A warrior's wife, or love for survival. Elena Star - a warrior's wife, or love for survival War wife or love for survival Elena

Elena Zvezdnaya


Story one:

About secrets, nightmares and goal planning

Night. Eran’s calm breathing, his hand gently covering my palm, the sleepy roar of Ikasik, who settled on the balcony.

But we are not alone! I feel this clearly. I feel the steps from the door - light, weightless. I feel them, but don't hear them. I feel a presence. I can’t understand how, but I feel it. I track and even with my eyes closed I see the shadow approaching me.

I shudder as soon as the dark substance stops a step away from the bed, and at that same moment Eran wakes up. The light flashes, the blue-eyed warrior, standing up, peers at me anxiously.

The shadow continues to stand nearby!

I want to answer, I’m trying to say a word and... I can’t. I'm scared. I've never been so scared, I'm even afraid to move.

“Kiran,” the warrior carefully touches my cheek, and the realization comes that my face is wet with tears.

* * *

I woke up and sat up in bed. My head hurt. A strange weakness spread throughout my body. And fear. A quiet, panicky horror pulsed and beat like an echo of a heartbeat. I looked around nervously - in the bedroom of Lord Iristan there were only me and Ikas, who was sleeping on the balcony. For a long time I did not dare to look towards the front door, then I cursed myself for my cowardice and turned my head. No one.

So it's a dream?

Just a nightmare? Since when do I have nightmares?! How the hell did my brain give me such a dream?! And why is it so scary... Still scary.

The door opened - a blue-eyed warrior in black trousers and a snow-white shirt silently approached, sat down next to me, extended his hand, touched my cheek and asked:

What scared you last night?

Taren nodded.

And I realized that what happened was not a dream! I saw a shadow. Not the same as Nrogo’s, and not even the monster that controlled Papander, something else. Scary. Dangerous. Dangerous for me.

Without looking at the warrior, I carefully got out of bed, went to the window, sat down next to Ikas, and thoughtfully stroked the snow-white fur of the beast. The only thing I could think about now was, did my mother tell me everything?!

Noise behind the wall. Eran stood up, crossed the bedroom, and opened the door.

Eshen ackerdan eithna McEdle,” said the woman in white standing behind the door.

Cairn,” Tar-en answered sharply and closed the door.

I didn’t understand either their language or why the negotiations were conducted this time this way, because Eran could have done it differently, somehow putting his fingers to his neck, and that’s all. But here’s what I specifically understood - it was about my grandmother, and the blue-eyed one said “no.” Well, maybe not a no, but it was definitely a no.

What are you afraid of? - Tar-en suddenly asked, turning sharply to me.

What could I answer? At night, even Ikas did not react to the substance. And Eran didn’t see it. Because the shadow came for me. Right behind me. You could be afraid now, worry, and even tell Tar-en, but what will that change? Nothing. The shadow came for me, I need to understand why and why. And now I was desperately trying to remember what exactly Aravan said about my grandmother and how she became an eite, even though she was the only one for my grandfather.

Remember it verbatim.

But only fragments came to mind:

“Agarn needed a girl from the Aerd clan. Aerd - eithny, traditionally. There are several clans that can accept the blood of any clan, Aerd are the strongest. Traditionally, the eithna-hassash belongs specifically to the Aerd, and our grandmother was supposed to become the main eithna.”

And I am from the Aerd family, like my mother and grandmother. So, it’s also traditionally eithna, right? However, Papander also spoke about this.

“The grandmother was being prepared to accept the rank of eithna-hassash, and for this the seer must experience a painful shock twice. Usually the eithnas define the seers in this way - the girl experiences the first shock after a night with a warrior, the second after giving birth, and then the mutation is pushed in the right direction, and the seer becomes an eithne.”

Painful shock... Consider my situation: the tent, the first time with Eran, the terrible, unbearable pain afterwards and the exclamation of one of the eithn: “She sees.”

I feel my hands freezing, frost running down my back, my eyes getting dark. Do not panic. Calm down. Think! Yes, I became a seer of Aerd, Nrogo spoke about this, Eran too, yesterday.

And I remember another remark from Aravan:

“Grandfather understood that childbirth would be the second stage of the mutation. Grandmother understood too, but she really wanted to give him children. They lived together for many years, and after that she did everything to conceive. Grandfather didn’t want this.”

I turn my gaze to Eran. Tar-en did not touch me either in the evening or at night. Hugs and nothing more. But was it just the absence of eithna-hassash? He knows? Does he know and does not want to allow the second stage of mutation?

And then I remembered:

“She came at night, no longer as a woman, but as a mother and the ghost of that beloved to whom grandfather always remained faithful.”

I used to think that fear was an inevitable component of any action. You’re scared, but the master gives the order “Forward,” and fear becomes a catalyst for the release of adrenaline, allowing you to cope with the most difficult tasks. But what I felt now was not even horror, but something worse. Much worse. The realization that I could become an eite just smeared me across the floor!

And not mine! The shadow came on its own!

Eran,” I turned to the warrior, “did you see a shadow at night?”

Tar-en remained silent, but his blue eyes slowly narrowed, and they asked me a counter question:

Has a shadow come?

“Yes,” I answered, patting Ikas behind the ear and quickly getting up. - It turns out that there are suicides in the other world.

And she resolutely headed to the bathroom, trying not to look at Eran at all, because... now I won’t look at him at all. Until I deal with the shadow. Tar-en probably thought about the same thing, because he did not follow me, and his words reached me from behind the door:

Kira, I'll be back by noon and show you IrAe. You will wait in the palace.

Elena Zvezdnaya

The Warrior's Wife, or Love for Survival

© Zvezdnaya E., 2016

© Design. LLC Publishing House E, 2016

Story One: About Secrets, Nightmares and Target Planning

Night. Eran’s calm breathing, his hand gently covering my palm, the sleepy roar of Ikasik, who settled on the balcony.

But we are not alone! I feel this clearly. I feel the steps from the door - light, weightless. I feel them, but don't hear them. I feel a presence. I can’t understand how, but I feel it. I track and even with my eyes closed I see the shadow approaching me.

I shudder as soon as the dark substance stops a step away from the bed, and at that same moment Eran wakes up. The light flashes, the blue-eyed warrior, standing up, peers at me anxiously.

The shadow continues to stand nearby!

I want to answer, I’m trying to say a word and... I can’t. I'm scared. I've never been so scared, I'm even afraid to move.

“Kiran,” the warrior carefully touches my cheek, and the realization comes that my face is wet with tears.

* * *

I woke up and sat up in bed. My head hurt. A strange weakness spread throughout my body. And fear. A quiet, panicky horror pulsed and beat like an echo of a heartbeat. I looked around nervously - in the bedroom of Lord Iristan there were only me and Ikas, who was sleeping on the balcony. For a long time I did not dare to look towards the front door, then I cursed myself for my cowardice and turned my head. No one.

So it's a dream?

Just a nightmare? Since when do I have nightmares?! How the hell did my brain give me such a dream?! And why is it so scary... Still scary.

The door opened - a blue-eyed warrior in black trousers and a snow-white shirt silently approached, sat down next to me, extended his hand, touched my cheek and asked:

– What scared you at night?

Taren nodded.

And I realized that what happened was not a dream! I saw a shadow. Not the same as Nrogo’s, and not even the monster that controlled Papander, something else. Scary. Dangerous. Dangerous for me.

Without looking at the warrior, I carefully got out of bed, went to the window, sat down next to Ikas, and thoughtfully stroked the snow-white fur of the beast. The only thing I could think about now was whether my mother told me everything?!

Noise behind the wall. Eran stood up, crossed the bedroom, and opened the door.

“Eshen ackerdan eithna McEdle,” said the woman in white standing behind the door.

“Cairn,” Tar-en answered sharply and closed the door.

I didn’t understand either their language or why the negotiations were conducted this time this way, because Eran could have done it differently, somehow putting his fingers to his neck, and that’s all. But here’s what I specifically understood: it was about my grandmother, and the blue-eyed man said “no.” Well, maybe not a no, but it was definitely a no.

- What are you afraid of? - Tar-en suddenly asked, turning sharply to me.

What could I answer? At night, even Ikas did not react to the substance. And Eran didn’t see it. Because the shadow came for me. Right behind me. You could be afraid now, worry, and even tell Tar-en, but what will that change? Nothing. The shadow came for me, I need to understand why and why. And now I was desperately trying to remember what exactly Aravan said about my grandmother and how she became an eite, even though she was the only one for my grandfather.

Remember it verbatim.

But only fragments came to mind:

“Agarn needed a girl from the Aerd clan. Aerd – eithny, traditionally. There are several clans that can accept the blood of any clan, Aerd are the strongest. Traditionally, the eithna-hassash belongs specifically to the Aerd, and our grandmother was supposed to become the main eithna.”

And I am from the Aerd family, like my mother and grandmother. So, it’s also traditionally eithna, right? However, Papander also spoke about this.

“The grandmother was being prepared to accept the rank of eithna-hassash, and for this the seer must experience a painful shock twice. Usually the eithns define the seers in this way - the girl experiences the first shock after a night with a warrior, the second after giving birth, and then the mutation is pushed in the right direction, and the seer becomes an eithne.”

Painful shock... Consider my situation: the tent, the first time with Eran, the terrible, unbearable pain afterwards and the exclamation of one of the eithn: “She sees.”

I feel my hands freezing, frost running down my back, my eyes getting dark. Do not panic. Calm down. Think! Yes, I became a seer of Aerd, Nrogo spoke about this, Eran too, yesterday.

And I remember another remark from Aravan:

“Grandfather understood that childbirth would be the second stage of the mutation. Grandmother understood too, but she really wanted to give him children. They lived together for many years, and after that she did everything to conceive. Grandfather didn’t want this.”

I turn my gaze to Eran. Tar-en did not touch me either in the evening or at night. Hugs and nothing more. But was it just the absence of eithna-hassash? He knows? Does he know and does not want to allow the second stage of mutation?

And then I remembered:

“She came at night, no longer as a woman, but as a mother and the ghost of that beloved to whom grandfather always remained faithful.”

I used to think that fear was an inevitable component of any action. You’re scared, but the master gives the order “Forward,” and fear becomes a catalyst for the release of adrenaline, allowing you to cope with the most difficult tasks. But what I felt now was not even horror, but something worse. Much worse. The realization that I could become an eite just smeared me across the floor!

And not mine! The shadow came on its own!

“Eran,” I turned to the warrior, “did you see a shadow at night?”

Tar-en remained silent, but his blue eyes slowly narrowed, and they asked me a counter question:

– Did the shadow come?

“Yes,” I answered, patting Ikas behind the ear and quickly getting up. – It turns out that there are suicides in the other world.

And she resolutely headed to the bathroom, trying not to look at Eran at all, because... now I won’t look at him at all. Until I deal with the shadow. Tar-en probably thought about the same thing, because he did not follow me, and his words reached me from behind the door:

“Kira, I’ll be back by noon and show you IrAe.” You will wait in the palace.

Elena Zvezdnaya’s novel “The Warrior’s Wife, or Love for Survival” is the third in the series of books “The Right of the Strongest.” The main character, Kiran, sometimes reckless and constantly getting into trouble, continues to tell her story. The girl studies at the university, while she is the princess and bride of the ruler of their planet. She also has the ability to see shadows. All this does not promise an easy life at all, but on the contrary - a lot of problems. But the girl is not going to give up.

Kira will need to sort out her feelings, because lately she has been feeling something unusual. The girl learns about the existence of a shadow that wants to gain power over her body and mind. The feelings that Kira experiences turned out to be imposed by shadows. Or were they still real? How much of this was true? Is it worth continuing a relationship if the feelings were not sincere? How to take life into your own hands if you are acting in accordance with someone else's plan?

This book contains unforgettable adventures and romantic experiences. The main character will have to resolve all her contradictions, make a decision, become more mature and responsible. Although her ability to do incredible things will remain with her. It is noteworthy that the writer paid attention to the secondary characters, talking about how their stories ended too. The book is written with humor; while reading, you can enjoy good jokes and cheer yourself up.

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Title: The Warrior's Wife, or Love to Survive

About the book “The Warrior’s Wife, or Love to Survive” Elena Zvezdnaya

“The Warrior’s Wife, or Love for Survival” is the third volume in the series of books by Elena Zvezdnaya “The Right of the Strongest.” The continuation of the intriguing science fiction work turned out to be no less dynamic and exciting than the previous parts. There is a well-developed plot that keeps readers in suspense until the very end. In this book there was a place for secrets, intrigue, adventure and pure love - everything is in equal proportions and so skillfully intertwined that you can’t help but be delighted with how Elena Zvezdnaya manages to embody this in her works.

The heroes of the book “The Warrior’s Wife, or Love for Survival” are interesting and different personalities. The main character is Kira, who finally understands that Shays is controlling her feelings for Eran. However, she does not dare to leave her lover, as many other women would do - readers are in for an unexpected turn of events. After all, the author set as his goal to reveal romantic situations in an unpredictable and dizzying way, and Elena, according to critics, completely succeeded.

The plot of this book is intriguing, and it develops extremely quickly. Here readers will meet new characters. In this fantastic story they will meet those heroes who fell in love in the first and second volumes. The third book could not do without those same villains who ruin the lives of Kira and her loved ones. They begin to plot such intrigues that it takes your breath away, and even doubts arise about whether the main character will cope with all the problems and misfortunes that have befallen her. But fortunately, there is a happy ending for many of the characters in this book. But will Kira and her husband have it? To find out this, you should read the last part of the trilogy “The Right of the Mightiest” - “The Warrior’s Wife, or Love for Survival” from Elena Zvezdnaya.

If you are an S-class cadet, a brilliant future awaits you, a place of service in the best armada of the galaxy and a dizzying career. If you are the princess of Iristan, a brilliant future awaits you, marriage with the ruler of the planet himself, who is also the strongest warrior, and a long and happy life. If you are from the Aerd clan, a brilliant future awaits you, the position of great eithna-hassash and practically immortality. But if you are a cadet, a princess and a seer all rolled into one, problems await you. Very, very many problems.

And even love is not simple, but for survival.

Elena Zvezdnaya


Story one:

About secrets, nightmares and goal planning

Night. Eran’s calm breathing, his hand gently covering my palm, the sleepy roar of Ikasik, who settled on the balcony.

But we are not alone! I feel this clearly. I feel the steps from the door - light, weightless. I feel them, but don't hear them. I feel a presence. I can’t understand how, but I feel it. I track and even with my eyes closed I see the shadow approaching me.

I shudder as soon as the dark substance stops a step away from the bed, and at that same moment Eran wakes up. The light flashes, the blue-eyed warrior, standing up, peers at me anxiously.

The shadow continues to stand nearby!

I want to answer, I’m trying to say a word and... I can’t. I'm scared. I've never been so scared, I'm even afraid to move.

“Kiran,” the warrior carefully touches my cheek, and the realization comes that my face is wet with tears.

* * *

I woke up and sat up in bed. My head hurt. A strange weakness spread throughout my body. And fear. A quiet, panicky horror pulsed and beat like an echo of a heartbeat. I looked around nervously - in the bedroom of Lord Iristan there were only me and Ikas, who was sleeping on the balcony. For a long time I did not dare to look towards the front door, then I cursed myself for my cowardice and turned my head. No one.

So it's a dream?

Just a nightmare? Since when do I have nightmares?! How the hell did my brain give me such a dream?! And why is it so scary... Still scary.

The door opened - a blue-eyed warrior in black trousers and a snow-white shirt silently approached, sat down next to me, extended his hand, touched my cheek and asked:

What scared you last night?

Taren nodded.

And I realized that what happened was not a dream! I saw a shadow. Not the same as Nrogo’s, and not even the monster that controlled Papander, something else. Scary. Dangerous. Dangerous for me.

Without looking at the warrior, I carefully got out of bed, went to the window, sat down next to Ikas, and thoughtfully stroked the snow-white fur of the beast. The only thing I could think about now was, did my mother tell me everything?!

Noise behind the wall. Eran stood up, crossed the bedroom, and opened the door.

Eshen ackerdan eithna McEdle,” said the woman in white standing behind the door.

Cairn,” Tar-en answered sharply and closed the door.

I didn’t understand either their language or why the negotiations were conducted this time this way, because Eran could have done it differently, somehow putting his fingers to his neck, and that’s all. But here’s what I specifically understood - it was about my grandmother, and the blue-eyed one said “no.” Well, maybe not a no, but it was definitely a no.

What are you afraid of? - Tar-en suddenly asked, turning sharply to me.

What could I answer? At night, even Ikas did not react to the substance. And Eran didn’t see it. Because the shadow came for me. Right behind me. You could be afraid now, worry, and even tell Tar-en, but what will that change? Nothing. The shadow came for me, I need to understand why and why. And now I was desperately trying to remember what exactly Aravan said about my grandmother and how she became an eite, even though she was the only one for my grandfather.

Remember it verbatim.

But only fragments came to mind:

“Agarn needed a girl from the Aerd clan. Aerd - eithny, traditionally. There are several clans that can accept the blood of any clan, Aerd are the strongest. Traditionally, the eithna-hassash belongs specifically to the Aerd, and our grandmother was supposed to become the main eithna.”

And I am from the Aerd family, like my mother and grandmother. So, it’s also traditionally eithna, right? However, Papander also spoke about this.

“The grandmother was being prepared to accept the rank of eithna-hassash, and for this the seer must experience a painful shock twice. Usually the eithnas define the seers in this way - the girl experiences the first shock after a night with a warrior, the second after giving birth, and then the mutation is pushed in the right direction, and the seer becomes an eithne.”

Painful shock... Consider my situation: the tent, the first time with Eran, the terrible, unbearable pain afterwards and the exclamation of one of the eithn: “She sees.”

This book is part of a series of books: