Gypsy ensemble for a birthday. Costumed congratulations - gypsies at the holiday. What services of gypsy groups are successful?

Comic gifts: wine, mirror, horseshoe, ribbon with coins, scarf, laurel bouquet, gypsy flag.

(Gypsy Aza enters to the accompaniment of a gypsy melody, holding a bundle of gypsy scarves with gifts in her hand)

Gypsy: Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. I am the gypsy Aza,
I came here directly to you by order.
On the table, oh, oh, oops, oops, oops.
That one is hers, and that one is yours, and this one is mine (comes with a stack and shows it)

Our dear hero of the day, I see you are happy,
How many friends are nearby you would rather pour for them.
For you, my dear, I drink a glass to the bottom! (Pour and drink)

What can I say, gentlemen, I’m glad to meet you,
I will dance for you all evening.
The bracelets on my hands are slowly clicking,
And all the men touch me by my skirt.
Hey nah, nah, nah, I wanted to tell you,
What an obsession
I can tell you fortunes for a fee.
(The gypsy woman walks around the table and tells fortunes.)

Fortune telling for guests
1m. Gild my pen, just don’t be scared,
You can’t find a better Aza - don’t even try,
Give me your right hand, or maybe your left,
I will always do everything for free for my friends! (returns money)
My handsome man, all your dreams will come true
And your heart will be filled with happiness!
2 - f. You will live well, bathe in luxury and you will know with whom to enjoy for a long time.
3 - f. And I’ll tell you - smile, dear, because with your smile you are very beautiful.
4 - m. And I’ll tell you - go for it! and you won’t miss, happiness is nearby - don’t yawn, you’ll soon encounter it.
5 - f. And I look into your eyes, I see luck in them, because this time it cannot be otherwise.
6 - f. You, my soul, will soon have grandchildren, then it will be fun and there will be no boredom.
7 - m. Our life is changeable, everything in it is changeable, but good luck awaits you, and love will come to you.
8 - f. There are three lines on the hand, like lily petals, this is you, and this is him, and this is the two of you.

Aza: (to the hero of the day) My dear, dear, I didn’t come empty! In my gypsy bundle there is a lot of all sorts of things - I will give you everything, I will not hide anything!

1. Here is a bottle of sparkling wine, sparkling wine, there is a red ribbon on it, a gold coin - keep it in a visible place, but don’t drink! If you save, long and happy years await you - you will live to see the wedding of your great-great-grandchildren!

2. My mirror as a gift! Don’t look at your pimples in it, but remember - this lapel is against any magic! Someone will start making eyes at you - and you show her the mirror, you will see for yourself what will happen!

3. Horseshoe for luck! Do you remember? You know? “after all, a gypsy without a horse is like a bird without wings”... You don’t have a horse, even if you have a horseshoe!

4. And this is my gypsy talisman to boot, a talisman for good luck - a bay leaf! The old gypsies say that you will be lucky if you always have a bay leaf with you! So, a bouquet of good luck awaits you! (a small bouquet of bay leaves can be tucked into a shirt or jacket pocket)

5. Eh! Yes, gypsy paths are roads! Although you are not a gypsy, my gray-winged dove, you have your own road - “a life-long road” .. Now I want to give this ribbon. It's not gold, not a precious stone - 60 coins!

And they couldn’t be more expensive for you!
You are as old as there are coins here,
And everyone is happy in this room.
Why are you only 60?
Look carefully and you will see
That coins are of different colors, bright and faded:
This one shines with its gilding,
Like a memory of the happiest days.
And this one has completely turned black, look,
It's about those days that weren't very long ago!
Where grief and tears were nearby then,
After all, life may not always be bright!
Take simple advice from us,
On your golden anniversary.
Take this ribbon and coins with you!
And remember that we are next to you!
Let there be a lot of coins on the tape a little later
Let another couple of decades pass,
And then we will gather again at the table
And you and I will keep track of those coins!
We wish you many years and coins
Let them sparkle like gold light
May there be fewer problems
And more happiness!!!
Puts a ribbon on the hero of the day.

6. And this is the flag in your hands! (The Gypsy flag has two stripes: blue and green, and in the middle there is a red wheel, in the middle there may be the number 60) I noticed - the wheel is red, it’s your destiny, like a wheel, rolling through a joyful and happy life!

7. I gave away all the gifts, only the shawl remained! Bright, colorful, I will decorate her shoulder, masculine, strong, cherished only for a beloved wife! Free wind, lush grass, oh our life is free and cheerful!

Gypsy: Here the mobile phone rings, they call urgently,
I just never have days off!
I move my arm, I jump my leg,
Well, you are good, clap your hands.
Ay na ne, na ne, na ne.
Oh romale, romale, Aza is leaving,
And he leaves his business card for you.
Oh, you summer nights - wild blooms,
You call sometimes and I’ll come to you then!
(A fiery gypsy melody sounds, Aza dances, the hero of the day and that’s all!)

Everything I found about the gypsies and photos of my costumes.


Leading. Our life is a continuous endless road with turns and holes, and it rushes along the road like a gypsy wagon, counting down minutes, weeks, years. And only on such a big anniversary as this, we have the right to stop the carriage for a moment and turn back time, remembering what we have lived and experienced.
You hear? Some noise was heard at the door.
The gypsy camp will be happy
Congratulations on your glorious anniversary!
Pour the wine, black-browed ones,
May our feast be more joyful.
Here are the young gypsies
Showed up at our door!
Gypsy women sing to the tune of the song
“Fortune Teller” from the film “Ah, Vaudeville, Vaudeville.”

We know, even though nature is capricious,
But it will change neither the century nor the people.
A new fashion appears -
We, gypsies, are invited to the anniversary!
Today we came to the holiday,
To sing, dance, tell fortunes.
May you all be filled with joy,
So that there is no thought of being bored

Well, what can I say, what can I say.
That's how people are built.
And we celebrate the anniversary
Today we will be friends.

So welcome us
Guests are welcome, friendly.
We offer a new toast,
Everyone needs to drink wine!

Gypsy 1 (for the hero of the day).
How long are we waiting?
We are waiting for you!
We don’t dare to pour it without permission!

Gypsy 2.
Wait, don't rush,
girlfriend. You drink this liquid now.
Come out, dear (dear), to the center of the circle,
Gypsies will tell fortunes for you!
Gypsy 1 (shows a deck of cards).
Here is a deck of fortune telling cards.
Take one for yourself.
I'll tell you, beautiful
There was something in your destiny.
Remove the first card
And answer quickly:
“Yes, gypsy, that’s right, it was,
But I forgot about that!”
Here's the six of hearts -
The grooms stood in a row
The girl drove them crazy...
Do the cards tell the truth?

But I forgot about this!

Gypsy 2. Here is the Knight of the Cross
He came to you and told you to accept.
He became your favorite.
Does the map tell the truth?

The hero of the day. Yes, gypsy, it was true,
But I forgot about this!

Gypsy 1, You always stood your ground,
And even now your gaze is stubborn.
But it came in handy in life...
Do the cards tell the truth?

The hero of the day. Yes, gypsy, it was true,
But I forgot about this!

Pour the wine quickly
Let it sparkle in the glasses.
There is a reason, and we drink very friendly,
May everything turn out well!
We wish you miracles and good luck.
There are many loyal and devoted friends.
We cheered you up
On your wonderful anniversary!

Gypsy (gypsy camp)

In a long wide skirt, with a ringing monist around her neck, the guest, shaking her shock of resin hair, will perform, languidly looking into the eyes of the hero of the day, a song in the style of “Dear Ivan Ivanovich has come to us, to us!” Then she will bring a glass of wine to the hero of the day with the call “Drink to the bottom!” For those who are interested in this image, but who are not very confident in their own abilities, we recommend watching, for example, the film “Cruel Romance.”
But singing is singing, and what is a gypsy without fortune telling? Examining the lines of fate in the palm of the hero of the day or the fallen cards, no matter what the mysterious guest sees, she must predict only good things for the hero of the day. For example, the successful and speedy completion of the construction of a dacha (if it is being built), the appearance of grandchildren and great-grandchildren (if they are really expected), foreign tours (even if they are not actually planned), etc.
The gypsy should end her congratulations no less effectively than she began. You can’t do without “gypsy girl” as a final chord.

The ice shakes, then breaks up on its own
Instead of solid there is water around
What is believed in will be ground
The rest is all nonsense.
What is believed in will be ground
The rest is all nonsense.
Some crows scream in their songs
Others have nightingales singing.
And I only have black branches
Everyone scratches from the inside.
And I only have black branches
Everyone scratches from the inside.
There seems to be a difference
Between should and time

Black linden near the yard.
But it sways as if teasing
Black linden near the yard.
But when will everything work out?
My life will be shattered
And my wife has a smart daughter
Everyone advises “abstain.”
And my wife has a smart daughter
Everyone advises “abstain.”

Gypsy lover.

To the melody of the song “Shaggy Bumblebee”, a Gypsy comes out limping with a bouquet.

(NAME!) soul! How good you are!
You bloom like a scarlet rose!..
But I still won’t recover from chondrosis.
Apparently you didn’t recognize me, beauty?
I was in love with you three times!
Once - when I was still in school.
Then I dreamed about you at night!
And another time - when you got ready to get married,
Yes, my left leg was paralyzed.
Otherwise I would have stolen you, dear.
You were the only one so beautiful!
And for the third time I fell in love,
When I was treated at the sanatorium.
How I saw you, (name),
My heart ached so much
There was a pounding in my temples!..
I don’t remember what happened next! Oh!
I woke up, I couldn’t move my arm or leg,
Otherwise I would have taken you with me.
This is what chondrosis does to men...
Oh, I brought you five roses.
I give you the first rose for good luck,
Let the second and third bring good luck,
Fourth rose - health, success,
And the fifth is your ringing and gentle laughter.
Well, I almost forgot again,
When I was rushing to you alone,
There is a horse in the neighboring camp
I bought (name) for you!

One of the guests comes out to the music and, together with the Gypsy, they take the hero of the day in a circle.


This number is good for the New Year.

It sounds like a gypsy romance. A gypsy appears in the hall.
- Oh, my handsome one, why are you looking at me like a cat at sour cream, do you think I’ll deceive you? I’ll tell you, my dear, that when you drink you need to know when to stop. Otherwise, you can drink less. So let's pour Russian vodka into overseas glasses and drink to the fact that in the new year there will always be someone to share any mood with. Let's drink to you and your friends!
Give me your hand, my golden one! I’ll tell you my fortune, my dear, and tell you the whole truth. Oh, I see the road, this is the road of life. It goes uphill all the time, you, my diamond, will become a big boss. Oh, women will love you, and some men will be interested.
You will have a car. I just can’t tell if it’s a white Bentley or a green Oka. Ah, my precious one, I see the shine along the line of your life. You will be rich, you will have a lot of money. You will buy a cottage outside the city, because you will pay off the apartment for debts, but now give me a coin, my rich one, gild your pen, for the fact that I told you fortunes. What do you think, I'm lying. No one has ever complained about me, what I won’t say is coming true! And you, my beauty. You shouldn't laugh, I see night in your eyes! Dark night, dark, but passionate! And also, my yacht. Your husband will leave you! He'll be gone in the morning! He’ll run for beer, he’ll feel bad, take pity on the guy, run away yourself! And you, my clear falcon. Thoughts oh not good, oh not good. Don't you know what's in your head? So I'll give you a hint! Better yet, I’ll show you! (Further depending on the situation, impromptu).
Game "Sound Thoughts".


Gypsy: Good afternoon, gentlemen. I am the gypsy Aza,
I came here directly to you by order.
On the table, oh piles, oh oh piles.
That one is hers, and that one is yours, and this one is mine.
Dear hero of the day, I see you are happy,
How many friends are nearby you would rather pour for them.
What can I say, gentlemen, I’m glad to meet you,
I will dance for you all evening.
The bracelets on my hands are slowly clicking,
And all the men touch me by my skirt.
Say na na, na na, na na, I wanted to tell you,
What an obsession
I can tell you fortunes for a fee.
Gild my pen, just don’t be scared,
Don’t even try to find a better Aza. ,
My handsome man, all your dreams will come true
And your heart will be filled with happiness.
Give me your right hand, or maybe your left,
I will always do everything for free for my friends!
(The gypsy woman walks around the table and tells fortunes.)
1. You will live well, bathe in luxury and you know with whom to enjoy for a long time.
2. And I’ll tell you, smile, dear, because with your smile you are very beautiful.
3. And I’ll tell you, go for it! and you won’t miss, don’t yawn when happiness is nearby, you will soon encounter it.
4. And I look into your eyes, I see luck in them, because this time it cannot be otherwise.
5. You, my soul, will soon have grandchildren, then it will be fun and there will be no boredom.
6. Our life is changeable, everything in it is changeable, but good luck awaits you, and love will come to you.
7. On the hand there are three lines with lily petals - this is you, and this is him, and this is the two of you.

Gypsy: The cell phone is ringing, they’re calling urgently,
I just never have days off!
I move my arm, I jump my leg,
Well, you are good, clap your hands.
Ay na ne, na ne, na ne.
Oh romale, romale, Aza is leaving,
And he leaves his business card for you.
Oh, you winter nights, everything is covered with frost,
You call sometimes and I’ll come to you then!


1. Ah, my precious one, I see the shine along the line of your life. You will be rich, you will have a lot of money. You will buy a cottage outside the city, because you will pay off the apartment for debts, but now give me a coin, my rich one, gild your pen.

2. Wow, dear, I see you’ll be a big boss: you’ll gain fifty kilograms!
3. Wow, dear, be on your guard: avoid the cold from your partner of the opposite sex, otherwise you will get sick!
4. My golden one, great love awaits you. Very big. Weighs 120 kilograms!
5. Wai-wai, honey. Take your drink seriously... Don't let it pass your mouth!
6. Fruitful work with a spoon and fork at today’s table will bring certain results by the evening!
7. Today you may have a tendency to be alone with someone!
8. Today, be careful and don’t fall asleep on your neighbor’s plate!
9. Come on, handsome, gild your pen, and I’ll tell you what will happen tomorrow! Oh, I see, I see everything! You'll have a hangover tomorrow!
10. Wow, dear, you’ll feel bad tomorrow, you’ll have to go to work
11.And for you, I know exactly what will happen tomorrow! Sunday! (If today is Saturday.)
12. I see everything, I know everything, in the morning you’ll run after beer, in the evening you’ll run after girls!
13.Oh, my dear, they’ll have their eyes on you today, I know for sure. Then there’s the heart, the liver, the tongue, and on top there’s something long and thin... hard to see... ah, a herring!
14.You will sing so that your neighbor will cry. The rest will fall asleep!
15. You will sleep sweetly, curly, you will sleep softly until the cake is pulled out from under you!
16. Today they will give you two bags of happiness, one with salad, the other with vinaigrette!
17. There will be friends around you tonight. Friends are faithful, devoted. Tell me what to call them? Sharik, Bobik and Polkan!
18. Endless distances, unknown distances await you. You'll spend half a day thinking about it before you realize where you woke up!
19. Great happiness awaits you tomorrow, you will find a wallet with money, the one that
you will lose today.
20. Prepare for a big battle! Have you eaten red caviar? Pink salmon will come for revenge!
21. A great loss awaits you. You'll lose your tie. You'll search all night, and you'll find it in the morning. On the neighbor's belt.
22. Wow, what a heavy blow awaits you!.. In the morning, when you step on the scales
23. Tomorrow morning, beauty, you will be a star, a berry, a pussy, a fish, and if you give me beer, you will become a wife again.
24. Do you like to watch horror films in the morning? And tomorrow you will have to, when you see yourself in the mirror!

January 30, 2016

Bright outfits, dark skin, characteristic pride and love of freedom. And also constant dancing, entertainment and no boring work. Yes, these are gypsies!

They live in many countries in Europe and the world. This is a single, non-territorial nation. There are many unproven facts about the origin of this ethnic group. However, according to genetic and linguistic studies, the ancestors of the Roma were the inhabitants of India.

Instead of a coat of arms, these people use certain symbols: a deck of cards, a horseshoe, a carriage wheel. Flag: two stripes representing blue sky and green meadow. In the center is a red wheel.
Such attributes decorate magazines, websites and any literature telling about the gypsy freedom-loving people.

As a result of the influence of surrounding nationalities, Roma from different countries differ from each other; some do not even know their native language. Historian and ethnographer Nikolai Bessonov believes that there is only one clear marker inherent in each representative of a nomadic people - “opposition.” More precisely, psychological division of the world into gypsies and non-gypsies.

Forget the planned lifestyle of modern business people. Time to feel all the charm of adventurism, carefreeness, passion and expression! And the organization of a very original, fun and incendiary will help with this gypsy party!

Such a walk assumes a romantic mood, liberation of participants and reunification with nature. Ready? Then here is the scenario for a gypsy party in order.

1. Day and time

Undoubtedly, to organize fun you need to set aside a whole day, or even a day. Since the start of the holiday is planned for daytime, the ideal day would be Saturday. Collection time: around 14.00. There is no point in calling for an earlier time - let people sleep and get ready calmly.

2. Invitation

There are several options here.

You can make invitations in the form of rolled old paper. Sign with a black pen, preferably gel or ink. Making paper is very simple: take the required number of A4 sheets, leave them in a container with pre-diluted coffee and cinnamon (1 tablespoon per 2 liters of water) for 1-2 hours. Or paint the sheets on both sides with the infused solution using a painting brush. Leave in a warm place until completely dry. The old worn paper is ready! Roll into a narrow bundle, tie with a thin ribbon or twisted rope.

The second option for making invitations: cut out a horseshoe from foil or make a card in the shape of a fan. In the text: emphasize what is important. Guests must arrive on time wearing appropriate attire. If the meeting place is unfamiliar, provide details of the address and how to get there. You can even finish drawing a simple map. Mark the meeting place with a red cross: add some flavor to your idea!

Why not design the invitation in the form of a fortune-telling Tarot card: indicate on the back the prediction that the guest is destined to have fun, in a green space or in a luxurious house, indicating where, when, with whom. It is best to choose a card with the image of the sun symbol (luck, fortune, prosperity).

3. Meeting guests

Do it loudly and cheerfully. You can, offering open arms, say: “Come in, dear! How long have I been waiting for you!” Women, meeting those invited, can unceremoniously ask to gild her hand so that they can warm themselves by the big family fire and experience real fun, yes, such fun that “the soul will unfold”! Ask guests in advance to take change or chocolate coins (there are plenty of these at supermarket checkouts).

4. Dress code

Gypsy clothing does not have strict criteria regarding sleeve or skirt length. The usual option: a skirt made of heavy fabric that drags along the floor and men's wide shirts with flared sleeves. But you’re unlikely to find many suitable items in your home wardrobe. The easiest option is to rent costumes in cultural centers, theaters, or order online.

If you search, sew and combine yourself, here are some tips:

Women: long skirts to the floor. A modern gypsy can wear a shorter skirt if the other elements of the image correspond to what was planned. For example, Jennifer Lopez in her video Ain’t It Funny was dressed far from a traditional costume, but everything turned out very impressive!

Blouses that reveal shoulders, but not a very revealing neckline - gypsies are daring, but not vulgar! Hair down. Behind the ear - a bright flower or a colored ribbon in the hair. Shoes: hide comfortable ballet flats under your skirt, or wear open sandals. The most desperate can go barefoot, but first check the area for sharp stones and broken glass. The makeup is discreet. But juicy red lipstick is welcome. Pick up massive beads, bracelets, rings and large hoop earrings: now you are a real gypsy!

Men: loose-fitting trousers and shirts. You can wear a wide satin belt. Good combinations: white or red shirt, black trousers, red belt. Or a bright satin shirt and a black vest. A black hat and ear clips will complete the look.
Shoes: boots or shoes. In the first case, be sure to tuck your trousers into your boots, in the second - vice versa, because the trousers should be loose-fitting, and the shoes should be classic. If there is a chief baron among the men, make sure that he is alone. Or make it an entertaining spectacle: the main baron will be the one who passes the test (for example, arm wrestling). The vanquished must humbly accept the leader!

For a spectacular appearance, you can glue a mustache on yourself and ride to the party on a black horse. But think in advance about what to do next with the horse!

Exclusive roles: Oracle/fortune teller, bear, horse. Use your imagination here. If you find a first-class bear costume for a born ringleader, a good mood is guaranteed!

5. Venue. Decor

The optimal place for a gypsy-style party is an open area. Better than a green lawn on the picturesque river bank: a real open-air camp!

A dacha or private house with a large plot of land is perfect. Nature, all the amenities are nearby, and the costs are low.

Of course, it must be a warm time of year.

Fence a large area as follows: along the perimeter of the required plot of land, place sticks from dry trees, preferably curved ones, this is more realistic, stretch an old rope between them. Hang colorful scraps of fabric and items of clothing on these ropes: blouses, T-shirts, towels (everything is bright or white). These are things that are dried after washing - a certain identifying sign of a broken camp for random passers-by.
Tie colored scarves onto wooden sticks. And in general, colored scarves with fringes should decorate everyone and everything: the more you find of them, the better!

There is a large fire in the center of the lawn. Prepare cast iron pots. In one of them, cook porridge or fish soup right during the holiday.

Organize 1-2 tents. Decorate the entrance with fringe, coins, garlands, if possible, to light them. Attach printed pictures of tents and camps directly to the fabric of your tents. These should be high-quality, bright photographs of real colorful gypsies, fortune tellers, actors from themed films, and artists.

You can make decorative tents, carts, and carts out of foam plastic or cardboard (a great place for photos!).

In a remote corner, place a small folding table with a “magic ball”, fancy jars, test tubes with dried herbs and spices. Decorate the table with feathers and small cups for fortune telling on coffee grounds! Place a fortune teller there who will prepare the most interesting prophecies for each guest in advance! This image can be truly original. A good actress should become a fortune teller, who will not emerge from her languid image with a piercing gaze. Or it will be a guy dressed as a fortune teller. In the latter case, everything is the same, just add humorous phrases.

Place colorful blankets on the ground: enough so that all guests can freely waddle or even lie down. Musical instruments will be a good addition to the decor: tambourines, guitars, violins.

The table can be either a separate blanket spread in the center or a real table, on which you place wooden benches (the second option is more troublesome and less appropriate if the holiday is not in a private yard, but in nature). Be that as it may, place a huge bouquet of wildflowers in the center of the festive table. You can pre-dry the empty pumpkin (the pulp must be removed 2-3 days in advance), which will turn into a creative flower vase. It’s good if you find brass or copper utensils. You can use a regular one with gold rims (but do not take expensive things - field conditions do not require excessive accuracy).

Prepare a barbecue - barbecue is always appropriate for a birthday in the summer.

6. Menu

You can prepare all dishes in advance. But it’s better to cook up a few treats right during the celebration at the fire. Gypsies are nomadic people, so they often cook various meats on fire: lamb, chicken, veal. You can stew meat in a cast iron cauldron, with pepper and herbs and sweet pepper! Or just barbecue. Boil new potatoes with dill, add butter and herbs! You can prepare the gypsy’s favorite soup “habe”, with onions, herbs, and meat broth. Take note that these people love tomatoes and hot spices. Instead of bread - bread cakes (possibly with sesame seeds) and pies. In order not to worry too much, save the ironclad argument for yourself and your guests that the gypsies eat the food that is popular in the country where they are staying! But the emphasis, of course, is on the meat. Delicacy – fish dishes.

Alcohol: of course, red wine! At the discretion of the organizer, you can add sweet liqueurs and stronger fuel.

For dessert: cottage cheese pie “syvyako”, with raisins, dried apricots, prunes and poppy seeds. Place candies in bright wrappers in wicker baskets!

7. Music and entertainment

You can invite a real ensemble that will play tambourines and violins for you for an hour or two, and sing gypsy songs! But if you have a cheerful group of dancing and singing people, it is much more interesting to perform the songs yourself, even if accompanied by a soundtrack.

The main hit, of course, is “Hide the girl behind the high fence.” Here is a video where, by the way, the famous dance - the gypsy girl - is well shown.

You can take modern songs, but with a suitable character: Elena Vaenga “Absinthe”, Potap and Nastya Kamenskikh “Razgulyay”, “Khutoryanka”, or more lyrical, soulful: “Thank you for your daughter”, “Dear long, but dark night”, “ And the gypsy daughter of the Shaggy Bumblebee. Gypsy “with a way out” is a mandatory item on the program. Feel free to support colorful, classically gypsy songs and dances! Gypsies know a lot about fun, transform yourself to the fullest!
A horse, as a holiday attribute, can become a real highlight. For entertainment, you can organize a cart ride or horse riding.

Competition “for dancing with a beauty!” Two male competitors list what they can do to get the beautiful gypsy woman’s consent to dance with him. She determines what she would be interested in evaluating, and after 2-3 fulfilled promises on each side, she must determine who she will dance with. For example, men demonstrate skills: drink a glass of wine in 3 seconds, jump over a fire, fight a bear, perform a gypsy dance, etc. The reward is the promised slow dance with a beauty.

“What was yours is now ours” competition. Gypsies are principled people only in their own circle. Outside of it, they often stole horses from the village residents. By repainting them a different color, they managed to sell the horse, sometimes even to the true owner! Your task is to provide the contestants with a horse (wooden children's rocking chairs, or just whatman paper with a drawn horse). The team is given paints and brushes. It takes 2 minutes to transform objects. Whose option is more promising for sale is the winner.

Competition of the entire holiday "dodgers". Throughout the party, everyone tries to steal as many little things as possible without being noticed. Warn in advance that at 21.00 (or other time at your discretion) the best trickster will be determined by the number of small items stolen. Important! Emphasize that expensive items cannot be taken, as this can cause negativity and anxiety among guests.

“Sew on a mare’s tail” competition. The horses from the first competition must have a fluffy tail made of thread or doll hair attached - this way the horse can be sold for a much higher price. Attach a dart or adhesive tape to the made tail (depending on which horse you will have to attach the tail to). We spin the competitors around their axis, stop them facing the “horse”, they attach the tail. We evaluate who was closer to the goal.

Competition "Fanta". The beautiful gypsy woman throws most of her long skirt over her elbow, forming a fabric niche. He approaches the guests, looks deep into their eyes, and asks them to put there the most valuable thing they have. It could be an earring, a watch, a telephone, a shoelace... The gypsy's partner does not see what items were collected. Blindfolded, the same gypsy gives him one thing each, asking what this “fantasy” should do. The owner of the item is obliged to complete the task. Such tasks could be:
parody Elvis dancing without music;
sing “Antoshka, let’s go dig potatoes!” in heavy metal style;
tell him why he didn’t wear underwear today;
dance a sexy dance with an absurd object: a frying pan, a wooden horse, a boot;
depict horse riding using a pillow instead of a saddle...

Read more options for tasks for forfeits.

Also, for entertainment you can simply play cards or dice!

Present for the winners in horse courses: a deck of beautiful playing cards or Tarot cards, a souvenir horseshoe with warm wishes, beads and bright scarves.

In conclusion

Remember that photos are needed not only to update your avatar on social networks. Fill your photo album with bright, lively photos of your family and cheerful friends. Don't skimp on a professional photographer. Shots taken on smartphones are only good if viewed on those same smartphones.

Everything I found about the gypsies and photos of my costumes.


Leading. Our life is a continuous endless road with turns and holes, and it rushes along the road like a gypsy wagon, counting down minutes, weeks, years. And only on such a big anniversary as this, we have the right to stop the carriage for a moment and turn back time, remembering what we have lived and experienced.
You hear? Some noise was heard at the door.
The gypsy camp will be happy
Congratulations on your glorious anniversary!
Pour the wine, black-browed ones,
May our feast be more joyful.
Here are the young gypsies
Showed up at our door!
Gypsy women sing to the tune of the song
“Fortune Teller” from the film “Ah, Vaudeville, Vaudeville.”

We know, even though nature is capricious,
But it will change neither the century nor the people.
A new fashion appears -
We, gypsies, are invited to the anniversary!
Today we came to the holiday,
To sing, dance, tell fortunes.
May you all be filled with joy,
So that there is no thought of being bored

Well, what can I say, what can I say.
That's how people are built.
And we celebrate the anniversary
Today we will be friends.

So welcome us
Guests are welcome, friendly.
We offer a new toast,
Everyone needs to drink wine!

Gypsy 1 (for the hero of the day).
How long are we waiting?
We are waiting for you!
We don’t dare to pour it without permission!

Gypsy 2.
Wait, don't rush,
girlfriend. You drink this liquid now.
Come out, dear (dear), to the center of the circle,
Gypsies will tell fortunes for you!
Gypsy 1 (shows a deck of cards).
Here is a deck of fortune telling cards.
Take one for yourself.
I'll tell you, beautiful
There was something in your destiny.
Remove the first card
And answer quickly:
“Yes, gypsy, that’s right, it was,
But I forgot about that!”
Here's the six of hearts -
The grooms stood in a row
The girl drove them crazy...
Do the cards tell the truth?

But I forgot about this!

Gypsy 2. Here is the Knight of the Cross
He came to you and told you to accept.
He became your favorite.
Does the map tell the truth?

The hero of the day. Yes, gypsy, it was true,
But I forgot about this!

Gypsy 1, You always stood your ground,
And even now your gaze is stubborn.
But it came in handy in life...
Do the cards tell the truth?

The hero of the day. Yes, gypsy, it was true,
But I forgot about this!

Pour the wine quickly
Let it sparkle in the glasses.
There is a reason, and we drink very friendly,
May everything turn out well!
We wish you miracles and good luck.
There are many loyal and devoted friends.
We cheered you up
On your wonderful anniversary!

Gypsy (gypsy camp)

In a long wide skirt, with a ringing monist around her neck, the guest, shaking her shock of resin hair, will perform, languidly looking into the eyes of the hero of the day, a song in the style of “Dear Ivan Ivanovich has come to us, to us!” Then she will bring a glass of wine to the hero of the day with the call “Drink to the bottom!” For those who are interested in this image, but who are not very confident in their own abilities, we recommend watching, for example, the film “Cruel Romance.”
But singing is singing, and what is a gypsy without fortune telling? Examining the lines of fate in the palm of the hero of the day or the fallen cards, no matter what the mysterious guest sees, she must predict only good things for the hero of the day. For example, the successful and speedy completion of the construction of a dacha (if it is being built), the appearance of grandchildren and great-grandchildren (if they are really expected), foreign tours (even if they are not actually planned), etc.
The gypsy should end her congratulations no less effectively than she began. You can’t do without “gypsy girl” as a final chord.

The ice shakes, then breaks up on its own
Instead of solid there is water around
What is believed in will be ground
The rest is all nonsense.
What is believed in will be ground
The rest is all nonsense.
Some crows scream in their songs
Others have nightingales singing.
And I only have black branches
Everyone scratches from the inside.
And I only have black branches
Everyone scratches from the inside.
There seems to be a difference
Between should and time

Black linden near the yard.
But it sways as if teasing
Black linden near the yard.
But when will everything work out?
My life will be shattered
And my wife has a smart daughter
Everyone advises “abstain.”
And my wife has a smart daughter
Everyone advises “abstain.”

Gypsy lover.

To the melody of the song “Shaggy Bumblebee”, a Gypsy comes out limping with a bouquet.

(NAME!) soul! How good you are!
You bloom like a scarlet rose!..
But I still won’t recover from chondrosis.
Apparently you didn’t recognize me, beauty?
I was in love with you three times!
Once - when I was still in school.
Then I dreamed about you at night!
And another time - when you got ready to get married,
Yes, my left leg was paralyzed.
Otherwise I would have stolen you, dear.
You were the only one so beautiful!
And for the third time I fell in love,
When I was treated at the sanatorium.
How I saw you, (name),
My heart ached so much
There was a pounding in my temples!..
I don’t remember what happened next! Oh!
I woke up, I couldn’t move my arm or leg,
Otherwise I would have taken you with me.
This is what chondrosis does to men...
Oh, I brought you five roses.
I give you the first rose for good luck,
Let the second and third bring good luck,
Fourth rose - health, success,
And the fifth is your ringing and gentle laughter.
Well, I almost forgot again,
When I was rushing to you alone,
There is a horse in the neighboring camp
I bought (name) for you!

One of the guests comes out to the music and, together with the Gypsy, they take the hero of the day in a circle.


This number is good for the New Year.

It sounds like a gypsy romance. A gypsy appears in the hall.
- Oh, my handsome one, why are you looking at me like a cat at sour cream, do you think I’ll deceive you? I’ll tell you, my dear, that when you drink you need to know when to stop. Otherwise, you can drink less. So let's pour Russian vodka into overseas glasses and drink to the fact that in the new year there will always be someone to share any mood with. Let's drink to you and your friends!
Give me your hand, my golden one! I’ll tell you my fortune, my dear, and tell you the whole truth. Oh, I see the road, this is the road of life. It goes uphill all the time, you, my diamond, will become a big boss. Oh, women will love you, and some men will be interested.
You will have a car. I just can’t tell if it’s a white Bentley or a green Oka. Ah, my precious one, I see the shine along the line of your life. You will be rich, you will have a lot of money. You will buy a cottage outside the city, because you will pay off the apartment for debts, but now give me a coin, my rich one, gild your pen, for the fact that I told you fortunes. What do you think, I'm lying. No one has ever complained about me, what I won’t say is coming true! And you, my beauty. You shouldn't laugh, I see night in your eyes! Dark night, dark, but passionate! And also, my yacht. Your husband will leave you! He'll be gone in the morning! He’ll run for beer, he’ll feel bad, take pity on the guy, run away yourself! And you, my clear falcon. Thoughts oh not good, oh not good. Don't you know what's in your head? So I'll give you a hint! Better yet, I’ll show you! (Further depending on the situation, impromptu).
Game "Sound Thoughts".


Gypsy: Good afternoon, gentlemen. I am the gypsy Aza,
I came here directly to you by order.
On the table, oh piles, oh oh piles.
That one is hers, and that one is yours, and this one is mine.
Dear hero of the day, I see you are happy,
How many friends are nearby you would rather pour for them.
What can I say, gentlemen, I’m glad to meet you,
I will dance for you all evening.
The bracelets on my hands are slowly clicking,
And all the men touch me by my skirt.
Say na na, na na, na na, I wanted to tell you,
What an obsession
I can tell you fortunes for a fee.
Gild my pen, just don’t be scared,
Don’t even try to find a better Aza. ,
My handsome man, all your dreams will come true
And your heart will be filled with happiness.
Give me your right hand, or maybe your left,
I will always do everything for free for my friends!
(The gypsy woman walks around the table and tells fortunes.)
1. You will live well, bathe in luxury and you know with whom to enjoy for a long time.
2. And I’ll tell you, smile, dear, because with your smile you are very beautiful.
3. And I’ll tell you, go for it! and you won’t miss, don’t yawn when happiness is nearby, you will soon encounter it.
4. And I look into your eyes, I see luck in them, because this time it cannot be otherwise.
5. You, my soul, will soon have grandchildren, then it will be fun and there will be no boredom.
6. Our life is changeable, everything in it is changeable, but good luck awaits you, and love will come to you.
7. On the hand there are three lines with lily petals - this is you, and this is him, and this is the two of you.

Gypsy: The cell phone is ringing, they’re calling urgently,
I just never have days off!
I move my arm, I jump my leg,
Well, you are good, clap your hands.
Ay na ne, na ne, na ne.
Oh romale, romale, Aza is leaving,
And he leaves his business card for you.
Oh, you winter nights, everything is covered with frost,
You call sometimes and I’ll come to you then!


1. Ah, my precious one, I see the shine along the line of your life. You will be rich, you will have a lot of money. You will buy a cottage outside the city, because you will pay off the apartment for debts, but now give me a coin, my rich one, gild your pen.

2. Wow, dear, I see you’ll be a big boss: you’ll gain fifty kilograms!
3. Wow, dear, be on your guard: avoid the cold from your partner of the opposite sex, otherwise you will get sick!
4. My golden one, great love awaits you. Very big. Weighs 120 kilograms!
5. Wai-wai, honey. Take your drink seriously... Don't let it pass your mouth!
6. Fruitful work with a spoon and fork at today’s table will bring certain results by the evening!
7. Today you may have a tendency to be alone with someone!
8. Today, be careful and don’t fall asleep on your neighbor’s plate!
9. Come on, handsome, gild your pen, and I’ll tell you what will happen tomorrow! Oh, I see, I see everything! You'll have a hangover tomorrow!
10. Wow, dear, you’ll feel bad tomorrow, you’ll have to go to work
11.And for you, I know exactly what will happen tomorrow! Sunday! (If today is Saturday.)
12. I see everything, I know everything, in the morning you’ll run after beer, in the evening you’ll run after girls!
13.Oh, my dear, they’ll have their eyes on you today, I know for sure. Then there’s the heart, the liver, the tongue, and on top there’s something long and thin... hard to see... ah, a herring!
14.You will sing so that your neighbor will cry. The rest will fall asleep!
15. You will sleep sweetly, curly, you will sleep softly until the cake is pulled out from under you!
16. Today they will give you two bags of happiness, one with salad, the other with vinaigrette!
17. There will be friends around you tonight. Friends are faithful, devoted. Tell me what to call them? Sharik, Bobik and Polkan!
18. Endless distances, unknown distances await you. You'll spend half a day thinking about it before you realize where you woke up!
19. Great happiness awaits you tomorrow, you will find a wallet with money, the one that
you will lose today.
20. Prepare for a big battle! Have you eaten red caviar? Pink salmon will come for revenge!
21. A great loss awaits you. You'll lose your tie. You'll search all night, and you'll find it in the morning. On the neighbor's belt.
22. Wow, what a heavy blow awaits you!.. In the morning, when you step on the scales
23. Tomorrow morning, beauty, you will be a star, a berry, a pussy, a fish, and if you give me beer, you will become a wife again.
24. Do you like to watch horror films in the morning? And tomorrow you will have to, when you see yourself in the mirror!

Scenarios-Wedding Scenarios-Gypsy Fortune Telling Scenario
The proposed scenario can be used independently or as part of any holiday. It can be used at a birthday, anniversary or wedding, at a corporate event, etc. Can be used separately.

Host: Today is our holiday!
What's a holiday without the police, oh, I mean, without the gypsies? In general, we invite our artists to the stage!
The gypsies come out, light a fire (imitation, sold in special departments), take out the horses (these are other actors in costumes), set up tents, and settle in.

They wrap a colorful shawl of one of the gypsies around the leader and give him a guitar. The gypsy woman who gave away the shawl: Eh, let me tell you my fortune!
Takes the leader's hand. Music from the song is playing
A gypsy was driving. Fortune teller song lyrics:
One man was walking home. Here he faced his fate. Here's a gypsy on his way
Suddenly he goes and says: Ay ne ne ne ne ne,
Ay ne ne,
Give me your hand now.
Look, you have talent
You didn't buy the guitar in vain. Well, what if you say no again?
You will burn in hell on fire. Gypsy: Well, did you discover your talent? Host: Well, since there was nowhere to go, I opened it.

What are we going to do? Second gypsy: No, this is no show off. Murka. Third gypsy: No, this is yesterday.

Give it your all. The gypsies continue to argue. The presenter, meanwhile, plays on his own.

And the songs are still loved. It’s great that the muse comes to us again from time to time. And at corporate events, and at any party
The artist will sing and dance as the agreement says. And the main thing is that people don’t need too many standards. An artist, talent is sometimes like a whip, and sometimes like a thief.

During the song, the arguments subside. Music touches everyone. Second gypsy: Eh, that’s good about love... First gypsy: Yes, it’s about the love of art, you’re preoccupied. First gypsy: And about the whip to the point.

Second gypsy: This is about responsibility to the customer, you pervert. Third gypsy: We’re all sad for some reason. Well, who should tell fortunes?

Goes to the hall. Song of the third gypsy to the music “Black Eyes”, lyrics of the song “Different Fates”:

A scene with dressing up, congratulations to the hero of the day from the gypsy Zara.

The presenter says that a gypsy woman, Zara, is asking to come into the festive hall to tell fortunes for free for the hero of the day. A gypsy woman comes in and says: - Yes, “Diamond” is free, only if, of course, a shot glass Zara is dressed in a long skirt, a bright blouse, and tied with a colored scarf on her head. He takes the cards out of his bosom and lays them out on the table, commenting on them. -Cards are alien to lies and flattery,
The cards will tell it like it is. I'll spread the cards out to you,
But you don’t strive to be the most important,
Neither in friendship, nor in big things!
You have equal rights in everything!
You will willingly agree to help, -You were born “Precious” on the day of __________ (time of year), “_______” (zodiac sign) is your heavenly sign. In the era of "pisces", you can't live without fish!
That’s why you are such an avid fisherman, whether in winter or summer, fishing is your favorite hobby. Am I telling you the truth, “Golden”? And you also love fish pie and stuffed fish. Did you guess right? That's my “Fish”! -I’ll tell you, “Darling,” that every person is born under the auspices of a certain tree. So, the cards say that you are protected by “_________”.

This means that you are a generous person in friendship, a gift in any company!
It’s always interesting and fun to be with you, you are an artistic and enthusiastic person!
Passionate fan, hunter, fisherman!
You always have a lot of them. And you will be born strong,

The gypsy's comic fortune telling will make the holiday brighter!

2012 by Olga Ladyemansipe 4 comments
If you are planning a holiday event and you don’t know how to entertain your guests, then you have come to the right place. From personal experience I can say that one of the most effective ways to make the holiday memorable for everyone is themed dressing up. I don’t know whether it’s the clothes or the people, but the dressing up method always works, even without careful preparation. If you don’t have time to come up with a costumed role-playing performance, then you can always dress up as a gypsy as a woman, or better yet as a man. And maybe, at first glance, gypsy comic fortune-telling in verse will seem banal to many, but when people see the whole picture, they will be able to restrain themselves from laughing, and will remember the holiday for a long time. So, if you organize comic fortune-telling for a birthday, you can make a pleasant surprise for the birthday boy, and if you come up with comic fortune-telling for a gypsy at a wedding, then all the guests and newlyweds will appreciate the efforts of the organizers and will gladly take part in the process. I bring to your attention gypsy comic fortune telling in verse, which you can safely use at any holiday.

Comic fortune telling by gypsies for women

Comic fortune telling by a gypsy for her anniversary

Congratulation sketch for the anniversary “Gypsy Fortune Telling”.

A woman, better, who knows how to speak and loves to talk, dresses up as a gypsy. One of the guests says that some gypsy is asking to see the hero of the day, that it’s a matter of life and death. He asks to accept it quickly.

A gypsy woman enters the hall and approaches the hero of the day: Well, my diamond, I’ll tell you fortunes for free, almost for nothing, just for a glass of vodka. He sits down next to the hero of the day, takes out cards and begins to lay them out, commenting on each card along the way.

Cards love lies and flattery, cards will tell it like it is. Now I’ll spread the cards and find out a lot about you. The cards tell me what to call you... and your name in the great language
Maya means... You love rightness in everything, you always try to help everyone, everywhere.

You always want to be useful. Your zodiac sign is... and you were born today exactly... years ago. You love (then you need to list what the hero of the day loves, for example football, fishing or hunting). Every person was born under the protection of some tree, so your tree is... This means that you are a necessary person in any company and the soul of the company.

It's always interesting and fun to be with you, and you always like to joke. You are always surrounded by friends and you have a lot of them. You love your family and are proud of your children.

Women love you and you are always surrounded by lovely ladies. Come on, accept the gift of a bouquet of flowers from the ladies dear to your heart. And the gypsy gives the hero of the day a bouquet of flowers.

Congratulations from a gypsy on a woman’s anniversary

I'll scatter the deck
There was something in her life
I'll scatter the deck
The same suits, the same clubs,
Yes, from those suits I recognize
What will she have in life?
In the past is a wedding, a feast on the mountain,
Yes, there are countless guests around
Wedding called gold
I have it in my deck!
So that she has a plane,
Let's say let her pay
But we are also in this business
They would have fucked something too!
It was to sell them intelligence.
But then marry her
Must be their moneybag. She's fine here too
The husband is not easy!
She should live somewhere under
That slogan has been put into practice!
The main thing is that with a vest
Each of them was endowed!
Where will we settle the generation?
She has life!
Happiness is countless in assets,
And the merits cannot be counted!
There is happiness in the future,
And there are merits too!
In a stack so that one is one to one,
At least two hundred years
You'll go pheasant hunting,
And if you bring home a wild boar, you will find five hundred rubles in the basket.
Put them on your phone
You say: “Fuck it!
Reluctance!" The boss will call - you’ll send
If they fire you, you say: “Well, so what!” Running past shop windows,
I want this bullshit!” And you'll go broke.
And a long youth awaits you,
Pleasant travel cycle. You will see the whole world and more than once,
So save money now, right away.
There will be blood beating in my veins,
Much love awaits you. And happy too
Choose who you need.
And all this without deception,
Pockets full of money. Since you will find the treasure,
Just don't yawn for too long,
Dig all 24 hours a day,
You'll be digging for three months,
And then you can swim in wealth.
If you want to be happy,
You'll be happy for the life of you.

Sketch Gypsy at the anniversary

Presenter: Attention, attention!
A charming and charming woman came to visit us for the holiday. Meet, master of magical and gypsy sciences, professor of divination, unpredictable and inimitable... Lyalya
Gypsy: Wai-wai, what a warm company!
Take Mpiy into your pleasant company. (Sits down at the table.) No wonder the girl called me a professor. Yes, I am a professor. I can predict the future.

I know the fate of all the guests in this house. Podhady, gild your pen, I’ll tell you everything: what is, what was, what will be, what to be afraid of, what gifts to expect from fate... Guests take turns approaching the fortune teller and find out their future: someone is expecting the purchase of a jeep, someone is expecting the arrival of their mother-in-law , for some - the birth of another child, for others - a move, for others - a promotion, etc. After the fortune telling, everyone raises a glass to the future and health of the hero of the day.

The gypsy then performs a gypsy dance, inviting “First-class gypsy.” Presenter: I heard from one of my friends that gypsies have the ability to guess the thoughts of other people. (Addresses the gypsy woman.) This is probably not true? Gypsy: Wow, you're right!
It's all true!
Believe it or not, I can guess thoughts from a distance. I’ll tell you the whole truth, who thinks and what... (Goes to one of the guests, a representative of the older generation.) Here is that young man, handsome and handsome, thinking about what a delicious salad the mistress of this house prepared, but his wife couldn’t do that. will be able to... (Approaches another guest.) This young and ruddy one thinks about what a good person the owner is... (Approaches the third, etc.) Presenter: I also know that you can predict fate by drawing a lucky or unlucky ticket. Gypsy: And I know such fortune-telling!
I have tickets. Padhadite, dear guests, kind people, pull out the great pieces of paper. What is written on them will certainly come true... As tickets, you can use an astrological forecast or newspaper clippings pasted on small pieces of paper.

Gypsy (after the divination): Now everyone knows their future. Well, I have nothing more to do here. I’m going to the camp, the children are tired of waiting, and my husband is strict, stern, doesn’t like it when I’m late at work... Hello everyone!
And I wish the hero of the day and his family happiness, prosperity, health and prosperity!
I’ll drink a glass on the way to the hospitable owners of this house and to their guests!..
Presenter: Thank you,
Lyalya for stopping by to see us!

Gypsy prediction options

1. Ah, my precious one, I see the shine along the line of your life. You will be rich, you will have a lot of money. You will buy a cottage outside the city, because you will pay off the apartment for debts, but now give me a coin, my rich one, gild your pen. 2. Wow, dear, I see you’ll be a big boss: you’ll gain fifty kilograms! 3. Wow, dear, be on your guard: avoid the cold from your partner of the opposite sex, otherwise you will get sick! 4. My golden one, great love awaits you. Very big.

Weighs 120 kilograms! 5. Wai-wai, honey. Take your drink seriously... Don't let it pass your mouth!

6. Fruitful work with a spoon and fork at today’s table will bring certain results by the evening! 7. Today
You may be tempted to get alone with someone! 8. Today, be careful and don’t fall asleep on your neighbor’s plate! 9. Come on, handsome, gild your pen, and I’ll tell you what will happen tomorrow!
Oh, I see, I see everything!
You'll have a hangover tomorrow! 10.
Wow, dear, you’ll feel bad tomorrow, you’ll have to go to work at 11.
And for you, I know exactly what will happen tomorrow!
Sunday! (If today is Saturday.) 12.
I see everything, I know everything, in the morning you’ll run for beer, in the evening you’ll run after girls! 13.
Oh, my dear, they’ll have their eyes on you today, I know for sure.
Then there’s the heart, the liver, the tongue, and on top there’s something long and thin... hard to see... ah, a herring! 14.
You will sing so that your neighbor will cry. The rest will fall asleep! 15. You will sleep sweetly, curly, you will sleep softly until the cake is pulled out from under you! 16. Today they will give you two bags of happiness, one with salad, the other with vinaigrette! 17.
There will be friends around you tonight.
Friends are faithful, devoted. Tell me what to call them? Ball,
Bobik and
Polkan! 18. Endless distances, unknown distances await you. You'll spend half a day thinking about it before you realize where you woke up! 19. Great happiness awaits you tomorrow, you will find a wallet with money, the one you will lose today. 20. Prepare for a big battle!
Have you eaten red caviar? Pink salmon will come for revenge! 21. A great loss awaits you. You'll lose your tie. You'll search all night, and you'll find it in the morning. On the neighbor's belt. 22. Wow, what a heavy blow awaits you!..

In the morning, when you step on the scales 23. Tomorrow morning, beauty, you will be a star, a berry, a pussy, a fish, and as soon as you give me a beer, you will become a wife again. 24. Do you like to watch horror films in the morning? And tomorrow you will have to, when you see yourself in the mirror! On this page you will find a variant of a wonderful congratulation for the hero of the day from a gypsy camp, written by the author
Boltacheva. The congratulation contains two songs-remakes of the anniversary, as well as beautiful poems-congratulations. Using this script, you can congratulate any hero of the day in a beautiful and original way. Remade songs can become a real highlight of any holiday, because they bring with them a lot of positivity, good mood and fun. Transform yourself into a gypsy and go read beautiful poems and sing remade songs for your anniversary to your loved ones or friends.

Script for congratulations on your anniversary

To the sound of a guitar (or other music), a group of congratulators approaches the festive table (with elements of gypsy costumes, one of the congratulators dressed as a bear with a tambourine). First gypsy (gypsy woman):

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! (((congratulations for a woman))) HD

Costumed congratulations - GYPSIES AT THE HOLIDAY.

26-06-2014 16:
19 Everything I found about the gypsies and photos of my costumes. GYPSIES AT THE HOLIDAY Presenter. life
Ours is a continuous endless road with turns and speeds, and holes, like a gypsy wagon, along the way forward, counting down minutes, weeks, years. And on a big anniversary like this, we have the right to stop the carriage for a moment and turn back time, remembering what we have lived and experienced. You hear? noise
What was heard at the door.
The gypsy camp will be happy
Let our feast go
Here. The gypsy girls of the young doors are more cheerful singing to the tune of the song “Fortune Teller” from the film “Ah, Vaudeville, Vaudeville.”
We know, even though nature is capricious,
But the century will neither change nor people. A new fashion appears - gypsies,
We are invited to the anniversary!
We're celebrating today
So that they come to sing, dance, tell fortunes.
May you all be filled with joy,
So that there are no bored thoughts
Chorus: Well what can I say, well
Arranged. say so people. girlfriend.
You drink this liquid now.
Come out, dear (darling), to the center of the circle,
Gypsies will tell fortunes for you! shows 1 (Gypsy deck of cards). Here is a deck of fortune telling cards. There was something in your destiny. first
Take off the card
But I forgot about that!” Here is the six of hearts - The girl drove them crazy... Do the cards tell the truth? The hero of the day.
Yes, that's right, gypsy, it was,
But I forgot about this!
Here are 2. Gypsy Knight of the Cross
He came to you and told you to accept it.
He became your favorite. The hero of the day. Yes, gypsy, it was true,
But I forgot about that!
Gypsy 1,
You are always on your own now,
Yes, and your gaze was stubborn.
But this came in handy in life... Do the cards tell the truth? The hero of the day. Yes, that's right, gypsy, it was,
But I forgot about this! wine
Pour it quickly
Let it sparkle in glasses
Occasion. it is there, and we drink very friendly, successfully
May everything work out!
On your wonderful anniversary! gypsy (Gypsy camp) In a long wide skirt, with a monist ringing around her neck, the guest, shaking her shock of resin hair, will perform, languidly looking into the eyes, a song for the hero of the day in the style of “He came to us, to us
Ivan has arrived
Dear Ivanovich!

Then she will bring a glass of wine to the hero of the day with the call “Drink until
Them! bottom, who is interested in this image, but who is not very confident in their own abilities, we recommend, for example, watching the film “Cruel Romance”. But what kind of singing, and a gypsy singing without fortune-telling? Considering the fate of the lines on the palm of the hero of the day or whatever cards fell out, no matter what the mysterious guest saw there, she should prophesy only good things for the hero of the day. successful,
For example, the imminent completion of the construction of a dacha (if it is under construction), the appearance of grandchildren and great-grandchildren (if they are really expected), foreign tours (even if they are not actually planned), etc. The gypsy should complete her congratulations no less effectively than she began. It’s impossible to do without “gypsy girl” as a final chord. DANCE-Gypsy
The ice shakes and then melts on its own
Instead of something solid around
The crows scream in their songs
Others have nightingales singing.
And only black branches scratch me
Everything is from the inside. And I have only branches
All blacks scratch from the inside. the difference should be and it's time
But it sways like
But when will everything
My life will be crushed and formed
And my wife has a smart daughter
Everyone advises “abstain.”
And my wife’s daughter is smart
Everyone advises “abstain.” To the melody of the song “Shaggy Comes Out,” the bumblebee, limping,
Gypsy with a bouquet. (NAME!) How! you are a good soul!
You bloom like scarlet everything!..
But I won’t be able to recover from chondrosis. Yes, you apparently didn’t recognize me, beauty?
I've been in love with you for three years
Once! times - when I was still in school.
I dreamed about you at night then!
And another time - when you were getting married,
Yes, my left leg was paralyzed.
Otherwise he would have stolen you, dear. You were the only one who was beautiful!
And this time I fell in love,
When at the sanatorium
How. My heart ached so much
There was a pounding in my temples!..
And I don’t remember what happened next!
I woke up, I couldn’t move my arm or leg,
Otherwise I would have taken you with me. What
This is what chondrosis does to men... Oh, I brought you five roses.
The first rose for good luck
The second, I give and the third, let them bring good luck, rose
Fourth - health, success,
And the fifth is your ringing and gentle laughter. Well, almost again
When I forgot to come to you alone, I hurried,
In the neighboring horse camp
I bought it, (name), for you! music
One of the guests comes out and is taken with him
Gypsy hero of the day in a circle. This is a good number for the New Year. Sounds like a gypsy hall.

A gypsy appears in the romance. - Oh, my handsome one, look at me, like a cat at sour cream, deceiving you, do you think I’ll start to deceive you? I’ll tell you, my good one, when you drink, you need to know when to stop. Otherwise you can drink
So. less, let's pour Russian vodka into overseas glasses and drink so that in the new year there will always be someone to share any mood with. let's have a drink
Let's go for everyone, for you and your friends! give me a hand
Give me yours, my golden one!
I’ll tell you your fortune, my dear, and tell you the whole truth. Oh, this is the road, I see the road of life. It goes uphill all the time, you, my diamond, will become a big boss.

Oh, women will love you, and some men will be interested. You will have a car. only
I can’t tell if it’s a white Bentley or a green Oka. Ah, my precious, I see the shine of the lines along your life. You will be rich, you will have a lot of money. A cottage outside the city because you’ll buy it because you’ll pay off the apartment for debts, but give me a coin now, my rich one, gild it, for that reason, I told you fortune for my pen. What do you think I
Nobody. I’m lying and haven’t complained about me yet, it’s not coming true, I’ll say it!
And you, my beauty.
You shouldn't laugh, I see the night in your eyes!
Dark night, passionate, but dark!
And also, my yacht.
Your husband will leave you!
He'll be gone in the morning!
It’s bad for beer, he’ll run to him, feel sorry for the guy, run away yourself!
And you, my clear falcon. good oh no
Thoughts, oh, not good. Don't you know what's in you? at the head
So I'll give you a hint!
Better yet, I’ll show you! (situations according to
Next, impromptu). Game "Sound Thoughts".
Gypsy: Good afternoon, gentlemen. I am Aza the gypsy,
I came here to you right across the table. On order, oh piles, oh oh piles. That one is hers, and that one is this one, and your pile is mine. Dear hero of the day, I see you are happy,
How many friends are nearby? Do you rather like them?
What. pour me out to say, gentlemen, I’m glad about this
To dance, to meet you, I will be in my arms for you.
In the evening, the bracelets slowly click,
And the men keep touching my skirt. Say na na, na na, na na, I wanted to tell you,
What an obsession
I can give you a reward for telling your fortune.
Gild my pen, just don't
Better be scared
You can’t find the basics, don’t even try.
Handsome boy, you are mine, all your dreams will come true
And your heart will be filled with happiness.
Give me your hand, and maybe my right hand, my left hand,
I will always do everything for free for my friends! (The gypsy woman walks around the table and tells fortunes.) 1. You will live well, bathe in luxury, and you yourself will know who to enjoy for a long time. 2.
And I’ll tell you, smile, my dear, with your smile you are very beautiful. 3.
And I’ll tell you, go for it! and you won’t miss, happiness is not near you soon, just yawn you will run into it. 4.
And I see good luck in your eyes, I will look into them, because this time it cannot be otherwise. 5.
You, my soul, will soon have grandchildren, then it will be fun and there will be no boredom. 6.
Our life is everything, changeable in it, changeable, but love and luck is waiting for you to come. 7.
On your hand there are three petal lines of a lily - this is you, and this is him, and this is the two of you already.
Gypsy: The cell phone is ringing, they call urgently,
I just never have days off! I move
I jump with my hand and foot,
Well, you are good, clap romale.
Ay na ne, na ne, na ne. Oh with your palms, romale,
Aza is leaving
And he leaves his business card for you.
Oh, you winter nights, everything is covered with frost,
You call sometimes and then I’ll come to you! OPTIONS FOR ROOMS WITH GYPSIES 1. Oh, my precious, I see the shine along the line of your life. You will be rich, you will have a lot of money.

You’ll buy a cottage outside the city, because you’ll pay off the apartment for debts, but now give me my coin, rich guy, and gild my pen. 2. Wow, I see, dear, you will be a big boss: you will gain fifty kilograms! 3. Wow, dear, be on your guard: avoid the cold from your partner of the opposite sex, otherwise you will get sick! 4. My golden one, great love awaits you. Very big. 120 kilograms Wai! 5. weighs-wai, dear. Take your drink seriously... Don't let it pass your mouth! 6. Fruitful work with a spoon and a fork at today’s table will bear fruit by the evening! 7. Today
You may be tempted to get alone with someone!

8. be
Today, be careful and don’t fall asleep on your neighbor’s plate!
9. Well, handsome, gild your pen and I’ll tell you what will happen tomorrow!
Oh, I see, I see everything! Tomorrow
You'll have a hangover! 10.
Wow, dear, you’ll feel bad tomorrow, you’ll have to go to work at 11.
And for sure - I know what will happen tomorrow!
If! (Sunday today is Saturday.) 12.
I see everything, I know everything, in the morning you will run for beer, for girls in the evening! 13.
Oh, my dear, they’ll have their eyes on you today, I know for sure. Then there’s the liver, the heart, the tongue, and on top there’s something long and thin, something... hard to see... ah, a herring! 14.
You will sing so much that your neighbor will cry.
The rest - Sleep! 15. You will fall asleep, curly, sweetly, you will sleep softly until the cake is out from under you
They will!

16. Today they will bring you two bags, one of happiness - with salad, the other - with vinaigrette! 17.
Your friends will be around you tonight.
Friends are devoted, faithful. Tell me what to call them? Bobik,
Polkan! 18. The distances, the endless unknowns, are waiting for you. You'll think about it for half a day, and by now you'll understand where you woke up!

19. Great happiness awaits you tomorrow, you will find a wallet with money that you will lose today. 20. Get ready for the big one
Caviar! Did you eat red during the battle?

Pink salmon take revenge
Waiting! 21. A great loss will come to you. Tie