How to felt wool jewelry with your own hands. Simple ideas for felting beads from felt with your own hands. Master class on felting jewelry from wool: making a voluminous bracelet

It's hard to believe, but beads are over one hundred thousand years old. At different times they were symbols of power and wealth, attributes of witchcraft and healing. And there were centuries when they were not remembered at all.

Felted beads are a decoration for any girl

Today this accessory is extremely popular. Felted beads are a highlight of fashion shows by famous couturiers.

“Wool fashion show” once again demonstrates that beads are not only winter decorations. They perfectly complement clothes for any season.

A variety of designs and unusual colors allow you to choose felted beads for both a business suit and a casual dress. The beads give their owner their inherent warmth, giving a unique charm and femininity.

To buy a magical accessory, you don’t have to go to a high fashion salon or a boutique with exorbitant prices. Any girl, without leaving home, can decorate her wardrobe with a stylish and so attractive decoration.

The basics: what to equip yourself with for wet felting jewelry

First, you need to decide on your favorite color and style of clothing - the beads should be in harmony with your look.

The main material you will need is uncombed wool. You can use any material designed for felting.

Combed wool is more elastic, so it will be more difficult to roll the ball into a tight ball.

The color and number of wool fibers depend on how the desired decoration appears. : plain or colored, necked or hanging freely.

If the intended beads are short, you will need a special lock. It is purchased in a specialized store along with other accessories.

Beads can be not only round. With a little practice, you can learn to give them an oval or oblong shape.

It is possible to alternate wool balls with beads made of wood, metal, plastic; decorating them with embroidery, beads or something else. Design solutions will be suggested by your imagination.

Master class on wet felting wool beads at home

Felted beads look impressive, looking like a precious stone.

Master class presents making “malachite” beads of the Mistress of the Copper Mountain.

Materials and tools

  • Combed ribbon of noble green color.
  • A little black tint - to create veins “on the stone”.
  • Bubble film - speeds up the stalling process.
  • Container with hot water.
  • Liquid soap without cream additives.
  • Towel.
  • Gypsy needle.
  • Thin knitting needle.
  • A narrow satin ribbon, the color harmonizing with the intended decoration. Beads gather on it, which looks very beautiful. In this case, there is no need for a clasp - a beautiful bow will replace it.
  • Glue "Moment Crystal" for processing the edge of the tape.


1. Blanks for beads. Tear thin long strands from the green combed ribbon, two for each bead. Don't forget that the wool shrinks during the felting process - take it with a reserve. If you need beads of the same size, then the strands need to be prepared in advance, according to the desired number.

The pieces of wool should be of the same density. Later it is difficult to determine the number of fibers used to make the first bead.

Taking the strand by the edge, roll it into a bun. Wind the second strand on top. You should get a tight ball. Prepare the material for all beads in the same way. Wind thin strands of black fiber onto each green piece, imitating the veins on the stone.

2. Wet felting. Immerse the ball in the soapy solution. Be sure to hold it with your fingers, thereby preventing the fibers from unwinding. The bead should be well saturated with water. After slightly squeezing the ball, begin to roll it between your palms. Movements should be very soft - without pressure.

Excess foam can be removed from the ball by dipping it into a container with soapy water. To speed up the process of falling the bead, start rolling it on bubble wrap. As the ball thickens, increase the pressure.

If it has become hard and the wool fibers adhere tightly to the surface, you can finish felting. In the same way, make the required number of beads.

3. Wash and dry. Rinse the beads well in running warm water and then in cold water. Finally, roll each ball between your palms to even out the shape.

Make holes for the tape in advance, before drying.. Once the beads are dry, it will be much more difficult to pierce them through. You can pierce the beads with a gypsy needle or a thin knitting needle. Make larger holes for the tape.

You can dry the balls on a knitting needle, or use toothpicks for this purpose. It will take overnight to dry. The next day, start assembling the beads into an original decoration.

4. Assembly. Place the dried beads on a cloth or towel. This is necessary so that they do not roll away anywhere. Cut the edge of the tape diagonally and treat it with Moment Crystal glue. Once the glue has dried, use a gypsy needle to string the beads onto the ribbon.

The beads are ready. Wear them with pleasure, feeling like a fabulous Mistress of the Copper Mountain.

Interesting ideas for felting wool beads

Mommy can make a special decoration for children, who has mastered the basics of wool felting. These are the so-called mother beads (sling beads)a piece of jewelry for women that is also a toy for a child. The baby, being in his mother's arms or in a sling, occupies himself and does not fiddle with his mother. Mama beads act as a sedative.

There is a peculiarity in the manufacture of these beads: the wool should not shed, the beads should be attached to a ribbon or knitted braid. The main rule is the safety of the baby. The beads are very easy to care for - they can be washed like baby clothes.

Make beads for your loved one. Initially, beads were a men's accessory. Our very distant great-grandfathers, successful hunters or tribal leaders, demonstrated their dominance with jewelry made from teeth or animal bones.

Today, men's beads are just a return to ancient traditions. They won the hearts of the stronger sex not only in a creative environment or on vacation, but also in everyday life. Ahead - youth, supporters of subcultures and stylish men.

When making men's beads, it is necessary to observe three principles: rigor, restraint, brevity.

The beads are felted in small sizes, round and in the shape of a cylinder. It is customary to decorate them with a small metal pendant with a masculine “character” in the form of a claw, a coin, and so on.

Felted beads are multifunctional - they will take on any meaning given by the owner. Their beauty lies in the fact that they will always remain a unique work of authorship. Millions of hairs will never intertwine in the same way. Wool fashion show...

Wet felting from wool. Master Class

Master class “Felting wool jewelry”

Author: Vasyukova Svetlana Alekseevna, teacher of additional education, MBOU DOD "House of Children's Creativity"
The master class is designed for students aged 10-12 years
The wonderful holiday of March 8 is approaching, and what else could please a mother more than a gift made by the hands of a child. Jewelry that we make ourselves from wool will be a wonderful gift for mom.

Purpose of the master class:
developing independence and increasing the creative abilities of children through arts and crafts - wool felting.
get acquainted with the technology of wet felting from wool and the history of felt making;
promote the development of imaginative thinking, creative independence, memory, imagination, attention, fine motor skills, evoke a desire to fantasize, develop a sense of composition in children;
cultivate aesthetic taste, accuracy, perseverance, patience, attentiveness, diligence.

Nomads were the first people to appreciate the unique properties of felt. They made houses, clothes (insoles, burkas and men's hats), interior items (carpets, runners, pillows), livestock equipment (saddle parts, saddle blankets and horse blankets, large felt bags for transporting goods, etc.) from wool. utensils (bags for storing tea, small dishes and other small items), bedding for newborn calves.
Felt appeared in Rus' during the era of the Mongol-Tatar yoke. Much later, about two hundred years ago, in Russia they learned to felt felt boots from wool. But in addition to felt boots, cloth was also made in Rus', which was quite popular, felt for household needs and felted hats.
So let's start making a set of wool jewelry. During our work, we will make beads and a brooch, which you can give to your beloved mother.

The first step will be making beads.

On the Eighth of March
To my beloved mom
I'll give you the sun
Golden-maned ray!
Let the ray touch
Mom's head
Kiss on the cheek
Tender and awkward!
Straight through the clouds
My playful ray
Warms mom
golden mane,
It will tickle your eyes,
Having fun playing
And mom will wake up
Smiling at the sun!

We will need:

Organza ribbon about 1m long;
combed wool for felting – about 10 g

20 plastic beads – 5 mm in diameter
bowl with soapy water
gypsy needle with wide eye

Step 1. Layout of wool for beads.
We take a skein of combed wool in our hand, and with the fingers of our other hand we grab the very tip of the wool fibers. Tear off a thin strand of wool.
From such strands we form a wool bead. We place the first strand on the table, the second at a right angle to the first, and so we fold several strands, perpendicular to the previous strand.
So make a soft, loose pile of wool.

Step 2. After laying out the wool for the bead, fold it into a ball.
We wrap the left edge of the strand, then at a right angle we wrap the right edge, etc.

We wrap the wool in this way until a ball is formed.

It is still quite loose and falls apart easily, and in order to proceed to the next process - felting, you will need soapy water.

Step 3. Prepare a soap solution for felting: for half a liter of water, 1 tablespoon of liquid dishwashing detergent, preferably not brightly colored, otherwise the wool will be stained.
Soak the wool ball in soapy water, squeeze out excess water and begin rolling the ball.

The first movements should be light and soft. It's like you're just rolling a ball in your palms. You can use a dishwashing sponge. On the abrasive side of the sponge, the top layer of the bead very quickly begins to fall off and harden. After the top layer of the ball has hardened, you can apply some effort and roll it until it becomes a “pebble.” The finished bead should be firm to the touch, of the correct shape, without creases.
Creases form if you begin to felt a ball that has not yet hardened, applying force. The ball gives a fold and later this fold develops into such a “scar”, i.e. crease.
Felt several beads this way.

Step 4. Let's start assembling the beads.
At the beginning of the work, we lay out the beads according to size. We place the largest bead in the center and arrange it in a mirror pattern on the sides in descending order.
We distribute plastic beads between the wool beads.

Using a gypsy needle, we make a through hole in the center of the wool ball and thread it onto the needle.

On a note. To make piercing easier, it is better to turn the bead with the needle to the right and left. This way you will avoid deformation of the ball.
Take the next wool ball and, just like in the previous step, pierce it with a gypsy needle exactly in the center. We thread the ribbon through the needle and push the needle through the ball.

On a note. The balls for the beads should be quite dense, and therefore it will not be so easy to thread the needle and ribbon with your fingers. Use pliers to make the process easier. Grasp the sharp end of the needle with pliers with one hand, and hold the ball between the fingers of the other hand.
We move the bead further away, cut the tip of the ribbon at a very sharp angle, so that it freely passes through the small hole of the plastic bead.
And in the reverse order we thread the plastic beads, alternating them with woolen ones.
Align the beads on the ribbon. Cut off the excess piece of tape. The ends of the ribbon on the cuts can be burned with matches.

The beads are ready! Well done!
Let's start making a peony flower using the wet felting technique.

Felting a flower from wool is a fairly simple process; even a person who is encountering this type of needlework for the first time as a craftsman will be able to create an amazing and bright product. The choice of flower for this master class was not accidental; peony is one of the most spectacular flowers, and a brooch in the shape of a bright flower will be an impeccable decoration for almost any outfit.
So, in order to felt a flower from wool using the wet method, you will need:
natural wool (colors: white and red);
soap solution;
bubble film;
nylon mesh;

Step 1. Felt the petals
As with making beads, pull thin strands of wool from the combed ribbon and shape each into a triangular shape with loose fibers on one side and a fine tip on the other. Place the pieces in a circle. The first layer is laid out from the center of the circle (hand in the center).

Proceed to laying out the second layer. This time, lay out the wool along the outer contour of the circle.
To get an even felt when felting wool, try to lay out the wool evenly without gaps or excessive compaction. Remember that the wool will shrink by a third during the felting process.

Step 2. Wet the wool evenly with the soap solution. It’s good to use a bottle with a pinned cap, so the wool will be moistened evenly, but don’t overdo it, a puddle of excess moisture will only hinder our work. Cover the product with a net. After this, gently rub the fur with your palms over the mesh. The movements must be careful; the flower must be smoothed towards the center, so the edges of the flower will lie smoother. When the wool begins to acquire a denser texture, increase the pressure. You also need to periodically turn the flower over to ensure even felling.

Step 3.

Step 4. When the wool falls a little, fold the edges of the wool for a more even edge of the product. We continue to felt the flower with a folded edge
Step 5. Using the same method, we proceed to the layout of the second tier of the petal. To get vibrant shades of peony, place white wool in the middle of the red circle with white veins. Felt in the same way as the first tier.

Svetlana Bolshakova

A few months ago here on Maama I came across a publication by a teacher from Moscow, Lola Jalalova, about making one wool bead for each child. Then I got excited to try making felt ones like this beads, but I found time only yesterday. The rain was drumming outside the window and this music was very conducive to the next creativity.

Master Class Lola was very conveniently designed for children's creativity. That's how we acted. We took colored wool for felting, containers for Kinder surprises, poured water with liquid soap, napkins for wiping hands.

Already this morning, in response to my request for felting beads, the computer produced a lot of such beauty - round beads, square, cubes, flat, like tablets, etc.!

And I learned that the water should be hot, but ours was at room temperature. But it seems to me that this did not play a negative role.

So our Master Class. They took a small strand of wool - 15 cm long and 1 cm wide. Smoothed out with your hands

Although it is written on the Internet that you need to ruffle the wool and roll it into a ball, securing it with a dry needle felting. But you can’t give such a needle to children for safety reasons, but for myself I decided that next time I will make such beads according to all the rules.

Well, we rolled a ball, dipped it in a soapy solution, squeezed it out, put it in a container and started shaking

Lola says that you need to shake the container for about 5 minutes. But, in my opinion, this is too long. By the end of the work, the muscles in our arms were already sore.

After the ball has been removed, we begin to carefully roll it between our palms, gradually increasing the pressure of our palms on the ball. Roll the ball until it is tight

And now the first beads

I tried to make the beads not one color, I inserted wool of a different color into them

It took us a little over an hour to roll out a sufficient number of beads

True, I then rolled the girls’ beads until they were properly elastic, probably for another hour. We left the beads to dry on the table, arranging them by size - after all, they didn’t turn out to be the same size. But they needed to be rinsed in clean water, and we didn’t do that. In general, today I read that beads You can even wash it at up to 40 degrees

In the morning the beads dried and I collected them on a thin elastic band, inserting small multi-colored plastic beads between them

This is how the beads turned out

The girls' joy knew no bounds

Publications on the topic:

“Easter souvenir” - dry felting from wool. Dry felting from wool, a technique that allows you to create unusual souvenirs. They have.

Campaign "Feed the birds in winter!" Yesterday my children and I from the gr. "Pinocchio" held the event "Feed the birds in winter!" First we had a conversation on the topic “Wintering.

Dear Colleagues! In this master class I want to bring to your attention one of the many ways to make beads (necklaces) from fabric.

Not glass or crystal, but shines like steel. You'll take it warm, home. It will immediately become water. The cold comes from him. Well of course it is(.

Master class “Brilliant beads for the Christmas tree” A fluffy Christmas tree came to visit us. Golden beads braided into branches. Dear colleagues.

Beads for your beloved mother. In order to make such beads for your mother you will need: a white sheet of cardboard, any woolen thread.

Another product made from natural material - felted beads with your own hands from wool. You can felt beads for beads of one color or with the addition of another color, as in the picture.

Choose colors that suit you best with the clothes you are going to wear them with. Beads made from felted wool balls will turn out bright, but if they do not match the color of your wardrobe, then they will spend most of their time in a drawer.

Materials for felted wool beads

  • Wool for felting
  • About 175 - 180 cm of cable for jewelry work
  • Clasp
  • Bead clips (quantity depending on the number of beads, two on each side of the bead)
  • Needle for felting
  • Felting brush (I didn't use it)
  • Soap solution (for wet felting or felting)
  • An awl for punching holes in felted balls

First, you need to roll the balls with your hands and start felting them with a felting needle; I do this on a regular dishwashing sponge, on its foam side.

You can read more about how to felt wool balls using dry and then wet felting in another article:

Felting such wool balls is very simple; every beginner, even a child, can do it. First, use the dry felting method—poking a ball of wool with a felting needle, and then you can continue felting the balls in the washing machine.

To do this, I place them one at a time through a knot into the legs of old tights and, in this form, put them, along with other things intended for washing, into the drum of the washing machine. Anyone interested in all the small details of making balls for beads or other jewelry (for example, earrings) is welcome to follow the link.

In total, you need to make 9 pieces of felted beads of each size - 2.5 cm, 2 cm, 1.5 cm.

Assembling felted wool beads

When the felted wool beads are ready, you must first divide the jewelry cable into three parts, one will be slightly larger than the others - about 65-67 centimeters, the other (middle) - 58-60 centimeters, the third, the shortest - 52-54 centimeters.

Try it on yourself - you may want to make the beads shorter or, conversely, longer. If you make long beads and the head will fit freely, then you can save on the clasp.

Felted beads made from unspun wool are very dense, it is impossible to even pierce them with a needle, so we will use an awl to string them onto the cable at intervals of several centimeters.

Leave the very beginning of the cable (on both sides of the clasp) free, the distance for large beads is less - about 9 centimeters, for medium ones - 20 centimeters, and for the smallest ones - 23 centimeters.

But these are approximate sizes, and you can make your own felted beads from unspun multi-colored wool, original and completely different from these. It all depends on your imagination. You can make wool beads not round, but oval. I personally prefer the completely round ones.

Between the felted ones you can add plastic or metal beads, crocheted balls, glass beads, and beaded balls. Felted beads can be very beautifully embroidered with simple embroidery - stars, snowflakes, appliques can be made on them from fabrics with small printed patterns, and embroidered with beads.

All that remains is to collect all the beads into three parts of the cable, secure them (so that they do not move) using clamps and attach a clasp to the ends. Clips are small metal beads; they must fit freely into the jewelry cable, and to secure felted beads, they must be clamped in the right place, for example, with pliers.

That's all, your DIY colored wool beads are ready!

You may be interested in:

This is a classic necklace made of multi-colored mucaite and amber with the addition of bugles in some places between the large flat beads.
The beads are quite massive, but look very impressive, especially when paired with massive amber earrings.

I also have a matching mukaite wrist bracelet. The bright autumn colors of this stone attract attention.

To complement the felted beads, you can make earrings from the same felted balls, from one or several balls each. Or like in the photo - felted balls each in a sphere made of metal wire. They turn out to be quite large, but weightless, because felted wool weighs very little.

By felting unspun wool, you can make not only felted beads or earrings, but also brooches. Try making small round toy beads in the shape of funny animals, like the ones in the picture. They serve as the basis for our decoration on the clasp pin.

Felting wool is a fairly multifunctional craft. You can make many completely different crafts using this technique. These can be voluminous toy animals, shoes, rugs, potholders, and even beautiful New Year's decorations and jewelry. Such crafts differ in level of complexity, for example, even a beginner can handle round beads, but a voluminous bracelet or Christmas tree decoration can only be made by a person who has at least a little knowledge of the basics of this type of needlework.

Felt jewelry has become especially popular lately. They look stylish and eclectic. They can complement both an everyday casual look and the image of a business woman.

Absolutely any elements for decoration can be rolled out of wool, but most of all the craftswomen loved felt beads and voluminous sleeve bracelets.

Jewelry and Christmas tree decorations can be felted dry or wet, but the product looks neatest if you combine these two techniques. At the first stage, you can give the product a shape using needles, and then add it with a soap solution. Most often, bracelets, beads, scarves and brooches are made from wool. Despite the fact that this list is quite small, all jewelry made using the felting technique turns out to be unique and inimitable.

When making Christmas tree decorations, you can give free rein to your imagination. These can be animals suspended by a string, heroes of various fairy tales, and simply a variety of crafts in the form of stars, hearts and balls, decorated with pictures. Even a beginner can make a craft for the New Year by assembling a multi-colored garland from felted balls.

Felting neck decorations: collecting beads

Beads are a classic necklace for women. Some will say that everyone has become tired of it a long time ago, but beads made of felt look stylish and unusual. If you wish, you can complement this decoration with a bracelet made from the same elements.

If you want to make your chain of beads even more unique, you can embroider a variety of small patterns on them with threads.

Wool can be absolutely any color. Beads assembled from elements of two colors that match each other will look interesting.

Bead making technique:

  1. Take two pieces of wool, 5 cm each. Roll the first one into a roll, and wrap the second one around it, covering the curled edges.
  2. Now roll the fur in your palms to form a kind of bun.
  3. Place the ball on a piece of foam rubber and start working it on all sides with a needle. The punctures should be located at a distance of no more than 2 mm from each other and cover the entire surface of the bead.
  4. At this stage, you can decorate the ball with a material of a different color; these can be small threads of wool or natural fibers (soy, banana, bamboo, etc.). To do this, wrap it with colored threads and process them in some places with a needle, implanting them into the bead.
  5. Moisten the film for packaging equipment (with pimples) with a hot soapy solution, and also moisten your hands with the same liquid. Place the ball on the film and begin to roll it slowly and carefully. The intensity of pressure must be increased as the bead falls. Places where unevenness has formed can be corrected by rolling and pressing.
  6. Make the required number of such beads. You may need 12-30 balls, depending on the size.
  7. Rinse the finished beads under running cold water.

When all the beads are ready, you can proceed directly to assembling the jewelry. For these purposes you will need a strong thread with a needle and a lock for the necklace. Place beads on the thread, alternating them with metallic colored beads if desired, and fasten the fittings to the ends of the thread.

Master class on felting jewelry from wool: making a voluminous bracelet

While even a beginner can handle beads, this bracelet will require some tinkering. It looks like a voluminous ring, but at the same time such jewelry weighs almost nothing.

This bracelet can be complemented with beads of the same color and with the same decor.

For a voluminous bracelet, you will need combed wool (these are long tufts of wool wound into skeins) to create the base of the bracelet and carded wool (these are short and fluffy wool fibers). You can also use golden braid with a suitable pattern, beads and golden threads for decoration.

Master class on creating a bracelet:

  1. Make 2-3 turns of the combed wool around the hand, at the level of the knuckles.
  2. Cut off the excess so that a tail of 5-10 cm remains. Wrap the resulting ring with the tail.
  3. Now, using combed wool of the same color, begin wrapping the bracelet across the grain. The turns should go tightly adjacent to each other. Produce branches layer by layer until the bracelet reaches the desired thickness.
  4. On top of the ring, use special needles to drive bunches of carded carding of the same color, but in different shades. For example, if you used red combed wool for the warp, then you can use tufts of burgundy, carrot and russet carded wool.
  5. Dilute liquid soap into bowls of warm water. The soap solution should be strong enough.
  6. Place the bracelet in a bowl of soapy water and start felting it. When the craft becomes more or less dense, remove it from the water and continue felting.
  7. Rinse the resulting tight ring under running water, continuing to add it.
  8. Now flatten the inside of the bracelet and check that it fits easily on your hand. Dry the craft on the radiator.
  9. Decorate the bracelet with braid, gold threads and beads.

A felted voluminous bracelet will complement your boho look or become a wonderful decoration on New Year's Eve. It is quite soft and pliable to the touch, so it is pleasant to wear.

New Year's decorations: wool felting master class

Christmas tree decorations are the main attribute of the New Year. It is thanks to such decorations that the apartment is filled with the Christmas spirit. Recently, it has become fashionable to decorate the Christmas tree not only with glass balls, but also with a variety of hand-made crafts. You can also make interesting toys from felt.

Making a heart decoration for the Christmas tree:

  1. Cut out two hearts of the same size from thin padding polyester. Sew them together along the edges and stuff them with holofiber.
  2. Wrap the heart in two or three layers of combed wool. It is imperative that the craft is wrapped evenly and that there are no gaps between the wool strands.
  3. Tie the heart in a nylon sock and put it in the washing machine, after adding washing powder and setting the temperature to 50 degrees.
  4. Remove the felted product from the machine and place it on the battery until completely dry.
  5. Decorate the toy with beads, embroidery or felt applique. You can also felt a design into a heart using wool of a different color.

Using this principle, you can make stars or convex rounds. If you want to make a ball, then you need to cut out a circle of padding polyester twice as large as the finished product and gather it around the edges.

Felting wool decorations (video)

Felt jewelry looks very stylish and unusual, and is quite simple to make. Give free rein to your imagination and you will become the owner of unique jewelry!