How to start a conversation with a girl. Starting a conversation with a girl in VK. How not to communicate with the weaker sex

How to originally start a conversation with a girl on the Internet VK, Vkontakte, examples of dialogue and phrases, read in this article.

A virtual conversation is good because the interlocutors do not see each other's live reactions and can take a pause for a thoughtful answer.

Without additional worries, the dialogue at a distance proceeds in a relaxed manner.

But fears will finally dissolve if the guy correctly enters into a conversation with a girl.

How to start, start chatting with a girl on the Internet:

1. Study your profile

When meeting a girl on the Internet, a guy should look at his page. Obscene language, jargon, explicit photos are prohibited.

Before you start talking to a girl, take a close look at her profile. Examine the photos, the page will certainly contain information about it: birthday greetings, posts, music.

3. Say hello and ask about her interests

With an interesting girl, the first remarks will arise by themselves. The first message in the style of "Favorite movie -" Titanic "? Did you fall out of the 90s here? no good. Praise her cat, clarify the name, breed, diet is acceptable.

4. Compliment

The girl is pretty. Tell her about it. You can’t talk about the merits of the figure, the chances of effective acquaintance and further communication will fall before our eyes. Talk about your appearance in a streamlined way: “You are special. I have never met anyone like you." Without platitudes about captivating lips, sparkling eyes. Get blacklisted.

5. Make a joke

If you are a joker by nature, use your natural gift. Start the conversation with a casual joke. It is desirable that it was invented by you for a specific acquaintance, and not spied on the Internet.

According to the information on the page, determine the range of topics in which it understands. After that, greet her and ask if she has any advice. Young girls are especially responsive and willing to give instructions.

In order for the first message to turn into a long conversation with a girl, follow the following rules:

Write correctly, following the rules of spelling and punctuation. Install an auto-corrector on your computer for safety net.

Hints of a sexual nature are unacceptable. The subject of sex is forbidden.

A good option to start a conversation would be the theme of the girl's hobby.

It is premature to talk about feelings in the first messages. Excessive obsession is meaningless.

If the chosen one read, but ignored the first message, there is no point in writing again. More stupid than this step are only attempts to be indignant and organize a skirmish.

How to start communication in VKontakte

Social networks greatly simplify the efforts of guys to meet an interesting girl. There you can pick up a girl according to your interests, then communication will take place without rough edges and awkward hitches. VK remains the most popular and convenient network for virtual meetings. In addition to photos of the "goods face" it provides information about the place of study, work, friends, favorite music and hobbies.

Procedure when meeting a girl through the Vkontakte social network, it’s easy to remember:

1 . Look at the page of the future interlocutor.

2. Adjust personal information from your page to her hobbies.

3. Clean up bad photos, join her groups, add her music, put a similar status.

4. Leave a comment under her avatar.

5 . Send a private message with a greeting.

6. Offer virtual friendship.

What to write in a private message?

The stereotype of personal messages when meeting people speaks of a lack of imagination. Better to use individual approach if you want to meet a beautiful girl. We still recommend asking for help. If she is a polyglot, ask to translate the phrase into several languages, an athlete - find out effective exercise for triceps.

Exist taboo words when meeting a girl on a social network: hello, you are beautiful, how are you, how are you, beauty. Most men use them. Our task is to stand out from the crowd.

An emoticon as the first message will be perceived negatively. Statistics show that the probability of receiving a response to such a message is small.

Phrases for dating a girl on the Internet

If the muse of flirting flatly refuses to visit you, apply blanks. We bring to your attention the following examples of the phrase-cliché:

"Do you meet charming guys?"

"Hello! Can you tell me how to boil pasta?

"Hello! How many people did you kick today? I am five! Wow, the girls were cunning!

“I am calling the police immediately. You stole my heart!"

“Are you such a beauty in real life, or is your friend a photographer by profession?”

“Maybe I’m not the first to write to you with a proposal to meet, but the best. Shall we check?"

“You are inimitable! Do you mind if we switch to "you"?

“I stumbled upon your page by accident, and now I am tormented by curiosity. There is one question…. How often are you invited to the registry office?

"What are you going to do tonight after our date?"

“There are things that are so easy to imagine side by side: the moon and the stars, butter and porridge, honey and Winnie the Pooh, you and me…"

"Hello! I want to write a book: what do girls want so much? Won't you help?"

“You are so gorgeous that I am ready to drink all the water from the bathroom after you!”

"Hello! I didn’t recognize you right away…”

" Hello! Is it okay that I look so smart?

"Hello! Do you think I want to meet you? Did not guess. I want to invite you on a date!”

How to start a conversation with a girl in VK examples and phrases

Any dialogue with a girl begins with a greeting. Let's consolidate the information we've learned.

"Julia, hello! We are in the same group "Socionics" (for example). I've been sick of this topic for a long time. And you? By the way, my name is Artem. Common interests will make the girl respond.

"Hi Natalia! I'm sorry to trouble you. My cousin birthday soon. I haven't seen her since I was five years old. I don't know what to give as a gift. I decided to ask her peers in in social networks. Do you mind helping? What would you like to get for your birthday? The request for help will not leave her indifferent.

“Hello girl Maria! If without the official part, I saw your comment about the concert of the group "____". So did you like it or not? I am a longtime fan of theirs. Recommend?" Again common interests echo.

"Hello Tatiana! I beg you, become my ... muse! Such an unexpectedly romantic start will intrigue the interlocutor.

“Today, a gypsy woman predicted that I would see a girl in (clothes color), and she would become my destiny. Does the description remind you of anyone? The young lady, in anticipation of a great and bright love, will grow mad.

"Hello Kate! Lech is our mutual friend. Saw your comments on his wall. You seem to be an extraordinary person. Maybe we can hang out a little?" Mutual friends act better joint interests. Then the task of getting acquainted is greatly simplified.

The first message is not too intimate or intrusive. His goal is not to make a repulsive impression at all, but to achieve addition to friends.

How to correctly build the first conversation with a girl

First response received. Now you are friends. What is the plan for continuing the conversation? If a girl is financially secure, it makes sense to show her social status. Write about material possessions, a father's position, or an overseas resort.

If a girl does not prioritize material wealth, you will have to think carefully. Talk about the vacation, spent or planned, about the future. The conversation should be mutual, not your monologue.

To ingratiate themselves, many guys make up stories about country houses and cool cars. If you do not rule out meeting in reality, you should not lie. Facts that you prefer not to talk about, it is better to omit, but not to embellish.

Proper communication with girls on the Internet implies:

Be positive.
With a positive person, the conversation is easy and fun. All life problems leave it on the sidelines.

Don't be a whiner. Complain less. Women don't like it.

Remember dignity.
Don't impose. The girl has the right to refuse, it must be accepted calmly and without persuasion.

Be polygamous.
Do not slow down near one girl. Write to a few young ladies. So you get a unique experience of virtual correspondence.

Be careful.
Changes in her appearance in the photographs play important role in your non-verbal contact. This is done just for you.

Communication will not last long if one of the interlocutors speaks too little. Give your partner a chance to speak.

Don't ask too difficult or negative questions.

Do not reply to all messages quickly.
Create the illusion of being busy, log off the network periodically.

Does the girl herself find topics for conversation, send emoticons and answer questions in detail? Time to ask her out! She shows a clear interest in your person.

Favorite theme of a workaholic.

Don't get carried away with the topic of money. You run the risk of appearing greedy.

By touching on the topic of a hobby, you can learn a lot of interesting and even strange things.

Be careful with religious topics, do not say too much. Better discuss religion in other countries of the world.

ancient monuments and interesting places cities.
The topic is boring, but it can reveal your erudition and become the starting point for a date.

Computer games.
The topic is relevant if the girl is fond of them.

Start a conversation with what you see on the page. Suppose she quoted a famous philosopher. Why not say that you are fond of his teachings?

There are no quotes on the page, but there are recipes? Cookbook to help you. If a girl says she loves to cook, you can ask for her favorite recipe.

Complete layman in fashion trends no need to write about it. Discuss a recently watched movie and invite your interlocutor to the cinema.

How to interest a girl in VK example of a dialogue

Hello! I saw your status. You want to go to Yegor Creed's concert.
- Hello! Yes, I'm a fan of his.
- A friend gave me two tickets for today. Will you keep me company? I'm too lazy to go.
- Don't know. But we have not met yet.
- Let's meet at the club!
- I agree. Write my phone number.

Hello! You stunned me!! I can't look away! You are something extraordinary!
- Then enjoy!
- Laughing at me! And you with a twist, I like it. As soon as I saw you, inspiration appeared, and all the work went like clockwork.
- You make me blush.
- Let's go for a walk, my queen! What if I'm your destiny?
- Perhaps, my eloquent subject, I agree!

Hello, I'm interested in your page. - Hello.
- We have mutual friends, you visit gym"Taurus"? - Yes, you know me?
- No, but I saw you there a couple of times. Maybe we can get to know each other?
- OK.
- Have you been going to the gym for a long time?
- About a year.
- Visible results.
- Thank you.
How about a run together?
- Fine. I will be at Dynamo at 7.00.
- Till tomorrow.

Hello. I'm sorry for digressing. I am conducting one sociological survey. Your opinion is important to me. Can you answer the question?
- Which?
- What should I write to you to get acquainted and get consent to go on a date?

Hi Natalia! I am Anton. I stumbled upon your page by accident and wanted to get to know you. You have such kind eyes.
- Hello Anton. Thanks for the compliment.
“Maybe we can meet for a cup of coffee?”
- I'm sorry, but I don't go on dates with the first person I meet.
- You can go to my page - there is quite a lot about me. By the way, I also have a dog. Do you want to go to a cafe, maybe we can walk in the park with the dogs? How about the weekend?
- Fine.
- Oh, what do I know about you ... I did not believe at first.
- It's a joke? But we do not know each other.
- You combine two qualities that men usually do not like. But I consider them positive.
Yes, I'm special. I'm happy for you.
- How I'm interested in special girls ... Write your phone number, I'll tell you what I was talking about.
- Here is my number. But I still don’t understand anything ... I was intrigued.
- Fine. I'll tell you tomorrow!

- Hello! How are you
- Hello! Fine. How are you?
- Wonderful! What are you doing now?
- I'm going shopping with a friend.
- Cool. Am I distracting you?
- I almost left, but then your message. There is still some time.
- OK. How long have you been on this site?
- No. And you?
- Some years. How often do guys meet?
- Sometimes they write.
- Met someone real life?
- A couple of times.
- Good luck?
- How to see...
- It's clear.
- I invite you to the cinema!
I don't mind, but not today.
Write your phone number, I'll call you tomorrow.
- (She wrote the number). I ran away.
“Here’s my phone number, you never know…
- OK!

- Hello! What do you think about dating?
- Hello. What is your goal?
Tell me your phone number, I'll call you.
- Write down: ___.

- Hello! At your place beautiful eyes. How are you?
- Hello. Great. Weekends, after all.
Tell me your phone, I want to call.
- So fast! For what? What are you looking for on my page?
— I'm on the site for communication. I want to call you to hear your voice and talk not on the Internet. You can't write everything.
- My number:___.

Hello, I'm Kostya. Cool guy. You interesting girl so we have to meet next week.
- It is strange that such a cool guy only two people are friends.
- Keep a link to another page.
- Another thing.
- I do not like long correspondence in VK. Can we go somewhere on the weekend?
- I don't mind. Where?

- Who gets to know each other like that? Silently added to friends ...
— Hello, Olesya! It doesn't make sense. If you didn't like me, you wouldn't add me. You agree?
- No! I always reply to messages so as not to be rude.
- So, I made a mistake in you, I'm ready to atone for my guilt. I have an offer for you...

Imagine you are walking down the street, thinking about something. Suddenly I appear on the way and say: “Hi! Are your thoughts no longer important? What is the answer?
-Smile and walk past.
-I'll slow down. She smiled, which means she likes me. But for some reason she didn't answer. Maybe she was embarrassed ... I’ll catch up with you and say: “Wait, my name is Seryoga! And you?"
- I will stop and say: "My favorite name. My name is Marina.

Vkontakte today is not just a social network with music, videos, various publics and other things, but a fairly convenient service for dating. But what if you liked the girl, but there is not enough imagination to start a conversation or you are not sure of your ways of seduction? Let's take a look at how to start a conversation with a VKontakte girl.

As practice shows, it is quite effective to start by simply studying the page of the alleged “victim”. Most profiles are well-filled, girls write their interests, including music, books, sometimes games, write their favorite quotes. Also, reposts on the wall and groups in subscriptions can say a lot about a person.

Having decided on the range of interests, you can begin to act. Common Mistakes

The number of mistakes that even inexperienced mum's pick-up artists make is usually off scale. As a rule, this is either a too impersonal beginning of a conversation, like “hello, how are you”, or something that claims to be of artistic value, but has already been used many times. If you are thinking about how to start a conversation with a girl, it is advisable to use phrases like “you can drown in your eyes”, and other praises of beauty to a minimum. Usually it sounds vulgar and feigned, especially if the gentleman does not look like a gentleman from the century before last. And most importantly - do not lie, the girls reveal the deception twice.

So how to start a conversation with a VK girl?

As you know, “women love with their ears.” If you take this into account, then starting a conversation with a girl is as easy as shelling pears, the main thing is to be sincere and not “shoot” with stereotyped expressions.

In the question of how to start a conversation with a girl, examples are not so important, but the ability to improvise is important. Let's highlight a few points:

  1. Politeness and literacy
  2. Non-trivial compliments
  3. Ability to joke witty
  4. Orientation to interests, finding common themes
  5. Interest in communication

In my opinion, one of best solutions to start a conversation with a girl, he will greet and say that he saw her in one of common groups, while not saying that you are writing with the aim of getting to know each other, but you can answer with the appropriate question that you wrote just to chat. In the future, you can follow the above points.

As a result, it is quite easy to start a conversation with a girl, it is more difficult to make it interesting for interlocutors and not get blacklisted for being annoying. The main thing to remember is that if she said that she was not interested in further communication, then most likely it would not work to convince her.

Often there are cases when a guy and a girl meet, they have mutual sympathy, but neither of them dares to speak first. In the end, fate passes by. And if this is forgivable for girls, then the guys have a harder time, because the first step is always expected from the stronger sex. It is important to know how to start a conversation with a girl.

Chatting in Internet

Today, people meet on the Internet much more often than on the street. To do this, use social networks or dating sites. In Russia, the most popular are: VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Facebook and Instagram. The list of dating sites is endless, each region has its own leaders, but the most famous of them are Badoo, Mamba and Tinder.

Despite the fact that you can communicate on the Internet without being embarrassed by your interlocutor, it is not so easy to make an acquaintance correctly.

As practice shows, pretty girls in social networks every day they offer to meet, they ignore most of the offers.

And phrases like “Hi, what are you doing?” cause only irritation. Before you start a conversation with a girl, you need to think about the 1st stage of the dialogue. You have only one chance to impress, so that the interlocutor has a desire not only to continue the conversation with you on the Internet, but also to meet in a cafe for a cup of tea.

A few tips:

  • To pay attention, you need to tidy up the page on the social network. Fill in the details about yourself and hobbies. Add some personal photos, it is unlikely that a stranger will respond to a message if a famous actor's smile flaunts instead of your face on the main page.
  • Carefully study the page of the girl you like. Additional Information about her hobbies, places of rest and favorite books will help to establish closer communication.
  • Think about where to start the conversation. Do not write platitudes and do not use vulgar movie tricks. Originality is your way to success, but don't overdo it and don't get carried away with complex designs.
  • If the girl agreed to continue the conversation, then it is better to start with neutral topics such as movies and music. Feel free to show a sense of humor, it has a positive effect on communication. Do not lay out all the information at once, leave a little understatement. In a conversation, do not pull the blanket over yourself, it will be right to be interested in her opinion.

Keep in mind that you should not start dating a girl you like with a lie. I would like to immediately boast of heroic qualities, but traits unusual for you will be revealed very quickly, and it will be difficult to return your reputation. Practice says that Young lady will not communicate with the guy whom she caught in a lie. In this case better than the truth nothing exists.

First introduction phrase

Now let's talk in more detail about the greeting in the network. To start a conversation, you need to greet and try to briefly explain why you decided to write to her.

Avoid banal phrases. The probability that a stranger will talk to 1st person about what she is doing is minimal. Act more deliberately, here are some examples of how you can start communication:

  • Properly indicate the purpose of the message: “Hi, I noticed you in the group of our university and decided to get acquainted, because we study at the same faculty. This is not the most original beginning, but it solves your main problem How to start a conversation with a girl on the Internet.
  • A great opportunity to get to know each other, these are common interests. Here you can start like this: “Hi, I was looking for information about the movie on the Internet and accidentally saw your page. I also like comedies, can you give some advice on what to watch first of all from the new ones. With this approach, there is a chance to continue the conversation not only in the social network, but also in real life.
  • You can ask for help, the female gender is sentimental and ready to help anyone who needs it. A possible beginning is: “Hi, my sister’s birthday is coming soon, I don’t understand what girls of her age prefer, I decided to find peers on the Internet. You could help me…” But when using this option, you need to be careful. On the one hand, it will help you find out more information about the tastes of the girl you like. On the other hand, the Internet Lately a lot of scammers have divorced, often asking for help, and you can simply be ignored without reading the message to the end.

The above methods are universal and suitable for many cases. So, VKontakte, Odnoklassniki and Facebook are ideal social networks to try out these methods. If you saw your fate on Instagram, then you should not use everything verbatim. The principle of operation of this program is different, in order to start a conversation with a girl you like, you should find other formulations.

But not always the one you liked, the stranger. You can fall in love with a young lady seen in a joint photo with your friend. In this case, the task is simplified, and the chances of success increase several times. In such situations, you can ask a friend for help or write to her yourself, but refer to a mutual friend. IN similar cases girls are more inclined to get acquainted.

Remember that the main task of greeting is to make the interlocutor want to continue the conversation. Then it becomes much easier. Knowing about mutual interest, you will not worry, and communication will become more relaxed and rich. With this development of events, you can expect to continue dating in real life.

Communication in real life

Despite the huge popularity of Internet communication, no one has canceled classic dating on the street or at parties, and sometimes young men resort to them. This method is more difficult and requires special preparation and determination, so many guys are wondering how to start a conversation with a girl on the street and not look stupid in her eyes.

Suppose you liked a certain young lady at your friend's birthday party, what to do, how to build a dialogue:

  • First of all, say hello. The greeting is an integral part of any conversation if you want to show yourself off better side. First you need to come up, say hello and introduce yourself. In this case, the chance that you will be rude in response or refuse to talk is minimal.
  • No need to immediately say platitudes that she won your heart at first sight. At the next stage, it is best to ask a question that requires a more complex answer that will not be too banal. You should not ask about the weather, it is predictable and boring.
  • Remember about compliments, just don’t turn to flattery, your task is not to make the girl blush, but to show your sensitivity and attentiveness. The best compliments will affect the real features of a stranger.
  • When thinking about how to start a conversation with a beautiful girl, do not forget about the positive. It's worth it to make her laugh, but don't use sarcasm or mean jokes. Humor should be kind and pleasant.
  • Another good way to start a conversation with a girl of interest can be small gift. If you are at a party, then bring some cocktail, you can give it outside balloon, and in the cafe to treat coffee or ice cream. For you, this is a trifle, but it will immediately locate a stranger.

When you manage to interest the young lady, she will certainly leave a phone number, with its help you can easily invite her on a date. The first meeting after meeting on the street and in social networks are different.

A few tips for the 1st date after chatting:

  • Since the acquaintance did not take place on the Internet, the girl knows practically nothing about you, just like you about her. Therefore, talk about yourself and be interested in the personality of the interlocutor, but do not lose control. In describing the merits, do not start boasting or embellishing reality; when asking about the young lady, do not get carried away and do not ask uncomfortable questions regarding personal life. At the 1st date, no one will tell you the details anyway.
  • Give the girl the opportunity to express her opinion. Do not chatter and make sure that there are no long pauses. If the conversation doesn't work out, tell funny stories from childhood, young people love cute occasions.
  • Don't broach the topic former relationship. It will be unpleasant for the interlocutor to recall her past novels, especially if the separation was painful for her. You should not get carried away with stories about your personal life either, in rare cases such information can have a positive effect on further relationships, especially if you ex girls speak in a negative way.

According to psychologists, for most girls, one meeting is enough to understand whether it is possible to build a relationship with this man. Don't underestimate the importance of the first date. If you are a boring interlocutor or left a negative impression, then the girl will not agree with you on the 2nd date.

There are exceptions, but very rarely. Do not forget, at the beginning of dating it is more important to convince you that you like her and demonstrate your positive traits than to give out a huge flow of information.

No matter where you decide to start a conversation with a girl of interest, prepare in advance for the fact that the dialogue may not work out. You should not be very upset because of the rejection, the reason is not in you. Probably, the girl has already found her destiny, and she likes it. IN similar situations it is better to switch attention to someone else and not be intrusive, persistence can only annoy your chosen one.

In preparation for the meeting, you must do the following:

Tune in the right way. Good mood and confidence in success are important conditions for obtaining a positive result.

Put in order appearance . The general impression of a man's appearance is formed by a girl from the style of his clothes, hairstyle, cleanliness and well-groomed body (the condition of hair, nails, teeth, etc.). In clothing, it is important to adhere to standard norms - not to dress up too much, but also not to look untidy.

All things should be clean, stylish, fit well. Of particular importance is the smell - it should be pleasant. Even an outwardly attractive man who smells of sweat can immediately scare away the interlocutor.

Decide where to search. Must choose appropriate place and time. It is best to start communication in the daytime or early evening in crowded places. It can be a cafe, cinema, park, street, night club, transport, etc. light time days and a large number of people around significantly reduce the risk that the selected applicant will refuse to enter into a dialogue due to fear.

Outline an approximate plan n. It is impossible to plan the whole process of talking with a girl to the smallest detail, but it is advisable to follow a certain strategy. It is important for a guy to understand for what purpose he gets acquainted, what type of clothes to choose, how much money to take for communication in a chosen place.


Behavior during dating should be natural, confident and at the same time restrained. Any girl prefers to see in her boyfriend, first of all, a real man with whom she will feel calm and secure.

Such a desire is inherent in nature - the female chooses the most successful male. But it is important not to go too far - excessive arrogance and swagger will only push you away.

While trying to be confident, it's important to stay natural. If by nature a man is calm and modest, then feigned gaiety and liveliness will look stupid and repulsive. Anyone can be self-confident, regardless of temperament.

The manner of behavior should be slightly different depending on what type the applicant chosen for acquaintance belongs to. You can determine this by her appearance, gait, look, manner of speaking (a couple of first phrases are enough).

There are three main types of girls:

  1. Simple. They have a pleasant soft voice, feminine mannerisms, a kind and honest look, an open smile, simple clothes and hair. With such interlocutors, it is necessary to start communication in a friendly and friendly manner, trying to arouse sympathy. It is important not to rush things. They like quiet conversations on general topics.
  2. bitches. This type is most attractive to men, but also more difficult to make acquaintances.

    Such women are distinguished by self-confidence, sexual attractiveness, a sharp tongue, and the ability to communicate with the opposite sex. They present to men certain requirements and know exactly what they want.

    With this type you need to behave confidently, try to show own importance but also give them the opportunity to express themselves in the conversation.

  3. spoiled. These representatives of the fair sex are distinguished by external gloss, arrogance and self-confidence. They always have expensive clothing, perfect appearance and bored look. Such girls consider a man as a prey that will satisfy all their needs. You can win over an interlocutor of this type with a truly self-confident and assertive behavior. At the same time, it is important to point out your good financial situation and career success, even if this is not the case.

What to talk about with a girl when meeting?

There are a lot of options for the first phrases for dating. A man needs to use those that are most convenient for him and suitable for a particular situation. All phrases are divided into three types, each of which has a certain effectiveness: contextual, directive, template.

Contextual phrases for girls are determined by the situation, based on the results of observing the woman and the environment. This can be a remark about her appearance (especially effective - to note the nuances of her appearance that clearly distinguish her from the majority), behavior, gait, an object in her hands, the environment, etc.

This approach is the most efficient. Girls immediately begin to feel that they are really interested in a person and he does not address them with a standard wording.

Examples of contextual first phrases when meeting a girl:

  • Tell me, is this street really the longest in the city?
  • Do you know where the famous cafe with delicious ice cream is located in this park? Will you keep me company?
  • Let me shelter you from the rain. Such a heavy downpour, and you without an umbrella.
  • You are already in a hurry for business so early in the morning. Perhaps you are a lark?
  • It's terribly hot today. Tell me, where did you buy this bottle of cold mineral water?
  • What is your original hairstyle! And what is it called?
  • Let me tell you what an amazing posture you have. Perhaps you are into dancing?
  • You were not told that you look like Sharon Stone (any other famous person with an attractive appearance)?
  • Probably walk on such high heels on ice requires great skill. How do you do it?

Directive phrases immediately put a woman in front of the fact that they want to get to know her. They are less effective than contextual ones, since the probability of receiving an instant and unambiguous refusal increases.

This approach should be taken with confidence, charming men with good external data that have a high chance of being liked at first sight.

What to say to a girl when meeting - directive phrases:

  • What are you doing tonight?
  • May I meet you?
  • You are so pretty. What is your name?
  • Let me ask you for your phone number.
  • How do you feel about socializing on the street (in a cafe, park, etc.)?
  • Do you know that you are the girl of my dreams?

Template. Using pre-prepared template phrases, you can both ruin everything and succeed. An important condition effective application speech patterns is to take into account two conditions: the selection of the most suitable options for oneself, the continuation of communication in the key of the words originally spoken.

If a man speaks a formulaic speech that is completely uncharacteristic of his character, and then switches to his usual communication on completely different topics, then success is unlikely to succeed.

Examples of template phrases about what to talk about with a girl when meeting:
  • Does your mom need a good son-in-law?
  • God, where did this beauty come from?
  • Hello. I always dreamed of meeting such a beautiful fairy like you.
  • Don't you think we've met somewhere?
  • Call an ambulance, I will pass out from the contemplation of such beauty.
  • You are so beautiful that I don't even know how to start talking to you.
  • Tell me, what is it like to be the most beautiful in the city?
  • Tell me, is it difficult to meet you by chance?

Often the first phrase turns out to be the last, as the girl instantly sends off the boyfriend. The reason for this may be the presence permanent partner, unattractive appearance of the applicant, distrust of random strangers, problems and Bad mood, fear, embarrassment, unsuccessfully chosen first wording.

In most cases, failure does not necessarily mean complete failure. The weaker sex loves confidence and purposefulness in men. If the received refusal is answered in a friendly, original and fun way, then the girl can change her mind. At the same time, it is important to monitor her reaction and prevent the manifestation of an aggressive attitude, otherwise it is unlikely that anything will be changed.

The specific text of the phrases in response to the refusal received:

  • You don't want to meet me because I'm ugly? It's not my fault, it's all genes. But I am smart and kind.
  • The answer "no" is not accepted. You just have to talk to me.
  • You understand that I will not survive the rejection. Have pity on the unfortunate.
  • I can see in your eyes that you want to talk to me, you're just shy.

What words to start dating a girl:

What to talk about with a girl when meeting in the continuation of the conversation?

Continuation of communication

After overcoming the most difficult first stage of starting a conversation, you must try to interest the girl in conversation.
It is important to immediately make it clear that a decent and adequate young man just decided.

In the first moments of the conversation, a woman usually doubts whether some scammer, drug addict, advertising distributor, etc. has stuck to her. Therefore, an adequate and short explanation would be very helpful. For example: "I'm coming home from work, I saw you and decided to come up."

When the barrier of distrust is overcome, you can start a conversation. It is desirable to speak on general topics:

  • Cinema, music. You can ask about your favorite movies and actors, songs and artists, genres, how often you go to the cinema, etc. More good advice written .
  • Cafes, bars, clubs. Favorite places, frequency of visits, purpose of trips, etc.
  • Parks, squares, various urban recreation areas. What kind of leisure is the most attractive, what places are the most favorite, in what company do you like to walk (a large and noisy group of friends, alone, with a guy, etc.).
  • Relationship. You can learn about the criteria for choosing a guy, past relationships, the degree of romance or pragmatism, etc.
  • Miscellaneous. You can talk about anything - the weather, travel, animals, politics, public events etc.

During a conversation, it is important to pay attention to the girl's facial expressions and her reactions. If she is clearly uncomfortable with the topic of conversation, you need to change it immediately. We wrote in detail about questions that can be asked.

It is undesirable to talk about feelings for past lovers, oh financial problems, about difficulties in the family, about the lack of career prospects, etc. Any mention of problems will immediately give the conversation a negative connotation.

The mention of the former will cause annoyance.

When meeting a young man, the interlocutor wants to know as much as possible about him. Often it is only required to answer incoming questions, but if she is embarrassed to ask questions herself, you can think of something to say about yourself. For example:

  • Financial situation (income, brand of car, real estate, career success, etc.).
  • Relatives and friends (description of the circle of relatives and friends).
  • Life position (character, goals, dreams, views, attitude towards people, expectations from a life partner, etc.).

Doing the Right Compliment

There are two types of compliments: direct and indirect. direct compliment is an open compliment to the girl. For example - "You are so beautiful", "You are very smart", etc. An indirect compliment allows you to praise the inherent feature of the interlocutor, without focusing on it specifically.

For example, “Are you a doctor? This is the most important profession, tall women always attract the attention of men. Usually compliments are given to appearance, skills, success, behavior, attitudes, charm.

How to meet a girl in an original way: examples

There are many unusual and cool first phrases that will surely be appreciated by the interlocutor and will make her smile:

  • Good evening. What are your plans for the coming decades? I propose to spend this time together.
  • Tell me, what time is it now? How much free do you have for me?
  • Have you been to Paris? Me neither. Let's discuss the details of our joint journey.
  • Are you opposed to talking to married men? That's good, because I'm single.
  • Good afternoon. Do you want me to make you happy?
  • Hello. Do not tell me how you like it?

So, in order to succeed when meeting a girl, it is enough to decide on the scene of action, put your appearance in order, prepare a few suitable first phrases.

During the conversation, you need to be confident and natural, gently compliment and keep the conversation on track.

Additional information on what to say to a girl when meeting on video:

Even the most brave men sometimes it is difficult to be the first to start a conversation with the girl you like. The fear of being rejected or being made ridiculous makes many people refuse to meet new people. Despite the fact that times have changed, and the fair sex has ceased to be weak and shy, most girls are still waiting for the initiative of dating from a man. This is a kind of ritual of showing the first sympathy and deciding to continue communication. Our tips will help you start your first conversation easily and naturally.

If a girl is going somewhere, do not block her way, do not get too close - this causes a subconscious negative reaction, like an invasion of personal space. Walk with her in parallel, drawing attention to yourself with the first phrase. Politeness. It is best to start your acquaintance with an elementary greeting, not forgetting to give your name. The simplest phrase: “Good afternoon, my name is Sergey!” will not cause irritation and rudeness on her part. If she just smiles in response, that's a good start. The first phrase can be absolutely disarming: “When I saw you, I forgot how to meet girls. Maybe you can give me some advice?" In no case do not ask a question with a negative, for example: “Would you like me to accompany you?” 99% chance to immediately get “I don’t want to” in response. Do not ask a question that requires a short yes or no answer. So you will lead the conversation to a dead end. A sense of humor saves absolutely in any situation - women's intuition will immediately tell you that she will not be bored with you. Do not try to tell old jokes at the first meeting - it looks, at least, strange and false. The joke has to be right. For example: “Can you tell me what time it is? - 7 o'clock ... And in the morning or in the evening? . Are you sure your watch is right?” (a smile and a cheerful answer are provided to you). When talking, do not stand still - smile, gesticulate, look at the girl, and not past her. You should not be importunate - try to take the hand, sit too close - most likely, the second meeting with such behavior will not take place.

good start will show interest in her hobbies and discover that you share them. For example, seeing a book in the hands of a girl, it would be appropriate to ask: “What are you reading? And I like this author ... (name the work)”. If you are not strong in literature, ask about music, movies, travel, hobbies, pets. By the reaction of the girl, you will see which topic is closest to her. So you will show the lady that you are interested in her opinion and have a chance to continue communication. All women love compliments, but too obvious ones sound formulaic and feigned. Expressions of admiration must be sincere - do not say beautiful girl that she is beautiful. Tell me what she has amazing eyes. You can make a subtle compliment - "You must play the piano, you have such graceful hands." The question of whether a girl is in a relationship is very important, but you should not ask it “on the forehead”. Also, don't talk about your relationship with your ex - your "experience" may alienate a new acquaintance. Ask what she's doing free time where does he like to spend it? You can mention your preferences - perhaps she will be interested in going bowling or cycling. The first conversation is very important, so you need to be able to complete it on time. Look at your watch and regretfully inform you that you have to hurry. Offer to meet in a different setting and ask for your lady's phone number. If you see that she is hesitant, suggest that she write down your number and call when she feels like it. So you show that you are not going to insist and impose, and the decision to continue dating will depend on her.