How to properly breastfeed your baby. An important element of proper growth and development is feeding newborns in the first days: suitable postures, diet and useful tips for young mothers

Immediately after childbirth, a woman does not have milk, but there is colostrum, a colorless liquid that appears in the breast in the second trimester of pregnancy. Colostrum contains a huge amount of nutrients in a concentrated form. They are able to protect the newborn from infectious diseases and intestinal disorders, allow you to organize a full-fledged immune defense of the baby. Colostrum is 100% digestible by the baby. It is very important that the baby gets the first meal as soon as possible, because during pregnancy he got used to the fact that food comes to him around the clock, without any effort, that he does not know such a feeling of hunger and is afraid of these new, unpleasant sensations.

Early attachment of a newborn to the mother's breast is of particular importance for a woman. In the process of sucking in the female body, the production of a special hormone oxytocin is activated, which promotes uterine contraction and prevents postpartum bleeding. In addition, the formation of the hormone prolactin, which is responsible for the amount of breast milk, is launched.

That is why the first attachment to the breast, which should ideally occur within half an hour after birth, is so important for both the baby and his mother. It’s great if the baby gets about 50 ml of colostrum. Therefore, do not rush, feed your little miracle properly, let him understand that he has come to a cozy and kind world.

How to breastfeed a baby?

A newborn who has just been born does not know and does not understand how he should now receive food, because before everything happened by itself, but what now? It should be noted that during pregnancy the general principle of sucking is mastered by all babies. Still, being in the mother's tummy, they suck their fingers and fists, developing a sucking reflex. Therefore, immediately after childbirth, the baby instinctively opens its mouth, sticks out its tongue, trying to find a source of food. This is where the mother should attach the baby to the breast, filled with colostrum. And it is important to do this so that the baby and you are comfortable. With the right grip on the chest, the baby will never injure you, he will not swallow air. Therefore, it is desirable to master the feeding technique even in the hospital. How to properly breastfeed a newborn:

  • Step 1. We take a comfortable position. You can feed the baby sitting, lying down and standing. It is important to follow the basic rule - the torso and face of the newborn should be in the same plane. It is desirable for mom to relax, the main thing is peace and comfort. You can put pillows under your back, cover yourself with a blanket if it's cool, because feeding takes quite a long time. How to breastfeed a baby lying down? Yes, just like sitting, the basic principles remain the same.
  • Step 2. We take the baby, pressing him tightly to ourselves, the head should be opposite the chest, the mouth should be at the level of the areola (brown circle around the nipple). Make sure that the baby's head is not thrown back, the shoulders do not sag between your arms. , the other to feed and guide the chest.
  • Step 3. We start feeding. With the thumb and forefinger, we squeeze the areola of the breast from which we will give milk, we achieve the appearance of a fold. We place it parallel to the baby's lips. We run the tip of the nipple over the baby’s lips, wait for him to open his mouth wide, making sure that his tongue lies on the lower gum, and at this moment we pull him towards us, putting the areola deeper into his mouth. Please note that we do not bring the chest closer to the child, but him to ourselves.
  • Step 4. We feed. After the baby begins to eat vigorously, you can remove your fingers from the areola and relax. In the early days, you will have to start feeding several times, because the baby will turn his head, lose his breast, fall asleep in the process of feeding. It is important to patiently and persistently put the areola into his mouth, at least a centimeter. Then the baby, eating, will press on the passage of milk, stimulating its production. Remember that the baby will learn to eat properly only by the second or third week, and a stable habit will be formed by two or three months.

How often to breastfeed a baby?

The answer to this question worries all young mothers. Everything is simple here. In the first days, when the baby was just born, his ventricle is still very small and poorly adapted to feeding. Colostrum is digested very quickly and there is a feeling of hunger. Have you noticed that the baby begins to cry, opens his mouth, sticks out his tongue, tries to suck his fist? It's time to put him to the breast, let him eat, do not finish feeding until he himself interrupts him. It is recommended to organize such a diet during the first 5 days after childbirth. On average, it turns out that the baby eats 15-20 times a day. Do not specifically wake up the baby, let everything around him coincide with his own rhythm. Around the fifth day, mommy will have a significant rush of milk and you can already switch to the diet recommended by experts, about 10-12 times a day.

How long to breastfeed a baby?

The optimal period for breastfeeding a child is 2 years. Previously, pediatricians insisted that a baby should be weaned from the breast a year, today we are talking about two years. It can be concluded that this decision is largely individual. There are no hard deadlines. As the baby grows older, the composition of mother's milk changes, it adapts to the child's body, the amount of useful substances in it is enough to satisfy the needs of the growing body. Of course, starting from 6 months, additional food, juices, mashed potatoes, etc. are mandatory. But, it is absolutely not necessary to refuse the baby to receive breast milk, if the mother has it. The end of breastfeeding varies from family to family. Trust your intuition, but try to feed your little treasure yourself at least up to six months.

To watch a video with detailed expert guidance on successful breastfeeding, you can purchase our course

Young mothers, remember the main thing - the best, perfectly balanced food for a baby is breast milk. Don't worry that breastfeeding can ruin your figure and prevent you from losing the weight you gained during pregnancy. All these are myths.

Breastfeeding is a guarantee of health not only for the baby, but also for the well-being and amazing beauty of his mother!

Every mother wants her child to grow up healthy and not get sick. Everyone knows that the foundation for the further development of the baby is laid in infancy. The currently popular formulas for feeding will not fully replace mother's milk. Mother's milk is ideal for feeding a newborn. In addition, breastfeeding promotes a close bond between mother and child.

But not every woman knows how to breastfeed. This article will help young mothers in this difficult matter.

How to properly breastfeed your baby

Usually, how to properly breastfeed a newborn is explained to women in labor even in the hospital. But not all maternity hospitals can boast of competent specialists in this matter. Sometimes mothers have to learn to put the baby to the breast on their own. Below are a few rules for the correct attachment of the child to the breast.

Basic positions for breastfeeding

In a sitting position

This is the most common posture.. Most moms find it the most comfortable. It will suit you if the baby quickly eats up, otherwise mommy's hands will get tired at first. But not everyone knows how to breastfeed while sitting.

Correct posture: the baby's head lies on the mother's forearm. The baby's tummy is in contact with the breastfeeding belly. The legs are extended. If the baby pulls the nipple down, then you are holding the baby too low.

Lying down

Suitable for mothers whose babies eat slowly and immediately fall asleep after breastfeeding. The correct posture for feeding while lying down looks like this: mommy lies on her side (it is desirable to have support behind her back). A pillow is placed under the head. The woman is completely relaxed. The baby lies on its side, opposite the mother, close enough to properly grasp the nipple. He is pressed against his mother's tummy. She supports the child under the shoulder blades.

How often to change breasts while breastfeeding?

It depends on the physiology of the mother. If the baby ate milk from one breast, then there is no need to change it.

Few people know that milk in the breast is anterior and posterior. The anterior is rich in proteins and minerals. In the back are the main nutrients and enzymes necessary to strengthen the immune system. For this reason, no need to alternate breasts during feeding if the milk in one is enough for a full feeding.

Before feeding a child with a second breast, you need to make sure that he is really hungry. Overeating is dangerous for a fragile stomach.

Feeding time

It varies from ten to forty minutes.. Such a large run-up is explained by the individuality of each child. If the baby is active and sucks quickly, then breastfeeding can take about fifteen minutes. Premature and inactive babies usually suck much more slowly.

If the newborn fell asleep during feeding, then you can wake him up by lightly patting his cheek.

A separate case when children fall asleep, having already eaten. In this case, you need to carefully pull the chest out of the child's mouth (for this, the little finger is carefully inserted into the corner of the baby's mouth). After this, the baby can be put to bed.

There is a lot of controversy among experts about whether At what age should a baby be weaned from the breast?. Someone already in the first months of life slowly accustoms the baby to mixtures, and someone feeds breast milk up to four years.

But usually, mixtures are introduced into the baby's diet after a year.

Problems of nursing mothers and ways to solve them


If the mother has not learned how to properly attach the baby to the breast, then cracks may appear on her nipples. They may become inflamed. In this case, an urgent visit to the doctor is necessary. Until the inflammation goes away, you should not feed the baby. The infection can be transmitted to him.

Washing your breasts too often can also cause cracks. Soap is known to dry out the skin. This causes her to crack. Therefore, you need to wash your chest no more often than your body.

In no case do not listen to grandmothers who will strongly recommend you lubricate the inflamed cracks with green. This method of fighting inflammation has long been outdated. Yes, Zelenka really disinfects and prevents inflammation. But it leads to irritation of the delicate skin of the nipples, and as a result, to the appearance of new cracks.

The now popular disposable breast pads also cause cracking. When a pad is soaked in milk, it becomes an ideal breeding ground for bacteria.

Involuntary leakage of milk.

Women in labor usually face this problem in the first months of motherhood. Further milk production usually corresponds to the needs of the child.

Why you should not use disposable breast pads, described above.

The best solution in such cases are silicone pads. They can be used without restrictions. But they need to be washed regularly and scalded with boiling water, so as not to make them a breeding ground for bacteria.

If during feeding with one breast, milk flows out of the other breast, then try to pinch the nipple for about ten seconds.

While some mothers suffer from an excess of milk, others suffer from a lack of it. Here are some ways to deal with this problem.

night feeding

It is necessary in order to maintain the desired level of breast milk for the child. Besides night milk is more satisfying than day milk.

A newborn baby can eat up to eight times a night. The older the child, the less he needs feeding at night. By the age of one, babies already refuse nightly breastfeeding and allow their parents to get at least a little sleep.

You don't have to wake up your baby to feed him. The baby will wake up on its own when it feels hungry.

Also do not turn on the light during night feeding. This will help your child avoid sleep problems.

It is important to understand that in a newborn, the biological clock is not yet synchronized with what surrounds him. Artificial lighting at night can prevent a child from learning when it is day and when it is night.

If light is still needed, then you need to use a night light with soft light.

Expression of milk

Why Express Milk

Below are basic principles of correct pumping.

  1. If pumping is needed to reduce breast hardening, then it is performed every two hours. You need to express as much as necessary in order to soften the chest. In order not to injure the mammary gland, pumping should last no more than twenty minutes.
  2. If you are pumping to increase lactation, then this is done once or twice between feedings.
  3. Pumping should not cause discomfort. If you feel pain, then something is going wrong.
  4. Don't try to do it too fast. This can lead to chest injury.

Breastfeeding is associated with many difficulties and problems. But for the sake of the health and normal development of the child, it is worth suffering. Proper breastfeeding brings not only benefits, but also pleasure. In the future, the baby will delight you with excellent health and a smile - the best reward for a loving mother.

The content of the article:

After the birth of a small crumb, young parents are increasingly wondering what the proper feeding of a child is, and how the first feeding of a newborn goes in general. Medical experts around the world unanimously argue that the most correct balanced diet for a child is mother's breast milk. Naturally, even the most expensive formulas for feeding will not be able to replace the beneficial properties of mother's milk for the baby. However, there are situations when a young mother loses milk or it is not enough to feed a newborn baby. In this case, newly-made parents need to correctly approach the choice of infant formula for feeding and take into account all the individual characteristics of the baby's body.

Feeding a newborn with breast milk or artificial baby food is not only the time when the baby eats and receives all the necessary vitamins and calories for growth. It is also quite an important process when mother and baby are in the closest connection and get to know each other.

Breastfeeding a newborn

What expert advice should be followed so that feeding a newborn baby is correct and brings pleasure to the child and her mother? If after the birth the mother feels well enough, then you can attach the baby to the breast right in the maternity ward. Koha will hardly feel hungry right away, however, the very process of putting the newborn baby to the breast will give the new mother great pleasure and make her happy. You should ask the medical staff to bring the baby for breastfeeding early so that the baby can feel the warmth of the mother.

The first hours of life are very important for establishing proper feeding of the baby. The feeding regimen of the newborn should also be adjusted immediately. You should not worry that your baby may not drink enough milk on his first feeding. The child will definitely ask for the breast again when he is a little hungry. Also, a young mother needs to choose the most comfortable positions. Doctors say that the correct postures for feeding newborns help the baby to take the mother's breast correctly. After all, breastfeeding a newborn is a fairly important process, the rules of which must be observed so that the baby grows up healthy.

How to formula feed a newborn

If, for some reason, parents have to choose formula feeding for a newborn instead of natural feeding, then it is worth choosing the right baby food. Currently, the baby food market is flooded with a huge number of artificial formulas. On the shelves of children's supermarkets are sold highly adapted or partially adapted infant formulas, dairy and dairy-free formulas, in liquid and dry form, anti-reflux and gluten-free. For the right choice of nutrition, it is best to consult with a pediatrician, as well as study reviews about the quality of baby food.

For proper and healthy nutrition, you will also need a bottle for feeding a newborn. Baby bottles may differ from each other in shape, size and material from which they are made. The most convenient for feeding are wide bottles without bends with an anti-colic feeding system for the baby.

In addition, it is important to remember that artificial feeding of the baby also has a number of advantages. The main advantage of such feeding is that artificial formulas give new mothers some freedom. If the baby gets hungry, then dad and a loving grandmother can feed him with a bottle. In addition, artificial feeding provides for a clear regimen and nutrition according to a set schedule. This is because infant formula from a jar takes much longer to digest in the baby's stomach than a mother's natural breast milk. In addition, it is much easier for young mothers to regulate the amount of artificial mixture that a newborn baby has eaten. Plus, it will be faster and easier to feed a newborn at night - well-fed babies sleep better and wake up less often.

When feeding a baby with an artificial mixture, it is important to correctly observe the proportions and volume of food eaten. Experts advise it is better not to feed the baby than to overfeed him, as there is a risk of earning an upset digestive system.

Feeding a baby with artificial baby food requires a clear schedule from parents. The baby is fed every 3 or 3.5 hours with a tolerance of half an hour. The number of feedings should be 6 to 7 meals per day.

Comfortable positions for breastfeeding

Many new mothers often wonder how to properly apply a newborn for feeding. Most women prefer to feed their baby in various lying positions. Thanks to this method, mothers can not only feed their baby, but also give their body a chance to rest a bit.

During the feeding procedure, doctors advise using a huge number of different positions, as well as using various additional elements. It is necessary to fix the position of the baby in a comfortable position. In this, putting comfortable pillows, special rollers for the child, helping hands and other auxiliary things helps a lot. The most popular position for feeding a baby among mothers is the position parallel to themselves - lying face to face with the baby. With this position, the child can be laid on a comfortable low pillow.

You can also use reverse feeding poses - turn the baby over with a jack and put it facing you. This will help prevent the stagnation of milk in the mammary glands of a nursing mother. Also, for feeding in the prone position, the prone position is used. The child is placed on the stomach and the legs are bent at the knees. This position is well suited for mothers with copious flow and spillage of breast milk. However, if this position becomes uncomfortable for the baby and the child begins to cough, then it is best to use the first two recommended positions.

You can also use quite popular positions for feeding newborns in a sitting position. These are cradle or cross cradle positions. In a position called "cradle", the mother leans back on the bed or chair, and the child is held in her arms in a comfortable position. You can put a chair or ottoman under your feet for a more comfortable position. In the cross or reverse cradle position, the mother can control the process of feeding the baby. The child is placed on the right hand of the mother, the body is conveniently fixed, holding the head of the crumbs with the palm, and with the free hand they direct the chest to the baby and control the feeding process.

When the baby is a little older (starting from six months), you can feed the baby, seated directly on your lap. At this age, children most prefer this comfortable position. This position is suitable for traveling and for various situations. For example, this position can be used if the baby has pain in the ears, if he burps while feeding, if he has nasal congestion, or if he swallows too much breast milk.

Baby spitting up after feeding

The digestive system of a newborn baby after birth is not sufficiently settled so that the baby's stomach can easily absorb food in the body. Because of this, in the first weeks and months of life, the baby develops colic in the form of an accumulation of air bubbles in the intestines and stomach. Therefore, parents often have a question about what to do after feeding a newborn.

Colic gives the baby discomfort and discomfort. Quite often, the formation of gases in the tummy appears due to improper breastfeeding technique. The child incorrectly takes the mother's breast nipple into her mouth, is not calm during feeding, spins a lot and swallows part of the air. If you do not follow the correct feeding of the baby, then gases will accumulate in his tummy, and he will be too capricious. Another problem after feeding newborns is spitting up food. In this case, the baby may choke.

Whether it is necessary to hold the baby in a column after feeding is the individual choice of each mother. The fact is that some babies have a residually strong digestive system and practically do not suffer from the formation of gases in the tummy. Some babies fall asleep immediately after feeding, lie quietly in the crib and do not spit up. Naturally, after falling asleep, the baby should certainly be laid on a barrel so that they do not accidentally choke if the body suddenly decides to burp excess food.

However, experts say that keeping the baby in a column position after eating is good for the health of the crumbs. This position helps the trapped air to escape from the stomach and also helps to strengthen the baby's back and neck muscles. If the baby did not fall asleep immediately after eating, then it is kept upright for several minutes, because the newborn spits up after feeding.

Breastfeeding regimen

Experts disagree on which method of feeding is best for a healthy baby. Some pediatricians say that it is best to feed the baby strictly according to the regimen. Every 3 or 4 hours depending on how the child gains weight. Other experts are sure that it feeds the baby better on his demand.

If a young mother feeds a child by the hour, then she adheres to strict feeding. Previously, experts advised feeding healthy babies who are gaining weight normally every four hours starting at six in the morning. The time for feeding the baby ended at about two in the morning.

The mode of feeding the child at his request is based on the needs of the baby. There are a number of reasons why on-demand mode works well for both mom and baby. First of all, the frequent presence of the mother next to the baby calms the child. In addition, thanks to this regimen, during lactation, the mother begins to produce better milk.

Norms of feeding newborns

For the first months after the baby is born, breastfeeding doesn't always go smoothly. Especially often, this happens to inexperienced mothers who are worried about how to properly feed the baby and how much the newborn eats per feeding. The first month after the birth of the baby, it must be fed up to seven to eight times a day. At each feeding, a certain norm of breast milk should be taken into account. For the correct composition of portions during feeding, there is a table of feeding a newborn, which indicates the correct doses of feeding.

On the first day after the birth of the crumbs, parents should adhere to the norm of feeding newborns. The baby is given 10 ml of milk, on the second day - 20 ml, on the third day - 30 ml. This amount is constantly supplemented with 10 ml of milk until the required volume of 100 ml is obtained. It turns out that for one feeding a newborn eats up to 100 ml of breast milk. Parents should adhere to this volume of feeding after the tenth day of life of the crumbs until the end of the month.

Starting from the second month, babies often do not want to eat at night - at the last eighth feeding. With the onset of the age of three months, a portion of the crumbs should be approximately 150 ml of milk, and at the fourth month the child can eat up to 200 ml of milk per feeding. The number of feedings does not change. With the onset of 6 months, the infant's feeding rate should not exceed 250-270 ml, but the number of feedings can be reduced to 6 times a day.

How many months to breastfeed a baby

Breastfeeding is not only a way to feed your baby, but also an opportunity to establish a close bond with him. Mothers who breastfed their children note that as they grew older, the babies did not so much satisfy their hunger during breastfeeding, but simply enjoyed the closeness and contact with their mother. How to feed a newborn with breast milk? What mistakes should not be made? How to make the process painless and pleasant for both mom and baby?

The very first breastfeeding

It is good to start breastfeeding in the delivery room. Ideally, if it is possible to attach the baby to the breast within the first hour after birth. Of course, at this moment the child will not yet be able to suck milk, but even a few drops of colostrum (a harbinger of milk) will help populate his intestines with beneficial microorganisms and start the digestive tract.

Do not forget about the psychological moment of this action. A newborn baby, suckling the mother's breast, feels safe and begins to get rid of the stress associated with birth. Contact between mother and baby is established.

Unfortunately, most municipal Russian maternity hospitals do not practice breastfeeding immediately after birth. Therefore, if possible, it is better to give birth in a paid perinatal center or choose a maternity facility abroad.

Breastfeeding Rules

How to feed a newborn with breast milk? The most important part of feeding is proper attachment to the breast. This is the key to the success of the entire event. A child who correctly grasps the nipple sucks more efficiently and does not injure his mother's breast. Often in maternity hospitals, specialists help to properly attach the baby to the breast, explain the subtleties and observe the process of the first feeding. But this is not practiced everywhere.

Proper attachment is in the following points:

  • Mommy should take a comfortable position in which she can spend 20-40 minutes almost motionless. You can feed lying or sitting, as convenient and health allows.
  • The position of the mother's body should be chosen so that the breast is accessible to the baby. Properly breastfeeding should be in the “tummy to mom” position.
  • When giving a breast, you need to make sure that the baby is positioned correctly. The baby should not pull the chest down, in this case the baby is too low. You also need to make sure that the baby is not too pressed to the chest, the mammary gland in this case can put pressure on the face of the newborn, blocking the access of oxygen.
  • It is necessary to ensure that the child himself took the nipple. If you put it in his mouth, then the wrong grip will be ensured.
  • If the baby grabbed the breast incorrectly and only the nipple without the areola got into the mouth, then you must immediately free yourself by pressing the baby on the chin or sticking the little finger into the corner of his mouth.
  • Incorrect gripping of the nipple threatens with cracks and injuries of the milk ducts. In this case, sucking will be ineffective, and a lot of air will enter the baby's stomach, providing colic and gases.
  • After making sure that the application was successful, you can safely breastfeed your baby.

Proper nipple grip: the areola is almost completely in the baby’s mouth, the baby’s lips are slightly turned outward, the chin is firmly pressed against the mammary gland, sucking occurs without extraneous sounds (only the sound of swallowing is acceptable), the mother does not experience discomfort.

How often to change breasts

If there is enough milk, then it is not necessary to change the breast during feeding. One feeding - one breast. In the next feeding, you need to alternate and offer the baby a different mammary gland.

Feeding from one breast ensures that the baby eats both foremilk and hindmilk. Only the combination of these two liquids provides the most balanced nutrition for the child.

Sometimes milk may not be enough and the baby does not eat from one breast, then you can offer the child alternately both mammary glands. But before that, you need to make sure that the baby is really hungry, otherwise there is a risk of overfeeding.

How to tell if a baby is full

Breastfeeding is the ideal way to provide your baby with food. But how not to overfeed the baby and determine if he is full?

Everything is simple here. The baby is full if:

  • He let go of his chest.
  • After feeding, she behaves calmly and does not cry.
  • Sleeps soundly and is actively awake.
  • Gaining weight well according to WHO standards.

If the baby is not gaining weight well, shows anxiety or constantly cries after and between feedings, then this indicates that he is not eating enough and there is not enough milk.

In this case, you need to contact a breastfeeding consultant and do everything to increase lactation. If all else fails, then the pediatrician must help in the selection of the mixture.

Sometimes the situation is reversed: a mother has too much milk (hyperlactation). A newborn child does not know the limits in food and can overeat.

Signs that a child is overeating:

  • Profuse regurgitation.
  • Abdominal pain, gas.
  • Rapid weight gain in excess of the norm.

If the baby is clearly overeating, then you can slightly reduce the time of each feeding by taking the nipple from the baby until he overeats. Or look for ways to reduce lactation, but this is risky, as it can lead to milk loss.

How long should you breastfeed your baby

When it comes to the duration of the feeding session, then everything is individual. Some babies suck actively and quickly, in this case, feeding can be completed in 10-20 minutes. There are kids who can eat for 40 minutes.

Experts believe that the maximum time for one feeding should be about 30 minutes. If the baby sucks for longer, then not because of satisfying hunger, but simply having fun. The exception is premature babies, who can eat for a long time due to weakness and inefficiency of sucking.

Often newborn babies fall asleep during feeding. If this happened at the very beginning, then you need to wake up the baby by patting him on the cheek, stimulating further sucking. When the child falls asleep after eating, it is not worth waking him up. It is necessary to carefully put the little finger in the corner of the mouth so that the baby releases the chest.

When lactation is established and breastfeeding enters the usual routine of life, the issue with the duration of the meal of the crumbs will be decided by itself.

If we are talking about the duration of breastfeeding in principle, then here each family decides this issue on its own. There are mothers who prefer to breastfeed their babies for quite a long time (up to 2-3 years and older). Sometimes women turn off breastfeeding already in the first months of a baby's life.

Experts believe that the minimum duration of breastfeeding is six months from the birth of a child. The optimal duration of breastfeeding is the first year of life. Doctors provide mothers with a decision on the issue of further breastfeeding.

If for a number of good reasons it was not possible to feed the child for a year and had to stop breastfeeding earlier, then there is no need to feel guilty and reproach yourself for this

You can feed the baby with an adapted mixture. The main thing is mother's care and love!

Details on the age of weaning a child from the breast are considered.

Is a feeding schedule necessary?

Often, mothers are concerned about the mode of breastfeeding a newborn. In the first months, you do not need to think about the regime. It is necessary to establish sufficient and stable lactation. To do this, apply crumbs to the chest as often as possible - at least 10 - 15 times a day. As the child grows, the regimen sets itself. With sufficient lactation, 7-8 feedings per day are sufficient, which occur after about 3-3.5 hours. The baby quickly gets used to this regimen, and mommy can make time for herself.

About the organization of the regimen and the frequency of applications.

Breastfeeding guidelines for twins

Many women believe that it is impossible to breastfeed twins, and when two children are born, artificial feeding is provided. In fact, this is not so, as evidenced by the experience of many families with twins.

Yes, at first it will be difficult and you will have to try to establish a sufficient level of lactation, because two children need twice as much milk. But when everything falls into place, the benefits of breastfeeding will be very tangible:

  • Children get sick less, as HB strengthens the immune system.
  • No need to wash and sterilize the bottles.
  • Huge savings on customized blends.
  • The quick return of the mother to her former form, since a huge amount of calories is used to feed two children.

twin feeding methods

There are two main ways:

  1. Simultaneous feeding of two children.
  2. Feeding babies in turn.

Most mothers choose the first method, as it saves time. Of course, you need to adapt, but this is much more convenient than first feeding one baby, then changing the baby and breastfeeding the second. In the second method, often the baby is worried and screaming while waiting for his turn, while mommy is trying to feed his brother or sister.

How to feed babies at the same time

There are several rules for feeding twins at the same time:

  • A comfortable posture is key. Finding a comfortable position with two children is more difficult than with one. This is helped by modern devices, such as, for example, a pillow for feeding twins.
  • Before feeding, be sure to massage the breasts to increase the flow of milk. This manipulation will facilitate the feeding process, and the likelihood that the children will be full will increase.
  • If one of the babies is weaker and smaller, then it should be applied to the chest more often. If possible, do this in the "on demand" mode, that is, every time he cries.
  • You can not allocate one specific breast to each child. Babies suckle differently and it is best to alternate breasts with each suckling, offering babies the opposite breast each time.
  • If there is not enough milk and supplementation is needed, then a pediatrician should select an adapted dairy product for this purpose. Bottle feeding is best entrusted to the father or grandmothers, if possible. It is important that the mother is associated in children only with breast milk.

With the help of a pillow, it is convenient for mommy to hold the children, and the kids are positioned with maximum comfort.

The most comfortable positions for breastfeeding twins at the same time

Mothers who have breastfed twins say that it is no more difficult than breastfeeding one child. The main thing is the support of the family, a well-established life and a regimen in which the mother has the opportunity to have a good rest.

How to breastfeed correctly? There are a few more nuances of proper breastfeeding:

  • Mommy does not always have the strength to hold a newborn for half an hour of a meal, especially if the birth was difficult, and the baby was born large. In this case, it is better to purchase a special device - a feeding pillow. This accessory will make life easier for the mother and help to feed the newborn with comfort.
  • If the baby is crying, then you can not immediately poke his chest. The baby may bite on the nipple, or the latch will be incorrect. First you need to calm the child. To do this, you can shake it in your arms, sing a song or say a few kind words.
  • Weaning must be done correctly. Do not try to force the nipple out of the baby's mouth. It hurts and threatens with injuries and cracked nipples. In order for the baby to release the nipple, you can gently slip your finger into the corner of his mouth, this will remove the vacuum and it will be easy to remove the breast.
  • Before feeding, it is good to do a light breast massage in circular motions, this stimulates the flow of milk.
  • You don't need to wash your breasts before every feeding. So the natural lubrication is washed off, and the risk of cracking the nipples increases many times over. Morning and evening shower is enough.
  • It is not necessary to supplement the baby with water after feeding! With sufficient lactation, the baby does not need other food and drink. The exception is the hot summer, when supplementing with water is a mandatory prevention of dehydration.
  • If the nipples hurt and cracks appear, you should not interrupt breastfeeding. To feed the baby more comfortably, you can use special silicone pads on the mammary glands.

Nursing pillow - a handy accessory

Breastfeeding is a process that has been practiced for thousands of years. No need to be afraid! Answers to all questions can be obtained by studying the specialized literature or asking questions to specialists. What could be more correct and natural than breastfeeding your child?

The birth of a baby is the most wonderful thing that can happen to a woman. And the most important thing that a mother can give to a newborn is complete and proper nutrition. For an infant, this food is breast milk. Doctors around the world insist that as many women as possible practice breastfeeding. The fact is that in its composition this product is an ideal food for a barely born little man, and there simply cannot be analogues to this food. However, more and more women around the world are experiencing difficulty with lactation. Often it is not possible to establish or it lasts a very short time. Why is this happening?

Doctors tend to believe that mothers themselves are primarily to blame - their behavior is completely wrong. So, women in labor do not know at all how to feed a newborn. In this article, we will look at what you need to pay attention to when breastfeeding, how to learn to understand the baby, how you can avoid most mistakes.

Correct attachment

So how do you breastfeed your newborn? First you need to understand how to do it right. And the most important thing is the first application, which must be carried out correctly. If the attempt is unsuccessful, the reaction of both the mother and the newborn can be extremely negative, up to the refusal of the breast. Modern ones provide the necessary assistance in establishing breastfeeding, as they have special consultants on staff. But still, there are maternity hospitals that do not provide such support, so the mother herself needs to know how to feed the newborn:

  • You need to choose a comfortable position. We must not forget that feeding a baby is a rather lengthy procedure, so you need to position yourself so as not to get tired during this. You can feed the baby in a variety of positions, so any woman can find one in which it will be convenient for her. Whatever position the mother takes, the child should be placed with her tummy towards her, and the face should be placed opposite the nipple. In addition, the baby's head must be able to move so that he can control the position of the nipple in his mouth, and at the end of feeding, he can independently complete the process.
  • The baby's nose should be close to the breast, but not sink into it, as a superficial grip of the nipple is possible. Special care should be taken by women with large breasts.
  • In no case should you put the nipple in the baby's mouth - this will almost certainly lead to improper capture with all the ensuing problems. If the baby has grabbed only the very tip of the nipple, gently press on the chin to release it, give the baby the opportunity to try again.


To make sure that the baby is properly attached to the breast, you need to carefully look at how the feeding takes place. With the right grip:

  • The child captured both the nipple and the areola. At the same time, his lips should be slightly turned outward.
  • The nose is pressed against the chest, but not immersed in it.
  • There are no other sounds when sucking, except for the baby's sips.
  • Mom has no negative feelings.


An important question is how often do newborns feed? The previous generation of moms were taught that it was only necessary by the clock to have at least 2 hours between meals. But pediatricians today have come to the conclusion that it is better to feed on demand. This is also important because the amount of milk produced depends on how much the baby eats. That is, the more often you feed the baby, the better the mother's lactation will be.

Amount of food

There are no clear boundaries as to how much to feed a newborn. The amount of food eaten at one meal depends on the needs of the baby. It is generally accepted that the minimum time that babies spend on food is approximately equal to half an hour. If the baby eats faster, it is likely that he is not full. There is no maximum allowed feeding time. A child can suckle as much as he needs, it depends on the strength of the child, and on the fat content of milk, and on the fullness of the breast, and even on the mood of the baby.

The time a baby spends at the breast is very individual. Someone actively sucks, very quickly saturates and releases the breast. Another child eats very slowly, occasionally falling asleep. If, when trying to take the breast, the baby continues to suck, then he has not yet eaten.

The duration of breastfeeding depends on the desire of the mother, the needs of the child and on external factors (the need to go to work, nutrition, illness).

On average, you can answer the question of how much you need to feed a newborn as follows: at the very beginning of feeding, the baby is applied to the breast about 10 times a day. As the child grows, the number is reduced to 7-8 times.


While the child is small, he has few needs. And when they are all satisfied, the baby is satisfied. But it is not always possible to understand whether he is full and whether he will be satisfied. Determining if the baby is full is quite simple:

  • the child himself let go of the breast after feeding;
  • he is gaining weight well and gaining height;
  • the child is active and usually sleeps well.


In addition to how many times newborns are fed, it is important to know how much to feed at one time. Namely - whether to feed him from one breast or offer a second one. In most cases, one breast is given per meal. The next feeding - the second. This alternation makes it possible to ensure the correct functioning of the mammary glands. Sucking one breast in one “approach” makes it possible for the child to receive both “front” milk, which replenishes the baby’s fluid loss, and “back”, thick and nutritious, which contains the bulk of the necessary elements. If it is noticeable that the child remains hungry, you need to offer him another breast.

Although there are situations when less milk is produced than the baby needs. This usually happens at times of sharp jumps in the growth of the baby. Then, in order not to be tormented by the question of what to feed the newborn, so that he still eats up, you need to offer him both breasts at each feeding. The next feeding should begin with the breast, which was the second in the previous process.

Some believe that soft breasts indicate a lack of milk. But that's not the case at all. And offering a second breast just because it seems that there is not enough milk is a direct path to overfeeding the crumbs.

Feeding frequency

And yet, how to feed newborns if there is a possibility of overfeeding? Of course, you need to focus on the needs of the child. If he ate a heavy meal, then he is unlikely to have time to get hungry earlier than after 2-3 hours. However, if the baby asks for the breast more often, it is necessary to feed him more often. Perhaps he did not have time to eat last time, or milk is really not enough, or it is not nutritious enough. Thus, on-demand feeding is the main idea behind breastfeeding these days.

Feeding questions

Many people worry that if they do not know how to feed a newborn, then they will overfeed him. But, despite this possibility, no harm will be done to health. After all, the baby will simply spit up excess milk.

If a baby is fed too often, will he have time to digest the food? There is no need to worry about this. Breast milk is a perfectly balanced food, so it takes almost no energy to digest. Almost immediately, milk passes into the intestines, where it is absorbed very quickly.

Some new mothers face unexpected situations. For example, a baby may, being at the breast, cry a lot. The logical question of how to feed a newborn if he cries like that appears in most mothers in this situation. To feed a child, you need to calm him down. Try to squeeze, talk, show a bright rattle, walk around the room, rock you. If these are tears of resentment that it is impossible to take a breast, you can sprinkle milk in his mouth, touch his nipple to his cheek, etc. For any baby, the best way to calm down is to get a breast. So for a long time to persuade the baby will not have to.

How to properly take the breast?

You need to know not only how to feed newborns, but also how to wean in a way that avoids injury and negative feelings. Therefore, it is impossible to tear out the chest from a closed mouth. It is necessary to achieve that the baby himself opens his mouth: press his finger on his chin, gently put his little finger in the corner of his mouth and turn a little. This action will cause the child to loosen the grip. Now you can take the breast.


Almost every woman knows about the possible problems during breastfeeding. For example, if there is a lot of milk, the baby is simply unable to eat everything. Milk stasis occurs. At the same time, it seems that the chest is “made” of stone. If you miss this symptom, not far from mastitis with a mandatory operation. What should be the reaction to the discovered problem? When lumps are felt in the chest and the temperature rises, you need to start acting as soon as possible. First aid - breast massage under a warm shower, active pumping or more frequent feeding. Of course, the baby will help best, but he can not always eat so much. Stagnation is well absorbed by honey compresses with cabbage leaves. You need to massage the chest very carefully so as not to damage it. Compresses should be done after each feeding. You need to decant constantly, achieving the resorption of lumps. Most often, all these manipulations are quite painful, but you can not leave everything as it is. If, after 2-3 days, relief does not come, and the temperature persists, you should definitely consult a doctor.

Mom's nutrition

Of course, during the time you have to revise your diet. Many products need to be abandoned for a while. Do not eat citrus fruits, chocolate, carbonated drinks. Of course, it is necessary to completely abandon alcoholic beverages. You should be very careful when eating spicy foods and various flavorings. Even for a healthy baby, these products are not useful, and if he has an allergy, then forget about it for a long time.

But a special regimen does not mean that you need to eat only steamed chicken and cottage cheese with sour cream. A nursing mother should eat varied and tasty so as not to experience the negative emotions associated with breastfeeding.

Recipes for nursing mothers of newborn babies are easy to find. With the growth of the baby, you can introduce more and more diverse foods into your diet, because, in the end, the child also needs to get used to eating varied. Here is an example of one of these dishes.

This For cooking you will need: potatoes - 10 pcs., 30 g of butter, basil, parsley, dill, garlic clove, olive oil (any vegetable oil is possible), pine nuts.

Wash the potatoes, peel, make deep cuts over the entire surface. Put the product in a mold, salt. Place butter on top of each potato. Remove to a preheated oven at 200 degrees.

Cut the greens, mix in a blender with garlic, salt and olive oil to a paste.

After 50-60 minutes, take out the potatoes, put them on plates (you can pre-cover with lettuce), pour sauce on top and sprinkle with nuts.