The most dangerous dogs - list of aggressive breeds. The most dangerous dogs in the world

At first glance, it may seem that a dangerous and aggressive breed of dog is one and the same. However, practice shows that a non-aggressive large dog can, due to improper handling, cause serious, even fatal, harm to a person. Therefore, this article is divided into 2 parts. The first will talk about the most aggressive dog breeds, the second - the most dangerous.

The most aggressive dog breeds

In 2006, a draft federal law “On the breeding and keeping of dogs of aggressive breeds in the Russian Federation” appeared in Russia. It presented a list of dogs of aggressive breeds that it was proposed to prohibit ordinary citizens from owning. The right to breed and keep dogs of aggressive breeds in the Russian Federation was to be given to state paramilitary organizations; legal entities with special statutory tasks; hunting organizations; organizations involved in reindeer and horse breeding, transhumance; divisions of the Russian Academy of Sciences conducting field work related to the protection of nature and natural resources in the Far North and equivalent areas, in remote and mountainous areas; specialized enterprises engaged in hunting and trapping; canine nurseries.
After the law was promulgated, it caused a strong public reaction, and the law was never passed. However, the extensive list of aggressive dog breeds presented in the document is of interest. Here is the list:

Aidi (Atlas Shepherd Dog), Ainu (Ainu Dog, Hokkaido), Akbash, Akita Inu, American Akita (Large Japanese Dog), Bergamasco (Bergamos Shepherd Dog), German Boxer, Briard (French Long-haired Shepherd Dog), Danish Broholmer, Bouvier Ardennes, Bouvier Flaneur, purebred Alapaha Bulldog (Otto), American Bulldog, Malorsky Bulldog (Ca-de-Beau, Pero de Preso Malborkin), Bullmastiff, English Bull Terrier, English Staffordshire Bull Terrier, South African Boerboel, Welsh Terrier, Kart Shepherd (Cart Sheepdog), Shepherd Dog American-Canadian White, Belgian Shepherd (Groenendael, Laekenois, Molinois, Tarvuren), Bernese Shepherd (Bernese Mountain Dog), Greater Swiss Shepherd (Greater Swiss Mountain Dog), Dutch Shepherd, Greek Shepherd, Estrela Shepherd (Portuguese Mountain), Caucasian Shepherd (Wolfhound) Caucasian), German Shepherd Dog, South Russian Shepherd Dog (Tauride), Picardy Shepherd Dog (Picar), Polish Podgalian Shepherd Dog, Polish Tatra Shepherd Dog, Central Asian Shepherd Dog (Alabai, Central Asian Wolfhound), East European Shepherd Dog, Irish Wolfhound, Doberman Pinscher, Dogo Argentino (Argentine Mastiff) ), Dogue de Bordeaux (French Mastiff, Dogue de Bordeaux), Great Dane, Dalmatian, Drathaar, Airedale Terrier, Kangal, Cane Corso, Cao de Castro Laboreiro, Cao de Sera de Astrela (Portuguese Cattle Dog), Anatolian Karabash, Commander (Shepherd Dog) Hungarian), Kuvasz Hungarian, Labrador Retriever, Landseer (Newfoundland black and white), Laika, Leonberger, Alaskan Malamute, Marema (Maremo-Abrutz Sheepdog), English Mastiff, Belgian Mastiff, Spanish Mastiff, Pyrenean Mastiff, Tibetan Mastiff, Mastino ( Neapolitan Mastiff, Neapolitan Mastino), Miniature Schnauzer, Moscow Watchdog, Newfoundland, Pero de Presa Canario (Canary Dog), American Pit Bull Terrier, Purujahar, Rafeiro Dualintejo (Portuguese Guard Dog), Rhodesian Ridgeback, Thai Ridgeback, Giant Schnauzer (Great Schnauzer), Rottweiler , St. Bernard, Italian wolf dog, Saarlo wolf dog (Wolfhound), Czech wolf dog, Pyrenean mountain dog (Great Pyrenees), black Russian terrier, Toza Inu (Japanese fighting dog), Fila Brasileiro (Brazilian mastiff), fox terrier, Siberian husky, Hovawart, Slovakian Chuvach, Jagdterrier, mestizos (crossbreeds) of all designated breeds.

It may seem strange to include some naturally non-aggressive dog breeds on the list, but it’s not that simple. We should not forget that even the most harmless-looking dog is a descendant of a wolf, which cannot be called non-aggressive due to its predatory nature. Ancient instincts can lie dormant with the right lifestyle of the dog, but if, for example, a sled dog, intended for constant activity, is kept almost constantly in the apartment, this can spill over into serious outbursts of aggression. They pose a particular danger, which is difficult for even an adult to cope with, let alone a child.

The most dangerous dog breeds. Top 10

Let's move from Russia to another part of the world - to the USA. The American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA for short) conducted a study to find out the most dangerous dog breeds for humans. The number of deaths resulting from attacks by dogs of different breeds was taken as a basis. over a 20-year period from 1979 to 1998. After processing the statistics, the top 10 most dangerous dog breeds were published in a magazine published by the AVMA. The inclusion of some breeds in the list looks surprising at first glance, but is quite logical if we take into account the considerations expressed in our article above.

10th place. Saint Bernard is a breed of giant-sized dog descended from working dogs from the Italian and Swiss Alps, which were originally bred as rescue dogs. One of . A St. Bernard named Raittes Brandy Bear carried 2,905 kg in a cart during the competition. It is the strength and size of the St. Bernard that makes this breed one of the most dangerous if mishandled.

9th place. German dog- the tallest breed of dog in the world, bred for hunting. The record holder of this breed is a gigantic Great Dane from Michigan named Zeus, whose height is 111.8 cm, and standing on his hind legs, he reaches 2.2 m in height. The giant's weight is 70.3 kg. Another Great Dane became the strongest dog in history, moving a load of 3428.5 kg. Everything that has been said about the strength and size of the St. Bernard also applies to the Great Dane, and the fact that the dog is a hunting dog only adds to its hidden danger.

8th place. Chow chow– one of the most ancient dog breeds in the world. According to research, it is one of the first primitive dog breeds that evolved from wolves. It is this genetic affinity to wolves that explains why this cute-looking dog can be very dangerous. With a lack of physical exercise (which is vital for the Chow Chow, since this breed was bred for protection, hunting, reindeer herding and as sled dogs) and simply out of boredom, the Chow Chow can attack a person. Therefore, those who have children should think twice before buying a dog of this breed, by the way, one of the.

7th place. Doberman. The presence of this service dog breed, often used by the police, should not be surprising. She was also included in the list of aggressive dog breeds given above. Moderate viciousness is an indispensable quality of Dobermans.

6th place. Alaskan Malamute- bred in Alaska by crossing large breeds of wild wolves and sled dogs, intended for sled work, one of the oldest dog breeds. Genetic proximity to wolves, great physical strength, and the need for constant physical activity make this breed unsafe for people if handled improperly and if they live their lifestyle incorrectly.

In the photo - an Alaskan Malamute named Rader, who is a champion in pulling loads. His personal record is 2072.5 kg.

5th place. A hybrid of a wolf and a dog, called wolfdog in the USA, and in Russia - wolfdog. The danger of this internationally unrecognized breed for humans is explained primarily by their wolfish disposition and strong hunting instinct. At the same time, wolf-dogs are still closer to dogs than to wild wolves. They are controlled by humans, and their advantages are much more developed sense of smell, intelligence and endurance than ordinary dogs.

4th place. Siberian Husky . Having examined the DNA of Siberian huskies, scientists ranked them among the 14 oldest dog breeds, whose genotype is least different from the wild wolf. The breed was bred in time immemorial by the Chukchi. This semi-nomadic people needed a dog capable of moving quickly over long distances in order to transport cargo from commercial hunting grounds to permanent settlements and back. Siberian Huskies, when properly kept, implying constant physical activity, are very friendly to people, because... initially they were kept directly in the dwellings. But if you lock a husky within 4 walls, then its need for activity will spill out into aggression.

3rd place. German Shepherd . Often used by police and border guards, this guard dog breed should also come as no surprise by being included on this list.

2nd place. Rottweiler- a service dog breed prone to outbursts of aggression. Like the German Shepherd, it is used in the police and border protection. At the same time, the Rottweiler is heavier and more dangerous than the German Shepherd. According to statistics, 2 people die every year from Rottweiler attacks in the United States.

1 place. American Pit Bull Terrier. This fighting breed is a symbol of canine aggression. Pit bull terrier attacks killed 66 people in the United States over 20 years. After the ban on dog fighting in America, the breeding of pit bulls was also banned for a time. Their aggressiveness is successfully used by the police, both American and Russian.

Reading time: 12 min.

Have you ever thought about what exists today? the most dangerous dog breeds in the world ? After all, on the streets every day we see a variety of domestic and stray dogs, whose intentions are impossible to predict. It would be unfair to blame dogs of individual breeds for potential threat or aggression towards humans. But it just so happens that some of man's four-legged friends have great potential to cause serious harm to life or health. The Big Rating magazine brings to your attention the most dangerous and aggressive dog breeds in the TOP 10 rating.

Chow chow

Country of origin: China

Height: 45-55 cm

Weight: 20-35 kg

Chow-chows look like fluffy “teddy bears”, they are cute and cute. But their character is quite complex and full of nuances. By nature, Chow Chows are melancholic and behave measuredly and aloofly. Dogs of this breed recognize exclusively family members and do not trust strangers or unfamiliar people. When a stranger tries to pet a funny dog ​​with a blue tongue that he likes, anger and aggression can replace the external serenity of the animal. Chow-chows are also ferocious in the role of protector of the owner. They often show hostility towards smaller animals. In rare cases, chow chows have been observed attacking owners, due to lack of regular exercise or out of boredom caused by lack of daily physical activity. Chow chows are also contraindicated for families with small children, as they do not tolerate children's pranks well and sometimes react very aggressively.

Country of origin: Germany

Height: 63-72 cm

Weight: 32-45 kg

Dobermans are first-class guard dogs, so they can often be seen as service dogs. They are arrogant and have an elegant appearance. At the same time, Dobermans are powerful, strong and resilient. They are friendly towards their owners and love children. Dogs of this breed are prone to displays of anger and aggression due to their explosive temperament, and therefore pose a potential threat to humans. The danger lies in the strength and impressive size of the animal. Dobermans can be hostile towards other dogs and strangers. According to statistics of registered attacks on people by dogs of this breed, the cause is most often hostile actions directed at the owner of the Doberman. Unfortunately, Dobermans are overly loyal to their owner and distrustful of strangers, which sometimes leads to irreparable mistakes. A peculiar deviation of the breed is the birth of puppies with a strong bias towards cowardice or aggression. These are peculiar echoes of initial selection, which are also dangerous for others.

Country of origin: Germany

Height: 53-63 cm

Weight: 25-30 kg

The German Boxer is a strong, stocky dog ​​with a powerful, square head and a massive, strong jaw. Boxers are often used to guard livestock and property, and also as a guide for the blind. The dogs have an intimidating and aggressive appearance, although Boxers are energetic and playful in nature, they have a balanced temperament, good training abilities and excellent relationships with children. Boxers are smart, loyal and absolutely harmless to the owner, but extremely suspicious and distrustful of strangers. Although breeders managed to remove the initial aggression from German boxers, this did not rid the dog of the habit of chasing smaller animals and showing hostility towards strangers.

Country of origin: Russia

Height: 50-60 cm

Weight: 18-28 kg

An Eskimo sled dog with a lively and peaceful character. By nature, huskies are one of the most good-natured dog breeds in the world. And proper upbringing and early socialization make it completely incapable of harming a person. Huskies have a very quiet disposition; they even bark extremely rarely. Due to their excessive love and friendliness, these dogs greet even an intruder who enters the apartment like a best friend. But despite all their kindness, huskies can be dangerous. So, for example, their innate predatory instinct turns them into a threat to small animals. Lack of training and socialization is fraught with husky behavior showing aggression towards humans. The worst thing is that, according to statistics, 68% of all attacks by these dogs were committed on children.

Country of origin: Great Britain

Height: 53-56 cm

Weight: 23-32 kg

The breed is a mixture of the classic English bulldog, terrier and Dalmatian. The result of such selection was an animal with a terrifying appearance that cannot be confused with any other dog breed. The dog is very active and needs long walks and active games. Conscientious and friendly upbringing makes the Bull Terrier a devoted companion dog, without the slightest hint of aggression towards humans. The bull terrier was included in the ranking of the most dangerous breeds due to its powerful muscles, incredibly strong jaw and the famous “death grip”. A muscular dog with strong legs, it recognizes only one owner. But she is able to protect him and herself, thanks to her powerful jaw and deadly bites. The Bull Terrier cannot be called friendly towards other animals.

Country of origin: Spain

Height: 56-68 cm

Weight: 45-60 kg

The Dogo Canary initially acted as a shepherd and cattle guard, and today it has turned into an ordinary pet, capable of responsibly guarding the territory entrusted to it. With a strong build, powerful limbs, a menacing appearance and enormous strength, this dog is not particularly prone to aggression. Dogo Canarios love their owners and their family, but are extremely intolerant of strangers. The dog itself is phlegmatic and not prone to fights, but in the event of an immediate threat to the owner, it fiercely rushes to defense. It is the excessive affection and boundless love of dogs of this breed for their owner that turns them into a powerful weapon in the hands of a mentally unbalanced person.

Country of origin: Germany

Height: 55-65 cm

Weight: 22-40 kg

German Shepherds are smart, strong, physically active and fearless. These dogs need an active lifestyle, walks and games. Due to their ability to get along with multiple owners, German Shepherds are ideal as service dogs. They are excellent companions and guards. Intelligence, aggressiveness, vigilance and fearlessness made the shepherd the best guard and police dog. Despite their high level of intelligence and balanced character, German shepherds also belong to the category of the most dangerous dogs, since when furious they are capable of causing serious injury to a person. The most common reasons for inappropriate behavior in representatives of this breed are poor training and lack of socialization.

Country of origin: Russia

Height: 64-75 cm

Weight: 40-80 kg

“Caucasian” is a powerful, large dog, fearless and decisive. The breed is very popular in Russia due to its excellent watchdog qualities, endurance and intelligence. The Caucasian Shepherd Dog is quite trainable, but, like many other guard dog breeds, it is wary and hostile towards strangers. In combination with the strong-willed character, size and strength of the dog, the shepherd’s desire to protect the owner or defend the territory can lead to inflicting injuries to a person that are incompatible with life. For a Caucasian Shepherd dog rushing into a fight, there are no barriers and therefore 60% of attacks end in death. Proper training and timely socialization stop inappropriate behavior and turn “Caucasians” into ideal protectors of owners, animals or property.

Country of origin: Germany

Height: 56-68 cm

Weight: 42-50 kg

The breed is very popular and distributed throughout the world. The Rottweiler is a large, superbly built, energetic, courageous and assertive animal with a strong jaw. Since Rottweilers are primarily protectors, they tend to establish contact and obey one person; the dog classifies everyone else as a stranger and treats them with great suspicion. Such a dog, in case of real or imaginary danger, becomes angry, aggressive and, when attacked, is capable of causing serious wounds and injuries. Rottweilers have an extremely powerful bite and without proper training and timely socialization, these dogs are a danger to society. According to statistics, most Rottweiler attacks occur due to the negligence of their owners. As for wild representatives of the breed, it is better not to come across them at all.

Country of origin: USA

Height: 40-49 cm

Weight: 14-36 kg

The most dangerous dog breed in the world, and for good reason, is the American Pit Bull Terrier. The history of the breed itself speaks volumes: pit bulls were bred to bait bulls and bears, and later they began to pit each other against each other in underground fights. The pit bull is prone to aggression at the genetic level, quickly becomes ferocious, and in a fight goes to the end. The breed is registered in the IKS, is prohibited in most countries of the European Union, and in the rest it is kept according to a specially created series of strict rules. This is far from the most successful dog for inexperienced dog lovers, but it is an ideal guardian of any private property, capable of protecting it from life-or-death attacks. The pit bull is a powerful, resilient, brave and aggressive dog, and without proper training, it is also the most evil. These dogs simply need extensive and regular training to curb their aggression. A pit bull is capable of attacking a child even without provocation. Dogs of this breed need a firm hand and persistent training, otherwise, even in relation to the owner, he will be inadequate and aggressive. With proper training, a pit bull turns into a calm, cheerful dog, loyal and playful.

Even the cutest pet can be dangerous to humans. This is especially true for exotic species of animals that cannot be trained. Dogs remain the most dangerous to humans. Owners of these pets should remember that they can be aggressive, so you should first carefully study the characteristics of each breed. We bring to your attention a rating that presents the most dangerous dogs in the world.

On what basis are dogs included in the ranking of the most dangerous?

There are a large number of conditions according to which some breeds are included in the top 10. When breeding them, the main goal of breeders was to create an aggressive animal with certain qualities. That is why puppies are subjected to a special training method at an early age.

There are breeds that were originally designed for attack. They are distinguished by aggression, courage and strength.

There are the following potentially dangerous dog breeds that are included in the top 10:

  • fighting;
  • security;
  • watchdog;
  • hunting

It should be noted that the hunting breed will not attack a person without any reason, since such dogs are trained to hunt game or animals. However, when certain conditions A very angry dog ​​can also pose a threat to humans. We invite you to watch a video on this topic (by SiselPRO).

Representatives of the fighting breed are distinguished by the fact that attack, fights and aggression are inherent in their genetics. Their death grip deserves special attention. Such dogs should be properly trained so that they do not rush at other dogs or people without reason or commands. Any reminder of a fight will be regarded by the animal as a challenge. They attack, as a rule, without any sounds and very quietly.

Evil Pets Review

Dogs are quite friendly to people. They are sociable, but under certain conditions, even the sweetest dog can turn into an aggressive beast. So, the top 10 most dangerous dogs in the world include the following most dangerous dog breeds.


This is the most dangerous dog in the world. The law of some countries strictly prohibits breeding this breed. Initially it was . They are distinguished by their large body and powerful muscles. This breed was first developed in Germany. The pit bull's height is 46-55 cm at the withers, body weight is 36 kg.

Considering that the pit bull is a fighting breed, in the hands of inexperienced owners the dog can become dangerous, which is due to its uncontrolled aggression and anger. These dogs are fearless and can handle almost any opponent. They are capable of squeezing their prey in their teeth until death.


The Rottweiler takes second place in the top 10. This dog breed is one of the popular ones. Its representatives are characterized by well-developed powerful jaws. These dogs are brave, assertive and energetic. The animal's height at the withers is 68 cm, and its weight is 60 kg.

Rottweilers are protectors, so they are suspicious of strangers and, as a rule, follow the commands of only one person. At the slightest threat to the owner, they become aggressive and uncontrollable.

Bull Terrier

This is a cross between several breeds. It is worth noting that these dogs are active, hardy and muscular. Their height reaches 50 cm, and their weight is 35 kg. The breed itself originated in England in the 19th century. The Bull Terrier has a frightening appearance, however, with proper training, it is a good companion and behaves friendly. This breed made it into the top 10 due to its death grip and strong jaw. In addition, bull terriers do not get along with other types of animals.

German boxer

This dog has a scary look. Representatives of this breed have an energetic and playful character, and often act as guards.

They made it into the top 10 due to their strong and stocky physique, as well as having a very strong jaw. But, despite this fact, they are easy to train and also get along well with people.

Siberian Husky

This breed was bred for sledding. Its representatives have a hunting instinct. Russia is considered their country of origin. The dog's height at the withers is 60 cm, and their weight can reach up to 30 kg. These dogs have a peaceful and playful character and get along well with people. The breed is included in the rating because without constant intensive training, dogs can get bored and become aggressive.

Caucasian Shepherd Dog

The breed was bred in Russia and is quite large in size. The dog is 80 cm tall and weighs 80 kg. distinguished by fearlessness and determination. There are several types of dogs of this breed: short-haired, long-haired and medium-haired.

The Caucasian Shepherd is easy to train. In addition, these dogs are good watchdogs with restraint and intelligence. She was in the top 10 due to her wary attitude towards strangers, her large body weight and her strength.


Outwardly elegant and graceful, but quite strong. They belong to the category of guard breeds. They get along well with children, but have an explosive nature, so when they show aggression they are dangerous to humans. As a rule, they attack only in case of a real threat to their owner or his family.

Chow chow

You can't tell by their appearance that they are evil. Many regard them as a fluffy ball with a melancholy character. The breed was developed in China. The dog's height at the withers reaches 56 cm, and they can weigh 30 kg.

Despite their good-natured appearance, they are still among the top 10 most dangerous, as they can turn into an aggressive animal in a few seconds. Without proper training and education, this breed becomes dangerous.

German Shepherd

Very smart, loyal and attentive dogs. Their character is distinguished by courage and self-confidence. In addition, physically these dogs are very strong. Representatives of this breed are excellent companions and guards.

Despite such a number of positive qualities, it can show aggression towards people, which is due to improper training or unacceptable conditions of detention. That is why they are in the top 10.

Dogo Canario

This Great Dane is considered a guard breed. He is a family favorite, nanny and bodyguard. The breed has a strong and stocky body build. The height of individuals can reach 65 cm, and weight – 65 kg.

The Dogo Canario is characterized by a balanced temperament and a strong attachment to its owner. He treats strangers with caution, which is demonstrated by a certain body posture. He was included in the top 10 because of his ability to quickly rush to his owner’s defense at the slightest threat.

Before purchasing a dog, you need to familiarize yourself with the basic characteristics of the breed you are purchasing. Sometimes, as a pet, they offer a very dangerous breed of dog, which, in addition to loyalty, is capable of causing serious injuries to all family members. In order to understand which types of dogs pose a threat, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the list of the most potentially dangerous animals.

It is worth noting that the pets included in the top 10 dogs that pose a threat to humans did not get there by accident. The characteristics of an animal can in many ways exceed those of humans (reaction and running speed), which is what can play a cruel joke on the owner.

An important place is occupied by breeds of vicious dogs that are kept as protectors of the home. It is worth considering that, despite the character adapted to modern conditions, instincts can prevail over the will of the animal.

Many breeds of killer dogs are kept at home without understanding the danger they pose.

American Pit Bull Terrier

Despite the fact that these dogs are recognized as the real personification of bloodthirstiness, their character can be called a real find. These are smart, loyal, strong and brave animals, ready to rush into battle when their owner is in danger. It is for this reason that such a dog needs timely education.

This breed was bred to participate in brutal dog fights. Similar dangerous dogs have attacked people, and deaths have been recorded. At one time there were calls to exterminate their population. At the moment, pit bull terriers are used in the service of law enforcement agencies; they have excellent speed during pursuit and have the ability to sniff out narcotic substances. Read more about the Pitbull dog.


The second place is occupied by the Rottweiler dog breed, which can be seen more often than others in city apartments. Often the pet can be seen in large families with children. However, the character of the animal can change at any moment; you must be extremely careful.

In addition, the Rottweiler dog does not get along with other pets such as cats, hamsters, mice. It is worth noting that aggressive dog breeds are capable of killing people. According to statistics, about two people per year die from Rottweiler attacks (in the USA only); in other countries, such as Russia, this figure is much higher. It is important to ensure that the animal does not run away, because a pack of dogs led by a Rottweiler can become a real threat to the area.

German Shepherd

Oddly enough, dangerous dog breeds can be led by completely harmless and familiar animals. The German Shepherd is one of them. Despite the excellent characteristics: intelligence, dexterity, fearlessness. Most use them as guards and companions. This breed is the most trainable, and it is not for nothing that a large number of dogs serve in law enforcement agencies.

A properly trained dog can become an excellent friend, get along well with children, a balanced psyche and calm temperament limit the dog from negative actions. However, she is considered dangerous due to her physical characteristics. The attacker will have a hard time and may suffer serious injuries.


Often the most dangerous dogs are those that were bred more recently; it is more difficult for them to suppress their own animal instincts, so they are more likely to attack people and other animals.

This happens because the pet senses potential danger and begins to turn on defense mechanisms.

Wolfdog is the result of crossing a wild wolf and a German shepherd. Therefore, they are calm and intelligent, hardy, and large in size. At the moment, there is not a single nursery that would breed wolf-dogs officially and professionally. Therefore, having received such a puppy, you need to get to know him and his habits better. There may be scammers on the market selling wild wolves (the appearance of wolf-dogs is completely identical to wolves).

Siberian Huskies

These dogs are not aggressive, but they can be too stubborn and get carried away with games. Therefore, you need to be careful if there are children in the house: the animal may be too persistent and injure the child. In addition, these dogs are considered one of the closest to wolves.

It is worth understanding that huskies rarely recognize their owner, this justifies their waywardness. In addition, these are pack animals that can become leaders. You should not walk with them without a leash; there are often cases when huskies, keen on playing or exploring, ran away from their owners. Look at the article about.


The Doberman dog is considered dangerous and is often used for law enforcement service. This is a physically developed and slightly aggressive dog breed. It is worth considering that education implies the establishment of strict discipline (you should not use cruel methods, the dog responds much better to moderate severity and affection).

It is worth understanding that the Doberman dog breed was bred for protection. These are very loyal animals that are able to protect every member of the family. With proper training, this dog can be kept in a city apartment, along with children. A dog raised in a loving family does not express aggression.


The list of the 10 most dangerous dog breeds includes the Malamute. Perhaps it is considered dangerous because of its superhuman strength: these animals are a hybrid of wild wolves and hardy sled dogs. The average weight that a dog can pull: about half a ton (the world record holder pulled more than two tons).

In addition, such an animal needs constant training and suitable weather conditions. Otherwise, with a lack of physical activity, the pet may begin to feel uncomfortable. This will cause a surge of aggression that the Malamute can splash out on a person.

German dog

The Great Dane can rightfully be considered one of the most dangerous animals. Having enormous size, he has unique strength and speed. The record holder was able to move a load weighing almost three and a half tons. This animal is the tallest of all dogs bred by humans.

In addition to strength and size, the danger may be that the pet was bred for hunting. That is why it is impossible for the animal to play outdoor games with children: it can mistake very small people for prey and tear them to pieces.

Chow chow

The Chow Chow is one of the closest relatives of wolves. That is why many consider their appearance to be deceptive: cute animals can express genuine aggression and cause harm. In addition, this breed is the most expensive.

Saint Bernard

These are dogs with a very large and muscular body, capable of moving fairly large loads. They do not show aggression towards people if they were raised well from an early age.

It is necessary to buy puppies only from experienced breeders. Such breeders breed dogs by selecting only the best qualities. These dogs are often used for rescue operations, which is precisely what speaks in favor of purchasing them: they are friendly and can only pose a danger to those who are cruel.

In addition, there are dangerous dog breeds that can pose a threat to other pets.

What dogs can be dangerous to other animals?

Perhaps we can say that the most dangerous dogs are those that have not received proper training. Therefore, from an early age it is necessary to teach the animal the basics of discipline, as well as introduce it to communication with other pets. If this was not done on time, then any breed can show excessive aggression.

However, there are breeds that are not influenced by upbringing: they are not ready to live with other pets, their instincts take precedence over upbringing. In this case, it is necessary to give all existing dogs, cats, rodents and birds into good hands to avoid tragedy.

It is worth considering that the most dangerous dog breeds are publicly available. Innocuous appearances can be deceiving.

Bull Terrier

The Bull Terrier dog can be dangerous; despite its small size, the animal has enormous potential: its muscular body and agility allow the pet to win most of even the most dangerous fights. You must be prepared for the fact that conflicts with other animals will be inevitable.

If a person decides to take a risk and try to accustom the puppy to the company of another pet (cat or dog), then one should not expect a miracle. Even at an early age, during active games, a puppy can injure someone. Despite this, the Bull Terrier dog breed is recognized as one of the most popular.

Caucasian Shepherd Dog


Despite its very calm nature, the dog can express willfulness. That is why she can treat animals that are smaller than her with a degree of hostility if another pet does not please her, and she can use excessive force.

In addition, at the end of the last century, many cases involving them were recorded. Boxers were sometimes used in dog fighting.

Dogo Canario

An excellent dog that plays the role of a protector. It is small in size and has a very muscular body. It is especially popular; in addition, this breed has also been a participant in dog fighting.

May be overly aggressive and suspicious of strangers and other dogs. Can coexist with cats, but it is necessary to monitor the development of such relationships.


It does not pose a particular threat to people, however, due to the fact that the dog is a hound, it can pose a certain threat to other animals. In addition, the Basenji is almost impossible to train, and inexperienced owners can watch the animal become uncontrollable and wayward.


The Gul Dong is one of the most unpredictable breeds. The animal was originally intended for use in dog fights. Difficult to train. Therefore, before getting a pet, you need to weigh all the pros and cons, as well as the upcoming difficulties of raising a pet.

Cane Corso

Bred to take part in bloody battles. A very muscular body allows them to win obviously losing fights. You should not pit your animal against other pets. It must be taken into account that if there is insufficient attention, it can attack a person.

Tosa Inu

For a long time, the dog was used as a fighting dog; cases of attacks on humans were recorded, after which the breed began to be considered prohibited in many countries of the world.

Any dog ​​can pose a threat if a person does not make the proper effort. The sooner the owner starts raising the pet, the more pleasant the animal’s character will be. If the owner notices that he cannot cope with upbringing on his own, it is necessary to send him to special discipline courses. This can be quite expensive, but the result will delight the entire long life that the dog will spend with its owner.

It is quite clear that this depends not only on the size of the animal or the strength of its jaws, but also on the determination of the dog, as well as the fighting qualities of a representative of a particular breed. The totality of these and other indicators can be summed up in one word - ferocity.

This dog is perhaps the strongest in the world - the weight of individual individuals (males) reaches 90 kg, and its jaws can easily bite the tibia of large ungulates. There is a known case when in Karelia a Caucasian Shepherd dog single-handedly killed a pack of wolves that had previously terrorized a remote village. The dog got loose at night and ran off for a walk, and in the morning his owner found the “Caucasian” surrounded by scraps of fur and bones of gray predators. In his teeth he squeezed the neck of a seasoned she-wolf, who, apparently, lived longer than the rest. Today it has been reliably established that the ancestor of the Caucasian Shepherd is the Tibetan Great Dane, which in turn descended from large wolves. However, looking at these huge dogs, you involuntarily begin to think that the true ancestor of the “Caucasians” is, after all, a bear. The Caucasian Shepherd belongs to the category of companion dogs, and not aggressive fighters or hunters. She has a fairly good-natured disposition and will never rush at a person first, unless it is a specially trained animal. Therefore, despite its impressive strength, the “Caucasian” only rounds out the top five most ferocious dogs in the world.

4. Boxer

In 4th place in our ranking is the boxer - a hunting and guard dog. It is distinguished by its fearlessness and powerful jaws, which inflict terrible injuries on its prey. Modern boxers are descended from the Dutch breed "Bullenbeiser", which translates as "bull biter". In Rus', where the breed was popular among nobles, these dogs were called “bulldogs.” And after crossing them with English bulldogs, very successful dogs appeared - boxers. The dogs received this name because of their unusual habit of fighting not only with their teeth, but also with their front paws. One of the main characteristics of the breed is its pincer bite. It allows the boxer, who has grabbed the victim, to literally hang on him. Cases have been recorded when it was not possible to tear a dog away from a hated enemy even after the death of the dog. The death grip inherited from the bulldog and the square shape of the muzzle allow boxers to tear pieces of meat from their enemies, and then simply wait until they bleed to death. It is no coincidence that Boxers are called sports dogs for their will to win and the highest fighting qualities.

The third place in our top is taken by the Rottweiler. This is a very serious dog, classified as a guard dog, but it is also one of the strongest fighting dogs in the world. The ancestor of the Rottweiler is the black Swiss sheep, and the breed received its name thanks to the German city of Rot Weil, where it finally took shape. Most Rottweilers are friendly and behave calmly even with strangers. However, it is in this breed that, although rarely, uncontrollable outbursts of rage are noted and in this case the Rottweiler deals with the victim with lightning speed. For example, not so long ago, near Chelyabinsk, a Rottweiler killed an eight-year-old child, instantly biting his neck. The dog was shot, and the motives for such behavior are not fully understood. They may be related to the white spots in the breed's origins. According to one hypothesis, in the old days Rottweilers were trained to guard black slaves, and some dogs perceive certain gestures as an attempt to escape, which prompts them to aggression. Due to their strength and agility, Rottweilers are actively used in dog fighting. It is believed that, all other things being equal (weight, height, level of training), these dogs have preferable chances in confrontation with Alabais and Dobermans. But in a fight between a Rottweiler and a pit bull, the chances of winning are approximately the same.

The bull terriers we put in second place were bred in the mid-19th century in England by breeder James Hincks. His goal was to create an ideal fighting breed, since it was at this time that bullfighting was banned in Britain, entertainment for the people and ordinary people switched to rat-baiting spectacles and dog fights. The breeder achieved a brilliant result by crossing a bulldog, a terrier and a Dalmatian, resulting in a muscular dog with a characteristic elongated muzzle. The Bull Terrier is distinguished by its insane courage, death grip, agility, immunity to pain and, oddly enough... intelligence. Yes, yes, contrary to the stereotype, the bull terrier does not rush at everything that moves, but treats the owner and members of his pack (that is, family) with reverence and tenderness. The idea of ​​the irrepressible aggressiveness of the bull terrier arose because of his attitude towards other dogs. Indeed, being a born fighter, he instinctively perceives dogs (especially males) as enemies and competitors with whom he must definitely fight. In such fights, this rat-like baby is able to defeat even much larger individuals, so it legitimately takes second place in the ranking of the most ferocious dogs.

But we put pit bull terriers or, in common parlance, pit bulls, in honorable first place. These dogs have a bad reputation because there are many cases where they killed people. Not long ago in Nizhnevartovsk, a pit bull tore out the throat of its own owner, and it all started with a fun game that turned into a tragedy. This breed is so dangerous that it is prohibited for keeping and breeding in many countries of the world, including the Soviet Union. Pit bull terriers were bred from English bulldogs about three hundred years ago. It was supposed to be a strong and aggressive guard dog, but the breed turned out to be so ferocious that pit bulls were subsequently actively used in dog fighting. As practice has shown, only a few dogs can resist them in the arena or in a street fight. There are some chances against a pit bull, except for representatives of the above-described breeds from this rating. And even then, before the Caucasian Shepherd gets angry, in order to truly aggressively confront the pit bull, he will have time to tear out her Adam’s apple, which often happens during dog fights. The Pitbull is a born fighter, ready to fight at any time of the day or night. Despite their increased aggressiveness, these dogs are actively used by the military, customs officers and even special services. Without a doubt, this is not only the most ferocious, but also one of the most intelligent dogs in the world. Pit bulls have a well-deserved reputation as ruthless killers, so you should stay away from them and think ten times before getting such a dog at home.