Basic rules of etiquette in society. Etiquette in modern society. Norms and rules of decency for men and women - the basics of conducting secular conversation and behavior in society

Etiquette is a rather complex science, which is fraught with a number of features. The main subtlety is that the rules of etiquette do not always carry an absolute meaning. It all depends on the place, time and circumstances. Having comprehended these rules, each person will be able to avoid embarrassing situations. A review article on the topic "Rules of Etiquette" will give a general idea of ​​​​this concept. We will help you navigate in different life circumstances, when you need to show your best qualities in communication and behaviour.

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The concept of etiquette

The historical roots of the very concept of "etiquette" lead to France. In a general sense, this term refers to a set of requirements assigned to a particular culture, which in each individual situation are imposed on human behavior.

According to the dictionary definition, etiquette- these are generally accepted rules of behavior in society, established forms of circumvention. Practical Essence etiquette is that it allows people to enjoy ready-made rules behavior, manners and forms communication with different people.

First rule of etiquette

For more than 40 years, World Hello Day has been celebrated annually. It is not for nothing that such attention is paid to this event. The fact is that greetings is the first rule of etiquette.

If communication takes place face to face, then a smile is indispensable. The first impression leaves a deep mark, and there may not be another time to correct your opinion about yourself. Since ancient times, avoiding a greeting has been considered a prime example of bad manners.

Communication etiquette

Etiquette is a tool that allows you to achieve what you want from communicating with loved ones, friends or colleagues. To do this, you need to understand certain rules and use them in practice.

Any communication should begin with a polite greeting and proper treatment. Even if the conversation is tiring or does not arouse interest, you need to pay attention to the interlocutor. In this case, you will acquire its location and save pleasant impression About Me.

We have detailed the details in the corresponding article, we will add just a few more words about the concept that is relevant today - the rules of talking on the phone.

telephone etiquette

Even the shortest telephone conversation should be carried out in accordance with the generally accepted rules of etiquette, be it business or domestic. Today, almost everyone has in their pocket mobile phone. Therefore, the culture of communication by telephone lives and develops in step with the times.

Communication has always brought people together, even if it's just talking on the phone. Such a conversation should fit within the framework telephone etiquette. It is important not to forget the words of greeting and farewell, to be able to clearly express thoughts and stop in time, giving the floor to the interlocutor.

Etiquette norms are studied from school and throughout life. Companies that care about their reputation even conduct special training for employees on how to communicate on the phone. When carrying out business negotiations, not only the personal authority of the speaker is put at stake, but also the image of the organization.

A person does not go beyond the socio-cultural space throughout his life. Thanks to established rules of conduct, it supports normal relationship with those around you. This is important for every educated person.

Mutual respect can be earned by adhering to the rules of courtesy. Non-conflict people show restraint, do not allow harshness and rudeness in their behavior. They try to avoid even the slightest conflicts and ridiculous situations, daily using the basics of etiquette science.

True benevolence, disinterestedness, sensitivity, politeness and tact are the main qualities of a person on which good behavior. They are important at all stages of communication and relationships. Such qualities will comfort heartache, to smooth out the insult and not to allow grief at all.

Good manners

Mastering good manners enriches the spiritual beauty of a person. They are directly related to right upbringing. Such manners are manifested in gait, clothing, facial expressions, intonation, actions, and treatment of people.

cultured man should be able to behave with restraint, modestly, tactfully and attentively in relation to others. He must be held accountable for his words and deeds. These are the key qualities upon which good manners. And they, in turn, are regulated by etiquette. Therein lies their intimate connection.

At one time, Goethe compared the manners of a person with a mirror reflecting his portrait. These words have not lost their meaning and relevance in modern world. The surrounding people notice everything, they judge a person by behavior, which sometimes gives out more than we would like. To be on top, you need to never stop monitoring your manners.

Etiquette at the table

going on solemn event or called family dinner, on romantic date in a cafe or a business meeting in a restaurant, it is important not to forget about good manners and table etiquette rules. A cultured person should know them so as not to lose face.

Table etiquette is due to a number of features and national traditions, but we must remember at least the generally accepted rules. The culture of behavior at the table seriously affects the impression of a person. The inability to properly eat, take food or drink can turn away from communicating with such a person.

Modern table etiquette rules are available to everyone. They reveal the purpose and use of serving items, regulate the norms of behavior during meals. Mastering this difficult science will make you feel much more confident at any table.

Away etiquette

It may seem that being a guest is easy and fun. In fact, to become a welcome guest, you need to be able to behave beautifully, that is, to observe guest etiquette. Its prescriptions and subtleties should be learned by everyone. well-mannered person. No wonder the term “persona non grata” is widely used, which literally means an unwanted guest.

You need to be able to come at the called hour, with good mood, with empty hands. You also need to leave on time, with gratitude for the invitation and a warm welcome. It is important to be able to behave with dignity in any environment and company.

Norms and rules of etiquette

The norms and rules of etiquette have been honed over the centuries. They are being amended different nations who honor their national and cultural traditions. Despite this, there are generally accepted attitudes of behavior and communication between people.

Every educated person sets himself the task of not only getting acquainted with the rules and norms of etiquette, but also tries to follow them. This is an important component of the internal culture of the individual.

Basic rules of etiquette

The treasury of etiquette rules does not cease to be filled with the development of society. In it you can find norms and rules of conduct for all occasions. Every self-respecting person should know at least the basic ones. In this article, we give only an overview of the concept of "rules of etiquette", concrete examples you can easily find on the net.

Following key ethical rules simplifies interaction and generally makes life easier in society. Their observance allows a person to show his upbringing and education.

Good etiquette rules

Following the rules of decency does not mean at all that someone should dance to someone else's tune. A person who truly respects himself and others will, in any situation, try to adhere to rules good etiquette so as not to inconvenience yourself and others. To do this, it is enough to master simple and useful rules good manners. Then not only personal life, but the surrounding reality will become more beautiful, kinder.

Applying the rules of good etiquette is a guaranteed success. They will help you quickly install good contact, call correct reaction and generally feel confident.

Rules of etiquette in society

A person, being a social being, must behave in society with dignity, guided by the rules of etiquette. They are aimed at ensuring that the behavior is natural, not simulated.

Sincere feelings have always been valuable. To express them, each member of society must strive for self-improvement. Inner harmony a person is achieved by combining high morality with exemplary manners that follow from the rules of etiquette in society.

Etiquette for girls, men, children

Today, the days of chivalry are rarely remembered, how nobly real heroes treated women. Where can you find such gentlemen now? They can only be seen on the movie screen than to meet in real life. Real ladies are also rare today. A girl with refined manners is a rare guest in our area.

The fact is that the weaker sex today communicates on an equal footing with men. And the representatives of the stronger sex are afraid or do not know how to demonstrate their gallantry. Gender differences are being erased, but the rules of etiquette for today's girls and men are no less relevant than in ancient times.

The subtleties of graceful manners are important not only for adults, but also for children. They will help convey correct model behavior in society. The child will be able to easily communicate with peers, relatives and strangers. Having mastered the rules of good manners, children will learn to behave at school, at the table, in the cinema. Their social adaptation to adult life will be painless.

Service etiquette is a set of expedient rules established in labor collectives in order to determine the behavior of employees. These rules correspond to moral and moral principles. Compliance with the prescribed requirements should be mandatory for both managers and subordinates.

Service etiquette rules have importance to maintain a normal working climate and increase labor productivity. Their implementation is of fundamental importance for stable and fruitful cooperation with customers and partners.

Service etiquette prescribes the requirements for behavior not only within your team, but also in cooperation with external entities. Supporting business conversation with foreign partners, you need to know their rules of etiquette, traditions and customs. Only such relationships can become long-term beneficial for both parties.

We talked in general terms about the rules of etiquette and the components of this concept for different sides human life. The details of good manners in different circumstances are appropriate to consider separately, in detail, for each situation. It is impossible to reflect the rules of conduct in all the subtleties in one material. Therefore, we consider this article a starting point in the world of etiquette and will use it as the content for subsequent articles on this topic.

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"Etiquette is the ability to yawn with your mouth closed." Brigitte Bardot

On this moment there are a lot of stories on the net about good deeds strangers, it has become especially popular to translate grandmothers across the road.

Many admire it, post videos on the Internet and receive many enthusiastic comments. That is, the modern average person is surprised by such behavior. But after all, every educated person should do this, it should be normal, ordinary behavior that does not require applause. There are rules, adhering to which society will achieve harmony in communication and relationships. This is etiquette. Observing etiquette it is difficult to quarrel, make a scandal or offend someone. To develop friendly relations, you just need to wish people well. Do as you would like to be treated. Knowing etiquette will come in handy if you like to impress others. This can be achieved with appearance, culture of speech, the ability to behave in various situations. Observance of etiquette will also help to avoid stupid situations when you want to please, for example, your boss or relatives of your soulmate.

The word "etiquette" appeared in France, during the time of Louis 14. Once, at the next magnificent reception at the court, label cards were handed out to everyone, they listed the rules of conduct that guests had to follow. This is how the concept of "etiquette" appeared - good manners, the ability to behave in society.
There are several types of etiquette:

  • court etiquette;
  • Diplomatic etiquette;
  • Military etiquette;
  • Civil etiquette.

In this article, we will consider some subspecies of general civil etiquette.

How to behave when meeting/acquaintance

The general rules of greeting are that the younger ones always greet the older ones. The man is the first to greet the woman. And if you enter a room where there are already people, then regardless of your gender and age, you need to say hello first.

When greeting a woman or the elderly, a man should definitely stand up. A woman should get up to greet the elderly, high-ranking persons, or if she herself receives guests.

According to the rules of decency, you need an intermediary to get to know each other, better a mutual friend, someone who will introduce you to others, or vice versa. If you want to introduce someone, then you need to use phrases such as "let me introduce you .." or "get acquainted, this is ...". Next, it is worth briefly explaining who the person is to you, for example, “Meet Vova, my colleague and good friend". The younger ones are introduced to the older ones, the man to the woman. After you have been introduced to someone, you need to name yourself and say the etiquette phrase: “very nice” or “nice to meet you.”

At the first meeting, it is customary to say “you” to each other. In general, any person who has reached the age of 12, according to etiquette, should be addressed to “you”. It is also indecent to “poke” sellers, waiters, etc.

Very important nuance- handshake. Not shaking a hand extended for a handshake is considered an insult. Always served right hand. Shaking hands, a man always gets up. The woman herself determines whether to give a hand or not. If you are wearing gloves, you should remove both gloves, ladies do not have to do this. And on the street, gloves can not be removed, but if one of the greeters did this, then the second should follow his example.

Kissing at a meeting is permissible with friends and relatives. A man can greet a woman with a kiss on the hand.

Visiting and celebrating

Firstly, it is indecent to go to visit without an invitation. But if it happened, then warn by phone call.

If you are a guest, try not to be late and do not come early. Punctuality is a very valuable quality. Also, do not linger at a party until late, you need to leave on time, as well as come.

If you have received an invitation, it is indecent to refuse without a good reason. But the height of indecency is to agree to an invitation, and then not to come. In this case, the reason must be explained.

Do not visit without a gift or a gift.

Visiting with children should only be in those houses where there are also children, or if you know for sure that they will be welcome.

If you receive elegant guests, then slippers should not be offered, they will look ridiculous with evening dress or a tie.

Take care in advance about how to seat guests. It is better for the hostess to sit down so that it is convenient to leave the table without disturbing the others. When you go out to the guests you need to take off your apron.

<Если у вас один гость, не стоит его оставлять одного, более чем на 3 минуты.

In the restaurant and at the table

Going to a restaurant implies evening attire, but if it happened spontaneously, it’s enough to look decent.

The man should move the lady's chair and help her sit down. Only then sit down. At the table you need to stay straight, do not put your hands on the table.

Usually, the waiters themselves come up, seeing that the visitors are ready to order. But if this did not happen, in no case should you shout to call him, or tap a glass with a fork for the same purpose. Get his attention with a nod of the head.

According to etiquette, if one menu was brought, then the lady orders first. If you don't know how to serve and don't know which fork to eat a particular dish, it's better to start from the far end, but you can sneak a peek at how the others are doing it.

Riding indecency will eat from a common dish or reach across the table for a salt or pepper shaker. In such a situation, you need to politely ask those sitting next to you to give what you need.

Forks and spoons that have fallen off the table are picked up by the waiter. Bottles of alcohol will also be opened by the waiter.

Fish and fruit bones cannot be spit out, you need to use a fork.

If you suddenly get a call, you should apologize to the others and move away. It is indecent to talk to people sitting at another table, even if they are your acquaintances.

According to etiquette, the bill is paid by the one who invited to the restaurant. If the dinner is friendly, then the bill is paid in half. It's not nice to find out in front of the waiter.

Respect others on the road

Most people use public transport daily. In order not to spoil your mood and not become a participant in the scandal, you need to follow some rules. When boarding a bus, trolleybus, etc. you need to let people go out, then let the elderly, pregnant women, and the disabled go forward. Men must skip all women.

Seating places are designed for the elderly, people with disabilities and expectant mothers. A man can only sit down if those standing nearby from this category give their consent, you need to quietly ask: “do you mind if I sit down?”

If you have a large bag or backpack with you, then it is better to remove them from your shoulder so as not to interfere with others.

Talking loudly in the salon is uncivilized.

If you are traveling with a friend or girlfriend, and the crowd separated you, you should not make your way through the entire cabin, you should wait for your stop.

If you are traveling with your children, then you need to make sure that they do not run or scream, because they can cause inconvenience to others.

When leaving the transport, men or those who are younger are the first to go out to help those in need: give a hand to a woman, a child, help pull out a bag, etc.

If you are traveling in a car, you must open the door for passengers: women and the elderly. A man can get into the car as he wants, but for a woman there is an order - first you need to sit on the seat, then throw your legs over, get out - in the reverse order.

At the theater, at a concert, at the cinema

It is customary to go to the theater in evening dresses. At the concert, the outfit is determined by its theme.

It's best to arrive early so you can take your seat. If you are late, and your place is in the middle of the row, then you should move towards it facing those sitting, be sure to apologize for the trouble.

Before the performance, you need to turn off the phone so that an accidental call does not interfere with either the audience or the actors. Talking, discussing a performance or a film is prohibited.

If you have come with a lady, you do not need to lean towards each other so as not to interfere with those sitting behind.

You are not allowed to eat or drink during the performance. This is bad tone. This is not prohibited in the cinema, but you need to know the measure so as not to run later to the toilet through the entire row.

If everyone follows these simple rules, then going to the theater or cinema will leave only good impressions. Unless, of course, the film itself or the play does not let us down.

The nuances of communication in social networks and when using mobile phones

It is difficult to imagine the modern world without mobile phones and the Internet. Some forms of communication, such as video calls, may well replace face-to-face communication. The more popular mobile communications and the Internet, the more necessary it is to know rules of etiquette when communicating, so as not to be considered tactless.
Basic rules of mobile etiquette:

  • Your ringtone should not offend those around you with content or volume;
  • During important meetings, in the theater and cinema, switch your phone to silent mode;
  • Turn off your phone on board aircraft and in medical facilities;
  • In public places, especially in minibuses, you should not make calls, as others most likely do not want to listen to your conversations;
  • Do not touch someone else's phone without permission, there is probably a lot of personal information in there, the owner is unlikely to like it, even if it is your friend. It is also not allowed to answer other people's calls without permission;
  • Do not put your phone on the table in a cafe or restaurant, as your partner may draw the wrong conclusions. For example, that you are expecting an urgent call that is more important than dinner with a partner;
  • Don't be silent during the conversation. If you have nothing to say, then try to end the conversation or try to keep the conversation going;
  • If you find a missed call, you need to call back within 1-2 hours;
  • When making a call, know that a decent dialing time is 5 rings, then persistence.

As for the Internet, the correspondence on the Internet is divided into business and private. The content of private correspondence is determined by the degree of acquaintance. But you should always remember that there is a real person on the other end, try to be polite and tactful, because your face is your words. In business correspondence, you should follow some rules:

  • Take care of your and other people's time, don't bother, don't spam, don't flood;
  • Include a subject in emails. So it will be easier for a busy person to find that your letter is on business;
  • Do not put emoticons in business letters. And in general, it is better not to abuse emoticons;
  • Follow the rules of chats and groups in which you communicate;
  • Do not offend the feelings of believers, remember that there are people of other faiths next to you;
  • If you want to have pleasant interlocutors, you must be one yourself.

As people's living conditions change, education and culture grow, some rules change. For example, before a woman could not afford to walk in trousers, but now it is generally accepted. Behavior that is unacceptable in one case may be appropriate in another. Everything changes with time, but politeness is always in fashion.

Etiquette changes as society itself changes. In the mid-50s, it was considered normal to talk about illnesses and complain about spouses at the festive table, but now such conversations are considered bad form. Yes, and the gender distinction of modern etiquette is erased. Thanks to feminism, by the way. For example, men used to be required to give up their seat on public transport to all women. According to the new rules of etiquette, pregnant, elderly and sick people can give way. And in Europe, they generally give way only when the standing person asks. And any initiative can be perceived as an insult. Conceded - do I look so bad?

Also, according to the old rules, a man was obliged to open doors in front of a woman and let her go ahead. Now the door is opened by the one who goes ahead or who is stronger if the door is heavy. No matter what gender you are, please hold the doors for people with limited mobility, and if this service was provided to you, be sure to thank.

Let's go over the basic rules of etiquette that we encounter every day.

Cinema, concert, theater

Being late is not recommended. But you can leave early, and it is advisable to do this during the intermission. You should dress at your own discretion, but if we are talking about the theater - a little smarter than usual. If someone alone bought tickets for the company, be sure to return the money to him. If you bought the tickets, feel free to ask: "Who has not paid for the tickets yet?"


Etiquette does not advise to be late and bring someone without the consent of the owner / mistress of the house. Do not smoke without asking permission. Be respectful of furniture and other possessions (for example, do not place a wet glass or hot cup on a wooden surface if you are used to doing this at home).


No need to force someone who does not want to drink. If they beg you, be firm. You are not obliged to explain something, in extreme cases, say that “driving” or “the doctor forbade”.

It is considered bad manners to pester staff, even without bad intentions. A restaurant employee, in response to your flirting, useless questions and aggression, will not be able to answer you with dignity, otherwise he will be fired, and therefore will smile with a forced smile and experience psychological stress.

If you are miscalculated, do not raise a scandal. Especially if you want to please a business partner or a girl. Call the waiter and calmly hint more precisely to make up the bill. You can even specify what you need to pay attention to.

How to distribute expenses in a large company? If all the guests are approximately equally financially secure, eat approximately equally, or the company regularly arranges joint dinners, it would be quite acceptable and correct to share all expenses equally. If your company is diverse in financial and taste terms, it is worth agreeing in advance on separate accounts. You can choose a responsible person who, after examining the account, will roughly estimate the expenses of each and collect money from everyone. Or the second option - pay for everyone and collect money from guests already outside the cafe / restaurant.

Other events

When you receive an invitation, study it carefully. Pay attention to the dress code and how you will be notified of your participation. Be sure to check whether you are invited alone or with your spouse. Some mistakenly believe that if the invitation lists one person, the spouse is automatically invited. This is fundamentally wrong. Problems may arise if you sit at a table with seating arrangements; additional tables and chairs are not placed at such events.

Arriving at the event, you should present an invitation and find the hosts to exchange a couple of phrases. It is not worth delaying the receiving party for a long time. The next step is to find your seat at the table.

Don't be put off by the large number of glasses - the attendants know the sequence of their use and know what drinks to pour into them. But the cutlery is worth paying attention to. If you see several spoons, forks and are afraid to get confused, follow a simple rule - use the cutlery in turn for each dish served, starting from the outside.

small talk

You don't have to be an excellent speaker, but you do need to be able to have a pleasant conversation. In a conversation, you should not “yak”, brag about yourself, your achievements, as well as your circle of acquaintances. Also, you should not belittle your own dignity, self-flagellate, complain about colleagues, relatives, health.

Etiquette (and, accordingly, the psychology of business communication) advises to avoid conversations that are unpleasant and incomprehensible to the interlocutor. To win over, choose topics that are interesting to others. There are many such topics, and it is better to speak on those in which you understand.

It is a mistake to discuss the appearance and mannerisms of other guests, even with interlocutors whom you know well. Remember how projection works? What you say is automatically projected onto you.

You should not speak with someone in a language that is incomprehensible to others, conduct meaningless conversations on the topic of dreams, premonitions, indulge in lengthy memories that are of interest only to you.

It is considered bad form to torture interlocutors on the topic of their earnings, marital status, as well as questions like: “Why are you not married?”, “Why are you not married?”, “When will you have a baby?”.

Jokes about someone else's surname, nationality, hair color, hairstyle, build, education and work experience are also unacceptable. As we all know, jokes of this kind are perceived by others as hidden aggression.

It is worth ending the conversation decisively and as politely as possible: “I was pleased to meet you”, “It was very pleasant to chat / talk with you”, “It will be necessary to discuss this somehow over a cup of coffee”, “It will be necessary to meet again” . If you need to move on to another person, you can say something like this: “Excuse me, I need to talk to that person over there. We will definitely come back to our conversation/discuss this a bit later.”

In modern society, it is important to have good manners, to be able to behave correctly in different life situations. Etiquette has many features and is a complex science. The main subtlety is that there are no clearly defined norms of behavior, everything depends on the circumstances, time and place. The rules of etiquette between a man and a girl will make communication more enjoyable, and good manners will help to have a psychological impact on a partner.

What are the rules of etiquette

The concept comes from the French word "etiquette", which means a set of generally accepted rules of conduct, knowledge of the basics of politeness. There are several main types of etiquette:

  • the ability to present oneself: wardrobe formation, appearance care, physical form, gestures, postures, posture;
  • speech form: the ability to say compliments, greetings, thanks, manner of speech;
  • table etiquette: the ability to eat, knowledge of serving standards, table manners;
  • behavior in society: how to behave in the office, shop, exhibition, museum, restaurant, theater, court;
  • business etiquette: relationships with superiors, colleagues, business negotiations.

Good manners for men

If a representative of the stronger sex has a reputation in society, he will always observe moderation in clothing. Shorts and T-shirts are appropriate for a family dinner or during a country holiday. For informal occasions, sporty or dressy attire is fine, while business meetings require a tie and jacket. As for good manners, a well-mannered man will not make it difficult to nod politely in response to the greeting of even an unfamiliar person. How to communicate with a woman, superiors, relatives will be discussed below.

Modern etiquette for women

The first rule for a woman is tact in all situations. Etiquette lessons involve being respectful with everyone, whether it's a neighbor, business partner, or stairwell cleaner. If a woman loves to joke, then it should be clearly defined in which situation you can allow a joke, and with whom you need to be serious. It is necessary to observe the culture of communication with the opposite sex. You should not flirt, flirt and make eyes with unfamiliar men and acquaintances - this is a violation of etiquette. Politeness involves simple communication without intrigue, gossip and rumors.

Etiquette for children

Rules of conduct in society exist for children. The further success, career, environment will depend on the knowledge that the child receives in childhood. The simplest methods of mastering the rules of etiquette are reading fairy tales, watching cartoons, using board games on this topic, and singing songs. The basic rule of courtesy for a child is respect for all adults, children, and animals without exception. From this, everything else flows smoothly.

How to behave in society

Basic code of etiquette for men and women:

  1. Do not come to visit without a call. Only if you are visited without warning, you can afford to meet a person in home clothes.
  2. Do not place your bag on a chair or on your lap. The voluminous backpack can be hung on the back of a chair. A purse or a small handbag is placed on the table, and if a man carries a briefcase, then it must be left on the floor.
  3. When meeting, say your name first if you have to communicate with a group of people. Only the right hand should be served.
  4. In the car, the passenger needs to sit in the back seat. The most prestigious place is considered to be located behind the driver.

In dealing with people

A typical day for a modern person includes many situations in which the culture of behavior and demeanor is tested: communication in stores, on public transport, meeting colleagues, rules of speech etiquette at official receptions, and so on. As for the first meeting with a person, the impression is created by how well the interlocutor knows how to introduce himself. In everyday etiquette, the younger ones or men are the first to get acquainted. To make a good impression, you should always start communication with a smile.

How should a girl behave with a guy?

Modern etiquette for girls provides knowledge of the elementary rules of behavior with the opposite sex. At the first meeting with a man, you should not throw yourself on his neck, it would be appropriate to just reach out. On a date, you need to behave easily and naturally, joke and smile, but not be offended. You can’t not tell a man about your shortcomings or unsuccessful relationship experiences at the first meeting. There is no need to shout about the merits either, you can point out them, but in passing.

Basics of etiquette

The rules of cultural behavior are simple: a culture of speech that has a stylistic and grammatical orientation, a well-groomed appearance, attentiveness to the interlocutor, the ability to render a service to the needy, to listen to the speaker. The norm of acquaintance and subsequent communication is conditional, therefore, it has the character of an unwritten agreement about what is generally accepted and what is not. Every cultured person must know and follow the rules of etiquette, understanding their necessity for society.

Good manners

An educated person is immediately distinguished from the crowd. He is distinguished by his knowledge of etiquette and a certain manner of behavior: intonation of the voice, expressions used in speech, gait, facial expressions, gestures. This is restraint, modesty, the ability to control emotions, actions, words. To meet the concept of a secular educated person, you need to know and follow certain rules that are considered mandatory in a decent society:

  • greeting, the woman is the first to give a hand to the man;
  • men greet everyone standing without exception;
  • when introducing a guest to other people (when meeting), they call his name, surname, patronymic (during business communication - profession);
  • guests do not bring a bad mood, and if there are negative emotions, then the visit should be abandoned;
  • children should not be allowed to interfere in the conversation of adults, interrupt elders, whisper in your ear;
  • strange children in the presence of their parents do not make remarks;
  • when making gifts to people, one should observe tact, taking into account gender, age, and profession.

The ability to dress

The rules of etiquette oblige not only to know the correct manner of greeting acquaintances and strangers, to be able to maintain small talk and adhere to decorum in behavior, but also to wear clothes appropriate for the occasion. Nothing catches the eye like colorful things. The category of things inappropriate for a man includes embroidered shirts, vulgar suits, too bright ties. Business attire should be moderately fashionable. In the morning it is allowed to wear a jacket, frock coat or jacket pair. The color should correspond to the season: light in summer, dark in winter.

The ability to dress with taste is the first sign of a woman's upbringing. The encyclopedia of etiquette contains a circle of rules related to dress, the observance of which distinguishes a real lady. Women's clothing should be appropriate for the nature of the work. An image acceptable for a fashion house would be unacceptable for a brokerage. A business lady for a business lunch or a conference will not fit a too short skirt or a low-cut blouse. If the meeting will be at a resort hotel or club, you need to take several outfits that will be suitable for different situations.

How to Present Yourself

A few more common etiquette rules:

  • you need to walk with a straight posture, a tucked up stomach and straightened shoulders;
  • communication norms regarding greetings include polite words, but they are not always correct, for example, “good afternoon” should not be said to a person with an upset face;
  • even unfamiliar men should help the ladies enter the premises, holding the front door;
  • the word "please" should sound at any request;
  • before saying goodbye to the interlocutor, you should first prepare for this: “unfortunately, it’s too late,” and then say words of gratitude or a compliment (if this is a woman).

Communication etiquette rules

The rules of etiquette must be observed when communicating between women and men. The male representative should follow to the left of the companion and be the first to enter the restaurant. If the lady greets acquaintances, the gentleman should also greet them, even if the people are unfamiliar to him. Without the woman's approval, a man has no right to touch her. It is allowed only in moments of assistance (getting into a car, crossing the road). Smoking in the presence of another person, regardless of gender, is possible only with the permission of the interlocutor.

There are certain rules of speech behavior. So, if you are insulted in the presence of other people, you should not succumb to provocations. Get up and leave the scene. You can not ask the interlocutor for information about his material well-being, love affairs and other personal things. If you invite a business partner to a meeting, do not forget about punctuality. Special respect should be shown to people who showed generosity or came to your aid in difficult times - they were not obliged to do this.

conversational etiquette

Rules of courtesy exist in any conversation. Speech behavior is divided into written and oral forms, with the former having more stringent rules. There are several types of conversations: business, official, informal. The oral form has simpler rules, for example, instead of a verbal greeting, you can get by with a nod of the head. The ability to conduct a polite speech is to tell the interlocutor only those things that he himself would like to hear. The basic principles of conversation are correctness, brevity, accuracy, relevance.

How to communicate with an interlocutor on the phone

Compliance with the rules of network etiquette should also be during communication on the phone. During the conversation, you need to carefully monitor the intonation, since the interlocutor does not see your face and may misunderstand the meaning of the message. You should not make the caller wait, the maximum time for picking up the handset reaches six beeps. There is no need to rush to the phone either - it is better to answer after the third beep. It is customary to call the interlocutor by name, if he is familiar. If not, please introduce yourself first.

Good manners and business etiquette

The basic rules of conduct include the rules of business communication. But not only the speech component is important in contact with partners, body language also plays an important role. For example, when talking, do not spread your legs wide, keep your hands in your pockets, or stoop. Excessive gestures are also not welcome - in order not to embarrass the interlocutor, gestures should be restrained. Pay attention to the person's personal space - the distance should be no less than the size of an outstretched arm.

Rules of house etiquette

Family members should especially be polite to each other. In order to maintain warm relations, one must constantly monitor the psychological climate, sincerely rejoice at the successes of loved ones, not switch to insults during quarrels, use the words “sorry”, “thank you”, “good morning” and others for communication. It is necessary to respect the older generation and not read the personal records of your children without permission.

How to behave at the table

The main rule of conduct at the table is not to chew with your mouth open. Talking is also undesirable, especially when food is being chewed. Before putting a part of a common dish on your plate, you must first offer it to the rest of those present. You should not serve your own plate first, but give guests or older family members the opportunity to do it. When setting the table, common cutlery is placed next to each dish. Soup must be served in special bowls from the seated person on the right.

Away etiquette

Accepting friends and visiting them as guests is a good practice of etiquette form of dating. Dinner is considered the best time for a reception, but people must be invited in advance so that they can adjust their plans. Dress code may be informal. According to etiquette, an unfamiliar guest is called all those present by name only after his own introduction. In a friendly company, you can skip serving the main course, but at a business dinner, this is unacceptable. It is important to be able to use cutlery of different types, even if the owners of other national traditions.


Any communication begins with a greeting. When meeting a friend on the street, a slight tilt of the head and the standard phrase “Hello!” or "Good afternoon!". If you enter the premises, regardless of age and status, it is you who are the first to greet. If the matter takes place in the office and a woman enters, the man should get up from his chair. In some cases, he may kiss the lady's hand. The main thing is that this gesture should not be misinterpreted.

hand to hand

There are special rules of communication etiquette for handshakes. The first to give a hand is a person older in age and higher in social status. If these conditions are equal, take the initiative first. By the way, the woman is the first to extend her hand to the man, and not vice versa. Of course, if he does not occupy a higher position. If a group of people meet, women shake hands with women and men shake hands with men. Cross greetings are not allowed.

Chinnaya walk

Oddly enough, but etiquette works on the street. The man should walk to the left of the woman. If the roadway is dirty or undergoing repairs, the man should keep to the outside of the sidewalk. When steps, a narrow passage or a crowd meet on the way, the gentleman gives the lady a hand. A woman is supposed to hang a closed umbrella on her wrist, on a cord designed for this. A man hangs an umbrella on his forearm or carries it in his hand, like a cane.

Gallantry and tact

When entering a room, a man must remove his hat and gloves. A woman can leave her headdress only if it is not a hat. If you come to the cinema or the theater, the man first helps the lady take off her outer clothing and only then undresses himself. Climbing the stairs, he lets his companion go forward, keeping 2-3 steps behind. Passing between the rows of chairs to their seats, you should turn around to face those sitting. At the same time, a man paves the way.

In crowded but not mad

“The rules of conduct and etiquette in the elevator are very curious. This is one of the few places where a man enters first without letting a lady pass. It is believed that the elevator can be a threat, and the gentleman must make sure that it is not present, ”says etiquette specialist Alena Gil.

Children are the last to enter the elevator and the first to leave it. It is categorically unacceptable to unceremoniously examine passengers in an elevator, to put their hair or makeup in order.

Dear Buyer

The store is the right place to display good manners. It is not necessary to say hello to the staff in the supermarket. Of course, if there are no greetings addressed to you. But entering a small store, you definitely need to say hello to the seller. If you need help, you should address him as "you", even if he is much younger. Try not to enter the store a few minutes before closing unless absolutely necessary.

courtesy visit

The essence of the rules of etiquette at a party is as follows. Being late, like showing up early to a dinner party, is a sign of disrespect. If you have to stay late, notify the host. Be aware of topics that are best not brought up in small talk. These include politics, religion, money, illness, and gossip. Going to visit without a special reason, take with you a symbolic present in the form of fruits, sweets or a bottle of good wine.

social dinner

It would be useful to learn some rules of etiquette in a restaurant.

Tatiana Zelenskaya

Head of School of Etiquette

“When you are seated at the table, fold the napkin in half and place it on your lap with the fold toward you. Keep your back straight and try not to touch the back of the chair."

In no case do not “dive” your head into the plate. During the pause, women should keep their hands on their knees. Men are allowed to put their hands on the edge of the table.

mobile etiquette

As never before, mobile etiquette is relevant. A gross violation of it is a phone placed on a table at a party or cafe. It would be even more inappropriate to constantly check e-mail, send messages or study the contents of social networks. If you receive an important call, apologize, leave the table and talk in a quiet place where you will not disturb anyone. In the cinema, theater, restaurant, the phone should be switched to silent mode.