To keep your feet soft at home. How to make heels soft and smooth - simple and effective recipes

If women try to follow the beauty and youth of their face and body, devote a lot of time and money to this, then for some reason not everyone looks at the skin of their heels.

But on the feet there are a large number of nerve endings. And how well we take care of our legs depends on our appearance and health.

Many women have such a problem as rough skin on the heels, some even have corns, calluses and cracks.

If you don't want your feet to turn into sandpaper, then quickly find out how to quickly make your heels soft and smooth at home without resorting to expensive salon treatments.

In addition, doing a pedicure in some unverified salon, no one guarantees you safety, you will not be sure that after a pedicure you will not acquire a fungus.

There may be several reasons for this:

At home, the following methods will help to cope with roughness and dryness of the heels:

  1. Foot baths- They soften the skin very well.
  2. Scrubs- effectively exfoliate the top layer of dead skin.
  3. masks- nourish the skin, saturate it with useful elements, make it soft and beautiful.

Baths for rough heels

If the skin on the feet has become rough, then foot baths can help restore smoothness and tenderness to it. Consider the 5 most effective recipes for heel baths.

Contrast baths

Take hot water in one bowl and cold water in another.. Alternately rearrange the feet in one or the other container.

Contrast baths perfectly tone up, improve blood circulation, relieve fatigue from the legs, a feeling of heat from the heels, and reduce swelling.

In a bowl, collect 3 liters of water, add 5 tbsp. l. apple cider vinegar, dip your feet in a container, sit for 15 minutes.

Cleanse the skin, rinse, wipe dry, apply a nourishing cream to the skin.

Apple cider vinegar perfectly softens the heels, fights mycosis and onychomycosis, prevents cracks and peeling.

Baths with sea salt

For 2 liters of hot water, take 200 g of sea salt, when it dissolves, you can add a little cold water. Lower your legs to the ankles, sit in the bath for 15 minutes. Then the standard procedure: work with a pumice stone, applying a nourishing cream.

Salt foot baths soften the skin on the heels well, improve blood circulation, remove unpleasant odors, and prevent sweating.

Sea salt is also useful for nails - it strengthens the plate, prevents its fragility and delamination.

Take in equal amounts and brew such dry herbs: chamomile, rosemary, mint.

Pour the broth into a bowl, add warm water for volume. Immerse the feet, the duration of such a bath can be 20 minutes.

Do not know how to make the skin of the heels soft? Only with regular care can you achieve smooth, pink skin on the feet, like a baby.

Boric acid baths

What to do if cracks begin to appear on the rough skin of the heels? First you need to steam your legs in hot water, so the skin will become softer, local blood supply will improve.

Then boric acid (5 g per 1 liter) should be added to warm water. And you can wash your feet with a decoction of St. John's wort.

After the foot bath and before applying the mask, it is recommended to use a heel scrub. It will help to quickly remove the upper keratinized layer of the skin, make the heels smoother, give them a beautiful pink tint.

Any scrub should be applied to pre-steamed skin. Now consider what folk remedies will help to carry out the perfect skin peeling:

  1. Coffee. Take 1 tbsp. l. ground coffee, 1 tsp. sea ​​salt and 2 tbsp. l. olive or sunflower oil. Mix all ingredients until a thick slurry is formed. Apply the mixture on the heels, rubbing it well.
  2. Sea salt with honey. Mix 2 tsp. salt with 1 tbsp. l. honey. Scrub your feet with this mixture. Such a scrub perfectly exfoliates the skin, removes roughness, relieves inflammation.
  3. orange peel. It should first be dried, and then turned into powder using a blender or other kitchen appliance. Add some olive oil to the orange powder. Apply a thick mixture on the heels, massage them for 10 minutes.

How to treat the heels so that they are smooth and soft? No less effective than baths are foot masks. It is advisable to do them immediately after the bath.

Foot masks must be made from fresh products, you should not store the prepared product in the refrigerator, otherwise it will lose its healing properties. Foot masks perfectly soften the skin, saturate it with vitamins, help get rid of cracks and calluses.

So that the skin on the heels does not quickly coarsen, let's rest our legs more often. Do a massage, take off your socks, lie on the couch with your legs up.

How to smear the heels so that they are soft? Food from the refrigerator will come to the rescue:

If there are deep cracks on the heels, then it is forbidden to use homemade masks..

In this case, you should resort to the help of special therapeutic ointments and creams that promote skin healing. And only after tightening the cracks, you can begin to soften the skin of the feet with the help of masks.

It will be possible to quickly improve the condition of the skin on the heels only if you have not started the problem too much.

If the skin has become very rough, corns and calluses have appeared, then you should try hard to make the heels smooth and soft.

We reviewed the most popular recipes for the beauty of your legs. The main thing to remember is that you should take care of your feet regularly, this is the only way to achieve tender and healthy skin. And homemade masks, scrubs and foot baths can help you with this.

If the skin on the feet becomes dry, cracks appear on the heels, first of all, these are signs of a lack of vitamins, a deficiency of nutrients in the body, dehydration or illness.

Dryness of the feet and skin of the body in women may be due to hormonal failure, and in adulthood - a symptom of menopause.

Whatever it is, anyway To eliminate unpleasant symptoms, you need to find out the real causes and factors that provoke them.

Of the diseases that most often lead to similar symptoms, experts distinguish the following diseases: fungal infections of the skin and nails, eczema, allergies, psoriasis, beriberi (lack of trace elements and essential vitamins).

If the problem of dry heels interferes with life, before doing something at home and in order to avoid this in the future, you should definitely find out the cause of dryness and cracks

However, not only diseases, but also some factors contribute to the appearance of problems with dry skin of the extremities and the formation of cracks. These include such unfavorable cases and phenomena for the legs:

  • low-quality shoes;
  • dry indoor air;
  • acclimatization;
  • side effect on the action of certain drugs;
  • chlorinated water;
  • a small amount of fluid taken per day;
  • stress, nervous strain.

What means and methods can be used to treat dry heels at home

At home, therapeutic baths, compresses and scrubs are considered the most effective in the treatment of dry feet and heels. The latter are used to exfoliate dead parts of the skin and quickly regenerate a new layer of the epidermis.

For medicinal purposes, the following products are commonly used to restore skin health.

  • paraffin;
  • coconut oil;
  • aspirin;
  • vinegar.

Paraffin in the treatment of dry heels

Paraffin (a wax-like mixture) effectively fights the appearance of roughness on the heels, it softens the skin well. Paraffin must be heated in a convenient way, then add a little coconut oil.

Coconut oil enhances the effect of paraffin. To eliminate dryness and cracked skin, smear a mixture of paraffin and coconut oil on the heels and leave for 12 hours. The procedure should be applied within 14 days.

coconut oil

Applying coconut oil is one of the things you can do to get rid of dry heels at home. It not only softens the skin of the feet, but also disinfects the heels, fights fungus and other infectious diseases of the feet.

Coconut oil should be applied after steaming the feet in hot water. Rub coconut oil on your heels before going to bed. Wash off the oil from your feet in the morning. The duration of treatment depends on the degree of the disease.


Mix 10 aspirin tablets with a glass of vodka and add a few drops of iodine. The mixture should be rubbed on the heels and left for 20 minutes.

The procedure can be performed daily for a week. This period is enough to get rid of the problem. The solution must be stored in the refrigerator.

table vinegar

Table vinegar is also used in the treatment of dry heels.½ tsp white vinegar must be added to 2 tbsp. water. After wetting a non-synthetic fabric with a solution, you need to wrap your legs. After 15 minutes, remove the fabric and treat the legs with a pumice stone. Next, you should moisturize the skin of the legs with a special cream.

Therapeutic baths for the skin of the feet and heels

Baths are another way to get rid of the problem of rough feet. You can prepare foot baths using sea (table) salt, red wine, apple cider vinegar, medicinal herbs.

sea ​​salt bath recipe

Sea salt is rich in silicon, iron, bromine. It helps to remove the keratinized skin of the heels, relieve tired legs, and remove unpleasant odors.

You can prepare a sea salt bath as follows: 1.5 tbsp. l. Add salt to warm water and soak your feet in it for 15 minutes. After, rinse them and apply a moisturizer.

The procedure time should not exceed 20 minutes, otherwise the salt will begin to corrode the skin.

red wine bath recipe

The fact that red wine has beneficial properties and is widely used in beauty recipes has long been known.

The ingredients in its composition help to make the skin soft. Many cosmetics contain red wine extract.

If dry heels, then at home you need to prepare a bath of wine. Red wine is mixed with water, and the feet are placed in a basin for 20 minutes.

Then you should wipe your feet and spread them with cream. Wine baths should be done 1 time in 7 days.

Herbal baths

Medicinal herbs well relieve fatigue of the legs and relieve dry heels. To prepare herbal baths, you can use chamomile, lemon balm, mint, lavender, calendula, wormwood and some other herbs.

The proportions of herbs may vary. They need to be poured with boiled water and insisted for half an hour. Feet should be kept in water for up to 20 minutes. After the procedure, dry your feet and apply a moisturizer.

apple cider vinegar

Dilute 30 ml of apple cider vinegar in water and dip your heels in the liquid for 15 minutes. After the procedure, rinse your feet and moisturize them with cream.

Soap and baking soda

14 gr. baking soda and the same amount of laundry soap shavings should be added to room temperature water. Feet in this liquid must be held for 15 minutes. Rinse your feet afterwards and apply the cream.

Compresses for dry heels

Another way to combat dry heels is to make foot compresses. They can be prepared from ordinary products.

Hydrogen peroxide compress recipe

Hydrogen peroxide is an effective remedy in the fight against rough and dry skin of the heels. To prepare a compress, mix 1 part peroxide with 5 parts warm water. Moisten the gauze with the solution and apply on the heels. After 2 hours, remove the gauze and apply the cream on the heels.

Olive oil compress

Olive oil is a true helper in the fight against dry skin. The feet are rubbed with oil, put on cotton socks and left overnight. In the morning you need to wash your feet and apply cream.

Oatmeal and linseed oil

Oat flakes need to be boiled and linseed oil added to them. Place the mixture in bags (cellophane) and put them on your feet. From above it is necessary to fix socks. The compress is kept for at least 2 hours. Then wash off with warm water and apply a fat cream.

Compress of honey and cabbage

Before applying the compress, soften the skin of the feet with a bath. After, apply honey on the feet. Cover them with cabbage leaves. Fix in a convenient way. The compress must be left overnight. Wash off with warm water in the morning.

How to soften heels and how to get rid of rough heels

Heels, like hands, need good care. Feet should be regularly moisturized with special creams. Various recipes of traditional medicine help well in foot care.

Before using these or other methods, you should steam your legs well. Only regular care will eliminate the problem of rough heels.

Homemade scrubs for dry feet

So that the skin on the heels always remains smooth and soft, it is necessary to use foot scrubs from time to time. You don't have to buy them, you can make them at home. Scrubs remove dead skin on the legs.

Before scrubbing, you need to carefully steam the feet. Then rub with a pumice stone. Then rub the heels with salt and put on socks. It is necessary to apply this method until complete recovery, not forgetting to treat the skin of the feet and heels with medicinal ointments and herbal baths.

A homemade scrub can be made from simple products (sugar, salt, semolina, oatmeal, coffee, chocolate, orange, honey).

The table below shows recipes for scrubs to remove rough skin on the heels.

Ingredients Recipes
Sugar, coconut oil, tea, lemon juiceIn a cup of tea, add sugar, juice from half a lemon, and 2 tsp. coconut oil. Stir the mixture until a homogeneous consistency is obtained. Rub it for 2 minutes on the heels, then rinse without using soap.
Rice, honey, apple cider vinegar, almond (olive) oil2 tsp. honey, almond oil and apple cider vinegar must be mixed with a handful of ground rice. You should get a thick slurry. After steaming the heels, you should carefully scrub your legs with the resulting mixture. Then wash off the scrub from the feet and apply a nourishing cream. The procedure can be repeated several times a week.
Coarse coffee, sea salt, olive oil1 tsp. coffee and sea salt should be mixed with 2 tsp. olive oil. The resulting scrub should be rubbed well on the heels after the foot bath. Then rinse off the scrub with warm water and apply cream on the heels.
Radish, olive oil, rice flour, foot creamTo treat dry heels at home, you can also use a radish-based scrub. It must be rubbed on a coarse grater. Add 1 tsp. rice flour and fat foot cream, 1 tbsp. l. olive oil. Mix all ingredients well. Soften the heels with a foot bath, then thoroughly scrub them with the resulting mixture. Wash your feet afterwards and dry them.
Sugar, baking soda, olive oil, honey2 tsp are added to a cup of sugar. honey, baking soda and olive oil. The resulting mixture should be rubbed on the heels with massage movements for several minutes. Then wash off the scrub and apply a nourishing cream on your feet.
Brown sugar, aloe juice, oatmeal, lemon juice, honey, olive oil2 tbsp. l. oatmeal must be ground, add 2 tbsp. l. brown sugar and aloe vera juice, and 1 tsp. honey and olive oil. The scrub is carefully rubbed on the heels for several minutes, then washed off with water. The mixture can be stored in a glass container for up to 6 months.

Pumice heel treatment - how to do it right

After baths and compresses, the heels should be well treated with pumice stone. However, it is important to use it correctly. Regular pumice is used only after steaming the skin. Electric and fine pumice stones can be used for dry skin.

Delicate areas should never be treated with pumice. When buying pumice, you need to pay attention to what materials it is made of. Natural materials cause less harm to the skin of the legs.

The correct procedure for cleaning the heels takes place in several stages:

  • Steaming. First of all, you should steam your legs well in slightly hot water. You can add salt, potato starch, herbal decoctions to the water.
  • Drying. It is best to dry your feet with a terry towel.
  • Rubbing with pumice. Work with pumice stone carefully so that delicate areas of the skin are not damaged. Then wash off the layer of rough skin.
  • Cream application. The last step in cleaning your heels is applying a moisturizing or nourishing cream.

Treatment of dry skin of the heels with drugs from a pharmacy

Pharmaceutical products well help to get rid of problems associated with hyperhidrosis, cracks, roughness of the skin on the legs.

Among the majority of drugs can be distinguished cream "5 days". The cream helps to get rid of sweating, bad breath and cracked heels. It is applied to clean and dry skin 1 time per day. The duration of treatment is 7-10 days.

Like any pharmacy drug, this cream has its own contraindications. The cream can not be used in case of sensitivity of the body to the components of which it consists.

People undergoing treatment with hormonal drugs should consult with their doctor.

Cream "Sea Wolf"

The cream is suitable for the treatment of dry and rough skin. The composition is mainly natural components - seaweed, extracts of medicinal plants, sea minerals, formic alcohol.

Cream "Sea Wolf" promotes rapid healing of cracked heels. It nourishes the skin with microelements and protects it from external factors for a long time. Reduces inflammation and effectively moisturizes the skin.

Cream "Bepanten"

The cream has regenerating properties. Well moisturizes the skin and heals wounds. Restores the skin. Cream "Bepanten" is used for burns, peeling, abrasions.

If dry heels - then at home you can use the cream or ointment "Bepanten". There are no special differences in them. The ointment has a thicker consistency and is used for medicinal purposes. The cream is more suitable for use in cosmetic procedures.

Proven folk remedy

In ancient times, when there were no pharmacy products, women used improvised means. Acetic essence was mixed with glycerin and smeared on the heels. This is a time-tested folk remedy in the fight against roughness of the skin of the feet.

Before use, you need to steam your feet and thoroughly clean your heels with a pumice stone. Then, moistening cotton swabs in the mixture, treat the rough skin. Next, you should put plastic bags on your feet and fix them with tight socks.

The effect depends on the condition of the heels. With very strong roughness and cracks, the procedure must be done daily. When the skin of the legs returns to normal, it is enough to use 1 time per week.

Cleansing kefir peeling for feet and heels

To prepare peeling, you need kefir with a fat content of 3.2%. The liquid must be heated to a warm state. Next, add some olive oil and fresh strawberry or peach juice.

Pour the mixture of 100 ml into plastic bags and put them on your feet. From above it is necessary to warm the legs with woolen socks. The procedure time is 2 hours. After, wash off the kefir from the feet and apply a moisturizer.

Note! When treating dry heels at home, you should consult your doctor!

Contraindications can be such factors as the presence of varicose veins, pregnancy, high temperature, diabetes, individual intolerance to the components, thrombosis.

You should also refrain from any procedures for eczema, skin allergies, open wounds on the legs.

Homemade ointments for the treatment of dry heels

With the appearance of dry heels at home, you can prepare ointments. For their preparation, you will need the most common products.

Recipe number 1. An egg, vinegar and olive oil are mixed in an enamel bowl. The resulting ointment is applied to the heels before going to bed. Wash your feet thoroughly with soap in the morning.

Recipe number 2. Sour cream, honey and cottage cheese must be mixed until a homogeneous consistency is obtained. Before applying the ointment, steam the heels well. Apply ointment and wait 20 minutes. Next, wash your feet and apply cream.

Recipe number 3. This recipe requires vegetable oil, the yolk of one egg and vinegar. All ingredients are taken in 1 tsp. By mixing them, you can get a yellowish ointment. Heels should be smeared with this ointment before going to bed. Rinse thoroughly in the morning. After several times, the skin of the feet will soften.

In addition to the above procedures, it is worth eating fresh fruits and vegetables every day, as they contain a large amount of vitamins.

If after applying homemade recipes there is no improvement, then you should consult a doctor.

Dry heels. What to do at home. How to make miracle cream:

A useful video on how to prepare an effective ointment to get rid of dry heels from two components:

Are you tired of rough cracked heels, do you want to see perfect heels? There is a solution and you can bring your heels to the ideal at home, it is not necessary to contact specialists. This procedure will not take you much time, after 10 minutes you will not recognize your heels.

This method will help to make your heels smooth, like a baby's. It all depends on the neglect of the problem, the more neglected your heels, the more procedures you will need (maximum 3).

In order for your heels to sparkle with beauty and purity, you will need:

- cream (any, but it is better to use a fat cream, I use baby cream)
- a brush for cleaning the heels (not a pumice stone, but a brush as in the photo), it costs a penny, by the way, you can find it in fixed price stores.

- Using a cream without first cleaning the heels from rough skin is useless.
- Do not use a razor to cut rough skin. As a result of these actions, there is an increase in the skin with a vengeance, since you also cut off a good layer of skin.
- You should not carry out the procedure for cleansing the heels after the bath, when the skin is steamed, since you, along with the rough layers, you also remove a healthy, good layer of skin.

10 minute heel cleansing routine:

Lubricate the skin with cream and walk around with it for 5 minutes or just lie down. The cream will help soften the skin.

Then wet the brush and shake off excess water. The brush should be slightly damp, but not wet.

Use this brush to start treating dry heels. Pay special attention, the heels must be dry, with wet you will not get the desired effect. In just a couple of minutes, you will see that the old, rough skin begins to roll into lumps and disappears. If the rolling of rough skin has stopped, then slightly wet the brush again and repeat the procedure. Three or four approaches will bring your feet into perfect condition. After a shower, lubricate the skin with cream and relax.

If you did not succeed in clearing the skin the first time, then repeat the procedure for a couple more days, but as a rule, in 1 procedure you can bring the skin of the heels to an ideal state.

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Useful articles:

It is necessary to take care of all parts of the body all year round. The face and hands are in plain sight, so women take care of them every day. But the heels often go unnoticed. Heel care also needs to be done every day. This is necessary so that they are always smooth and beautiful.

Causes of rough heels

Very often the heels become rough. There are several explanations for this:

  • dry skin of the feet;
  • prolonged stay on the legs;
  • bad uncomfortable shoes;
  • insufficient heel care;
  • constant stay of feet in socks.

Also, the heels become rough due to a lack of vitamins and minerals. To keep your feet beautiful, it is worth carrying out daily skin care for your heels. It is not necessary to spend money on expensive funds, since the people will come to the rescue here. But if they do not help, then you should consult a doctor to study the nature of cracked or rough heels.

Proper heel care

There are several important rules:

  1. In hot weather, before going outside, it is necessary to lubricate the skin of the feet with a nourishing cream.
  2. What to do if special massages with a moisturizing cream are needed in the heel area. You can also buy special care products or make them yourself at home.
  3. Do regular foot baths and cleansing masks.
  4. To make the heels look like those of a baby, you can use a regular pumice stone.
  5. Do not use any sharp instruments to remove rough skin from the heels.


Now we will tell you what should be the care of the heels at home.

A variety of foot baths will help to achieve soft heels. When preparing them, it is worth considering the characteristics of the skin, and based on this, select the right products.

Now consider a few useful baths for the heels.

  1. Herbal. Take chamomile, sage and St. John's wort. Pour this mixture with boiling water and wait until it is infused for 10 minutes. After that, pass through a strainer to make a decoction. Pour into a container and lower your legs, keep for half an hour.
  2. Bath of white wine. Heat the wine until bubbles appear, add lime blossom to it, close the lid and boil. Then you should cool a little and lower your legs into the resulting infusion. Hold them for ten minutes, and then gently rub them with a washcloth and place them back in the solution. This bath should be carried out monthly.
  3. With milk. First you need to boil water and add milk, salt and soapy water to it. After the salt is completely dissolved, lower your legs into the bath and hold for 30 minutes. As the water cools, you need to add boiled hot water.
  4. With vinegar. First you need to heat the water and add a few drops of 9% vinegar. Lower your legs and support for 15 minutes (no more). For rough skin, use a pumice stone. After this bath, the feet should be rinsed with cool water and greased with a fat cream.
  5. With soda. In warm water, add a couple of tablespoons of soda and a spoonful of soapy water. Keep your feet in the bath for 10 minutes, rub them with a pumice stone and smear with cream.

Such baths should be used regularly, and then the legs will be beautiful and smooth.


What is included in home heel care? In addition to baths, you can use various masks. Roughness and roughness of the heels can be corrected with the following remedies:

  • Mask with celandine. Using a blender or meat grinder, prepare puree from fresh stems and leaves of celandine. Apply this mask on the heels and leave on all night. Wash off in the morning with cool water.
  • Lemon mask. Rub the heels with lemon juice and keep for 10 minutes, then rinse with water.

You can also apply fresh cabbage leaves to the heels. They should be kept for 20 minutes.

You can remove corns and corns with a potato mask.


What else should be included in a complete heel care? Scrubs can be used at home. The main condition for such funds is that they must be freshly prepared. Here are a few of them.

  1. Scrub of orange peels. The zest must be dried and powdered from it. Add olive oil to the resulting mass and apply on the skin of the heels. Then massage for 5-10 minutes.
  2. Oatmeal scrub. Mix the flakes with honey and sour cream and massage the heels. This scrub will help relieve tension from the heels.
  3. Onion scrub. Pour boiling water over the onion. Then cut into two pieces. They need to rub rough skin. After that, attach the bow to the heel, attach with a plastic bag and leave overnight. Remove in the morning and rub with a pumice stone.


If you are thinking about what kind of heel care should be, then you can not help but mention the pedicure. If at home there is everything necessary for the procedure, then you can proceed with the implementation. Before starting a pedicure, you should thoroughly steam the legs. You can use plain water with the addition of aromatic oil or soda. Keep for 15-20 minutes. All necessary tools should be treated with alcohol so as not to bring infections. We begin to process the heels with a special device or a simple razor. But here you need to be extremely careful. Next, we process the heels with pumice. At the end of the procedure, they can be massaged with a scrub. If you can’t do a pedicure on your own, then you can contact the master.

With peroxide

What else do you need to take care of your heels? You can use hydrogen peroxide for home treatments. This is the most proven and reliable foot care product. It will help get rid of cracks. Here is a step by step guide to using peroxide:

  1. You need to wash your feet thoroughly.
  2. Prepare a solution: 1.5 liters of hot water + 4 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide.
  3. Place your feet in the solution and cover with a towel to keep warm.
  4. Keep for 10-30 minutes depending on the roughness.

Another popular way with peroxide:

  1. First, wash your feet thoroughly.
  2. Prepare a solution: 4 liters of water + 2 tablespoons of salt.
  3. Then you need to lower your feet into the solution for 7 minutes and add two tablets of hydrogen peroxide.
  4. Hold for another 7 minutes.
  5. Remove whitened skin with a pumice stone or brush.
  6. Lubricate the heels with cream or ointment.

Glycerin + Vinegar

You can also use glycerin for heel care. It will need one bottle, in which you should add a couple of drops of vinegar and mix. Take a cotton swab, soak in the solution and apply to all cracks. Fasten and put on socks. If such a tool is used during the day, then you should leave it for 40 minutes, or you can all night. Then be sure to treat the heels with a pumice stone.

Big problems with heels. What to do?

If the case is neglected, then simple care will, of course, not be enough. First you need to put your heels in order, and only then start caring for them. Here are some tips on how to do it.

  1. The most common and easy way is to visit a specialist in a beauty salon.
  2. Now in the store there are a variety of means for cleansing the heels. Recently, special socks have gained immense popularity, which allow you to remove all the roughness on the skin of the feet.
  3. Heel cleaning with daily use of the baths, which have already been mentioned above.
  4. There are many different creams that will quickly help to bring the skin in order.

With the help of these simple measures, you can quickly put your legs in order, it is better if everything is done in a complex.

And in the end, I would like to give some valuable advice.

  1. Get rid of all tight and narrow shoes, especially if they are heels. Shoes must be comfortable.
  2. It is advisable to avoid exposure to UV rays.
  3. Drink vitamins.
  4. Stay on your feet less.
  5. Do therapeutic baths, masks and scrubs every day. It is advisable to do this before and after work, if time permits.
  6. Eliminate synthetic socks, use only natural materials.
  7. Drink plenty of water.

Heel care: reviews from foot treatments

People who have used this procedure say that the heels have become much softer and cleaner.

  1. First you need to apply a nourishing cream, it is better if it is special for the heels.
  2. After five minutes, moisten the pumice stone with water and gently remove the rough skin in circular motions.
  3. Then massage for a few seconds with a soft brush. Then walk again with a pumice stone.
  4. With a special tool for grinding heels, wetting it with water, we carry out each heel in the same places for about three minutes.
  5. Then you need to grease with the same cream and hide the legs in

To obtain the ideal result, the procedure should be carried out within a week.

Girls who use Vitek every day say that the result after it is excellent.

Also, many women claim that scrubs are very effective in caring for the heels, and a very good way to get rid of cracks is a remedy consisting of vinegar and glycerin. This mixture should be lubricated on the heels every day after taking a shower. Although the smell is not very pleasant, but the remedy is effective.


To be proud of your feet, you need to provide them with complete heel care and care. Our recommendations will help you in this matter.

Rough rough heels are a big minus for every lady, and besides, they also cause pain. You can make your heels soft not only in the salon, but also at home. What is needed for this, in addition to perseverance and patience, we will tell in this article.

The main causes of rough heels

According to dermatologists, evaporation of moisture and loss of skin elasticity occur for several reasons. First of all, dry epidermis on the feet appears with the constant wearing of tight shoes with high heels. In addition, rough lesions on the heels indicate a lack of nutrients in the body. In particular, vitamins A and E.

Did you know? In ancient times, they did not pay attention to the skin of the feet at all. It was believed that it should be rough for comfortable walking barefoot. The first analogue of modern pumice was stones, on which they simply wiped their feet, like dirty boots.

You can’t boast of ideal heels even in the case when the endocrine system is out of order, there are fungal, infectious diseases of the feet. Dry surface, small cracks, loose or unusual color of the nail plate - all this indicates the need to be examined by a specialist. In a neglected form, the fungus is much harder to cure than in the initial stages. The condition of the feet is greatly influenced by the care of them. In order for the heels to be smooth, the services of masters are not at all necessary; at home, you can achieve a result no worse.

How to take care of your heels at home

There are many radical ways that will make your heels soft and smooth in 15 minutes at home. But it is better not to resort to them, since their effect is cosmetic. Daily competent heel care, in addition to a balanced diet and wearing comfortable shoes, consists in cleansing from keratinized particles, nourishing masks and baths.

Did you know? If edema often appears on the legs, contrast baths are recommended, and with heavy sweating of the feet, it is better to prepare a bath with lemon juice.

Baths for heels

Baths for heels - the most effective of the quick methods of softening the skin. In addition, it is also a relaxing remedy that will help relieve fatigue after a hard day's work. For this purpose, cleansing foot baths are prepared either warm or hot. But be careful: people with diseases of the heart and blood vessels, varicose veins are contraindicated for a long time to keep limbs in hot water. Consider what to steam your legs for softness.

More often in the recipe, components such as salt, soap, milk, soda, herbal decoctions are mentioned. For example, to pamper your heels in a milk bath, you will need a container of hot water and half a liter of milk. Another 30 g of soap chips are added to this mixture and the legs are steamed until the solution has cooled. Some ladies advise to throw a few glass balls on the bottom of the basin. Rolling them at the same time and the feet can be massaged. Another recipe advises to soften the heels at home with soap and baking soda. Both components are added in equal parts to hot water.

The tool is used for painful and cracked surfaces. A double effect is given by a solution of half a glass of soap chips and the same amount of sea salt, which are dissolved in hot water. Such a bath will soften the heels and strengthen the nails. You can also steam your feet in highly concentrated infusions of linden or marshmallow root, succession, sage, calendula. Means have antimicrobial, antiseptic and relaxing properties.

After soaking the heels, be sure to treat the feet with a scrub and pumice stone at home. After that, it is desirable to moisturize the skin with any cream. If the procedure is done at night, it will not be superfluous to put on thin socks on your feet. The next morning, the heels will be smooth. Some women replace the cream with olive oil, adding fresh lemon juice to it.

Important! In severe cases, do not try to remove all dead particles from the foot in one procedure. More efficient gentler smooth result.

Mechanical cleaning of the heels

You can get rid of coarse particles on the skin with the help of special polishing brushes, nail files and pumice. Consider how to properly exfoliate your heels at home. Many procedures are done after steaming. Moreover, the keratinized skin is often cut off with a blade. And this is a gross mistake that can lead to deep cuts and infection. Mechanically cleanse the skin 30 minutes before the bath. Before that, a greasy cream is applied to the heels, which allows dead particles to gently exfoliate and roll off.

A nail file for these purposes should be bought with a fine-grained coating, and not a large one, since the latter “tear” the skin. Remember that a thick dead layer must be removed with a fine abrasive that carefully polishes the surface. On sale you can find such items of various shapes, they are based on plastic or wood, often double-sided.

The modern fashion industry offers an alternative to pumice stone and pedicure files. These are electric roller blades. Their advantage is fast and painless treatment. But none of the mentioned remedies can cope with neglected rough heels. In such situations, you can not do without the help of a professional and hardware salon pedicure.

Nourishing masks

This is the most important condition for achieving smooth heels at home. Foot masks should be prepared regardless of the season. They have a beneficial effect on the skin, nourish it with vitamins, promote the healing of microcracks and soften the fibers of the epidermis.

You can cook them from anything: vegetables, fruits, berry mixes, as well as from semolina, oatmeal, sea salt, coffee and cinnamon. Exfoliators are very effective for corns, calluses, and rough skin. Before doing the procedure, a foot bath is needed, then a mask is applied to the soft heels for 15-20 minutes and washed off with warm water. In the future, the skin is treated with pumice, rinsed with water. A nourishing cream is applied to dry feet.
Nourishing masks are recommended to be applied to the skin of the legs every week. Don't aim for instant results. Much better gradual effect, which will be obvious after 8 procedures.

Important! Frequent soda foot baths are fraught with a violation of the pH level of the skin. Therefore, experts advise not to get hung up on one recipe.

The best recipes for soft heels at home

To keep the heels soft, experts advise not to spend money on expensive cosmetics, but to use folk remedies.

Baths for heels

White clay solutions are recognized as the best softening baths. 4 tablespoons of clay diluted in hot water is enough for one procedure.

Potato mixes are very effective and affordable. To prepare them, soften 2 tubers of boiled potatoes (with water) and combine with milk.

Starch baths of 1 liter of warm water, 40 g of fir oil and 60 g of starch have a beneficial effect on the heels. By the way, fir oil is used in tandem with castor oil in a ratio of 2:5 per 1 liter of warm water.
To heal cracks in the heels, a solution of boric acid is used in the proportion of 50 g per 1 glass of water. The feet are steamed for 20 minutes before going to bed, after the manipulations, the coarsened places are smeared with petroleum jelly and covered with a plaster. They go to bed in socks and wash their feet in the morning. For a complete restoration of the skin, 5-6 procedures will be required.

To relieve swelling and fatigue from the legs, mint tincture is recommended. For its preparation, 2 tablespoons of the potion are poured with 2 liters of boiling water and 3 tablespoons of salt are added.
If the feet are affected by a fungus, a medicinal herbal bath will help get rid of the unpleasant odor. It consists of 5 tablespoons of chamomile flowers, flax seeds and horsetail. All components are steamed in 2 liters of boiling water, and when the product has cooled to a comfortable temperature, you can start steaming your feet. Repeat the procedure three times a week for a month.

Important! After each use, the pumice stone should be thoroughly rinsed under running water and removed from the bathroom to a well-ventilated, lit place. In a humid environment, fungal microbes can start in the pores of the scraper. To prevent this from happening, periodically disinfect it and do not forget to change it.

Heel masks

Pedicure masters often recommend that their clients treat their feet with a lemon cut in half. This method removes the smell of sweat and nourishes with vitamins. After the procedure, it is advisable to blot the skin with a napkin and moisturize with cream. The mask is not suitable for those who have deep wounds on their heels.

The potato mask softens the epidermis and heals small cracks. For this, one washed and peeled tuber is enough. It is crushed to a gruel consistency and mixed with 1 teaspoon of honey and olive oil.

In the summer, when fruits and vegetables are in abundance, it is worth using recipes from strawberry fresh, zucchini puree with a spoonful of olive oil, chopped apples with rye flour, warm apricot gruel with corn oil.
In winter, soft heels at home will help to achieve a mask of egg yolk, a teaspoon of lemon juice and any vegetable oil. You can enhance the effect with cellophane. Honey compresses (from honey melted for a couple) or onion compresses (from onion passed through a meat grinder and a teaspoon of honey with milk) also work well.

How to make your heels soft: a quick method for cleansing the skin of the feet

For busy ladies, there are express technologies on how to instantly make your heels soft at home. They are effective, but not approved by dermatologists, because their harsh effect does more harm to the skin than good.

Occasionally, clean, damp feet can be treated with depilatory creams, after which socks are put on for 15-20 minutes. The softened skin is cleaned with a pumice stone, then the feet are washed and moisturized with any cream. If for some reason this method does not suit you, dissolve coarse sea salt in a bowl of hot water. After soaking the heels for 5 minutes in this solution, add 2 tablets of hydrogen peroxide (or 3 tablespoons) to it. After 5 minutes, remove dead tissue with a special grater and polish the surface with a fine-grained nail file or pumice stone. After all the manipulations, the legs are traditionally treated with a cream.

Did you know? So that the skin on the feet does not quickly become rough, regularly relieve fatigue from the feet. To improve blood circulation, soak your feet for 10 minutes in a hot decoction of chamomile or nettle. Get into the habit of lounging on the couch with your feet elevated.

You can do without steaming, because when cleaning swollen dead skin, living cells become vulnerable, their damage in the future provokes rapid coarsening. In this case, the feet are first smeared with cream, and when it is completely absorbed, we proceed to peeling with the help of pumice. Moisten the tool with water before work and continue cleaning until the dead layer is completely removed.

Now you know what you need to do to keep your heels soft both in emergencies and in everyday life. Love yourself and take care of your body. Only then will you feel comfortable and confident.