Unlimited Peace: How to Throw the Perfect Rustic Wedding. Groom in rustic style. Wedding decoration in rustic style - photo

Just the sound of the word “rustic” exudes warmth and calm. Its literal translation from French is “rustique” - rural, rustic, simple, rough. Therefore, a wedding in a rustic style is stylish simplicity in everything, in every image, in every detail of the decor. And no luxury, pomp or pretentiousness!

An excellent solution for decorating a sweet table in a rustic style.

Once you decide on a rustic wedding, be prepared to stick with it from start to finish. This style assumes:

  1. the use of natural materials in their original unprocessed form,
  2. making your own jewelry is encouraged,
  3. Some deliberate negligence in design is allowed.

The basis of a rustic wedding style

  • Venue: natural surroundings in nature, in a park, forest, lake, restaurant with rustic decor, country estate, log cottage
  • Natural natural materials: wooden log houses and saw cuts, flax, chintz, moss, hay, candles, burlap, twine
  • Floristry: delicate wildflowers such as daisies, cornflowers, lavender, green pea, bells, gypsophila, wheat
  • Wedding palette: natural natural shades (brown, green, beige, blue, light blue, yellow)

Rustic wedding invitation decor

Maintaining a rustic style, issue wedding invitations on birch bark or tree bark. Special cardboard that imitates wood or textured paper is also perfect. Look original wedding invitations made using burlap and cardboard.

And feel free to use lace, ribbons, all kinds of ropes and bows. Having received such an invitation, guests will feel in advance the unusualness and originality of the upcoming wedding ceremony.

Wedding in rustic style: where to celebrate

The very rustic style of the celebration initially assumes it will be held in the spring and summer months in the vastness of nature and in a warm, cozy country premises in winter.

A forest clearing under the crowns of spreading trees, a wide Russian field, flooded sun rays, an island in the middle of a large lake - isn’t this the natural surroundings that the rustic style requires?!

But when choosing a place like this for a wedding, don’t forget about natural surprises.

And in case of bad weather, set up a tent, in which it is quite possible to hold a banquet.

Ideal as a venue for a celebration a large one will do village hut or Vacation home with the adjacent free territory on outdoors. It would be great if there were some yard buildings there.

It is possible when the wedding ceremony itself is held on a selected open natural site, and the banquet is held in a restaurant, country estate, log cottage and even a large well-kept barn. The main thing is to maintain the style of the celebration.

Rustic wedding space decor

Getting to under open air or wedding hall, always remember the same mandatory simplicity, without which there will be no true rustic style.

  • Decorate the wedding arch with textiles, combining burlap with lace or linen with guipure, weaving large fresh flowers into them.
  • You can also make cushions for rings from burlap, complementing them with hearts and flowers.
  • Along the path leading the newlyweds to the arch, create flower arrangements, but without the use of flowerpots and crystal vessels. Replace them with regular glass jars and bottles wrapped in canvas or tied with twine.

In our wedding you will find detailed instructions!

You can make such an original pillow for rings for a wedding in a rustic style with your own hands!

Fresh flowers in rustic wedding decor

Fresh flowers should be both on the street and in the hall. They are placed in wooden boxes and boxes, tin flasks covered with birch bark, and wicker baskets. Place large bouquets in galvanized buckets. Flower arrangements in the form of balls or wreaths raised to the ceiling look original.

Wedding garlands in rustic style

Large and small lanterns, birdcages decorated with flowers, and garlands are quite suitable as hanging decor. By the way, the material can be flags made of burlap or multi-colored ones made of chintz, thin rods and hearts woven from wire.

The use of hanging elements frees up a lot of space on the table and other surfaces.

Eco details in rustic wedding decor

Vivid elements of village decorations are small haystacks, wooden wheels, an old cart, and window frames decorated with flowers. Wherever there is wood, do not hide natural defects in the form of cracks, scratches, or roughness.

Roughly processed wood looks very impressive. Therefore, logs, sign boards, and tree cuts would be appropriate for wedding decoration.

Rustic equipment as an element of wedding decor

Metal equipment, what would a village yard be without it? Cans, watering cans, galvanized buckets, tubs - all this looks quite natural against the backdrop of a barn or log bathhouse.

And instead of chairs for guests there are compressed cubes of hay, randomly scattered throughout the area.

An original idea for a rustic wedding: use hay instead of chairs!

Rustic wedding table decoration

Decoration itself wedding table performed using, again, simple natural materials.

  • The tablecloth can be lace, linen or burlap.
  • Decorate napkins and jars with candles with birch bark or twine. Place clay pots and baskets of flowers on the table.
  • Table numbers can be written with chalk on wooden boards or embroidered on linen fabric and put it right in the hoop on the tables.

Until recently, the style called “rustic” was little known to us. However, the number of his admirers is growing every day. In the USA and Europe, mass interest in this style arose a little earlier. This happened thanks to designers who actively combine modernity and “rusticism”. Rustic - from the Latin “rusticus”, which means “rustic”. IN English language the word “rustic” is used in relation to the very simple and rough realities of rural life. This is the difference between the “rustic” and “country” styles - the second does not imply brutal crudeness.

Rustic style today: main features

When buying old wooden houses, the new residents, of course, started renovations. But, unable to give up all the charms of village antiquity, they left some of the elements in their original form. These include plank or stone walls, wooden floors and window frames, heavy doors, etc. Having received in addition to the house and old furniture, the owners did not throw it away, but used the most interesting samples in their updated interior. At the same time, there was no desire to maintain a rustic style in everything. On the contrary, interiors were actively introduced modern materials, furniture and household appliances.

This mixture of rough, rustic textures and modern details stands out as its own style. In the USA it is called the term "rustic modern"(modern rural). It is this mixed style that has become widespread in the USA and Europe, especially in Scandinavia.

So, one of the main features of the rustic style in the interior is eclecticism.

In rustic interiors there is a lot of wood - brutal, often old and darkened. Although often this is just an imitation. The color of wood dried out by long-term winds is present everywhere: in decoration and in furniture.

The beams on the ceiling are usually rough and uncouth.

Slightly less typical masonry. It gives the impression of being very old, clumsy, sloppy, but strong and reliable.

The color palette is quite scarce: the colors of wood, stone, iron and dry plants are usually diluted with white or gray. Other colors, if introduced, are in very small doses.

Rustic and country: what's the difference?

1. When decorating interiors in country style, they strive to maintain it in everything: for example, they equip the house with household appliances with a vintage design, retro plumbing, “grandmother’s” furniture, etc. By choosing a rustic style, you can use any modern details in unlimited quantities.

2. Country tends to be full, and rustic tends to be minimalist. Country interiors have a lot of decorative items and textiles. Rustic is a maximum of free space and a minimum of unnecessary components.

Modern rustic accepts interior “oxymorons”. Near a brutal plank wall, as if from a barn, there can be a table with chrome legs, and next to it - transparent plastic chairs.

If all the furniture in the room is modern, introduce at least one rustic item. It becomes a spectacular accent. For example, in a kitchen with a glossy white set you can put a heavy dinner table, as if it had migrated here from a farmer’s house.

A wedding in a rustic style is tenderness and originality in one “bottle”

A wedding in a rustic style is suitable for romantic people. The design of the ceremony should be identified with simplicity of lines, unpretentious decorative elements and the absence of luxurious accents. If you decide to create just such a ceremony, you should understand what lies ahead not an easy task: it is necessary to show that simple and somewhat crude things can be elegant and beautiful.

Brief description of the rustic style

When you first see the design of a ceremony or interior in this style, you may decide that it is not rustic, but even light Provence. However, it is not. more strict when choosing elements and decor. It does not use ruffles, bright prints, antique-treated surfaces, or ethnic motifs. Only natural materials, natural color palette, natural fabrics.

The basis of this wedding style consists of the following concepts:

  • as a place where the ceremony will take place, the optimal choice would be a park, a forest edge, a clearing with a pond, a restaurant in rustic style or a cafe, a country house or a log cottage;
    In any fishing line, even the smallest one, there are a couple of suitable places
  • materials worth paying attention to are wooden beams, live moss, burlap, glass containers for flowers and candles, chintz, flax, twine, hay;
    The materials you will need are natural and relatively inexpensive, so finding them will not be difficult
  • the preferred plants are fresh flowers: cute daisies (preferably not the big ones sold in flower shops, but wild ones picked in the natural environment), cotton flowers, lavender, cornflowers, ears of wheat;
    The main landmark is wildflowers
  • It is advisable to choose beige, ivory, sky blue, yellow, pastel green, brown and, of course, white as the main shades.
    Shades, like materials, should be natural

Also, the following principles are important:

  • Rusticism is not just based on natural materials (wood, branches, etc.). In it they are used practically without any processing, in their pure, pristine natural form.
    Untreated stumps, logs, uneven overgrown arches - all this is very appropriate
  • During production decorative elements Some negligence is allowed, but disorder and chaos are not welcome.
    Crystal glasses can harmonize well with a vase made of untreated wood with bark and moss
  • It would be appropriate to make your own not only decorative elements, but also jewelry for the bride.
    One of the most popular homemade jewelry is a bride's wreath made of fresh flowers and herbs
  • Decorative elements should be a little rough, but at the same time beautiful and graceful.
    Rough, but very original plate stand

This style cannot be expressed in individual accents or things. Rusticism must be fully embodied: from the groom's boutonniere to the making of arches and decoration of the room for the celebration.

How to choose a suitable place?

A wedding in a rustic style is, first of all, a marriage registration, which should take place outside. Of course, the best option would be to hold the celebration in nature: a quiet forest edge, a clearing in front of a lake, an open field with whole shocks of hay. This is very romantic, but there is also a second side to the coin: choosing an open place poses a certain risk, since weather may present an unpleasant surprise in the form of rain or strong wind. To be on the safe side, it is recommended to erect a tent or rain awnings.

Ideally, if there are a couple of gazebos nearby, where you can hide in case of bad weather and continue the holiday
Although a similar canopy would be quite suitable

The ceremony can only be held in open areas during the warmer months. If a rustic wedding takes place in the cold season, you can choose a country house or a restaurant. For the ceremony itself, you can use the terrace, and for the celebration - Big hall, where there is simplicity, without unnecessary luxurious elements. It is best to choose those rooms where the decoration is made of stone, brick, timber or sawn timber.

Hall decorated for a wedding in rustic style
The same natural materials are used in the design.

Furniture and textiles

Furniture pieces create the basis of the rustic image that guests will see first. You should definitely think about the arch. It can be made of timber, branches, decorated with burlap, and wildflowers. More original version is to use branches of a spreading tree as an arch. It is also decorated with various elements: draperies, antique lace and ribbons.

When choosing chairs and tables, you should be guided by the basic principle of the rustic style: the use natural materials. That is, we choose wooden items furniture. It would be optimal to get folding chairs.


Use small stumps instead of chairs. However, you should make sure that their surface is clean and guests do not get dirty.

Also, not ordinary wooden tables, but their likeness made from large wine barrels will look original. The barrels will be the base, and a wooden covering can be placed on top.

Snacks or sweets are usually placed on such tables.

If the wedding is being held in a field area, you can use compressed hay. It can also be decorated with chintz, burlap and wildflowers.

Compressed hay will make original benches for guests

Textile elements are not used as often as when decorating weddings in other styles. Rustic involves minimal use of textiles. The main types of fabric that would be appropriate are burlap, linen, and chintz. You can decorate the backs of chairs with them, make decorative accents and small Wedding accessories. It is advisable to purchase tablecloths from linen or chintz. Calico napkins framed with antique lace or discreet ribbons will look very beautiful.

A prerequisite is natural fabrics

Twine will also be useful. It can be used to tie and fasten various elements, and also be used as decoration. Above the tables you can hang candles, which will be placed in glass candlesticks, balls of flowers, pine cones and branches, and festive garlands.

Original solution for lighting

Floristics: floral decoration, creating unique bouquets and boutonnieres from flowers, choose dahlias, daisies, bells, astilbe, cornflowers and sweet peas. It is important to choose muted, pastel shades. Flowers should not be flashy.


If you place flowers on tables, use wicker baskets rather than traditional vases. If you decorate a regular basket a little with twine and ribbons, you will get a very nice replacement for a rustic vase.

Instead of a vase, you can use decorated glass jars or bottles decorated with twine

Bouquets for decorating tables and halls can be decorated using paper, twine and burlap. Delicate flowers against the backdrop of rough fabrics and ropes they will look very cute and gentle.

You don't have to decorate the bouquets. Flowers will look good in small hanging vases: baskets or glass containers. In this case, the containers themselves will need decoration. Positive side This idea is that water can be poured into bottles and the flowers will remain fresh longer and emit aroma.

The original vase can also be carved from wood

Particular attention should be paid to the bride's bouquet. Here you can play not only with wildflowers and ears of wheat. An original idea There will be the use of small cones, live moss or even branches with berries. But no traditional roses, lilies and orchids. A bouquet using cotton flowers, delicate cornflowers, and white poppies looks very beautiful.

As decorative elements, everything is simple: ribbons are used to tie the handle of the bouquet. Next on top is burlap, tied with twine or thin tape antique lace.

The groom's boutonniere is also made in simple colors. A pair of spikelets wrapped in a small piece of chintz and tied with a thin ribbon will look more unusual.

Cute boutonniere tied with twine

Images of the bride and groom

White Wedding Dress– this is what every girl dreams of. What should it be like in a rustic style? First of all, it should be noted that the dress should be incredibly light and simple.

Rustic shift dress

Simple ones are allowed summer sundresses with lace inserts, light flowing dresses. You can also use more traditional dresses with full skirt and a corset, but then it’s worth diluting the “classics” with non-traditional wedding shoes (boots) and interesting jewelry.

More suitable shoes for a wedding in a rustic style would be light and comfortable ballet flats, sandals or low-top shoes. It is allowed to decorate shoes with burlap and flowers. You can also make a headband for the bride from chintz. If desired, you can also make herbal and flower bracelets.

The dress and shoes should be comfortable, especially if the wedding is taking place outdoors

Makeup should be discreet. Shadows are usually used in neutral, pastel palettes. For lips choose delicate shades pink, peach gloss or lipstick. A light blush on your cheeks will look very cute.

Remember that the image should look as natural as possible

The hairstyle should be both casual and romantic. Light waves, hairstyles with braids, or simply loose curls will look best. You can decorate your hair with flowers. They are usually used instead of the usual veil. These can be either separately attached flowers or a specially created wreath, headband or hairpin.

A man's look in a rustic style also involves a rejection of everything traditional: patent leather shoes, ironed creases on trousers and formal jackets. The best helpers in building the right image will be simple checkered shirt, vest and light linen trousers or thin cotton jeans. The shirt can be unbuttoned one button at the top.


Interesting suspenders or cheerful butterfly colors will help diversify the groom's look.

For shoes, choose something more comfortable. Moccasins or sandals will do. The main thing is simplicity and convenience, which the newlyweds will undoubtedly accept with pleasure.

Another interesting look for the groom.

Conducting a photo shoot

Wedding photographs will help preserve all the memories down to the smallest detail. To most accurately convey the rustic style, it is recommended to prepare special props. With the help of simple objects that, one way or another, are identified with this direction, skillful hands photographers will capture all the charm of this day on film and stay with you for life.

Great ideas for a photo shoot are:

  • shooting in the field blooming flowers, sunflowers, ears of wheat;
  • use of horses when filming;
  • using props such as old bicycles, gardening items, rockers, wooden boxes, etc.;
  • haystacks, old wells and swings;
  • old fences decorated with flowers and inscriptions with the names of the newlyweds and the date.

It’s little things like this that make a photo shoot truly spectacular.

Rings, which are usually imprinted on a luxurious pillow, are better placed in a small bird’s nest created with your own hands or sewed into something like a chintz pillow and framed with fresh flowers.

Alternatively, you can use a stand made of live moss

Preparing invitations in rustic style

Wedding invitations occupy a special place in preparation for the ceremony. It is from them that the guests begin to realize that young people are getting married. But it’s also clear from the invitation what style the wedding will be and what you should prepare for.

The mere appearance of such an invitation suggests that the wedding will not be classic.

There are so many options available for creating rustic ceremony invitations. Instead of traditional paper, you can use birch bark, tree bark, fabric, textured paper. Add such small details as a couple of cotton colors, spikelets, buttons, burlap inserts and guests will immediately understand that the ceremony will be unusual and original. To soften the bark or rough fabric a little, you can add frills of vintage hand lace or discreet satin ribbon.

The text part of the invitation can be composed in special antique fonts, which will add intrigue and romanticism to the message.

Making wedding invitations in rustic style

Pleasant trifles

Care should be taken small details and decorative elements. These can be small figurines of birds, transparent candlesticks, small branches of deciduous or coniferous trees, which will not be too annoying and, at the same time, will recreate the atmosphere of the full embodiment of the rustic style.


If you doubt whether one or another decorative element is needed, remove it. The rustic style does not tolerate busyness.

For larger items, take a closer look at cart wheels (or even a whole cart), wine barrels, wooden boxes, haystacks. They can not only create a suitable environment, but will also become an excellent backdrop for a photo shoot.

A pair of wheels from a cart near a table with sweets is just right for a rustic style

Take care of seating cards. They can be made in the same style as the invitations to the ceremony. Wooden bark, rough, thick fabric, special kraft paper.

The role of cards can be played by such wooden disks

A mandatory item is the choice of gifts for guests in gratitude for attending the event and being happy for the newlyweds. In addition, these small souvenirs should remind those invited of this important day. The following original options are suitable for the rustic style:

  • small jars filled with honey, homemade jam and decorated with twine, burlap, a few cotton flowers, lavender or spikelets.
    Basket decorated with burlap

You should not come up with something too pompous or sophisticated. Every detail, even a gift for guests, should reflect simplicity, sincerity and a certain charm.

The wedding ceremony is the most important day for the newlyweds. This is where it begins new life. The newlyweds will not just be a couple, but will be a family. And it must be carried out the way the bride and groom wish. With a huge variety of options and styles, rustic is becoming increasingly popular. Its main principles are simplicity, comfort, natural materials and lack of pomp. At the same time, this principle is used not only in design, but also in the choice of clothing. No corsets, formal suits or strict rules.

It is important to leave memories both in photographs and small souvenirs. Therefore, you should pay attention to all the details. Special details must be prepared that will fully convey the mood and style of the ceremony in the photographs. And the guests should be pleased original gifts and invitations.

Finally, a few beautiful weddings in rustic style.

Vitaly and Polina

Sophia and Mikhail

  • Natural materials
  • Wildflowers
  • Wood, moss, burlap
  • Outdoor wedding
  • Classic colors: white, cream, brown, green, blue and blue
  • Natural colors: cornflower blue, heavenly, sand
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Color scheme and place of celebration

The rustic style dictates a certain color scheme, which is best described by the words “natural” and “natural” - these are combinations of white, cream, brown, gray, green, blue, pink flowers. Yellow, cornflower blue and other shades of wildflowers can become accents, but avoid too much bright colors, otherwise the feeling of naturalness will disappear.

When organizing a wedding in this style, special attention should be paid to the location of the celebration. The ideal site is natural: in a field with haystacks, in a forest clearing or in a pine forest under the canopy of trees. You can choose a country hotel, an estate or a restaurant with a “natural” setting. In their interiors you need to look for wood, brick, stone. Great option will become a tent or hangar with a minimum of decor and finishing. And remember – simplicity is important, and it’s not easy to recreate in a restaurant pre-decorated with rich draperies or gilding!

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Materials and floristry

Natural, unprocessed materials will help create the desired atmosphere: use cuts and felled trees, branches and moss, burlap, cotton and chintz, twine and craft paper. Avoid shiny and bright fabrics; all materials should bear a slight imprint of time: be worn or aged. Look in your grandparents' cottages and attics for old cans, books, wooden barrels, carts, and window frames.

In floristry, the rustic style involves the use of wildflowers. The bride's bouquet should look simple and a little careless, as if the flowers had just been picked in the meadow. Dahlias, daisies, cornflowers, sweet peas, astilbe, bluebells - a good option for a wedding in this style. Color shades should be natural, pastel and fresh. To emphasize the style, you can tie the bouquet with linen or twine.

Invitations and ceremony

Rustic invitations will look best on textured paper such as craft, stylized designer cardboard with wood texture or Woodstock paper. For those who are not afraid to be original, we offer interesting option invitations made of wood: on bark or a log frame.

It is best to hold the ceremony outdoors. It’s worth forgetting about pomp and brilliance, repeat to yourself: “As simple and natural as possible!” It is better to make an arch from natural materials (branches or trees), or completely replace it with a background: garlands, old doors or a rustic cart will create a very stylish picture.

And if you find a spreading tree for the ceremony, then it can be decorated with only a small drapery of fabric. The role of limiters for the path to the arch will be perfectly fulfilled by jars with wildflowers. And instead of chairs, you can use haystacks covered with chintz fabric with floral prints or burlap.

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Images of the bride and groom

The bride's dress should be straight, made of flowing fabrics, light and airy. You can replace it with a cocktail one or even wear a sundress from natural fabric. Vintage accessories and a wreath of wildflowers will help complete the look. When thinking about your hairstyle, opt for braids or loose hair. Tied up, slightly carelessly styled hair will look great.

The groom's look can be changed from formal to casual. Suspenders, a vest, a shirt with the top button undone, straw hats and moccasins - this is what will help create a real rustic style for the groom. A boutonniere can be made from pieces of burlap, dried flowers or wildflowers.

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Wedding dinner decor

To create coziness, warmth and a homely mood, standard tables can be replaced with wooden barrels. The seating plan can be drawn on an old window frame, lying around in the barn, or on homemade plates from an old set. The tables will be decorated with runners made of burlap or floral chintz fabrics.

And if you are not afraid to experiment, then instead of a fabric runner, you can put a wooden board in the center of the table, which will perfectly accommodate flower arrangements. Instead of vases, use bottles, jars, baskets and wooden boxes tied with twine. Cuttings of trees or stacks of old books will serve as a stand for them.

A wooden slice will become a wish book. Garlands and flags will add a special charm to the evening. sweet table, made with your own hands: homemade cookies, grandma’s pies and milk jugs. And as gifts, you can give your guests jars of homemade jam or honey.

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More and more young couples prefer rustic style for organization wedding celebration. The explanation for this is the unusual laconicism of the style, intertwined with charming simplicity, as well as the opportunity to decorate the holiday with your own hands.

Rustic wedding decor

The rustic style is based on the use of natural materials. Create the desired image the whole celebration and a harmonious look will help you:

  • Wildflowers
  • Sackcloth
  • Wooden products and saw cuts
  • Linen and cotton
  • Kraft paper and twine
  • Wicker baskets

This type of wedding requires a certain sophistication. And various antique accessories will help create such an atmosphere. The main thing is that their design and shapes are simple and uncomplicated.

Now about the shades. The rustic style is based on following colors: gray, brown, different tones of green, cream, white, as well as pink and blue. Allowed bright accents in the form of more saturated tones. But there should be a minimum of flashy shades.

Rustic wedding: images of newlyweds

See also

Have you chosen a rustic style? Then the wedding, the photos of which will be captured on long years, suggests appropriate outfits for the bride and groom.

A wedding dress in a rustic style is made from flowing and lightweight material, it should under no circumstances hinder the bride’s movements. It is very important that the outfit looks light and airy. For this style, a simple dress made from natural materials, such as cotton, linen or crocheted lace. Corsets and full skirts are considered unacceptable.

The wildflowers that make up the bride’s bouquet will help create the desired image. You can also make a wreath from them, which will additionally add a touch of tenderness. The future wife's hairstyle consists of loose or carelessly tied hair, as well as regular braids.

When choosing an outfit for the groom, you should choose casual style. A vest, suspenders, a bow tie, a shirt made of cotton fabric - all this will emphasize the look of the groom in a rustic style. Ideal for wedding suit textured fabrics.

The wardrobe will have to be reconsidered a little if the wedding is planned for the winter months. Warm accessories, such as a shawl or a knitted cape for the bride and a warm woolen suit for the groom, will help correct the situation.

Wedding decoration in rustic style

If the celebration is planned in summer time year, then it is necessary to organize it outdoors. A clearing under the sun's rays or a lawn in the forest under the shade of the crowns of branchy trees is suitable for the venue.

Rustic wedding decorations in winter cannot be done outdoors. In this case use this Alternative option, like a restaurant or hotel outside the city. When choosing a room, you need to remember that the style should be based on a simple interior and natural materials. Therefore, establishments whose design includes draperies, gilding and other pompous attributes are definitely not suitable for such a light style. If possible, choose a room with minimalist decor and a lot of woodwork in the interior.

Rustic wedding: basics of floristry

Decorating a wedding in a rustic style means, firstly, an abundance of wildflowers. Cornflowers, daisies, dahlias and even golden spikelets wheat.

The bride's bouquet should be selected very carefully. Fresh shades of flowers and slight carelessness are just what you need. Create harmonious image A twine on a bouquet or a linen or cotton ribbon will help.

The bride will become even more charming if flowers are woven into her hair. They should be in harmony with the bouquet and give the girl’s image the same slight negligence.

Rustic style: basic elements of wedding decor

A rustic wedding necessarily means natural materials and lightness in every composition. If you prefer exit registration, then you can use a lightweight arch made of wildflowers or tree branches.

To make a gala dinner especially cozy, give preference to wooden tables. For decoration, use runners made of chintz, linen or rough burlap. Vases will be out of place here, but they can be replaced glass bottles or jars with bouquets of wild flowers.

Tables can be decorated with wicker baskets, old books, wooden cuts and various compositions with moss elements are also suitable. Garlands will add charm and a certain charm.

When decorating a wedding in the chosen style, you need to carefully consider all the decorative elements. They are the ones who create the necessary atmosphere. Alternatively, the rings can be served not on a classic pillow, but on natural moss, and presented to all guests small gifts- jars of berry jam.