for example, glue sequins or tie with a satin ribbon.

You can also use the idea of ​​​​decorating pebbles. Paint them with paint, glue felt hearts on top and the souvenir is ready.

Or plasticine, beloved by all children. It will help to create whole pictures.

And I also liked these beads. Mom will definitely be delighted!

DIY crafts for Mother's Day in elementary school

A very interesting and creative craft in the form of a fish, made using the technique of appliqué and trimming. Look how lovely.


You will need: white cardboard sheet, red cardboard sheet, bright tinted or colored paper, pencil and eraser, glue.

Work process:

1. Take a white sheet of cardboard and draw a fish on it. Cut it out.

2. Make fins and a tail out of red cardboard: draw and cut out.

3. Cut out thin strips from tinted paper. These will be scales.

4. Now fold each strip in half and connect, fixing with glue. Get "droplets".

5. Glue these "flakes" following the drawn line.

6. Fill in the entire body of the fish, while glue each next edge under the previous one.

7. Take the paper from which the muzzle will be made. It can be peach, red or white. Cut it into small squares. And using the end of a pencil, crush them.

8. Then glue all the details.

9. When filling in the muzzle, make sure that there is no empty space between the paper.

10. After the work done, glue the fins and tail. The gift is ready.

You can also make a vase from a bottle and flowers from any material at hand.

Or, for example, make such a sweet composition. It is done in an elementary way.

And for those who like to work with threads, offer to do some needlework and make a real jewelry box.

If mom is a fashionista, then she will definitely like the next work in the form of a stylish handbag.

Here is another version of a homemade vase. Everything is simple.

Or, for example, girls can sew needle beds. Always a necessary thing in every home.

For lovers of beading, an option with a bracelet. Here is what it looks like with the diagram.

I also found a cool idea with a pattern on a candle. I think it will be very nice to receive such a gift, and then use it.

Take baking paper and draw a pattern on it. Just remember that it will be transferred to the candle in a mirror image.

Then attach the pattern to a thick candle and fix it. Next, treat the candle with hot air, such as a hairdryer. Beautiful candles are ready.

And don't forget about everyone's favorite postcards.

And from a simple jar, try to make a unique vase.

Simple crafts for mom from colored and corrugated paper

And now I want to offer you products that can be made from plain paper or cardboard. For example, you can make a souvenir in the form of a radiant sun.


You will need: colored paper, glue, scissors, pencil, stick (wooden skewer), felt-tip pens.

Manufacturing process:

1. Cut out two large circles and one small one. Next, take yellow paper, draw lines at a distance of one cm.

2. Start folding the workpiece like a fan.

3. Then cut the end at an angle.

4. Make another second "fan" and connect them together with glue.

5. From another color, do the same as from yellow paper.

6. Connect all the received parts in a circle, firmly gluing them with glue.

7. Hide the stick in one of the cells. Glue it on too.

8. Draw a face on a small circle.

9. Glue it on the big circle. Glue the muzzle on the front side, and the second large circle on the wrong side. Decorate the sun as you wish.

I also want to suggest making a shoe with a sweet surprise inside. For the product, it is better to take thick paper or colored cardboard.

Print and cut out the template.

Bend and glue the parts along the dotted lines.

Decorate the shoe. And inside put a transparent bag of organza with marmalade.

Here is an idea with a beautiful panel of paper plates.

Well, from corrugated paper, for example, you can make a candy-bouquet composition.

Or create these beautiful flowers.

And how do you like such a touching composition in the form of a heart?

Of course, any flowers look very impressive from corrugated paper, so be creative and fantasize. I suggest making a very simple craft that even kids can handle.

flower for mom

You will need: corrugated paper, scissors, glue, disposable spoons and a cup, cotton pad, paints, brush.

Manufacturing process:

1. Fold the crepe paper or tissue paper several times. Attach a spoon to it and draw a petal a little larger than the spoon itself. Cut out the petals.

2. Glue the petals to the spoon.

3. Make a small ball out of a cotton pad or cotton wool. This is the center of the flower. Glue it on. You can also decorate it with glitter.

4. Make a stand out of a plastic cup. You can leave it as it is, or paint over any color with paint. Also paint the remaining white part of the spoon green to make the stalk. Turn the cup upside down and carefully make a cut. Insert the finished flower into it.

Master class on making cards for Mother's Day + templates

Well, as promised, I throw you a couple of templates for creating postcards on your own. Print them out for the kids and they'll love to color them!

DIY crafts for mom from cotton pads, napkins and pasta

Now I offer another very interesting master class. In it, I will show how you can make a touching craft from ordinary paper napkins in the shape of a heart.

congratulatory heart

You will need: a sheet of red cardboard; stationery glue; pencil; paper napkins (pink and white); narrow satin ribbon or braid; scissors; double sided tape; simple pencil; template in the shape of a child's palm; yellow colored paper; a sheet of white landscape paper.

Manufacturing process:

1. Draw a big heart on red cardboard and cut it out.

2. Now turn the heart over with the white side of the cardboard and circle the child's palm on it with a stencil.

3. Cut the napkins into 4 identical strips. Then cut each strip into squares about 3 by 3.

4. Roll the balls out of these squares, while not crushing the napkins much.

No need to wet wipes!

6. Make a loop out of the ribbon and glue it to the handle with double-sided tape.

7. Lubricate the remaining empty part of the heart with glue and tightly lay out pink lumps from napkins.

8. Make a flower out of plain white and colored paper and glue it on the side.

9. On the front side of the cardboard, that is, red, glue a beautiful wish or rhyme.

And more creative ideas:

  • Postcard;

  • Bouquets.

Callas from cotton pads

We will need: thick green paper; long green tubes for a cocktail; cotton buds; yellow gouache or watercolor; PVA glue; white cotton pads; beautiful tape.

Manufacturing process:

1. Take cotton swabs, color one of the ends yellow.

2. When the sticks are dry, take a cocktail tube and insert the stick into it so that the yellow part is visible. Attach a cotton pad to the tube, while making sure that the yellow stamen is in the middle. Twist the disc as shown in the photo and secure with glue at the base.

3. Make the desired number of colors in this way. Also, cut out petals from green thick paper.

4. Take your flowers and petals and wrap and tie them with ribbon.

See what beautiful bouquets you can still create!

Well, it remains for us to consider gifts that are made from pasta. It's actually not a hard job either. You need to come up with a composition, color the pasta and lay them out on the base. In general, look, choose and do not judge strictly).

In children's institutions, do not forget to make collective congratulations, for example, design a wall newspaper or make a group gift.

This concludes my writing. I think that I gave more than enough ideas for making crafts for my mother's holiday. Now it's up to you. Create with children and delight your beloved mothers.

    Any card made by the hands of a child will be the most beautiful and expensive gift for the mother, which will be kept forever. It all depends on the age of the child, for the smallest, the best gift would be such a card - palm

    or a postcard drawn by children's fingers

    for more adults, there is such an option

    Such a card can also be made for small children, for mom out of paper

    it is done by cutting out circles from paper, and then we bend them into petals, which we glue on a postcard, in the shape of a flower, in detail here. These flowers can be made using circles.

    wonderful Mother's Day card can be easily do it yourself using the quilling technique.

    It will take

    • colored paper (preferably double-sided)
    • colored cardboard
    • scissors
    • ruler
    • toothpick

    1. Paper should be chosen in bright colors, using two shades of each color (more saturated - for the base of the flower, lighter - for the middle part). For the very middle, it is better to choose a contrasting color.

    2. Cut dark paper into strips 3.5 cm wide, light paper into strips 2.5 cm. For the middle, cut strips 7mm wide.

    3. Having put together strips of the same colors, cut the fringe along the entire length.

    4. Wind the strips for the middle onto a toothpick, gluing the ends.

    5. Glue fringed strips of light shades in a spiral to the middle butt, then dark ones. Gently straighten each layer with a toothpick.

    6. For leaves, cut strips of green paper 10 mm wide, wind them on a toothpick, then let them bloom a little. Glue the ends and shape into leaves.

    If you are between twenty and thirty years old, then you only need to turn on your imagination: take a sheet of cardboard, colored paper or old magazines, cut out flowers, stick on the front side of the postcard and write congratulations inside

    There are many options. You can collect many different postcards, cut out the right one and glue it. You can also make kolash from photos, but only so that the photos are positive and joyful. The most important thing is attention

    On Mother's Day, this wonderful holiday worthy of respect and reverence, it is best to give your mothers a postcard that you draw with your own hands, in particular, it will be wonderful and appropriate to draw what you wish for your beloved mother.

    For example, if you want your mother to go to the sea, which she dreamed of going to for so long, draw her happy lying on a sun lounger on the beach by the sea.

    It is also possible make a postcard with homemade flowers made of colored paper and satin ribbons.

    *You can add lace to decorate such a postcard.

    You can make roses from satin ribbons and then glue them to the postcard.

    You can also make a small embroidery for Mother's Day in the form of flowers and an inscription with congratulations and also neatly arrange it in the form of a postcard.

    You can also make a postcard with such animals, mothers of owls with an owlet and not only, it will turn out very gently.

    You can also make a card for mom using sweets.

    Making a postcard envelope with a bouquet of lollipops in the form of flowers.

    Your mother will be extremely pleased if you make her a postcard with your own hands and there will be your common photos with her, moments of your happy days together - this is the best postcard on such a day!

    Making a card with your own hands is always a pleasant and exciting thing. And even more pleasant to receive such a postcard. You immediately understand that the person tried, wasted his time for you, and did not go and buy a ready-made postcard, in which sometimes even a wish is already printed. My friend's husband gave a postcard for March 8, and a birthday greeting was printed inside. Which confirms that he did not even read it, which is not very pleasant. A homemade postcard is a completely different matter.

    We need:

    needle and thread (or sewing machine)

    pieces of fabric.

    First, we decide what size it will be. Now cut out three rectangles of this size. One of them, which will be in the middle, should be a little smaller in size. And he needs to make the card thicker, more impressive.

    Now iron the pieces. Then we need to sew together all the pieces with a zigzag seam. This can be done by hand or with a sewing machine.

    Now we take glue and glue all the edges of the postcard.

    If there are any patterns on the material, then they can be stitched, it will be more beautiful.

    Then we put the card with the wrong side up and apply glue to it.

    We glue a piece of kapton and wait until it all dries.

    We sew along the edge to make it stronger.

    Here it is:

    Another interesting postcard is in this video:

    A greeting card for the wonderful holiday of Mother's Day can be made with your own hands. To do this, it is enough to have colored sheets or a white sheet with paints. In general, turn on the fantasy. We fold a white A4 sheet in half, draw bright drawings on one half with colored pencils, and write Happy Mother's Day, Congratulations, Beloved Mom, or something else in the center. It's just worth remembering how the holiday cards that are sold in gift shops look like.

    Inside the sheet we write, for example, some nice words of congratulations or a poem dedicated to Mother's Day. From the inside, the sheet can also be decorated brightly with paints or colored pencils.

    Very beautiful postcards are made from satin ribbons and silk-screen wallpaper, beads, artificial small flowers, all kinds of bows, colored glitter and glitter glue, flower shops have a very beautiful variety of wrapping papers and bows, and then, you just need imagination, but if it is missing , you can use the internet. Good luck.

    In 2013, Mother's Day is celebrated in Russia on November 24th. It is simply necessary to give a gift and make a card with your own hands to your beloved mother, because mothers love us, although they scold us, and we are offended by them, because we do not understand that they wish us well.

    Postcards can be made in both color and black and white. Optional. For example, I really liked this postcard.

    She is colored; It can be printed and then glued onto cardboard. We did this with my sister when we were little, only there was no Internet at all then, therefore, we drew by hand, ourselves, and then glued it on cardboard, and signed kind words to mommy.

    On the page of the Pochemuchka website, you can see a few more postcards and decide.

    Mother's Day is celebrated in Russia on the last Sunday of November. So this year 2013 Mother's Day falls on November 24th. It is worth remembering all our mothers and congratulating them on this wonderful and beautiful holiday. For some, warm words addressed to you are enough, but you can also make gifts with your own hands, for example, a greeting card.

    You can simply buy it in a store or in the appropriate kiosk, or better with your own hands. special mind is not required. We take paper, but thicker, decorate it with paints or colored pencils. We fold it in half and inside our postcard we write a poem or a congratulation on wishes in prose. For a sample postcard, you can again take those postcards that are sold in kiosks. But it is better to show ingenuity and individuality.

    On the front side of the card, draw flowers, the sun and everything that a good mood is associated with. And there are other options - How to make a postcard.

Every country celebrates Mother's Day with great joy, and ours is no exception. It is celebrated every year on the last Sunday of autumn. Among the huge number of holidays, this one is special. On such a day, attention is drawn to the women who gave us life, the dearest people to everyone - our mothers. Best of all, your love and appreciation will be expressed by words, well, and a gift will perfectly complement them. You can make it yourself.

Mother's Day Cards

If you don’t know what to give for Mother’s Day, make a card with your own hands. A postcard is a great way to congratulate a loved one, and when it is also created by oneself, it is doubly pleasant.

Chamomile card

You will need:

  • sheet of white paper;
  • colored cardboard;
  • glue;
  • decorative paper with a pattern or a piece of wallpaper;
  • pencil;
  • stationery knife;
  • colored paper.

Now you need to follow these steps.

  1. Draw a chamomile petal pattern. Then transfer it to paper and cut out about 32 petals and two circles for the core from white paper.
  2. Bend the petals slightly in the middle and use a pencil to twist their edges outward. Then glue half of them in a circle to one core, and the other half to the other. Thus, you should get two daisies.
  3. Glue two flowers together, and then glue a circle cut out of yellow paper in the center of the top one. Bend a sheet of yellow cardboard in half. Draw on any paper a flower that resembles a daisy in outline.
  4. Carefully cut it out so as not to damage the sheet. Now attach the template to the side of the cardboard that you marked with the front, and transfer the drawing to the center of it. Now carefully cut out the flower.
  5. From patterned paper or wallpaper, cut out a rectangle the size of a postcard page, and then paste it inside (if you have a color printer, you can print a template for the picture below).
  6. Cut out several thin stripes from green paper and curl them a little with scissors. Glue the strips in the upper right corner of the card, then attach a camomile next to them. Draw and then cut out a ladybug and glue it on the flower.

Floral card

Postcards made using the quilling technique come out incredibly beautiful. This technique seems complicated only at first glance, in fact, even a child can make a gift for mom using it.

You will need:

  • double-sided colored paper;
  • wooden skewer or toothpick;
  • scissors;
  • glue.

Instructions for creating a postcard are presented below.

  1. Cut lengthwise into strips 5 mm wide green paper. Wind one of the strips onto a stick, remove it and let the paper unwind a little. Then glue the end of the strip to the base.
  2. Holding the circle on one side, squeeze it on the other, as a result, you should get a figure resembling a leaf. Make five of these sheets.
  3. Now let's start making large flowers. Cut out several strips of colored paper, 35 mm wide (cut the sheet of paper lengthwise). Fold the strip 4 times and cut it into thin strips on one side, not reaching the edge of about 5 mm.

  4. From orange or yellow paper, cut strips that are 5 mm wide. Twist one of them tightly and fix its end with glue - this will be the core of the flower. Now glue the lower end of the fringed strip to the core and twist it around.
  5. Glue the end of the fringed strip with glue and spread the petals outward with a toothpick. Make the required number of flowers. Small flowers are made in the same way as large ones. The only thing is that the strips for them should have a smaller width, approximately 25 mm.
  6. The middle can be made two-color, for this, use thin stripes of different colors, for example, red and orange.
  7. Wind a small section of an orange strip, then glue a section of a red strip to it, make the required number of turns, then glue the orange strip again, wind it and fix it.

  8. To make a two-color flower, first make the base for the small flower. Without bending its petals, glue a fringed strip of a different color and larger size around the base of the workpiece.
  9. Now you need to make a few curls, for this, fold the green strip in half. From the bent end, twist it onto a stick, then let it straighten out.
  10. Glue a piece of paper with an inscription to the base of the postcard (a sheet of colored cardboard is suitable for it), then assemble the composition and fix it with glue.

Wall newspaper

In addition to postcards for beloved mothers, you can make a poster. A wall newspaper for Mother's Day can be made using completely different techniques. For example, drawing, appliqué, photo collage, you can use the same techniques as for making postcards.

Whatever you decide to make a wall newspaper, be sure to write to the dearest person at least a few kind words and good wishes.

Mother's Day Crafts

A wonderful surprise for all mothers will be children's crafts for Mother's Day. Older children will be able to make them on their own, but kids with the participation of adult sisters, brothers, dads, or even their caregivers.

Paper shoe

Heeled shoes are a purely feminine thing, so by the main day of all mothers, crafts in the form of them, and even filled with sweets, will come in handy.

You will need:

  • beads;
  • colored paper;
  • ribbons;
  • glue;
  • marmalade, dragees or colored caramels;
  • scissors.

Instructions for creating shoes are presented below.

  1. Print or draw a template for a shoe and decorations for it.
  2. Bend the pieces along the dotted lines and glue them together.

  3. After the shoe dries, decorate it with a flower, beads or any other decor. After that, wrap sweets in a piece of organza or any other transparent fabric and place them inside the craft.

Such DIY crafts for Mother's Day can be made from plain paper, but they will look much more interesting if they are made from paper with a pattern.

Basket with flowers

This is a simple, but at the same time very cute craft. She will certainly please many mothers.

You will need:

  • three wooden skewers;
  • green corrugated paper;
  • a couple of paper plates;
  • scissors;
  • colored paper;
  • paints;
  • glue.

Your actions:

  1. Cut one of the plates in half, for greater decorativeness, you can do this with curly scissors. Paint a half and a whole plate with ordinary or mother-of-pearl gouache, you can also use acrylic paints. After the paint has dried, glue the plates with the middle inside.
  2. Paint the skewers green, they will play the role of stems. Next, cut the colored paper into identical strips and make loops out of them, gluing the ends together.
  3. Cut out three circles from colored paper or cardboard and glue four petal loops to each of them.
  4. Glue the skewers to the back of the flower heads, then cut out three more circles and stick them on the ends of the skewers, thereby hiding the gluing point. From corrugated paper (you can also take plain paper), cut out the leaves and glue them to the stems.
  5. Insert the resulting flowers into a basket and decorate as you wish.

mother's day gifts

Every child dreams of giving their mother the best gift in the world. For a mother, no, even the most valuable thing, can be compared with what her child made with her own hands. A do-it-yourself gift for Mother's Day can be anything - vases, paintings, applications, photo frames, boxes, organizers, decor items, jewelry. Let's look at some interesting ideas.

Vase from a jar

Even a child can cope with the manufacture of such a vase. To make it, you only need a suitable jar, paint, double-sided and ordinary adhesive tape, a photo of a mother or child.

  1. Cut out a piece of cardboard equal to the size of the photo, its edges are better to make wavy. Using double-sided tape, glue the fragment to the center of the jar.
  2. After that, cover the jar with several layers of paint. When the paint dries, remove the cardboard fragment - you will have a window.
  3. Opposite the window from the inside of the jar, glue the selected photo with tape.
  4. If your bank has a convex inscription, you can make additional decor. To do this, simply scrape off the paint with a clerical knife from the bulges.

Photo frame for mom

A good gift for Mother's Day is a photo frame. You can put your favorite photo of your mother in it, this will make the gift even more beautiful and valuable. To make a photo frame, you can use different materials - buttons, shells, cereals, pencils, beads, artificial flowers, coffee beans and even pasta.

  1. To create a frame, you can use any ready-made base or make it yourself from cardboard. To do this, you will need cardboard from the box, scissors, a pencil, a ruler and glue.
  2. First you need to decide for a photo of what size you will make a frame. After that, add 8 cm to each side. For example, if the photo is 13 by 18, our frame will be 21 by 26 in size. Now draw, then cut out two rectangles equal to the size of the frame.
  3. In one of the rectangles, draw a rectangle the size of the photo, and then cut it a millimeter closer to the middle of the marked lines.

Flowers and chocolates for Mother's Day are the most traditional, but very short-lived, gifts. Another thing is a do-it-yourself card for Mother's Day. Firstly, this is a truly memorable handmade item that mom will be able to keep for many years. Secondly, making a greeting card is quite simple and even three-year-old children can master such a gift. And thirdly, home-made postcards made of colored paper and cardboard are a useful creative activity for kindergarten students and students in grades 1-3 of the school. In our article today, you will find several step-by-step master classes with photos and videos on how to make beautiful cards for mothers for Mother's Day with your own hands. We hope that among the options below you will certainly find your perfect greeting card for your beloved mom!

DIY card for Mother's Day for kindergarten, master class

A beautiful do-it-yourself postcard for Mother's Day for kindergarten, a master class with a photo of which you will find below, is perfect for pupils of the middle and older groups. In addition to traditional cardboard and colored paper, quite unusual materials will also be required for its manufacture. You will learn about what kind of materials we are talking about from our master class of do-it-yourself postcards for Mother's Day for kindergarten.

Necessary materials for a postcard for Mother's Day in kindergarten

  • thick sheet of cardboard
  • colored paper
  • glue and scissors
  • colorful buttons
  • paper molds for cupcakes of different diameters
  • felt-tip pen or ready-made stamp with a congratulatory inscription

Step by Step Instructions for Making a Mother's Day Card for Kindergarten

Do-it-yourself Mother's Day card for grades 1-3 of the school, a master class with a photo

A rather original DIY card for Mother's Day can be made using thread and cardboard, and the technique for making it will be very useful for students in grades 1-3 of the school. Depending on the color of the threads and their thickness, you can get quite a different effect - from a bright and voluminous card to a more subdued version. A master class with step-by-step photos on how to make an original do-it-yourself postcard for Mother's Day for grades 1-3 can be found below.

Required Materials for a Mother's Day Card for Grades 1-3

  • multi-colored threads according to the type of floss
  • large needle
  • thick cardboard
  • pencil
  • paper
  • pompom, button or rhinestones for decoration
  • glue and scissors

Step-by-step instructions for a postcard from threads for Mother's Day for grades 1-3

  1. First, draw a chamomile with 6-8 petals on a sheet of paper. You can also download a ready-made template and transfer it to paper. Cut out the piece.
  2. We apply the template to the cardboard, having previously folded it in half. We transfer the image to the front side of the future postcard with a simple pencil. We make holes along the entire contour of the flower with a large needle, as in the photo. We take a thread of bright color and connect the middle of each petal together.
  3. Then we take a thread of a different color, thread it into a needle and also connect different holes on the petals together, but in a more chaotic manner.
  4. The number of colored threads can be different, but a postcard with 3-4 basic colors looks the most harmonious. We continue to connect the opposite points together until all of them are filled with threads.
  5. It remains to decorate the middle of the flower with a pompom or a bright button and the original craft for mom from threads is ready!

DIY Mother's Day card from colored paper, master class with photo

A do-it-yourself postcard from our next master class for the school can be made in two ways: from colored paper or using paints. And in both cases, you get a very cute present, since it is based on the prints of children's hands and feet. Such a postcard for Mother's Day made of colored paper (a master class with a photo below) not only looks original, but will also become a kind of time capsule for priceless memories.

Materials for postcards to mom from colored paper

  • colored cardboard
  • colored paper
  • glue or double sided tape
  • scissors
  • pencil
  • wet wipes
  • Finger paint
  • straws for drinks

Instructions on how to make a card for Mother's Day from colored paper

  1. We fold a sheet of colored cardboard in half - this is the basis for the future card. After that, there are two design options. First: we take colored paper of a contrasting shade and circle the children's palm and leg on the sheet. The second option: we apply finger paints on the palm and foot, evenly distributing a layer of paint over the entire surface. We put a print on a sheet of white paper.

  2. If you used the second method with paints, then we wipe our arms and legs with napkins, and let the drawings dry completely, and then cut them out. If the first option, then immediately cut out the silhouettes.
  3. The silhouettes of the hands and feet will become the basis for an unusual bouquet. Therefore, we fix the tubes on cardboard with glue or tape, and then glue the handles and one leg on top.
  4. We use the second footprint as a vase for our bouquet. We also fasten it with adhesive tape. We add a congratulatory inscription and our card for mom is ready!

How to make a beautiful card for mom on Mother's Day with your own hands, step by step

You can also make a beautiful card from cardboard for mom with your own hands for Mother's Day using decorative paper tape. In principle, instead of it, you can take ordinary colored paper, which is important to use for kindergarten or grades 1-3 of the school. Of course, it will be easier to make a beautiful card from adhesive tape, but a do-it-yourself card for Mother's Day from colored paper will turn out to be very original. Next, you will find a step-by-step master class with photos for children.

Necessary materials for a beautiful Mother's Day card

  • cardboard
  • decorative tape or colored paper + glue
  • scissors and utility knife
  • pink sheet of paper
  • gel pen

Step by step instructions on how to make a beautiful card for Mother's Day

  1. Fold pink paper in half and cut out a heart shape.
  2. We put a heart in the middle of the front side of the card and begin to fix it with tape.
  3. After the entire front side is framed, we take a clerical knife and carefully cut out a heart.
  4. Glue the heart inside the card.
  5. In place of the heart on the front side we make a congratulatory inscription. Ready!