How to remove the energy connection with the ex-husband. Cutting the ethereal threads: How to cut unnecessary ties with people

It is impossible to deny that esoteric currents have become a fashion trend of the last period. With the great availability of various kinds of information, any person is drawn to plunge into something magical and unknown. Some are immersed in the study of cause and effect, while others are trying to figure out themselves and their life experiences. Of course, everyone strives for happiness, finding their own way of acquiring it.

How can esotericism help you personally?

Esotericism is actually a purely practical science that can give a lot of advice on changing your lifestyle and organizing mental and emotional peace. This is very needed by those who in the recent past had to break off relations, as well as those who are dependent on pictures and events of the past.

This is a whole section in esotericism, covering a group of people with whom it is simply necessary to part at three levels of world perception:

  • spiritual;
  • mental;
  • physical or sexual.

Who is the participant of the events?

The universe is made up of connections. They exist between things, houses, people. As a rule, they arise from sincerity, feelings, working relationships, falling in love, joint sex and related principles, and thousands of other prerequisites for any kind of relationship. An energy connection is an invisible to the eye, but powerful enough binding to certain events or people. Also, some esotericists call it dependence, which is formed between people at all the previously mentioned levels.

This is a kind of voluntary slavery to which a person subjects himself, and the roots must be sought in rejection and rejection of oneself as a unique person. Of course, there is a certain gradation indicating the degree of dependence of the participants in the events. The need to break the existing energy binding is necessary for many people, in the process, consultations with various specialists, from psychologists to psychics, are inevitable and desirable.

To name just a few cases that are most often encountered in the practice of esotericists:

  • The binding between a man and a woman that appears as a result of sexual relations;
  • The bond between an adult child and his mother;
  • There may also be an energetic interaction between a person and a certain event, in which excessive emotions are involved;
  • Communication between blood relatives, especially twins and twins;
  • Bindings made by magic, with a violent impact on the mental and etheric bodies of a person;
  • Relationships arising for any other reason, between strangers at a distance.

Causing an insane outflow of people's personal energy, such conditions are very fraught with unpleasant consequences that affect physical and mental health. Let's analyze a few cases and see how the bindings work, what actions can be taken to break them, how to complete the walking in a circle and exclude the repetition of some situations that haunt and repeat over the course of life.

Parents and children

Psychologists and esotericists often come across in their practice cases of painful connection with parents. Mother-to-child bonding is even more common, and vice versa. This is actually the scourge of our time, since many girls, having not realized themselves in a joint family life, give birth to children alone and, as it were, “for themselves”. Subsequently, when the children grow up, the whole avalanche of the mother's feelings fell on them, which she no longer has to spend on anyone.

This can be expressed in different ways, even sometimes turning into dictates at the family level, choosing a place of study, friends, books, social circle for children, attending certain sections or training, which can cause conflicts.

But sometimes, children with weaker resistance begin to take for granted the care and excessive interest in their person. In such a state, attachments arise that then interfere with arranging your personal life, because the mother's opinion becomes the most decisive and unprecedented.

Therefore, the death of a mother can be a serious psychological blow, because a person has not learned to live in the real world, without increased guardianship and care.

Depression sets in, thoughts constantly arise of pictures of the past in which the parents were alive and everything was fine. Without urging to erase from the memory of parents, we just want to explain that it is necessary to learn to let go of loved ones. This is a certain work with your consciousness and subconscious, in which a person will receive strength and guidance for later life.

Situations where parents are alive, but dominating children, even old enough, are also not uncommon.

How to break the energy connection with your mother in this case:

  • It is necessary to take responsibility for the events and actions in your life;
  • Thank both parents for giving life;
  • Clearly convey to their minds in a conversation that now you will decide everything yourself, make mistakes and fall too;
  • End the conversation with a low bow.

All experts advise the last action, so that the body remembers and the brain begins to act differently, taking this ritual as the starting point.

Man and woman

The energy connection between a loving man and woman is also a rather relevant topic.
many esoteric consultations and seminars.

There is an opinion, based on Vedic practices, that sexual intercourse leads to a seven-year binding on the mental level.

The impact is on all areas of life, and sometimes it is impossible to find a partner for a long time after the relationship has ended, in other cases, emotions continue to work in the direction of former lovers.

It also leads to stress on a deep personal level. Release methods recommended when asked "how to break the energy connection with a former beloved partner" are quite varied.

For example:

  • conduct a meditation on forgiveness, preferably more than once, especially if the offense was justified;
  • in case of premature death of a partner, meditation is needed for forgiveness, a wish for peace, and it is necessary to let go of memories. Do as many times as needed to reduce the emotional background;
  • remove all things that remind of the connection - give away, throw away, burn;
  • create a replacement, which can serve as any previously uncharacteristic type of activity.

Tips on how to break the energy connection with your beloved man are simple only at first glance, but all actions will require a certain time and period.

If people like each other, then an intense energy exchange takes place between them.

At the same time, both experience the pleasure of communication. During the communication of two people, channels are formed between their auras, through which energy flows flow in both directions. The streams can be of any color and take on any shape (they can be seen with extrasensory perception abilities).

Energy channels connect the auras of partners through the corresponding chakras, depending on the type of communication:

  • Muladhara(base chakra) - relatives.
  • Svadhisthana (sex chakra) - lovers, married couple, friends in a fun pastime, relatives.
  • Manipura(navel chakra) - relatives, employees, subordinates, bosses, friends in sports and those with whom you enter into competition.
  • Anahata(heart chakra) - objects of emotional interaction, these are the people we love. For the harmonious development of relations between a man and a woman, it is necessary to have a channel through the sexual chakra (svadhisthana).
  • Vishuddha(throat chakra) - like-minded people, colleagues, etc.
  • Ajna(frontal chakra) - imitation and adoration of an idol, sect leader, etc. Hypnotic channels, suggestion of thoughts. Telepathic communication with another person.
  • Sahasrara(crown chakra) - connection only with egregors (collectives, religious communities, sects, football fan clubs, political ideology, etc.)

The more enthusiastic partners are with each other, the stronger and more active channels are formed.. In the course of developing close trusting relationships, all chakras are gradually connected by channels.

It is in this way that strong relationships arise that are not subject to either distance or time. For example, a mother always feels her child, no matter where he is, and no matter how many years have passed since their last meeting.

It also happens that when meeting an old acquaintance after many years, a person feels as if they parted only yesterday. Channels can persist for a very long time - years, decades, and pass from incarnation to incarnation. That is, channels connect not only bodies, but also souls.

Healthy relationships form bright, clear, pulsating channels. In such relationships there is trust, intimacy, sincerity and there is enough room for personal freedom. There is an equal exchange of energy, without distortions.

If the relationship is unhealthy, that is one partner depends on the other, then the channels are heavy, stagnant, dull. Such relationships imprisoned, often come down to mutual irritation and anger. If one of the partners wants to completely control the other, the channels can wrap around the aura from all sides.

When relationships gradually die, the channels become thinner and weaker. Over time, the energy stops running through these channels, communication stops, people become strangers. . If people break up, but channels more persist, then they continue to reach out to each other.

It also happens when one partner cuts channels connection and is closed from further interaction, and the other partner is still attached to him and is trying in every possible way to break through the energy protection in order to restore relations.

Most of the channels built in everyday communication eventually disappear without a trace. In the case of close relationships, the channels remain for a very long time, even after parting, some channels remain. Particularly strong channels arise during sexual and family ties.

Each time during sexual contact with a new partner, new channels are formed along the sexual chakra, connecting people for many years, and even the whole subsequent life. At the same time, it does not matter at all whether the sexual partners managed to find out each other's names - the channel in the case of sexual contact is formed and lasts a very long time. And if there is a channel, then there is also the circulation of energy through it. And what quality the energy comes in is already difficult to say, it depends on the characteristics of the field of another person.

In people who live nearby for a long time, energy fields (auras) adjust to each other and work in unison. Intimate relationships require field synchronization. Often we notice that people who live together for a long time become similar to each other even outwardly.

If the characteristics of the auras of two individuals differ greatly, then it will be difficult for them to communicate. When energy flows alien to it invade the field, a reaction of repulsion, fear, disgust appears. "He makes me sick."

When a person does not want to communicate with someone, he closes his energy field, and all energy flows emanating from another person are reflected. In this case, the other person gets the impression that he is not heard, as if he is talking to the wall.

Each person has the right to enter into or not to enter into energy interaction with the world around him, but it is impossible to completely refuse these contacts.

Has it happened you have what you suddenly feel low energy, sharp deterioration in well-being bad luck out of the blue?

Does it happen that some kind of fragments of phrases and images from the past, inexplicable feelings roll over (something like regret or despair)?

If so, know - most likely, you have many unfinished energy connections with other people. They can form on all chakras, but most often the outflow of energy occurs through the lower centers.

In order to prevent this from happening, it is necessary to cut the ethereal threads (or ropes in case of strong codependence).

This is a technique for returning your energy from those people to whom you gave it. It allows you to harmonize existing relationships, and already unnecessary - to easily and safely end.

Breaking Energy Ties: Who Needs to Use This Technique

1. Men and women at the end of a relationship

Very often, at the end of a relationship, especially with a painful break, the partners remain emotionally dependent.

From time to time, someone "pulls the string", causing themselves or a former partner to burst into sudden passion, sexual desire or anger.

Women are usually more attached to a partner, so they give more energy. They definitely need to break this connection.

2. Those who made vows and vows to each other

This could be done in a fit of love, parental or friendship, as well as out of guilt or pity. It can even be forgotten childhood vows, which, however, are still valid.

You could promise a man forever love him or protect him, not to achieve any success, so as not to hurt him, to limit himself in something else.

For example, girlfriends swear that they will only get married together, as a result, if one of them does not have a personal life, the other cannot build relationships either.

Such oaths should definitely be completed, and cut the ethereal threads.

Even if the vow looks like a "good" one - for example, to always protect someone - this is a very restrictive vow. He puts you in the eternal position of a “savior”, and supposedly “protected” by you - in the role of a “victim”, depriving a person of his own strength.

Here I would like to separately note that, perhaps, in your life there are those who reach out for you from life to life. Maybe the vows were given in one of the past lives. Today they have lost their relevance for you, but continue, as before, to influence your destiny. If there is any suspicion of a karmic relationship, you need to remember all the circumstances of this connection in immersion and make a decision regarding your further actions (whether you want to keep this promise or cancel it). You can contact me or discuss any questions

3. Psychologists, healers, educators, doctors and people who often help others

In the process of your work or just helping people (patients, students), an energy connection with a person is formed. If you helped someone once, he subconsciously begins to consider you the source of his well-being. This is how energy threads or bindings are formed.

And later, being in a difficult situation or when you feel worse, the person connected with you begins to unconsciously draw off your energy. Such links should be terminated.

4. Those who cannot forgive offenders or let go of people from the past

Unforgiven grievances, unfinished relationships pull you back all the time, forcing you to think about your “foe” again and again, in fact, energizing him.

Likewise, he can also pull the thread from his side.

Emotionally, you would like to never see this person again, but, in fact, you continue to exchange energy with him through your connection.

If you want to develop and master your power to the fullest, it's time to forgive people from the past, and cut off the energy connection that connects you with a person.

5. Parents of modern children (Indigo, Crystal, Rainbow)

New babies are born very kind and empathetic, and tend to take on the problems and negativity of everyone they love. They act from the best of intentions, but ... Alas, this is not according to their capabilities.

Such children easily make vows to save or heal their parents and many other people. As a result, their strength is not enough, they begin to get sick, study worse, they begin to have behavioral disorders and nightmares.

Be sure to teach your children the technique of cutting the ethereal threads. And also do it yourself with your parents and children.

Perform the technique of breaking energy ties separately with each person.

Breaking Energy Ties

Read the procedure for this technique and do it in a calm environment, so that nothing distracts you.

  1. Sit comfortably, relax, close your eyes
  2. Imagine the space around you, imagine yourself in this space
  3. Remember the person with whom you want to break the energy connection. Imagine it in your space. Where is he standing, how is he positioned relative to you?
  4. Notice the sensations in your body. Where did something resonate with his presence? Find that feeling in your body. Where in the body did it originate? This is the exit point of the ethereal cable.
  5. Look at the person you invited into your space. Where does the rope go into his body? It could be the same place or something else.
  6. Pay attention to the color of this rope, in which direction does the energy flow?
  7. Now imagine that you are cutting this rope.
  8. If it was a strong love or sexual connection, imagine that you are burning a severed rope with fire so that it cannot reconnect itself.
  9. Listen to your feelings. Thank this person, yourself for the invaluable experience that you have received in life. And open your eyes.

It is important to know how to break the energy connection with a man, because such a connection negatively affects the life and health of a woman. It is believed that the mark that remains after sexual contact exists for seven years. Let's figure out how to eliminate traces of energy binding and get rid of it forever.

It happens that a woman is married for a long time, raises children and is happy. But the echoes of old connections with former lovers are always present in her life: for seven years, there is an attachment with every man with whom she had a sexual relationship.

It is impossible to close from this - even after parting, a man continues to feed on female energy at a subtle level. That is why in any religion special attention is paid to female chastity.

In the modern world, rare girls meet only one man throughout their lives - traces of old relationships continue to exist, former partners draw energy from a woman. That is why it is necessary to apply techniques for getting rid of old connections in order to leave the past in the past and not waste energy in vain.

Cleansing Methods for Breaking Old Ties

Many girls are interested in how to cut off if you cannot forget it yourself. Let's say right away: if feelings and memories of him still live in your heart, technology will not help to remove emotions. But they will bring a sense of relief, cut off the energy channel - thanks to this, the chances of meeting a new love will increase.

If you don’t have feelings for a man, it will be very simple to perform the techniques, and the connection will stop quickly.

  • Take a piece of paper and write down the names of all the men you have had sexual intercourse with in the last seven years. Even if it was casual sex or a relationship that means nothing to you
  • You can also include in the list those men with whom you did not have sexual relations, but for whom you experienced any feelings.
  • It is best to carry out techniques for getting rid of old ties on the 19th lunar day - this period of time is most suitable for parting with everything superfluous and unnecessary
  • After you complete the techniques, clean up the house, take a shower. Purity should be not only in your soul, but also around

Letter of grievances

Use this method in relation to men who offended you. If you have not forgiven, feel anger, resentment or other negative emotions that haunt you, use this method.

Proceed like this:

  1. Get a pen and blank paper ready
  2. First, describe all the negative feelings you have for the man. Do not be shy in expressions, write harshly and clearly about what you are offended, angry about, what actions he caused you pain
  3. When all the negative is on paper, proceed to the next step. Thank the man for all the good times that were between you, list his attractive character traits. Feel Gratitude Sincerely
  4. Ask for forgiveness for your actions, which could be unpleasant for a man
  5. In the end, acknowledge that this person came into your life for a purpose. He brought you experience, taught you something, played an important role in the development of your personality.
  6. Do not spare words - write about your feelings as detailed and sincere as possible. As soon as you feel that you have "written out", mentally release the man and thank him. Burn the letter - immediately after that you will feel tremendous relief.
  7. Then you can take a bath, put on clean clothes, drink water, believers - to pray.

Very often, after such a practice, a man may reappear in your life - call, insist on a meeting. You need to talk to him politely, thank him and let him go without continuing the conversation.

If the letter did not help 100% the first time, repeat the technique a few more times.

Meditation "Burning ties"

Fire energy is incredibly powerful. It is she who is often used in various practices to get rid of old ties.

  1. Pick a time when you can be quiet and alone. Set yourself up in the mindset of goodness, be calm and relaxed
  2. Mentally imagine a man with whom you had a sexual relationship. "Put" his image strictly in front of you
  3. Then imagine that your bodies are connected by multi-colored threads that come out of each chakra (seven in total)
  4. Pick up a lighter or matches, light a fire and start burning through these threads that unite you. Feel completely how you let go of this man - you must be really ready to say goodbye to him.
  5. In the end, take a look at yourself and the man as if from the outside - see that there is not a single connection left between you. On this technique is considered finished.

A similar meditation is worth doing for every man with whom you have had an affair over the past seven years. It is very easy to check which one is still feeding on your energy - in the near future it will appear in your life.

Also, as in the previous case, after meditation, you need to do a general cleaning, throw away all the old rubbish and especially memorabilia reminiscent of former men.

Watch a video about a popular way to get rid of old ties using the Larisa Renard method:

And remember: every person who comes into your life is there for a reason. Everyone taught something, gave experience, helped you open up. Therefore, try to get rid of negative emotions and take any situation as a lesson necessary for the healing of your soul.

After the successful completion of the practices, you will feel how you are filled with energy that ceases to be wasted on former men. It is very important not to renew contacts with those who will begin to appear again in your life.

Has it ever happened to you that you suddenly feel a breakdown, a sharp deterioration in well-being, bad luck out of the blue?

Does it happen that some fragments of phrases and images from the past come up by themselves, inexplicable feelings come up (something like regret or despair)?

If so, know that you most likely have many unfinished energy connections with other people. They can form on all chakras, but most often the outflow of energy occurs through the lower centers.

The clairvoyant sees the energy body (aura), energy connections between people and phenomena, diseases, information about the present, past and future.

What to do? You need to carry out cutting of ether threads.

This is a technique for returning your energy from those people to whom you gave it. It allows you to harmonize existing relationships, and already unnecessary - to easily and safely end.

To whom and in what cases is it necessary to circumcise the ethereal threads

1. Psychologists, healers, teachers and other representatives of "helping" professions

Energy connections are formed between you and your clients (patients, students). If you once helped a person, he subconsciously begins to consider you the source of his well-being. This is how ethereal threads are formed.

And later, being in a difficult situation or when you feel worse, the person connected with you begins to unconsciously draw off your energy. Such links should be terminated.

2. Men, and especially women, at the end of relationships and divorce

Former lovers are usually very tightly connected, which is why they cannot feel freedom from each other for a long time.

From time to time, someone "pulls the string", causing themselves or a former partner to burst into sudden passion, sexual desire or anger.

Women are usually more attached to a partner, so they give more energy. They definitely need to break this connection.

To prevent this from happening, and you can normally build a new life and relationships, cut the ethereal threads.

For many women, the issue of ex-husband communication with a child is very acute. Why do fathers treat their children so coolly after leaving the family?

3. Those who made oaths and vows to other people

This could be done in a fit of love, parental or friendship, as well as out of guilt or pity. It can even be forgotten childhood vows, which, however, are still valid.

You could promise a person to love or protect him forever, not to achieve any success, so as not to hurt him, to limit yourself in something else.

For example, girlfriends swear that they will only get married together, as a result, if one of them does not have a personal life, the other cannot build relationships either.

Such oaths should definitely be completed, and the ethereal threads should be cut off.

Even if the vow looks like a "good" one - like to always protect someone - it's a very restrictive vow. He puts you in the eternal position of a “savior”, and supposedly “protected” by you - in the role of a “victim”, depriving a person of his own strength.

Each person must be protected by his own connection with the Supreme. If you stand in this place ... You yourself understand - this is arrogant, and also unsafe for yourself - as a result, your strength will not be enough not only for someone else's life, but also for your own.

Have you noticed that some events or problems in your life are cyclical, constantly repeated in different versions? This is one of the signs of the destructive effect of vows...

If you are connected with someone by such oaths, no matter from which side - urgently carry out the cutting of the ethereal threads.

4. Those who cannot forgive offenders or let go of people from the past

Unforgiven grievances, unfinished relationships pull you back all the time, forcing you to think about your “foe” again and again, in fact, energizing him.

Likewise, he can also pull the thread from his side.

Emotionally, you would like to never see this person again, but, in fact, you continue to exchange energy with him through your connection.

If you want to develop and master your power to the fullest, it's time to forgive people from the past, and cut off the ethereal threads that bind you.

We cannot accept ourselves or other people due to the fact that "emotional cargo" from the past interferes with our ideas. Because of this, we react to new events in the old way - like “offended children”, or “guilty debtors before everyone”.

5. Parents of modern children (Indigo, Crystal, Rainbow)

New babies are born very kind and empathetic, and tend to take on the problems and negativity of everyone they love. They act from the best of intentions, but ... Alas, this is not according to their capabilities.

Such children easily give to their parents and many other people. As a result, their strength is not enough, they begin to get sick, study worse, they begin to have behavioral disorders and nightmares.

Be sure to teach your children the technique of cutting the ethereal threads. And also do it yourself with your parents and children.

About children "Indigo" and "Crystal"; "New Children" and the transformation of the collective consciousness of mankind; DNA transformation and the physiology of the "new children"

Perform the technique of cutting the ethereal threads regularly, with each person individually.

How to do it right - tells in his video Alena Starovoitova:

P.S. Usually, exhausting ties with people and situations supported by different oaths vows, vows. They affect you, even if you are about them. don't remember

How effective forever complete their action- find out at the master class! You will remove all vows that lead you to poverty, loneliness, poor health, and others.

In all times and spaces right now!

Many of you have repeatedly felt an incomprehensible exhaustion after communicating with some person. This is an energy vampire that steals energy from you. Let's see how to break the energy connection and live a full life?

Energy communications

Did you know that it is enough for people to shake hands or touch each other so that thin energy threads appear between them? If people begin to communicate more with each other, then this connection is strengthened and turns into a thick rope through which energy flows from person to person.

Energy vampirism

When everything is harmonious in a couple or in a family, close people feed on each other. On the physical plane, this is expressed by support, understanding, intuitive feeling. But what if the relationship becomes unbearable? Constant quarrels, scandals, tantrums and showdowns provoke an outflow of energy. Sick swing relationships, when people either quarrel or passionately reconcile - this is exactly the case. And if you find the courage to break it, then you will reach a different level of your development.

This is quite difficult to do, because many people are attacked by strange emotions at such moments. It is easier for them to put pressure on the throat of their ego again than to start solving the problem. And why? But because they are afraid that they will be left without their beloved "tormentor". Torturer ... But such a native! That is why this method is suitable only for the strongest, who are ready to abruptly tear off the plaster from the aching wound and begin to sew up the hole with magic threads.

Even if you ended a relationship and stopped communicating with a person, this absolutely does not mean that you broke the connection at the energy level. Some of your energy still flows into past relationships or family.

How to break the energy connection with a former man, husband, lover, woman, with your partner, relative, mother, father, sister, brother, friend, colleague, and in general with any person? Let's get a look.

Types of energy links

There are several energy links:

  1. Energy connections that accumulate during the day: communication with relatives, shopping, work, study, people on the street, etc.
  2. Connections that arise during conflicts, quarrels, and if someone offended you.
  3. Love bindings: cordial and long.


If you do not know how to break the energy connection, then here are a few techniques that will help you. You can do them at any time convenient for you: even at home, even on the street or at work.

On every day

If you know how to work with chakras, then here is a simple method to break all bindings:

  1. Take a comfortable position and relax.
  2. Need to be grounded. Imagine that a dark brown pillar extends from your coccyx down to the center of the Earth.
  3. Go through each chakra, starting with the first. Imagine that you remove all the dark dots or some growths on them with your hands, cleaning each with an imaginary vacuum cleaner.

Remove resentment

If someone offended you, then you should try to clean yourself up as soon as possible without accumulating anything.

How to break the energy connection with a person:

  1. Mentally imagine your abuser standing in front of you.
  2. Pass two tubes at chest level that go from you to him. One tube carries energy from him to you, and the other from you to him.
  3. Take imaginary scissors. To heighten the effect, you can take real scissors and do the same with them.
  4. Cut off both tubes.
  5. Close the ends of your tubes to each other.
  6. The tubes of the offender are washed with each other on it.

relationship room

If there are too many grievances and it is rather problematic to work through this with each person, then this technique can help you.

How to break the energy connection:

  1. Get in a comfortable position and relax. You can turn on your favorite music in the background, or.
  2. Let go of thoughts and try to stop the internal dialogue.
  3. Imagine that your head is a room, and all the furniture in it are your offenders. Let's say a closet is a father, a floor lamp is a mother, a chair is a former partner, a chandelier is a boss, an armchair is a colleague, a table is a saleswoman in a store who got nasty to you, and so on.
  4. Start removing all items from the room.
  5. When the space is completely cleared, force yourself out of the room by any means: pull by the ear, take out with a bulldozer, or fly away in a balloon.
  6. Look into your room through a keyhole or window. If it's still empty, come out of the trance. And if there are still some items, take them out again until the room is completely empty.

love bindings

With love attachments, things are a little more complicated. It will take more effort, energy and time to remove all the prisushki. But you will definitely succeed if you really want it.

Burn everything that you gave me

How to break the energy connection with a man or woman:

  1. Take a piece of paper and a pen.
  2. Determine the place on the sheet where your resentment or irritation wants to settle.
  3. Draw whatever you want with a pen. Don't worry about time, just draw.
  4. Fill a basin of water and set fire to a piece of paper with matches.
  5. Wait until the entire design is burned, and then dip the paper into the water for safety.
  6. Drain the water.

Airing the heart

The technique is pretty simple:

  1. Get in a comfortable position and relax.
  2. In the region of your heart, mentally find a black hole.
  3. Breathe in through your mouth, and mentally exhale through the hole.
  4. At first, black smoke will come out of it, and with each breath it will become blacker and blacker.
  5. Then the smoke will become light, and then a draft will form in your heart.
  6. So you completely removed the energy connection.
  7. Close the entrance with your hand or a fictitious stopper. Or maybe you want to patch up this wound.

Key words

During the execution of the technique, you can contact the person with whom you want to break the connection and say something like this to him (you can also add from yourself):

My dear (name)!

I know that you feel and perceive all my words on a subtle plane. And I, with full responsibility and with all my heart, here and now renounce you. I stop all possible grievances against you.

Our relationship was great from the very beginning. But today this is not what you and I need from life. From now on, and forever, I am freed from you with a clear conscience and an open soul.

Here and now I decide to be the master (mistress) of my life, my thoughts and feelings. I am under the divine protection of the Higher Forces (God, Allah, Guardian Angels, etc.).

I wish you harmony and joy in life, but without me. All is well in my beautiful world!

Important note

In everyone's life there are situations when he wants to cut off the energy connection with a person so that he does not vampire you. But we need to keep talking. It can be parents, relatives or friends.