Heartfelt congratulations on your wedding day in prose. Cheerful congratulations on the wedding. Touching wedding congratulations in prose

At a wedding, the bride and groom hear many pleasant, good wishes. If you are invited to a holiday, prepare a congratulations on your wedding day in prose: beautiful words will come in handy when it comes to your turn to give a toast or give parting words to the young. In order not to lose face at this moment, it is worth preparing for the wedding in advance. It is important to choose the right words, which will touch not only the newlyweds, but also the guests.

For a friends wedding

If the bride and groom are your close friends, then during the celebration they will be happy to hear from you wedding congratulations in prose. Remember when and where you met. Did you study together, live next door, or travel together? This can be mentioned. Were you present when the bride and groom met, or even introduced them yourself? Tell us about it. Such wedding congratulations in prose will show the bride and groom how much they mean to you. But these congratulations will not be complete without good wishes.

If you know the newlyweds well, then you know their dreams. If the bride and groom are not keeping their plans secret, wish them that these plans will come true.

Examples or friend:

  1. My dear, it seems that only recently you and I were sitting at the same desk. But today you are getting married, and we are all immensely happy for you. Let harmony always reign in your family. Love and support each other, strive for your dreams together.
  2. Dear friend, on your wedding day I would like to wish you unlimited happiness. Are you marrying beautiful girl, you have found your soulmate. We are all glad that today we can share this holiday with you and congratulate you. Take care of each other.
  3. Happy newlyweds, from the bottom of our hearts we congratulate you on your wedding day! In that huge world you were able to find each other. Then you will walk together, holding hands tightly. Peace, harmony, prosperity and prosperity to your beautiful friendly family.
  4. It was very joyful to watch how your friendship grew into a tender, sincere love. And it’s doubly joyful to see that now you have become a real family, having tied the knot. Let a joyful, sunny mood reign in your home even on cloudy and cold days.

Wedding congratulations in prose will move the newlyweds and guests to tears.

These good words You can not only say it out loud during the celebration, but also write it on a postcard, which will remain as a keepsake for the bride and groom. They will appreciate such congratulations on your wedding day: prose can perfectly express your feelings. Heartfelt cards It will be a pleasure to re-read for anniversaries or show to children and grandchildren.

For the wedding of a daughter or son

It is very valuable for newlyweds to hear at their wedding. sincere wishes not only from friends, but also from the closest people - mother and father. The wedding of a son or daughter is an important event for parents. It seems that only recently the child learned to walk and talk, but now in front of you stands a completely adult person who now has his own family, and will soon have his own children. Yesterday's children are today's brides and grooms. At the wedding, you will have to give parting words to the young family. You don’t need to memorize poetry, prose will help you: anyone can come up with congratulations on your wedding in prose, because for this you don’t need to select rhymes, it’s enough to speak sincerely and with love.

For daughter or son:

  1. It is important for any parent to know that their child is happy. It is joyful to see that today you are tying the knot with the person you truly love and who truly loves you. Live in peace and harmony, cope with difficulties together and share joys.
  2. It is impossible not to notice with what tenderness you look at each other. May this tenderness never disappear from your life. Give it to each other and your future children.
  3. Our beloved and dear newlyweds, with a calm heart we let you go into life together, because we know for sure: you were made for each other and will always cherish your love. May your family be large, friendly and happy, and may your home always be filled with joy and children's laughter.

For the wedding of a niece, nephew, goddaughter or godson, such wishes are also suitable.

For the wedding

A wedding is a bright and wonderful event. Prepare congratulations in prose for the bride and groom, because on this day they will exchange the most important vows and become a real family.

Christian congratulations to the newlyweds on their wedding:

  1. Our beautiful newlyweds, may God bless your marriage and give you healthy, smart and beautiful children whom you will raise in love and harmony. Peace to your home and your wonderful family!
  2. With all my heart I congratulate you on a wonderful event, happy birthday to your family! Be faithful to each other, dear newlyweds, and may the angels protect you and your beautiful future children.
  3. The Lord brought you together in this life, and today He blessed your marriage. Before His face you swore fidelity and love, so from now on let your feelings only become stronger every day.

Touching congratulations for a wedding in prose and good wishes- This is a wonderful gift for a young family.

Unusual congratulations

A beautiful wish is classic version toast or congratulations on the wedding. But you can try to stand out and make everyone laugh. The bride and groom will appreciate the original wedding greetings in prose.

Examples of original congratulations:

  1. Dear newlyweds, I express my condolences to you. After all, now you will burn with passion all your life and suffocate with crazy love. I wish you courage to overcome these difficult trials.
  2. Our happy and beautiful newlyweds, let there be a lot of black things in your life: black caviar, the Black Sea, a black Bentley. Let all your black stripes be just like that.
  3. Beautiful doves, may your nest always be cozy, and may your cute chicks delight you with their singing!

There are many ways to make greetings interesting. For example, if your friend is getting married, then when coming up with congratulations to the bride in prose, you can quote her favorite love song, romantic film, or read a line from a novel. She will be pleased.

Speak from pure heart and with a smile on his face.

Then yours original congratulations For a wedding, the newlyweds in prose will definitely be remembered by the bride and groom.

My dears, with all my heart I want to congratulate you on this significant event in your life. I would like to wish you a lot. The most important thing is to carefully preserve and appreciate the feelings that you have for each other now. Take care of each other, respect, pamper each other with care and affection. Let no difficulties darken your life. I wish you more romance and bright impressions in your life. Be a reliable support and support for each other in any situation. Love each other!

Congratulations on the birth of your family! I wish you to live together for many years without losing the intensity of your feelings and respect for each other! Be happy, enjoy every moment lived together, love and take care of each other!

Congratulations, dears. I would like to wish you a long and happy life together, peace in the family and outside, joy in your hearts and on your faces. Love hard, dream beautifully, live luxuriously and always support each other!

My dear newlyweds! I would like to congratulate you from the bottom of my heart on this wonderful and significant event - the creation new family. I wish you that your family ties will be unbreakable throughout your life. Be happy, always love each other, appreciate and take care of your feelings. Let your family happiness be colorful, filled with love, tenderness and passion. Be patient with each other, understand and forgive each other. And I also want to wish you the most important thing - that your home in the near future will be filled with children's joyful laughter.

How important it is for people to find each other, to find their love and soul mate! You have found! I congratulate you on your wedding, with love, with new life! I wish you a lot of very strong, faithful, all-conquering love, but no less patience and humility! Understand each other, forgive each other, learn to be together with joy in your heart! Enjoy your long days and hot nights! Not gray, but colorful everyday life, bright weekends and holidays! Your home is full of children and prosperity!

Congratulations to the happy and beautiful couple on their wedding day! I wish you a lot of joy and warmth in your union. Deep respect, mutual understanding, tenderness, care and love! Be united in your views and remain each other’s reliable support in any situation! May you live happily ever after!

Congratulations on your significant day and important event in your now joint life. Take care of each other, pamper, appreciate and never betray. Eternal love to you, understanding, fidelity, family happiness, prosperity, healthy children and a cozy home.

Congratulations on your wedding day! I wish you mutual understanding, love, fidelity, tenderness and great joy. Let the house be filled with sonorous children's laughter, and let your soul sing with happiness!

Congratulations, my dears! Now you're not just a beautiful couple, now you are a young family. I wish you harmony and understanding, endless love and prosperity. Pamper, care, respect, appreciate and never cease to amaze each other. Happy wedding day!

Congratulations on starting a new family! We wish that your love only grows stronger and becomes stronger. So that you always help each other, so that mutual understanding and respect always reign between you.

Our dear, beloved! You are now married, a big, bright road of great love for each other begins. We wish you with all our hearts to live strong friendly family so that you have children, so that your home has endless happiness, comfort, a positive atmosphere and good mood. To have a lot pleasant emotions and impressions, joyful moments and days. Your love has always served as an example for everyone, it is very sincere, warm, sensitive, affectionate. Never let go of this feeling, take care of each other, walk your life’s path in harmony, understanding, live with dignity all the trials that come your way. We wish you harmony, joy, and that your marriage will be without marriage! Be faithful, love, live happily!

Dear newlyweds! So you have become legal husband and wife, one loving family. We sincerely wish you health, happiness, wealth, prosperity in all your affairs and endeavors. May your journey be full of luck, fidelity, pleasures, bright days. On this special day, we are so glad to be with you, to share the happiness of your love. May fate be clear and love long and eternal. Be sensitive and affectionate, do not lose your warm feelings and memories of your first meetings. Take care of those rings that you pick up, just like your love. Remember the words that you said to each other and fulfill your vows. Let that kiss that sealed your love be the beginning long journey happy life full of happiness and mutual understanding.

Glory to the newlyweds! We would like to wish you this significant date great love, however, you have it. We wish you happiness, but you found it by finding in each other an ocean of feelings and a sea of ​​reciprocity. Then let us wish to live many days without losing all this wealth, but increasing it. Find in each other not only husband and wife, but a real friend and girlfriend, gentle, caring, to whom you can tell any secret. Be truthful in your relationships, do not let anyone crush such indestructible feelings as yours. Get drunk not from wine, but from love for each other, fall in love even more every day, let wings grow behind your back, dream about beautiful things, and let everything come true, and there will be no end to happiness, and joy warms hearts and souls.

Our dears! Your wish has finally come true, you are now husband and wife! The desired time has come, and you put the rings on your fingers. Today everything is for you - flowers, cakes, music, and celebration. May every day of your family life be as happy and kind as this day. Don’t forget about the first meeting, about how you fell in love with each other, let the memories kindle the love even more, let it stretch for many years, make you happy every day given by fate. You are great for finding each other, you are true halves, perfect for each other. We wish you to remain the same harmonious, beautiful, sincere couple. We wish you many children, grandchildren, be together until the end, live endlessly beautiful days love. Good luck to you!

Dear newlyweds! We sincerely wish you long happiness, patience, and peace with your family. Remember this day, because it will not happen again. May everything that sounds today, all wishes come true, may we all gather in many years for your diamond wedding, may love become even brighter, more emotional, even more sensual, and may not fade away over the years. Stay together in any disputes and problems, support each other, don’t give up, don’t open your hot hands. Raise wonderful children and grandchildren, let the family grow big, strong and friendly. Understanding, patience, more positive events. Enjoy both simple joys and big victories. We want and wish that all your dreams come true.

My beloved newlyweds! I don't know a more sensual and loving couple than yours. It feels like you were always there, and everyone knew that you would get married and live happily ever after. You have been through a lot, and as a reward you got a huge mutual love. I wish that in many, many years you will be together, that you will never be separated, that your love will only grow stronger, that you will be surrounded by family, loved ones, and friends. May this wonderful day never end, nor may your happiness end. Walk side by side, don’t let go of your hand, in the rain, in the sun, in sorrow, in happiness, love, love, love again. Let the groom be worthy husband, and the bride is a wonderful wife. May you have wonderful children. Let you be “bitter” only at the wedding.

Dear Husband and Wife! Congratulations on such a huge event in your life as joining legal marriage. Now you are starting to create your own family hearth, build a happy family life. Let the unquenchable warmth between you not be blown away by any winds, let the fire flare up more and more every year. We are all happy that two such wonderful people found each other, two halves came together and fell in love forever. I wish you to remain as beautiful, kind, faithful people. Don't forget your wedding day, your friends and loved ones. Keep your home warm and cozy, let happiness shine in your souls like the sun every day. There are not seven miracles in the world, but eight, the eighth is a wonderful union of two loving hearts.

Our dear newlyweds! Today we celebrate your family's birthday. It’s so touching and exciting to see you together. There are tears in the eyes of many lovely ladies, tears of joy for your future. Not alone married couple will remember his Mendelssohn march and with slight sadness will envy that you still have everything ahead. We wish you to love and take care of each other. Today your family has just been born, it is very vulnerable. Every year it will become stronger and stronger. Treat your family like a crystal vessel. Very quickly you will feel the impact - your family will become your support, a reliable haven. Take care and appreciate your family! And we wish that at your golden wedding, your many grandchildren, raising their glasses to your family, will say that they, too, would like to have such a wonderful family.

Our dears! We wish you to always be together, both in sorrow and in joy. No problems are scary if you are nearby. The support of a loved one means a lot in life. Let the wife be behind her husband, like behind a stone wall, let the wife always be an incentive for her husband to accomplish great things and achieve goals. Together we can achieve anything. Family life It’s not easy, but with such crazy love you will overcome everything, all your dreams will come true. May your faces always be as happy as they are today! Walk along the road of your life holding hands. Walk not behind each other, but side by side, look in the same direction, but think differently, complement each other. Create the strongest social unit that no one can hack.

Our beloved ones! Here comes your first time together family celebration! It’s impossible to list everything, we want to wish so much, we mentally send you all our congratulations, may everything come true. We wish you to rise to the pedestal of love and stay there for many years. May your hearts always be intertwined in a knot of mutual happiness. May this solemn atmosphere that now covers us all go with you, and there will always be a holiday in your life. But don’t forget to invite us to it sometimes! You are so young, you have your whole life ahead of you, give each other love and tenderness, take care of your fiery relationship, live every day with love and care for each other. I wish you great happiness!

Our dear children! We cordially congratulate you on your wedding day! We are very glad that together with your family we have new relatives. We hope that you, young people, show us by your example how they can live together different generations, different families. We wish you to create a family where everyone will love each other, where everyone will take care of each other and take care of each other. We see how much you love each other, how much tenderness you have. We see how much light and goodness you radiate. And we wish you that your family will truly be a family in its original sense: SEVEN-I - mom, dad and five children. We wish you so much joy and warmth that there will be plenty of it in your family and enough for your loved ones and friends

Dear newlyweds! We want to congratulate you with all our hearts on one of the most important days in your life! Happy Wedding Day, Happy Family Day! May your family be happy and joyful, and may every day give you new smiles and dreams! Treasure each other, as on this bright wedding day, do not leave each other in trouble and always listen to your voice loving heart. Try to share all your joys and sorrows in half, help each other and warm your souls every day with kisses, affection and hugs. May this day remain in your hearts forever and be remembered for pleasant moments, happy smiles and joyful congratulations. Always stay for each other loving spouses and understanding friends. Bitterly!

The secret of happiness is attention to each other. Happiness is made up of individual minutes, of small pleasures - from a kiss, a smile, a kind look, a heartfelt compliment and countless small but kind thoughts and sincere feelings. Love needs daily support so that it can make you truly happy. I wish you to always remember this, and may everything always be wonderful in your home. Take care of each other, try to understand and forgive, experience all the joys together and overcome difficulties together. May your union be strong and long, may your home be filled with children's laughter, comfort and warmth. Be always happy and healthy! rating: 38 ↓

Dear newlyweds! May your life be filled with sun, joy, love and fidelity. Take care of each other, try to show more understanding, experience all difficulties together and sincerely rejoice together happy moments. May your union be strong, may your home be filled with children's laughter, warmth and comfort. Be always healthy and happy! 39 ↓

I would like to wish the young people a lot, but first of all, I wish you to be able to understand and listen to each other - and then it will be easy for you in your family. Help each other in everything, day after day strengthen your little cozy world, your family happiness. And we will fill our glasses and drink to you, to your feelings for each other, to love. Let's celebrate the creation of a new family and wish that it will always be protected by your lucky fate! Bitterly! 39 ↓ - Congratulations on the wedding in prose, in your own words

Popular wisdom says that the first wealth in life is health, and the second is a wife. Good wife- this is half the happiness. And I want to wish the bride to justify these words! Well, I sincerely congratulate the groom on a wonderful, happy and important event! Next to you now there will always be a charming, gentle and fragile woman who so needs support. Be a worthy husband - and let everyone around you simply envy your beautiful wife! 36 ↓

This morning you woke up as a bride and groom, and in the evening you will fall asleep as husband and wife! Let me once again congratulate you on your wedding day and wish you to always love each other with all your heart and live in happiness and joy! Speak words of love to each other more often and keep the warmth of feelings in your hearts! I am sure that many joys await you ahead, you will have to fulfill common dreams, experience many happy and difficult moments together - and in the end understand that on this happy day you have accomplished the most best move in your life - a step towards happiness and love! 39 ↓

Dear newlyweds, always be as happy as you are today! Let life for you be a series of pleasant and amazing events that will only give you a great mood. I want to wish you to live a positive, optimistic and happy life! Don't forget your wonderful friends, wonderful parents, make wonderful plans for the future and love each other. Bitterly! 38 ↓

Our dears, I wish that the groom becomes a worthy husband, and the bride a wonderful wife, so that your family grows large, strong and friendly. I wish you understanding, patience, more positive and joyful events along the way. Enjoy both simple joys and big victories. We wish all your dreams come true! Walk along the road of life, holding hands tightly. Follow each other, walk side by side, look in the same direction, but think differently and complement each other. And may you have the most beautiful and a happy family! 39 ↓

They say that years of marriage eventually turn love into friendship, habit and respect. And I wish for you that the love that united you today only grows stronger over the years and remains love, that you do not lose tenderness and warmth, that you are attentive to your soul mate, that you know how to endure, forgive, and turn minor troubles into a joke, that you live in happiness and without any problems. Bitterly! 37 ↓

Dear newlyweds! Today, the bonds of marriage have firmly united you, making you the closest people. May the thread connecting you be strong and never break. May your home be filled sunlight and warmth, may love and happiness never leave him, may cheerful children's laughter ring in him. Take care of each other, understand each other and love each other. Be healthy and happy! 40 ↓

Our dears, today’s solemn event united you into one family. I would like to wish you that you always remember this, that the joy of one will always be the joy of another, that you listen to each other and feel each other - this helps to live so much! And always remember that a woman’s strength is in her wisdom, and a man’s strength is in reliability and understanding. Take care of each other, live in harmony, bring each other mutual happiness and may your living together will be bright, positive, interesting and joyful! 40 ↓

It is my pleasure to congratulate the happy groom and the happy bride. I wish you harmony, mutual understanding, care, tenderness and understanding. Forgive each other's mistakes, learn to support each other, give affection and attention. May happy children be born and grow up in your family, may your parents be happy looking at you, may happiness always be with you! 38 ↓

I want to note that there is nothing more beautiful in the world than love between a man and a woman! Family is sometimes stronger than a stone, stronger than the elements, wiser than wisdom. Take care of your family hearth, let your hearts beat in rhythm, and your eyes always look in the same direction. We wish your family prosperity, peace, understanding and cordiality. Let joyful children's laughter soon sound in your nest. We wish you a sea of ​​love, youth, joy and positivity! 38 ↓

Dear guests, let's raise a glass to the happiness of the young and wish them to have wonderful Life in an atmosphere of love and joy. And to you, dear newlyweds, I would like to wish you to remember more often pink glasses, which sometimes it is so necessary to put on so that behind the rose-colored glasses you can see only the merits of your loved one and not notice all the minor flaws that, in fact, usually do not even deserve attention! Happy to you married life, may you be well, with all our wishes, parting words, toasts and gifts! Bitterly! 40 ↓

Dear young people! From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on entering into a legal marriage and starting a family! Friendship and love are the most wonderful feelings V human life. May your love be as long as your life! Live in love, happiness and joy, may you have healthy and cheerful children, and be a faithful support to your fathers and mothers. IN good hour, expensive! Bitterly! Friends, let's congratulate the young people together! Let the bride's eyes always shine with happiness, let there be only love, tenderness and warmth in her heart. Let the groom be a reliable protector for the family, let no bad news, bad weather, troubles touch your family, let nothing overshadow your family happiness. For you! Young couple's day wedding celebration I want to wish you happiness in your family life! Let the years not extinguish your mutual interest, but only help you get to know your spouse better, discover new ones in him, best sides! Let your union be, first of all, a union of love, fidelity and love again! Today we are walking at the first celebration of a young family - at her wedding! I want to wish them both a prosperous life and full of all the best, kindest and brightest! Let there be quiet everyday life in it, and happy holidays, exciting travels and dreams come true, in a word, let there be everything that can make them truly happy! Congratulations on what is perhaps the most important step in your life! I would like to wish you that you take all further steps in life together, firmly and in step! And let, if one of you stumbles, the other will definitely support him! Good luck to you! If a person is smart and handsome, kind and cheerful, he simply must find his soul mate in order to become truly happy! Today we congratulate the young people who obeyed the call of nature and created lovely couple, let's wish them so for long years family life in love and harmony! A sea of ​​happiness to you and a boundless ocean of love! There are holidays for everyone, some are personal, and today is a special holiday for two. Pamper each other every day of your life, be true to common goals and do not forget that you have become one. Let respect for each other reign in your home, let there be a cozy place for dreams, and let the sun of happiness always shine above it!

Especially for the site

Newlyweds! Family life opens up new opportunities for you. Together you will not only laugh at jokes, cry into your own shoulder, talk about ailments, but also endure the complaints and tediousness of your other half. Family is not only romance, it is your life. So let it remain for a long time in the history of your generations with its strength and happiness.

Especially for the site

A boundless sea of ​​happiness, love, prosperity - let your marriage be like this now, and a year later, and decades from now! Sail on the sea of ​​life only together and successfully swim out of the net of any troubles!

Especially for the site

Dear lovers!
I want to wish you great happiness, unearthly love and deep respect for each other. I would always like to see you as lovebirds, cooing tenderly, huddled close to each other.