How to make a friend fall in love with you, or friendship is the foundation for love. Make him feel manly

Practical tips for taking relationships to the next level

There is no worse situation when you look at a guy with loving eyes, and he perceives you as his best friend and trusts you with all his secrets. He talks about that “blonde” or “brunette”, advises on what to give her for her birthday, and you realize that you have driven yourself into a corner with this friendship. Is it possible to make your best friend fall in love with you and how to do it if the relationship is not the first year?

Before you start converting a relationship from friendship to love, you should make sure that you really like the guy as a man. To do this, you need to understand how love differs from friendship.

What is love and what is friendship?
Friendship and love are relationships. But friendship is based on mutual benefit: friends have equal rights and completely trust each other. In love, one can submit to another, and this brings him pleasure.
Close friendships are beneficial in some way. Friends are confident that if they need help, it will be provided.
In love, you should not demand a return. The feeling is based on passion and giving of oneself. In friendship, communication can be multifaceted and unlimited, and this is fun. The presence of strangers in love causes discomfort.
Friendship is stable, love is changeable.
If you are ready to give freely, then go ahead.

Where to begin?
Very often they begin to look at a childhood friend with different eyes after a long separation. He has grown up, matured, but at the same time you know that he is the best guy in the world - otherwise you would never have been friends with him for a long time.
So how can you make your childhood friend fall in love with you if he perceives the girl he has known for many years as more like a sister? The only way in such a situation is to try to change his view of your relationship. Do not open up to him, as you have been accustomed to doing all these years, but try to listen to him more. Do not come to help at the first call, but turn the situation in such a way that he himself finds a way out of it. Then you can admire his ability to solve problems. Men like it when people talk about them, admire them, believe in them.
It’s worth moving away a little from his love affairs. Tell him that discussing the charms of any girl in detail makes you feel uncomfortable.
There is a big advantage in being close friends with a man: you already know what he likes in women. So why not play along, open his eyes to you, and attract his attention? A new haircut, a bold neckline... In the end, a man is a man, and in order to interest him, you need to use feminine charms.

How to deal with a friend from social networks?
The problem of how to make a pen pal fall in love with you is easier to solve. Here you need to invite the guy to meet. There is no need to worry before your first date: in correspondence, you probably revealed secrets to each other that you would never dare to talk about if you met in person.

Pros and cons of friendship before love
A huge plus if you want to interest a close friend in you is that you don’t have to come up with a reason for meeting or a topic for conversation. You know his tastes and will try to match them. You can spend enough time together without feeling like you are intruding.
Here's some advice: try to start a conversation during which you gently learn about his attitude towards the transition from friendship to love. Close friendship even allows you to ask directly.
The main disadvantage of intimate acquaintance before love is that in the company of friends you become so much your boyfriend that turning into a girl turns out to be almost impossible.

Strategy and tactics
To get closer, you need to move away a little. There is no other way to take the relationship to a new level. It is necessary to check whether he needs you, whether he will be bored? If he is truly a friend, then after a few days he will begin to wonder what happened? From now on, you should behave somewhat differently than before. Pretend that there are extraneous matters that you don’t want to discuss.
If you used to talk about women's health, now this topic should become taboo. And no complaints about your intimate aspects of life. Get your appearance in order and now appear before him fully armed. It is very important not to overdo it.
Become new, show yourself from a side from which he has not yet seen you. Discuss with him not only mutual friends and the area in which you are friends, but also your own interests - books, plays... Include a sense of humor, demonstrate lightness and wit in personal communication and company. The fact that until now he has occupied the place of his best friend should be used when communicating with a rival: to emphasize that for him you are one of the components in his life.
You can even use prohibited techniques - touching him in front of his girlfriend, touching him on the shoulder or arm. Intimacy in friendship does not oblige you to anything.

A new stage in communication
A couple whose relationship took place without intimacy, but with erotic play and hints of sex, has a greater chance of transforming friendship into love. This suggests that the girl is attractive to the guy as a partner, and if you push a little...
Often physiological relationships begin when couples on the other side break up. It is very important not to miss this moment and lend your shoulder in time. Just don’t jump into bed every time a friend argues with his regular partner. This is not called friendship and does not develop into love.
When communicating with a friend of the opposite sex, you need to be aware of what really connects you. Just a desire to pass the time? But it’s unlikely that a guy will spend hours and days with a girl if he doesn’t feel emotions for her. Maybe he's just afraid to admit his feelings? Then he should help. Marriages concluded for friendship are in no way inferior to unions for love.

Suffering from unrequited love and the desire to get the most handsome and intelligent guy literally drives many girls crazy. Many people believe that everything depends only on the actions of the stronger sex. However, in order to make a guy fall in love with you, you need to do a lot of work on yourself. Don't be afraid or embarrassed to take active action. There are many recommendations that will help you get the man you want.

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The young man will fall in love without even noticing how it happened. But standard love techniques do not work with all men. It all depends on the status, age of the object of adoration and other characteristics.

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    If a guy is in a circle of friends, there is an opportunity to see him or correspond with him on social networks, or a girl studies or works with him, then it is much easier to attract attention. Most often, men choose as their favorite women those women who are in their environment.

    It is much more difficult in a situation where the object of adoration lives in another city or has a spouse. In this case, the girl has only social networks and fleeting meetings at her disposal.

    Social roles

    Although the majority of the stronger sex say that a girl’s status is not important to them, statistics say the opposite. The farther partners are from each other on the career ladder, the fewer common points they have in common. It is much more difficult for a director to start a relationship with a simple technician, even if they work at the same enterprise and see each other every day in the cafeteria.

    Many will say, what about the famous novels of directors and secretaries. The fact is that in this case we are talking only about an intimate relationship. Such ladies can rarely rise above the status of a mistress. If we are talking about love, then status plays an important role for a man.

    Maximum useful information

    In order not to waste time, it is worth finding out at least the orientation of the object of adoration. There are situations when women spend years seeking the attention of a man who prefers same-sex relationships.

    You need to find out the interests, hobbies and hobbies of the young man you like. All this will help you become an ideal passion for him. If a man likes to read Dostoevsky, then it is necessary to familiarize himself with his most famous works, at least in a brief summary.

    Guys who are into sports, rock climbing and other extreme hobbies are preferred by equally active and fit women. If a man loves cars or football, then he will have to study all the modern innovations in the automotive industry and memorize the names of all the players of his favorite team.

    External data

    The first thing a man looks at is a woman’s appearance. According to psychology, most representatives of the stronger sex are visual, so in order to arouse the interest of the object of adoration, you need to learn to use your femininity and beauty secrets.

    You need to find out what type of girls the guy likes the most. If he is a conservative, then he will not be impressed by a miniskirt and a deep neckline. These guys love more reserved and mysterious ladies. If a man likes to go to clubs and have fun over a glass of something strong, then he probably likes more relaxed women. Ultra-modern young men prefer to see their girlfriend in Gucci and Armani.

    It’s worth finding out which girls the object of your adoration has dated before. This will help create a portrait of his type of lady.

    • Always look well-groomed and tidy. This means no chipped nail polish, creases in your tights, or clumps of eye shadow on your face.
    • Start going to the gym, doing exercises at home or going for a run in the morning.
    • Get rid of old clothes. Old greasy coats, mother's boots, worn-out sneakers and other unattractive things should be replaced with a new wardrobe. A girl in heels, dressed in stylish trousers and exuding the aroma of sexy perfume, looks seductive and attractive in the eyes of a man.

    The main indicator that a girl looks beautiful are passing men who cast admiring glances and give compliments. If others pay attention to the girl, then the chosen one will not miss his opportunity.


    To quickly and reliably win over a young man, you need to understand that with boring and dull people everyone will experience boredom. Love and joy from communication are very close, so you need to radiate positive energy in a conversation or correspondence with a guy.

    You shouldn't complain about school or work. It is better to tell the young man what positive aspects the lady sees in her activities. If a young man is interested in numerous hobbies, then the girl must be an interesting and versatile person. Few people are interested in communicating with a person who spends his free time lying on the couch. It is advisable that the hobbies coincide with the guy’s interests.

    Self confidence

    To interest a guy, it’s not enough to work on your appearance and start getting involved in a variety of hobbies. You need to be confident in yourself and your actions. This should be noticeable to others. Confident people who know how to laugh at themselves and easily overcome all obstacles are more attractive.

    But don't become arrogant. There is no need to talk about your beauty or success. It turns people off. You need to behave confidently, but in such a way that the man notices this and himself notes the stunning appearance and mental abilities of the lady.


    Most breakups between partners, according to men, occur due to the fact that ladies become gloomy and constantly look for reasons to quarrel. This is partly true. Representatives of the stronger sex love ease in relationships, so a girl who is ready for adventure has a better chance of attracting the interest of the guy she likes. Don't be afraid of something new. Men love to get out of their comfort zone. If a guy offers to ride a unicycle, go hiking, or learn to dance the foxtrot, don’t refuse and say that it’s stupid.

    Girls who love to fool around and are not ashamed to look stupid cause affection in men. An arrogant lady who is afraid to smile or make a face once again has less chance of making a guy fall in love with her. Therefore, you should not date a guy with a stone face. If you want to gesticulate, laugh loudly and tell stupid jokes, don’t deny yourself this. But don’t go overboard and forget about your sexuality and body language.

    Gestures and postures

    These are important elements that will help quickly evoke tender feelings in a young man. Guys pay attention to body movements. Even before the girl begins to speak, sign language will interest the young man.

    There are several ways to impress a guy:

    • Look him in the eye. A fleeting glance and an embarrassed smile attract attention. However, you should not look straight, a few seconds are enough, after which you need to lower your eyes, as if the girl is embarrassed that she is showing attention.
    • Don't cross your arms over your chest. This is a closed posture, which means that the person is closed to communication. Therefore, you should keep your hands at your sides or gesticulate, then the guy will quickly feel a connection with the lady.
    • Keep your back straight. A slouched girl, even if she is dressed to the nines, looks rude and does not make you want to take the first step towards getting acquainted. If you keep your back straight, the guy will understand that the girl is confident in herself.
    • Tilt your head slightly. During a conversation, this gesture indicates interest.

    Be special to a guy

    A man must understand that a girl is unique in her kind and he will not find another like her. Therefore, you should not stick to any one role. You need to be yourself. If a lady is shy, then you shouldn’t be afraid to show it. Men love women who are not ready to open their souls to the first person they meet. Let the guy see that the girl trusted only him.

    Today it is difficult to find an honest partner to build a serious relationship. It’s worth being frank with a guy, then he will understand that the lady is different from the rest of the girls who constantly lie or tell lies about themselves.

    How to make a pen pal fall in love with you?

    There are many examples of how lovers met on the Internet. In the age of technology, this is not surprising, because it is much easier to write an email and find out all the necessary information about a person than to communicate in real life.

    There are 10 tips that will help you make a young man fall in love with you by correspondence:

    Since you are already friends, then your friendship can tell you how to make a friend fall in love with you. Because if from love to hate there is one step, then from friendship to love it is one breath.

    If you are a girl who is in love with her best friend of the opposite sex, then you have a whole arsenal of ways to make a guy fall in love with you. But there is one nuance - sophisticated female tricks should be dismissed as unnecessary. You are already his friend, even if he is a girl. Because guys, and men in general, have a very strict list of frameworks and restrictions on the conditions for “joining a closed club.” They are very picky in choosing friends, and you can only get into the “narrow circle” if you are worthy of it.

    A girl can make a guy friend fall in love with her only when she herself recognizes herself as a girl. If you prefer trousers and jeans to skirts and dresses, then you need to learn to wear them with a certain amount of femininity. You need to put it on your nose: a man loves with his eyes! Even a super short haircut can and should be played up so that it becomes softer and more feminine than luxurious long curls. No make-up is allowed only in the exceptional conditions of a shared Everest climb. Guys want to see a girl next to them, and not just “their sidekick.”

    An existing friendship between a guy and a girl makes it possible to get to know each other over a certain amount of time. If during this time you can become a necessary and irreplaceable person for him, then you have every chance of making a friend fall in love with you. Guys and men are basically very conservative in personal relationships, and they don’t want to change their friends like gloves. Men's friendships often carry through their entire lives, which is why the criteria for selecting friends for men are so strict.

    How to make a guy friend fall in love with you

    1. A girl who is in love with her best friend must first of all be a girl - soft, feminine, calming in moments of difficulty and exciting for success in life.
    2. A friend is someone who is always ready to listen and give good advice. And a lifelong friend is always ready to share successes, joys, worries, sorrows and sorrows with her loved one, and help put her advice into practice. This is the whole difference between a girl friend and a lifelong friend.
    3. You must always be a mystery to him and be interesting in any area of ​​life. You shouldn’t talk a lot and intrusively about yourself, without giving your friend the opportunity to speak out for himself. It’s better to be new to him every day.
    4. Don’t even think about burdening him with your problems and worries - he won’t want to carry around a girl who is unable to solve the simplest problems in life. Men love self-sufficient, self-sufficient and independent women. “Problem” girls discourage any interest in themselves, and especially as a future lifelong friend.
    5. Be easy to communicate, use your sense of humor to help your friend look at life situations from a different point of view, coloring his gray everyday life in light pastel colors. It’s not for nothing that guys strive to have girls as friends - the notorious female logic is not available to them, but it has the ability to find a way out of the most confusing situation. A woman’s brain works differently, and her intuition can save fate and life in certain situations.
    6. Simply and sincerely admit to your friend the feelings you have for him. Guys are flattered by female attention and make them look at you with different eyes. From the point of view of a man, not just a friend.

    If you are a young man who is in love with a girl friend, then it will be more difficult for you, because you will have to pursue her. Conquer. She initially does not see you as a betrothed, so she freely trusts you. But if you show all the persistence and care characteristic of men in relation to a girl friend, then success awaits you in winning her heart. And put it on your nose: a woman loves with her ears! The feeling of love can only be evoked by those who remember this every second.

    How to make a girl friend fall in love with you

    1. As a friend and as a man, never let a girl down in anything! Keep any promise that even accidentally breaks during the conversation exactly and on time. Girls love committed and responsible young men. A fulfilled promise, no matter how absurd it may be, will make your girlfriend look at you with different eyes. Or rather, to try on you as a life partner.
    2. Your actions and words should speak about her exceptional position for you. You shouldn't put her in a situation where she feels lonely around you.
    3. You must fulfill any of her requests addressed to you as a friend, even if you smash them into pieces. This will be proof that you are capable of solving any problem like a man.
    4. Talk to her, communicate more often, with or without reason. Call to ask where she dined and how she is feeling. Find out how she is in her mood and what the weather is like outside her window. Show increased interest in her - it makes you think about what will happen if you stop calling.
    5. Compliment her. Just don't fall into vulgarity! Tell her what impeccable taste she has, what magical eyes, what a soothing voice. And as if in passing, just drop in a conversation: “I feel calm and comfortable with you... Just like at home. Yes, with you I feel at home, no matter where we are.” This phrase will help to germinate in her subconscious the germ of a deeper feeling than friendship.
    6. Simply and sincerely admit to your female friend the feelings you have for her. The feminine essence reacts sharply to manifestations of male love. And it makes you look at you with different eyes. From the point of view of a woman, not just a friend.

    Love and friendship are communicating vessels. There is no friendship without a certain amount of love, and love must necessarily come with strong friendly support. The main thing is not to lose love in the process of friendship. Then friendship will not leave your love.

    What's in the article:

    Love and friendship are one of the most beautiful phenomena in the world. However, the situation becomes complicated and confusing if you realize that you have been in love with your best friend for a long time. So what should we do? Fall in love!!!

    Friendship or love?

    Is it possible to make your best friend fall in love with you if the friendship has lasted since childhood and he is unaware of any other feelings? Before you start thinking about what to do, you need to make sure that this guy is the object of your crush. To do this, you should know the differences between friendship and love.

    Both friendship and love are wonderful, bright relationships. But if in friendship there is often mutual benefit and equality, then in love this is most often not expected. One person submits to another, moreover, it can even bring him pleasure. Good friends come to each other's aid and support. Friendship is more permanent than love. In love, you cannot always expect help from the object of your feelings; relationships are built on passion and dedication.

    If it becomes clear that feelings on your part have long grown into something more than just friendship, then you can think about how to make a friend fall in love with you.

    From friendship to love: advantages and disadvantages

    There are advantages to trying to make a friend fall in love with you:

    • you and him always have common topics of conversation, there is no tension in communication;
    • the tastes and preferences of the object of love have long been known, you can try to adapt to them;
    • the hobbies and hobbies of the chosen one are known, you can always guess what will cheer him up;
    • you can often spend time together without inventing special reasons for meeting;
    • Close friendships allow you to ask directly how a person feels about the transition from friendship to love.

    There are also small disadvantages in this situation:

    • a young man may for a long time and persistently not perceive his girlfriend as a girl, even if she hints to him in every possible way about her feelings;
    • if communication often takes place in a company, then the girl there is already perceived only as “their boyfriend.”

    What actions should I take?

    Sometimes it is quite difficult to attract the attention of a friend to yourself, as a girl. He is used to treating you like a close friend, and maybe even like a sister. In such a situation, you should try to change the man's view of your friendship with him so that he understands that it can develop into something more. You don’t need to open up to your lover as before, you should try to listen to him more, praise him, and express admiration. You definitely need to stop discussing other girls and other people’s relationships and stop the guy’s attempts to do this.

    If you have already realized for sure that you are in love with a friend, you need to know what to do in order to attract his attention. There are several correct ways.

    What to avoid

    There is a much greater chance of turning a friendly relationship into a love relationship if a guy and a girl are not intimate. Quite often it appears if one of them has a relationship on the side falling apart. If a guy breaks up with his girlfriend, then you need to not get lost and lend him your shoulder. But this does not mean that you need to go to bed with him; most likely, such a relationship will depreciate and will not lead to anything good. And love will not work out, and the friendship will be ruined, since he will stop respecting you, and you, in turn, will suffer greatly.

    An ideal option if friends do not have intimate relationships, but there is flirting and hints. This means that a man can like his girlfriend, all it takes is a nudge in the right direction. In general, you need to carefully observe him and analyze his behavior. If he spends a lot of time with you, then it may well be that he is not indifferent to you, and he is simply afraid to admit his feelings.

    If you finally and irrevocably think that everything, “I definitely love my friend,” how to make him fall in love is just a rhetorical question to which you will definitely find the answers by applying all your efforts and feminine charm.

    People have been looking for love for years, often without noticing that it is very close - you just have to look closely! In the turmoil of days, we underestimate friends who are always ready to lend their shoulder to us, provide help and share moments of joy. If you suddenly realized that your friend is not only a good person, but also an attractive man, then the following tips on how to make your friend fall in love with you are for you.

    1. Who, if not you, knows what kind of girls your friend likes? So try to live up to this ideal. Change your image so that the desired man will look at you with different eyes. We understand that you can only appear in worn-out sneakers and a ponytail in front of a comrade who has been trusted over the years. But from now on, this is not our option, otherwise we will definitely have to forget about how to make our best friend fall in love with us.
    2. We definitely take sexuality and other hints of close relationships as assistants. Here it is important to understand that a man still needs to be born. You will move on to physiology a little later, when your friend finally understands that you can not only laugh merrily in company, but also have a good night together. Be confident in yourself, a sexy woman should not have a question about how to make a guy’s friend fall in love with her.
    3. Try to spend as much time together as possible, because you don't need to look for a reason to see each other. Support your desired man in everything, they really value devotion and fidelity. Sometimes they are ashamed to admit something to their girlfriends, but they willingly share it with their friends. Remain as mysterious as possible, and this knowledge of male psychology will help you make your friend fall in love with you.

    If you have already been spending a lot of time together, sharing his joys and sorrows with a man, then know that half the path to great love has already been passed. After all, the strong half of humanity is quite conservative, and often their friendship lasts throughout life. You are already on the list of favorites, there is only one step left to take to get into the “bullseye” - his heart.

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    Advice Execution
    At first, pay maximum attention to the young man’s personaYou need to ask him questions about his tastes, hobbies, work, etc. If he himself is trying to find out information about the lady, you should not reveal all your cards at once, but you cannot answer in monosyllabic sentences
    Admire his successes and achievementsEven the smallest victories must be celebrated
    Look for interesting conversation topicsFor example, you can invite a guy to watch the same movie and text him again a few hours later to discuss it
    Behave with dignityWhen communicating virtually, many people behave more relaxed and sometimes go overboard, so you shouldn’t go overboard. Men don't like vulgarity in the early stages of a relationship
    Don't be intrusiveIt is recommended to disappear from the Internet for several days so that the guy starts to get bored
    Don't put conditionsWe must remember that the guy does not owe anything to the girl with whom he is simply texting. Therefore, you should not complain to him if he added a photo from a party or liked another girl
    Don't be overprotectiveYou should not ask whether the young man has eaten or put on a hat when leaving the house. A guy shouldn't treat a girl like a mother
    You can't control a manIf he hasn’t responded to a message or has disappeared from the network for several days, you should act as if nothing had happened.
    Don't lead communication to a dead endEvery relationship needs to evolve, so you need to make an effort to move from virtual conversations to real ones
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    Signs of a man's love for a woman - psychology

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    How to make your best friend fall in love with you?

    There is no worse situation when you look at a guy with loving eyes, and he thinks that you are his best friend, trusting him with all the secrets. He tells you about that “blonde” or “brunette”, advises you on what to give her for her birthday, and you realize that you have driven yourself “into a corner” with this friendship.

    Is it possible to make your best friend fall in love with you and how to do this if the relationship is not the first year? Before you start transferring the relationship from friendship to love, you should make sure that you really like the guy as a man. To do this you need to understand. How is love different from friendship?

    Friendship and love are relationships. But friendship is based on mutual benefit, friends have equal rights, completely trust each other, in love one can obey the other, and this brings him pleasure.

    Close friendships are beneficial in some way. Friends help each other and are confident that if they need help, it will be provided. In love, demanding returns is not expected. The feeling is based on passion, and you give yourself. In friendship, communication can be shared, and this gives pleasure; the presence of strangers in love causes discomfort.

    Friendship is stable, love is passion, change. Are you ready to give for free? Then - go ahead.

    Very often you begin to look at your childhood friend with different eyes after breaking up. He has grown up and matured, but at the same time you know that he is the best guy in the world - otherwise you would never have been friends with him for a long time. How to make your childhood friend fall in love with you, because he perceives the girl he has known for many years more like a sister?

    The only way to make a guy fall in love with you in such a situation is to try to change his view of your relationship. No longer open up to him, as I was used to doing all these years, but try to listen to him more. Do not come to help at the first call, but try to describe the situation in such a way that he himself finds a way out of it, and then admire his ability to solve problems.

    The psychology of men is such that they like it when people talk about them, admire them, and believe in them. It is worth moving away a little in love affairs.

    It must be said that when discussing in detail the charms of a girl you like, you feel uncomfortable; male friends sometimes need to be put in their place, otherwise they can afford to behave rudely.

    There is a big advantage in having a close friendship with a man - you already know what he likes in women. Why not play along, open your eyes to yourself? New haircut, bold neckline? In the end, a man is a man, and in order to interest him, you should use feminine charms.

    The problem of how to make a pen pal fall in love with you is easier to solve. You need to invite the guy to meet. There is no need to worry before your first date - in correspondence you probably revealed secrets to each other that you would never dare to tell if you met in person.

    Huge advantages if you want to interest a close friend:

    • you don’t have to come up with reasons for meetings and topics for conversation;
    • you know his tastes and you will try to match;
    • you can always please;
    • You can spend enough time together and not feel like you are intruding.

    One of the psychological tips: “how to make a friend fall in love with you” is to try to start a conversation, where you carefully try to find out his attitude towards the transition from friendship to love, whether he is considering such an option. Close friendship even allows you to ask directly.

    Disadvantages of close acquaintance:

    • a guy simply may not perceive his girlfriend as a girl and view her as a sister;
    • in the company of friends you become so “your guy” that turning into a girl is almost impossible;

    If a direct question is answered with a vague answer: “Everyone has a chance,” will it be possible to remain close friends?

    To get closer, you need to move away a little - there is no other way to take the relationship to a new level. It is necessary to check whether he needs you, whether he will be bored? If he is truly a friend, then after a few days he will begin to wonder what happened?

    From now on, you should behave somewhat differently than before.

    • Pretend that there are extraneous matters that you don’t want to discuss;
    • If earlier they talked about women's health, now this topic should become taboo - no complaints about your intimate aspects of life;
    • Put your appearance in order and now stand before him only “fully armed.” It is very important not to overdo it. But a friend knows whether a friend likes bright makeup or prefers cleanliness;
    • Try to become new, show yourself from a side that he has not seen. Discuss with him not only mutual friends and the area in which you are friends, but also your own interests - books, plays... Was it really “divided in half”, as in the children's song?
    • You need to use a sense of humor and demonstrate lightness and wit in personal communication and company.

    Until now, he took the place of his best friend! This should be used when communicating with a rival, emphasizing that you are one of the components in his life. You can even use forbidden techniques - if his girlfriend is in your life, you know him, you should touch him in front of her, touch his shoulder or arm.

    Intimacy in friendship does not oblige you to anything in the future - very often friends of opposite sexes engage in friendly sex and one of them deceives himself that he doesn’t care. You should never have sex with a friend if you have a non-friendly affection for him. He will simply respect you less.

    But if you are sure that you can tie a man to you with sex, and he will never meet a better partner, then it’s worth a try.

    A couple who has a relationship without intimacy, but with erotic play and hints of sex, has a greater chance of turning friendship into love. This suggests that the girl is attractive to the guy as a partner, and if you push a little...

    Often physiological relationships begin when couples on the other side break up. It is very important not to miss this moment and lend your shoulder in time. Just don’t jump into bed every time a friend argues with his regular partner.

    This is not called friendship, and does not develop into love.

    When communicating with a friend of the opposite sex, you need to be aware of what actually connects you. Is it just a desire to share time? It is unlikely that a guy will spend hours and days with a girl if he does not feel emotions for her.

    Maybe he's just afraid to admit his feelings? Then he should help.

    Sometimes there is no need to find out whether they love you or not if your friend is always nearby. Marriages concluded for friendship are in no way inferior to unions for love.

    How to make a friend fall in love with you?

    Since you are already friends, then your friendship can tell you how to make a friend fall in love with you. Because if from love to hate there is one step, then from friendship to love it is one breath.

    If you are a girl who is in love with her best friend of the opposite sex, then you have a whole arsenal of ways to make a guy fall in love with you. But there is one nuance - sophisticated female tricks should be dismissed as unnecessary. You are already his friend, even if he is a girl. Because guys, and men in general, have a very strict list of frameworks and restrictions on the conditions for “joining a closed club.” They are very picky in choosing friends, and you can only get into the “narrow circle” if you are worthy of it.

    A girl can make a guy friend fall in love with her only when she herself recognizes herself as a girl. If you prefer trousers and jeans to skirts and dresses, then you need to learn to wear them with a certain amount of femininity. You need to put it on your nose: a man loves with his eyes! Even a super short haircut can and should be played up so that it becomes softer and more feminine than luxurious long curls. No make-up is allowed only in the exceptional conditions of a shared Everest climb. Guys want to see a girl next to them, and not just “their sidekick.”

    An existing friendship between a guy and a girl makes it possible to get to know each other over a certain amount of time. If during this time you can become a necessary and irreplaceable person for him, then you have every chance of making a friend fall in love with you. Guys and men are basically very conservative in personal relationships, and they don’t want to change their friends like gloves. Men's friendships often carry through their entire lives, which is why the criteria for selecting friends for men are so strict.

    How to make a guy friend fall in love with you

    1. A girl who is in love with her best friend must first of all be a girl - soft, feminine, calming in moments of difficulty and exciting for success in life.
    2. A friend is someone who is always ready to listen and give good advice. And a lifelong friend is always ready to share successes, joys, worries, sorrows and sorrows with her loved one, and help put her advice into practice. This is the whole difference between a girl friend and a lifelong friend.
    3. You must always be a mystery to him and be interesting in any area of ​​life. You shouldn’t talk a lot and intrusively about yourself, without giving your friend the opportunity to speak out for himself. It’s better to be new to him every day.
    4. Don’t even think about burdening him with your problems and worries - he won’t want to carry around a girl who is unable to solve the simplest problems in life. Men love self-sufficient, self-sufficient and independent women. “Problem” girls discourage any interest in themselves, and especially as a future lifelong friend.
    5. Be easy to communicate, use your sense of humor to help your friend look at life situations from a different point of view, coloring his gray everyday life in light pastel colors. It’s not for nothing that guys strive to have girls as friends - the notorious female logic is not available to them, but it has the ability to find a way out of the most confusing situations. A woman’s brain works differently, and her intuition can save fate and life in certain situations.
    6. Simply and sincerely admit to your friend the feelings you have for him. Guys are flattered by female attention and make them look at you with different eyes. From the point of view of a man, not just a friend.

    If you are a young man who is in love with a girl friend, then it will be more difficult for you, because you will have to pursue her. Conquer. She initially does not see you as a betrothed, so she freely trusts you. But if you show all the persistence and care characteristic of men in relation to a girl friend, then success awaits you in winning her heart. And put it on your nose: a woman loves with her ears! The feeling of love can only be evoked by those who remember this every second.

    How to make a girl friend fall in love with you

    1. As a friend and as a man, never let a girl down in anything! Keep any promise that even accidentally breaks during the conversation exactly and on time. Girls love committed and responsible young men. A fulfilled promise, no matter how absurd it may be, will make your girlfriend look at you with different eyes. Or rather, to try on you as a life partner.
    2. Your actions and words should speak about her exceptional position for you. You shouldn't put her in a situation where she feels lonely around you.
    3. You must fulfill any of her requests addressed to you as a friend, even if you smash them into pieces. This will be proof that you are capable of solving any problem like a man.
    4. Talk to her, communicate more often, with or without reason. Call to ask where she dined and how she is feeling. Find out how she is in her mood and what the weather is like outside her window. Show increased interest in her - it makes you think about what will happen if you stop calling.
    5. Compliment her. Just don't fall into vulgarity! Tell her what impeccable taste she has, what magical eyes, what a soothing voice. And as if in passing, just drop in a conversation: “I feel calm and comfortable with you... Just like at home. Yes, with you I feel at home, no matter where we are.” This phrase will help to germinate in her subconscious the germ of a deeper feeling than friendship.
    6. Simply and sincerely admit to your female friend the feelings you have for her. The feminine essence reacts sharply to manifestations of male love. And it makes you look at you with different eyes. From the point of view of a woman, not just a friend.

    Love and friendship are communicating vessels. There is no friendship without a certain amount of love, and love must necessarily come with strong friendly support. The main thing is not to lose love in the process of friendship. Then friendship will not leave your love.

    How to make a guy fall in love with you?

    Do you like a guy and want him to feel the same way about you? offers you the ideal and effective way to achieve your goal. There are nine steps that you need to follow to know how to make a guy fall in love with you.

    First of all, keep a few things in mind when implementing the recommended steps.

    Don't be afraid to talk to him. If for some reason you are afraid to do this, ask yourself - what is the worst that can happen? Rhetorical question, you yourself know that nothing terrible threatens you. So talk to the guy you like.

    Don't flirt with his close friends. This will not end well: you can quarrel with his friends, and he will not have the best opinion of you. And it certainly won’t help in solving the task of how to make a guy fall in love with you.

    Be very patient. Men sometimes like more than one girl at a time. If this is the case, then he is not ready for a serious relationship yet. Then just transfer him to the friend category. Bye. Temporarily. Take your time.

    Give him more space. We mean give him the opportunity to spend time with his friends. And from time to time refuse to communicate with them. Say you can't come. By the way, this will allow you to understand whether he really wants you to be around or not.

    And now the promised nine steps to achieve the goal. Go for it!

    Be yourself

    Nobody likes unnatural behavior. Therefore, do not be a hypocrite and be sincere. Also remember that it is unlikely that anyone will fall in love with an inexpressive person, so open up to the full diversity of your personal qualities.

    Do the preparatory work

    People don't exist on a desert island. And your boyfriend is no exception. Therefore, try to unobtrusively learn from others about his interests, aspirations, character traits... Then you will adjust the information received in the process of communication. But first, it’s good to know at least something about your chosen one. Believe me, it won't hurt.

    Use mutual friends

    It's very simple - if you see one of your friends walking and talking to this guy, join them and walk some part of the way. Your friend will introduce you, and voila! Now you can rightfully smile at him when you meet him and nod in greeting. Or say, “Hello.” In general, you will be able to navigate the situation.

    Stand out from the crowd

    Do small things to get his attention. Let him know that you are always there for him if he needs someone to talk to. Or he needs help with something.

    Maybe he plays sports? If so, give him, say, a bottle of water for training. Or whatever else you need. By doing this, you show him that you want him without saying a word.

    Make him feel manly

    Give him the opportunity to comfort you during a difficult time. Let him think he made you feel better. Feeling your own masculinity and importance will help you make a guy fall in love; this is an important aspect of the psychology of men in love.

    Be positive

    Smile, be in a good mood, radiate a positive impulse. And don't complain about people. You can make an exception for teachers or boss - you can complain about them.

    Let him go

    As soon as you feel that the guy likes you, then try to let him go a little. Step aside, don't be intrusive. This kind of game is hard to get. But don't overdo it in this direction.

    Be honest

    Don't cheat on yourself or your boyfriend. Be honest in your relationships. Don't be one of those girls who can date more than one guy at a time. Finding the answer to the question - how to make a guy fall in love - this definitely won’t help.

    Don't stand between him and his friends

    A person always has and will have his friends. And you shouldn't come between your boyfriend and his friends. You must accept them. Otherwise, unfortunately, they will be able to figure out how to effectively get rid of you.


    You don't want to look ridiculous and stupid! So, only share with a few close friends that you like this guy.

    Don't look at him too closely or for too long. Otherwise, the guy will think that he has already conquered you, and he will not be interested.

    Don't talk to him more than you talk to your friends. Do not single him out so clearly from the general social circle. This guy doesn’t need to know at all that you are now solving the problem for yourself of how to make a guy fall in love.

    For dessert, here are some video tips on how to make a man fall in love: