Online wedding invitation editor. Electronic wedding invitation

Having finally decided to legitimize our relationship? My fiance and I decided to approach this issue quite seriously. Therefore, they began to prepare in advance. Anyone who has gone through the registry office knows perfectly well what a solemn and troublesome task it is. But the main thing is the result. Therefore, I was ready for any difficulties. Much to my surprise, my chosen one decided to help me prepare for the wedding.

Whereas I expected it to end with buying rings and choosing his suit. Pleasantly surprised, I decided to use my beloved to the fullest. In general, it all started from the place of celebration, and this issue took us almost a week and a half. Either I or he didn’t like the place. In some restaurants the menu was not satisfactory, in others the interior, in others the music, and in others all together. We argued for a long time and finally decided on a place. But we haven’t decided how many guests we want to see at the wedding. The groom decided that 20 of the closest ones would be enough, but I insisted on a number of no less than 70. In general, we did not agree on this issue for a long time, but I still won.

Then it was the turn of the card game; I entrusted this question to the chosen one and he did not disappoint. And then my beloved decides that it wouldn’t be a bad idea to get married right away. And this question took three days. In total, we spent about three weeks organizing, which we spent in constant disputes and discontent. At the same time, each of us was inferior to the other. I thought we had almost everything figured out. But a friend’s call with the question “When will you finally get married?” put me into a stupor. After all, she is among the first invited and still does not know about the wedding, and there are only a week and a half left before the event. And then I realized what a mistake we made - we completely forgot about the invitations. But the printing house I contacted had an excessive amount of work, so they would only be able to fulfill my order in a week, the second was closed for repairs, and the third offered standard postcards. Overall, I was completely disappointed.

Having told the groom in the evening what kind of bunglers we are and that we will not be able to gather all the guests for wedding ceremony, since there are no good printing houses. I was completely upset. But my beloved explained very simply how you can make wedding invitations online. Once we visited the Printclick website, an hour of work on original invitations flew by. Therefore, having completed work on them, we immediately placed an order and paid for our purchase. Two days later, a courier arrived to me, informing me of his arrival in advance. When I saw the invitations made exactly as I had dreamed, I was touched. It's so nice with my own hands to make a small miracle become the key to your family happiness.

To make your wedding day perfect, you need to carefully consider every detail. Employees of the online store “Beauty in Details” will help you with one of the most important elements holiday - they will inexpensively create original designer wedding invitations. The company's office is located in Moscow.

Think about it: where will the holiday begin for your guests? Not with banquet hall and bridesmaid dresses, not even from the restaurant menu. The wedding invitations are the first thing they see. That's why perfect option- not buying standard store cards, but printing exclusive designer wedding invitations.

If you are not ready to order expensive postcards with unique design, then consider one more of our offers! Check out our existing designer collections and buy original wedding invitations at an affordable price!

Operating procedure. How to order printing of wedding invitations?

  1. Provide the design of the future postcard - a photograph, a drawing and its design. You can also immediately give the task to our specialist, discussing what exactly you want to see.
  2. Creation of a layout and its approval. We will prepare and send the first digital version. All you have to do is make edits.
  3. Receiving the agreed wedding invitation design and sending it to print. We will make exactly as many copies as you need.

Still wondering where to order wedding invitations in Moscow? Do not hesitate, you can buy high-quality and exclusive postcards from us at favorable price! Use the designer on the site and get the perfect wedding invitations!

Modern wedding invitations no longer have to be issued in the usual format - in the form of a postcard. They may well exist in electronic form, without losing any of their beauty or information content.

Electronic wedding invitations are a great way to inform about the upcoming joyful event to those people who are currently very far away, perhaps even in other countries, on other continents. Sending regular paper messages by mail does not guarantee that the invitation will reach the recipient on time, especially if he has to “fly” to the other side of the globe or to very remote places. And the Internet is now everywhere, sometimes even in places where there is no regular mail.

IN modern world wedding invitations are often sent electronically

There are several ways to make electronic invitations:

  • Order from specialists.
  • Order through the website.
  • Do it yourself.

Where to get electronic wedding invitations

Electronic is a new, but already gaining popularity, area of ​​​​online business. Many sites offer their services for creating creative and unusual invitations that will not only deliver the necessary information, but also convey verbal greetings from those getting married, but also sing a song and even turn out to be an entire animated film.

Such pleasure is quite expensive and depends on the degree and number of “special effects” used.

But there are also more economical options that allow you to either spend a minimum of money on invitations, or not a penny at all.

How to make electronic wedding invitations with your own hands

You can create electronic wedding invitations with only basic knowledge about the Internet and the use of programs such as Photoshop. On a site that offers free ones, you just need to find a suitable template, download it, load it into Photoshop and enter required text. That's it, the invitation is ready, all that remains is to send it to the recipients by email.

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Beautiful text wedding invitation

Samples of wedding invitations in electronic form

Electronic wedding invitations delight with their richness and variety. On the Internet you can easily find products for every taste - from the most austere and restrained to the lush and colorful, like cream on a cake. This choice allows you to choose suitable images for those getting married. of different ages– from very young couples to experienced people.

Electronic wedding invitation cards

The most popular electronic wedding invitations look like classic paper cards.

They are no different from regular invitations, except for the form in which they are sent. The original method information will be purchasing paper invitations and sending them exactly, but in electronic form. Such duplication will allow future newlyweds to be sure that all guests will be informed about the upcoming wedding.
Even hurricanes and typhoons will not prevent invitees from receiving their invitations - if not in writing, then certainly in electronic form.

The advantage of such invitations is that you can send everything at the same time

How to send wedding invitations electronically

Another advantage that electronic wedding invitations have over their paper “ancestors” is the ability to send all messages at the same time. Then none of the invitees will be able to say that he was called later than the others.

Sending invitations is very easy. To do this, you just need to know the email addresses of the recipients.

Progress has made adjustments to all areas of our lives. After all, with the help of modern technologies, you can make your life much easier. Even in terms of wedding preparations, you can use Internet technologies to show your originality and at the same time save time, we're talking about about electronic wedding invitations.

Design of invitation leaflets

It is not difficult to issue invitations in the form of an email. Firstly, to create beautiful postcard, you can use graphic editors or online services with templates. Since there are a great many templates in the form of wedding cards on the Internet, choosing invitations that you like will not be a problem. Secondly, after this all that remains is to edit them a little, and you can send an invitation to your friends .

In addition to pictures, you can simply write the text of a letter in which you invite relatives and friends to the wedding. However, invitations in this form look rather stingy, so it is best to use graphic cards.

Of course, on some mailboxes, your invitations may not open, so you can write both text and send an invitation picture. This way, you will insure yourself against technical surprises, which are not uncommon these days.

Compiling a list of invited guests

Planning any wedding begins with a list of invited guests. However, if you want to send email wedding invitations to your guests, then When you create a list, you should immediately enter email addresses into it.

The best option would be if you format the list in the form of a spreadsheet, then you will be able to copy the column with addresses and immediately paste it into the address book of the mail service.

This approach will help you avoid accidents, because in your address book you have many more addresses than the people you are going to invite to weddings. Therefore, in order not to accidentally send an invitation unnecessary person, it is best to create a list of email addresses separately. An electronic invitation list will help you avoid such incidents and at the same time it is easy to adjust if necessary.

Sending invitations

Sending electronic wedding invitations is easy. You can use two methods for this.

The first and easiest way is to send an electronic wedding invitation from your mailbox. As mentioned above, to do this, simply copy the recipients' addresses and paste them into the addressee line.

However, when using this method, do not forget to check the “message receipt report” line. This way you can track who received your message and who didn't read it. Indeed, in our time it is not uncommon to have several email accounts, and some of them may be viewed extremely rarely. There is also the possibility that the person may not receive your invitation.

The second way is to use an email marketing service, they will create a beautiful wedding email address for you and do all the mailing work for you. All you have to do is check the result.

However, this method has several disadvantages. There is a high probability that your letter will simply end up in spam, since the new address will be unknown. Secondly, your friends' addresses may end up on the mailer's mailing lists. In this case, you will be doing them a disservice, as they will start receiving a lot of spam in their email.

Underwater rocks

By sending an invitation electronically, you should be prepared for some surprises. Since some may not take such a letter seriously, ask in the invitation to send you a response that they have read the letter and agree to be guests. This approach, together with confirmation of reading, will help you take control of the situation.

The second obstacle will be representatives of the older generation who do not use a computer. You will have to invite them the old fashioned way, using regular cards, or by phone. Skype can be an assistant in this situation, since this service is often the only program on the computer that representatives of the older generation know to use.

A third problem may be that you may not have the addresses of some relatives and friends available. In this case, you need to either find them out or use traditional ways wedding invitations. After all modern technologies not yet used by everyone, but it is only a matter of time. For the next generation, the way we invite people to events will be considered retro.