Breeds of domestic rats with photos and names. Breeds of decorative rats. Rat health - diseases and prevention

A rat in many people is associated with something vile and nasty. Often the emphasis is on the "nasty bald tail". A rat is an animal that is not able to evoke positive emotions. Indeed, basement dwellers rarely make you smile and praise their beauty. At the sight of a pasyuk, a person twitches with disgust. More emotional individuals begin to scream, those who are stronger try to quickly look away and leave the territory.

However, among the human society there are also lovers of these rodents. Particularly enthusiastic rat breeders are trying to turn the wild pasyuk into a domesticated pet. Some breeders cross wild rats with decorative individuals, trying to develop a new subspecies. It is worth dwelling on those subspecies that have long and firmly settled in the homes of lovers.

The main types of decorative rats

  1. Decorative rat - standard.

The most common type of rodent. It differs in a variety of colors, ranging from "laboratory" white to agouti - red-chestnut color. Eye color from red to blue, in some cases, the rat may be odd-eyed. The animals are large, the length of the body of a male is up to 50 cm, females - up to 40 cm. The weight of a male ranges from 400 to 800 grams, females - from 250 to 500 grams.

Differs in a uniform gray color with a blue tint. The colors of rats range from light blue to steel and blue. Eye color is black only. The weight of males is from 600 to 800 grams, females - from 300 to 550 grams. The body length of the male is up to 55 cm, the female is up to 45 cm (rarely).

  1. Dumbo.

Distinguished by a peculiar type of ears. Round, wide, located on the sides of the head. There is one more difference from ordinary decorative rats. The body shape of the dambo is pear-shaped, expanding towards the bottom. A sharper muzzle, with a broad forehead. Colors are different, body length up to 40 cm, weight rarely exceeds 300 grams.

  1. Dumbo Rex.

It differs from the common Dumbo domestic rat in its curly coat and mustache.

  1. Sphinx.

Absolutely bald domestic rat, which has no whiskers. It is allowed to have a small fluff on the body of the animal, and a short mustache. The main feature of the sphinx, in addition to an interesting appearance, is thermophilicity. The animal feels comfortable at temperatures up to +30 degrees. In the winter season, the temperature regime in the room where the animal is kept must be at least +22. Unlike their relatives, these rats are very sociable. And if the owner does not have enough time for the pet, it is advisable to purchase two same-sex rats from the same litter. Both of them will have more fun.
Body length - up to 45 cm, weight - up to 400 grams. Eye color varies, most often black. It can be red, sometimes blue-eyed sphinxes are found.

  1. Tailless rat.

It has a pear-shaped body and no tail. Otherwise, the parameters are the same as those of an ordinary decorative rat.

General characteristics.

Usually, rats live 2.5-3 years. It is extremely rare that they live to be 4 years old, which is considered to be very old age. Males are more tame, imposing and phlegmatic. Females are cunning and curious. They need to know everything, crawl everywhere. Animals love to walk on the shoulder of the owner, and letting them out for a free walk around the apartment is risky. First of all, for the pet itself. A rat can hide in any gap, you can step on it, pinch it with a door. If there is a dog or cat in the house, they will become interested in the rodent, and this is a fatal outcome for the latter. From the sharp and long teeth of the animal, furniture that can be chewed, wires and cords will suffer. Therefore, if a domestic rat is released for a walk, it is necessary to observe it, isolate other pets and hide the wires from the curious animal.

The rat, regardless of subspecies, is a very smart animal. These rodents are able to learn various commands and tricks. Pets are sociable, without human attention they quickly "wither", in the absence of communication, the life of a rodent is reduced.

The rat will make an excellent pet for people who can devote a significant part of their time to the pet. And also, for those who dream of a dog, but cannot get one for some reason. A smart and sociable animal will certainly bring joy to its owner.

Exhibition of decorative rats

The history of domestication of rats dates back to the Middle Ages. Pasyuki, or gray rats, were bred for the needs of hunters: they served as dog seed before hunting. A special breeding of rats periodically produced albino offspring, which, as a rule, were the result of ties with close relatives. Having an unusual appearance, they were left as exotic curiosities.

At the beginning of the twentieth century, the Philadelphia laboratory began to deal with guinea pigs. Here they worked not only with albinos, but also with gray rodents. A line of rats in the Philadelphia lab ran until the mid-twentieth century. By crossing white and gray rodents, one of the first "Black Hoods" appeared - decorative domesticated rats. Also, as a result of crossings, individuals with an unusual coat structure appeared. Let's take a closer look at these rats.

Description of curly rats

Females have a weight of 250 to 500 grams. Males are slightly heavier, weighing from 400 grams and sometimes reach up to 850. Females are always on the move, they do not sit in one place. Very active. Males, as a rule, are more tame animals, like to be in the hands of the owner and are less mobile.

Tailed pets live for about two and a half to three years. Sometimes they live up to four. It is officially recorded that the life of one rat was seven years and four months.

External description of the Rex rats

With the selective breeding of domestic rats, newborn babies with curly hairs began to be left in a separate group. Over time, breeders fixed this gene, and a new breed of domestic decorative pets appeared. After all, it is the curly coat that distinguishes this species from other rodents. The basic behavior and body structure of this breed are similar to other species of their relatives.

Consider in more detail the appearance of the Rex:

  1. Wool hairs have a curliness comparable to that of a sheep;
  2. Wool has increased rigidity;
  3. Not all hairs are curly. There are some that do not curl, but bristle;
  4. At a young age, the coat is not yet completely curled, so the babies look disheveled;
  5. Curls are located in the area of ​​​​the sides and back;
  6. The undercoat in adult rats falls out, so the coat becomes harsh;
  7. Comparing Rex, you can see that their skin is duller than that of their non-curly relatives;
  8. Rex vibrissae are slightly shorter than those of their non-curly counterparts and also twist a little;
  9. Unevenness in the color of the skin of rodents is allowed, but also because of the structure of the wool, the spots on it do not clearly appear, they merge;
  10. If the rex is healthy, then he does not have bald patches and all the curls are elastic and strong;
  11. The standards of this breed do not allow the presence of rosettes in individuals;
  12. The tail of the rex is quite fluffy;
  13. Rex ears are wide.

Newborn Rex rat pups look disheveled.

Other differences between the Rex rats

Rex are famous for their very high fertility. Pregnancy does not exceed one month and the female can have up to twenty babies.

The average female Rex rat weighs about 350 grams. The size of the female is from 8 to 20 cm. The males are more powerful and weigh an average of 600 grams. The size of the body of rex males ranges from 17 to 25 cm. The tail is extended in length about 12 cm. The muzzles of domestic rats - rexes are wide and blunt, unlike standard breeds.

Behavior and features of the reaction of the breed

If we consider curly-haired Rex as pets, then they are well suited for this role. They are playful, active, cheerful and perky. Quite affectionate creatures and love to play with their owners.

Main advantages:

  • Rex have a good visual memory, they remember their owners;
  • Curly-haired rodents are devoted to their masters;
  • Rex are good at remembering and repeating various trick elements;
  • Curly rats love not just to sit on the hands of their owners, but to play with them.

Rex are unpretentious and undemanding in their care. They quickly adapt to the daily routine of their owner.

They have an active and lively disposition. They are sociable and curious. If you let your curly-haired pasyuk run around the apartment, be careful not to step on this nimble and press him with doors.

Feature of keeping Rex at home

For the normal development of a curly-haired individual, spacious housing is needed. She needs a place for outdoor games, shy living conditions are contraindicated for this breed. This species is socially active and it would be better to take more than one individual at once. If this is not possible, then be sure to equip its habitat for your pet.


  1. small house;
  2. Swing;
  3. Various holes;
  4. Items for entertainment.

Rex feeding, like any domestic rat, must be balanced. Despite the omnivorous nature of these rats, it is necessary to include ready-made fortified food and cereals in the diet.

Pet care includes cleaning the cage and feeding twice a day. Meals should be unequal portions: most should be left for the evening.

Twice a month, you should disinfect your pet's home.

Of course, fresh drinking water must be in the cage.

Observing these not tricky conditions, your favorite rex will always delight you with funny games!

Other varieties of domestic curly rats

The Velveteen breed is similar to the Rex. Sometimes the differences are not distinguishable at first glance, but they are there. The fur of the Rex is in curls, while that of the Velveteen is in waves. Velveteen has an awn and undercoat, while Rex has no guard hairs by standards. Velveteen wool is longer and gives the impression of shaggy. Their whiskers are straight and only slightly bent towards the tips.

Juveniles come from two curly-coated Rex parents that have the corresponding fixed curly gene. The undercoat of young rats falls out in childhood and, therefore, they develop bald patches. At the same time, the undercoat falls out not once, but repeatedly during their life. This makes this species not so popular. Many unknowingly think that rodents are sick, but this is not so. Touching the fur of such babies, the feeling remains that they are soft and plush. However, those who fell in love with their "horror stories" will not exchange them for other, more outwardly attractive species.

Dumbo rats are a new variety of curly-haired domestic rats. They appeared in American California in the nineties of the last century. Dumbo is a Disney cartoon elephant. As you understand, the ears of these rodents are large and have a rounded shape. In the wild, such specimens are not found. They are in a variety of colors. There are gray, chocolate, white, black and even blue coat colors.

What are the curly-haired types of domestic rats good for?

These individuals are social, contact and smart, they are well trained, mobile and playful. These are the most popular and sought-after species of rodents as pets. Choosing from many varieties of decorative curly-haired rats, you get a charming creature that differs from the usual tailed ones.

Many people at the mention of the word "rat" squeamishly wrinkle their nose and shudder, but only when it comes to. Today, rats are becoming popular pets, especially in those conditions where living space is limited. This animal conquers its owners with high mental abilities, amazing memory, cunning and the ability to perform complex tricks. We will talk about the secrets of caring for and keeping rats at home later.


For many centuries, relations have been established between humanity and these, but they have not always been warm. So, in the Middle Ages, rats contributed to the spread of fierce plague epidemics, so they were exterminated.

In the last century, rodents have been used for laboratory research, and only in the last few decades have people adopted rats as pets.

Did you know? Rats have truly amazing physical abilities: these relatively small animals are able to move at speeds up to 10 km / h, in a state of stress or aggression, jump to a height of up to 2 meters and swim huge distances (the record is 29 km). If necessary, the animal can cover a distance of up to 50 km during the day.

The size of males on average ranges from 400-500 grams, especially large individuals can reach 800 grams, which is rare. Females weigh less - from 200 to 500 grams.

The nature of boys and girls is different: males are more calm and complaisant. They can be easily picked up and caressed. Girls are more active, restless, playful. But in general, rats are rather calm and affectionate animals that will be happy to bask in the hands of the owner.

Some features of the behavior of decorative rats:

  1. Rats are very fond of communication and attention, but loneliness is hard to bear. If you do not have the opportunity to spend enough time with your pet, you can buy a pair for him: they will be very funny to play and fool around. By the way, to express gratitude for the company, rodents can lick the owner's hair, fingers, clothes. These gestures remind them of maternal care and affection.
  2. In a state of anxiety, fear, excitement, rodents can click their teeth. If the animal is very excited or frightened, it may hiss, the hair on the back stands on end. In this state, the rat can attack the object that frightens her.
  3. If you keep several of these animals together, you can observe the formation of a hierarchy between them in the form of a small fight. At the same time, there is no talk of serious bloodshed - the “showdowns” are reduced to low squeals, sniffing and symbolic struggle. But if you notice that rats fight with violence, they need to be separated into different cages.

Important!Under natural conditions, rats live only in a flock, so even a decorative animal is in vital need of communication with fellows. If you want to get a rat, you need to immediately take 2-3 same-sex pets, otherwise the animal will feel extremely bad when alone.

Breeds of ornamental rats

Decorative rats differ in color, length of coat, anatomical features. But breeds in rats do not exist, only varieties can be distinguished, among which:

Based on the shade of the fur coat, decorative rats are divided into the following types:
  1. Homogeneous. They are characterized by a uniform coat color.
  2. Combined. The coat can be dyed in several shades.
  3. Ticked. Each individual hair is dyed in 2-3 colors.
  4. Silvery. There are two main colors in the coat color: white and silver.


In general, decorative rats do not have a special life expectancy: on average, it is 2-3 years. Long-livers are individuals who have lived up to 4 years. However, an exceptional case has been documented when a decorative rodent was able to live for more than 7 years.

How long decorative rats live at home is largely determined by such factors:

  • animal diet;
  • accommodations;
  • health status, timely appeal for veterinary care;
  • the presence of pregnancy in a female;
  • rats living alone or in the company of other rodents.

Important!Breeding domestic rats is a very complex process that often ends in death for the female. For successful breeding, you need to select only the strongest and healthiest individuals of a strictly defined age: up to 8 months. In most cases, the female gives birth to many rats, and she herself may die.

Keeping decorative rats at home

Despite the compact size of the pet, it does not mean at all that you can neglect the care of a decorative rat. Like any pet, a domestic rat needs a certain diet, a place to live, and it is also worth considering the presence of other pets before starting a pet.

When purchasing a rat, you need to immediately think about where it will live. The only correct answer is . For one individual, the dimensions of the cage must be at least 30 * 50 * 40 cm, if the number of animals is greater, then the dimensions of the dwelling increase. Interestingly, it is better for males to choose wider cages, and for girls - higher.

Do not load the cage with multi-story structures in the hope that the rat will be more interesting this way. It is better to build hammocks inside, put a pair of ladders, a wheel or a swing. The cage must have a bedding: for example, from sawdust (not coniferous wood!), You can also use corn or wood filler for cats or a special one for rodents.

As a budget option, you can take white paper, but not newspapers - rodents can get poisoned by toxic paint! The cage in which the animals live should be regularly cleaned, cleaned and, as necessary, changed the filler.
A prerequisite for the proper maintenance of decorative rats at home is regular walking. When walking, remember a few important rules:

  • put all valuable small things in inaccessible places;
  • many domestic rats like to chew and damage wires, so make sure that the charger, headphones and other equipment components are not left unattended;
  • make sure that all small animals are out of reach of the animal. So, these rodents are able to attack smaller rodents of other families, are able to crawl into, show aggression towards smaller animals.
With proper upbringing, there is a chance that the rodent will make friends with the home and, but it’s not worth it to settle rodents under the same roof.

Important!Males and females must live exclusively in separate cages, otherwise uncontrolled reproduction and numerous offspring are guaranteed! It is also necessary to walk heterosexual animals at different times.

For a full-fledged existence, a pet needs to be provided with a balanced, competent. What can be given to decorative rats:

  • vegetables(zucchini, pumpkin, beets, zucchini, carrots, cucumbers, sweet peppers);
  • greenery(basil, cilantro, onion, parsley, lettuce, celery, dill);
  • fruits and berries(apricots, pineapples, cherries, melons, strawberries, apples, plums, peaches);
  • combined grain feed(millet, barley, oats, buckwheat, rice);
  • gammarus, seafood(boiled);
  • dairy(cottage cheese, kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt, cream);
  • meat products(rabbit meat, poultry), including offal, but only boiled;
  • chicken eggs and fish(boiled).
Based on the listed products, it is quite possible to make a varied diet for a rodent at home. But with all the diversity, there are categories of harmful and dangerous products for the animal.

So, what is forbidden to feed a decorative rat:

  • sausage and other prepared meat products (they contain many spices and additives);
  • lard and deli meats;
  • dairy products should be avoided sour cream, butter and condensed milk. Regular milk should be given with caution, as there may be intolerance to it;
  • better to extract from fruits and vegetables bones. They are poorly digested and may contain substances harmful to the animal;
  • citrus prohibited in the diet of rodents;
  • some fruits you need to give with caution and not overdo it: bananas, grapes, avocados, pears, kiwi. Some of them are too high in calories, while others contribute to gas formation;
  • dried fruits must come in very limited quantities;
  • beans, beans and peas strongly stimulate gas formation, so they should be excluded from the diet;
  • vegetables to be avoided turnips, radishes and cabbages all kinds;
  • potato must first be thermally processed;
  • it is strictly forbidden to give store-bought sweets, jam, honey, pastries.

The frequency of feeding depends on the age of the rats: young individuals can be fed 3-4 times a day, adults need only two feedings in the morning and evening. The pet must have a drinking bowl, the water in which is changed daily. It is also useful to install a stone in the cage to replenish calcium stores.

Did you know?In rodents, teeth grow throughout their lives, so it is extremely necessary for them to grind them regularly on hard and hard objects.

Many people ask a similar question, because it is much more common to see next to you or. However, rats are no less wonderful pets, they are very smart, affectionate, and will always be happy for your attention. Caring for these animals is somewhat easier than for larger animals. However, keep in mind that some animals, due to their temperament, can engage in domestic wrecking.

Did you know?Rats are extremely prolific: one pair of animals can reproduceoffspring,reaching up to 150-160 rat pups per year! In addition, these rodents have a gene that protects them from STDs.


Success will depend not only on your patience and skills, but also on the nature of the animal: some pets will be happy to make contact, others will be more introverted and calm, and this cannot be changed. These rodents are well trained in the following tricks:

  • remember the name;
  • can come on call;
  • stand on their hind legs;
  • return to the cage on command;
  • will be able to run up the stairs on command;
  • learn your other commands and tricks.
The best way to learn is to use rewards in the form of tasty food (but not sweets). It is extremely important to teach the rat to return to the house on command, otherwise, due to the agility of the animal, it may be difficult for you to catch it throughout the apartment.

But remember that this animal is not capable of mastering too complex tricks and commands, you will need a lot of strength, patience and perseverance to teach the rodent the simplest things.

Health and disease

Decorative rats are prone to many diseases of various organs and systems. If you notice such alarming symptoms in your pet as redness around the eyes and nose, discharge from the ears, lethargy, changes in the coat - these can be manifestations of dangerous ailments, and only a veterinarian should deal with their treatment.

Decorative rats and mice are easy to care for and maintain, they easily and with pleasure go to communicate with a person, therefore it is not surprising that these rodents are gaining more and more popularity as pets.

Nobody knows when people first got acquainted with rats, this animal always lives next to us.

The rat belongs to mammals, to the order - rodents, suborder - murine. The most common animal is the rat on the planet.

The appearance of the rat, description and characteristics

The body of the rat is oval and stocky. The body of the animal is from 8 cm to 30 cm, weighing up to 500 g, there are small ones weighing 37 grams.

The eyes and ears are small, the muzzle is sharp and elongated. Is the tail longer than the size of the body of a rat, without hair or covered with fine hair? invisible to the human eye (a variety of black rats has a tail with a thick coat of hair). In the world there is a variety of short-tailed rodents.

The teeth of the rat are located tightly to each other in rows and are designed for chewing food. These animals are omnivorous, differ from other predators in the absence of fangs and diastema - this is the area on the gums where there are no teeth.

There are no tooth roots, so growth occurs continuously throughout the life of the rat. For convenience, they need to constantly grind their teeth otherwise she will not be able to close her mouth.

The teeth are strong with hard yellow enamel, which makes it easy to gnaw through concrete, cement and various hard metals.

The body of the rodent is covered with thick, dense hair from guard hairs. The color scheme of the color is varied, gray with different shades of dark or light, red, orange and even yellow.

These amazing animals have movable toes on their paws, so they easily climb trees and prepare nests in hollows for living.

Rats are very active and mobile animals run 17 km a day, jump up to 1 meter in height. They swim well, are not afraid of water and can fish.

Rats often turn their heads in different directions, because they have a small viewing angle, they see the world around them in gray tones.

Hearing functions perfectly, rats distinguish sounds with a frequency of up to 40 kHz (humans up to 20 kHz).

Life expectancy from 1 year to 3 years. Under laboratory conditions, rats can live twice as long.

The difference between rats and mice

Rats and mice are representatives of the same suborder, but they differ significantly in appearance and behavior.

The body of a mouse is small, up to 20 cm, weighing up to 50 grams, rats are twice as large, they are dense and muscular, weighing up to 900 grams.

Pronounced distinctive shapes of the head and eyes, in mice it is triangular and slightly flattened with large eyes, in rats the muzzle is elongated with small eyes.

A strong body, powerful toes on the paws allow rats to jump high up to 1 meter, mice cannot do such tricks.

Mice are a cowardly animal and are afraid to get into people's eyes, but rats are not embarrassed, they can protect themselves. There are many cases where they attacked a person.

Rats are omnivorous, eating meat and plant foods. Mice, on the contrary, prefer cereal crops, seeds more.

Rat habitat and lifestyle

Large rats live all over the world, except for Antarctica and the polar regions. They live in groups, rarely live alone.

Most often, groups consist of hundreds of individuals with one male at the head and two or three females. The territory of residence for each group has its own length of up to 2 thousand square meters.

The diet depends on the habitat. Omnivorous rats eat approximately 25 grams of food per day, but without water it is difficult for them to have a daily moisture requirement of up to 35 ml.

Gray rats mainly feed on protein foods of animal origin, small rodents, toads, and chicks.

Black rats prefer food of plant origin: green plants, nuts, fruits, cereals.

Rats are wary of pigs, hedgehogs, ferrets, dogs and cats - these are the main land enemies. Among birds, the rodents of the hawk, the owl, the eagle and the kite are feared and wary.

Reproduction and lifespan of rats

There is no mating season for rats, they can breed all year round. But the peak of sexual activity comes in the spring-summer. The female mates with different males, the pregnancy in rats lasts up to 24 days, the lactating female carries the cubs up to 34 days.

In advance, rats prepare nests, for the birth of offspring they cover the bottom with soft grass, cloth, paper. The cubs appear naked and blind. At the birth of dead rats, the mother devours them, the number at birth can be up to 20.

The male can eat all the offspring, if there are non-viable rat pups, he does not take part in caring for them. The female, on the contrary, conducts reverent care, feeds with milk, licks the babies and cleans the nest from debris.

After 17 days, little rat pups open their eyes, and a month later they lead a full-fledged lifestyle on their own. After 3-4 months, puberty occurs, they can multiply 6 months after birth. Life expectancy up to two years.

Gray rats breed up to 8 times a year, but black ones only in the warm season. To date, experts have calculated that there are 2 rats per person in the world.

Why are rats dangerous?

Rats are a problem for all mankind. They gnaw through the walls in the basements of houses, sewer pipes, harm electrical mains, damage crops.

Rats are carriers of more than 20 infectious diseases, such as leptospirosis, plague, salmonellosis, pseudotuberculosis and others. Many are dangerously fatal to human life.

It is difficult to exterminate rats with chemicals, because the animal's body quickly adapts to the poison and develops a protective immunity to toxins.

Rats are a pet

Rats are the perfect pets. They are quickly tamed to a person, they recognize their owner by the face.

Neat and clean animals do not require special care. They will give their owner a lot of funny moments, it is very interesting to watch them.

But the owner of a domestic rat should not forget that this is a social animal and it is difficult for them to live alone. A rat definitely needs a pair, otherwise a mental disorder may develop.

Variety of rats, name and photo

There are about 70 species of rats in the world, most of which are poorly understood, below are the common types of rodents with a brief description and photo of the rat.

The gray rat (pasyuk) is one of the large varieties up to 25 cm long, the tail is not taken into account. Weight from 140 grams to 390 grams, with a wide elongated muzzle. The coat of young animals is gray with age, becoming orange in color. It lives near water, in dense vegetation and digs holes up to 5 meters.

The black rat is smaller than the gray rat, with a much smaller muzzle and rounded ears. Body length up to 22 cm, weight about 300 grams. A significant difference of this species of rodents is the tail, which is densely covered with hair and 4-5 times longer than the size of the body.

Lives in Asia, Africa and Europe. For a long time it can live without water, therefore it lives in arid places. The coat is black with a green tint.

The small rat differs from its counterparts in size. Body length up to 15 cm maximum with body weight up to 80 grams. It has a brown coat color, a sharp muzzle and inconspicuous small ears. The tail is as long as the body, without signs of hair. Lives in Southeast Asia.

The long-haired rat is distinguished by its long hair and high activity. Males grow up to 18 cm, and females up to 16 cm in length. The tail is smaller in size from the body by 4-5 cm. Habitat in arid deserts.

The Turkestan rat lives in China, Nepal, Afghanistan, Uzbekistan. The coat is red, the abdomen is pale yellow, the body length is up to 23 cm. This variety is similar to gray, but has a denser body and a broad head in size.

Black-tailed rat or rabbit. It has an average size of up to 22 cm, weight about 190 grams.

An interesting feature of this type of tail is a tuft of wool at the tip.

The dorsum is gray and brown with prominent black hairs.

They live in Australia and New Guinea mainly in eucalyptus forests, dense grass and shrubs. They are active at night and hide in burrows during the day.

Interesting and informative facts about the life of rats

In India, there is a Karni Mata temple where rats are revered, cared for and protected. In case of violation of the rules for caring for a sacred animal and killing it, this person is obliged to bring a golden statuette in the form of a rat to the temple.

In some US states, hitting a rat with a baseball bat is illegal and carries a $1,000 fine.

In Asian and African countries, rats are considered a worthy delicacy for a festive dinner. Rat meat is considered a delicacy.

In a year, a gray rat eats up to 12 kg of various cereal products. Experts have calculated that about 6 kg of the harvest of one farmer is spent annually on the food of one rat.

Ornamental rats are a domesticated species of rodents of the mouse family. Along with cats and dogs, animals are able to become full members of the family, who appreciate love and care, respond to the voice of the owner and carry out elementary commands.

The rat as a pet has been known since the 17th century. The first individuals appeared in London. Animals were caught on the street to participate in dog fights - bloody entertainment organized by sellers of fighting dog breeds. Rodents served as bait, which, as a rule, were rarely kept alive.

When fighting was a thing of the past, breeders caught albinos and individuals with non-standard colors for subsequent sale. The owners of the animals became young ladies who kept them in squirrel cages.

Only in the 20th century did domestic rats become full-fledged pets, showing a calm disposition, affection for humans and outstanding learning abilities.

Rodent species

  • Standard (Standard) . Representatives of the decorative rat breed are distinguished by an elongated body, short ears, smooth hair and are the most popular variety.
  • Sphynx (Hairless) - a breed without hair or with a rare fluff on the paws, under the eyes or cheeks. Unlike fluffy relatives, "alien" creatures require delicate care, need warmth and maintain a comfortable temperature.
  • Dumbo (Dumbo). Characteristic features of the species are open or slightly curled ears, a proportional body and a broad head with a protruding nape.
  • Rex (Rex) - species of rodents with long, slightly curly hair growing up. Due to the unusual feature, the animals look disheveled and funny.
  • Mosaic or tricolor (Tricolor rat)- one of the most amazing representatives of the breed of domestic rats. In nature, color does not exist, and the gene is not inherited. The obligatory color is white, which is complemented by gray or black shades.
  • Satin (Satin) . Animals are distinguished by an elongated, dense and shiny coat.
  • Tailless (Tailles). The breed is distinguished by the absence of a tail and a dense pear-shaped body.

Selecting and purchasing a pet rodent

It is better to choose animals in nurseries or pet stores that provide proper maintenance and care. Depending on the breed of rat, the rodent may be calm or playful. Females are more temperamental and inquisitive, males, on the contrary, are phlegmatic and can "mark" the territory.

It is better to purchase an animal that has reached 1 month. At this age, the animals adapt well, quickly get used to people and communication. Older rodents are capable of reproduction, so buying a 2-month-old female, the owner can become the owner of offspring.

A healthy decorative rat has a shiny coat, even skin and the correct proportions of the body, corresponding to the breed. There should be no wounds, ulcers or cuts on the torso. As a rule, several individuals live in a cage, which contact each other, play and avoid loneliness in every possible way. During communication, a healthy rodent will show natural curiosity, while in a sick one it will hide in a far corner.

When purchasing a pet, be sure to clarify the composition of the diet in order to avoid a sharp change in nutrition and deterioration of the stomach.

Keeping rodents at home

To shorten the adaptation period and create the necessary conditions, the owner of the animal will need:

  • cell;
  • cellulose or aspen sawdust filler;
  • drinker;
  • feeder;
  • tray.

The pet will grow up active and healthy in a spacious cage equipped with a bed and a tray. Plastic is suitable as a material, which does not absorb odor and does not require special care. The “bed” can be a small house or container where the rodent will feel safe.

For the arrangement of cells, it is forbidden to use filler from coniferous or pine sawdust containing phenols. Despite the aroma of fresh wood, fumes irritate the mucous membranes, reduce immunity and provoke respiratory diseases.

All types of rats love to play and explore the territory, so the cage will not be superfluous with balls, ropes, ladders and a bath where water lovers can refresh themselves.

Grooming for rats includes daily litter changes, cleaning of feeders and drinkers. Compliance with hygiene procedures will help to avoid a specific smell and maintain the health of the pet, which largely depends on the correct content.

Diet and nutritional habits

The weight of an adult male reaches 500-800 grams, females - 250-500 grams. Excess weight, as well as its lack, are detrimental to the health of the animal, so the main task of the owner is to provide a balanced diet, the basis of which are:

  • cereal crops;
  • vegetables, fruits and fresh herbs;
  • protein products.

Grain feed is the main component of the rodent diet, which ensures stable development, the formation of the skeletal system and muscles. The finished mixture, rich in vitamins and minerals, is best purchased at a specialized store. Any domestic rat will not refuse carrots and fresh lettuce, necessary for grinding teeth and removing plaque.

Pieces of meat, low-fat cheeses, or yogurt are good sources of protein. In the diet, fried, fatty or carbohydrate foods are unacceptable - chips, sweets or sugar. These types of food are unnatural and can cause obesity, digestive disorders and other health problems.

Games and entertainment

Adults and children can play with a domestic rat. When the pet is accustomed to hands, he willingly makes contact and enjoys having fun with the owners. Rodents will be pleased with labyrinths, pipes or ladders. It is desirable that toys are made from safe woods, as rats love to taste new things.

The animals have a developed hunting instinct, so ropes with treats or a stick with feathers, which are often purchased for cats, are suitable for entertainment. The toy should not be left in a cage, because a curious pet can not only quickly lose interest, but also completely gnaw the device. To play with domestic animals, you should choose different entertainments that will support natural curiosity, the ability to run fast and catch the slightest movement of “prey”.