An unforgettable wedding for a modern woman. How to make a cheap wedding

10 tips to make your wedding special

Naturally, each couple decides for themselves what their wedding will be like, how this solemn day will pass. Well, which is also natural, everyone wants their holiday to be the brightest, most fun and unforgettable! How can this be achieved? Here are a few of the most seemingly simple tips that really help make the wedding unusual.

  1. It is worth deciding and holding a themed, stylized wedding. This will definitely be remembered by you, the guests, will not leave anyone indifferent and will make your holiday different from other typical wedding celebrations! The most popular options now: weddings in retro style (a la "Dandies"), in Italian style, A oriental style, wedding in ethnic style.
  2. Hold an outdoor wedding ceremony. Agree, the registry office is so banal and uninteresting! It is better to spend a little, but to hold the ceremony as dreamed!
  3. Use beautiful, exclusive accessories: ring pillow self made, original wedding glasses, created especially for you, a stylish chest for money - all this will help create an elegant, romantic atmosphere at the wedding.
  4. In case of themed wedding, do not limit yourself only to the suits for the newlyweds or the stylized decorations of the hall: everything should be designed in the same style - the outfits, the decor, the script, and even the costumes of the guests!
  5. If the theme of the wedding allows, do not forget about modern technologies: you can create unique video invitations to the celebration, instead of the usual wedding book, invite guests to leave their wishes on camera, to create a video of congratulations, instead of a banal firework, arrange a stylish laser show with sound effects.
  6. Choose a toastmaster and musicians who are used to working together. It is much easier for such a well-coordinated tandem to understand each other, guests will definitely not get bored with them!
  7. Invite to a wedding professional artists. Moreover, it is desirable that they not only show the show program, but make it interactive, i.e. involve guests.
  8. Be sure to prepare the first dance. Do not be lazy and do not save money, go to a professional choreographer for a couple of months, who will help you put on a unique, beautiful, stylish dance - it will become a real decoration of the wedding!
  9. Come up with original memorable gifts for guests. These can be small bonbonnieres with sweets, funny puzzles with the faces of the newlyweds, fridge magnets with the date of the wedding, etc. Such pleasant trifles will help those invited to keep a good memory of the fun spent at the wedding time.
  10. Certainly, a wedding cakerequired element celebrations. But try to diversify the dessert with a stylish chocolate fountain, unusually decorated exotic fruits, or at least order an unusual, original cake.

Of course, each couple will add something different to this list, but even by simply following these tips, you can significantly diversify the holiday and surprise your guests!

A few words about wedding styles

Modern weddings are divided into several completely certain styles Each of them has its advantages and, accordingly, disadvantages. When making your choice in favor of this or that idea, first of all, ask yourself a question: “How do we see such a long-awaited holiday?”. Ideas for weddings new ones appear. Many young couples remain true to the traditional style, with all the proper rituals, costumes and feasts.

The most popular now is the European style, it is a kind of social event, diluted with contests, jokes, quizzes, jokes and games. Such a holiday will be very bright and relaxed, but will have nothing to do with the traditional. There is also a classic version of the celebration, in which case a great responsibility falls on the shoulders of the presenter or entertainer. He announces numbers, reads congratulations, invites artists, here everything will go according to plan without unpleasant surprises.

For people who are not deprived of fantasy and fiction, as ideas for weddings you can offer an author's celebration. You can invite a professional entertainer, but the celebration will be held in the style you intended. After all, no one can decide better how your banquet should take place, what you want to see and hear during the performance.

How to make an original wedding ceremony?

Is it worth reminding that any girl begins to think about a wedding at a very young age? young age, many carry ideas for weddings through the years to bring it to life as far as possible. An outdoor ceremony is considered a fashionable and modern idea; the traditional registry office no longer fits into the framework new life. Indeed, for happiness, it is not enough to endure a 15-minute ceremony, walk along the red carpet and give way to a new couple. However, this is a purely personal matter, because it is your impressions and feelings that should come first, and not some outdated stereotypes.

So what is unusual about offsite wedding and how to make it as unusual, memorable and touching as possible? The first thing that comes to mind is a beach wedding. Magnificent nature, warm sea, lily petals sway in the bride's hair from the breeze, and the sun gently illuminates the happy newly formed couple. It is very similar to one of the romantic fantasies or dreams from childhood.

An underwater wedding can be called more modern and extreme, however, traditional wedding dresses and costumes will have to be left on the shore, because for this ceremony you will need scuba gear. It is difficult to perform a solemn kiss in such conditions, but please exchange rings. Another extreme option is a wedding in the air, needless to say, it is not suitable for everyone. Flight to hot-air balloon or a tandem jump with a parachute, such a day will be remembered for a long time.

A classic of the genre can be called a wedding in a manor or on a ship. In both cases there is a fair amount of romanticism. Horse rides or splashing waves, aristocratic walls or the snow-white deck of the ship - the choice is yours.

Classic or informal style

Regardless of which style of celebration the newlyweds did not prefer, it should be a reflection of their inner peace. The beauty of a wedding does not directly depend on the amount of money invested in the implementation of the idea, but rather on originality, fantasy and mood. Ideas for weddings can be varied, but they are nothing compared to the aura of happiness and tenderness that surrounds a young couple. The matter will not become a matter of choice, although in our time the financial situation is considered the main selection criterion. It is naive to think that if you play magnificent wedding on a larger scale, the young will be happier, especially since the principle of "get into debt, but make a holiday" is not for everyone.

The classic version is considered very sophisticated, but requires strict adherence to all planned stages of the ceremony. Such a ceremony can only afford wealthy people because the guest list is over 300 people. The gala dinner takes place in a hall with a classic interior, Special attention worth paying appearance guests, not to mention the spouses. Basically, this option is suitable for people who occupy a high position in society, because preparing for such a ceremony is a very painstaking work, which can only be entrusted to professionals.

Ideas for weddings amaze with their diversity, but do not discount official ceremony. It is not so formal, does not require such careful preparation, unlike the previous option, and the costs, respectively, are also not so high. The focus is on the religious ceremony and then comes the time official reception. Forms of a banquet can be different - a buffet table, a holiday in a restaurant or just a gala dinner. Needless to say, you need to take care of the venue and invitations in advance.

An informal wedding is designed for a smaller number of guests, it does not oblige you to anything, and certainly does not strictly follow the norms of etiquette. It is possible to include some traditional elements, but it looks more like an author's wedding with a purely individual character.

An informal wedding is small, the number of guests often does not exceed 50 people, a banquet can be arranged both in a restaurant and outside the home. This celebration is not as expensive as the previous options, but the emotions and impressions are not inferior to others. For a couple who wants to celebrate so an important event V narrow circle, you can do without pathos ceremonies, close friends will gladly share such important moments for the young.

Symbol of innocence

So, the application was submitted to the registry office, and we informed the next of kin about the upcoming event. What started here ... The process advanced so that we were unable to “push” it back: the most unthinkable proposals and assumptions rained down from relatives. If before that we discussed and designed, now with the help of moms, dads, aunts, uncles, etc., we moved on to concrete actions!

Unforgettable wedding
For modern woman began with the search for an outfit. What to choose? I set conditions: firstly, the dress will not be white, cream or champagne, and secondly, no veil: neither short, nor medium, nor long - none at all, also a “symbol of innocence” to me! I chose the outfit with my husband (contrary to allegations that this Bad sign). We came to the first on our way wedding salon, and I chose a dress that I immediately fell in love with: it was a light golden color with beautiful buds on the skirt and a mini train. Then I was persuaded to try on a veil, I “broke down” a little, but I agreed - she was very beautiful and went well with the dress, and then jewelry for the hairstyle was selected. Thus, I was completely ready to go to the registry office.

And now, in a wedding dress with a beautiful hairstyle and a veil on my head, I am waiting for my betrothed. The toastmaster, before running out to meet the groom and his “brothers”, managed to shout: “Hey, stand on a chair!” God, what a chair, why stand on it? Noah complied. My poor fiancé was confused - he entered the room and stopped at the entrance, instead of coming up to me and "buying out", I had to directly tell him to take me, his future wife, off the chair. After drinking champagne, we literally ran out of the house, as we were already late. During the painting, I got excited and could not concentrate, I tried to listen to what the registry office worker was telling us, but my thoughts constantly disappeared somewhere, it’s good that the cherished question “Do you agree?” managed to hear and respond to it positively.

we signed and exchanged rings, the very moment came when the “weeping relatives” came up to congratulate us. Then I realized that all this fuss was not in vain, for the sake of this moment it was necessary to put on a dress that looked like a cake, a veil, and also pass the test with shoes on high heels. What happened next was like a dream: riding around the city, dancing, congratulations, admiration, flowers, gifts - and it all ended at four in the morning.

Sign of love and consent

“So what has changed since the wedding?” - many of my friends asked me. I can answer! to this question only this way: nothing will change if the couple does not need to legitimize their relationship. We live in a time when people are trying to simplify such important things as family, relationships between spouses, everyone values ​​their independence, freedom, and God forbid if someone encroaches on this freedom. I was brought up according to the “old” principles: I should become exactly the wife, and not the girl with whom the guy meets and works part-time and lives, and then, if we “don’t get along in character”, we may part.

I can say that it is very nice when you are called not "my girlfriend", but your wife, it's nice to see on ring finger right hand the ring is “a sign of love and consent”, it is nice to bear the husband’s surname and in general it is nice to see rejoicing relatives who have been waiting for this moment and are happy with us!

The New Frontier

The wedding ceremony is very important. She is the personification of the line that separates the state of carefree youth from the responsibility of maturity. A person undertakes to love, cherish and remain faithful to the one with whom he connects his fate. Taking this oath to himself and to those present at the wedding, relatives and friends, a person changes his inner psychological attitude, takes on new obligations in the face of people significant to him, to whom he will need to answer in case of violation of this vow. After all, marriage is social institution, and the significance of the wedding ceremony is largely social.


Preparation for the wedding ceremony is very important: sewing or buying a dress for the bride, choosing a place for celebration, compiling a guest list. This is a process that takes time and rethinking your intention.

Discussing everyday issues, the bride and groom rub against each other, trying to develop a common opinion, a common solution to issues, which is a kind of threshold for family life.

Of course, the memory of wedding celebrations is preserved on long years, and when children born in this marriage grow up, it is very important for them to know how "it" was for mom and dad.

The wedding ceremony has more than one thousand years. And this ritual has its own rules and traditions. But this does not mean that every couple should act like the rest and make their wedding according to the template. Today we will tell you what is worth reading so that your ceremony compares favorably with the others, so that guests leave the celebration satisfied, and we will also share other people's experiences of exciting wedding stories- romantic, unexpected and insanely exciting.

Wedding according to all the rules. How to create a miracle

If you think that you should go after the wedding to be photographed on Sparrow Hills or Poklonnaya Hill- this is move tone, then the book "Wedding by all the rules" is a real find for you. The publication contains a lot of ideas on how to decorate a wedding holiday, make it memorable, and most importantly, "not like everyone else." Original ideas concern not only the solemn part, but also the table setting and even the choice of the “right” days for the ceremony. Also, wise and experienced etiquette experts from the publishing house with a 250-year history of Debrett's will help you choose the best and most stylish outfits - for both the bride and the groom.

English wedding

When we talk about something truly English, we involuntarily imagine sedate gentlemen nobly and slowly drinking tea from flawless white china cups. But in practice, everything is much more fun. Russian journalist Elena Davydova-Harwood married a real Englishman and settled in the small town of Swanage. Her journey through the homeland of Robin Hood is an exciting story full of humor and self-irony. Unexpected wedding rituals and traditions, conventions and the search for hidden meaning - the book "English Wedding" will be of interest not only to girls of marriageable age, but also as a guide to Britain, for those who have already found their family happiness.

The perfect wedding, or How to arrange the holiday of your dreams

How to organize a wedding so that it becomes a model of style, luxury and good manners. And what is most important (and most difficult) is that the chores of preparing the celebration bring only pleasure, and then, when Mendelssohn dies down, it would be nice to remember and tell the grandchildren about them. The book "The Perfect Wedding, or How to Arrange a Party of Your Dreams" was prepared in collaboration with the popular WEDDING magazine. It seems that beautiful wedding it is necessary expensive wedding, but world-famous experts believe that this is not at all the case, and most importantly, what it is worth paying attention to in pre-wedding preparations is details and the smallest accessories. On the pages you will find tips on how and where it is better to hold the ceremony, what music is better for the first dance of the newlyweds than to entertain guests and parents, and how to swirl all guests in the fun of the holiday.

legal marriage

If you're familiar with Elizabeth Gilbert's top-selling book, There Is. Pray. Love”, then you probably know that this book ends with a romantic adventure on the island of Bali, where the heroine meets the beautiful Brazilian Felipe. But after a year of remote international relations and a difficult decision for both to still live together, Felipe is detained at the US border and told that he can only enter the country again if he marries Elizabeth. The main characters already have unsuccessful marriages behind their backs, for both personal freedom is the basic principle of existence. The book "Legal Marriage" is about how difficult it is for a person after 30 years to dare this act, and how harmonious life can be in a legal marriage.

My wedding is the best! Incendiary scenarios wedding celebrations

My wedding is the best - can you say so? If you have a book by Daria Biryukova in your hands, then most likely we will believe you. After all, for the author wedding celebration- This great occasion show your creative abilities as an animator and organizer of celebrations. The wedding will not just be romantic, but thematically beaten, bright and memorable. The theme of the wedding can be absolutely amazing: a boat trip, an oriental-style wedding, a mystical and rock and roll wedding, etc. Outfits, music, time management, room decorating tips and more can be found in this book, so setting up the ceremony will be fun and execution the most fun. an unforgettable event of your life.

Italian wedding

The book "Italian wedding" is exciting romantic story, which became popular immediately after the appearance on the shelves of bookstores. The intrigue and taste of Italian passions is hidden even in the names of the main characters - two sisters. Pieta, in translation, is Pity (immediately recall "Pieta" - the famous sculpture "Lamentation of Christ" by Michelangelo in St. Peter's Cathedral), and Addolorata - Sorrow. The plot begins very peacefully and in an everyday way: one sister helps the other to sew Wedding Dress, but at work her English mother tells amazing story, which has disturbed and interested girls for many years, about the irreconcilable enmity between their family and the De Matte clan. This is a real Shakespearean tragedy, because Pieta is so attracted to Michele, the youngest offspring of this family. And then events unfold according to a completely unexpected scenario, and nothing will go as planned, even a real Italian wedding.

Down with wedding stereotypes! Birch trees, doves and splashes of water into the camera go into oblivion. Any wedding, regardless of the budget and other components, can be made original. To do this, you just need to change the script - break the traditional wedding plan, add a "zest" to the wedding. For example, to sign for your favorite song, and not for Mendelssohn's march, to meet the groom not at home, but in a specially agreed romantic place and so on, as far as your imagination allows.

Don't be afraid to break traditional performances about the wedding. It's time to realize your most daring ideas.

Portal compiled a list original ideas to help you make your wedding unforgettable. They are offered by specialized wedding agencies, but it is quite possible to implement most of them on your own.

1. Thematic productions and weddings abroad

Carrying out any stylized wedding (Middle Ages, Ancient East, Ancient China, Japan, etc.). For example, to give a wedding real spirit XIX century, the celebration must be held in a luxurious country residence, invite gypsy ensemble, and entrust the escort of the newlyweds with a real escort of hussars. A hard rock celebration accompanied by bikers and stars of the underground scene, or a celebration reminiscent of the plot of science fiction films like "The Fifth Element" or " Star Wars". Perhaps the most exotic wedding today can be held in Thailand. From the very morning, the monks from the local temple read a long prayer, and then sprinkle the newlyweds with holy water. The bride and groom are seated on a small platform, their hands are hung with a necklace of flowers and water is poured from a huge shell, which symbolizes happiness.

Another exotic offer for newlyweds is the Birds of Paradise wedding ceremony. You will join your destiny on board an aircraft that will fly over the most beautiful Maldives. The runway will be decorated with flowers, and guests of the celebration admiring you against the backdrop of fabulous islands will be treated to tropical cocktails.

How about a wedding ceremony on top of an extinct Santorini volcano? This Greek giant will amaze you with its grandeur and unbridled power. Height lovers will also be tempted to get married on the bluff of the Grand Canyon, which can only be reached by helicopter. The cost of this wedding ceremony also includes a flight over Las Vegas and surrounding attractions, which will be explained in detail by the pilot.

If young furious fans of the creation of Bram Stoker, then they will certainly want to register their relationship at night. At the end of such an unusual ceremony, it would be logical to organize a vampire-style banquet. Guests and relatives should be warned in advance so that the restaurant, stylized as a crypt and strange outfits of young people and their friends, does not cause a state of shock. The logical journey after such a wedding would be a trip to Transylvania.

An unusual wedding can be made by careful stylization for one or another historical era, film, book. Horse riding instead of cars, a wedding feast on the lawn rather than in a restaurant, live music rather than using records immediately makes the wedding more interesting.

2. Butterfly salute

All over the world, weddings are decorated with salutes from live butterflies. "Fluttering flowers" can decorate any wedding ceremony. But there is also an ancient Indian belief that a butterfly is the soul of a person flying to heaven, and if you whisper your desire to it and release it, then it will certainly reach God. For a full-fledged salute, at least 15 butterflies are usually used.

3. Original wedding transport

The choice of vehicles that wedding agencies offer to young people is huge. The most original of them: retro cars; yacht and boat; balloons; horses; carriages; quad bikes; motorcycles; bicycles; scooters. helicopter and more.

4. Fountains with drinks

You can rent or purchase fountains for hot chocolate, champagne and other drinks. The effect of smoothly flowing chocolate, accompanied by unusual taste sensations will add a glamorous sophistication to your celebration. In addition to aesthetic appeal, the fountain has practical use. Chocolate melted in a chocolate fountain is suitable for dipping various products: fruits, biscuits, bakery products, marshmallow. The magnificent effect of the sparkling wine liquid created by the fountain will add zest to your event. Exquisite look, matte backlight allows you to use the fountain in the dark or in low light, which is important for creating a romantic, fairy-tale environment. Your guests can fill their glasses by holding them up to the luminous streams falling from the fountain's spouts.

5. Original engraving

Engraving, both on the outside and on inner surface rings. WITH outside, as a rule, engrave the names of the second half or newlyweds together. From the inside: any personal messages and vows, wedding dates, names or initials.

Also, some agencies offer engraving on any other surfaces: engraving on glass - glasses, wine glasses, vases; wood engraving - gift cases and boxes; engraving on the skin - wallets, diaries, folders; engraving on metal - lighters, watches. The cost is determined based on the number of characters (letters, numbers) in the inscription, the font used, and how the order will be executed: on a machine or manually.

6. Young magicians

Illusion show - the best remedy for creating festive atmosphere And Have a good mood. If desired, young people can become magicians themselves for a while and entertain their guests. simple tricks independently, but under the strict supervision of a professional illusionist. The repertoire of the magician's performance at the wedding includes: dollars from the ashes; balls from the mouth; blade swallowing; manipulation with cards, with their subsequent transformation into a pyramid; turning fire into a cane, and from a cane into handkerchiefs; magic pot desires; rope manipulation; hypnosis with matchbox; magic net for money exchange; piercing the neck with a sword; dove show, etc.

7. Lighting special effects

Using special effects at your wedding will allow you to most vividly capture this solemn event. Your memory will remain not so much the light of strobe lights, sparkling confetti or volumetric flickering laser animation, but the very moment of complete happiness. Pyrotechnicians organize and conduct fireworks of any complexity, sky lanterns, daytime fireworks, smoke, flashes, fireworks, confetti, rose petals (live and artificial), serpentine, metafan and many other special effects (foam, bubble, snow flakes).

8. Sand animation

Sand animation is a visual art style and technology for creating animated films. A mandatory component of the sand show is a darkened room, frosted glass and a source of light penetrating from within. The sand animation show is a performance by a sand animator who draws beautiful sand paintings, each of which complements and follows from the previous one.

With the help of sand animation, guests can tell " love story» newlyweds. The artist develops drawings especially for the bride and groom. Animation can also be used during breaks, or as part of a show program. This is a unique synthesis of graphics, light painting, music and theatrical art. As a rule, the duration of one sand film is from 7 to 20 minutes, during which time the sand animator manages to create from 3 to 10 finished images. During the sand show, the artist works live, and it is this process that gives a certain fabulousness and mystery to what is happening. Usually, all actions are performed by hand, but brushes can be used as devices.

9. Fire show

To see with your own eyes, right in front of you, how easily a person subjugates the element of fire, is priceless. Specialized agencies make sure that the fire show is not dangerous and cannot create a fire hazard. The fire show held by the artists is a memorable special effects for the holiday, without risk to your life.

10. Face Art (Face Art)

Especially popular is Lately Face Art, or drawing special paints on the face. A professional master will gladly decorate your guests, which, of course (or not), will delight them. This type of entertainment is sure to please your children!

11. Wedding lounge bar

Delivery to the place of celebration of special frameless furniture, pillows and themed accessories, and of course, the hookah itself. Such a themed corner will not only become a comfortable place for your guests to relax, but can also take on the role of a party center. You can relax and immerse yourself in a pleasant conversation with the guests!

12. Fan casino

It creates the atmosphere of a real casino and gives unforgettable impressions and emotions to all participants. The game is played with virtual money, specially made for the concept of the event, which are provided to all guests at the entrance. Placement of gaming tables does not require much space. Professional and sociable croupiers will make every effort to make all guests feel as comfortable as possible.

13. Angel children

It has long been a good tradition to invite angel children to the wedding. Touching children in snow-white costumes with wings and fluffy haloes, symbolizing the heavenly support of marriage, add romance and magic to the atmosphere of celebration. Traditionally, angel children accompany the newlyweds during the most important part of the celebration - the official or field registration marriage, and the angel-boy acts as the partner of the bride, and the angel-girl acts as the groom. Symbols of purity and purity, touching angels carry wedding veil, hold a pillow with rings, and after declaring the young husband and wife, they make the most touching wedding ritual- sprinkle the newlyweds with rose petals!

14. Portrait painter

If a lot of guests are invited to your wedding, then it will be difficult for you to personally devote time for everyone. Therefore, many wedding agencies offer a caricaturist to entertain guests. A wedding cartoon is a gift that combines originality and a sense of humor. Your guests will not be bored and will be satisfied. While you are busy meeting guests, guests who have already arrived can have a good time with the artist, who will create funny caricature portraits of guests in 5-10 minutes. The main task of the artist is to entertain guests and create a pleasant, cheerful atmosphere. It is in such an atmosphere that invitees who are not yet familiar with each other will be able to easily start a conversation, looking at cartoons and commenting on them. Also, do not forget that the wedding cartoon will be a cool addition to your wedding album and will undoubtedly be the best gift on the occasion of the wedding.

15. Pantomime

Pantomime translated from Greek means "everything that reproduces by imitation." The main means of creating an artistic image is plastic human body without using words. Meeting guests who come to the holiday, you can entrust the clown - mime. A mime will greet and entertain your wedding guests with brilliance. Also, pantomimes can offer the following services: pantomime, animation; meeting guests (mimes-hostesses); playing plastic miniatures; exclusive costumes for the wedding (mime angel, mime heart); a series of plastic miniatures (development under an individual order is possible), etc. Meeting with a mime clown will be an unforgettable experience for you and your guests.

Every professional wedding agency capable of real miracles. Specialists will be able to fulfill all your wildest dreams, and give you a happy and unforgettable day. If agency services are not provided for in your wedding budget, do not lose heart! Make your wedding original with your own hands!