Tsaritsyno Museum Reserve June 12. The Russia Day festival opened in Tsaritsyn. Victory Park on Poklonnaya Hill

MOSCOW, June 11. /TASS/. The main music venue of the festival "Russia Day. Moscow Time" opened on Monday in Tsaritsyno Park with jazz music of city streets from the Moscow Second Line Orchestra and master classes on ancient dances, from mazurka to waltz, a TASS correspondent reports.

As part of the festival, Moscow parks and city festival grounds have planned an exciting program for Muscovites and guests of the capital, dedicated to vibrant cultural eras.

Bring jazz back to city streets

The Moscow orchestra "Second Line" appeared in 2015.

“We hope that more and more capital residents will become familiar with jazz music, and it will return to the city streets,” the musicians said at the performance.

After them, performances by the brass Orchestra Beat, the Russian rock band Prepinaki and the Gromyki quintet are expected, and in the evening, from 20:00, singer Alena Sviridova will perform.

Vintage dances

Master classes from professional teachers at the Tsaritsyno Museum-Reserve are held in an 18th-century estate. The program includes everything from polkas, mazurkas and classic waltzes. Ancient dances turned out to be in great demand among Muscovites.

As Anna and Dmitry Grachev told TASS, they live in the Tsaritsyno area and are regulars of this park.

“We walk here almost every day. We are very glad that there are such wonderful festivals in our park. We already know how to dance the waltz, but we don’t yet know the Spanish dance padespan. We hope it will work out,” they said.

Museum visitors will be able to get acquainted with the cultural features and way of life of the classes of Russia: nobles, clergy, peasants and merchants.

On the ground floor you can see an exhibition about the culture of the nobility of the 18th - early 20th centuries. The second floor is dedicated to the art of Orthodox Russia. Here viewers will see works of icon painting and wooden temple sculpture, as well as crosses and folds.

On the third floor of the Museum of Estates, visitors will see how peasants lived in Rus'. Tourists will be shown the decoration of the hut with caskets and chests, will be told how the sleighs were painted, and will also be introduced to the history of folk costume. Visitors will learn that residents of every province of Russia - from Arkhangelsk and Vologda to Kursk and Voronezh - had their own outfits. The exhibition presents traditional clothing from more than 20 provinces.

In honor of Russia Day, two free excursions will be held at the Tsaritsyno Museum-Estate.

On June 11 from 14:00 to 14:45 there will be an excursion "Catherine II. The Golden Age of the Russian Empire." Guests will be shown an exhibition taking place in the Grand Palace, and will also be told about Catherine II and her ascension to the throne. In addition, tourists will be introduced to the history of the Empress’s reign, her reforms, as well as events in domestic and foreign policy.

On June 12, from 13:00 to 13:45, a thematic excursion “Manor Park - a symbol of Russia” will take place in Tsaritsyn. Participants will be guided through the territory of the historical landscape park and told the story of its creation. Visitors will be shown significant park structures of the Classical period, for example, the pavilion with the telling name “Milovida”, which offers a picturesque view of the bay of the Upper Tsaritsyn Pond and the “Golden Sheaf” gazebo on the southern border of the park.

Excursion participants will gather inside the Grand Palace, at the main entrance next to the ticket office. No pre-registration required.

On June 12 at 11:00 a free excursion “Orthodox Temples of Zamoskvorechye” will be held at the Moscow House of Nationalities. Participants will be told about the eight temples that are located in this area of ​​the capital, as well as the fact that representatives of different religions and nationalities have long lived happily with each other here.

The walk will begin on Bolshaya Polyanka Street, on which the Church of St. Gregory of Neocaesarea in Derbitsy is located, and not far from it is the Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary in Cossack Sloboda. Next, the excursion participants will visit the ancient Tolmachi district and see churches on Bolshaya Ordynka and Pyatnitskaya Street. The route will end in the former Ovchinnaya Sloboda.


30 Moscow venues

Date and time of the festival/event

Ticket prices

Free admission

Moscow Historical Festival “Times and Epochs. The meeting continues! On August 27, a battle between Russian archers and the troops of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth will take place in Kolomenskoye. For the battle, a full-size fort will be built - a border fortress of the 17th century.

On August 27, at the Zingaro site in Kolomenskoye, reenactors will present festival guests with an episode from the Russian-Polish War of 1654–1667. The Tsarist army will stage a border battle with the Polish-Lithuanian forces; this large-scale event will take place as part of the “Times and Epochs” festival. Meeting". To recreate the life of the Russian army, on August 25, a full-size fort with a settlement will open, where archers, reiters, gunners and military artisans will settle.

The prison is being built on the model of the famous Albazin fortress of 1665–1681. This is not a decoration, but a full-fledged model in real size. It is being developed with the participation of experts in archeology and wooden architecture. The prison weighs 245 tons and consists of 1115 logs. On an area of ​​900 square meters there will be an official hut, a chapel, an arsenal, a stable, and a parade ground for drill exercises. Sagittarius with “fiery combat” will take positions on two 10-meter three-story towers, a stern centurion will teach the recruits military wisdom. In the craft village, craftsmen will show visitors the crafts of matchlock, pushkar and bullet making.

List of interactive platforms (program) of the festival "Times and Epochs" in Kolomenskoye:

European camp

Hardball game
Bowling game
Musketeers depot
Pikinerskoe depot
Scottish kilts
Board games
Historical cuisine
Fencing with foils
Earth fort

Polish camp

Winged Hussars
Baking bread
Archery range, lasso

Russian camp

Weapon workshop
Step wheel
Bullet workshop
Shooting range
Workshop for sewing and repairing dresses
Recruitment depot
A prison with a chapel and a prison hut

On August 26 and 27, demonstration training of various types of troops will be held on the battlefield. “Border Battle” will take place on August 27 at 17:00

From June 1 to June 12, 2017, the festival “Times and Epochs. Meeting” will take place in Moscow. The theme of this year's festival is historical reconstruction, its possibilities and achievements.

"Times and Epochs 2017" is changing its format. Now this is not just an event in Kolomenskoye dedicated to a specific period. The festival becomes a grandiose convention of 6,000 reenactors from all over the world, who will represent eras from Antiquity to the 20th century for 12 days. "Times and Epochs. Collection" will become a real exhibition of the achievements of the reconstruction industry, a platform for the exchange of ideas and experience.

"Times and Epochs 2017" - these are 30 sites. 6000 participants and 12 eras.

The idea of ​​the festival is to bring together in the capital all the best from the world of reconstruction from all over the world. Different eras will intertwine on the streets and in parks into a single historical action. Muscovites and tourists will walk through the center from one era to another, going to parks to watch a 17th-century battle, a battle between legions and barbarians, or a camp of the Russian Imperial Army.

“Times and Epochs 2017” will begin on June 1 with the arrival at Podmoskovnaya station of a retro train with reenactors representing all time periods of the festival.

The starting point of a great journey through times and eras will be the festival information center on Tverskaya Square. The pavilion recreates the interiors of a Moscow hotel from the late 19th century. As in any decent hotel, guests here have a cozy atmosphere, information about festival sites, maps, a program of events, explanations and assistance from staff who speak several foreign languages. The atmosphere of the Silver Age will be recreated in the pavilion: staff costumes, fashion magazines of those years on the counter, a pianist at the piano, an antique gramophone that the receptionist starts up several times a day, almost Blok-like strangers in fashionable toilets of the time, discussing futurist poets on the next sofa.

In different parts of the Kolomenskoye park there will be camps for Peter’s soldiers and Roman legionnaires. On Tverskoy Boulevard, visitors will meet teams of reenactors from all over the world. They will constantly replace each other, either leaving to participate in park festivals or returning for informal communication with colleagues and guests. On Kuznetsky Most you can look at the daily life of characters from bygone eras who will live in transparent honeycomb houses, and watch archaeologists processing objects found during excavations in Moscow. On Vostochnaya Street there will be a park of medieval siege engines. New Arbat will be transformed into a battle arena where the best medieval warriors will compete. On Chistoprudny Boulevard, guests will be transported to the second half of the 19th century, to the picturesque Sevastopol Promenade. And Revolution Square will become a country dacha for Muscovites in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.


The festival will be located on Tverskaya Street, Okhotny Ryad and Teatralny Proezd.

12:30–13:00 “Parade of Russian troops in honor of the capture of Paris” (Platz area).
A military sketch in which Alexander I will personally lead a parade in honor of the capture of Paris by Russian troops.

12:30–13:00 “The meeting place cannot be changed” (Pobeda site). Recreating a scene from the famous film.

13:00–13:30 “Mobilization” (Great Patriotic War site)
Theatrical production dedicated to the beginning of the Great Patriotic War. Guests will see the events of the first hours after the declaration of war on Nazi Germany.

13:30–14:00 “Review of Russian troops on the eve of the First World War” (Platz area).
Demonstration performance and training according to the regulations of the Russian army of 1908.

14:00–14:30 “Battle of Rus' and the Horde” (Medieval Rus' and neighbors site)
The battle of Russian soldiers against the steppe inhabitants, in which up to 50 participants of the “Times and Epochs” festival will meet.

14:30–15:00 “Streltsy Review” (Platz area)
Demonstration of combat readiness of soldiers: training in drill training, formation changes, movement in ranks.

15:00–15:30 “Fencing show of the 18th century” (Epoch of Peter I venue)
Sword fights according to the rules of dueling codes.

15:30–16:00 “Battle of the Russians with the Vikings” (Ancient Rus' site)
The battle of formidable peoples of the early Middle Ages, in which up to 100 reenactors participate.

The battle of formidable peoples of the early Middle Ages, in which up to 100 reenactors participate.
16:00–16:30 “Streltsy Review” (Platz area)
16:30–17:00 “Battle of Rus' and the Horde” (site Medieval Rus' and neighbors)
17:00–17:30 “Battle of the Russians with the Vikings” (Ancient Rus' site)
17:30–18:00 “Streltsy Review” (Platz area)
18:00–18:30 “Mobilization” (Great Patriotic War site)
18:30–19:00 “Parade of Russian troops in honor of the capture of Paris” (Platz area).
19:00–19:30 “Fencing show of the 18th century” (Epoch of Peter I venue)
19:30–20:00 “Review of Russian troops on the eve of the First World War” (Platz area).
20:00–20:30 “Battle of the Russians with the Vikings” (Ancient Rus' site)
20:00–20:30 “The meeting place cannot be changed” (Pobeda site)

Musical program at the venues
12:30–13:00 Performance by the folk group “Ochelie Soroki” (Drenaia Rus venue)
14.30–15.00 Performance of the folk group “New Kielce” (Dyakovskaya Culture venue)
18.00–18.30 Performance of the folk group “Ochelie Soroki” (Drenaia Rus venue)

Musical program on Okhotny Ryad

Historical block
13:00–14:00 Lodya - songs of Russian sailors
14:00–15:00 Ochelye Soroki - songs of the Russian North
15:00–16:00 New Kielce - music of the 19th–20th centuries
16:00–17:00 TeufelsTANZ - medieval music

Modern block
17:00–18:00 Acoustic boots - repertoire of the 20th century in rock treatment
18:00–19:00 Yoki - folk rock using authentic instruments
19:00–20:00 Inna Zhelannaya - folk rock
20:00–21:00 Alisa Ignatieva - songs of the peoples of the world

Persimfans on Tverskaya Square
An unusual concert-reconstruction on June 12 will also take place on the stage of the venue on Tverskaya Square.
To mark the 95th anniversary of the famous Persimfans orchestra - the Moscow symphony orchestra, which at the beginning of the 20th century, in search of a new sound, first began performing without a conductor - the Moscow Symphony Orchestra "Russian Philharmonic" will perform a reconstructed musical program (also without a conductor). The public will enjoy masterpieces by Vivaldi, Ravel and Piazzolla performed by 60 wonderful musicians. The concert will take place from 19.00 to 20.30.

Participants of the festival "Times and Epochs. Meeting".

The group Academie Tordenskiold from the Norwegian town of Moss reconstructs the early 1700s and the events of the Great Northern War. The head of the club, Lars J. Wessel Johnsen, descends from the Norwegian naval officer Peter Jansen Wessel, who during the Northern War, thanks to his exploits, rose to the rank of vice admiral.

  • Lavrushinsky lane. "New Moscow" in the era of Peter I. Street of models of historical houses with interiors and life of Russian and foreign citizens of the 18th century.
  • Petrovsky Boulevard. Historical miniature - soldiers and everything connected with them. You can play or even make it yourself.
  • Nikolskaya street. History of China Town in models from the 12th to the 20th century.
  • Kuznetsky Bridge. “History behind glass”: peek at Aristotle Fioravanti or the pioneer printer Ivan Fedorov.
  • Memorial park near Sokol metro station. June 8. "Eve of the First World War." Military equipment of the First World War will be presented at this site. This is a replica of the world's first four-engine bomber, the Ilya Muromets, designed by Igor Ivanovich Sikorsky.
  • Kolomenskoye. June 11. "Border battle. 17th century."
  • Tsaritsyno. June 10th. "Ancient Rome and its neighbors."

Until June 26, a themed train with interesting stories and facts, colorful historical characters will run along the Zamoskvoretskaya (green) line of the Moscow metro, very beautiful and educational!

Let us remind you that on July 15, the festival “Battle of a Thousand Swords. Ragnarok 2017” will take place in Moscow’s Kolomenskoye Park, tickets for which can be purchased via the link.

June 9, 2018
Photo: ParkSeason, press services of “Aptekarsky Ogorod”, “Museon” and Moscow City Park
Text: Editorial ParkSeason

On June 12, Russia Day will be celebrated in 24 parks in the city. The townspeople will enjoy a lot of entertainment events: from a large-scale tea party, to a kite parade and a voice theater show. The editors have collected the most interesting programs, don't miss them!

Perovsky Park

On this day there will be a parade of kites - the sky above the park will be painted in the colors of the tricolor. Guests will make kites and then fly them in a general flash mob. Before the event, the organizers will provide detailed instructions. Every hour, kites in the colors of the Russian flag will fly into the sky, after which they can be taken home. Also at the festival there will be an interactive program where they will talk about Russian aeronautics.

Starts at 14:00, the event will last until 17:00. Free admission.

Apothecary garden

A festive concert will be held. The event will take place outdoors, and spectators will be invited to sit on poufs or blankets on the grass. On this day, Andrey Borisenko (baritone), Marina Agafonova (soprano) and tenor Dmitry Nikanorov will perform at the Aptekarsky Ogorod. They will perform works by P. Tchaikovsky, M. Glinka and others.

In addition, the program included a performance by the Russian Popular Music Orchestra “Masters of Russia”, which will play modern songs in a special arrangement, as well as a show from the choreographic ensemble “Rusy”.

Starts at 18:00, ticket price is 650 rubles. You can purchase them on the Apothecary Garden website. Children under 6 years old do not require a separate ticket.

Tsaritsyno Museum-Reserve

On June 12, the museum-reserve will host a children's mini-football tournament. The Park Cup will be played at the competition. The event was timed to coincide with the upcoming World Championship and the celebration of Russia Day. All day long on the Tsaritsyn football field (near checkpoint No. 4) there will be matches between teams from sports schools and football sections of the districts closest to the museum-reserve. Before the final race for the cup begins, all teams will play each other. For the convenience of fans, food and drink outlets will be installed near the field.

In addition, the citywide holiday “Russia Day” moved to the park. Moscow time". The festival will take place on June 11 and 12. Guests of Tsaritsyn will find themselves in the atmosphere of the early 20th century: from morning to evening on the site you can listen to a variety of musical genres and take part in dance master classes.

Free admission.

Muzeon Art Park

On Russia Day they will celebrate the open festival “Silence”. Spectators will be shown a theater of voices, a performance at a dry fountain and guitar improvisations. In addition, the park will host a concert for a piano and two ensembles, consisting of only 18 notes.

The main venue will be the Alpbau dome: at 20:00 La Gaulle Theater will perform John Cage's “The Book of Songs” here. You can also listen to pianist Kirill Shirokov with the composition Shhh... by Alexey Sysoev. From 15:00 to 18:00 6 guitarists will walk around the park performing musical improvisations. At 18:00, director Pavel Gorbachev will present the experimental production “Dreams on Summer Nights” at the dry fountain.

Sokolniki Park"

On June 12, the park will host not only the celebration of Russia Day, but also the Moscow International Festival of Contemporary Literature. It is still unknown which contemporary writers will come to the site this year. Over the years, Janusz Wisniewski and Bernard Werber attended the event. Guests will also enjoy musical performances and sports master classes. The celebration will last from 13:00 to 19:00, admission is free.

By the way, festive events in the park will also be held as part of the “Russia Day” festival. Moscow time".

Victory Park on Poklonnaya Hill

A large concert program is planned with performances by Russian pop stars and folk artists. There will be an Open Microphone talent show, a flash mob with umbrellas and a creative master class “Russia is a great country. Through the eyes of a child."

In addition, on June 11 and 12, the park will host the Samovarfest hospitality festival. 190 peoples of Russia will gather at the site. They are planning to hold a large-scale event here - a tea party for 3,000 people. The festival will feature more than 10 thematic zones: from Kalash fighting to an interactive children's playground. It will not do without traditional Russian cuisine.

The festival will be held from 13:00 to 19:00, admission is free.

"Rus and the Horde"

In the Kolomenskoye Museum-Reserve the confrontation between Rus' and the Horde will begin - from the defeat of scattered Russian squads on Kalka to the victories of the united principalities, who learned that strength lies in unity!

The central performance will be a single block of three episodes of the centuries-old struggle: the Battle of Kalka, the Battle of Kulikovo and the Standing on the Ugra.

The warriors of the Russian prince and the Horde Murza will set up camps - in linen tents and felt yurts. Here they will present the field life of the military nobility and ordinary soldiers.

In the camps, guests will see artisans who have always accompanied armies: chain mail workers, armor makers, jewelers, potters, bone carvers, tanners, and blacksmiths.

Knights and warriors will compete in historical all-around events: archery, sword and spear skills, and horse riding. The horsemen will demonstrate exercises with the Saracen, cutting with sabers and throwing horses on horseback.

The Mongol-Tatars are the first of the nomads who learned to take cities by storm. Visitors to the “Rus and Horde” site will witness the siege of the fortress wall using assault ladders, a trebuchet and a battering ram.


11.30 – 18.30 – Craft sites, historical fair, interactive sites for tourists.

12.30 – 13.30 – Band concert, fashion show of historical costume and armor.

13.30 – Reconstruction of the battle.

14.30 – Mass combat interactions (buhurts and/or according to the rules of maneuvers).

15.30 – 17.00 – Equestrian competitions.

17.00 Tournament of spearmen.

18.30 Awarding of the winners, closing of the site to spectators.

Accreditation of journalists will be carried out in the press zone next to the Alexei Mikhailovich Palace within walking distance from the Kashirskaya metro station. The press zone starts working from 11:00.

Please note that there are no parking spaces in the park.

Information about the festival at the link https://goo.gl/nC6ouq or on the official website http://historyfest.ru or mos.ru.

Festival press service

Rozanov Sergey,

For reference:

To the festival “Times and Epochs. Meeting" will bring 10 thousand reenactors and participants from all over the world to the capital. 12 eras will be reenacted at 30 street and park venues in different areas of the city. Among them are the Iron Age, Antiquity, Peter's time, 1812, the Crimean War. The festival will end on Russia Day, June 12, with a large-scale historical and patriotic program on Tverskaya Street.

On June 10, Kolomenskoye will host the Day of Antiquity as part of the “Times and Epochs” festival. Roman legionnaires will demonstrate drill training, gladiators will fight in the arena, and the commander will organize a triumphal procession. Guests will see the settlements of the Germans, Celts, and Hellenes. They will trade, engage in crafts and repel the onslaught of the Roman Empire.
On June 11, in Kolomenskoye, guests will get acquainted with the life of the first Muscovites - the mysterious tribes of the Dyakovo culture. Leading experts will lecture on it, and artisans will illustrate the stories using experimental archaeology.

Festival website: historyfest.ru

Festival “Times and Epochs. Sobranie” is a project of the Moscow Government. It takes place as part of the Moscow Seasons cycle of city street events.

The Moscow historical festival “Times and Epochs” is changing its format. Now this is not just an event in Kolomenskoye dedicated to a specific period. The festival becomes a grandiose convention for 6,000 reenactors from all over the world (citizens of the USA, France, Italy, Romania, Greece, Bulgaria, Serbia, Poland, Great Britain, Sweden, Latvia, Norway, Germany, Spain have already signed up), who will represent for 12 days eras from Antiquity to the 20th century. “Times and eras. Sobranie” is a real exhibition of the achievements of the reconstruction industry.

Within the framework of “Times and Epochs” there will be 5 festival parks and 25 thematic city venues throughout Moscow. Reenactor camps will be set up in parks and squares, on central streets and squares. The idea of ​​the festival is to bring together in the capital all the best from the world of reconstruction from all over the world.

Different eras will intertwine on the streets and in parks into a single historical action. Muscovites and tourists will walk through the center from one era to another, go to parks to watch the cavalcade of Catherine the Great, the battle of legions with barbarians, or the camp of the Russian Imperial Army.

“Times and Epochs” will begin on June 1 with the arrival at the Podmoskovnaya station of a retro train with reenactors representing all time periods of the festival. “Podmoskovnaya” was built in 1901 in Art Nouveau style. The grand opening of the festival will take place here.

On June 2, Carousel, a luxurious theatrical performance from the times of Catherine the Great, will take place in Tsaritsyno Park. The soldiers of Peter I will camp here. They will practice military skills and show a reconstruction of the battle. An ominous “green street” awaits the guilty soldiers.

June 10 will be the Day of Antiquity at Kolomenskoye. Roman legionnaires will demonstrate drill training, gladiators will fight in the arena, and the commander will organize a triumphal procession. Guests will see the settlements of the Germans, Celts and Hellenes. They will trade, engage in crafts and repel the onslaught of the Roman Empire.

On June 11, here at Kolomenskoye, guests will get acquainted with the life of the first Muscovites - the mysterious tribes of the Dyakovo culture. Leading experts will lecture on it, and artisans will illustrate the stories using experimental archaeology.

The whole city these days will be imbued with the spirit of history!

On Tverskoy Boulevard, visitors will meet teams of reenactors from all over the world. They will constantly replace each other, either leaving to participate in park festivals or returning for informal communication with colleagues and guests.

On Kuznetsky Most you will be able to take a look at the daily life of an architect, printer, jeweler and photographer of bygone eras, who will live in transparent honeycomb houses. An “archaeological sandbox” will open nearby, where children will be able to dig up and process finds and feel like members of a Moscow archaeological expedition. Also at Kuznetsky, guests will get acquainted with the gastronomy of bygone times.

On Vostochnaya Street there will be a park of medieval siege engines, including the largest functioning trebuchet in Russia.

New Arbat will be transformed into a battle arena where the best medieval warriors will compete.

On Chistoprudny Boulevard, guests will be transported to the second half of the 19th century, to the picturesque Sevastopol Promenade.

On June 12, grandiose folk festivities in honor of Russia Day will take place in the center of the capital. Tverskaya Street and Manezhnaya Square will bring together all the best that guests could find during the days of the Times and Epochs festival. Reenactors will present glorious eras of Russian history: there will be camps of early medieval Russians and knights from the time of the fight against the Horde, camps of Moscow archers and fighters of Peter I, soldiers of the War of 1812 and the First World War. Merchants from different eras will offer authentic goods at the historical fair, and musicians will perform a special holiday program.