Basic bag. How to choose? Basic wardrobe. Three bags, without which life is not life The perfect women's bag

How to choose a women's bag for every day, what color should it be, what shade will suit the entire wardrobe and what to look for when buying? In this article, we will answer all three questions, as well as tell you which products are suitable for different body types. This accessory can be casual, evening, for a certain season. It cannot be acquired thoughtlessly, on emotions, as there is a risk of subsequently suffering from a stylish, but uncomfortable thing.

Imagine your disappointment if the most necessary items and documents do not fit into the desired purchase, or it turns out that the strap is uncomfortable. Therefore, we advise you to first of all pay attention to the practical characteristics and only after that to the appearance.

How to choose the shape and size

Handbag design plays an important role in creating a holistic image and visual perception. Try to choose a product that is opposite to the lines of your body. For example, if you are tall and slender, opt for rounded accessories. At the same time, miniature models are almost always forbidden for you. Recommended are large, medium and roomy of various designs. The exception is clutches, but even among them, preference should be given to larger ones.

Short girls, on the contrary, go for small bags. For owners of a full figure, things with a minimalist design and strict contours are suitable. Remember the main feature of such items - they increase the part of the body next to which they are located. Therefore, if you want to hide some area, choose an option that will not draw attention to it.

What material to choose a handbag

The stores sell accessories made of suede, leather, eco-leather, textiles. Which of them is better? To make the right choice, consider:

  • Season. It often rains and sleet in winter and autumn, so fabric ones will not work. They get wet, and with them all their contents. In severe frost, artificial leather elements can crack. And in general, summer, frivolous, bright things look out of place in such weather.
  • Your wardrobe. Review the clothes you plan to wear with the new item. It should harmoniously fit into the image, creating a complete picture.

Let's talk more about each option.


The most practical, popular and expensive raw material for tailoring. This product is waterproof and easy to clean. The stores offer a wide variety of designs from such a fabric. They are casual, sporty, elegant. Leatherette often looks as good as real leather, but wears out faster.


Familiar to all, demanded material. Appropriately looks in the wardrobe items of any orientation. The downside is that he is very capricious in his care and demanding on the appearance of the owner.

Textile and yarn

It is suitable mainly for the warm season, it folds easily, it has practically no weight, it looks beautiful, stylish and original. The downside is that it won't fit into a business suite. Designer models made of satin, silk and velvet stand out separately. You are required to handle them with care, as washing is prohibited.

How to choose colors and what color should be a bag that fits any outfit

The shade of the accessory is also important in creating the image. It is not necessary to combine it only with shoes or gloves. You can match the product to a hat, hat, scarf, scarf, cuffs, jewelry or other elements. If you want to find an option for a coat, this is also allowed. It is also not necessary to look for an exact match of the palette. This is because the same outerwear and handbag will merge together. This can visually weight the figure. Of course, don't be afraid to experiment. A thing may not fit any part of the wardrobe, but it looks great at the same time.

  • Accessories with variegated prints go well with monochromatic outfits, while restrained ones, on the contrary, go with a bright style.
  • The drawing should not be mutually exclusive. For example, striped bags with a checkered dress. Choose patterns that complement each other.
  • In summer, choose light colors, and in winter, more subdued ones.
  • Small patterns are not recommended for obese women, and large ones for very thin women.

How to choose a handbag that is universal in color

To begin with, you need to review the entire wardrobe and understand for what purposes you need a new product, make ensembles from the clothes that you already wear and choose an accessory based on them. You can also use the approach of stylists and find two basic models: light and dark for different occasions and seasons. Usually, these options include black and white, but this is a mistake, it will be difficult to fit such things into different capsules.

The first group includes beige, taupe, light gray, powdery and dusty pink shades. To the second: green, graphite, burgundy, rich lilac, blue-violet.

How to distinguish a fake handbag from the original

If you love branded products, then you risk falling for the tricks of fake product sellers. The best way not to find yourself in this situation is to shop in branded stores. If this is not possible, pay attention to the details. It is in them that inconsistencies and flaws can be found.

  • Inspect and feel the material. It should be evenly colored and straighten quickly, leaving no creases at the folds.
  • Seams. From the manufacturer they are of impeccable quality. For example, the Hermes brand has a “herringbone”.
  • The fittings are evenly and firmly fixed, have a marking. The Louis Vuitton brand does not pack it in paper, fabric and polyethylene.
  • Find out what kind of lining fabric this product has. Often, manufacturers that make fakes save on it.

How and under what to choose a bag

If you still want to find a bag for shoes, use your imagination and experiment a little. For example, if you have printed shoes, then look for a solid color accessory by choosing one of the tones. Variegated models with a brown-red pattern will suit one of these colors. Black boots can be combined with a backpack of any shade, decorated with black details. To select a contrasting option, you can also use a special color wheel or similar Internet services. High boots with a wide top look beautiful with voluminous and classic products.

How to choose a bag for clothes

Any outfit can be complemented if there are a few basic accessories in the wardrobe.

  • Dark, classic size, natural or artificial leather. Buy models without bright design elements. This is an almost universal purchase. Not suitable except for a festive look.
  • Black clutch (other colors are allowed). From satin or regular material for everyday wear and evening dress.
  • Textile summer bag. It can be of any shape and volume, depending on the style and figure of the owner.
  • Product of light color of average volume. Give preference to coffee, lilac, pistachio, dusted pink shades.

Bag etiquette rules

  • As we wrote above, it is traditionally believed that a woman should have at least two bags.
  • When choosing a copy for business life, keep one thing in mind - a good product can fit an A4 size folder. This is especially true for those who, by the nature of their activities, are associated with documents.
  • Don't skimp on this accessory. Most often, cheap goods are of low quality and quickly become unusable.
  • Appearing at a festive event with a voluminous shopper is a bad form. For such cases, small clutches are suitable.
  • For everyday life, a business woman will need a construction made of high-quality, expensive leather of a respectable appearance without decorations.
  • Age is also important. Handbags with teenage prints, unpretentious materials may look out of place in the hands of an adult woman.
  • Pay attention to the time of year. In summer, they usually switch to lighter shades.

How to choose a bag according to your body type

Details of the product focus on those parts of the body next to which they are located. When choosing, you need to keep this in mind. Properly selected accessory is able to compensate for the shortcomings of the silhouette. Inappropriate design, on the contrary, will emphasize what you want to disguise.

broad shoulders

In this case, you can not buy small clutches and handbags with a short strap. They will only make things worse. Your task is to align the width of the shoulders and hips. Rectangular, horizontal models that are worn on the elbow or in the hand will help with this. Suitable and options on a narrow strap obliquely.

big breasts

Capacious bags with a long handle are suitable, especially trapezoidal ones. It is better to refuse the "postman" variations.

"Rectangle" and "apple"

This is the name of the types of figures with a poorly defined waist. Vertical, elongated accessories that end at the level of the legs will improve visual perception.

Excess weight

Owners of magnificent forms, especially of small stature, are contraindicated in miniature reticules. Pay attention to medium-sized models, which have a width less than height, and the straps are long and not narrow (minimum 4 cm). They stretch the body. But don't go to extremes. Too voluminous shoppers also will not add elegance.

Wide hips, "pear"

If you need to distract your eyes from this part of the body, then you should choose options that are prohibited by almost all of the above types. An underarm bag will help expand your shoulders. Strict, geometric contours of the product will also give harmony.

High growth

Classic volume business, casual bags and large-format clutches are suitable. All this must be carried in the hand to emphasize the lower half of the body. The handle over the shoulder will add extra centimeters.

Thyroid type

Such a figure is characterized by strong thinness. Soft lines of accessories (ovals, droplets) will help to visually round the angularity. You can not keep them at waist level.

Proportional forms

In this case, there is practically no advice. Any option from the store shelves can come up. Be careful with baggy and shapeless designs. It can ruin even perfect external data.

small stature

What bag to choose for every day, photo

For everyday wear, it is better to choose a comfortable and roomy model. Check whether all your documents, a cosmetic bag and other necessary things will fit into it. Check the operation of the locks, see if you have enough pockets and whether they close. Products with strict clear lines, a minimum of decorative elements and a rigid body are suitable for work.

But life consists not only of working days, and you may need a comfortable accessory for walking, shopping. For the second goal, get large "totes" made of thick, matte leather of any color. If your image allows - pay attention to backpacks. We have made a selection of photos. Perhaps among them you will find what you need.

Usually stylists choose this item for specific clothing ensembles. But experts believe that sometimes improvisation is needed. If you see that the clutch looks original and beautiful with an office suit, break the rules. This detail can become central in your appearance. This happens with things of a contrasting color or interesting shape.

What does the perfect bag look like? It is for every woman. After reading this article, you can easily choose for yourself a comfortable accessory that will harmoniously fit into your wardrobe. It is only important to remember the main characteristics: design, size and material. Color is also important, but first you need to decide on these three parameters.

What to do if you think that there are never too many handbags, you want a new one, but at the same time you need to save the budget? Take a look at the "First Moscow Store of Customs Goods". It presents quality products of different brands at modest prices. In a large catalog - a variety of styles and colors, you are sure to find something to your taste. Consultants will help you choose the best option and answer all your questions.

I often hear from my clients and followers that a bag and shoes cannot be cheap.

Maybe it will look a little strange, especially in an article with such a title, but I cannot say that I agree with this statement 100%.

So first I'll explain my point of view :-)

I am sure that the cost of clothes and accessories is a secondary matter. The most important thing is not how much things COST, but how much they LOOK like.

If you start discussing the issue in this vein, then you can recall many successful purchases that looked more expensive than they cost, right, girls? :-)

Why is this happening?

A thing LOOKS EXPENSIVE when it:

  • made with high quality
  • is modern, relevant in terms of cut and style
  • suits you
  • harmoniously and stylishly combined with other things put on you at the moment

And I am convinced that following this LOGIC, one can also conclude that not every expensive thing looks EXPENSIVE. Every day I see dozens of expensive things that look CHEAP because:

  • gone out of fashion
  • do not suit their owner
  • not combined with the rest of the clothes and accessories in the look

Is it a mandatory rule to buy expensive bags?

My logic is this: the bag should be in your budget, it should be affordable for you.

It's stupid to starve for a handbag. It's easier to find "your girlfriend" in a suitable price segment, live and enjoy.

Although, in my student years, I regularly sacrificed lunch, surviving on inexpensive buns, in order to buy myself something new and trendy. But, having matured, I was convinced that gastritis and excess weight are not worth such new things :-(

Let's go from one side and consider the issue of expensive bags in the plane of status.

Expensive accessories of well-known brands are designed to silently tell who is who in the modern world. First of all, in the world of business.

The clothes don't say how much they cost. On clothes, the brand of the manufacturer is not signed on the outside. And if it is written, it does not help things look more expensive. Remember Cavalli T-shirts and all the jokes associated with those who proudly wore this inscription on their chests.

Brand names are embossed on accessories in all cases and this is a variant of the norm. So accepted. On watches and bags, we will see the logo or abbreviation of the manufacturer. There are also unspoken markings on the shoes, let us recall at least the red soles of maestro Louboutin.

Anyone who is “in the know” instantly sees “their own” precisely by accessories.

Therefore, if you need to enter a certain company of people, get a position or you have already received it and communicate with high-ranking clients and partners by occupation, you need to be “YOUR OWN”, you need to TRANSMIT success, ambitions, status and achievements not only with your own words. But also silently, through their clothes and accessories.

If men are measured by watches and cars, then girls are measured by jewelry, bags and shoes.

And this is the case when making an expensive purchase, it is very important not to miss the choice! After all, we have already discussed that, despite the high price tag, an EXPENSIVE accessory can look CHEAP if it:

  • not in trend
  • does not suit the owner
  • does not match with other clothes and accessories

Let's be honest - everything flows and everything changes, the trends of the times concern everything, including bags.

Therefore, laying out the amount with many zeros, many of my Clients want to be sure that this purchase will be successful and not a one-time purchase. And the bag will last for many years, remaining relevant and presentable.

The right investment in your wardrobe

Today I want to introduce you to such bags, the acquisition of which can be safely called not a WASTE, but an INVESTMENT.

You know I'm bags-maniac! I collect bags and I know a lot about them. My clients buy new items only after a follow-up call to me, and my subscribers Instagram long ago learned that you can safely buy expensive bags in my footsteps, because I do not miss the choice.

A few years ago, I took part in the all-Russian state project of the Ministry of Finance and wrote several chapters for a book on women's financial health. Of course, I wrote about investing in a wardrobe!

Two of the encyclopedia's many authors spoke at the launch of the book: myself and a financial management specialist.

He talked about how and where to invest money so that it works for you. And then he skeptically invited me to the stage, wondering how such a thing as “an investment in a wardrobe” can exist, because this, a priori, is an empty expense on rags that cannot be resold later to earn more than they cost, or at least return the original cost.

Of course, this is partly true. But by investing in a wardrobe, I mean buying things that:

  • go to you
  • do you like
  • fit together
  • remain relevant for a long time so that they can be worn for years
  • made or sewn qualitatively
  • help you make the right impression on others
  • increase your self-confidence and self-attractiveness

So you can wisely invest in a wardrobe in ANY PRICE SEGMENT: from mass market to premium.

And the price of a mistake is always expensive within the framework of any budget, because it is always a shame to spend the money earned by your labor unsuccessfully.

I talk about the important rules and principles of competent shopping in an online lesson about cost-effective purchases.

And now I will tell you about my favorite brands and luxury bags :-)

Overview of branded bags

Bags CELINE Trapeze, Phantom, Luggage, Belt, Box, Tie Tote

What is not a bag, then an icon!

This brand has been my favorite for over 10 years and I suspect it will be for life! Second place in my heart is Fendi, but more on that later.

Why Celine? Because it is the right and stylish base. The shape of the bags is clear, graphic, successful colorblock solutions, the absence of details that will go out of fashion or become obsolete.

I know few girls who easily and naturally use in the wardrobe.

And those who use it, in most cases, are students of the School of Shopping in the past :-))))

Celine bags will color your wardrobe in an instant, give style and completeness to each look, make a luxurious and status total look from the simplest things as if by magic.

Exquisite combinations of colors and textures, multiplied by the impeccable shape of the bag - the formula for success not only for Celine, but also for your wardrobe!


True icons, time-tested!

Please note that not all Peekaboo are equally useful :)

What am I talking about?

There are two motives for buying an expensive bag.

In most cases, it is important for me and my clients that an expensive bag does not go out of fashion after a couple of months.

But there are also a minority of cases where this point is not important. Because the bag is impossibly good, because it is a fashion hit, because I fell in love and “want-can’t”, because I collect and this bag will in any case leave a bright mark in the history of the brand and will be a memory and a rarity in my wardrobe.

Forever and ever, we take the basic Peekaboo.

This year you can indulge in floral options or bags with plastic decor, lacing or leather ruffles.

You can indulge in “budgetary” by attaching a fashionable belt this season to the base Peekaboo, which is purchased separately. Or baby Peekaboo. Or a funny keychain!

Another Fendi bag that can be a solid investment is 2jours and 3jours.


And here you can wipe your nose to that very expert in financial management. Literally the only bags in the world, the purchase of which has every right to be considered an investment.

Kelly and Birkin are a real DREAM for many girls.

There are a lot of legends created around Hermes bags, they say, and you have to stand in line for it for half your life, sign up for waiting lists, mere mortals can’t stand them in boutiques, and so on.

Blah blah, in a way. Do not hang your ears!

When buying dream bags for my Clients, I explain to them that it is not always possible to start a shopping story at Hermes with the purchase of a legendary bag. Purchase history required. You need to become a Client of this house and then communication will go like clockwork. A pair of scarves, flip flops, a belt or bracelet, and the consultants become much more accommodating and now they are already carrying your Kelly or Birkin from behind the scenes. Oh, found it!

And in some countries, love preludes are not needed. In Munich, I bought a Birkin for my client straight from the window. True, in black. In Cannes, my client adopted the sapphire Kelly in one fell swoop.

And another case happened with one of my Clients. She didn't like the fact that you had to try soooo hard for the bag, she felt hurt and humiliated, she left Hermes, literally slamming the door, crossed the road and bought herself a couple of colorful Peekaboo and several pairs of Fendi bomb sandals! Almost the price of one Kelly. And she's not wearing Hermes anymore! :)))

Returning to the conversation about investments, I will give a rationale for the profitability of these bags. The price of iconic bags from Hermes is steadily increasing. Sometimes they become more expensive several times during the year. And so every year. Luxury should be available to the elite. By the way, guided by the same principle, the Chanel fashion house regularly raises prices for their creations.

So, the price is going up, those who bought Kelly 3 years ago can easily sell it in perfect condition for almost the price of this year's boutique. That is more expensive than bought!

There is a real hunt for these bags, vintage versions are sometimes more expensive than modern ones.

And, of course, the myths and legends around these bags have led to the creation of a kind of black market. Buyers with a history of purchases at Hermes can receive a bag in any color, after which, having received a tax-free, they can sell it with a percentage for their services to a Client who himself could not buy it for various reasons. Profitable business! Therefore, recently the number of bags sold in one hand has become strictly limited. Hermes is struggling with resellers, and also suffers from the sale of fakes.

I can’t include Evelyne among the immortal bags, her form is too lethargic, she is beautiful in jockey style, tolerable in casual and unsuitable in a business wardrobe.

And Birkin and Kelly are appropriate everywhere.

You can’t buy a legend, take a closer look at its budget version - Herbag, I have been looking at it for a long time and soon it will become mine :-) At least when the children get it dirty with felt-tip pens or ice cream, I won’t cry and wash the cover in cold blood :-)


Round and round bags of this brand, such as Speedy and Alma, have sunk into oblivion, because they know how to make "baby style".

This, by the way, is also one of the reasons for my dislike for Miss Sicily by Dolce & Gabbana, there is too much “woman” in it, which, if used ineptly, turns into an aunt.

But the Neverfull shopper and crossbody Métis, Felicie and Favorite will be alive and well! And they will live with us happily ever after for many years.

These bags do not change shape, but change colors in accordance with current trends. If you need a bag for many years without the risk of sudden departure from the fashionable clip, choose a checker or one color.

Ready to indulge? We take painted this season!


The style of the fashion house has changed rapidly in the last couple of years. With the arrival of the incredible Alessandro Michele as creative director, decades of dying jockey style from the Geoffrey Bean era and aggressive sexuality cultivated by the restless Tom Ford have been replaced by a new fashion twist inspired by flower children, boho flair and a touring circus.

And all this is as magnificent and impressive as it is fleeting :-)

Again, it's up to you. If this era should leave a mark on your wardrobes, don't be stingy! These bags have already gone down in history and made a splash.

If the investment must be long-term, down with stripes and ribbons, we turn our attention to basic bags.

For example, I did not dare to buy a bag with embroidery, but my hand did not tremble, transferring the money earned by hard work for this baby. We are together forever.

This year she is at the height of fashion, thanks to the colors. And in the next - it will simply remain the perfect basic bag in my wardrobe for many years to come.

Here are a few more bags that can do the same!


I get asked all the time why I wasn't seen with Chanel bags?

At some point, when I was close to buying 2.55, Instagram girls all over the world and the entire Moscow metro decided to complement their looks with this particular bag.

Since then, sediment and callused eyes. This is my personal, personal, type of psychological trauma from a stylist :-))))

But if you want a quilted beauty, don't stop yourself! It seems to me that I will definitely buy woc. Just a little later.

Of course, these bags do not have an expiration date.

And which Chanel bags have it? These ones. With a clear imprint of current trends in bag design.


Do you know how I am writing this article now? Flying on a plane and writing! All my best articles were written in the air, all my best decisions were made at an altitude of 10,000m :-)

By the way, about good decisions! If you remember what maestro Valentino was famous for, then you realize how much the style of the fashion house has changed over the past few years.

Ruffles, frills, sugary femininity - all this put Valentino on the verge of bankruptcy. They have become unfashionable! They were unable to attract a young clientele, they became uninteresting to millennials.

Fortunately, ruffles have been replaced with spikes, and feminine dresses have been replaced with romance and boho. And the House began to breathe again.

The salvation of the drowning is the work of the drowning themselves. After the rescue, they had one more client, and Valentino bags appeared in my wardrobe.

I passed by boho.

But I decided to invest in Rockstud, these bags are almost a modern base.


I can talk about bags endlessly, but the article turns out to be just huge, so I’ll tell you about one more brand and that’s it, I’ll finish giving professional secrets :)

One of the most feminine and romantic brands gave us an iconic Drew bag.

To be honest, Chloe bags have never taken the lead in the fashion arena before. Neither Marcie nor Mily fell in love with girls like little Drew.

In the simplest version, without tassels and studs, the bag can be worn not only with boho-style clothes, but also as a basic one.

This season, Chloe broke the hearts of fashionistas around the world, giving us Nile and Faye!

Yes, it's fashion. Yes, it may not be for long. But these bags are simply bound to be in the wardrobes of real fashionistas and collectors of luxury bags.

In my shopping list, opposite this column, there is already a check mark "done" :)

Well, my dear maniac bags, wrapped around your mustache? Have you made a shopping list?

If you want to learn how to INVEST in a wardrobe, and not SPEND money on clothes that then lie in a heap in the closet, be sure to come to the ONLINE SCHOOL for the Basic course, and at the same time take a look, because in it I will teach you how to choose the perfect bags that will serve you faithfully for years :-) A real revolution will happen in your head :) And not only in your head, but also in your wardrobe!

And remember, girls, that in the online school you learn to choose and stylishly combine things PERSONALLY SUITABLE FOR YOU. HOW MUCH they will cost and where you will buy them - you decide. After all, everyone's budget is different.

Most importantly, after training, you will SEE these things in the stores of your choice and create your perfect wardrobe!

I wish you only happy shopping :)

    Hello! Very good question, thanks. :)
    174 cm - not as tall as Klava Schiffer, so you should choose a bag that is proportionate, that is, quite large so that it does not look sparse next to you, but not too huge.
    In my opinion, a width of 30 cm and a height of 29 with rather short handles (21) will suit you. This size is more suitable for average height, but 174 is closer to average, not too tall. If you wear it on your shoulder, then it should just end somewhere around the waist.

    As for the other recommendations in the article.
    You do not need to visually reduce your height, it is not so high (Klava 180 with a very thin physique has very elongated proportions), so in your case, I think, the proportions should be quite harmonious. Therefore, you do not need horizontally oriented bags.
    On the other hand, you do not have a very pronounced A silhouette, since the difference is only one size between the hips and chest with not narrow shoulders. If visually you see that the bottom does not overtighten the top, then the bags in your hand can look good (like in the first photo with Klava).
    That is, the conclusion is this: medium-sized bags with rather short handles on the shoulder should fit (they will be worn at waist level),
    bags of medium size with short handles in your hand, in this case you can also find a vertically oriented bag, since you do not need to visually reduce your height, it is not too high.
    A large clutch shape, closer to a square one (not very elongated in width), is also suitable if you wear it under your arm. Try it at hip level as well - it's not guaranteed to look bad, because once again, your hips aren't wide enough to smooth that fact out.

    In any case, it is best to avoid messenger or cross body bags.
    You see, very general recommendations are given here, since each case is individual, it is impossible to cover them all in the article. So try to play around with different sizes in the store with a large selection of bags in front of the mirror, with their position relative to the body.
    I didn’t see you, but for some reason it seems to me that with such a height with hips of size 48, with a difference with a breast of one size, nothing bad will happen if you accentuate these hips with a bag. So, it may well be that the option with a bag on the shoulder with longer handles will also suit you. Try in front of a mirror. :)

  1. Thank you very much for your reply, I really appreciate your advice. I would like to clarify the following.
    174 cm is pure height, plus a 7 cm heel (I determined it as the maximum for myself) the total will be 181 cm. As a rule, I wear a heel for events, but in winter the cold earth calls for a thicker shoe sole, at which a small heel turns out to be very high: the same 6 -7 cm. Are the above tips still relevant?

  2. Lyudmila, I'm glad if I can help with something, so don't be shy, if you have any questions, ask. :)
    All recommendations remain relevant when wearing shoes with heels, since your proportions will always be the same. The heel raises above the ground, visually making you appear taller and slimmer, but the ratio of height + parameters remains the same. And they are quite harmonious. You are very slim, but not skinny like Klava, so there is no risk of visually stretching the silhouette too much to distort the proportions, even with the help of a heel. :)
    Look, if a person has short legs compared to the body (no matter how tall he is), also if the woman is short, if the woman is full, then in these three cases the heel is highly recommended to EQUALIZE the proportions. Such people just need to visually stretch their legs. Although, for short ones, however, this is not so urgent, if you keep the proportions in clothes and designate the waist, then shoes at low speed will look good.
    If a woman, on the contrary, has an already elongated silhouette (like Klava), that is, the width of her body is too small compared to the long one, then this is good for models, since they are mostly taken in models, but if you look at it objectively, then such proportions also need to be corrected, that is, in this case it is better to either reduce the growth visually (using the same horizontal bag, for example, and low-speed shoes), or try to give the woman more rounded shapes with the help of correctly selected silhouettes in clothes. The heel will stretch such a silhouette even more, making it disproportionately long and thin.

    In your case, with your parameters, neither one nor the other is needed. So, of course, your heels will elongate your silhouette too, but this will not be so critically reflected in your proportions.

    As for the size of the bag: the article gives very average parameters, as I already wrote, it is not possible to cover all cases, so I have to give general recommendations.
    In fact, it is best to proceed not only from your height, but also from your parameters.
    For example, a bag that is too big will look ridiculous on the same thin Klava, since her silhouette is too fragile, even though she is tall. But for a more corpulent, but equally tall woman, a more voluminous bag could fit.

    A short and plump woman will fit a slightly larger bag than a fragile and short one, for example, etc.

    So, if you see that the bag goes well with your parameters (both height and size), then it will look great in any case - with or without heels.

Do you know what unites a huge trunk, which fits not only women's things, but also products for the whole family, and a tiny velvet clutch, in which there is barely room for a powder box and a phone? This is all - . These accessories come in different shapes and sizes, different textures and colors, different designs and styles: a modern assortment of women's bags will satisfy even sophisticated fashionistas! However, the more diverse the bags, the more difficult it is to choose them. How to choose a women's bag, depending on your needs?

To begin with, decide for what purpose you need a bag, and only after that choose its size, style and other indicators. By purpose, women's bags can be divided into several types: everyday, business, solemn, beach and travel. Let's look at the characteristics of each type.

Everyday bags for women should be as comfortable and versatile as possible. Medium size, trendy style, stylish design, discreet colors - these are the main characteristics of the bag for every day. Usually, girls choose tote bags, women's city backpacks, shopping bags or cross-body bags as everyday ones. For everyday wear, any model is suitable, as long as it is comfortable and suits you with its functionality.

The bag must have a short handle and a long strap that allows you to carry it on your shoulder. It can also be medium length handles or shoulder straps - choose the option that is most comfortable for you. The material of an everyday bag can be textiles, leatherette, genuine leather, etc. In any case, the material must be practical and durable.

In the design of a casual bag, any “liberties” are allowed: embroidery, appliqués, stripes, fringes, rivets, etc. A casual bag can be of a discreet design, but it should have a “zest” that will distinguish its owner in the crowd and emphasize its individual style.

Business bags are accessories that should favorably emphasize the style of their owner and contribute to the formation of her positive image. In addition, a business woman's bag should emphasize the respectability of her mistress and her impeccable taste. As an office bag, a medium-sized bag with a clear geometric shape of a strict style (tote bag, business briefcase, clutch folder, messenger bag, etc.) made of high-quality leather will be an excellent option.

The design of such a bag should be concise, and the colors should be discreet and go well with a woman’s business wardrobe. The role of a stylish decor on a bag can be embossed, perforated, decorative stitching and zippers, a combination of textures, etc. Often, a kind of decor for a business bag is its accessories, an engraved brand logo or an exquisite texture of genuine leather. Typically, women's business bags have rigid walls that protect documents and valuable contents of the bag from external damage.

An evening bag is an accessory that plays the role of decorating a solemn image. First of all, such a handbag should be miniature, because bulky bags look ridiculous at special occasions. Popular evening handbag models are clutches, minaudière bags, pouches, reticules.

In addition, bags of unusual shapes, made, for example, in the form of flowers, fruits or household items, are also relevant. The material of an evening accessory can be almost anything: from leather and fabric to plastic, wood and precious metal.

The design of such a handbag should be selected according to your outfit. So, for a laconic plain dress, you can pick up a handbag with a spectacular decor, which will become the accent of the whole image. Rhinestones, fringe, sequins, feathers, embroidery, ribbons, spikes, applications, voluminous flowers, etc. are used as decor in solemn handbags.

An excellent option would also be an unusual shape. If you have chosen a luxurious outfit, then it is better to complement it with a modest design handbag that will not distract attention to yourself. It can be a model of patent leather or soft fabric.

In the hot season, girls can not do without a beach bag. It should be roomy, light and bright. This bag can be taken to the beach, putting in it the things you need for the rest. Tote bags, baggy bags, beach baskets are the most suitable models for the beach.

In addition, multifunctional transforming beach bags are also popular, which can be transformed from a bag into a beach mat, mattress or sunbed. Women's beach bags are usually made of fabric, plastic, polyethylene, straw or other lightweight material. The color of the beach bag must be matched to the color scheme of your beach ensemble.

For travel, women also need women's travel bags. They must be roomy and reliable. In addition, travel bags should have a sufficient number of pockets and compartments so that all the necessary things can be conveniently placed in them.

Travel bags, backpacks, travel suitcases, sports bags are popular among women. The material of the travel bag (depending on the model) can be dense textiles, plastic, leather, synthetic materials (nylon, polyester).

Now, knowing the types of accessories for their intended purpose, it will be much easier for you to buy the one that you really need. Choose bags not only for their intended purpose, but also for your age, season, colors of your wardrobe and even your mood!

Style is made up of little things, and each accessory should be a harmonious addition to your wardrobe. There are several things to consider when choosing a bag. First of all, the situation in which you plan to use it: for daily wear to work, for walking, for visiting the gym or shopping. The second aspect is your unique style, and the third is fashion trends and the relevance of the model, as well as advice from stylists.

When choosing a women's bag, pay attention to the color, size and shape of the model. You also need to take into account that each bag has its own season: and what looks harmoniously with a summer wardrobe is completely inappropriate with a winter one.

Color: what to consider

The easiest way is to choose a women's bag to match the clothes. It is not difficult to follow the rule, especially if the wardrobe is designed in a certain style and color scheme. The basic accessory should not be white, since in this case it will be difficult to combine it, it is better to choose a bag for clothes light or dark, designed in a neutral shade. Most relevant:

  • beige;
  • all shades of gray;
  • brown;

You need to choose a combination based on the colors that dominate your wardrobe.

One of the common rules is bright or pastel models for summer, and dark ones for winter. If you opt for a rich juicy shade, then it is not at all necessary to choose a pair of sandals or a strap for it. Such a handbag can be the only bright accent in the created image, and women's clothing can serve only as a background. As for the models for the autumn-winter season, they can be of the same shade as the shoes, but at the same time differ in the texture of the material.

A harmonious combination of an accessory with clothes is not the only rule of choice. Pay attention also to the color of the accessories: if it is golden, then all other jewelry should be of the same shade. If the fittings are silver, then other accessories will need to be chosen in the same tone. Prefer to wear jewelry with a combination of white and yellow gold? Then the best solution is a model that has a similar mix.

When choosing a product, you must follow the rule: the accessory must match your build and silhouette, that is, the average bag for a large woman will be larger in size than the average model for a miniature one. Such advice is not fiction at all, it is based on the law of perception - large against the background of small looks even larger, therefore:

  1. Young ladies of short stature should not pick up large models.
  2. Tall girls can afford any products, even the most bulky, and they will look organic.
  3. Curvy women should not buy miniature accessories. Shoe size in this case does not matter.

If you want to choose the right accessory, do not give preference to a model that is too large, because roomy products do not always look feminine and elegant.

Accessories: quantity and quality

The combination of a bag and shoes with clothes is important, while the appearance of the accessory itself must be impeccable. The fittings of the product should be of high quality, beautiful, and the decorations should be in moderation. When choosing a bag, consider:

  • locks should be easy to open and close;
  • zippers must match the size;
  • if the bag is not branded, then it should not have any logos on it, as this is a sign of bad taste;
  • you should not choose products with rich gold or yellow decorations - they look unaesthetic;
  • the less decor, the better - this rule is always relevant when choosing a universal model, since the combination of clothes and a handbag will be more organic.

Form Selection Rules

Trying to choose the right handbags, many women take into account the color, features of the material, but completely forget about the shape. Products can differ in strict geometry - a rectangle (vertical or horizontal), a trapezoid, an oval, or have an unusual shape - in the form of animals, insects, jewelry, etc.

Extravagant ones look interesting, attract attention, but something neutral is usually chosen for every day, although if the entire women's wardrobe is bright, rich and unusual, then such a handbag will only complement the image.

If you prefer the classics, then stylists advise you to choose a rectangular or trapezoidal product. Pay attention to the handle: a rigid well-holding shape indicates the status of the item.

Those who prefer a sporty style, while the main choice of shoes is sneakers, should opt for soft bags with rounded edges.

Choosing a basic bag is no less important than choosing a wardrobe. It is best to give preference to a neutral model or a classic one that will have:

  • light or dark neutral shade;
  • the size that matches your configuration and silhouette;
  • high-quality fittings;
  • convenient form;
  • medium hardness.

Using the tips, you can easily choose the best basic handbag, because such an accessory is no less important than elegant and practical clothes for women.