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Evgeny Starukhin with the novel Lesovik for download in fb2 format.

Eugene was not yet eighteen years old when his grandfather died. Grandfather was a strange man who preferred to raise his grandson in the taiga and instill in him survival skills, instead of letting the boy spend the whole day at the computer. But the virtual reality of Eugene did not pass. Immediately after the death of his grandfather, he was taken to a special orphanage, where they explained that until he came of age he would spend fifteen hours in a row in the virtual of the popular online toy Altmir. And if it was decided for Evgeny what to do for him, then he had to decide on his own with the choice of the name of his character and the mode of immersion sensitivity. Eugene decided that he would be Lesovik, and the sensitivity mode was 100%. If only he knew what a set-up it was for him...

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To date, a large amount of electronic literature has been posted on the Internet. The Lesovik edition is dated 2015, belongs to the Fantasy genre in the LitRPG series and is published by the Eksmo publishing house. Perhaps the book has not yet entered the Russian market or has not appeared in electronic format. Do not be upset: just wait, and it will definitely appear on UnitLib in fb2 format, but for now you can download and read other books online. Read and enjoy educational literature with us. Free download in formats (fb2, epub, txt, pdf) allows you to download books directly into an e-book. Remember, if you liked the novel a lot - save it to your wall in a social network, let your friends see it too!

Features (3)

Level: 0/0%

Strength: 3/56%

Health: 1/2%

Endurance: 2/90%

Intelligence: 3/48%

Wisdom: 1/20%

Perception: 2/16%

Agility: 2/58%

Luck: 1/0%

Life: 10/10

Mana: 10/10

Stamina: 20/20

Load capacity: 2.5/10

Speed: 1.2/2.4

P. Damage close: 3/3

P. Damage far: 2/2

Magic damage: 3/3

Skills (0)

Athletics: 2/0%

Acute hearing: 2/33%

Stealth: 1/25%

Quiet step: 1/17%


Master Lottery (1)


Gunsmith (apprentice): 1/10%


Glory: 1

Three stat points. Where do I need to? Yes, everywhere! Then let's go the other way - what, I don't know how to train? The only thing that has never changed anywhere, even by a tiny percentage, is luck. Here we increase it. By the way, the strips from the shirt still weigh something! It turns out that dressed things do not have weight? It’s great, of course, but, in my opinion, it’s somehow wrong, you still carry them on yourself.

There isn't much time left before nightfall. Taking into account my hunger, I am in the game for 5 hours. Went into it something around two o'clock in the afternoon. So it's 7 pm now. Hunting! Time to hunt. So, but I can’t run barefoot through the forest for prey! It hurts to walk here! We must look for a birch! I went back towards the village. Birches are not usually found deep in the thicket. Passing through some clearing, I saw a rabbit. Rabbit in the forest! RABBIT, damn it, in the forest!!! Where did the developers see rabbits in the forest? Rabbits are generally exclusively pets! I looked at it for so long that a sign appeared:

Rabbit. 1st level.

And then the system message:

The world reveals its secrets to you.

Congratulations! You have unlocked the skill "Understanding the Essence".

The Understanding of the Essence skill allows you to understand the purpose of things.

You learned 5 skills on your own.

Congratulations! You've earned the Self Taught 1 achievement.

Glory+1. You have 3 attribute points available.

Let's throw everything into luck again.

Rabbits are not only valuable fur, but also 3-4 kilograms of dietary, easily digestible meat! - I said to myself and threw a spear at the rabbit. And from 10 steps I did not hit him. It's time to wean the game from your usual body. Everything here is based on your characteristics. Meanwhile, the rabbit, which did not think to run away, bit into my leg. And he did not bite like a rabbit! It felt like a crocodile sawing his leg with his teeth. The rabbit inflicted only one damage per bite, but how painful it was! And most importantly, often! I poked him in response with my second spear and did not hit. Nimble, infection! Finally, on the sixth (SIXTH!!!) attempt, I finally hit an evil white animal. The system issued a warning label:

You gain experience 2.

You missed a level 1 enemy 5 times in a row.

Congratulations! You've earned the Crooked Hand and the Lame achievement.

Glory+1. You are cursed with Lameness until you reach level 20.

I sat and quietly howled in pain. Here it is, one hundred percent sensitivity. During this time, the rabbit ate 4 health points from me. Fluffy cattle! And the sensations of pain blocked all the charms of this world. That's why no one plays 100%. I sat down to 9 health out of 10, and the pain let go. It was only then that I noticed the system's congratulations on the dubious achievement. Reptiles scoff, they also awarded with a lameness.

So, why is the damage 5, but I seem to have a close one of 3? Maybe it's the spear? I took a closer look at the spear, And Above it was a sign:

Wretched burnt spear. Creator - Lesovik. Damage 3-5 is piercing. Weight 2.5 kg. Durability 10/10.

So I, it turns out, a giant gunsmith! My spear has more damage than myself. I took out my sharp stone from my backpack and was about to butcher the rabbit, took it in my hand, and a window with my inventory opened in front of me on the right, and on the left, instead of my doll, there was the same inventory field, but there was “Rabbit Meat” in one of the cells 1 kg. Here, damn it, and cut it! Where is the rest? And they said - valuable fur, 3-4 kilos of meat! Broke off! I, of course, put the meat in my backpack and closed the window. The carcass has disappeared. And how can I get veins and skins now? Certainly some skill is required. I went to look for the second spear. A second rabbit was sitting next to him. And he did not try to run away from me. Strange creature. His brother was killed nearby, and he sits and eats grass as if nothing had happened! Poked with a spear. Missed. Yes, why am I so curmudgeonly? Oh, yes, I forgot - an achievement!

You dealt 5 damage. The rabbit was killed.

You gain experience 2.

A spear is not a club for you. It's not just that you need to wave!

Congratulations! You have unlocked the Spear skill.

The Spear skill allows you to use spears more effectively.

Congratulations! Increased Intelligence+1.

This time he killed the rabbit with the third blow. And the rabbit only ate two health points. But, damn it, who invented these bloodthirsty rabbits, huh? They gnaw like wolves. And they are not afraid, creatures. Wrong rabbits. Yes, when the dog grabbed my hand, it didn’t hurt so much. And here is some pathetic rabbit! Nightmare!

But what if you try to skin a rabbit without touching it with your hand? I wonder if any of the other players tried to skin a rabbit, holding the carcass with a spear, and trying to cut the skin from the carcass with a sharp stone? The pleasure was simply indescribable! It took an hour, but he took off the skin - all in holes.

What is the animal's skin for? Let me take it off!

Congratulations! You have unlocked the Skinning skill.

Skinning skill will help you in removing skins and horns from animals.

Congratulations! Increased Intelligence +1.

Examined the resulting skin:

Torn rabbit skin. Material. Quality 1. Weight 0.5 kg.

Try to take it better. With a stone and a spear! So, and I have a skill, maybe next time I won’t have to get out like that? Picked up the second spear, examined it:

Filthy burnt spear. Creator - Lesovik. Damage 2-3 is piercing. Weight 2.5 kg. Durability 5/5.

It's strange, but they didn't seem to differ much from each other, although the first one examined really looks a little better. By the way, why did I throw a spear when I was going to try out a sling? Maybe there are still rabbits here? I walked around a wide bush - there were rabbits there, as many as three. Well, sling, don't let me down! I put the pellet in a strip of fabric, untwisted it - I missed it. Once again - the stone flew up and then down. Head-on. To me!

You took 2 damage. You have 8/10 life left.

A large bump has grown on his forehead. Yes I just a master of the sling! Got it on the second throw. Okay, let's try again. Unrolled - by. Unrolled - by. Unrolled - hit!

You dealt 3 damage.

All three rabbits rushed at me. Why all? Why not just wounded? I'll be bitten! He threw a worse spear at the wounded animal. Got it! Hooray! One enemy minus.

You dealt 2 damage. The rabbit was killed.

You gain experience 2.

Poked with a spear. Past. Bite. Another bite. More and more. Nimble, bastards, and what toothy! How painful! Didn't hit again. And they still gnaw at me. Yes, got it!

You dealt 5 damage. The rabbit was killed.

You gain experience 2.

You took 1 damage. 3/10 life left.

Already bloody circles before the eyes from pain. And the spear goes past again.

You took 1 damage. 2/10 life left.

Two more misses and I'm dead. Rabbits gnawed, horror! Only sarcasm made it possible to overcome the pain. Miss!

You took 1 damage. 1/10 life left.

Pain, hellish pain, I can’t see anything anymore. Hit. Got it!

You dealt 5 damage. The rabbit was killed.

You gain experience 2.

I came to my senses, apparently, quite soon, life reached only eighteen. Stop! Eighteen??? Features, urgent!


Level: 1/0%

Strength: 4/12%

Health: 2/59%

Endurance: 4/12%

Intelligence: 5/4%

Wisdom: 1/30%

Perception: 2/36%

Agility: 3/70%

Luck: 7/0%

Life: 18/20

Mana: 10/10

Stamina: 40/40

Load capacity: 5.9/20

Speed: 1.2/2.4

P. Damage close: 3/3

P. Damage far: 3/3

Magic damage: 5/5


Athletics: 2/0%

Acute hearing: 2/33%

Stealth: 1/25%

Quiet step: 1/17%

Understanding the essence: 1/90%

Spears: 2/10%

Skinning: 1/0%

Durability: 1/0%


Master Lottery (1)

Crooked and lame (1)

Self-taught (1)


Gunsmith (apprentice): 1/10%


Glory: 3

This was poured while I was in the bran! Plus I got a level! My wisdom is somehow weakly growing. Does she need me? What does the library say? Wisdom affects the amount of mana and in some tricky way, magic damage. There is no magician from me yet, although I have the greatest magical damage, but I don’t know a single spell. God bless her, with magic. Did I live before this somehow without magic? And I will continue to live. May they be lucky again. Total already 10 in luck. And the library talks about luck in a very interesting way: “The most unknown characteristic. And it affects everything at the same time. Oh how!

Evgeny Starukhin

A couple of thanks:

I thank my wife Olenka for her support,

and Gusarov Igor Nikolaevich

for his invaluable help

in preparing the book for publication.

Book one


The first day

And so my happy childhood ended. Grandfather died. He just didn't wake up. He was 78 years old. My grandfather always seemed eternal to me. Strong, stern Siberian, blacksmith. It was strange to suddenly be alone, not to hear the usual phrase: “Get up, couch potato, you will sleep all your life!”

He raised me for as long as I can remember. My parents died when I was very young, and my grandfather took me to be raised. He knew the Forest, and the Forest knew him. Grandfather introduced me to the Forest and taught me everything he knew. And now he is gone. Juveniles will soon arrive and take me to the orphanage. After the general chipization in 2030, there is no hope for a delay in their arrival. They already had a call about an orphan. We have to get ready, because they will pick me up as soon as they arrive. He collected his clothes, underwear, his favorite mug, a couple of spoons, a knife made of damask steel presented by his grandfather and his own - hunting, in a sheath. He threw knives into the middle of the army "sidor", having previously rewound them with linen so that they would not even accidentally tinkle. I attached a sapper shovel, a small hatchet to my backpack and took my grandfather's gun. I did not take my grandfather's old computer with me. Orphanages are now equipped with virtual capsules. So I don’t need this ancient computer there, there probably won’t even be anywhere to connect it.

There was noise outside. A helicopter of juveniles was approaching the lodge.

He left the hut with a backpack over his shoulders and grandfather's gun, sat down on the mound and looked at the approaching fate in the form of a small helicopter.

There is nowhere for a helicopter to land here, they will have to go down the stairs, what to do - steep taiga. Our lodge is small - a dugout hut, a well and a small smithy. Everything is two steps away from each other.

I really wanted to bury my grandfather here, but the juveniles would not let him. As a minor, I do not have the right to bury relatives of my choice, and my grandfather did not leave a written will for this case. Therefore, the body of the grandfather will be taken to the city and cremated. And me - in an orphanage and stuffed into a cocoon of the virtual world. For the last 17 years, since the year of my birth, virtual reality has been used almost everywhere. People live there, work there, relax there, even get married and have children there. Neither grandfather nor I understood the latter at all - what is the use of a virtual child? But someone else's soul is dark, if someone likes something, then it will appear on the market.

Prisons are now all in the virtual - prisoners are digging resources for the good of the Motherland, they are released only at the end of the term. But there are no security costs. Orphans are also almost all the time in the virtual - there is both training and leisure - educators are not needed. But children are at least released from the capsule, as far as I know.

The helicopter hovered over the well, the roar from it was such that all the animals scattered for 10 kilometers in the area. From above, a man in an orange vest and overalls descended on a cable. Somehow I imagined juveniles in a different way, in suits, or something, with glasses and certainly with a briefcase. This one looks more like a worker.

The man, as soon as he touched the ground, ran up to me, put the cable under his armpits, wrapped me around him, hooked me with a carbine, and we were carried upwards. Well, no hello to you, no goodbye, even if you say a word. Mute, right? We were pulled up to the hatch of the helicopter.

Down there, the corpse must be taken away, - some woman with a briefcase and glasses yelled on the right (as I thought). The man freed me from the cable, took something like a stretcher and rode down on the cable. After some time, the body of my grandfather rose on a stretcher. Another man in the same vest and similar to the first as a twin brother, unhooked the stretcher from the cable and threw it down. The first one got up and the helicopter flew into the city. I don't remember much about the flight itself. No one spoke to me in this noise, and I did not burn with desire. Below, the taiga flashed like a green carpet. We were dropped off in a small area, near a gray house. Men in orange vests carried a stretcher with my grandfather inside the building.

Let's go, - said the aunt in some nasty tone, as if I stole something from her or spat on her shoes.

We entered the great hall. There was a platform near the wall of the hall, the porters put the grandfather's body on it and left the hall. Opposite the platform were chairs in four rows, 10 chairs in a row. I sat closer to the grandfather's body. I don't know what to say, grandfather for me was everything I knew about life. There are no thoughts, no emotions, as if something has burned out or died out. Although why something? Somebody! Goodbye…

Farewell, grandfather!

Run! squealed the aunt. The grate in the wall rose, the grandfather's body moved along the platform towards the opening of the crematorium furnace. The bars descended, ending my old life.

Let's go, - the aunt's vocabulary was not very diverse.

We left the building, the helicopter had already left. Passing the square, they approached a yellow two-story building. We went up to the second floor to an office with a sign "Director". There was a beautiful, but some strange table in the office - it seemed that you would blow on it and it would fall apart. The chair in which the aunt sat was much more powerful than this table. She looked at the computer monitor, tapped her fingers on the table, and finally started talking:

Evgeny Georgievich Evpak, seventeen years old, - the aunt grunted with a kind of grin. - Welcome! This is your new home, - the sarcasm in her voice did not speak of any cordiality, and her voice seemed to become even more disgusting. You will live here until you are eighteen. That is about ten more months. After that, the state program will provide you with a housing certificate for the purchase of an apartment. Taking into account the fact that you didn’t have a normal school education because of your abnormal grandfather who dragged you into the taiga, then higher education doesn’t threaten you either - I didn’t see the point in arguing with her and swearing, let him grind what he wants. Anyway, my grandfather was no more stupid than her. I suppose my grandfather and I mastered the school curriculum. And my grandfather diligently trained me to enter the university. - So, you will work in a virtual environment, so you can already get used to it from today. Your schedule will be 15 hours in the virtual, 9 in real life, seven days a week. I sent you files with the rules of our orphanage, safety precautions, as well as your rights to the mail of your chip - another sarcastic grin. - Put your electronic signature here.

I extended my hand with the chip to the sensor.

And here, - the headmistress took out some huge book, - the usual signature.

I looked up in surprise.

Yes Yes. There is nothing to stare like that! We also have a paper archive. So draw your squiggle.

I put my signature. The aunt looked at her and squealed:

Are you really sick? Why did you draw a crossed-out butterfly for me here? Didn't your grandfather even teach you how to write?

This is not a butterfly, these are two capital letters E, though one is mirrored. And between them is not a cross, but a capital letter G.

All sorts of people crawl out of the forest and play smart here! Now you go to the hall of cocoons and find a technician, he will set up a capsule for you. The hall of cocoons is located on the first floor. Yes! And leave your gun and ax and shovel here, you won't need them. You can take a backpack with things. Free!

But who is she that I would give her my grandfather's gun for a great life? I involuntarily pressed him to my chest.

I see you don't intend to voluntarily give. Well, then you have to call the police, because you do not have a permit to carry weapons? - Waiting for my nod, she continued with satisfaction: - And we will transfer you to a shelter for unruly teenagers. And there you will not have such a fertile atmosphere. There are cameras everywhere, everything is under surveillance, even the toilet. And even more so, there are no absences to the city, not like ours! Well, will you give up the gun or not?

There was nowhere to go. He put it on the chair next to him and left. Grandfather's gun was terribly sorry, but there was no choice. I wonder if the gun will wait for me before leaving the orphanage? Most likely not!

Yes, the director here was just super! Let's hope at least the technician is a normal person. I went down to the first floor, found the hall of cocoons (it was hard not to find, there are only four doors in the entire corridor of the first floor: to the street, to the courtyard, to the second floor and the last one I needed).

I stood and looked at the hall of cocoons: there were a lot of cocoons here - about five hundred, no less. And nobody. Where is the technique to look for?

Khe-khe, - a polite cough of a frail boy came from behind, he could have looked like twenty or forty, a surprisingly irrevocable face, - Are you looking for what?

Technique. I was told that they would set up a capsule for me.

You found the tech. What capsule do you want?

I mean, which one? For virtual...

Darkness! Oh darkness! What are you planning to do in the capsule?

To work, in the sense, I would earn extra money before leaving the orphanage in order to enter the university.

In general, so, boy, listen here! To earn a lot, you need a big market. A big market is where there are a lot of users. So your choice is the place where there are the most users. This is Altmir - an alternative world. But there are a few nuances here. First: to earn something, you need to sell something, and to sell something, you need to get something, and in order to get something, you need to be able to do something. And the more you know how, the more likely you are to get something. Am I making it clear?

The subgenre is predominantly entertainment in nature. For several years, he has gained millions of fans around the world, fascinated the minds of gamers and ordinary readers. These books attract even those who are not familiar with computer games. The reader, as if together with the hero of the book, is immersed to the virtual world- big, immense, full of surprises and riddles. Despite the share of spilled criticism, LitRPG books continue to lead the hits of popular genres for several years.

Features of books in the genre 2019

They love to read LitRPGs for atmospheric ones, in one of which the main character is immersed - he can be an ordinary player, but, having a bit of ingenuity, perseverance and other characteristic features, he often quickly conquers the playing spaces, becoming a special player. Heroes follow unconventional paths that lead them to a virtual triumph - or at least a quick rise in the game rating. They lead guilds and clans, are on friendly terms with deities or strong NPCs (NPCs). But adventures in virtual reality do not end quickly.

Many scold LitRPG for being primitive, but in fact the genre is wide enough for ideas and plots. Here they beat a mixture with, and problems, and intra-virtual conflicts, "system failures", code errors, immortal virtual life, a breakthrough of the gods from the virtual to the real world, and many other aspects that can only be revealed in this genre. It all depends on the skill and imagination of the author.

The writing style is usually simple and capacious, without frills, one storyline. For the most part, these books are loved for a good opportunity to relax and immerse themselves in the colorful world of the book.

The virtual world is usually fantasy, but it is not uncommon for LitRPGs to be described differently: for example, in or in the pirate expanses of the Caribbean. Separately, it is worth highlighting "", where game actions take place in the real world.

  • Battle Star Galactica
  • Star Conflict
  • planescape
  • Fallout
  • ArcheAge
  • Runescape
  • MMORPG Ultima Online
  • Prime World
  • skyforge
  • Worface

LitRPG about the game economy, crafting and leveling, about thieves, robbers, "tanks", damage dealers, about guilds and gaming clans...

Read free LitRPG on our portal - the perfect choice. There are thousands of books posted by the authors themselves. They can set any questions in the comments to the works, as well as subscribe to updates. Many authors of this genre love Lit-Era for its good functionality, and therefore they post here exclusively. You can read your favorite books both online and by downloading the text in a convenient format.

The first day

Well, here I am, finally, and on the spot. I got there safely, although, as always, it was not without adventures. No, they delivered me to the airport normally, they even helped me to check in for the plane. My backpack, fortunately, passed for hand luggage, and I didn’t have to check it in luggage. But then the trouble started.

During the inspection, I was examined for a very long time. All of them were haunted by my flower. The inspectors tortured me with questions: “Why are you bringing the flower to Moscow?”, “Is this a forbidden flower?”, “You cannot buy a flower in Moscow?”, “Why are you bringing this flower?”, “What kind of flower is this?” The flower itself also got it: it was enlightened with everything that was possible, carefully studied and sprayed, even the dog sniffed it, sneezing at the same time. At the final stage, the long-suffering flower was even taken out of the pot along with the earth and poked around in the ground with a pencil, citing the fact that I could carry something forbidden there. They brought me to such a state that I was even glad that the police did not return the knives to me, because then they would definitely not let me on the plane, I was too suspicious: with a flower and knives.

In the end, they still let me into the departure hall. As it turned out, the plane will be served only in an hour. As the airport worker explained to me, this is due to the loading of luggage. It's strange somehow ... Why can't you start loading luggage and passing passengers in parallel? However, it's not for me to judge. I decided to walk around the departure hall and go to a cafe for a bite to eat, since there was still money. But when I went to the cafe and looked at the prices, I realized that I was not hungry at all, moreover, I didn’t even want to drink. I even remembered with some anguish the prices of Varenichnaya, where they were much lower than at the airport. I wonder if the prices in the cafe are so high because the rent is so high, or do they just hit their heads hard and think that only oligarchs fly on planes?

The flight itself did not excite me either. The seats on the plane were so close together that my knees almost rested on my chest. Apparently, the designers of this aircraft believed that no one could come up with the idea of ​​relaxing and stretching their legs. And in such a twisted state, it was necessary to fly for four and a half hours. My place turned out to be near the aisle, two people separated me from the porthole, so I gave up trying to see something there almost immediately. Moreover, the place next to me was taken by an amateur, if not a professional, to drink. All the way he was pumped up with some kind of alcohol. Thank God that at least he didn’t pester anyone and did it silently. Maybe he was afraid to fly and drowned out his fear with alcohol? But it was all nonsense. Ears. My ears were blocked throughout the flight. A neighbor across the aisle said that lollipops helped with this, and even treated me to a couple, but somehow it didn’t help me. Perhaps there are only two bright moments in the entire flight: the first is that we were fed for free, which I did not expect at all. Most likely, food is included in the ticket price, but for me it's free. Well, the second is that this flight is still over. In general, if I were asked to describe an airplane trip in two words, my answer would be: "Fast, but disgusting."

At the airport, I was very glad that I did not put my backpack in my luggage. Thanks to this, I did not have to stand in line of people trying to get their things back. The driver met me. I was able to identify him by the plate with my name, which he held above his head.

In the parking lot, a small silver minibus with large red letters "Altmir" on the side was waiting for us. To get to the sanatorium we had to go through the whole of Moscow. Well, how to go ... Rather, patiently stand in traffic jams. By the way, traffic jams ended far from immediately after the end of Moscow, and we patiently stood for quite some time. As a result, my trip from the airport took even longer than the flight to Moscow itself.

And now, fourteen hours after the departure, I am at the place of my future deployment. And I was still surprised that the contract is from tomorrow, and not today. But even here I was not so easily left alone. I was taken into circulation for all sorts of medical examinations. They took almost an hour. After that, they were going to send me for some more psychological tests to determine the level of my psychological stability. Fortunately, we somehow managed to get rid of this, citing fatigue. True, I had to promise to appear for these tests the next day after breakfast. Breakfast was served here in a common dining room, in a separate building, from nine to eleven in the morning. Okay, time to find out where they put me.

The building where I was sent was through one from the dining room. The building was two-story, however, all the buildings on the territory of the sanatorium were the same, as far as I could see. In my building, a middle-aged woman rose to meet me from behind the counter. She could be described in one word, “pretty”. One got the full impression that it was about her that Nekrasov wrote his famous verse.

What, son, did you also come to play with toys? How did your parents let you go?

I'm an orphan. There is no one to let go, but you need to eat for something.

Oh, you are poor! - I was suddenly impulsively embraced, pressing to the chest. Then a stream of words poured out without the slightest of my participation, - It’s hard for you without a mother with a folder! But, don't worry, I'll look after you, you can contact me if anything. My aunt is called Nina. I will always help, if anything. Speak up if you need anything, don't be shy. If suddenly I am not there, then turn to Aunt Natasha, she is my replacement. I'll tell her everything, so she'll keep an eye on you too. You, most importantly, do not disappear completely in this game, and that is, there are some who only go out to the dining room. And in general, if you suddenly need or want something, you say it. We are then put here to look after everyone and take care. And that's what God said about you.

The flow of information that fell upon me struck me with its abundance, monotony and warmth. They finally let me go, but they still didn’t let me put in the words

And this number was assigned to you, on the second floor, - she handed me a key - a card with a large number twenty-six on one side and with the number eight - the number of the building on the other, after which, grabbing my hand, they led me to show my number. On the way, I was enlightened about local realities, - Here we are very good. The forest is nearby, the river, the chefs are good - they cook deliciously, there are many sections, all sorts of different ones, for every taste. Even with all sorts of pieces of iron there are lovers to wave. But don't worry, it's not necessary, and their irons are blunt. But it looks exciting. When I first went to them, so there were two fighting, wow, how scary it was. One with an ax and shield, and the other with a huge sword. Both are also in armor, but the pieces of iron with which they waved seemed very scary. So I was so scared then that they kill each other! And, even ashamed to say, I rushed to separate them, but they kept me. It turned out that they practice this almost every day. Then, of course, I got used to it, and now I even sometimes go to see how they fight there. It seems that you get into some kind of antiquity, he is in armor, and they do it all so masterfully that sometimes my heart stops right there. True, I still can’t figure out why, either I’m afraid for them, or I like it.

I was taken to my room, and having taken away the card, they opened the door with it. Here, in addition to the capsule, there was a bed, a small table and two chairs, a TV and a small refrigerator, more like a bedside table in size. But even a small refrigerator is better than none, so I was very happy with it. In addition, the room had a bathroom, in which, in addition to the toilet, there was a shower. The room was not very big, but it was more than enough for me. Everything was shown and explained to me in detail. Finally, Aunt Nina complained that the TV did not show enough channels. Finally, clasping her hands, she said:

Yes, what am I? Absolutely stupid lady! Well, I suppose you are tired and want to rest, and here I am pestering with my conversations. That's all, I'm going out. Good night!

Leaving the key - a card in a special hole next to the door, "Aunt Nina" left. The room seemed to be suddenly deserted. But I really need to take a break from the road, especially since it was so long and tedious. I thought what to choose: a capsule or a bed. I came to the conclusion that the capsule is better. No, not out of convenience, but out of necessity. After all, it will be necessary to spend twelve hours in the game, starting from tomorrow, and less than three hours are left before it, and even then, only thanks to the difference in time zones. So I'll sleep in a capsule tonight.

Capsule. Entrance.

The capsule did not ask any additional questions about my dive. Either it was already set up for me, or all the capsules are here without any restrictions.

I woke up in the same forest clearing. And what, should I fall asleep right away? What then to do? It would be necessary to review their characteristics in order to understand where to develop.


Level: 26/3%

Strength: 74/34%

Health: 43/89%

Endurance: 54/80%

Intelligence: 23/2%

Wisdom: 34/75%

Perception: 24/49%

Agility: 36/75%

Luck: 288/15%

Life: 430/430

Mana: 340/340

Stamina: 540/540

Load capacity: 494.7 / 370

Speed: 2/4

P. Damage melee: 74+5/74+10

P. Damage far: 30/30

Magic Damage: 23/23

Armor: 47

Stink: 4

Class: Forest Shibzdik


Athletics: 10/49%

Acute hearing: 15/1%

Stealth: 19/48%

Quiet step: 22/15%

Understanding the essence: 17/50%

Spears: 5/34%

Skinning: 8/13%

Durability: 24/40%

Observation: 12/76%

Night vision: 21/2%

Traps: 12/87%

Acrobatics: 26/13%

Climbing: 11/80%

Fire resistance: 21/32%

Critical Hit: 61/7%

Cut: 9/2%

Pathfinder: 3/20%

Bows: 11/40%

Ironskin: 1/0%

Search: 12/35%

Caches: 7/4%

Eloquence: 18/0%

Trade: 18/12%

Art: 1/0%

Air Magic: 10/23%

Illusion Magic: 1/15%

Life Magic: 3/26%

Enchantment: 10/15%

Fisticuffs: 3/64%

Wooden skin: 8/68%

Fire Magic: 4/33%

Blunt Weapon: 1/89%

Acupuncture: 1/0%

Pickpocketing: 0/0%

Lockpicking: 0/0%


Master - scraper(3)

Crooked and lame(1)



David and Goliath(3)


Quest giver(4)

Relentless Trader(1)

Squirrel - flying squirrel(3)

Forest Friend(2)

Famous person(2)


Leprechaun Luck(2)



Rat Storm(1)

One-sided development(1)

Grand theft(7)


Gunsmith (apprentice): 8/30%

Herbalist (Senior Apprentice): 1/9%

Cook (apprentice): 1/16%

Digger (apprentice): 10/23%

Engineer (apprentice): 3/10%

Miner (Journeyman): 1+4/0%

Bronnik (senior student): 4/55%

Carpenter (apprentice): 2/10%

Blacksmith (senior apprentice): 7/96%

Tailor (apprentice): 6/79%

Jeweler (apprentice): 6/2%


Glory: 354

Life Faction: - 183

Light Fraction: 1

Border: 410

Barony of Crenon: 46

Forest Aurin: - 10000

All guards of Altmir: - 35


Metal Sense: 4

Unity of metals: 2

Language of animals and birds: 1

Soul of the Forest: 1


Savior of the village "Borderline"

Forest Enemy Aurin


Healing wind 15\1 sec

Self Heal 10\1 sec

Air shield (aura) 30\4 sec\1man/sec

Firefly (Summon 10*Int sec) 20\4 sec

Sparks (touch) 10\1 sec

Discharge (touch) 15\1.5 sec

Ice Touch (touch) 15\1.5 sec

Fear (target) 20\4 sec

Energy saturation (flux density adjustable)

Soul Capture (target) 30\1s\5s

Stone Knowledge (Touch) 20\4 sec

Flame jet (target) 5 m\4sec\50man/sec

Something I did not understand humor. Where does it all come from? What happened while I was out of the game? Who controls my character? In general, is this possible? Questions ran through my head one after another. It's good that there are logs, they will tell everything.

Attention! Theft detected! The Aurin Forest Council estimated the value of the stolen item at 3,000,000 gold coins. Kidnapper identified: player Lesovik.

Attention! Your relationship with the Aurene Forest has deteriorated by 10,000 points.

Attention! You gain the title "Enemy of the Forest of Aurin".

Attention! All the representatives of the forest of Aurin encountered will consider it their duty to kill you.

Attention! The Forest of Aurin has begun hunting you!

Attention! The item "Essence of the Black Vein" receives the status of a stolen item.

Attention! Stolen items are not bought by locals, they cannot be sold / transferred to other players, they cannot be put up for sale on the auction.

You have committed a theft in the amount of 25,000 gold coins at a time.

Congratulations! You've earned the Big Theft 1 achievement.

Glory +1. You have 3 attribute points available.

You have committed a theft in the amount of 50,000 gold coins at a time.

Congratulations! You've earned the Big Heist 2 achievement.

Glory +3. You have 5 attribute points, 1 skill point.

You have committed a theft in the amount of 100,000 gold coins at a time.

Congratulations! You have earned the achievement Big Theft 3.

Glory +5. You have 10 attribute points, 2 skill points, 1 talent point.

You have committed a theft in the amount of 250,000 gold coins at a time.

Congratulations! You have earned the achievement Big Theft 4.

Glory +10. You have 25 attribute points, 5 skill points, 2 talent points.

You have committed a theft in the amount of 500,000 gold coins at a time.

Congratulations! You have earned the achievement Big Theft 5.

Glory +25. All of your thief-related skills will now grow a little faster. (+10% growth rate for Pickpocket, Lockpicking, Silent Step, Stealth, Search, Caches)

Attention! Deteriorated relations with all guards of Altmir: - 5.

Attention! Deteriorated relations with the faction of life: - 25.

You have committed a theft in the amount of 1,000,000 gold coins at a time.

Congratulations! You have earned the achievement Big Theft 6.

Glory +50. All of your thief-related skills will now grow a little faster. (+20% growth rate for Pickpocket, Lockpicking, Silent Step, Stealth, Search, Caches)

Attention! Deteriorated relations with all guards of Altmir: - 10.

Attention! Deteriorated relations with the faction of life: - 50.

You have committed a theft in the amount of 2,500,000 gold coins at a time.

Congratulations! You have earned the achievement Big Theft 7.

Glory +100. All of your thief-related skills will now grow a little faster. (+30% growth rate for Pickpocket, Lockpicking, Silent Step, Stealth, Search, Caches)

Attention! Deteriorated relations with all guards of Altmir: - 20.

Attention! Deteriorated relations with the faction of life: - 100.

Your fame has exceeded 250 units.

Congratulations! You have earned the achievement Famous Person 2.

You have 5 attribute points, 1 skill point.

Attention! Your relations with the Altmir guards have fallen below -25, you are treated with suspicion in any settlement.

Attention! Your relationship with the faction of life has dropped below -100, all representatives of this faction treat you with contempt.

Attention! Are you hungry. Your stats are halved. You need to eat. If you don't eat within 5 hours, you will die.

Here …! The silence of the forest clearing was torn apart by the flow of foul language pouring from my mouth. I simply did not have censorship words.

I grabbed, they say, the essence ... And as a gift for the essence, I also grabbed a whole bunch of achievements. Only now it is not clear where to hand over the stolen goods. And in general, the profession of a thief is painfully interesting and profitable. Only now the reputation deteriorates instantly. Or maybe if I had not been identified as a thief, then there would have been no punishment at all? Although, something does not believe in such a freebie from the creators of the game. And it remains to clarify where to hand over the stolen goods, and most importantly - how much? Surely there are some buyers, only I am not familiar with them, and I doubt that they will immediately give me the real price for such a product. No matter how they robbed or sent murderers at all. By the way, about the killers. After all, the elves have declared a hunt for me. It seems to me that a few merry elves from the forest of Aurin are jumping on my heels with obviously bad intentions. And, worst of all, they know roughly where to look for me. And besides, the essence was tied to me, which means that even if I have a familiar buyer, I won’t be able to sell it. Hmm, things...

Let's summarize. In general, everything is extremely sad: I cannot sell the essence, and the killers are looking for me. And what are my plans for this? That's right, the essence must be used. It remains to find a vein as large as possible in a place inaccessible to others, and use the essence. Just! Do five minutes. However, we still need to find out the demand for ore and amethysts of luck, and in general, we need to sum up the results of this “theft” of mine. Of the minuses, we have a deterioration in relations with all the guards, much more with all the elves, and, probably, relations with the forest where my penal servitude is located have deteriorated to the maximum. Moreover, the essence cannot be sold and put up for auction, which is also an absolute minus. And, probably, elves who are very unfriendly towards me are following my trail. And what are our advantages? And of the pluses, a whole bunch of achievements, thanks to which another bunch of points of characteristics, skills. The most interesting thing is that there are two skills that I did not have before. True, with zero progress, but still. Not the fact that I will use them, but let them be. And, of course, the pluses include the possibility of using essences. How about without the most important thing?

Well, it is still unclear what still outweighed: the pros or cons. Although, if you think that you can extract at least half of its value from this essence and convert it into real money, you will get a completely indecent amount. But now I'm afraid to even stutter to someone about this essence. What should I do with this thing? Well, the first step is to find out what maximum occurs in veins. Let's go to the library. The study of the library on the topic of miners and veins gave the following results: the maximum strength of the vein is two hundred thousand. It also turned out that black copper is mainly used to create jewelry. Armor from it will come out at a cost almost like mithril, but the strength will be even lower than that of steel. It almost never comes up for sale at the auction, because the price among the players is not known. NPCs buy this ore at a fixed rate of five gold per piece. In total, taking the maximum vein, multiplying it by the price, we get a million. And for some reason, my essence was rated at three. What didn't I learn? Oh yes! Stones. Good Luck Amethyst. Back to the library. Almost the same as with ore. Stones are bought up only for the price of five hundred gold. At the auction appear extremely rarely. One of the highest materials for the work of a jeweler. One of the highest materials for creating soul stones. The last of the lots for the amethyst of luck was sold for two thousand gold. The last Lucky Amethyst Soul Gem was sold for three thousand gold. In addition, there is a constant struggle among the NPCs for the possession of such stones, they sell among themselves at a much higher price than five thousand. I wondered how it was found out, but there was no explanation on this score.

It turns out, according to the calculations of the old men - elves with the maximum vein, I can get something about forty thousand stones. This means that when selling at auction, the amount will increase significantly. Even if the market is saturated with stones, I do not think that the price will fall below one thousand. In total, it turns out that according to the results of the whole mess, I can get something about five million gold. That is two and a half million euros. Fuck! Just fucking… Perhaps, we urgently need to finish all our business and hide somewhere. What do I have to do? Deliver the ultimatum of the elves to the mentor, visiting someone there at the request of Cyrano and repairing the brain-eating mithril saw.

Stop! Why do I still stink? I got my old clothes back. Changed clothes, put on old jewelry. Armor immediately increased to one hundred and seventy-five, increased strength by twenty, health by twenty-eight and agility by seventy-one. Immediately, some kind of lightness formed in the body, as if he had thrown off a bag with a load from his tired shoulders. And most importantly: the stench has finally disappeared, finally you can breathe deeply again. Until that moment, I had no idea how much, it turns out, she bothered me.

At the same time, I examined in detail the gifts from rats. There was a bracelet, another ring, a necklace, gloves, and the miner's boots. For complete joy, I only lack the miner's pants. He put all my "mining" things in one pile.

Attention! The legendary set of miner's apprentice is almost completed. Item description changed.

You are offered the first task from the chain of tasks "Equipment of a real miner". Collect all ten items from the Miner's Apprentice set. The minimum requirements to start the quest are five items from the set, assembled together, the profession of a miner and the skill "Understanding the essence". Reward: Miner Apprentice Complete Set. The next task in the chain. Accept? Not really.

Why not? I agree.

Attention! Your map shows the location of two items from the Miner's Apprentice Set.

Both markers were located very far from me, in different and completely unknown places to me. At least, these places on the map were not open for me.

I re-read the properties of objects. Some item is not from this set. In addition to changing the name, things have added a plus to strength. Let it be only plus five, but with seven things this plus becomes quite tangible. One ring is a little different, come on, identification. It did not work, I tried to wear two rings at once. It did not work, the unrecognized did not dress in any way. We will try to identify. Identification, again. It worked.

Wonderful ring of the miner's apprentice. Weight 0.1 kg. Durability 287/320. Effect: Miner +2. Strength +10. Requirements: the profession of a miner is not lower than the first level of apprentice. Limitations: Not compatible with other miner kits.

In total, either plus eight to the miner and plus forty to strength, or plus two and plus ten, respectively - it's just a fairy tale. I'm not going to give up on either one. Now, when I collect the apprentice's set, then it will be possible to sell the apprentice's set. Very good equipment was formed.

Bow, quiver, spear. Well, it looks like he's equipped. Wait, what's that onion?

Gorgeous yew longbow. The bow was created so long ago that no one remembers the name of its creator. Damage 180-220. Weight 4 kg. Durability 1165/1300. Requirements: Dexterity 150, Strength 100, Stamina 60, Bow Skill 50.

This is a mega killer. But the damage is written without taking into account arrows and my own dexterity. Where does this joy come from? Oh yes, I told the elves what a magnificent trident I had, and they promised to give me a magnificent bow in return. Well, the bow is really great. Only I have to grow and grow before him. I have none of the four parameters does not pass the requirements.

But I still have some trophies from the mine. Two soul stones: one is bad, the other is rough. Another fourteen amethysts and four amethysts of luck are intended for this business, but not yet ready. And there were even six simple amethysts, not even tested for belonging to the soul stones. I did not put off the last case indefinitely and checked. Two fit, four don't. It will be necessary to find out how much amethysts are now more common at auction. Hmm, I would first find out where the nearest auction is, and only then everything else.

So, what was I even going to do before I reached into my backpack? Yep, looks like it's getting done. There is no Cyrano, where the old man - the woodman is generally unknown to look for, it’s not possible to run through the forest shouting: “Goblin, goblin, ay!”. The drink remains. It's time to hit the village. In addition, the last line from the logs clearly reminded me that in the wild, relations with hunger are completely different. We should hurry, I would not want to die on the way to the village.

Only in the beginning I will scatter free points. As always, let's increase luck and critical hit. I really like my development. Simple and tasteful. Total luck is already more than three hundred, even closer to three and a half, and a critical hit as much as seventy. He has not grown up to the terminator yet, but not the weakest either.

Cyrano wrote to the post office that you can find me in the village. And went straight there.

Yeah, went ... How! Overload So he could barely move. It’s good that at least there are a couple of rings giving plus ten to the strength, which gave another plus a hundred to the carrying capacity, otherwise I wouldn’t budge at all. But you have to do something with it, you have to throw something away. I looked through the contents of my backpack very carefully and decided to throw out all the fat, this is more than enough. A lot of fuss with him, but little sense. It's a shame, of course, but I wanted to throw out the rest even less. It was possible to throw out three more picks, but I decided to sell them in the village. By the way, why are there only three ordinary picks? After all, I must have three picks from the mine and I had one more. Well, that's how petty the elves are! They even took away the pickaxe! I'm surprised they haven't taken my clothes yet. However, the clothes were no longer similar to those given out, perhaps that is why they were not taken away.

This time I still managed to go, however, after running ten meters, I came to my senses, changed into smelly clothes again and, having removed all the jewelry for dexterity, climbed a tree. No one canceled the run. The character must be developed, which means to swing, swing and swing again. Soon I was already galloping along the branches towards the village.

Jumping along the branches was a pleasure, especially when you do not get other branches in the face and other parts of the body. But, despite these small absurdities, I really enjoyed it. I enjoyed the forest, at night, intoxicating with the spirit of freedom, when you can run wherever you want, and an evil elf will not shout from behind you and will not put an arrow in your leg. In the night, sometimes from afar, the cries of an owl, the growl of a wolf were heard, and when he made a short halt, restoring his reserve of strength, he enjoyed the singing of cicadas.

However, I greedily swallowed the air of freedom for a short time, exactly until the moment I swallowed some bug on the run. After that, I decided that it was better to breathe through my nose, albeit not so eagerly, and keep my mouth closed. And the run along the branches continued.

For three hours of jumping along the branches to the village, agility still increased by one point, but acrobatics were a little - almost enough. Near the village, I had to change clothes again, it was still not enough because of the stench to spoil relations with the locals.

Infrequently come across at this time, the players did not poke a finger at me on the streets, which is good. So, passions about the legend of the manger have already subsided a little. Passed by the merchant Karl's house. The light was no longer on, he was asleep. Too bad, I'd stop by to sell some of my junk. And then this unnecessary has already accumulated above the roof, I can hardly move. Okay, I'll do that tomorrow. Passed by an unusually quiet forge. Still, before that, somehow it was not necessary to walk in the village at night. Went through the village from end to end. In the whole village the windows were burning only in the tavern. But there was absolutely no desire to meddle there, I was painfully tormented by doubts that Martin would be delighted with me. So it is necessary to go to those who will be delighted. And only those for whom I have become a family friend can rejoice at such a time. So, we go to visit the lumberjacks. I wonder how Masha is doing, did she replace the dwarf at the permanent post of the chief blacksmith of the village or not?

I went to the lumberjacks' house. I knocked. In response, there was an angry growl, strange, dogs usually bark. However, almost immediately, a familiar booming voice cut him off:

Who did the creatures bring there, looking at the night? - Clarissa, as always, the very friendliness.

I suddenly had the feeling that I had returned home. And even a little stuffy in my throat. Therefore, I even had to clear my throat a little before I managed to say:

Clarissa, this is Lesovik, let me spend the night?

Oh, you're back lost! Yes, and coughing, sick, I suppose? Masha, well, prepare a room for a friend of our family, and for now I will open the door.

The door swung open after a couple of moments. And they hugged me again. For the second time in a fairly short time, however, this time in the virtual. But no less strong. I only managed to babble that I was not sick, after which they removed me, examined me from head to toe and apparently approved.

So that's why the baron's people sniffed about you here, and we thought that he liked your cooking. By the way, they offered a small reward for information about you.

How many?

Five silver coins.

Somehow I was underestimated.

So after the conversation, we smoothly moved into the living room. I sat while Clarissa set the table. The table was slowly but surely filled with various dishes. At first, various pickles appeared: cucumbers, tomatoes, mushrooms, wild garlic, garlic, peppers; and then in the center stood a large pot of boiled potatoes. Finally, a large mug of cold kvass was placed in front of me.

Excuse me, so hastily collected some - something to eat. And do not try to deny, judging by your look, you are clearly now aiming to swallow this pot alone.

I did not make myself wait long and pounced on the abundance that was waiting for me. Clarissa sat and watched me gobble up both cheeks. Soon Masha joined the free spectacle. However, their views did not prevent me from satiating at all. Finally, I ate and fell off the table. There was still a lot of food left on the table, and my eyes looked at it with pain, but my stomach was not rubber and refused to take too much.

It's nice to watch a hungry person eat. He doesn't play around, he doesn't keep up appearances, he just eats. Really, Masha?

Yes, a friend of our family is much to eat, no weaker than me or my father in this regard, although he falls short of you, moms.

Clarissa waved her away somewhat embarrassed.

Talk too! God forbid, our guest will believe in this nonsense, - after that she turned to me, - Well, how? Are you full?

Yes, Clarissa! Thank you so much, I haven't had such a delicious meal in a long time. You are truly divine!

Suppose it was not me, but Masha who cooked the potatoes. Well, we make pickles with the whole family.

Mashenka, potatoes are simply divine. And pickles are generally beyond praise.

It's nice to hear such praise, and even from the cook, - Clarissa thanked, and Masha's cheeks blushed brightly.

And why don't representatives of the stronger sex of your family sit with us?

So they stayed on the sidewalk. Senior junior lumberjack skill teaches. Their affairs are "men's".

Okay, thanks again for the awesome table.

Well, since the guest ate, we talked about other little things, then it's time to discuss business, - Clarissa waved her hand, and Masha began to clear the dishes from the table, - What fate did you wish? Just don’t say that you missed me - I won’t believe in life. You were not seen in sentimentality. I didn't enjoy sunsets or sunrises. Yes, and other nonsense was not involved.

He did not deny, but immediately voiced the question that interested me:

Should I go to the smithy tomorrow, has Master Gronhelm left yet?

No, this oil lamp still cannot entrust Mashka with the forge, he keeps saying that he is small, inexperienced, although she already does almost all the work.

Mother! Masha tried to stop her.

What about "Mom"? - Clarissa answered immediately with a counteroffensive, - Am I telling a lie? Although, to be honest, such works of art as the gnome makes, she is not yet up to her shoulders, but everything comes with experience. The daughter will learn and will work no worse than he does.

Of course, she will learn, Masha is a very talented and diligent girl, she will succeed in everything.

You see, Mashka, how you are being praised! Everyone understands perfectly well that it is high time to hand over the forge to you, and the dwarf is still sticking out here. By the way, why do you need this shorty?

Yes, the saw needs to be fixed.

So Masha will easily fix it.

Wait, Mom, - the young blacksmith's assistant interrupted her, - After all, you yourself have the skill of a blacksmith, you could fix the saw yourself. There is some difficulty here, right?

True, the saw is mithril, and her character is frankly quarrelsome. The arrogance of it and climbs.

You have some luck with metal, right? You haven't finished your flowers yet, have you?

Exactly, a pile of metal was still waiting for me to change its shape. And I completely forgot about it. However, it is not surprising, in three weeks a lot of things can evaporate from the head.

Thanks for reminding me. Will have to do this too.

Okay, blacksmiths are half-educated, let's sleep, otherwise everyone has to get up early tomorrow.

Masha led me to my room, finally saying that they would go away on business at dawn, and I could sleep until I got enough sleep. The house remains at my disposal. Many thanks to them for this, because I didn’t want to get up at dawn local time. It was about an hour and a half before dawn.